Exemple #1
 def test_from_container_with_namedtuple_of_odict_recursive(self):
     x = anonymous_tuple.from_container(collections.namedtuple('_', 'x y')(
         collections.OrderedDict([('a', 10), ('b', 20)]),
         collections.OrderedDict([('c', 30), ('d', 40)])),
     self.assertEqual(str(x), '<x=<a=10,b=20>,y=<c=30,d=40>>')
Exemple #2
 async def create_value(self, value, type_spec=None):
   type_spec = computation_types.to_type(type_spec)
   py_typecheck.check_type(type_spec, computation_types.Type)
   if isinstance(value, intrinsic_defs.IntrinsicDef):
     if not type_utils.is_concrete_instance_of(type_spec,
                                               value.type_signature):  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
       raise TypeError('Incompatible type {} used with intrinsic {}.'.format(
           type_spec, value.uri))  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
       return CompositeValue(value, type_spec)
   elif isinstance(value, pb.Computation):
     which_computation = value.WhichOneof('computation')
     if which_computation in ['tensorflow', 'lambda']:
       return CompositeValue(value, type_spec)
     elif which_computation == 'intrinsic':
       intr = intrinsic_defs.uri_to_intrinsic_def(value.intrinsic.uri)
       if intr is None:
         raise ValueError('Encountered an unrecognized intrinsic "{}".'.format(
       py_typecheck.check_type(intr, intrinsic_defs.IntrinsicDef)
       return await self.create_value(intr, type_spec)
       raise NotImplementedError(
           'Unimplemented computation type {}.'.format(which_computation))
   elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.NamedTupleType):
     value_tuple = anonymous_tuple.from_container(value)
     items = await asyncio.gather(
         *[self.create_value(v, t) for v, t in zip(value_tuple, type_spec)])
     type_elemnents_iter = anonymous_tuple.iter_elements(type_spec)
     return self.create_tuple(
             (k, i) for (k, _), i in zip(type_elemnents_iter, items)))
   elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.FederatedType):
     if type_spec.placement == placement_literals.SERVER:
       if type_spec.all_equal:
         return CompositeValue(
             await self._parent_executor.create_value(value, type_spec.member),
         raise ValueError('A non-all_equal value on the server is unexpected.')
     elif type_spec.placement == placement_literals.CLIENTS:
       if type_spec.all_equal:
         return CompositeValue(
             await asyncio.gather(*[
                 c.create_value(value, type_spec)
                 for c in self._child_executors
             ]), type_spec)
         py_typecheck.check_type(value, list)
         cardinalities = await self._get_cardinalities()
         py_typecheck.check_len(cardinalities, len(self._child_executors))
         count = sum(cardinalities)
         py_typecheck.check_len(value, count)
         result = []
         offset = 0
         for c, n in zip(self._child_executors, cardinalities):
           new_offset = offset + n
           # The slice opporator is not supported on all the types `value`
           # supports.
           # pytype: disable=unsupported-operands
           result.append(c.create_value(value[offset:new_offset], type_spec))
           # pytype: enable=unsupported-operands
           offset = new_offset
         return CompositeValue(await asyncio.gather(*result), type_spec)
       raise ValueError('Unexpected placement {}.'.format(type_spec.placement))
     return CompositeValue(
         await self._parent_executor.create_value(value, type_spec), type_spec)
Exemple #3
 def test_from_container_with_namedtuple(self):
     x = anonymous_tuple.from_container(
         collections.namedtuple('_', 'x y')(1, 2))
     self.assertIsInstance(x, anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), '<x=1,y=2>')
Exemple #4
 def test_from_container_with_anonymous_tuple(self):
     x = anonymous_tuple.from_container(
         anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple([('a', 10), ('b', 20)]))
     self.assertIs(x, x)
Exemple #5
 def test_from_container_with_dict(self):
     x = anonymous_tuple.from_container({'z': 10, 'y': 20, 'a': 30})
     self.assertIsInstance(x, anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), '<a=30,y=20,z=10>')
Exemple #6
 def test_from_container_with_ordered_dict(self):
     x = anonymous_tuple.from_container(
         collections.OrderedDict([('z', 10), ('y', 20), ('a', 30)]))
     self.assertIsInstance(x, anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), '<z=10,y=20,a=30>')
Exemple #7
 def test_from_container_with_int(self):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Exemple #8
 def test_from_container_with_tuple(self):
     x = anonymous_tuple.from_container(tuple([10, 20]))
     self.assertIsInstance(x, anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), '<10,20>')
def to_representation_for_type(value, type_spec, callable_handler=None):
  """Verifies or converts the `value` representation to match `type_spec`.

  This method first tries to determine whether `value` is a valid representation
  of TFF type `type_spec`. If so, it is returned unchanged. If not, but if it
  can be converted into a valid representation, it is converted to such, and the
  valid representation is returned. If no conversion to a valid representation
  is possible, TypeError is raised.

  The accepted forms of `value` for various TFF types are as follows:

  *   For TFF tensor types listed in

  *   For TFF named tuple types, instances of `anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple`.

  *   For TFF sequences, Python lists.

  *   For TFF functional types, Python callables that accept a single argument
      that is an instance of `ComputedValue` (if the function has a parameter)
      or `None` (otherwise), and return a `ComputedValue` instance as a result.
      This function only verifies that `value` is a callable.

  *   For TFF abstract types, there is no valid representation. The reference
      executor requires all types in an executable computation to be concrete.

  *   For TFF placement types, the valid representations are the placement
      literals (currently only `tff.SERVER` and `tff.CLIENTS`).

  *   For TFF federated types with `all_equal` set to `True`, the representation
      is the same as the representation of the member constituent (thus, e.g.,
      a valid representation of `int32@SERVER` is the same as that of `int32`).
      For those types that have `all_equal_` set to `False`, the representation
      is a Python list of member constituents.

      NOTE: This function does not attempt at validating that the sizes of lists
      that represent federated values match the corresponding placemenets. The
      cardinality analysis is a separate step, handled by the reference executor
      at a different point. As long as values can be packed into a Python list,
      they are accepted as they are.

    value: The raw representation of a value to compare against `type_spec` and
      potentially to be converted into a canonical form for the given TFF type.
    type_spec: The TFF type, an instance of `tff.Type` or something convertible
      to it that determines what the valid representation should be.
    callable_handler: The function to invoke to handle TFF functional types. If
      this is `None`, functional types are not supported. The function must
      accept `value` and `type_spec` as arguments and return the converted valid
      representation, just as `to_representation_for_type`.

    Either `value` itself, or the `value` converted into a valid representation
    for `type_spec`.

    TypeError: If `value` is not a valid representation for given `type_spec`.
    NotImplementedError: If verification for `type_spec` is not supported.
  type_spec = computation_types.to_type(type_spec)
  py_typecheck.check_type(type_spec, computation_types.Type)
  if callable_handler is not None:

  # NOTE: We do not simply call `type_utils.infer_type()` on `value`, as the
  # representations of values in the reference executor are only a subset of
  # the Python types recognized by that helper function.

  if isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.TensorType):
    if tf.executing_eagerly() and isinstance(value, (tf.Tensor, tf.Variable)):
      value = value.numpy()
    py_typecheck.check_type(value, tensorflow_utils.TENSOR_REPRESENTATION_TYPES)
    inferred_type_spec = type_utils.infer_type(value)
    if not type_utils.is_assignable_from(type_spec, inferred_type_spec):
      raise TypeError(
          'The tensor type {} of the value representation does not match '
          'the type spec {}.'.format(inferred_type_spec, type_spec))
    return value
  elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.NamedTupleType):
    type_spec_elements = anonymous_tuple.to_elements(type_spec)
    # Special-casing unodered dictionaries to allow their elements to be fed in
    # the order in which they're defined in the named tuple type.
    if (isinstance(value, dict) and
        (set(value.keys()) == set(k for k, _ in type_spec_elements))):
      value = collections.OrderedDict([
          (k, value[k]) for k, _ in type_spec_elements
    value = anonymous_tuple.from_container(value)
    value_elements = anonymous_tuple.to_elements(value)
    if len(value_elements) != len(type_spec_elements):
      raise TypeError(
          'The number of elements {} in the value tuple {} does not match the '
          'number of elements {} in the type spec {}.'.format(
              len(value_elements), value, len(type_spec_elements), type_spec))
    result_elements = []
    for index, (type_elem_name, type_elem) in enumerate(type_spec_elements):
      value_elem_name, value_elem = value_elements[index]
      if value_elem_name not in [type_elem_name, None]:
        raise TypeError(
            'Found element named `{}` where `{}` was expected at position {} '
            'in the value tuple. Value: {}. Type: {}'.format(
                value_elem_name, type_elem_name, index, value, type_spec))
      converted_value_elem = to_representation_for_type(value_elem, type_elem,
      result_elements.append((type_elem_name, converted_value_elem))
    return anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple(result_elements)
  elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.SequenceType):
    if isinstance(value, tf.data.Dataset):
      inferred_type_spec = computation_types.SequenceType(
      if not type_utils.is_assignable_from(type_spec, inferred_type_spec):
        raise TypeError(
            'Value of type {!s} not assignable to expected type {!s}'.format(
                inferred_type_spec, type_spec))
      if tf.executing_eagerly():
        return [
            to_representation_for_type(v, type_spec.element, callable_handler)
            for v in value
        raise ValueError(
            'Processing `tf.data.Datasets` outside of eager mode is not '
            'currently supported.')
    return [
        to_representation_for_type(v, type_spec.element, callable_handler)
        for v in value
  elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.FunctionType):
    if callable_handler is not None:
      return callable_handler(value, type_spec)
      raise TypeError(
          'Values that are callables have been explicitly disallowed '
          'in this context. If you would like to supply here a function '
          'as a parameter, please construct a computation that contains '
          'this call.')
  elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.AbstractType):
    raise TypeError(
        'Abstract types are not supported by the reference executor.')
  elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.PlacementType):
    py_typecheck.check_type(value, placement_literals.PlacementLiteral)
    return value
  elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.FederatedType):
    if type_spec.all_equal:
      return to_representation_for_type(value, type_spec.member,
    elif type_spec.placement is not placements.CLIENTS:
      raise TypeError(
          'Unable to determine a valid value representation for a federated '
          'type with non-equal members placed at {}.'.format(
    elif not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
      raise ValueError('Please pass a list or tuple to any function that'
                       ' expects a federated type placed at {};'
                       ' you passed {}'.format(type_spec.placement, value))
      return [
          to_representation_for_type(v, type_spec.member, callable_handler)
          for v in value
    raise NotImplementedError(
        'Unable to determine valid value representation for {} for what '
        'is currently an unsupported TFF type {}.'.format(value, type_spec))
 async def create_tuple(self, elements):
     return ReferenceResolvingExecutorValue(
 async def create_tuple(self, elements):
     return LambdaExecutorValue(anonymous_tuple.from_container(elements))
def to_representation_for_type(value, type_spec=None, device=None):
    """Verifies or converts the `value` to an eager objct matching `type_spec`.

  WARNING: This function is only partially implemented. It does not support
  data sets at this point.

  The output of this function is always an eager tensor, eager dataset, a
  representation of a TensorFlow computtion, or a nested structure of those
  that matches `type_spec`, and when `device` has been specified, everything
  is placed on that device on a best-effort basis.

  TensorFlow computations are represented here as zero- or one-argument Python
  callables that accept their entire argument bundle as a single Python object.

    value: The raw representation of a value to compare against `type_spec` and
      potentially to be converted.
    type_spec: An instance of `tff.Type`, can be `None` for values that derive
      from `typed_object.TypedObject`.
    device: The optional device to place the value on (for tensor-level values).

    Either `value` itself, or a modified version of it.

    TypeError: If the `value` is not compatible with `type_spec`.
    if device is not None:
        py_typecheck.check_type(device, six.string_types)
        with tf.device(device):
            return to_representation_for_type(value,
    type_spec = computation_types.to_type(type_spec)
    if isinstance(value, typed_object.TypedObject):
        if type_spec is not None:
            if not type_utils.are_equivalent_types(value.type_signature,
                raise TypeError(
                    'Expected a value of type {}, found {}.'.format(
                        str(type_spec), str(value.type_signature)))
            type_spec = value.type_signature
    if type_spec is None:
        raise ValueError(
            'Cannot derive an eager representation for a value of an unknown type.'
    if isinstance(value, EagerValue):
        return value.internal_representation
    if isinstance(value, executor_value_base.ExecutorValue):
        raise TypeError(
            'Cannot accept a value embedded within a non-eager executor.')
    if isinstance(value, computation_base.Computation):
        return to_representation_for_type(
            computation_impl.ComputationImpl.get_proto(value), type_spec,
    if isinstance(value, pb.Computation):
        return embed_tensorflow_computation(value, type_spec, device)
    if isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.TensorType):
        if not isinstance(value, tf.Tensor):
            value = tf.constant(value, type_spec.dtype, type_spec.shape)
        value_type = (computation_types.TensorType(value.dtype.base_dtype,
        if not type_utils.is_assignable_from(type_spec, value_type):
            raise TypeError(
                'The apparent type {} of a tensor {} does not match the expected '
                'type {}.'.format(str(value_type), str(value), str(type_spec)))
        return value
    elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.NamedTupleType):
        type_elem = anonymous_tuple.to_elements(type_spec)
        value_elem = (anonymous_tuple.to_elements(
        result_elem = []
        if len(type_elem) != len(value_elem):
            raise TypeError(
                'Expected a {}-element tuple, found {} elements.'.format(
                    str(len(type_elem)), str(len(value_elem))))
        for (t_name, el_type), (v_name, el_val) in zip(type_elem, value_elem):
            if t_name != v_name:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Mismatching element names in type vs. value: {} vs. {}.'.
                    format(t_name, v_name))
            el_repr = to_representation_for_type(el_val, el_type, device)
            result_elem.append((t_name, el_repr))
        return anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple(result_elem)
        raise TypeError('Unexpected type {}.'.format(str(type_spec)))
def serialize_value(value, type_spec=None):
    """Serializes a value into `executor_pb2.Value`.

    value: A value to be serialized.
    type_spec: Optional type spec, a `tff.Type` or something convertible to it.

    A tuple `(value_proto, ret_type_spec)` where `value_proto` is an instance
    of `executor_pb2.Value` with the serialized content of `value`, and the
    returned `ret_type_spec` is an instance of `tff.Type` that represents the
    TFF type of the serialized value.

    TypeError: If the arguments are of the wrong types.
    ValueError: If the value is malformed.
    type_spec = computation_types.to_type(type_spec)
    if isinstance(value, computation_pb2.Computation):
        type_spec = type_utils.reconcile_value_type_with_type_spec(
            type_serialization.deserialize_type(value.type), type_spec)
        return executor_pb2.Value(computation=value), type_spec
    elif isinstance(value, computation_impl.ComputationImpl):
        return serialize_value(
            type_utils.reconcile_value_with_type_spec(value, type_spec))
    elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.TensorType):
        return serialize_tensor_value(value, type_spec)
    elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.NamedTupleType):
        type_elements = anonymous_tuple.to_elements(type_spec)
        val_elements = anonymous_tuple.to_elements(
        tup_elems = []
        for (e_name, e_type), (_, e_val) in zip(type_elements, val_elements):
            e_proto, _ = serialize_value(e_val, e_type)
                    name=e_name if e_name else None, value=e_proto))
        result_proto = (executor_pb2.Value(tuple=executor_pb2.Value.Tuple(
        return result_proto, type_spec
    elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.SequenceType):
        if not isinstance(value,
            raise TypeError(
                'Cannot serialize Python type {!s} as TFF type {!s}.'.format(
                    type_spec if type_spec is not None else 'unknown'))

        value_type = computation_types.SequenceType(
        if not type_analysis.is_assignable_from(type_spec, value_type):
            raise TypeError(
                'Cannot serialize dataset with elements of type {!s} as TFF type {!s}.'
                        type_spec if type_spec is not None else 'unknown'))

        return serialize_sequence_value(value), type_spec
    elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.FederatedType):
        if type_spec.all_equal:
            value = [value]
            py_typecheck.check_type(value, list)
        items = []
        for v in value:
            it, it_type = serialize_value(v, type_spec.member)
            type_analysis.check_assignable_from(type_spec.member, it_type)
        result_proto = executor_pb2.Value(
        return result_proto, type_spec
        raise ValueError(
            'Unable to serialize value with Python type {} and {} TFF type.'.
                   str(type_spec) if type_spec is not None else 'unknown'))
def to_representation_for_type(value,
  """Verifies or converts the `value` to an eager object matching `type_spec`.

  WARNING: This function is only partially implemented. It does not support
  data sets at this point.

  The output of this function is always an eager tensor, eager dataset, a
  representation of a TensorFlow computation, or a nested structure of those
  that matches `type_spec`, and when `device` has been specified, everything
  is placed on that device on a best-effort basis.

  TensorFlow computations are represented here as zero- or one-argument Python
  callables that accept their entire argument bundle as a single Python object.

    value: The raw representation of a value to compare against `type_spec` and
      potentially to be converted.
    tf_function_cache: A cache obeying `dict` semantics that can be used to look
      up previously embedded TensorFlow functions.
    type_spec: An instance of `tff.Type`, can be `None` for values that derive
      from `typed_object.TypedObject`.
    device: The optional device to place the value on (for tensor-level values).

    Either `value` itself, or a modified version of it.

    TypeError: If the `value` is not compatible with `type_spec`.
  type_spec = type_utils.reconcile_value_with_type_spec(value, type_spec)
  if isinstance(value, computation_base.Computation):
    return to_representation_for_type(
        computation_impl.ComputationImpl.get_proto(value), tf_function_cache,
        type_spec, device)
  elif isinstance(value, pb.Computation):
    key = (value.SerializeToString(), str(type_spec), device)
    cached_fn = tf_function_cache.get(key)
    if cached_fn:
      return cached_fn
    embedded_fn = embed_tensorflow_computation(value, type_spec, device)
    tf_function_cache[key] = embedded_fn
    return embedded_fn
  elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.NamedTupleType):
    type_elem = anonymous_tuple.to_elements(type_spec)
    value_elem = (
    result_elem = []
    if len(type_elem) != len(value_elem):
      raise TypeError('Expected a {}-element tuple, found {} elements.'.format(
          len(type_elem), len(value_elem)))
    for (t_name, el_type), (v_name, el_val) in zip(type_elem, value_elem):
      if t_name != v_name:
        raise TypeError(
            'Mismatching element names in type vs. value: {} vs. {}.'.format(
                t_name, v_name))
      el_repr = to_representation_for_type(el_val, tf_function_cache, el_type,
      result_elem.append((t_name, el_repr))
    return anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple(result_elem)
  elif device is not None:
    py_typecheck.check_type(device, str)
    with tf.device(device):
      return to_representation_for_type(
          value, tf_function_cache, type_spec=type_spec, device=None)
  elif isinstance(value, EagerValue):
    return value.internal_representation
  elif isinstance(value, executor_value_base.ExecutorValue):
    raise TypeError(
        'Cannot accept a value embedded within a non-eager executor.')
  elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.TensorType):
    if not tf.is_tensor(value):
      value = tf.convert_to_tensor(value, dtype=type_spec.dtype)
    elif hasattr(value, 'read_value'):
      # a tf.Variable-like result, get a proper tensor.
      value = value.read_value()
    value_type = (
        computation_types.TensorType(value.dtype.base_dtype, value.shape))
    if not type_utils.is_assignable_from(type_spec, value_type):
      raise TypeError(
          'The apparent type {} of a tensor {} does not match the expected '
          'type {}.'.format(value_type, value, type_spec))
    return value
  elif isinstance(type_spec, computation_types.SequenceType):
    if isinstance(value, list):
      value = tensorflow_utils.make_data_set_from_elements(
          None, value, type_spec.element)
    element_type = computation_types.to_type(value.element_spec)
    value_type = computation_types.SequenceType(element_type)
    type_utils.check_assignable_from(type_spec, value_type)
    return value
    raise TypeError('Unexpected type {}.'.format(type_spec))
Exemple #15
def _ensure_anonymous_tuple(obj):
  return anonymous_tuple.from_container(obj, True)