Exemple #1
def shape_sequence_program(shape_sequence):
    """Program that writes into `answer` zeros having a sequence of shapes.

  This enables us to test that the final inferred shape is the broadcast of all
  intermediate shapes.

    shape_sequence: The sequence of intermediate shapes.

    program: `instructions.Program` which returns an arbitrary value.
    block_ops = []

    def op(shape, ans):
        return np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.array(ans).dtype),

    for shape in shape_sequence:
        # We use a partial instead of a lambda in order to capture a copy of shape.
            instructions.prim_op(['ans'], ['ans'],
                                 functools.partial(op, shape)))
    shape_seq_block = instructions.Block(block_ops, instructions.halt_op())
    shape_seq_vars = {
        'ans': instructions.Type(None),
        instructions.pc_var: instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
    return instructions.Program(
        instructions.ControlFlowGraph([shape_seq_block]), [], shape_seq_vars,
        ['ans'], ['ans'])
def single_if_program():
    """Single if program: 'if (input > 1) ans = 2; else ans = 0; return ans;'.

    program: `instructions.Program` with a simple conditional.
    entry = instructions.Block()
    then_ = instructions.Block()
    else_ = instructions.Block()
        instructions.PrimOp(["input"], "cond", lambda n: n > 1),
        instructions.BranchOp("cond", then_, else_),
        instructions.PrimOp([], "answer", lambda: 2),
        instructions.PrimOp([], "answer", lambda: 0),

    single_if_blocks = [entry, then_, else_]
    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    single_if_vars = {
        "input": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "cond": instructions.single_type(np.bool, ()),
        "answer": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),

    return instructions.Program(
        instructions.ControlFlowGraph(single_if_blocks), [], single_if_vars,
        ["input"], "answer")
def synthetic_pattern_variable_program(include_types=True):
    """A program that tests product types.

    include_types: If False, we omit types on the variables, requiring a type
        inference pass.

    program: `instructions.Program`.
    block = instructions.Block([
        instructions.PrimOp(["inp"], "many", lambda x: (x + 1,
                                                        (x + 2, x + 3))),
        instructions.PrimOp(["many"], ["one", "two"], lambda x: x),
    ], instructions.halt_op())

    leaf = instructions.TensorType(np.int64, ())
    the_vars = {
        "inp": instructions.Type(leaf),
        "many": instructions.Type((leaf, (leaf, leaf))),
        "one": instructions.Type(leaf),
        "two": instructions.Type((leaf, leaf)),

    if not include_types:
    return instructions.Program(instructions.ControlFlowGraph([block]), [],
                                the_vars, ["inp"], "two")
Exemple #4
def _invoke_fun(program, mask, backend, block_code_cache, function, inputs):
    # TODO(axch): program_for_function computation is copied from instructions.py
    program_for_function = inst.Program(function.graph, program.functions,
                                        program.var_defs, function.vars_in,
                                        function.vars_out, program.var_alloc)
    return _interpret(program_for_function, mask, backend, block_code_cache,
def constant_program():
    """Constant program: 'ans=1; ans=2; return ans;'.

    program: `instructions.Program` which returns a constant value.
    constant_block = instructions.Block([
        instructions.PrimOp([], "answer", lambda: 1),
        instructions.PrimOp([], "answer", lambda: 2),
    ], instructions.halt_op())

    constant_vars = {
        "answer": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),

    return instructions.Program(
        instructions.ControlFlowGraph([constant_block]), [], constant_vars,
        ["answer"], "answer")
def select_block_priority(program):
  """Order `Block`s in `program` by execution priority."""
  msg = 'TODO(axch): Implement block strategy selection for Functions.'
  assert not program.functions, msg
  def sync_weight(block):
    # Sort all "trivial" blocks that don't call user-land operations ahead of
    # all others.  This critically relies on `sorted` being stable to work
    # correctly.
    # TODO(b/118911579): Respect user-specified sync priority when that happens.
    for op in block.instructions:
      if isinstance(op, (inst.PrimOp, inst.FunctionCallOp)):
        return 1
    return 0
  # Have to keep the first block because that's where control enters.
  # This is unfortunate if that block is over-heavy.
  # Could be fixed by
  # - Adding a field to Program for the initial value of the program counter, or
  # - Ensuring that the first block is an empty indirection block
  new_blocks = ([program.graph.block(0)]
                + sorted(program.graph.blocks[1:], key=sync_weight))
  new_graph = inst.ControlFlowGraph(new_blocks)
  return inst.Program(new_graph, [], program.var_defs,
                      program.vars_in, program.vars_out, program.var_alloc)
def synthetic_pattern_program():
    """A program that tests pattern matching of `PrimOp` outputs.

    program: `instructions.Program`.
    block = instructions.Block([
        instructions.PrimOp([], ("one", ("five", "three")), lambda: (1,
                                                                     (2, 3))),
        instructions.PrimOp([], (("four", "five"), "six"), lambda:
                            ((4, 5), 6)),
    ], instructions.halt_op())

    the_vars = {
        "one": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "three": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "four": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "five": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "six": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),

    return instructions.Program(instructions.ControlFlowGraph([block]), [],
                                the_vars, [],
                                (("one", "three"), "four", ("five", "six")))
Exemple #8
def lower_function_calls(program):
  """Lowers a `Program` that may have (recursive) FunctionCallOp instructions.

  Mutates the `ControlFlowGraph` of the input program in place.  After
  lowering, the result CFG

  - Has no `FunctionCallOp` instructions

  - Obeys a stack discipline

  What is the stack discipline?  Every function body becomes a CFG
  subset that:

  - Never transfers control in except to the first block
    (corresponding to being called), or to a block stored with
    `PushGotoOp` (corresponding to a subroutine returning)

  - Never transfers control out except with `IndirectGotoOp`
    (corresponding to returning), or with a `PushGotoOp`
    (corresponding to calling a subroutine)

  - Every path through the graph has the following effect on the
    variable stacks:

    - The formal parameters receive exactly one net pop

    - The return variables receive exactly one net push

    - All other variable stacks are left as they are

    - No data is read except the top frames of the formal parameter

  Why mutate in place?  Because tying the knot in the result seemed
  too hard without an explicit indirection between `Block`s and
  references thereto in various `Op`s.  Specifically, when building a
  new CFG to replicate the structure of an existing one, it is
  necessary to allocate `Block`s to serve as the targets of all
  `BranchOp`, `GotoOp` (and `FunctionCallOp`) before building those
  `Op`s, and then correctly reuse those `Block`s when processing said
  targets.  With an explicit indirection, however, it would have been
  possible to reuse the same `Label`s, simply creating a new mapping
  from them to `Block`s.

  Note that the semantics assumed by this transformation is that the
  CFGs being transformed do not use variable stacks internally, but
  they will only be used to implement the function sequence when
  function calls are lowered.  This semantics licenses placing
  `PopOp`s to enforce a stack discipline for `FunctionCallOp`s.

    program: A `Program` whose function calls to lower.  `Block`s in
      the program may be mutated.

    lowered: A `Program` that defines no `Function`s and does not use the
      `FunctionCallOp` instruction.  May share structure with the input

    ValueError: If an invalid instruction is encountered, if a live
      variable is undefined, if different paths into a `Block` cause
      different sets of variables to be defined, or if trying to lower
      function calls in a program that already has loops (within a
      `Function` body) or `IndirectGotoOp` instructions (they confuse
      the liveness analysis).
  builder = ControlFlowGraphBuilder()
      builder, program.graph, program.vars_in,
      inst.pattern_flatten(program.vars_out), function=False)
  for func in program.functions:
        builder, func.graph, func.vars_in, inst.pattern_flatten(func.vars_out))
  return inst.Program(
      builder.control_flow_graph(), [],
      program.var_defs, program.vars_in, program.vars_out,
def pea_nuts_program(latent_shape, choose_depth, step_state):
    """Synthetic program usable for benchmarking VM performance.

  This program is intended to resemble the control flow and scaling
  parameters of the NUTS algorithm, without any of the complexity.
  Hence the name.

  Each batch member looks like:

    state = ... # shape latent_shape

    def recur(depth, state):
      if depth > 1:
        state1 = recur(depth - 1, state)
        state2 = state1 + 1
        state3 = recur(depth - 1, state2)
        ans = state3 + 1
        ans = step_state(state)  # To simulate NUTS, something heavy
      return ans

    while count > 0:
      count = count - 1
      depth = choose_depth(count)
      state = recur(depth, state)

    latent_shape: Python `tuple` of `int` giving the event shape of the
      latent state.
    choose_depth: Python `Tensor -> Tensor` callable.  The input
      `Tensor` will have shape `[batch_size]` (i.e., scalar event
      shape), and give the iteration of the outer while loop the
      thread is in.  The `choose_depth` function must return a `Tensor`
      of shape `[batch_size]` giving the depth, for each thread,
      to which to call `recur` in this iteration.
    step_state: Python `Tensor -> Tensor` callable.  The input and
      output `Tensor`s will have shape `[batch_size] + latent_shape`.
      This function is expected to update the state, and represents
      the "real work" versus which the VM overhead is being measured.

    program: `instructions.Program` that runs the above benchmark.
    entry = instructions.Block()
    top_body = instructions.Block()
    finish_body = instructions.Block()
    enter_recur = instructions.Block()
    recur_body_1 = instructions.Block()
    recur_body_2 = instructions.Block()
    recur_body_3 = instructions.Block()
    recur_base_case = instructions.Block()
    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
        instructions.PrimOp(["count"], "cond",
                            lambda count: count > 0),  # cond = count > 0
        instructions.BranchOp("cond", top_body,
                              instructions.halt()),  # if cond
        instructions.PopOp(["cond"]),  #   done with cond now
        instructions.PrimOp(["count"], "ctm1",
                            lambda count: count - 1),  #   ctm1 = count - 1
        instructions.PopOp(["count"]),  #   done with count now
        instructions.push_op(["ctm1"], ["count"]),  #   count = ctm1
        instructions.PopOp(["ctm1"]),  #   done with ctm1
        instructions.PrimOp(["count"], "depth",
                            choose_depth),  #   depth = choose_depth(count)
            ["depth", "state"],
            ["depth", "state"]),  #   state = recur(depth, state)
        instructions.PopOp(["depth", "state"]),  #     done with depth, state
        instructions.PushGotoOp(finish_body, enter_recur),
        instructions.push_op(["ans"], ["state"]),  #     ...
        instructions.PopOp(["ans"]),  #     pop callee's "ans"
        instructions.GotoOp(entry),  # end of while body
    # Definition of recur begins here
        instructions.PrimOp(["depth"], "cond1",
                            lambda depth: depth > 0),  # cond1 = depth > 0
        instructions.BranchOp("cond1", recur_body_1,
                              recur_base_case),  # if cond1
        instructions.PopOp(["cond1"]),  #   done with cond1 now
        instructions.PrimOp(["depth"], "dm1",
                            lambda depth: depth - 1),  #   dm1 = depth - 1
        instructions.PopOp(["depth"]),  #   done with depth
            ["dm1", "state"],
            ["depth", "state"]),  #   state1 = recur(dm1, state)
        instructions.PopOp(["state"]),  #     done with state
        instructions.PushGotoOp(recur_body_2, enter_recur),
        instructions.push_op(["ans"], ["state1"]),  #     ...
        instructions.PopOp(["ans"]),  #     pop callee's "ans"
        instructions.PrimOp(["state1"], "state2",
                            lambda state: state + 1),  #   state2 = state1 + 1
        instructions.PopOp(["state1"]),  #   done with state1
            ["dm1", "state2"],
            ["depth", "state"]),  #   state3 = recur(dm1, state2)
        instructions.PopOp(["dm1", "state2"]),  #     done with dm1, state2
        instructions.PushGotoOp(recur_body_3, enter_recur),
        instructions.push_op(["ans"], ["state3"]),  #     ...
        instructions.PopOp(["ans"]),  #     pop callee's "ans"
        instructions.PrimOp(["state3"], "ans",
                            lambda state: state + 1),  #   ans = state3 + 1
        instructions.PopOp(["state3"]),  #   done with state3
        instructions.IndirectGotoOp(),  #   return ans
        instructions.PopOp(["cond1", "depth"]),  #   done with cond1, depth
        instructions.PrimOp(["state"], "ans",
                            step_state),  #   ans = step_state(state)
        instructions.PopOp(["state"]),  #   done with state
        instructions.IndirectGotoOp(),  #   return ans

    pea_nuts_graph = instructions.ControlFlowGraph([

    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    pea_nuts_vars = {
        "count": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "cond": instructions.single_type(np.bool, ()),
        "cond1": instructions.single_type(np.bool, ()),
        "ctm1": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "depth": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "dm1": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "state": instructions.single_type(np.float32, latent_shape),
        "state1": instructions.single_type(np.float32, latent_shape),
        "state2": instructions.single_type(np.float32, latent_shape),
        "state3": instructions.single_type(np.float32, latent_shape),
        "ans": instructions.single_type(np.float32, latent_shape),

    return instructions.Program(pea_nuts_graph, [], pea_nuts_vars,
                                ["count", "state"], "state")
def fibonacci_function_calls(include_types=True, dtype=np.int64):
    """The Fibonacci program again, but with `instructions.FunctionCallOp`.

  Computes fib(n): fib(0) = fib(1) = 1.

    include_types: If False, we omit types on the variables, requiring a type
        inference pass.
    dtype: The dtype to use for `n`-like internal state variables.

    program: Full-powered `instructions.Program` that computes fib(n).
    enter_fib = instructions.Block(name="enter_fib")
    recur = instructions.Block(name="recur")
    finish = instructions.Block(name="finish")

    fibonacci_type = lambda types: types[0]
    fibonacci_func = instructions.Function(None, ["n"],
    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    # Definition of fibonacci function
        instructions.PrimOp(["n"], "cond", lambda n: n > 1),  # cond = n > 1
        instructions.BranchOp("cond", recur, finish),  # if cond
        instructions.PrimOp(["n"], "nm1", lambda n: n - 1),  #   nm1 = n - 1
        instructions.FunctionCallOp(fibonacci_func, ["nm1"],
                                    "fibm1"),  #   fibm1 = fibonacci(nm1)
        instructions.PrimOp(["n"], "nm2", lambda n: n - 2),  #   nm2 = n - 2
        instructions.FunctionCallOp(fibonacci_func, ["nm2"],
                                    "fibm2"),  #   fibm2 = fibonacci(nm2)
        instructions.PrimOp(["fibm1", "fibm2"], "ans",
                            lambda x, y: x + y),  #   ans = fibm1 + fibm2
        instructions.halt_op(),  #   return ans
    finish.assign_instructions([  # else:
        instructions.PrimOp([], "ans", lambda: 1),  #   ans = 1
        instructions.halt_op(),  #   return ans
    fibonacci_blocks = [enter_fib, recur, finish]
    fibonacci_func.graph = instructions.ControlFlowGraph(fibonacci_blocks)

    fibonacci_main_blocks = [
            instructions.FunctionCallOp(fibonacci_func, ["n1"], "ans"),

    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    fibonacci_vars = {
        "n": instructions.single_type(dtype, ()),
        "n1": instructions.single_type(dtype, ()),
        "cond": instructions.single_type(np.bool, ()),
        "nm1": instructions.single_type(dtype, ()),
        "fibm1": instructions.single_type(dtype, ()),
        "nm2": instructions.single_type(dtype, ()),
        "fibm2": instructions.single_type(dtype, ()),
        "ans": instructions.single_type(dtype, ()),
    if not include_types:

    return instructions.Program(
        instructions.ControlFlowGraph(fibonacci_main_blocks), [fibonacci_func],
        fibonacci_vars, ["n1"], "ans")
def is_even_function_calls(include_types=True, dtype=np.int64):
    """The is-even program, via "even-odd" recursion.

  Computes True if the input is even, False if the input is odd, by a pair of
  mutually recursive functions is_even and is_odd, which return True and False
  respectively for <1-valued inputs.

  Tests out mutual recursion.

    include_types: If False, we omit types on the variables, requiring a type
        inference pass.
    dtype: The dtype to use for `n`-like internal state variables.

    program: Full-powered `instructions.Program` that computes is_even(n).
    def pred_type(t):
        return instructions.TensorType(np.bool, t[0].shape)

    # Forward declaration of is_odd.
    is_odd_func = instructions.Function(None, ["n"], "ans", pred_type)

    enter_is_even = instructions.Block()
    finish_is_even = instructions.Block()
    recur_is_even = instructions.Block()
    is_even_func = instructions.Function(None, ["n"], "ans", pred_type)
    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    # Definition of is_even function
        instructions.PrimOp(["n"], "cond", lambda n: n < 1),  # cond = n < 1
        instructions.BranchOp("cond", finish_is_even,
                              recur_is_even),  # if cond
        instructions.PopOp(["n", "cond"]),  #   done with n, cond
        instructions.PrimOp([], "ans", lambda: True),  #   ans = True
        instructions.halt_op(),  #   return ans
    recur_is_even.assign_instructions([  # else
        instructions.PopOp(["cond"]),  #   done with cond now
        instructions.PrimOp(["n"], "nm1", lambda n: n - 1),  #   nm1 = n - 1
        instructions.PopOp(["n"]),  #   done with n
        instructions.FunctionCallOp(is_odd_func, ["nm1"],
                                    "ans"),  #   ans = is_odd(nm1)
        instructions.PopOp(["nm1"]),  #   done with nm1
        instructions.halt_op(),  #   return ans
    is_even_blocks = [enter_is_even, finish_is_even, recur_is_even]
    is_even_func.graph = instructions.ControlFlowGraph(is_even_blocks)

    enter_is_odd = instructions.Block()
    finish_is_odd = instructions.Block()
    recur_is_odd = instructions.Block()
    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    # Definition of is_odd function
        instructions.PrimOp(["n"], "cond", lambda n: n < 1),  # cond = n < 1
        instructions.BranchOp("cond", finish_is_odd, recur_is_odd),  # if cond
        instructions.PopOp(["n", "cond"]),  #   done with n, cond
        instructions.PrimOp([], "ans", lambda: False),  #   ans = False
        instructions.halt_op(),  #   return ans
    recur_is_odd.assign_instructions([  # else
        instructions.PopOp(["cond"]),  #   done with cond now
        instructions.PrimOp(["n"], "nm1", lambda n: n - 1),  #   nm1 = n - 1
        instructions.PopOp(["n"]),  #   done with n
        instructions.FunctionCallOp(is_even_func, ["nm1"],
                                    "ans"),  #   ans = is_even(nm1)
        instructions.PopOp(["nm1"]),  #   done with nm1
        instructions.halt_op(),  #   return ans
    is_odd_blocks = [enter_is_odd, finish_is_odd, recur_is_odd]
    is_odd_func.graph = instructions.ControlFlowGraph(is_odd_blocks)

    is_even_main_blocks = [
            instructions.FunctionCallOp(is_even_func, ["n1"], "ans"),
        ], instructions.halt_op()),
    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    is_even_vars = {
        "n": instructions.single_type(dtype, ()),
        "n1": instructions.single_type(dtype, ()),
        "cond": instructions.single_type(np.bool, ()),
        "nm1": instructions.single_type(dtype, ()),
        "ans": instructions.single_type(np.bool, ()),
    if not include_types:

    return instructions.Program(
        [is_even_func, is_odd_func], is_even_vars, ["n1"], "ans")
def fibonacci_program():
    """More complicated, fibonacci program: computes fib(n): fib(0) = fib(1) = 1.

    program: Full-powered `instructions.Program` that computes fib(n).
    entry = instructions.Block(name="entry")
    enter_fib = instructions.Block(name="enter_fib")
    recur1 = instructions.Block(name="recur1")
    recur2 = instructions.Block(name="recur2")
    recur3 = instructions.Block(name="recur3")
    finish = instructions.Block(name="finish")
    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
        instructions.PushGotoOp(instructions.halt(), enter_fib),
    # Definition of fibonacci function starts here
        instructions.PrimOp(["n"], "cond", lambda n: n > 1),  # cond = n > 1
        instructions.BranchOp("cond", recur1, finish),  # if cond
        instructions.PopOp(["cond"]),  #   done with cond now
        instructions.PrimOp(["n"], "nm1", lambda n: n - 1),  #   nm1 = n - 1
        instructions.push_op(["nm1"], ["n"]),  #   fibm1 = fibonacci(nm1)
        instructions.PopOp(["nm1"]),  #     done with nm1
        instructions.PushGotoOp(recur2, enter_fib),
        instructions.push_op(["ans"], ["fibm1"]),  #     ...
        instructions.PopOp(["ans"]),  #     pop callee's "ans"
        instructions.PrimOp(["n"], "nm2", lambda n: n - 2),  #   nm2 = n - 2
        instructions.PopOp(["n"]),  #   done with n
        instructions.push_op(["nm2"], ["n"]),  #   fibm2 = fibonacci(nm2)
        instructions.PopOp(["nm2"]),  #     done with nm2
        instructions.PushGotoOp(recur3, enter_fib),
        instructions.push_op(["ans"], ["fibm2"]),  #     ...
        instructions.PopOp(["ans"]),  #     pop callee's "ans"
        instructions.PrimOp(["fibm1", "fibm2"], "ans",
                            lambda x, y: x + y),  #   ans = fibm1 + fibm2
        instructions.PopOp(["fibm1", "fibm2"]),  #   done with fibm1, fibm2
        instructions.IndirectGotoOp(),  #   return ans
    finish.assign_instructions([  # else:
        instructions.PopOp(["n", "cond"]),  #   done with n, cond
        instructions.PrimOp([], "ans", lambda: 1),  #   ans = 1
        instructions.IndirectGotoOp(),  #   return ans

    fibonacci_blocks = [entry, enter_fib, recur1, recur2, recur3, finish]

    # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
    fibonacci_vars = {
        "n": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "cond": instructions.single_type(np.bool, ()),
        "nm1": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "fibm1": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "nm2": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "fibm2": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),
        "ans": instructions.single_type(np.int64, ()),

    return instructions.Program(
        instructions.ControlFlowGraph(fibonacci_blocks), [], fibonacci_vars,
        ["n"], "ans")