class Model(object): """ Base class for all (TensorFlow-based) models. """ def __init__(self, states_spec, actions_spec, device, session_config, scope, saver_spec, summary_spec, distributed_spec, optimizer, discount, normalize_rewards, variable_noise, **kwargs): # States and actions specifications self.states_spec = states_spec self.actions_spec = actions_spec # TensorFlow device and scope self.device = device self.session_config = session_config self.scope = scope # Saver/summary/distributed specifications self.saver_spec = saver_spec self.summary_spec = summary_spec self.distributed_spec = distributed_spec # TensorFlow summaries if summary_spec is None: self.summary_labels = set() else: self.summary_labels = set(summary_spec.get('labels', ())) # Optimizer self.optimizer = optimizer # Discount factor = discount # Reward normalization assert isinstance(normalize_rewards, bool) self.normalize_rewards = normalize_rewards # Variable noise assert variable_noise is None or variable_noise > 0.0 self.variable_noise = variable_noise # Setup TensorFlow graph and session self.setup() def setup(self): """ Sets up the TensorFlow model graph and initializes the TensorFlow session. """ default_graph = None if self.distributed_spec is None: self.global_model = None self.graph = tf.Graph() default_graph = self.graph.as_default() default_graph.__enter__() elif self.distributed_spec.get('parameter_server'): if self.distributed_spec.get('replica_model'): raise TensorForceError( "Invalid config value for distributed mode.") self.global_model = None self.graph = tf.Graph() default_graph = self.graph.as_default() default_graph.__enter__() elif self.distributed_spec.get('replica_model'): self.device = tf.train.replica_device_setter( worker_device=self.device, cluster=self.distributed_spec['cluster_spec']) self.global_model = None # Replica model is part of its parent model's graph, hence no new graph here. self.graph = tf.get_default_graph() else: graph = tf.Graph() default_graph = graph.as_default() default_graph.__enter__() # Global model. self.global_model = deepcopy(self) self.global_model.distributed_spec['replica_model'] = True self.global_model.setup() self.graph = graph with tf.device(device_name_or_function=self.device): # Episode collection = self.graph.get_collection(name='episode') if len(collection) == 0: self.episode = tf.get_variable(name='episode', dtype=tf.int32, initializer=0, trainable=False) self.graph.add_to_collection(name='episode', value=self.episode) else: assert len(collection) == 1 self.episode = collection[0] # Timestep collection = self.graph.get_collection(name='timestep') if len(collection) == 0: self.timestep = tf.get_variable(name='timestep', dtype=tf.int32, initializer=0, trainable=False) self.graph.add_to_collection(name='timestep', value=self.timestep) self.graph.add_to_collection(name=tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP, value=self.timestep) else: assert len(collection) == 1 self.timestep = collection[0] # Variables and summaries self.variables = dict() self.all_variables = dict() self.registered_variables = set() self.summaries = list() def custom_getter(getter, name, registered=False, second=False, **kwargs): if registered: self.registered_variables.add(name) elif name in self.registered_variables: registered = True variable = getter(name=name, **kwargs) # Top-level, hence no 'registered' if not registered: self.all_variables[name] = variable if kwargs.get( 'trainable', True) and not name.startswith('optimization'): self.variables[name] = variable if 'variables' in self.summary_labels: summary = tf.summary.histogram(name=name, values=variable) self.summaries.append(summary) return variable # Create placeholders, tf functions, internals, etc self.initialize(custom_getter=custom_getter) # Input tensors states = self.get_states(states=self.state_inputs) internals = [ tf.identity(input=internal) for internal in self.internal_inputs ] actions = self.get_actions(actions=self.action_inputs) terminal = tf.identity(input=self.terminal_input) reward = self.get_reward(states=states, internals=internals, terminal=terminal, reward=self.reward_input) # Stop gradients for input preprocessing states = { name: tf.stop_gradient(input=state) for name, state in states.items() } actions = { name: tf.stop_gradient(input=action) for name, action in actions.items() } reward = tf.stop_gradient(input=reward) # Optimizer if self.optimizer is None: pass elif self.distributed_spec is not None and \ not self.distributed_spec.get('parameter_server') and \ not self.distributed_spec.get('replica_model'): # If not internal global model self.optimizer = GlobalOptimizer(optimizer=self.optimizer) else: self.optimizer = Optimizer.from_spec(spec=self.optimizer) # Create output fetch operations self.create_output_operations( states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward, update=self.update_input, deterministic=self.deterministic_input) if 'inputs' in self.summary_labels: for name, state in states.items(): summary = tf.summary.histogram( name=(self.scope + '/inputs/states/' + name), values=state) self.summaries.append(summary) for name, action in actions.items(): summary = tf.summary.histogram( name=(self.scope + '/inputs/actions/' + name), values=action) self.summaries.append(summary) summary = tf.summary.histogram(name=(self.scope + '/inputs/reward'), values=reward) self.summaries.append(summary) if self.distributed_spec is not None: if self.distributed_spec.get('replica_model'): # If internal global model return elif self.distributed_spec.get('parameter_server'): server = tf.train.Server( server_or_cluster_def=self. distributed_spec['cluster_spec'], job_name='ps', task_index=self.distributed_spec['task_index'], protocol=self.distributed_spec.get('protocol'), config=None, start=True) # Param server does nothing actively server.join() return # Global and local variables initialize operations if self.distributed_spec is None: global_variables = self.get_variables(include_non_trainable=True) init_op = tf.variables_initializer(var_list=global_variables) ready_op = tf.report_uninitialized_variables( var_list=global_variables) ready_for_local_init_op = None local_init_op = None else: global_variables = self.global_model.get_variables( include_non_trainable=True) local_variables = self.get_variables(include_non_trainable=True) init_op = tf.variables_initializer(var_list=global_variables) ready_op = tf.report_uninitialized_variables( var_list=(global_variables + local_variables)) ready_for_local_init_op = tf.report_uninitialized_variables( var_list=global_variables) local_init_op =*(local_var.assign(value=global_var) for local_var, global_var in zip( local_variables, global_variables))) def init_fn(scaffold, session): if self.saver_spec is not None and self.saver_spec.get( 'load', True): directory = self.saver_spec['directory'] file = self.saver_spec.get('file') if file is None: file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint( checkpoint_dir=directory, latest_filename= None # Corresponds to argument of in ) elif not os.path.isfile(file): file = os.path.join(directory, file) if file is not None: scaffold.saver.restore(sess=session, save_path=file) # Summary operation summaries = self.get_summaries() if len(summaries) > 0: summary_op = tf.summary.merge(inputs=summaries) else: summary_op = None # TensorFlow saver object saver = tf.train.Saver( var_list=global_variables, # should be given? reshape=False, sharded=False, # should be true? max_to_keep=5, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=10000.0, name=None, restore_sequentially=False, saver_def=None, builder=None, defer_build=False, allow_empty=True, write_version=tf.train.SaverDef.V2, pad_step_number=False, save_relative_paths=True #filename=None ) # TensorFlow scaffold object self.scaffold = tf.train.Scaffold( init_op=init_op, init_feed_dict=None, init_fn=init_fn, ready_op=ready_op, ready_for_local_init_op=ready_for_local_init_op, local_init_op=local_init_op, summary_op=summary_op, saver=saver, copy_from_scaffold=None) hooks = list() # Checkpoint saver hook if self.saver_spec is not None and ( self.distributed_spec is None or self.distributed_spec['task_index'] == 0): self.saver_directory = self.saver_spec['directory'] hooks.append( tf.train.CheckpointSaverHook( checkpoint_dir=self.saver_directory, save_secs=self.saver_spec.get( 'seconds', None if 'steps' in self.saver_spec else 600), save_steps=self.saver_spec.get( 'steps'), # Either one or the other has to be set. saver=None, # None since given via 'scaffold' argument. checkpoint_basename=self.saver_spec.get( 'basename', 'model.ckpt'), scaffold=self.scaffold, listeners=None)) else: self.saver_directory = None # Summary saver hook if self.summary_spec is None: self.summary_writer_hook = None else: # TensorFlow summary writer object summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( logdir=self.summary_spec['directory'], graph=self.graph, max_queue=10, flush_secs=120, filename_suffix=None) self.summary_writer_hook = util.UpdateSummarySaverHook( update_input=self.update_input, save_steps=self.summary_spec.get( 'steps'), # Either one or the other has to be set. save_secs=self.summary_spec.get( 'seconds', None if 'steps' in self.summary_spec else 120), output_dir= None, # None since given via 'summary_writer' argument. summary_writer=summary_writer, scaffold=self.scaffold, summary_op=None # None since given via 'scaffold' argument. ) hooks.append(self.summary_writer_hook) # Stop at step hook # hooks.append(tf.train.StopAtStepHook( # num_steps=???, # This makes more sense, if load and continue training. # last_step=None # Either one or the other has to be set. # )) # # Step counter hook # hooks.append(tf.train.StepCounterHook( # every_n_steps=counter_config.get('steps', 100), # Either one or the other has to be set. # every_n_secs=counter_config.get('secs'), # Either one or the other has to be set. # output_dir=None, # None since given via 'summary_writer' argument. # summary_writer=summary_writer # )) # Other available hooks: # tf.train.FinalOpsHook(final_ops, final_ops_feed_dict=None) # tf.train.GlobalStepWaiterHook(wait_until_step) # tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(tensors, every_n_iter=None, every_n_secs=None) # tf.train.NanTensorHook(loss_tensor, fail_on_nan_loss=True) # tf.train.ProfilerHook(save_steps=None, save_secs=None, output_dir='', show_dataflow=True, show_memory=False) if self.distributed_spec is None: # TensorFlow non-distributed monitored session object self.monitored_session = tf.train.SingularMonitoredSession( hooks=hooks, scaffold=self.scaffold, master='', # Default value. config=self.session_config, # always the same? checkpoint_dir=None) else: server = tf.train.Server( server_or_cluster_def=self.distributed_spec['cluster_spec'], job_name='worker', task_index=self.distributed_spec['task_index'], protocol=self.distributed_spec.get('protocol'), config=self.session_config, start=True) if self.distributed_spec['task_index'] == 0: # TensorFlow chief session creator object session_creator = tf.train.ChiefSessionCreator( scaffold=self.scaffold,, config=self.session_config, checkpoint_dir=None, checkpoint_filename_with_path=None) else: # TensorFlow worker session creator object session_creator = tf.train.WorkerSessionCreator( scaffold=self.scaffold,, config=self.session_config, ) # TensorFlow monitored session object self.monitored_session = tf.train.MonitoredSession( session_creator=session_creator, hooks=hooks, stop_grace_period_secs=120 # Default value. ) if default_graph: default_graph.__exit__(None, None, None) self.graph.finalize() self.monitored_session.__enter__() self.session = self.monitored_session._tf_sess() # # tf.ConfigProto(device_filters=['/job:ps', '/job:worker/task:{}/cpu:0'.format(self.task_index)]) # # config=tf.ConfigProto(device_filters=["/job:ps"]) # # config=tf.ConfigProto( # # inter_op_parallelism_threads=2, # # log_device_placement=True # # ) def close(self): if self.saver_directory is not None: self.monitored_session.close() def initialize(self, custom_getter): """ Creates the TensorFlow placeholders and functions for this model. Moreover adds the internal state placeholders and initialization values to the model. Args: custom_getter: The `custom_getter_` object to use for `tf.make_template` when creating TensorFlow functions. """ # States self.state_inputs = dict() for name, state in self.states_spec.items(): self.state_inputs[name] = tf.placeholder( dtype=util.tf_dtype(state['type']), shape=(None, ) + tuple(state['shape']), name=name) # Actions self.action_inputs = dict() for name, action in self.actions_spec.items(): self.action_inputs[name] = tf.placeholder( dtype=util.tf_dtype(action['type']), shape=(None, ) + tuple(action['shape']), name=name) # Terminal self.terminal_input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=(None, ), name='terminal') # Reward self.reward_input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, ), name='reward') # Internal states self.internal_inputs = list() self.internal_inits = list() # Deterministic action flag self.deterministic_input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=(), name='deterministic') # Update flag self.update_input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=(), name='update') # TensorFlow functions self.fn_discounted_cumulative_reward = tf.make_template( name_=(self.scope + '/discounted-cumulative-reward'), func_=self.tf_discounted_cumulative_reward, custom_getter_=custom_getter) self.fn_actions_and_internals = tf.make_template( name_=(self.scope + '/actions-and-internals'), func_=self.tf_actions_and_internals, custom_getter_=custom_getter) self.fn_loss_per_instance = tf.make_template( name_=(self.scope + '/loss-per-instance'), func_=self.tf_loss_per_instance, custom_getter_=custom_getter) self.fn_regularization_losses = tf.make_template( name_=(self.scope + '/regularization-losses'), func_=self.tf_regularization_losses, custom_getter_=custom_getter) self.fn_loss = tf.make_template(name_=(self.scope + '/loss'), func_=self.tf_loss, custom_getter_=custom_getter) self.fn_optimization = tf.make_template(name_=(self.scope + '/optimization'), func_=self.tf_optimization, custom_getter_=custom_getter) # self.fn_summarization = tf.make_template( # name_='summarization', # func_=self.tf_summarization, # custom_getter_=custom_getter # ) def get_states(self, states): # TODO: preprocessing could go here? return { name: tf.identity(input=state) for name, state in states.items() } def get_actions(self, actions): # TODO: preprocessing could go here? return { name: tf.identity(input=action) for name, action in actions.items() } def get_reward(self, states, internals, terminal, reward): if self.normalize_rewards: mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(x=reward, axes=0) return (reward - mean) / tf.maximum(x=variance, y=util.epsilon) else: return tf.identity(input=reward) def tf_discounted_cumulative_reward(self, terminal, reward, discount, final_reward=0.0): """ Creates the TensorFlow operations for calculating the discounted cumulative rewards for a given sequence of rewards. Args: terminal: Terminal boolean tensor. reward: Reward tensor. discount: Discount factor. final_reward: Last reward value in the sequence. Returns: Discounted cumulative reward tensor. """ # TODO: n-step cumulative reward (particularly for envs without terminal) def cumulate(cumulative, reward_and_terminal): rew, term = reward_and_terminal return tf.where(condition=term, x=rew, y=(rew + cumulative * discount)) # Reverse since reward cumulation is calculated right-to-left, but tf.scan only works left-to-right reward = tf.reverse(tensor=reward, axis=(0, )) terminal = tf.reverse(tensor=terminal, axis=(0, )) reward = tf.scan(fn=cumulate, elems=(reward, terminal), initializer=final_reward) return tf.reverse(tensor=reward, axis=(0, )) def tf_actions_and_internals(self, states, internals, update, deterministic): """ Creates the TensorFlow operations for retrieving the actions (and posterior internal states) in reaction to the given input states (and prior internal states). Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. update: Boolean tensor indicating whether this call happens during an update. deterministic: Boolean tensor indicating whether action should be chosen deterministically. Returns: Actions and list of posterior internal state tensors. """ raise NotImplementedError def tf_loss_per_instance(self, states, internals, actions, terminal, reward, update): """ Creates the TensorFlow operations for calculating the loss per batch instance of the given input states and actions. Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. actions: Dict of action tensors. terminal: Terminal boolean tensor. reward: Reward tensor. update: Boolean tensor indicating whether this call happens during an update. Returns: Loss tensor. """ raise NotImplementedError def tf_regularization_losses(self, states, internals, update): """ Creates the TensorFlow operations for calculating the regularization losses for the given input states. Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. update: Boolean tensor indicating whether this call happens during an update. Returns: Dict of regularization loss tensors. """ return dict() def tf_loss(self, states, internals, actions, terminal, reward, update): # Mean loss per instance loss_per_instance = self.fn_loss_per_instance(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward, update=update) loss = tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=loss_per_instance, axis=0) # Loss without regularization summary if 'losses' in self.summary_labels: summary = tf.summary.scalar(name='loss-without-regularization', tensor=loss) self.summaries.append(summary) # Regularization losses losses = self.fn_regularization_losses(states=states, internals=internals, update=update) if len(losses) > 0: loss += tf.add_n(inputs=list(losses.values())) if 'regularization' in self.summary_labels: for name, loss_val in losses.items(): summary = tf.summary.scalar(name="regularization/" + name, tensor=loss_val) self.summaries.append(summary) # Total loss summary if 'losses' in self.summary_labels or 'total-loss' in self.summary_labels: summary = tf.summary.scalar(name='total-loss', tensor=loss) self.summaries.append(summary) return loss def get_optimizer_kwargs(self, states, internals, actions, terminal, reward, update): """ Returns the optimizer arguments including the time, the list of variables to optimize, and various argument-free functions (in particular `fn_loss` returning the combined 0-dim batch loss tensor) which the optimizer might require to perform an update step. Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. actions: Dict of action tensors. terminal: Terminal boolean tensor. reward: Reward tensor. update: Boolean tensor indicating whether this call happens during an update. Returns: Loss tensor of the size of the batch. """ kwargs = dict() kwargs['time'] = self.timestep kwargs['variables'] = self.get_variables() kwargs['fn_loss'] = (lambda: self.fn_loss(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward, update=update)) if self.global_model is not None: kwargs['global_variables'] = self.global_model.get_variables() return kwargs def tf_optimization(self, states, internals, actions, terminal, reward, update): """ Creates the TensorFlow operations for performing an optimization update step based on the given input states and actions batch. Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. actions: Dict of action tensors. terminal: Terminal boolean tensor. reward: Reward tensor. update: Boolean tensor indicating whether this call happens during an update. Returns: The optimization operation. """ if self.optimizer is None: return tf.no_op() else: optimizer_kwargs = self.get_optimizer_kwargs(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward, update=update) return self.optimizer.minimize(**optimizer_kwargs) def create_output_operations(self, states, internals, actions, terminal, reward, update, deterministic): """ Calls all the relevant TensorFlow functions for this model and hence creates all the TensorFlow operations involved. Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. actions: Dict of action tensors. terminal: Terminal boolean tensor. reward: Reward tensor. update: Boolean tensor indicating whether this call happens during an update. deterministic: Boolean tensor indicating whether action should be chosen deterministically. """ # Create graph by calling the functions corresponding to model.act() / model.update(), to initialize variables. # TODO: Could call reset here, but would have to move other methods below reset. self.fn_actions_and_internals(states=states, internals=internals, update=update, deterministic=deterministic) self.fn_loss_per_instance(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward, update=update) # Tensor fetched for model.act() operations = list() if self.variable_noise is not None and self.variable_noise > 0.0: # Add variable noise noise_deltas = list() for variable in self.get_variables(): noise_delta = tf.random_normal(shape=util.shape(variable), mean=0.0, stddev=self.variable_noise) noise_deltas.append(noise_delta) operations.append(variable.assign_add(delta=noise_delta)) # Retrieve actions and internals with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=operations): self.actions_internals_timestep = self.fn_actions_and_internals( states=states, internals=internals, update=update, deterministic=deterministic) # Increment timestep increment_timestep = tf.shape(input=next(iter(states.values())))[0] increment_timestep = self.timestep.assign_add(delta=increment_timestep) operations = [increment_timestep] # Subtract variable noise if self.variable_noise is not None and self.variable_noise > 0.0: for variable, noise_delta in zip(self.get_variables(), noise_deltas): operations.append(variable.assign_sub(delta=noise_delta)) with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=operations): # Trivial operation to enforce control dependency self.actions_internals_timestep += (self.timestep + 0, ) # Tensor fetched for model.observe() increment_episode = self.episode.assign_add( delta=tf.count_nonzero(input_tensor=terminal, dtype=tf.int32)) with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=(increment_episode, )): self.increment_episode = self.episode + 0 # TODO: add up rewards per episode and add summary_label 'episode-reward' # Tensor(s) fetched for model.update() self.optimization = self.fn_optimization(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward, update=update) self.loss_per_instance = self.fn_loss_per_instance(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward, update=update) def get_variables(self, include_non_trainable=False): """ Returns the TensorFlow variables used by the model. Returns: List of variables. """ if include_non_trainable: # optimizer variables and timestep/episode only included if 'include_non_trainable' set model_variables = [ self.all_variables[key] for key in sorted(self.all_variables) ] if self.optimizer is None: return model_variables + [self.timestep, self.episode] else: optimizer_variables = self.optimizer.get_variables() return model_variables + optimizer_variables + [ self.timestep, self.episode ] else: return [self.variables[key] for key in sorted(self.variables)] def get_summaries(self): """ Returns the TensorFlow summaries reported by the model Returns: List of summaries """ return self.summaries def reset(self): """ Resets the model to its initial state on episode start. Returns: Current episode and timestep counter, and a list containing the internal states initializations. """ episode, timestep =, self.timestep)) return episode, timestep, list(self.internal_inits) def act(self, states, internals, deterministic=False): fetches = list(self.actions_internals_timestep) name = next(iter(self.states_spec)) batched = (np.asarray(states[name]).ndim != len( self.states_spec[name]['shape'])) if batched: feed_dict = { state_input: states[name] for name, state_input in self.state_inputs.items() } feed_dict.update({ internal_input: internals[n] for n, internal_input in enumerate(self.internal_inputs) }) else: feed_dict = { state_input: (states[name], ) for name, state_input in self.state_inputs.items() } feed_dict.update({ internal_input: (internals[n], ) for n, internal_input in enumerate(self.internal_inputs) }) feed_dict[self.deterministic_input] = deterministic feed_dict[self.update_input] = False actions, internals, timestep = fetches=fetches, feed_dict=feed_dict) if not batched: actions = {name: action[0] for name, action in actions.items()} internals = [internal[0] for internal in internals] return actions, internals, timestep def observe(self, terminal, reward): fetches = self.increment_episode terminal = np.asarray(terminal) batched = (terminal.ndim == 1) if batched: feed_dict = { self.terminal_input: terminal, self.reward_input: reward, } else: feed_dict = { self.terminal_input: (terminal, ), self.reward_input: (reward, ) } feed_dict[self.update_input] = False episode =, feed_dict=feed_dict) return episode def update(self, states, internals, actions, terminal, reward, return_loss_per_instance=False): fetches = [self.optimization] # Optionally fetch loss per instance if return_loss_per_instance: fetches.append(self.loss_per_instance) terminal = np.asarray(terminal) batched = (terminal.ndim == 1) if batched: feed_dict = { state_input: states[name] for name, state_input in self.state_inputs.items() } feed_dict.update({ internal_input: internals[n] for n, internal_input in enumerate(self.internal_inputs) }) feed_dict.update({ action_input: actions[name] for name, action_input in self.action_inputs.items() }) feed_dict[self.terminal_input] = terminal feed_dict[self.reward_input] = reward else: feed_dict = { state_input: (states[name], ) for name, state_input in self.state_inputs.items() } feed_dict.update({ internal_input: (internals[n], ) for n, internal_input in enumerate(self.internal_inputs) }) feed_dict.update({ action_input: (actions[name], ) for name, action_input in self.action_inputs.items() }) feed_dict[self.terminal_input] = (terminal, ) feed_dict[self.reward_input] = (reward, ) feed_dict[self.deterministic_input] = True feed_dict[self.update_input] = True fetched =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if return_loss_per_instance: return fetched[1] def save(self, directory=None, append_timestep=True): """ Save TensorFlow model. If no checkpoint directory is given, the model's default saver directory is used. Optionally appends current timestep to prevent overwriting previous checkpoint files. Turn off to be able to load model from the same given path argument as given here. Args: directory: Optional checkpoint directory. append_timestep: Appends the current timestep to the checkpoint file if true. Returns: Checkpoint path were the model was saved. """ if self.summary_writer_hook is not None: self.summary_writer_hook._summary_writer.flush() return sess=self.session, save_path=(self.saver_directory if directory is None else directory), global_step=(self.timestep if append_timestep else None), # latest_filename=None, # Defaults to 'checkpoint'. meta_graph_suffix='meta', write_meta_graph=True, write_state=True) def restore(self, directory=None, file=None): """ Restore TensorFlow model. If no checkpoint file is given, the latest checkpoint is restored. If no checkpoint directory is given, the model's default saver directory is used (unless file specifies the entire path). Args: directory: Optional checkpoint directory. file: Optional checkpoint file, or path if directory not given. """ if file is None: file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint( checkpoint_dir=(self.saver_directory if directory is None else directory), # latest_filename=None # Corresponds to argument of in ) elif directory is None: file = os.path.join(self.saver_directory, file) elif not os.path.isfile(file): file = os.path.join(directory, file) # if not os.path.isfile(file): # raise TensorForceError("Invalid model directory/file.") self.scaffold.saver.restore(sess=self.session, save_path=file)
def __init__(self, states_spec, actions_spec, config, **kwargs): # States and actions specifications self.states_spec = states_spec self.actions_spec = actions_spec # Discount factor = # Reward normalization assert isinstance(config.normalize_rewards, bool) self.normalize_rewards = config.normalize_rewards # Variable noise assert config.variable_noise is None or config.variable_noise > 0.0 self.variable_noise = config.variable_noise # TensorFlow summaries self.summary_labels = set(config.summary_labels or ()) # Variables and summaries self.variables = dict() self.all_variables = dict() self.summaries = list() if not config.local_model or not config.replica_model: # If not local_model mode or not internal global model self.default_graph = tf.Graph().as_default() self.graph = self.default_graph.__enter__() if config.cluster_spec is None: if config.parameter_server or config.replica_model or config.local_model: raise TensorForceError( "Invalid config value for distributed mode.") self.device = config.device self.global_model = None elif config.parameter_server: if config.replica_model or config.local_model: raise TensorForceError( "Invalid config value for distributed mode.") self.device = config.device self.global_model = None elif config.replica_model: self.device = tf.train.replica_device_setter( worker_device=config.device, cluster=config.cluster_spec) self.global_model = None elif config.local_model: if config.replica_model: raise TensorForceError( "Invalid config value for distributed mode.") self.device = config.device global_config = config.copy() global_config.set(key='replica_model', value=True) self.global_model = self.__class__(states_spec=states_spec, actions_spec=actions_spec, config=global_config, **kwargs) else: raise TensorForceError( "Invalid config value for distributed mode.") with tf.device(device_name_or_function=self.device): # Timestep and episode # TODO: various modes !!! if self.global_model is None: # TODO: Variables seem to re-initialize in the beginning every time a runner starts self.timestep = tf.get_variable(name='timestep', dtype=tf.int32, initializer=0, trainable=False) self.episode = tf.get_variable(name='episode', dtype=tf.int32, initializer=0, trainable=False) else: self.timestep = self.global_model.timestep self.episode = self.global_model.episode with tf.name_scope(name=config.scope): def custom_getter(getter, name, registered=False, **kwargs): variable = getter( name=name, **kwargs) # Top-level, hence no 'registered' if not registered: self.all_variables[name] = variable if kwargs.get( 'trainable', True) and not name.startswith('optimization'): self.variables[name] = variable if 'variables' in self.summary_labels: summary = tf.summary.histogram(name=name, values=variable) self.summaries.append(summary) return variable # Create placeholders, tf functions, internals, etc self.initialize(custom_getter=custom_getter) # Input tensors states = self.get_states(states=self.state_inputs) internals = [ tf.identity(input=internal) for internal in self.internal_inputs ] actions = self.get_actions(actions=self.action_inputs) terminal = tf.identity(input=self.terminal_input) reward = self.get_reward(states=states, internals=internals, terminal=terminal, reward=self.reward_input) # Stop gradients for input preprocessing states = { name: tf.stop_gradient(input=state) for name, state in states.items() } actions = { name: tf.stop_gradient(input=action) for name, action in actions.items() } reward = tf.stop_gradient(input=reward) # Optimizer if config.optimizer is None: self.optimizer = None elif config.local_model and not config.replica_model: # If local_model mode and not internal global model self.optimizer = GlobalOptimizer( optimizer=config.optimizer) else: self.optimizer = Optimizer.from_spec(spec=config.optimizer) # Create output fetch operations self.create_output_operations(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward, deterministic=self.deterministic) if config.local_model and config.replica_model: # If local_model mode and internal global model return # Local and global initialize operations if config.local_model: init_op = tf.variables_initializer( var_list=self.global_model.get_variables( include_non_trainable=True)) local_init_op = tf.variables_initializer( var_list=self.get_variables(include_non_trainable=True)) else: init_op = tf.variables_initializer(var_list=self.get_variables( include_non_trainable=True)) local_init_op = None # Summary operation if len(self.get_summaries()) > 0: summary_op = tf.summary.merge(inputs=self.get_summaries()) else: summary_op = None # TODO: MonitoredSession or so? self.supervisor = tf.train.Supervisor( is_chief=(config.task_index == 0), init_op=init_op, local_init_op=local_init_op, logdir=config.model_directory, summary_op=summary_op, global_step=self.timestep, save_summaries_secs=config.summary_frequency, save_model_secs=config.save_frequency # checkpoint_basename='model.ckpt' # session_manager=None ) # tf.ConfigProto(device_filters=['/job:ps', '/job:worker/task:{}/cpu:0'.format(self.task_index)]) if config.parameter_server: self.server = tf.train.Server( server_or_cluster_def=config.cluster_spec, job_name='ps', task_index=config.task_index, # config=tf.ConfigProto(device_filters=["/job:ps"]) # config=tf.ConfigProto( # inter_op_parallelism_threads=2, # log_device_placement=True # ) ) # Param server does nothing actively self.server.join() elif config.cluster_spec is not None: self.server = tf.train.Server( server_or_cluster_def=config.cluster_spec, job_name='worker', task_index=config.task_index, # config=tf.ConfigProto(device_filters=["/job:ps"]) # config=tf.ConfigProto( # inter_op_parallelism_threads=2, # log_device_placement=True # ) ) self.managed_session = self.supervisor.managed_session(, start_standard_services=(config.model_directory is not None)) self.session = self.managed_session.__enter__() else: self.managed_session = self.supervisor.managed_session( start_standard_services=(config.model_directory is not None)) self.session = self.managed_session.__enter__()
def setup(self): """ Sets up the TensorFlow model graph and initializes the TensorFlow session. """ default_graph = None if self.distributed_spec is None: self.global_model = None self.graph = tf.Graph() default_graph = self.graph.as_default() default_graph.__enter__() elif self.distributed_spec.get('parameter_server'): if self.distributed_spec.get('replica_model'): raise TensorForceError( "Invalid config value for distributed mode.") self.global_model = None self.graph = tf.Graph() default_graph = self.graph.as_default() default_graph.__enter__() elif self.distributed_spec.get('replica_model'): self.device = tf.train.replica_device_setter( worker_device=self.device, cluster=self.distributed_spec['cluster_spec']) self.global_model = None # Replica model is part of its parent model's graph, hence no new graph here. self.graph = tf.get_default_graph() else: graph = tf.Graph() default_graph = graph.as_default() default_graph.__enter__() # Global model. self.global_model = deepcopy(self) self.global_model.distributed_spec['replica_model'] = True self.global_model.setup() self.graph = graph with tf.device(device_name_or_function=self.device): # Episode collection = self.graph.get_collection(name='episode') if len(collection) == 0: self.episode = tf.get_variable(name='episode', dtype=tf.int32, initializer=0, trainable=False) self.graph.add_to_collection(name='episode', value=self.episode) else: assert len(collection) == 1 self.episode = collection[0] # Timestep collection = self.graph.get_collection(name='timestep') if len(collection) == 0: self.timestep = tf.get_variable(name='timestep', dtype=tf.int32, initializer=0, trainable=False) self.graph.add_to_collection(name='timestep', value=self.timestep) self.graph.add_to_collection(name=tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP, value=self.timestep) else: assert len(collection) == 1 self.timestep = collection[0] # Variables and summaries self.variables = dict() self.all_variables = dict() self.registered_variables = set() self.summaries = list() def custom_getter(getter, name, registered=False, second=False, **kwargs): if registered: self.registered_variables.add(name) elif name in self.registered_variables: registered = True variable = getter(name=name, **kwargs) # Top-level, hence no 'registered' if not registered: self.all_variables[name] = variable if kwargs.get( 'trainable', True) and not name.startswith('optimization'): self.variables[name] = variable if 'variables' in self.summary_labels: summary = tf.summary.histogram(name=name, values=variable) self.summaries.append(summary) return variable # Create placeholders, tf functions, internals, etc self.initialize(custom_getter=custom_getter) # Input tensors states = self.get_states(states=self.state_inputs) internals = [ tf.identity(input=internal) for internal in self.internal_inputs ] actions = self.get_actions(actions=self.action_inputs) terminal = tf.identity(input=self.terminal_input) reward = self.get_reward(states=states, internals=internals, terminal=terminal, reward=self.reward_input) # Stop gradients for input preprocessing states = { name: tf.stop_gradient(input=state) for name, state in states.items() } actions = { name: tf.stop_gradient(input=action) for name, action in actions.items() } reward = tf.stop_gradient(input=reward) # Optimizer if self.optimizer is None: pass elif self.distributed_spec is not None and \ not self.distributed_spec.get('parameter_server') and \ not self.distributed_spec.get('replica_model'): # If not internal global model self.optimizer = GlobalOptimizer(optimizer=self.optimizer) else: self.optimizer = Optimizer.from_spec(spec=self.optimizer) # Create output fetch operations self.create_output_operations( states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward, update=self.update_input, deterministic=self.deterministic_input) if 'inputs' in self.summary_labels: for name, state in states.items(): summary = tf.summary.histogram( name=(self.scope + '/inputs/states/' + name), values=state) self.summaries.append(summary) for name, action in actions.items(): summary = tf.summary.histogram( name=(self.scope + '/inputs/actions/' + name), values=action) self.summaries.append(summary) summary = tf.summary.histogram(name=(self.scope + '/inputs/reward'), values=reward) self.summaries.append(summary) if self.distributed_spec is not None: if self.distributed_spec.get('replica_model'): # If internal global model return elif self.distributed_spec.get('parameter_server'): server = tf.train.Server( server_or_cluster_def=self. distributed_spec['cluster_spec'], job_name='ps', task_index=self.distributed_spec['task_index'], protocol=self.distributed_spec.get('protocol'), config=None, start=True) # Param server does nothing actively server.join() return # Global and local variables initialize operations if self.distributed_spec is None: global_variables = self.get_variables(include_non_trainable=True) init_op = tf.variables_initializer(var_list=global_variables) ready_op = tf.report_uninitialized_variables( var_list=global_variables) ready_for_local_init_op = None local_init_op = None else: global_variables = self.global_model.get_variables( include_non_trainable=True) local_variables = self.get_variables(include_non_trainable=True) init_op = tf.variables_initializer(var_list=global_variables) ready_op = tf.report_uninitialized_variables( var_list=(global_variables + local_variables)) ready_for_local_init_op = tf.report_uninitialized_variables( var_list=global_variables) local_init_op =*(local_var.assign(value=global_var) for local_var, global_var in zip( local_variables, global_variables))) def init_fn(scaffold, session): if self.saver_spec is not None and self.saver_spec.get( 'load', True): directory = self.saver_spec['directory'] file = self.saver_spec.get('file') if file is None: file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint( checkpoint_dir=directory, latest_filename= None # Corresponds to argument of in ) elif not os.path.isfile(file): file = os.path.join(directory, file) if file is not None: scaffold.saver.restore(sess=session, save_path=file) # Summary operation summaries = self.get_summaries() if len(summaries) > 0: summary_op = tf.summary.merge(inputs=summaries) else: summary_op = None # TensorFlow saver object saver = tf.train.Saver( var_list=global_variables, # should be given? reshape=False, sharded=False, # should be true? max_to_keep=5, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=10000.0, name=None, restore_sequentially=False, saver_def=None, builder=None, defer_build=False, allow_empty=True, write_version=tf.train.SaverDef.V2, pad_step_number=False, save_relative_paths=True #filename=None ) # TensorFlow scaffold object self.scaffold = tf.train.Scaffold( init_op=init_op, init_feed_dict=None, init_fn=init_fn, ready_op=ready_op, ready_for_local_init_op=ready_for_local_init_op, local_init_op=local_init_op, summary_op=summary_op, saver=saver, copy_from_scaffold=None) hooks = list() # Checkpoint saver hook if self.saver_spec is not None and ( self.distributed_spec is None or self.distributed_spec['task_index'] == 0): self.saver_directory = self.saver_spec['directory'] hooks.append( tf.train.CheckpointSaverHook( checkpoint_dir=self.saver_directory, save_secs=self.saver_spec.get( 'seconds', None if 'steps' in self.saver_spec else 600), save_steps=self.saver_spec.get( 'steps'), # Either one or the other has to be set. saver=None, # None since given via 'scaffold' argument. checkpoint_basename=self.saver_spec.get( 'basename', 'model.ckpt'), scaffold=self.scaffold, listeners=None)) else: self.saver_directory = None # Summary saver hook if self.summary_spec is None: self.summary_writer_hook = None else: # TensorFlow summary writer object summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( logdir=self.summary_spec['directory'], graph=self.graph, max_queue=10, flush_secs=120, filename_suffix=None) self.summary_writer_hook = util.UpdateSummarySaverHook( update_input=self.update_input, save_steps=self.summary_spec.get( 'steps'), # Either one or the other has to be set. save_secs=self.summary_spec.get( 'seconds', None if 'steps' in self.summary_spec else 120), output_dir= None, # None since given via 'summary_writer' argument. summary_writer=summary_writer, scaffold=self.scaffold, summary_op=None # None since given via 'scaffold' argument. ) hooks.append(self.summary_writer_hook) # Stop at step hook # hooks.append(tf.train.StopAtStepHook( # num_steps=???, # This makes more sense, if load and continue training. # last_step=None # Either one or the other has to be set. # )) # # Step counter hook # hooks.append(tf.train.StepCounterHook( # every_n_steps=counter_config.get('steps', 100), # Either one or the other has to be set. # every_n_secs=counter_config.get('secs'), # Either one or the other has to be set. # output_dir=None, # None since given via 'summary_writer' argument. # summary_writer=summary_writer # )) # Other available hooks: # tf.train.FinalOpsHook(final_ops, final_ops_feed_dict=None) # tf.train.GlobalStepWaiterHook(wait_until_step) # tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(tensors, every_n_iter=None, every_n_secs=None) # tf.train.NanTensorHook(loss_tensor, fail_on_nan_loss=True) # tf.train.ProfilerHook(save_steps=None, save_secs=None, output_dir='', show_dataflow=True, show_memory=False) if self.distributed_spec is None: # TensorFlow non-distributed monitored session object self.monitored_session = tf.train.SingularMonitoredSession( hooks=hooks, scaffold=self.scaffold, master='', # Default value. config=self.session_config, # always the same? checkpoint_dir=None) else: server = tf.train.Server( server_or_cluster_def=self.distributed_spec['cluster_spec'], job_name='worker', task_index=self.distributed_spec['task_index'], protocol=self.distributed_spec.get('protocol'), config=self.session_config, start=True) if self.distributed_spec['task_index'] == 0: # TensorFlow chief session creator object session_creator = tf.train.ChiefSessionCreator( scaffold=self.scaffold,, config=self.session_config, checkpoint_dir=None, checkpoint_filename_with_path=None) else: # TensorFlow worker session creator object session_creator = tf.train.WorkerSessionCreator( scaffold=self.scaffold,, config=self.session_config, ) # TensorFlow monitored session object self.monitored_session = tf.train.MonitoredSession( session_creator=session_creator, hooks=hooks, stop_grace_period_secs=120 # Default value. ) if default_graph: default_graph.__exit__(None, None, None) self.graph.finalize() self.monitored_session.__enter__() self.session = self.monitored_session._tf_sess()
class Model(object): """ Base class for all (TensorFlow-based) models. """ def __init__(self, states_spec, actions_spec, config, **kwargs): # States and actions specifications self.states_spec = states_spec self.actions_spec = actions_spec # Discount factor = # Reward normalization assert isinstance(config.normalize_rewards, bool) self.normalize_rewards = config.normalize_rewards # Variable noise assert config.variable_noise is None or config.variable_noise > 0.0 self.variable_noise = config.variable_noise # TensorFlow summaries self.summary_labels = set(config.summary_labels or ()) # Variables and summaries self.variables = dict() self.all_variables = dict() self.summaries = list() if not config.local_model or not config.replica_model: # If not local_model mode or not internal global model self.default_graph = tf.Graph().as_default() self.graph = self.default_graph.__enter__() if config.cluster_spec is None: if config.parameter_server or config.replica_model or config.local_model: raise TensorForceError( "Invalid config value for distributed mode.") self.device = config.device self.global_model = None elif config.parameter_server: if config.replica_model or config.local_model: raise TensorForceError( "Invalid config value for distributed mode.") self.device = config.device self.global_model = None elif config.replica_model: self.device = tf.train.replica_device_setter( worker_device=config.device, cluster=config.cluster_spec) self.global_model = None elif config.local_model: if config.replica_model: raise TensorForceError( "Invalid config value for distributed mode.") self.device = config.device global_config = config.copy() global_config.set(key='replica_model', value=True) self.global_model = self.__class__(states_spec=states_spec, actions_spec=actions_spec, config=global_config, **kwargs) else: raise TensorForceError( "Invalid config value for distributed mode.") with tf.device(device_name_or_function=self.device): # Timestep and episode # TODO: various modes !!! if self.global_model is None: # TODO: Variables seem to re-initialize in the beginning every time a runner starts self.timestep = tf.get_variable(name='timestep', dtype=tf.int32, initializer=0, trainable=False) self.episode = tf.get_variable(name='episode', dtype=tf.int32, initializer=0, trainable=False) else: self.timestep = self.global_model.timestep self.episode = self.global_model.episode with tf.name_scope(name=config.scope): def custom_getter(getter, name, registered=False, **kwargs): variable = getter( name=name, **kwargs) # Top-level, hence no 'registered' if not registered: self.all_variables[name] = variable if kwargs.get( 'trainable', True) and not name.startswith('optimization'): self.variables[name] = variable if 'variables' in self.summary_labels: summary = tf.summary.histogram(name=name, values=variable) self.summaries.append(summary) return variable # Create placeholders, tf functions, internals, etc self.initialize(custom_getter=custom_getter) # Input tensors states = self.get_states(states=self.state_inputs) internals = [ tf.identity(input=internal) for internal in self.internal_inputs ] actions = self.get_actions(actions=self.action_inputs) terminal = tf.identity(input=self.terminal_input) reward = self.get_reward(states=states, internals=internals, terminal=terminal, reward=self.reward_input) # Stop gradients for input preprocessing states = { name: tf.stop_gradient(input=state) for name, state in states.items() } actions = { name: tf.stop_gradient(input=action) for name, action in actions.items() } reward = tf.stop_gradient(input=reward) # Optimizer if config.optimizer is None: self.optimizer = None elif config.local_model and not config.replica_model: # If local_model mode and not internal global model self.optimizer = GlobalOptimizer( optimizer=config.optimizer) else: self.optimizer = Optimizer.from_spec(spec=config.optimizer) # Create output fetch operations self.create_output_operations(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward, deterministic=self.deterministic) if config.local_model and config.replica_model: # If local_model mode and internal global model return # Local and global initialize operations if config.local_model: init_op = tf.variables_initializer( var_list=self.global_model.get_variables( include_non_trainable=True)) local_init_op = tf.variables_initializer( var_list=self.get_variables(include_non_trainable=True)) else: init_op = tf.variables_initializer(var_list=self.get_variables( include_non_trainable=True)) local_init_op = None # Summary operation if len(self.get_summaries()) > 0: summary_op = tf.summary.merge(inputs=self.get_summaries()) else: summary_op = None # TODO: MonitoredSession or so? self.supervisor = tf.train.Supervisor( is_chief=(config.task_index == 0), init_op=init_op, local_init_op=local_init_op, logdir=config.model_directory, summary_op=summary_op, global_step=self.timestep, save_summaries_secs=config.summary_frequency, save_model_secs=config.save_frequency # checkpoint_basename='model.ckpt' # session_manager=None ) # tf.ConfigProto(device_filters=['/job:ps', '/job:worker/task:{}/cpu:0'.format(self.task_index)]) if config.parameter_server: self.server = tf.train.Server( server_or_cluster_def=config.cluster_spec, job_name='ps', task_index=config.task_index, # config=tf.ConfigProto(device_filters=["/job:ps"]) # config=tf.ConfigProto( # inter_op_parallelism_threads=2, # log_device_placement=True # ) ) # Param server does nothing actively self.server.join() elif config.cluster_spec is not None: self.server = tf.train.Server( server_or_cluster_def=config.cluster_spec, job_name='worker', task_index=config.task_index, # config=tf.ConfigProto(device_filters=["/job:ps"]) # config=tf.ConfigProto( # inter_op_parallelism_threads=2, # log_device_placement=True # ) ) self.managed_session = self.supervisor.managed_session(, start_standard_services=(config.model_directory is not None)) self.session = self.managed_session.__enter__() else: self.managed_session = self.supervisor.managed_session( start_standard_services=(config.model_directory is not None)) self.session = self.managed_session.__enter__() def close(self): self.managed_session.__exit__(None, None, None) self.supervisor.stop() self.default_graph.__exit__(None, None, None) def initialize(self, custom_getter): """ Creates the TensorFlow placeholders and functions for this model. Moreover adds the internal state placeholders and initialization values to the model. Args: custom_getter: The `custom_getter_` object to use for `tf.make_template` when creating TensorFlow functions. """ # States self.state_inputs = dict() for name, state in self.states_spec.items(): self.state_inputs[name] = tf.placeholder( dtype=util.tf_dtype(state['type']), shape=(None, ) + tuple(state['shape']), name=name) # Actions self.action_inputs = dict() for name, action in self.actions_spec.items(): self.action_inputs[name] = tf.placeholder( dtype=util.tf_dtype(action['type']), shape=(None, ) + tuple(action['shape']), name=name) # Terminal self.terminal_input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=(None, ), name='terminal') # Reward self.reward_input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, ), name='reward') # Internal states self.internal_inputs = list() self.internal_inits = list() # Deterministic action flag self.deterministic = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=(), name='deterministic') # TensorFlow functions self.fn_discounted_cumulative_reward = tf.make_template( name_='discounted-cumulative-reward', func_=self.tf_discounted_cumulative_reward, custom_getter_=custom_getter) self.fn_actions_and_internals = tf.make_template( name_='actions-and-internals', func_=self.tf_actions_and_internals, custom_getter_=custom_getter) self.fn_loss_per_instance = tf.make_template( name_='loss-per-instance', func_=self.tf_loss_per_instance, custom_getter_=custom_getter) self.fn_regularization_losses = tf.make_template( name_='regularization-losses', func_=self.tf_regularization_losses, custom_getter_=custom_getter) self.fn_loss = tf.make_template(name_='loss', func_=self.tf_loss, custom_getter_=custom_getter) self.fn_optimization = tf.make_template(name_='optimization', func_=self.tf_optimization, custom_getter_=custom_getter) # self.fn_summarization = tf.make_template( # name_='summarization', # func_=self.tf_summarization, # custom_getter_=custom_getter # ) def get_states(self, states): # TODO: preprocessing could go here? return { name: tf.identity(input=state) for name, state in states.items() } def get_actions(self, actions): # TODO: preprocessing could go here? return { name: tf.identity(input=action) for name, action in actions.items() } def get_reward(self, states, internals, terminal, reward): if self.normalize_rewards: mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(x=reward, axes=0) return (reward - mean) / tf.maximum(x=variance, y=util.epsilon) else: return tf.identity(input=reward) def tf_discounted_cumulative_reward(self, terminal, reward, discount, final_reward=0.0): """ Creates the TensorFlow operations for calculating the discounted cumulative rewards for a given sequence of rewards. Args: terminal: Terminal boolean tensor. reward: Reward tensor. discount: Discount factor. final_reward: Last reward value in the sequence. Returns: Discounted cumulative reward tensor. """ # TODO: n-step cumulative reward (particularly for envs without terminal) def cumulate(cumulative, reward_and_terminal): rew, term = reward_and_terminal return tf.where(condition=term, x=rew, y=(rew + cumulative * discount)) # Reverse since reward cumulation is calculated right-to-left, but tf.scan only works left-to-right reward = tf.reverse(tensor=reward, axis=(0, )) terminal = tf.reverse(tensor=terminal, axis=(0, )) reward = tf.scan(fn=cumulate, elems=(reward, terminal), initializer=final_reward) return tf.reverse(tensor=reward, axis=(0, )) def tf_actions_and_internals(self, states, internals, deterministic): """ Creates the TensorFlow operations for retrieving the actions (and posterior internal states) in reaction to the given input states (and prior internal states). Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. deterministic: If true, the action is chosen deterministically. Returns: Actions and list of posterior internal state tensors. """ raise NotImplementedError def tf_loss_per_instance(self, states, internals, actions, terminal, reward): """ Creates the TensorFlow operations for calculating the loss per batch instance of the given input states and actions. Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. actions: Dict of action tensors. terminal: Terminal boolean tensor. reward: Reward tensor. Returns: Loss tensor. """ raise NotImplementedError def tf_regularization_losses(self, states, internals): """ Creates the TensorFlow operations for calculating the regularization losses for the given input states. Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. Returns: Dict of regularization loss tensors. """ return dict() def tf_loss(self, states, internals, actions, terminal, reward): # Mean loss per instance loss_per_instance = self.fn_loss_per_instance(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward) loss = tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=loss_per_instance, axis=0) # Loss without regularization summary if 'losses' in self.summary_labels: summary = tf.summary.scalar(name='loss-without-regularization', tensor=loss) self.summaries.append(summary) # Regularization losses losses = self.fn_regularization_losses(states=states, internals=internals) if len(losses) > 0: loss += tf.add_n(inputs=list(losses.values())) # Total loss summary if 'losses' in self.summary_labels or 'total-loss' in self.summary_labels: summary = tf.summary.scalar(name='total-loss', tensor=loss) self.summaries.append(summary) return loss def get_optimizer_kwargs(self, states, internals, actions, terminal, reward): """ Returns the optimizer arguments including the time, the list of variables to optimize, and various argument-free functions (in particular `fn_loss` returning the combined 0-dim batch loss tensor) which the optimizer might require to perform an update step. Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. actions: Dict of action tensors. terminal: Terminal boolean tensor. reward: Reward tensor. Returns: Loss tensor of the size of the batch. """ kwargs = dict() kwargs['time'] = self.timestep kwargs['variables'] = self.get_variables() kwargs['fn_loss'] = (lambda: self.fn_loss(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward)) if self.global_model is not None: kwargs['global_variables'] = self.global_model.get_variables() return kwargs def tf_optimization(self, states, internals, actions, terminal, reward): """ Creates the TensorFlow operations for performing an optimization update step based on the given input states and actions batch. Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. actions: Dict of action tensors. terminal: Terminal boolean tensor. reward: Reward tensor. Returns: The optimization operation. """ if self.optimizer is None: return tf.no_op() else: optimizer_kwargs = self.get_optimizer_kwargs(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward) return self.optimizer.minimize(**optimizer_kwargs) def create_output_operations(self, states, internals, actions, terminal, reward, deterministic): """ Calls all the relevant TensorFlow functions for this model and hence creates all the TensorFlow operations involved. Args: states: Dict of state tensors. internals: List of prior internal state tensors. actions: Dict of action tensors. terminal: Terminal boolean tensor. reward: Reward tensor. deterministic: If true, the action is chosen deterministically. """ # Create graph by calling the functions corresponding to model.act() / model.update(), to initialize variables. # TODO: Could call reset here, but would have to move other methods below reset. self.fn_actions_and_internals(states=states, internals=internals, deterministic=deterministic) self.fn_loss_per_instance(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward) # Tensor fetched for model.act() operations = list() if self.variable_noise is not None and self.variable_noise > 0.0: # Add variable noise noise_deltas = list() for variable in self.get_variables(): noise_delta = tf.random_normal(shape=util.shape(variable), mean=0.0, stddev=self.variable_noise) noise_deltas.append(noise_delta) operations.append(variable.assign_add(delta=noise_delta)) # Retrieve actions and internals with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=operations): self.actions_internals_timestep = self.fn_actions_and_internals( states=states, internals=internals, deterministic=deterministic) # Increment timestep increment_timestep = tf.shape(input=next(iter(states.values())))[0] increment_timestep = self.timestep.assign_add(delta=increment_timestep) operations = [increment_timestep] # Subtract variable noise if self.variable_noise is not None and self.variable_noise > 0.0: for variable, noise_delta in zip(self.get_variables(), noise_deltas): operations.append(variable.assign_sub(delta=noise_delta)) with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=operations): # Trivial operation to enforce control dependency self.actions_internals_timestep += (self.timestep + 0, ) # Tensor fetched for model.observe() increment_episode = tf.count_nonzero(input_tensor=terminal, dtype=tf.int32) increment_episode = self.episode.assign_add(delta=increment_episode) # TODO: add up rewards per episode and add summary_label 'episode-reward' with tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs=(increment_episode, )): self.episode_increment = tf.no_op() # Tensor(s) fetched for model.update() self.optimization = self.fn_optimization(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward) self.loss_per_instance = self.fn_loss_per_instance(states=states, internals=internals, actions=actions, terminal=terminal, reward=reward) def get_variables(self, include_non_trainable=False): """ Returns the TensorFlow variables used by the model. Returns: List of variables. """ if include_non_trainable: # optimizer variables and timestep/episode only included if 'include_non_trainable' set model_variables = [ self.all_variables[key] for key in sorted(self.all_variables) ] if self.optimizer is None: return model_variables + [self.timestep, self.episode] else: optimizer_variables = self.optimizer.get_variables() return model_variables + optimizer_variables + [ self.timestep, self.episode ] else: return [self.variables[key] for key in sorted(self.variables)] def get_summaries(self): """ Returns the TensorFlow summaries reported by the model Returns: List of summaries """ return self.summaries def reset(self): """ Resets the model to its initial state. Returns: A list containing the internal states initializations. """ return list(self.internal_inits) def act(self, states, internals, deterministic=False): name = next(iter(self.states_spec)) batched = (states[name].ndim != len(self.states_spec[name]['shape'])) fetches = list(self.actions_internals_timestep) if batched: feed_dict = { state_input: states[name] for name, state_input in self.state_inputs.items() } feed_dict.update({ internal_input: internals[n] for n, internal_input in enumerate(self.internal_inputs) }) else: feed_dict = { state_input: (states[name], ) for name, state_input in self.state_inputs.items() } feed_dict.update({ internal_input: (internals[n], ) for n, internal_input in enumerate(self.internal_inputs) }) feed_dict[self.deterministic] = deterministic actions, internals, timestep =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if not batched: actions = {name: action[0] for name, action in actions.items()} internals = [internal[0] for internal in internals] return actions, internals, timestep def observe(self, terminal, reward, batched=False): fetches = [self.episode_increment, self.episode] if batched: feed_dict = { self.terminal_input: terminal, self.reward_input: reward } else: feed_dict = { self.terminal_input: (terminal, ), self.reward_input: (reward, ) } _, episode =, feed_dict=feed_dict) return episode def update(self, batch, return_loss_per_instance=False): fetches = [self.optimization] # Optionally fetch loss per instance if return_loss_per_instance: fetches.append(self.loss_per_instance) feed_dict = { state_input: batch['states'][name] for name, state_input in self.state_inputs.items() } feed_dict.update({ internal_input: batch['internals'][n] for n, internal_input in enumerate(self.internal_inputs) }) feed_dict.update({ action_input: batch['actions'][name] for name, action_input in self.action_inputs.items() }) feed_dict[self.terminal_input] = batch['terminal'] feed_dict[self.reward_input] = batch['reward'] # if self.distributed: # fetches.extend(self.increment_global_episode for terminal in batch['terminals'] if terminal) fetched =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if return_loss_per_instance: return fetched[1] def load_model(self, path): """ Import model from path using tf.train.Saver. Args: path: Path to checkpoint Returns: """ self.saver.restore(sess=self.session, save_path=path) def save_model(self, path, use_global_step=True): """ Export model using a tf.train.Saver. Optionally append current time step as to not overwrite previous checkpoint file. Set to 'false' to be able to load model from exact path it was saved to in case of restarting program. Args: path: Model export directory use_global_step: Whether to append the current timestep to the checkpoint path. Returns: """ if use_global_step:, save_path=path, global_step=self.timestep) # TODO: global_step? else:, save_path=path) if self.summary_writer is not None: self.summary_writer.flush()