def to_tensor(self):
        start = ord('d')
        in1_eq = []
        in2_eq = []
        out_eq = []
        for i, s in enumerate(self.tensorized_shape):
            in1_eq.append(start + i)
            if isinstance(s, int):
                in2_eq.append(start + i)
                out_eq.append(start + i)
                in2_eq.append(start + self.order + i)
                out_eq.append(start + i)
                out_eq.append(start + self.order + i)
        in1_eq = ''.join(chr(i) for i in in1_eq)
        in2_eq = ''.join(chr(i) for i in in2_eq)
        out_eq = ''.join(chr(i) for i in out_eq)
        equation = f'a{in1_eq}b,b{in2_eq}c->a{out_eq}c'

        for i, factor in enumerate(self.factors):
            if not i:
                res = factor
                out_shape = list(res.shape)
                for i, s in enumerate(self.tensorized_shape):
                    if not isinstance(s, int):
                        out_shape[i + 1] *= factor.shape[i + 1]
                out_shape[-1] = factor.shape[-1]
                res = tl.reshape(tl.einsum(equation, res, factor), out_shape)

        return tl.reshape(res.squeeze(0).squeeze(-1), self.tensor_shape)
Exemple #2
def linear_blocktt(tensor, tt_matrix, transpose=True):
    if transpose:
        contraction_axis = 1
        contraction_axis = 0
    ndim = len(tt_matrix.tensorized_shape[contraction_axis])
    tensor = tensor.reshape(-1, *tt_matrix.tensorized_shape[contraction_axis])

    bs = 'a'
    start = ord(bs) + 1
    in_idx = bs + ''.join(chr(i) for i in [start + i for i in range(ndim)])
    factors_idx = []
    for i in range(ndim):
        if transpose:
            idx = [
                start + ndim * 2 + i, start + ndim + i, start + i,
                start + ndim * 2 + i + 1
            idx = [
                start + ndim * 2 + i, start + i, start + ndim + i,
                start + ndim * 2 + i + 1
        factors_idx.append(''.join(chr(j) for j in idx))
    out_idx = bs + ''.join(
        chr(i) for i in [start + ndim + i for i in range(ndim)])
    eq = in_idx + ',' + ','.join(i for i in factors_idx) + '->' + out_idx
    res = tl.einsum(eq, tensor, *tt_matrix.factors)
    return tl.reshape(res, (tl.shape(res)[0], -1))
Exemple #3
def higher_order_moment(tensor, order):
    """Computes the Higher-Order Momemt
    tensor : 2D-tensor -- or ND-tensor
        matrix of size (n_samples, n_features)
        or tensor of size(n_samples, D1, ..., DN)
    order : int
        order of the higher-order moment to compute
    tensor : moment
        if tensor is a matrix of size (n_samples, n_features), 
        tensor of size (n_features, )*order
    batch = ord('a')
    start = batch + 1
    tensor_sym = [f'{chr(start+i)}' for i, _ in enumerate(tensor.shape)]
    out_sym = tensor_sym[1:] * order
    eq = ''.join(tensor_sym) + '->' + ''.join(out_sym)

    return tl.einsum(eq, tensor)
Exemple #4
def tt_matrix_to_tensor(tt_matrix):
    """Returns the full tensor whose TT-Matrix decomposition is given by 'factors'

        Re-assembles 'factors', which represent a tensor in TT-Matrix format
        into the corresponding full tensor

    factors: list of 4D-arrays
              TT-Matrix factors (known as core) of shape (rank_k, left_dim_k, right_dim_k, rank_{k+1})

    output_tensor: ndarray
                   tensor whose TT-Matrix decomposition was given by 'factors'
    ndim = len(tt_matrix)
    order = list(range(0, ndim * 2, 2)) + list(range(1, ndim * 2, 2))

    start_in = ord('a')
    start_out = start_in + ndim
    start_rank = start_out + ndim
    factors_idx = []
    for i in range(ndim):
        idx = [start_rank + i, start_in + i, start_out + i, start_rank + i + 1]
        factors_idx.append(''.join(chr(j) for j in idx))

    out_idx = ''.join(
        chr(start_in + i) + chr(start_out + i) for i in range(ndim))
    eq = ','.join(idx for idx in factors_idx) + '->' + out_idx

    res = tl.einsum(eq, *tt_matrix)

    return tl.tranpose(res, order)
def tt_factorized_linear(tt_vec, ttm_weights):
    """Contracts a TT tensor with a TT matrix and returns a TT tensor.

    tt_vec : tensor train tensor
    ttm_weights : tensor train matrix

    The tensor train tensor obtained for contracting the TT tensor and the TT matrix.
    ncores = len(tt_vec)
    contr_layer = []
    for i in range(ncores):
        dimW, dimX = ttm_weights[i].shape, tt_vec[i].shape
        contr = tl.einsum('abc,debf->adecf', tt_vec[i], ttm_weights[i])
            tl.reshape(contr, (dimW[0] * dimX[0], dimW[1], dimW[3] * dimX[2])))
    return TTTensor(contr_layer)
Exemple #6
def tensor_dot_tucker(tensor, tucker, modes):
    modes_tensor, modes_tucker = _validate_contraction_modes(
        tl.shape(tensor), tucker.tensor_shape, modes)
    input_order = tensor.ndim
    weight_order = tucker.order

    sorted_modes_tucker = sorted(modes_tucker, reverse=True)
    sorted_modes_tensor = sorted(modes_tensor, reverse=True)

    # Symbol for dimensionality of the core
    rank_sym = [einsum_symbols[i] for i in range(weight_order)]

    # Symbols for tucker weight size
    tucker_sym = [
        einsum_symbols[i + weight_order] for i in range(weight_order)

    # Symbolds for input tensor
    tensor_sym = [
        einsum_symbols[i + 2 * weight_order] for i in range(tensor.ndim)

    # Output: input + weights symbols after removing contraction symbols
    output_sym = tensor_sym + tucker_sym
    for m in sorted_modes_tucker:
        output_sym.pop(m + input_order)
    for m in sorted_modes_tensor:
    for i, e in enumerate(modes_tensor):
        tensor_sym[e] = tucker_sym[modes_tucker[i]]

    # Form the actual equation: tensor, core, factors -> output
    eq = ''.join(tensor_sym)
    eq += ',' + ''.join(rank_sym)
    eq += ',' + ','.join(f'{s}{r}' for s, r in zip(tucker_sym, rank_sym))
    eq += '->' + ''.join(output_sym)

    return tl.einsum(eq, tensor, tucker.core, *tucker.factors)
Exemple #7
def tensordot(tensor1, tensor2, modes, batched_modes=()):
    """Batched tensor contraction between two tensors on specified modes
    tensor1 : tl.tensor
    tensor2 : tl.tensor
    modes : int list or int
        modes on which to contract tensor1 and tensor2
    batched_modes : int or tuple[int]

    contraction : tensor1 contracted with tensor2 on the specified modes
    modes1, modes2 = _validate_contraction_modes(tensor1.shape, tensor2.shape,
    batch_modes1, batch_modes2 = _validate_contraction_modes(
        tensor1.shape, tensor2.shape, batched_modes, batched_modes=True)

    start = ord('a')
    order_t1 = tl.ndim(tensor1)
    all_modes1 = [chr(start + i) for i in range(order_t1)]
    all_modes2 = [chr(start + i + order_t1) for i in range(tl.ndim(tensor2))]

    for m1, m2 in zip(modes1 + batch_modes1, modes2 + batch_modes2):
        all_modes2[m2] = all_modes1[m1]

    remaining_modes1 = [j for i, j in enumerate(all_modes1) if i not in modes1]
    remaining_modes2 = [
        j for i, j in enumerate(all_modes2) if i not in modes2 + batch_modes2
    remaining_modes = remaining_modes1 + remaining_modes2
    to_str = lambda x: ''.join(x)
    equation = f'{to_str(all_modes1)},{to_str(all_modes2)}->{to_str(remaining_modes)}'

    return tl.einsum(equation, tensor1, tensor2)
Exemple #8
def tensor_dot_cp(tensor, cp, modes):
    """Contracts a to CP tensors in factorized form
    tensor = tensor x cp_matrix.to_matrix().T
        cp_shape = cp.tensor_shape
    except AttributeError:
        cp_shape = cp.shape
    modes_tensor, modes_cp = _validate_contraction_modes(
        tl.shape(tensor), cp_shape, modes)

    tensor_order = tl.ndim(tensor)
    # CP rank = 'a', start at b
    start = ord('b')
    eq_in = ''.join(f'{chr(start+index)}' for index in range(tensor_order))
    eq_factors = []
    eq_res = ''.join(eq_in[i] if i not in modes_tensor else ''
                     for i in range(tensor_order))
    counter_joint = 0  # contraction modes, shared indices between tensor and CP
    counter_free = 0  # new uncontracted modes from the CP
    for i in range(len(cp.factors)):
        if i in modes_cp:
            counter_joint += 1
            eq_res += f'{chr(start+tensor_order+counter_free)}'
            counter_free += 1

    eq_factors = ','.join(f for f in eq_factors)
    eq = eq_in + ',a,' + eq_factors + '->' + eq_res
    res = tl.einsum(eq, tensor, cp.weights, *cp.factors)

    return res
    def __getitem__(self, indices):
        factors = self.factors
        if not isinstance(indices, Iterable):
            indices = [indices]

        if len(indices) < self.ndim:
            indices = list(indices)
            indices.extend([slice(None)] * (self.ndim - len(indices)))
        elif len(indices) > self.ndim:
            indices = [indices]  # We're only indexing the first dimension

        output_shape = []
        indexed_factors = []
        ndim = len(self.factors)
        indexed_ndim = len(indices)

        contract_factors = False  # If True, the result is dense, we need to form the full result
        contraction_op = []  # Whether the operation is batched or not
        eq_in1 = 'a'  # Previously contracted factors (rank_0, dim_0, ..., dim_N, rank_k)
        eq_in2 = 'b'  # Current factor (rank_k, dim_0', ..., dim_N', rank_{k+1})
        eq_out = 'a'  # Output contracted factor (rank_0, dim_0", ..., dim_N", rank_{k_1})
        # where either:
        #     i. dim_k" = dim_k' = dim_k (contraction_op='b' for batched)
        # or ii. dim_k" = dim_k' x dim_k (contraction_op='m' for multiply)

        idx = ord('d')  # Current character we can use for contraction

        pad = (
        )  # index previous dimensions with [:], to avoid using .take(dim=k)
        add_pad = False  # whether to increment the padding post indexing

        for (index, shape) in zip(indices, self.tensorized_shape):
            if isinstance(shape, int):
                # We are indexing a "batched" mode, not a tensorized one
                if not isinstance(index, (np.integer, int)):
                    if isinstance(index, slice):
                        index = list(range(*index.indices(shape)))

                    add_pad = True
                    contraction_op += 'b'  # batched
                    eq_in1 += chr(idx)
                    eq_in2 += chr(idx)
                    eq_out += chr(idx)
                    idx += 1
                # else: we've essentially removed a mode of each factor
                index = [index] * ndim
                # We are indexing a tensorized mode

                if index == slice(None) or index == ():
                    # Keeping all indices (:)

                    eq_in1 += chr(idx)
                    eq_in2 += chr(idx + 1)
                    eq_out += chr(idx) + chr(idx + 1)
                    idx += 2
                    add_pad = True
                    index = [index] * ndim
                    contraction_op += 'm'  # multiply
                    contract_factors = True

                    if isinstance(index, slice):
                        # Since we've already filtered out :, this is a partial slice
                        # Convert into list
                        max_index =
                        index = list(range(*index.indices(max_index)))

                    if isinstance(index, Iterable):
                        contraction_op += 'b'  # multiply
                        eq_in1 += chr(idx)
                        eq_in2 += chr(idx)
                        eq_out += chr(idx)
                        idx += 1
                        add_pad = True

                    index = np.unravel_index(index, shape)

            # Index the whole tensorized shape, resulting in a single factor
            factors = [ff[pad + (idx, )] for (ff, idx) in zip(factors, index)
                       ]  # + factors[indexed_ndim:]
            if add_pad:
                pad += (slice(None), )
                add_pad = False

#         output_shape.extend(self.tensorized_shape[indexed_ndim:])

        if contract_factors:
            eq_in2 += 'c'
            eq_in1 += 'b'
            eq_out += 'c'
            eq = eq_in1 + ',' + eq_in2 + '->' + eq_out
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if not i:
                    res = factor
                    out_shape = list(res.shape)
                    for j, s in enumerate(factor.shape[1:-1]):
                        if contraction_op[j] == 'm':
                            out_shape[j + 1] *= s
                    out_shape[-1] = factor.shape[-1]  # Last rank
                    res = tl.reshape(tl.einsum(eq, res, factor), out_shape)
            return res.squeeze()
            return self.__class__(factors, output_shape, self.rank)