def get_random(shape, num_charges, dtype=np.float64):
  R = len(shape)
  charges = [
          np.random.randint(-5, 5, (shape[n], num_charges)),
          charge_types=[U1Charge] * num_charges) for n in range(R)
  flows = list(np.full(R, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool))
  indices = [Index(charges[n], flows[n]) for n in range(R)]
  return BlockSparseTensor.random(indices=indices, dtype=dtype)
def test_subbtraction_raises(R, dtype, num_charges):
  backend = symmetric_backend.SymmetricBackend()
  a = get_tensor(R, num_charges, dtype)
  b = get_tensor(R + 1, num_charges, dtype)
  with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    backend.subtraction(a, b)
  shape = b.sparse_shape
  c = BlockSparseTensor.random([shape[n] for n in reversed(range(len(shape)))])
  with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    backend.subtraction(a, c)
Exemple #3
def eye_sym(charges, flows, pivot=1):

    ind_temp = [Index(charges[n], flows[n]) for n in range(len(flows))]
    arr = BT.zeros(ind_temp)

    sparse_blocks, cs, dims = _find_transposed_diagonal_sparse_blocks(
        charges, flows, pivot, list(range(len(charges))))
    for k in range(len(cs)):[sparse_blocks[k]] = np.eye(N=dims[0, k], M=dims[1,
    return arr
Exemple #4
def test_eigs_valid_init_operator_with_shape_sanity_check(dtype):
    backend = symmetric_backend.SymmetricBackend()
    D = 16
    index = Index(U1Charge.random(D, 0, 0), True)
    indices = [index, index.copy().flip_flow()]

    H = BlockSparseTensor.random(indices, dtype=dtype)

    def mv(vec, mat):
        return mat @ vec

    init = BlockSparseTensor.random([index], dtype=dtype)
    eta1, U1 = backend.eigs(mv, [H], init)

    eta2, U2 = np.linalg.eig(H.todense())

    compare_eigvals_and_eigvecs(np.stack([u.todense() for u in U1], axis=1),
def test_sparse_shape(dtype, num_charges):
    Ds = [11, 12, 13]
    R = len(Ds)
    charges = [
        BaseCharge(np.random.randint(-5, 6, (num_charges, Ds[n])),
                   charge_types=[U1Charge] * num_charges) for n in range(R)
    flows = list(np.full(R, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool))
    indices = [Index(charges[n], flows[n]) for n in range(R)]
    a = BlockSparseTensor.random(indices=indices, dtype=dtype)
    backend = symmetric_backend.SymmetricBackend()
    for s1, s2 in zip(a.sparse_shape, backend.sparse_shape(a)):
        assert s1 == s2
Exemple #6
def test_sparse_shape(num_charges):
    dtype = np.float64
    shape = [10, 11, 12, 13]
    R = len(shape)
    charges = [
        BaseCharge(np.random.randint(-5, 5, (shape[n], num_charges)),
                   charge_types=[U1Charge] * num_charges) for n in range(R)
    flows = list(np.full(R, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool))
    indices = [Index(charges[n], flows[n]) for n in range(R)]
    a = BlockSparseTensor.random(indices=indices, dtype=dtype)
    node = tn.Node(a, backend='symmetric')
    for s1, s2 in zip(node.sparse_shape, indices):
        assert s1 == s2
def test_eigsh_valid_init_operator_with_shape_sanity_check(dtype):
    backend = symmetric_backend.SymmetricBackend()
    D = 16
    index = Index(U1Charge.random(D, 0, 0), True)
    indices = [index, index.copy().flip_flow()]

    a = BlockSparseTensor.random(indices, dtype=dtype)
    H = a + a.T.conj()

    def mv(vec, mat):
        return mat @ vec

    init = BlockSparseTensor.random([index], dtype=dtype)
    eta1, U1 = backend.eigsh_lanczos(mv, [H], init)
    v1 = np.reshape(U1[0].todense(), (D))
    v1 = v1 / sum(v1)

    eta2, U2 = np.linalg.eigh(H.todense())
    v2 = U2[:, 0]
    v2 = v2 / sum(v2)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(eta1[0], min(eta2))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(v1, v2)
def test_eigsh_lanczos_sanity_check_1(dtype):
    D = 16
    backend = symmetric_backend.SymmetricBackend()
    index = Index(U1Charge.random(D, 0, 0), True)
    indices = [index, index.copy().flip_flow()]

    H = BlockSparseTensor.random(indices, dtype=dtype)
    H = H + H.conj().T

    init = BlockSparseTensor.random([index], dtype=dtype)

    def mv(x, mat):
        return mat @ x

    eta1, U1 = backend.eigsh_lanczos(mv, [H], init)
    eta2, U2 = np.linalg.eigh(H.todense())
    v1 = np.reshape(U1[0].todense(), (D))
    v1 = v1 / sum(v1)

    v2 = U2[:, 0]
    v2 = v2 / sum(v2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(eta1[0], min(eta2))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(v1, v2)
Exemple #9
def test_decomps_raise():
    dtype = np.float64
    backend = symmetric_backend.SymmetricBackend()
    D = 16
    R = 3
    indices = [Index(U1Charge.random(D, -5, 5), True) for _ in range(R)]
    H = BlockSparseTensor.random(indices, dtype=dtype)
    with pytest.raises(
            match="Can't specify non_negative_diagonal with BlockSparse."):
        backend.qr(H, non_negative_diagonal=True)
    with pytest.raises(
            match="Can't specify non_negative_diagonal with BlockSparse."):
        backend.rq(H, non_negative_diagonal=True)
Exemple #10
def test_eigs_cache_exception():
    dtype = np.float64
    backend = symmetric_backend.SymmetricBackend()
    D = 16
    index = Index(U1Charge.random(D, 0, 0), True)

    def mv(vec):
        raise ValueError()

    init = BlockSparseTensor.random([index], dtype=dtype)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        backend.eigs(mv, [], init)
    cacher = get_cacher()
    assert not cacher.do_caching
    assert not get_caching_status()
    assert cacher.cache == {}
Exemple #11
# define quantum numbers
q_chi_b = U1Charge([-2, 0, 0, 2])
ind_chib0 = Index(charges=q_chi_b, flow=True)
ind_chib1 = Index(charges=q_chi_b, flow=False)

# define hamiltonian and do 2-to-1 blocking
chi_b = 4
sX = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
sY = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
sZ = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
ham_s = np.real(np.kron(sX, sX) + np.kron(sY, sY))
ham_temp = (0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(8), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(2))) +
            np.kron(np.eye(4), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(4))) +
            0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(2), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(8))))
bias_shift = max(LA.eigvalsh(ham_temp)) - min(LA.eigvalsh(ham_temp))
ham_init = BT.fromdense([ind_chib1] * 3 + [ind_chib0] * 3,
                        ham_temp.reshape([chi_b] * 6))

if initialize_on:
    # initialize tensors
    u = [0] * n_levels
    w = [0] * n_levels
    utemp = np.eye(chi_b**2, chi_b**2).reshape(chi_b, chi_b, chi_b, chi_b)
    u[0] = BT.fromdense([ind_chib1] * 2 + [ind_chib0] * 2, utemp)
    w[0] = orthog_sym(BT.randn([ind_chib1] * 2 + [ind_chib0], dtype='float64'),
    for k in range(n_levels - 1):
        utemp = (np.eye(chi_b**2, chi_b**2)).reshape(chi_b, chi_b, chi_b,
        u[k + 1] = BT.fromdense([ind_chib1] * 2 + [ind_chib0] * 2, utemp)
        w[k + 1] = orthog_sym(BT.randn([ind_chib1] * 2 + [ind_chib0],
Exemple #12
# -----------------

# define hamiltonian and do 2-to-1 blocking
# en_exact = (-2 / np.sin(np.pi / (2 * n_sites))) / n_sites
en_exact = (-4 / np.sin(np.pi / n_sites)) / n_sites  # PBC (XX model)
sX = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
sZ = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
sY = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
ham_s = np.real(np.kron(sX, sX) + np.kron(sY, sY))
# ham_s = (-np.kron(sX, sX) + 0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(2), sZ) +
#          0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(2), sZ))
ham_init = (0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(8), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(2))) +
            np.kron(np.eye(4), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(4))) +
            0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(2), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(8))))
bias = max(LA.eigvalsh(ham_init))
ham_z0 = BT.fromdense([ind_chib1] * 3 + [ind_chib0] * 3,
                      ham_init.reshape([chib] * 6))

# initialize tensors
u = [0] * n_levels
w = [0] * n_levels
ham = [0] * (n_levels + 1)
rho = [0] * (n_levels + 1)

# --- Martin: is there a way of directly defining blocksparse `eye` matrices?
eye_mat = np.eye(chib**2, chib**2).reshape(chib, chib, chib, chib)
u[0] = BT.fromdense([ind_chib1, ind_chib1, ind_chib0, ind_chib0], eye_mat)
# -----------------

# --- Martin: is there a way of directly defining blocksparse isometries?
w_temp = BT.randn([ind_chib1, ind_chib1, ind_chi0], dtype=np.float64)
ut, st, vt = BLA.svd(w_temp.reshape([chib**2, chi]), full_matrices=False)
Exemple #13
# -----------------

# define hamiltonian and do 2-to-1 blocking
chi_b = 4
sX = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
sY = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
sZ = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
ham_s = np.real(np.kron(sX, sX) + np.kron(sY, sY))
# ham_s = (-np.kron(sX, sX) + 0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(2), sZ) +
#          0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(2), sZ))
ham_temp = (0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(8), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(2))) +
            np.kron(np.eye(4), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(4))) +
            0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(2), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(8))))
bias_shift = max(LA.eigvalsh(ham_temp)) - min(LA.eigvalsh(ham_temp))
# ham_temp = ham_temp - min(LA.eigvalsh(ham_temp))*np.eye(64,64)
ham_init = BT.fromdense([ind_chib1] * 3 + [ind_chib0] * 3,
                        ham_temp.reshape([chi_b] * 6))

if initialize_on:
    # initialize tensors
    u = [0] * n_levels
    w = [0] * n_levels
    utemp = np.eye(chi_b**2, chi_b**2).reshape(chi_b, chi_b, chi_b, chi_b)
    u[0] = BT.fromdense([ind_chib1] * 2 + [ind_chib0] * 2, utemp)
    w[0] = orthog_sym(BT.randn([ind_chib1] * 2 + [ind_chi0], dtype='float64'),
    for k in range(n_levels - 1):
        utemp = (np.eye(chi**2, chi_p**2)).reshape(chi, chi, chi_p, chi_p)
        u[k + 1] = BT.fromdense([ind_chi1] * 2 + [ind_chip0] * 2, utemp)
        w[k + 1] = orthog_sym(BT.randn([ind_chip1] * 2 + [ind_chi0],
Exemple #14
    en_odd0 = -sum(wq2)

# define Ising hamiltonian
q_chib = Z2Charge([0, 1])
ind_chib0 = Index(charges=q_chib, flow=True)
ind_chib1 = Index(charges=q_chib, flow=False)

sX = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
sZ = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
ham_s = (-np.kron(sX, sX) + 0.5 * mag * np.kron(np.eye(2), sZ) +
         0.5 * mag * np.kron(np.eye(2), sZ))
ham_init = (np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(2**(n_sites - 2)))).reshape(
    2 * np.ones(2 * n_sites, dtype=int))

ham_Z0 = BT.fromdense([ind_chib1] * n_sites + [ind_chib0] * n_sites, ham_init)

cyc_perm = np.array([*list(range(1, n_sites)), 0])
ham_temp = ham_Z0
ham_final = ham_Z0
for n in range(n_sites - 1):
    ham_temp = ham_temp.transpose([*cyc_perm, *(cyc_perm + n_sites)])
    ham_final = ham_final + ham_temp

# diagonalize Ising hamiltonian for GS in even and odd symmetry sector
E, V = eigh(ham_final, link_charges=Z2Charge([0, 1]), which='SA')
en_even1 = E.todense()[0].item()
en_odd1 = E.todense()[1].item()

# compare with analytic energies
assert np.allclose(en_even0, en_even1)
Exemple #15
ind_chi1 = Index(charges=q_chi, flow=False)
ind_1 = Index(charges=U1Charge([0]), flow=False)
# -----------------

# define hamiltonian and do 2-to-1 blocking
chi_b = 4
sX = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
sY = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
sZ = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
ham_s = np.real(np.kron(sX, sX) + np.kron(sY, sY))
# ham_s = (-np.kron(sX, sX) + 0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(2), sZ) +
#          0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(2), sZ))
ham_temp = (0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(8), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(2))) +
            np.kron(np.eye(4), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(4))) +
            0.5 * np.kron(np.eye(2), np.kron(ham_s, np.eye(8))))
ham_init = BT.fromdense([ind_chib1] * 3 + [ind_chib0] * 3,
                        ham_temp.reshape([chi_b] * 6))
bias_shift = max(LA.eigvalsh(ham_temp)) - min(LA.eigvalsh(ham_temp))
ham = [0] * (n_levels + 1)
ham[0] = ham_init.copy()

if initialize_on:
    # initialize tensors
    u = [0] * n_levels
    w = [0] * n_levels
    utemp = np.eye(chi_b**2, chi_b**2).reshape(chi_b, chi_b, chi_b, chi_b)
    u[0] = BT.fromdense([ind_chib1] * 2 + [ind_chib0] * 2, utemp)
    w[0] = BT.randn([ind_chib1] * 2 + [ind_chib0], dtype='float64')
    for k in range(n_levels - 1):
        utemp = (np.eye(chi**2, chi_p**2)).reshape(chi, chi, chi_p, chi_p)
        u[k + 1] = BT.fromdense([ind_chi1] * 2 + [ind_chip0] * 2, utemp)
        w[k + 1] = BT.randn([ind_chip1] * 2 + [ind_chi0], dtype='float64')
Exemple #16
def get_square_matrix(shape, num_charges, dtype=np.float64):
    charge = BaseCharge(np.random.randint(-5, 5, (num_charges, shape)),
                        charge_types=[U1Charge] * num_charges)
    flows = [True, False]
    indices = [Index(charge, flows[n]) for n in range(2)]
    return BlockSparseTensor.random(indices=indices, dtype=dtype)
Exemple #17
def get_ones(shape, dtype=np.float64):
    R = len(shape)
    charges = [U1Charge(np.random.randint(-5, 5, shape[n])) for n in range(R)]
    flows = list(np.full(R, fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool))
    indices = [Index(charges[n], flows[n]) for n in range(R)]
    return BlockSparseTensor.ones(indices=indices, dtype=dtype)