def split_node(
    node: BaseNode,
    left_edges: List[Edge],
    right_edges: List[Edge],
    max_singular_values: Optional[int] = None,
    max_truncation_err: Optional[float] = None,
    left_name: Optional[Text] = None,
    right_name: Optional[Text] = None,
    edge_name: Optional[Text] = None,
) -> Tuple[BaseNode, BaseNode, Tensor]:
    """Split a `Node` using Singular Value Decomposition.

  Let M be the matrix created by flattening left_edges and right_edges into
  2 axes. Let :math:`U S V^* = M` be the Singular Value Decomposition of 
  :math:`M`. This will split the network into 2 nodes. The left node's 
  tensor will be :math:`U \\sqrt{S}` and the right node's tensor will be 
  :math:`\\sqrt{S} V^*` where :math:`V^*` is
  the adjoint of :math:`V`.

  The singular value decomposition is truncated if `max_singular_values` or
  `max_truncation_err` is not `None`.

  The truncation error is the 2-norm of the vector of truncated singular
  values. If only `max_truncation_err` is set, as many singular values will
  be truncated as possible while maintaining:
  `norm(truncated_singular_values) <= max_truncation_err`.

  If only `max_singular_values` is set, the number of singular values kept
  will be `min(max_singular_values, number_of_singular_values)`, so that
  `max(0, number_of_singular_values - max_singular_values)` are truncated.

  If both `max_truncation_err` and `max_singular_values` are set,
  `max_singular_values` takes priority: The truncation error may be larger
  than `max_truncation_err` if required to satisfy `max_singular_values`.

    node: The node you want to split.
    left_edges: The edges you want connected to the new left node.
    right_edges: The edges you want connected to the new right node.
    max_singular_values: The maximum number of singular values to keep.
    max_truncation_err: The maximum allowed truncation error.
    left_name: The name of the new left node. If `None`, a name will be 
      generated automatically.
    right_name: The name of the new right node. If `None`, a name will be 
      genenerated automatically.
    edge_name: The name of the new `Edge` connecting the new left and 
      right node. If `None`, a name will be generated automatically. 
      The new axis will get the same name as the edge.

    A tuple containing:
        A new node created that connects to all of the `left_edges`.
        Its underlying tensor is :math:`U \\sqrt{S}`
        A new node created that connects to all of the `right_edges`.
        Its underlying tensor is :math:`\\sqrt{S} V^*`
        The vector of truncated singular values.

    if not hasattr(node, 'backend'):
        raise TypeError('Node {} of type {} has no `backend`'.format(
            node, type(node)))

    if node.axis_names and edge_name:
        left_axis_names = []
        right_axis_names = [edge_name]
        for edge in left_edges:
            left_axis_names.append(node.axis_names[edge.axis1] if edge.node1 is
                                   node else node.axis_names[edge.axis2])
        for edge in right_edges:
            right_axis_names.append(node.axis_names[edge.axis1] if edge.node1
                                    is node else node.axis_names[edge.axis2])
        left_axis_names = None
        right_axis_names = None

    backend = node.backend
    node.reorder_edges(left_edges + right_edges)

    u, s, vh, trun_vals = backend.svd_decomposition(node.tensor,
    sqrt_s = backend.sqrt(s)
    u_s = u * sqrt_s
    # We have to do this since we are doing element-wise multiplication against
    # the first axis of vh. If we don't, it's possible one of the other axes of
    # vh will be the same size as sqrt_s and would multiply across that axis
    # instead, which is bad.
    sqrt_s_broadcast_shape = backend.concat(
        [backend.shape(sqrt_s), [1] * (len(vh.shape) - 1)], axis=-1)
    vh_s = vh * backend.reshape(sqrt_s, sqrt_s_broadcast_shape)
    left_node = Node(u_s,
    for i, edge in enumerate(left_edges):
        left_node.add_edge(edge, i)
        edge.update_axis(i, node, i, left_node)
    right_node = Node(vh_s,
    for i, edge in enumerate(right_edges):
        # i + 1 to account for the new edge.
        right_node.add_edge(edge, i + 1)
        edge.update_axis(i + len(left_edges), node, i + 1, right_node)
    connect(left_node.edges[-1], right_node.edges[0], name=edge_name)
    return left_node, right_node, trun_vals
Exemple #2
def split_node_rq(
    node: BaseNode,
    left_edges: List[Edge],
    right_edges: List[Edge],
    left_name: Optional[Text] = None,
    right_name: Optional[Text] = None,
    edge_name: Optional[Text] = None,
) -> Tuple[BaseNode, BaseNode]:
  """Split a `node` using RQ (reversed QR) decomposition.

  Let :math:`M` be the matrix created by 
  flattening `left_edges` and `right_edges` into 2 axes. 

  Let :math:`QR = M^*` be the QR Decomposition of :math:`M^*`. 
  This will split the network into 2 nodes. 

  The left node's tensor will be :math:`R^*` (a lower triangular matrix) 
  and the right node's tensor will be :math:`Q^*` (an orthonormal matrix)

    node: The node you want to split.
    left_edges: The edges you want connected to the new left node.
    right_edges: The edges you want connected to the new right node.
    left_name: The name of the new left node. If `None`, a name will be
      generated automatically.
    right_name: The name of the new right node. If `None`, a name will be
      generated automatically.
    edge_name: The name of the new `Edge` connecting the new left and
      right node. If `None`, a name will be generated automatically.

    A tuple containing:
        A new node that connects to all of the `left_edges`.
        Its underlying tensor is :math:`R^*`
        A new node that connects to all of the `right_edges`.
        Its underlying tensor is :math:`Q^*`

    AttributeError: If `node` has no backend attribute
  if not hasattr(node, 'backend'):
    raise AttributeError('Node {} of type {} has no `backend`'.format(
        node, type(node)))

  if node.axis_names and edge_name:
    left_axis_names = []
    right_axis_names = [edge_name]
    for edge in left_edges:
      left_axis_names.append(node.axis_names[edge.axis1] if edge.node1 is node
                             else node.axis_names[edge.axis2])
    for edge in right_edges:
      right_axis_names.append(node.axis_names[edge.axis1] if edge.node1 is node
                              else node.axis_names[edge.axis2])
    left_axis_names = None
    right_axis_names = None
  backend = node.backend
  transp_tensor = node.tensor_from_edge_order(left_edges + right_edges)

  r, q = backend.rq_decomposition(transp_tensor, len(left_edges))
  left_node = Node(
      r, name=left_name, axis_names=left_axis_names, backend=backend)

  left_axes_order = [
      edge.axis1 if edge.node1 is node else edge.axis2 for edge in left_edges
  for i, edge in enumerate(left_edges):
    left_node.add_edge(edge, i)
    edge.update_axis(left_axes_order[i], node, i, left_node)

  right_node = Node(
      q, name=right_name, axis_names=right_axis_names, backend=backend)

  right_axes_order = [
      edge.axis1 if edge.node1 is node else edge.axis2 for edge in right_edges

  for i, edge in enumerate(right_edges):
    # i + 1 to account for the new edge.
    right_node.add_edge(edge, i + 1)
    edge.update_axis(right_axes_order[i], node, i + 1, right_node)

  connect(left_node.edges[-1], right_node.edges[0], name=edge_name)
  return left_node, right_node
Exemple #3
def split_node_full_svd(
    node: BaseNode,
    left_edges: List[Edge],
    right_edges: List[Edge],
    max_singular_values: Optional[int] = None,
    max_truncation_err: Optional[float] = None,
    relative: Optional[bool] = False,
    left_name: Optional[Text] = None,
    middle_name: Optional[Text] = None,
    right_name: Optional[Text] = None,
    left_edge_name: Optional[Text] = None,
    right_edge_name: Optional[Text] = None,
) -> Tuple[BaseNode, BaseNode, BaseNode, Tensor]:
  """Split a node by doing a full singular value decomposition.

  Let :math:`M` be the matrix created by 
  flattening `left_edges` and `right_edges` into 2 axes. 
  Let :math:`U S V^* = M` be the Singular Value Decomposition of :math:`M`.

  The left most node will be :math:`U` tensor of the SVD, the middle node is
  the diagonal matrix of the singular values, ordered largest to smallest,
  and the right most node will be the :math:`V*` tensor of the SVD.

  The singular value decomposition is truncated if `max_singular_values` or
  `max_truncation_err` is not `None`.

  The truncation error is the 2-norm of the vector of truncated singular
  values. If only `max_truncation_err` is set, as many singular values will
  be truncated as possible while maintaining:
  `norm(truncated_singular_values) <= max_truncation_err`.
  If `relative` is set `True` then `max_truncation_err` is understood
  relative to the largest singular value.

  If only `max_singular_values` is set, the number of singular values kept
  will be `min(max_singular_values, number_of_singular_values)`, so that
  `max(0, number_of_singular_values - max_singular_values)` are truncated.

  If both `max_truncation_err` and `max_singular_values` are set,
  `max_singular_values` takes priority: The truncation error may be larger
  than `max_truncation_err` if required to satisfy `max_singular_values`.

    node: The node you want to split.
    left_edges: The edges you want connected to the new left node.
    right_edges: The edges you want connected to the new right node.
    max_singular_values: The maximum number of singular values to keep.
    max_truncation_err: The maximum allowed truncation error.
    relative: Multiply `max_truncation_err` with the largest singular value.
    left_name: The name of the new left node. If None, a name will be 
      generated automatically.
    middle_name: The name of the new center node. If `None`, a name will be
      generated automatically.
    right_name: The name of the new right node. If `None`, a name will be
      generated automatically.
    left_edge_name: The name of the new left `Edge` connecting
      the new left node (:math:`U`) and the new central node (:math:`S`).
      If `None`, a name will be generated automatically.
    right_edge_name: The name of the new right `Edge` connecting
      the new central node (:math:`S`) and the new right node (:math:`V*`).
      If `None`, a name will be generated automatically.

    A tuple containing:
        A new node created that connects to all of the `left_edges`.
        Its underlying tensor is :math:`U`
        A new node that has 2 edges connecting `left_node` and `right_node`.
        Its underlying tensor is :math:`S`
        A new node created that connects to all of the `right_edges`.
        Its underlying tensor is :math:`V^*`
        The vector of truncated singular values.

    AttributeError: If `node` has no backend attribute
  if not hasattr(node, 'backend'):
    raise AttributeError('Node {} of type {} has no `backend`'.format(
        node, type(node)))

  if node.axis_names and left_edge_name and right_edge_name:
    left_axis_names = []
    right_axis_names = [right_edge_name]
    for edge in left_edges:
      left_axis_names.append(node.axis_names[edge.axis1] if edge.node1 is node
                             else node.axis_names[edge.axis2])
    for edge in right_edges:
      right_axis_names.append(node.axis_names[edge.axis1] if edge.node1 is node
                              else node.axis_names[edge.axis2])
    center_axis_names = [left_edge_name, right_edge_name]
    left_axis_names = None
    center_axis_names = None
    right_axis_names = None

  backend = node.backend
  transp_tensor = node.tensor_from_edge_order(left_edges + right_edges)

  u, s, vh, trun_vals = backend.svd_decomposition(
  left_node = Node(
      u, name=left_name, axis_names=left_axis_names, backend=backend)
  singular_values_node = Node(

  right_node = Node(
      vh, name=right_name, axis_names=right_axis_names, backend=backend)

  left_axes_order = [
      edge.axis1 if edge.node1 is node else edge.axis2 for edge in left_edges
  for i, edge in enumerate(left_edges):
    left_node.add_edge(edge, i)
    edge.update_axis(left_axes_order[i], node, i, left_node)

  right_axes_order = [
      edge.axis1 if edge.node1 is node else edge.axis2 for edge in right_edges
  for i, edge in enumerate(right_edges):
    # i + 1 to account for the new edge.
    right_node.add_edge(edge, i + 1)
    edge.update_axis(right_axes_order[i], node, i + 1, right_node)
      left_node.edges[-1], singular_values_node.edges[0], name=left_edge_name)
      singular_values_node.edges[1], right_node.edges[0], name=right_edge_name)
  return left_node, singular_values_node, right_node, trun_vals
Exemple #4
def split_node(
    node: BaseNode,
    left_edges: List[Edge],
    right_edges: List[Edge],
    max_singular_values: Optional[int] = None,
    max_truncation_err: Optional[float] = None,
    relative: Optional[bool] = False,
    left_name: Optional[Text] = None,
    right_name: Optional[Text] = None,
    edge_name: Optional[Text] = None,
) -> Tuple[BaseNode, BaseNode, Tensor]:
  """Split a `node` using Singular Value Decomposition.

  Let :math:`M` be the matrix created by flattening `left_edges` and 
  `right_edges` into 2 axes. 
  Let :math:`U S V^* = M` be the SVD of :math:`M`. 
  This will split the network into 2 nodes. 
  The left node's tensor will be :math:`U \\sqrt{S}` 
  and the right node's tensor will be
  :math:`\\sqrt{S} V^*` where :math:`V^*` is the adjoint of :math:`V`.

  The singular value decomposition is truncated if `max_singular_values` or
  `max_truncation_err` is not `None`.

  The truncation error is the 2-norm of the vector of truncated singular
  values. If only `max_truncation_err` is set, as many singular values will
  be truncated as possible while maintaining:
  `norm(truncated_singular_values) <= max_truncation_err`.
  If `relative` is set `True` then `max_truncation_err` is understood
  relative to the largest singular value.

  If only `max_singular_values` is set, the number of singular values kept
  will be `min(max_singular_values, number_of_singular_values)`, so that
  `max(0, number_of_singular_values - max_singular_values)` are truncated.

  If both `max_truncation_err` and `max_singular_values` are set,
  `max_singular_values` takes priority: The truncation error may be larger
  than `max_truncation_err` if required to satisfy `max_singular_values`.

    node: The node you want to split.
    left_edges: The edges you want connected to the new left node.
    right_edges: The edges you want connected to the new right node.
    max_singular_values: The maximum number of singular values to keep.
    max_truncation_err: The maximum allowed truncation error.
    relative: Multiply `max_truncation_err` with the largest singular value.
    left_name: The name of the new left node. If `None`, a name will be 
      generated automatically.
    right_name: The name of the new right node. If `None`, a name will be
      generated automatically.
    edge_name: The name of the new `Edge` connecting the new left and
      right node. If `None`, a name will be generated automatically.
      The new axis will get the same name as the edge.

    A tuple containing:
        A new node created that connects to all of the `left_edges`.
        Its underlying tensor is :math:`U \\sqrt{S}`
        A new node created that connects to all of the `right_edges`.
        Its underlying tensor is :math:`\\sqrt{S} V^*`
        The vector of truncated singular values.
    AttributeError: If `node` has no backend attribute

  if not hasattr(node, 'backend'):
    raise AttributeError('Node {} of type {} has no `backend`'.format(
        node, type(node)))

  if node.axis_names and edge_name:
    left_axis_names = []
    right_axis_names = [edge_name]
    for edge in left_edges:
      left_axis_names.append(node.axis_names[edge.axis1] if edge.node1 is node
                             else node.axis_names[edge.axis2])
    for edge in right_edges:
      right_axis_names.append(node.axis_names[edge.axis1] if edge.node1 is node
                              else node.axis_names[edge.axis2])
    left_axis_names = None
    right_axis_names = None

  backend = node.backend
  transp_tensor = node.tensor_from_edge_order(left_edges + right_edges)

  u, s, vh, trun_vals = backend.svd_decomposition(
  sqrt_s = backend.sqrt(s)
  u_s = backend.broadcast_right_multiplication(u, sqrt_s)
  vh_s = backend.broadcast_left_multiplication(sqrt_s, vh)

  left_node = Node(
      u_s, name=left_name, axis_names=left_axis_names, backend=backend)

  left_axes_order = [
      edge.axis1 if edge.node1 is node else edge.axis2 for edge in left_edges
  for i, edge in enumerate(left_edges):
    left_node.add_edge(edge, i)
    edge.update_axis(left_axes_order[i], node, i, left_node)

  right_node = Node(
      vh_s, name=right_name, axis_names=right_axis_names, backend=backend)

  right_axes_order = [
      edge.axis1 if edge.node1 is node else edge.axis2 for edge in right_edges
  for i, edge in enumerate(right_edges):
    # i + 1 to account for the new edge.
    right_node.add_edge(edge, i + 1)
    edge.update_axis(right_axes_order[i], node, i + 1, right_node)

  connect(left_node.edges[-1], right_node.edges[0], name=edge_name)
  return left_node, right_node, trun_vals