Exemple #1
def test_contract_between_output_order(backend):
    a_val = np.ones((2, 3, 4, 5))
    b_val = np.ones((3, 5, 4, 2))
    c_val = np.ones((2, 2))
    a = tn.Node(a_val, backend=backend)
    b = tn.Node(b_val, backend=backend)
    c = tn.Node(c_val, backend=backend)
    tn.connect(a[0], b[3])
    tn.connect(b[1], a[3])
    tn.connect(a[1], b[0])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d = tn.contract_between(a,
                                name="New Node",
                                output_edge_order=[a[2], b[2], a[0]])
    tn.check_correct({a, b, c}, check_connections=False)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d = tn.contract_between(a,
                                name="New Node",
                                output_edge_order=[a[2], b[2], c[0]])
    tn.check_correct({a, b, c}, check_connections=False)
    d = tn.contract_between(a,
                            name="New Node",
                            output_edge_order=[b[2], a[2]])
    tn.check_correct({c, d}, check_connections=False)
    a_flat = np.reshape(np.transpose(a_val, (2, 1, 0, 3)), (4, 30))
    b_flat = np.reshape(np.transpose(b_val, (2, 0, 3, 1)), (4, 30))
    final_val = np.matmul(b_flat, a_flat.T)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(d.tensor, final_val)
    assert d.name == "New Node"
Exemple #2
def getOverlap(psi1Orig: List[tn.Node], psi2Orig: List[tn.Node]):
    psi1 = copyState(psi1Orig)
    psi2 = copyState(psi2Orig, conj=True)
    psi1[0][0] ^ psi2[0][0]
    psi1[0][1] ^ psi2[0][1]
    contracted = tn.contract_between(psi1[0], psi2[0], name='contracted')
    for i in range(1, len(psi1) - 1):
        psi1[i][1] ^ psi2[i][1]
        contracted[0] ^ psi1[i][0]
        contracted[1] ^ psi2[i][0]
        contracted = tn.contract_between(
            tn.contract_between(contracted, psi1[i]), psi2[i])
    psi1[len(psi1) - 1][1] ^ psi2[len(psi1) - 1][1]
    psi1[len(psi1) - 1][2] ^ psi2[len(psi1) - 1][2]
    contracted[0] ^ psi1[len(psi1) - 1][0]
    contracted[1] ^ psi2[len(psi1) - 1][0]
    contracted = tn.contract_between(
        tn.contract_between(contracted, psi1[len(psi1) - 1]),
        psi2[len(psi1) - 1])

    result = contracted.tensor
    return result
Exemple #3
def stateEnergy(psi: List[tn.Node], H: HOp):
    E = 0
    for i in range(len(psi)):
        psiCopy = bops.copyState(psi)
        single_i = bops.copyState([H.singles[i]])[0]
        psiCopy[i] = bops.permute(tn.contract(psiCopy[i][1] ^ single_i[0], name=('site' + str(i))), [0, 2, 1])
        E += bops.getOverlap(psiCopy, psi)
    for i in range(len(psi) - 1):
        psiCopy = bops.copyState(psi)
        r2l = bops.copyState([H.r2l[i+1]])[0]
        l2r = bops.copyState([H.l2r[i]])[0]
        psiCopy[i][2] ^ psiCopy[i+1][0]
        psiCopy[i][1] ^ l2r[0]
        r2l[0] ^ psiCopy[i+1][1]
        l2r[2] ^ r2l[2]
        M = tn.contract_between(psiCopy[i], \
                                tn.contract_between(l2r, tn.contract_between(r2l, psiCopy[i+1])))
        if bops.multiContraction(M, M, '0123', '0123*').tensor != 0:
            [psiCopy, te] = bops.assignNewSiteTensors(psiCopy, i, M, '>>')
            E += bops.getOverlap(psiCopy, psi)
    return E
Exemple #4
def test_contract_between_no_outer_product_value_error(backend):
    a_val = np.ones((2, 3, 4))
    b_val = np.ones((5, 6, 7))
    a = tn.Node(a_val, backend=backend)
    b = tn.Node(b_val, backend=backend)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        tn.contract_between(a, b)
Exemple #5
def gf_cost_func_v1(B, AL, AR):
    Bn = tn.Node(B, axis_names=["p", "L", "R"])
    ALn = tn.Node(AL, axis_names=["p", "L", "R"])
    ARn = tn.Node(AR, axis_names=["p", "L", "R"])

    ALn_c = tn.conj(ALn)
    ALn["L"] ^ ALn_c["L"]
    ALn["R"] ^ ALn_c["R"]
    PLn = tn.contract_between(ALn,
                              output_edge_order=[ALn_c["p"], ALn["p"]],
                              axis_names=["p_in", "p_out"])

    ARn_c = tn.conj(ARn)
    ARn["L"] ^ ARn_c["L"]
    ARn["R"] ^ ARn_c["R"]
    PRn = tn.contract_between(ARn,
                              output_edge_order=[ARn_c["p"], ARn["p"]],
                              axis_names=["p_in", "p_out"])

    PLRn = tn.Node(PLn.get_tensor() + PRn.get_tensor(),
                   axis_names=["p_in", "p_out"])

    Bn_c = tn.conj(Bn)
    Bn["L"] ^ Bn_c["L"]
    Bn["R"] ^ Bn_c["R"]
    Bn["p"] ^ PLRn["p_in"]
    Bn_c["p"] ^ PLRn["p_out"]
    res = Bn @ PLRn @ Bn_c
    return res.get_tensor()
Exemple #6
    def _ev_mps(self, obs_nodes, wires):
        r"""Expectation value of observables on specified wires using a MPS representation.

            obs_nodes (Sequence[tn.Node]): the observables as TensorNetwork Nodes
            wires (Sequence[Sequence[int]]): measured subsystems for each observable
            complex: expectation value :math:`\expect{A} = \bra{\psi}A\ket{\psi}`
        if any(len(wires_seq) > 2 for wires_seq in wires):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Multi-wire measurement only supported for nearest-neighbour wire pairs."
        if len(obs_nodes) == 1 and len(wires[0]) == 1:
            # TODO: can measure multiple local expectation values at once,
            # but this would require change of `expval` behaviour and
            # refactor of `execute` logic from parent class
            expval = self.mps.measure_local_operator(obs_nodes, wires[0])[0]
            conj_nodes = [tn.conj(node) for node in self.mps.nodes]
            meas_wires = []
            # connect measured bra and ket nodes with observables
            for obs_node, wire_seq in zip(obs_nodes, wires):
                if len(wire_seq) == 2 and abs(wire_seq[0] - wire_seq[1]) > 1:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Multi-wire measurement only supported for nearest-neighbour wire pairs."
                offset = len(wire_seq)
                for idx, wire in enumerate(wire_seq):
                    tn.connect(conj_nodes[wire][1], obs_node[idx])
                    tn.connect(obs_node[offset + idx], self.mps.nodes[wire][1])
            for wire in range(self.num_wires):
                # connect unmeasured ket nodes with bra nodes
                if wire not in meas_wires:
                    tn.connect(conj_nodes[wire][1], self.mps.nodes[wire][1])
                # connect local nodes of MPS (not connected by default in tn)
                if wire != self.num_wires - 1:
                    tn.connect(self.mps.nodes[wire][2], self.mps.nodes[wire + 1][0])
                    tn.connect(conj_nodes[wire][2], conj_nodes[wire + 1][0])

            # contract MPS bonds first
            bra_node = conj_nodes[0]
            ket_node = self.mps.nodes[0]
            for wire in range(self.num_wires - 1):
                bra_node = tn.contract_between(bra_node, conj_nodes[wire + 1])
                ket_node = tn.contract_between(ket_node, self.mps.nodes[wire + 1])
            # contract observables into ket
            for obs_node in obs_nodes:
                ket_node = tn.contract_between(obs_node, ket_node)
            # contract bra into observables/ket
            expval_node = tn.contract_between(bra_node, ket_node)
            # remove dangling singleton edges
            expval = self._squeeze(expval_node.tensor)
        return expval
Exemple #7
def test_split_node_rq_unitarity_float(backend):
    a = tn.Node(np.random.rand(3, 3), backend=backend)
    _, q = tn.split_node_rq(a, [a[0]], [a[1]])
    n1 = tn.Node(q.tensor, backend=backend)
    n2 = tn.linalg.node_linalg.conj(q)
    n1[1] ^ n2[1]
    u1 = tn.contract_between(n1, n2)
    n1 = tn.Node(q.tensor, backend=backend)
    n2 = tn.Node(q.tensor, backend=backend)
    n2[0] ^ n1[0]
    u2 = tn.contract_between(n1, n2)

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(u1.tensor, np.eye(3))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(u2.tensor, np.eye(3))
Exemple #8
def test_svd_consistency_symmetric_real_matrix(backend):
    original_tensor = np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0, 3.0, 2.0]],
    node = tn.Node(original_tensor, backend=backend)
    u, vh, _ = tn.split_node(node, [node[0]], [node[1]])
    final_node = tn.contract_between(u, vh)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_node.tensor, original_tensor, rtol=1e-6)
Exemple #9
def apply_op(psi, op, n1, pbc=False):
    """Apply a local operator to a wavefunction.

  The number of dimensions of the tensor representing the wavefunction `psi`
  is taken to be the number of lattice sites `N`.

  The operator acts nontrivially on sites `n1` to `n1 + k - 1` of psi, where
  `0 <= n1 < N`, and is expected to have `2*k` dimensions.
  The first `k` dimensions represent the output and the last `k` dimensions
  represent the input, to be contracted with `psi`.

    psi: An `N`-dimensional tensor representing the wavefunction.
    op: Tensor with `2 * k` dimensions. The operator to apply.
    n1: The number of the leftmost site at which to apply the operator.
    pbc: If `True`, use periodic boundary conditions, so that site `N` is
      identified with site `0`. Otherwise, site `N-1` has no neighbors to the

    psi_final: The result of applying `op` to `psi`.
    n_psi = tensornetwork.Node(psi, backend="tensorflow")
    site_edges = n_psi.get_all_edges()

    site_edges, n_op = _apply_op_network(site_edges, op, n1, pbc)

    n_res = tensornetwork.contract_between(n_op,

    return n_res.tensor
        def f(x: tf.Tensor, nodes: List[Node], output_dim: int, exp_base: int,
              num_nodes: int, use_bias: bool,
              bias_var: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:

            input_reshaped = tf.reshape(x, (exp_base, ) * num_nodes +
                                        (output_dim, ))
            state_node = tn.Node(input_reshaped,

            # The TN will be connected like this:
            #      xxxxxxxxx
            #      | | |   |
            #      | | 11111
            #      | |   |
            #      | 22222
            #      |   |
            #      33333
            #        |
            #        |

            for i in range(num_nodes):
                op = tn.Node(nodes[i], name=f'node_{i}', backend="tensorflow")
                tn.connect(state_node.edges[-1], op[0])
                tn.connect(state_node.edges[-2], op[1])
                state_node = tn.contract_between(state_node, op)

            result = tf.reshape(state_node.tensor, (-1, ))
            if use_bias:
                result += bias_var

            return result
Exemple #11
def multiContraction(node1: tn.Node,
                     node2: tn.Node,
                     isDiag2=False) -> tn.Node:
    if node1 is None or node2 is None:
        return None
    if edges1[len(edges1) - 1] == '*':
        copy1 = copyState([node1], conj=True)[0]
        edges1 = edges1[0:len(edges1) - 1]
        copy1 = copyState([node1])[0]
    if edges2[len(edges2) - 1] == '*':
        copy2 = copyState([node2], conj=True)[0]
        edges2 = edges2[0:len(edges2) - 1]
        copy2 = copyState([node2])[0]

    if cleanOr1:
    if cleanOr2:
    if isDiag1 and isDiag2:
        return tn.Node(copy1.tensor * copy2.tensor)
    elif isDiag1 and not isDiag2:
        return contractDiag(copy2, copy1.tensor, int(edges2[0]))
    elif isDiag2 and not isDiag1:
        return contractDiag(copy1, copy2.tensor, int(edges1[0]))
    for i in range(len(edges1)):
        copy1[int(edges1[i])] ^ copy2[int(edges2[i])]
    return tn.contract_between(copy1, copy2, name=nodeName)
        def f(x: tf.Tensor, nodes: List[Node], num_nodes: int, num_legs: int,
              leg_dim: int, use_bias: bool, bias_var: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:

            l = [leg_dim] * num_legs
            input_reshaped = tf.reshape(x, tuple(l))

            x_node = tn.Node(input_reshaped,
            edges = x_node.edges[:]  # force a copy
            for i in range(num_nodes):
                node = tn.Node(nodes[i],
                tn.connect(edges[i % num_legs], node[0])
                tn.connect(edges[(i + 1) % num_legs], node[1])
                edges[i % num_legs] = node[2]
                edges[(i + 1) % num_legs] = node[3]
                x_node = tn.contract_between(x_node, node)

            # The TN will be connected in a "staircase" pattern, like this:
            #    |  |  |  |
            #    |  |  3333
            #    |  |  |  |
            #    |  2222  |
            #    |  |  |  |
            #    1111  |  |
            #    |  |  |  |
            #    xxxxxxxxxx

            result = tf.reshape(x_node.tensor, (self.output_dim, ))
            if use_bias:
                result += bias_var

            return result
Exemple #13
def update_dis(hamiltonian, state, isometry, disentangler):
  """Updates the disentangler with the aim of reducing the energy.

    hamiltonian: The hamiltonian (rank-6 tensor) defined at the bottom of the
      MERA layer.
    state: The 3-site reduced state (rank-6 tensor) defined at the top of the
      MERA layer.
    isometry: The isometry tensor (rank 3) of the binary MERA.
    disentangler: The disentangler tensor (rank 4) of the binary MERA.

    The updated disentangler.
  env = env_dis(hamiltonian, state, isometry, disentangler)

  nenv = tensornetwork.Node(
      env, axis_names=["bl", "br", "tl", "tr"], backend="jax")
  output_edges = [nenv["bl"], nenv["br"], nenv["tl"], nenv["tr"]]

  nu, _, nv, _ = tensornetwork.split_node_full_svd(
      nenv, [nenv["bl"], nenv["br"]], [nenv["tl"], nenv["tr"]],
  tensornetwork.connect(nu["s1"], nv["s2"])
  nres = tensornetwork.contract_between(nu, nv, output_edge_order=output_edges)

  return np.conj(nres.get_tensor())
Exemple #14
    def f(x: tf.Tensor, nodes: List[Node], num_nodes: int, use_bias: bool,
          bias_var: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:

      state_node = tn.Node(x, name='xnode', backend="tensorflow")
      operating_edge = state_node[0]

      # The TN will be connected like this:
      #     |    |   |   |
      #     |    |   33333
      #     |    |   |
      #     |    22222
      #     |    |
      #     11111
      #       |
      #    xxxxxxx

      for i in range(num_nodes):
        op = tn.Node(nodes[i], name=f'node_{i}', backend="tensorflow")
        tn.connect(operating_edge, op[0])
        operating_edge = op[2]
        state_node = tn.contract_between(state_node, op)

      result = tf.reshape(state_node.tensor, (-1,))

      if use_bias:
        result += bias_var

      return result
def test_apply_two_site_gate(backend_dtype_values):
    backend = backend_dtype_values[0]
    dtype = backend_dtype_values[1]

    D, d, N = 10, 2, 10
    tensors = [get_random_np((1, d, D), dtype)
               ] + [get_random_np((D, d, D), dtype)
                    for _ in range(N - 2)] + [get_random_np((D, d, 1), dtype)]
    mps = BaseMPS(tensors, center_position=0, backend=backend)
    gate = get_random_np((2, 2, 2, 2), dtype)
    tensor1 = mps.tensors[5]
    tensor2 = mps.tensors[6]

    mps.apply_two_site_gate(gate, 5, 6)
    tmp = np.tensordot(tensor1, tensor2, ([2], [0]))
    actual = np.transpose(np.tensordot(tmp, gate, ([1, 2], [2, 3])),
                          (0, 2, 3, 1))
    node1 = tn.Node(mps.tensors[5], backend=backend)
    node2 = tn.Node(mps.tensors[6], backend=backend)

    node1[2] ^ node2[0]
    order = [node1[0], node1[1], node2[1], node2[2]]
    res = tn.contract_between(node1, node2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.tensor, actual)
Exemple #16
def test_contract_between_trace(backend):
  a_val = np.ones((2, 3, 2, 4))
  a = tn.Node(a_val, backend=backend)
  tn.connect(a[0], a[2])
  c = tn.contract_between(a, a, axis_names=["1", "3"])
  assert c.shape == (3, 4)
  assert c.axis_names == ["1", "3"]
Exemple #17
def test_contract_between_outer_product_no_value_error(backend):
    a_val = np.ones((2, 3, 4))
    b_val = np.ones((5, 6, 7))
    a = tn.Node(a_val, backend=backend)
    b = tn.Node(b_val, backend=backend)
    c = tn.contract_between(a, b, allow_outer_product=True)
    assert c.shape == (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Exemple #18
    def _ev_exact(self, obs_nodes, obs_wires):
        r"""Expectation value of observables on specified wires using an exact representation.

           obs_nodes (Sequence[tn.Node]): the observables as TensorNetwork Nodes
           obs_wires (Sequence[Wires]): measured wires for each observable

           complex: expectation value :math:`\expect{A} = \bra{\psi}A\ket{\psi}`
        ket = self._contracted_state_node
        bra = tn.conj(ket, name="Bra")

        all_device_wires = Wires(range(self.num_wires))
        meas_device_wires = []
        # For wires which are measured, add edges between
        # the ket node, the observable nodes, and the bra node
        for obs_node, wires in zip(obs_nodes, obs_wires):

            # translate to consecutive wire labels used by device
            device_wires = self.map_wires(wires)

            for idx, l in enumerate(device_wires.labels):
                # Use convention that the indices of a tensor are ordered like
                # [output_idx1, output_idx2, ..., input_idx1, input_idx2, ...]
                output_idx = idx
                input_idx = len(device_wires) + idx
                tn.connect(obs_node[input_idx], ket[l])  # A|psi>
                tn.connect(bra[l], obs_node[output_idx])  # <psi|A

        meas_device_wires = Wires(meas_device_wires)

        # unmeasured wires are contracted directly between bra and ket
        unmeasured_device_wires = Wires.unique_wires(
            [all_device_wires, meas_device_wires])
        for w in unmeasured_device_wires.labels:
            tn.connect(bra[w], ket[w])

        # At this stage, all nodes are connected, and the contraction yields a
        # scalar value.
        ket_and_observable_node = ket
        for obs_node in obs_nodes:
            ket_and_observable_node = tn.contract_between(
                obs_node, ket_and_observable_node)
        return tn.contract_between(bra, ket_and_observable_node).tensor
 def f(x, n):
     x_slice = x[..., :n]
     n1 = Node(x_slice, backend="pytorch")
     n2 = Node(x_slice, backend="pytorch")
     connect(n1[0], n2[0])
     connect(n1[1], n2[1])
     connect(n1[2], n2[2])
     return contract_between(n1, n2).get_tensor()
Exemple #20
def test_contract_between_trace_edges(backend):
    a_val = np.ones((3, 3))
    final_val = np.trace(a_val)
    a = tn.Node(a_val, backend=backend)
    tn.connect(a[0], a[1])
    b = tn.contract_between(a, a)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(b.tensor, final_val)
Exemple #21
def test_contract_between_trace_output_edge_order(backend):
  a_val = np.ones((2, 3, 2, 4))
  a = tn.Node(a_val, backend=backend)
  tn.connect(a[0], a[2])
  c = tn.contract_between(
      a, a, output_edge_order=[a[3], a[1]], axis_names=["3", "1"])
  assert c.shape == (4, 3)
  assert c.axis_names == ["3", "1"]
    def ev(self, obs_nodes, wires):
        r"""Expectation value of observables on specified wires.

            obs_nodes (Sequence[tn.Node]): the observables as tensornetwork Nodes
            wires (Sequence[Sequence[[int]]): measured subsystems for each observable
            float: expectation value :math:`\expect{A} = \bra{\psi}A\ket{\psi}`

        all_wires = tuple(w for w in range(self.num_wires))
        ket = self._add_node(self._state, wires=all_wires, name="Ket")
        bra = self._add_node(tn.conj(ket), wires=all_wires, name="Bra")
        meas_wires = []
        # We need to build up <psi|A|psi> step-by-step.
        # For wires which are measured, we need to connect edges between
        # bra, obs_node, and ket.
        # For wires which are not measured, we need to connect edges between
        # bra and ket.
        # We use the convention that the indices of a tensor are ordered like
        # [output_idx1, output_idx2, ..., input_idx1, input_idx2, ...]
        for obs_node, obs_wires in zip(obs_nodes, wires):
            for idx, w in enumerate(obs_wires):
                output_idx = idx
                input_idx = len(obs_wires) + idx
                self._add_edge(obs_node, input_idx, ket, w)  # A|psi>
                self._add_edge(bra, w, obs_node, output_idx)  # <psi|A
        for w in set(all_wires) - set(meas_wires):
            self._add_edge(bra, w, ket, w)  # |psi[w]|**2

        # At this stage, all nodes are connected, and the contraction yields a
        # scalar value.
        contracted_ket = ket
        for obs_node in obs_nodes:
            contracted_ket = tn.contract_between(obs_node, contracted_ket)
        expval = tn.contract_between(bra, contracted_ket).tensor
        if np.abs(expval.imag) > tolerance:
                "Nonvanishing imaginary part {} in expectation value.".format(
        return expval.real
Exemple #23
def test_contract_between_trace_edges(dtype, num_charges):
    a_val = get_random_symmetric((50, 50), [False, True],
    final_val = np.trace(a_val.todense())
    a = tn.Node(a_val, backend='symmetric')
    tn.connect(a[0], a[1])
    b = tn.contract_between(a, a)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(b.tensor.todense(), final_val)
Exemple #24
def test_contract_between_outer_product_no_value_error(backend):
  a_val = np.ones((2, 3, 4))
  b_val = np.ones((5, 6, 7))
  a = tn.Node(a_val, backend=backend)
  b = tn.Node(b_val, backend=backend)
  output_axis_names = ["a0", "a1", "a2", "b0", "b1", "b2"]
  c = tn.contract_between(
      a, b, allow_outer_product=True, axis_names=output_axis_names)
  assert c.shape == (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
  assert c.axis_names == output_axis_names
Exemple #25
def test_split_node_rq_unitarity_complex(backend):
    if backend == "pytorch":
        pytest.skip("Complex numbers currently not supported in PyTorch")
    if backend == "jax":
        pytest.skip("Complex QR crashes jax")

    a = tn.Node(np.random.rand(3, 3) + 1j * np.random.rand(3, 3),
    _, q = tn.split_node_rq(a, [a[0]], [a[1]])
    n1 = tn.Node(q.tensor, backend=backend)
    n2 = tn.linalg.node_linalg.conj(q)
    n1[1] ^ n2[1]
    u1 = tn.contract_between(n1, n2)
    n1 = tn.Node(q.tensor, backend=backend)
    n2 = tn.linalg.node_linalg.conj(q)
    n2[0] ^ n1[0]
    u2 = tn.contract_between(n1, n2)

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(u1.tensor, np.eye(3))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(u2.tensor, np.eye(3))
Exemple #26
def test_svd_consistency(backend):
    if backend == "pytorch":
        pytest.skip("Complex numbers currently not supported in PyTorch")

    original_tensor = np.array(
        [[1.0, 2.0j, 3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0 + 1.0j, 3.0j, 2.0 + 1.0j]],
    node = tn.Node(original_tensor, backend=backend)
    u, vh, _ = tn.split_node(node, [node[0]], [node[1]])
    final_node = tn.contract_between(u, vh)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_node.tensor, original_tensor, rtol=1e-6)
 def apply(self, operation, wires, par):
     A = self._get_operator_matrix(operation, par)
     num_mult_idxs = len(wires)
     A = np.reshape(A, [2] * num_mult_idxs * 2)
     op_node = self._add_node(A, wires=wires, name=operation)
     for idx, w in enumerate(wires):
         self._add_edge(op_node, num_mult_idxs + idx, self._state, w)
         self._free_edges[w] = op_node[idx]
     # TODO: can be smarter here about collecting contractions?
     self._state = tn.contract_between(op_node,
Exemple #28
def test_svd_consistency(dtype, num_charges):
  original_tensor = get_random((20, 20), num_charges, dtype)
  node = tn.Node(original_tensor, backend='symmetric')
  u, vh, _ = tn.split_node(node, [node[0]], [node[1]])
  final_node = tn.contract_between(u, vh)
      final_node.tensor.data, original_tensor.data, rtol=1e-6)
  assert np.all([
      charge_equal(final_node.tensor._charges[n], original_tensor._charges[n])
      for n in range(len(original_tensor._charges))
Exemple #29
def test_split_edges_standard_contract_between(backend):
    a = tn.Node(np.random.randn(6, 3, 5), name="A", backend=backend)
    b = tn.Node(np.random.randn(2, 4, 6, 3), name="B", backend=backend)
    e1 = tn.connect(a[0], b[2], "Edge_1_1")  # to be split
    tn.connect(a[1], b[3], "Edge_1_2")  # background standard edge
    node_dict, _ = tn.copy({a, b})
    c_prior = node_dict[a] @ node_dict[b]
    shape = (2, 1, 3)
    tn.split_edge(e1, shape)
    tn.check_correct({a, b})
    c_post = tn.contract_between(a, b)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(c_prior.tensor, c_post.tensor)
def svdTruncation(node: tn.Node, leftEdges: List[tn.Edge], rightEdges: List[tn.Edge], \
                  dir: str, maxBondDim=1024, leftName='U', rightName='V',  edgeName=None):
    maxBondDim = getAppropriateMaxBondDim(maxBondDim, leftEdges, rightEdges)
    if dir == '>>':
        leftEdgeName = edgeName
        rightEdgeName = None
        leftEdgeName = None
        rightEdgeName = edgeName

    [U, S, V, truncErr] = tn.split_node_full_svd(node, leftEdges, rightEdges, max_singular_values=maxBondDim, \
                                       left_name=leftName, right_name=rightName, \
                                       left_edge_name=leftEdgeName, right_edge_name=rightEdgeName)
    if dir == '>>':
        l = copyState([U])[0]
        r = copyState([tn.contract_between(S, V, name=V.name)])[0]
        l = copyState([tn.contract_between(U, S, name=U.name)])[0]
        r = copyState([V])[0]
    return [l, r, truncErr]