def load(self, session, model_path): x_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, ) + self.x_shape) x_input = tf.transpose(x_input, [0, 3, 1, 2]) with TowerContext('', is_training=False): with tf.variable_scope('', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): _ = self.model.get_logits(x_input) get_model_loader(model_path).init(session)
def run(self, nr_gpus): """ Do the 2 phase training, both phases have the same nr_epochs and lr_sched Phase 1: finetune decoder portion (together with the first 7x7 in the encoder), using the pretrained preact-resnet50 on ImageNet Phase 2: unfreeze all layer, training whole, weigths taken from last epoch of Phase 1 """ def get_last_chkpt_path(phase1_dir): stat_file_path = phase1_dir + '/stats.json' with open(stat_file_path) as stat_file: info = json.load(stat_file) chkpt_list = [epoch_stat['global_step'] for epoch_stat in info] last_chkpts_path = "%smodel-%d.index" % (phase1_dir, max(chkpt_list)) return last_chkpts_path save_dir = self.save_dir + '/base/' self.train_batch_size = self.train_phase1_batch_size init_weights = get_model_loader(self.pretrained_preact_resnet50_path) self.run_once(nr_gpus, True, sess_init=init_weights, save_dir=save_dir) save_dir = self.save_dir + '/tune/' self.train_batch_size = self.train_phase2_batch_size phase1_last_model_path = get_last_chkpt_path(self.save_dir + '/base/') init_weights = SaverRestore(phase1_last_model_path, ignore=['learning_rate']) self.run_once(nr_gpus, False, sess_init=init_weights, save_dir=save_dir) return
def run(model): instance = Model(model, model.conf.data_format) if not model.conf.is_train: batch = 64 dataset = get_data(model.conf.data_dir, 'val', batch) eval_on_ILSVRC12( instance, get_model_loader(model.conf.logdir + '/' + model.conf.test_step), dataset) else: logger.set_logger_dir(os.path.join(model.conf.logdir)) config = get_config(instance, model.conf) if model.conf.reload_step: config.session_init = get_model_loader(model.conf.logdir + '/' + model.conf.reload_step) trainer = SyncMultiGPUTrainerParameterServer(max(get_nr_gpu(), 1)) launch_train_with_config(config, trainer)
def do_visualize(model, model_path, nr_visualize=100, output_dir='output'): """ Visualize some intermediate results (proposals, raw predictions) inside the pipeline. """ df = get_train_dataflow() df.reset_state() pred = OfflinePredictor( PredictConfig(model=model, session_init=get_model_loader(model_path), input_names=['image', 'gt_boxes', 'gt_labels'], output_names=[ 'generate_{}_proposals/boxes'.format( 'fpn' if cfg.MODE_FPN else 'rpn'), 'generate_{}_proposals/scores'.format( 'fpn' if cfg.MODE_FPN else 'rpn'), 'fastrcnn_all_scores', 'output/boxes', 'output/scores', 'output/labels', ])) if os.path.isdir(output_dir): shutil.rmtree(output_dir) fs.mkdir_p(output_dir) with tqdm.tqdm(total=nr_visualize) as pbar: for idx, dp in itertools.islice(enumerate(df), nr_visualize): img, gt_boxes, gt_labels = dp['image'], dp['gt_boxes'], dp[ 'gt_labels'] rpn_boxes, rpn_scores, all_scores, \ final_boxes, final_scores, final_labels = pred(img, gt_boxes, gt_labels) # draw groundtruth boxes gt_viz = draw_annotation(img, gt_boxes, gt_labels) # draw best proposals for each groundtruth, to show recall proposal_viz, good_proposals_ind = draw_proposal_recall( img, rpn_boxes, rpn_scores, gt_boxes) # draw the scores for the above proposals score_viz = draw_predictions(img, rpn_boxes[good_proposals_ind], all_scores[good_proposals_ind]) results = [ DetectionResult(*args) for args in zip(final_boxes, final_scores, final_labels, [None] * len(final_labels)) ] final_viz = draw_final_outputs(img, results) viz = tpviz.stack_patches( [gt_viz, proposal_viz, score_viz, final_viz], 2, 2) if os.environ.get('DISPLAY', None): tpviz.interactive_imshow(viz) cv2.imwrite("{}/{:03d}.png".format(output_dir, idx), viz) pbar.update()
def run(self): def get_last_chkpt_path(prev_phase_dir): stat_file_path = os.path.join(prev_phase_dir, "stats.json") with open(stat_file_path) as stat_file: info = json.load(stat_file) chkpt_list = [epoch_stat["global_step"] for epoch_stat in info] last_chkpts_path = os.path.join( prev_phase_dir, "model-{}.index".format(max(chkpt_list)) ) return last_chkpts_path phase_opts = self.training_phase if len(phase_opts) > 1: for idx, opt in enumerate(phase_opts): random.seed(self.seed) np.random.seed(self.seed) tf.random.set_random_seed(self.seed) log_dir = os.path.join(self.save_dir, str(idx)) pretrained_path = opt["pretrained_path"] if pretrained_path == -1: pretrained_path = get_last_chkpt_path(prev_log_dir) init_weights = SaverRestore( pretrained_path, ignore=["learning_rate"] ) elif pretrained_path is not None: init_weights = get_model_loader(pretrained_path) self.run_once(opt, sess_init=init_weights, save_dir=log_dir) prev_log_dir = log_dir else: random.seed(self.seed) np.random.seed(self.seed) tf.random.set_random_seed(self.seed) opt = phase_opts[0] init_weights = None if "pretrained_path" in opt: assert opt["pretrained_path"] != -1 init_weights = get_model_loader(opt["pretrained_path"]) self.run_once(opt, sess_init=init_weights, save_dir=self.save_dir) return
def run(self): def get_last_chkpt_path(prev_phase_dir): stat_file_path = prev_phase_dir + "/stats.json" with open(stat_file_path) as stat_file: info = json.load(stat_file) chkpt_list = [epoch_stat["global_step"] for epoch_stat in info] last_chkpts_path = "%smodel-%d.index" % (prev_phase_dir, max(chkpt_list)) return last_chkpts_path phase_opts = self.training_phase if len(phase_opts) > 1: for idx, opt in enumerate(phase_opts): log_dir = "%s/%02d" % (self.save_dir, idx) if opt["pretrained_path"] == -1: pretrained_path = get_last_chkpt_path(prev_log_dir) init_weights = SaverRestore(pretrained_path, ignore=["learning_rate"]) elif opt["pretrained_path"] is not None: init_weights = get_model_loader(pretrained_path) self.run_once(opt, sess_init=init_weights, save_dir=log_dir + "/") prev_log_dir = log_dir else: opt = phase_opts[0] if "pretrained_path" in opt: if opt["pretrained_path"] == None: init_weights = None elif opt["pretrained_path"] == -1: log_dir_prev = "%s" % self.save_dir pretrained_path = get_last_chkpt_path(log_dir_prev) init_weights = SaverRestore(pretrained_path, ignore=["learning_rate"]) else: init_weights = get_model_loader(opt["pretrained_path"]) self.run_once(opt, sess_init=init_weights, save_dir=self.save_dir) return
def load(self, **kwargs): session = kwargs["session"] assert isinstance(session, tf.Session) x_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, ) + self.x_shape) x_input = tf.transpose(x_input, [0, 3, 1, 2]) with TowerContext('', is_training=False): with tf.variable_scope('', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): logits = self.model.get_logits(x_input) model_path = get_model_path('R152-Denoise.npz') url = '' if not os.path.exists(model_path): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(model_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(model_path)) from six.moves import urllib urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, model_path, show_progress) get_model_loader(model_path).init(session)
def run(self): def get_last_chkpt_path(prev_phase_dir): stat_file_path = prev_phase_dir + '/stats.json' with open(stat_file_path) as stat_file: info = json.load(stat_file) chkpt_list = [epoch_stat['global_step'] for epoch_stat in info] last_chkpts_path = "%smodel-%d.index" % (prev_phase_dir, max(chkpt_list)) return last_chkpts_path phase_opts = self.training_phase if len(phase_opts) > 1: for idx, opt in enumerate(phase_opts): random.seed(self.seed) np.random.seed(self.seed) tf.random.set_random_seed(self.seed) log_dir = '%s/%02d/' % (self.save_dir, idx) pretrained_path = opt['pretrained_path'] if pretrained_path == -1: pretrained_path = get_last_chkpt_path(prev_log_dir) init_weights = SaverRestore(pretrained_path, ignore=['learning_rate']) elif pretrained_path is not None: init_weights = get_model_loader(pretrained_path) self.run_once(opt, sess_init=init_weights, save_dir=log_dir) prev_log_dir = log_dir else: random.seed(self.seed) np.random.seed(self.seed) tf.random.set_random_seed(self.seed) opt = phase_opts[0] init_weights = None if 'pretrained_path' in opt: assert opt['pretrained_path'] != -1 init_weights = get_model_loader(opt['pretrained_path']) self.run_once(opt, sess_init=init_weights, save_dir=self.save_dir) return
def main(_): # Images for inception classifier are normalized to be in [-1, 1] interval, # eps is a difference between pixels so it should be in [0, 2] interval. # Renormalizing epsilon from [0, 255] to [0, 2]. full_start = timer() eps = 2.0 * FLAGS.max_epsilon / 255.0 tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Prepare graph x_raw = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=batch_shape) x_max = tf.clip_by_value(x_raw + eps, -1.0, 1.0) x_min = tf.clip_by_value(x_raw - eps, -1.0, 1.0) x_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=batch_shape) target_class_input = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[FLAGS.batch_size]) raw_class_input = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[FLAGS.batch_size]) i = tf.constant(0) grad = tf.zeros(shape=batch_shape) adv_images = np.zeros(shape=batch_shape) x_adv1, _, _, _, _, _, _, = tf.while_loop(stop, graph, [ x_input, target_class_input, raw_class_input, i, x_max, x_min, grad ]) print('Created Graph') # Run computation with tf.Session() as sess: processed = 0.0 s1 = tf.train.Saver(slim.get_model_variables(scope='resnet_v2_50')) s1.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint_path_resnet_v2) get_model_loader(args1.load).init(sess) #如果有allow_pickle的错误,请修改tensorpack的库,使得里面dict(np.load(path,allow_pickle=True)) get_model_loader(args2.load).init(sess) get_model_loader(args3.load).init(sess) print('Initialized Models') for filenames, image_mix, image_raw in load_images( FLAGS.input_dir, batch_shape): target_class_for_batch = ( [all_images_taget_class[n] for n in filenames] + [0] * (FLAGS.batch_size - len(filenames))) raw_class_for_batch = ( [all_images_raw_class[n] for n in filenames] + [0] * (FLAGS.batch_size - len(filenames))) adv_images =, feed_dict={ x_input: image_mix, target_class_input: target_class_for_batch, x_raw: image_raw, raw_class_input: raw_class_for_batch }) save_images(adv_images, filenames, FLAGS.output_dir) processed += FLAGS.batch_size full_end = timer() print("DONE: Processed {} images in {} sec".format( processed, full_end - full_start))
def prepare_model(model_name, classes, use_pretrained, pretrained_model_file_path): kwargs = {'pretrained': use_pretrained, 'classes': classes} net_lambda, net_file_path = get_model(model_name, **kwargs) net = ImageNetModel(model_lambda=net_lambda) if use_pretrained and not pretrained_model_file_path: pretrained_model_file_path = net_file_path inputs_desc = None if pretrained_model_file_path: assert (os.path.isfile(pretrained_model_file_path))'Loading model: {}'.format(pretrained_model_file_path)) inputs_desc = get_model_loader(pretrained_model_file_path) return net, inputs_desc
def export(params, model_path, export_type, output_dir): if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) model_params = params['model'] model = BaseVQVAE.from_params(model_params) pred_config = PredictConfig( session_init=get_model_loader(model_path), model=model, input_names=['input'], output_names=['x_recon', 'embeddings', 'latent_zq']) if export_type == 'compact': checkpoint_name = os.path.split(model_path)[1] ModelExporter(pred_config).export_compact( os.path.join(output_dir, 'model.pb')) else: ModelExporter(pred_config).export_serving( os.path.join(output_dir, 'exported'))
def prepare_model(model_name, use_pretrained, pretrained_model_file_path): kwargs = {'pretrained': use_pretrained} raw_net = get_model(model_name, **kwargs) input_image_size = raw_net.in_size[0] if hasattr(raw_net, 'in_size') else 224 net = ImageNetModel(model_lambda=raw_net, image_size=input_image_size) if use_pretrained and not pretrained_model_file_path: pretrained_model_file_path = raw_net.file_path inputs_desc = None if pretrained_model_file_path: assert (os.path.isfile(pretrained_model_file_path))'Loading model: {}'.format(pretrained_model_file_path)) inputs_desc = get_model_loader(pretrained_model_file_path) return net, inputs_desc
def create(): # fetch weights weights_path = zoo.fetch_weights( '', unzip=False) # model constructer expects an ArgumentParser as argument parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', '--depth', help='ResNet depth', type=int, default=152, choices=[50, 101, 152]) parser.add_argument('--arch', help='Name of architectures defined in', default='ResNetDenoise') args = parser.parse_args([]) model = getattr(nets, args.arch + 'Model')(args) image = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 3, 224, 224)) with TowerContext(tower_name='', is_training=False): logits = model.get_logits(image) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True session = tf.Session(config=config) with session.as_default(): model = get_model_loader(weights_path).init(session) fmodel = TensorFlowModel(image, logits, channel_axis=1, bounds=[0, 255.], preprocessing=(127.5, 127.5)) return fmodel
def prepare_model(model_name, use_pretrained, pretrained_model_file_path, data_format="channels_last"): kwargs = {"pretrained": use_pretrained} raw_net = get_model(name=model_name, data_format=data_format, **kwargs) input_image_size = raw_net.in_size[0] if hasattr(raw_net, "in_size") else 224 net = ImageNetModel(model_lambda=raw_net, image_size=input_image_size, data_format=data_format) if use_pretrained and not pretrained_model_file_path: pretrained_model_file_path = raw_net.file_path inputs_desc = None if pretrained_model_file_path: assert (os.path.isfile(pretrained_model_file_path))"Loading model: {}".format(pretrained_model_file_path)) inputs_desc = get_model_loader(pretrained_model_file_path) return net, inputs_desc
def gen_pred_config(self): if self.inf_auto_find_chkpt: self.inf_model_path = os.path.join( self.save_dir, str( max([ int(x) for x in [ name for name in os.listdir(self.save_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.save_dir, name)) ] ])), ) print(f"Inference model path: <{self.inf_model_path}>") print( '-----Auto Selecting Checkpoint Basing On "%s" Through "%s" Comparison' % (self.inf_auto_metric, self.inf_auto_comparator)) model_path, stat = get_best_chkpts(self.inf_model_path, self.inf_auto_metric, self.inf_auto_comparator) print("Selecting: %s" % model_path) print("Having Following Statistics:") for key, value in stat.items(): print("\t%s: %s" % (key, value)) sess = get_model_loader(model_path) else: model_path = self.inf_model_path sess = SaverRestoreRelaxed(self.inf_model_path) model_constructor = self.get_model() pred_config = PredictConfig( model=model_constructor(), session_init=sess, input_names=self.eval_inf_input_tensor_names, output_names=self.eval_inf_output_tensor_names, ) return pred_config
with tf.Graph().as_default() as G: if args.config: logger.warn( "Using a config script is not reliable. Please use metagraph.") MODEL = imp.load_source('config_script', args.config).Model M = MODEL() with TowerContext('', is_training=False): input = PlaceholderInput() input.setup(M.get_inputs_desc()) M.build_graph(input) else: tf.train.import_meta_graph(args.meta) # loading... init = get_model_loader(args.model) sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) init.init(sess) # dump ... with sess.as_default(): if args.output.endswith('npy') or args.output.endswith('npz'): varmanip.dump_session_params(args.output) else: var = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES) var.extend(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES)) gvars = set([ for k in tf.global_variables()]) var = [v for v in var if in gvars] var_dict = {}
""" Sec 2.3: We keep the per-worker sample size n constant when we change the number of workers k. In this work, we use n = 32 which has performed well for a wide range of datasets and networks. """ parser.add_argument('--batch', help='per-GPU batch size', default=32, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() model = Model(args.depth, args.norm, args.use_ws) model.accum_grad = args.accum_grad if args.weight_decay_norm: model.weight_decay_pattern = ".*/W|.*/gamma|.*/beta" if args.eval: batch = 128 # something that can run on one gpu ds = get_val_dataflow(, batch, fbresnet_augmentor(False)) eval_classification(model, get_model_loader(args.load), ds) sys.exit()"Training on {}".format(socket.gethostname())) # Print some information for sanity check. os.system("nvidia-smi") assert args.load is None hvd.init() if args.logdir is None: args.logdir = os.path.join('train_log', 'Horovod-{}GPUs-{}Batch'.format(hvd.size(), args.batch)) if hvd.rank() == 0: logger.set_logger_dir(args.logdir, 'd')"Rank={}, Local Rank={}, Size={}".format(hvd.rank(), hvd.local_rank(), hvd.size()))
from tensorpack import logger from tensorpack.tfutils import varmanip, get_model_loader if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Keep only TRAINABLE and MODEL variables in a checkpoint.') parser.add_argument('--meta', help='metagraph file', required=True) parser.add_argument(dest='input', help='input model file, has to be a TF checkpoint') parser.add_argument(dest='output', help='output model file, can be npz or TF checkpoint') args = parser.parse_args() tf.train.import_meta_graph(args.meta, clear_devices=True) # loading... init = get_model_loader(args.input) sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) init.init(sess) # dump ... with sess.as_default(): if args.output.endswith('npy') or args.output.endswith('npz'): varmanip.dump_session_params(args.output) else: var = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES) var.extend(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES)) gvars = set([ for k in tf.global_variables()]) var = [v for v in var if in gvars] var_dict = {}
parser.add_argument('--eval', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--flops', action='store_true', help='print flops and exit') args = parser.parse_args() if args.gpu: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = args.gpu if args.v2 and != parser.get_default('group'): logger.error("group= is not used in ShuffleNetV2!") model = Model() if args.eval: batch = 128 # something that can run on one gpu ds = get_data('val', batch) eval_on_ILSVRC12(model, get_model_loader(args.load), ds) elif args.flops: # manually build the graph with batch=1 input_desc = [ InputDesc(tf.float32, [1, 224, 224, 3], 'input'), InputDesc(tf.int32, [1], 'label') ] input = PlaceholderInput() input.setup(input_desc) with TowerContext('', is_training=False): model.build_graph(*input.get_input_tensors()) model_utils.describe_trainable_vars() tf.profiler.profile( tf.get_default_graph(), cmd='op',
# CAM_viz or eval or train if args.CAM_viz != None: batch = 128 # @ 20171125 if args.CAM_viz == 'train': assert args.crop_method_TR not in ['CAMCrop', 'CAMCropR'], '*** CAMCrop or CAMCropR IS NOT ALLOWED IN CAM_viz ***' # @ 20171122 : visualize the CAM for better understanding of the CNN # introduce strict_order to make it convenient for image saving process # @ 20171124 : introduce remainder_TR to extract all the CAM_viz of images in the training set ds = get_data(args.CAM_viz,, batch, args.crop_method_TS if args.CAM_viz == 'val' else args.crop_method_TR, \ repeat_times = 1, strict_order = True, remainder_TR = True if args.CAM_viz == 'train' else False) viz_CAM(model, get_model_loader(args.load), args.CAM_viz, ds, args.CAM_dir, save_PKL = args.CAM_viz_PKL, save_REP = args.CAM_viz_REP) elif args.eval: batch = 128 # something that can run on one gpu # @ 20171121 to make it convenient to calculate average estimation batch = int(batch // args.repeat_times * args.repeat_times) ds = get_data('val',, batch, args.crop_method_TS, repeat_times = args.repeat_times, strict_order = True) eval_on_AVA2012(model, get_model_loader(args.load), ds, args.repeat_times) else: # add @ 20171128: the strategy of parameter initalization with a ImageNet pre-trained model # should be recorded within the name string of the directory of training log
def main(_): # Images for inception classifier are normalized to be in [-1, 1] interval, # eps is a difference between pixels so it should be in [0, 2] interval. # Renormalizing epsilon from [0, 255] to [0, 2]. full_start = timer() eps = 2.0 * FLAGS.max_epsilon / 255.0 batch_shape = [FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.image_height, FLAGS.image_width, 3] tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) all_images_taget_class, all_images_true_label = load_target_class(FLAGS.input_dir) with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Prepare graph x_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=batch_shape) x_max = tf.clip_by_value(x_input + eps, -1.0, 1.0) x_min = tf.clip_by_value(x_input - eps, -1.0, 1.0) target_class_input = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[FLAGS.batch_size]) true_label_input = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[FLAGS.batch_size]) i = tf.constant(0) grad = tf.zeros(shape=batch_shape) x_adv, _, _, _, _, _, _ = tf.while_loop(stop, graph, [x_input, target_class_input,true_label_input, i, x_max, x_min, grad]) s1 = tf.train.Saver(slim.get_model_variables(scope='AdvInceptionResnetV2')) s2 = tf.train.Saver(slim.get_model_variables(scope='Ens3AdvInceptionV3')) s3 = tf.train.Saver(slim.get_model_variables(scope='Ens4AdvInceptionV3')) s4 = tf.train.Saver(slim.get_model_variables(scope='EnsAdvInceptionResnetV2')) s5 = tf.train.Saver(slim.get_model_variables(scope='AdvInceptionV3')) s6 = tf.train.Saver(slim.get_model_variables(scope='InceptionV3')) s7 = tf.train.Saver(slim.get_model_variables(scope='resnet_v2_101')) s8 = tf.train.Saver(slim.get_model_variables(scope='resnet_v2_50')) #s4 = tf.train.Saver(slim.get_model_variables(scope='EnsAdvInceptionResnetV2')) model = resnext.ResNeXtDenoiseAllModel() print('Created Graph') #byheziwen '''x_input1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=batch_shape) x_input2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=batch_shape) x_all_16 = all_16(x_input1, x_input2)''' # Run computation with tf.Session() as sess: processed = 0.0 s1.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint_path_adv_inception_resnet_v2) s2.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint_path_ens3_adv_inception_v3) s3.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint_path_ens4_adv_inception_v3) s4.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint_path_ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2) s5.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint_path_adv_inception_v3) s6.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint_path_inception_v3) s7.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint_path_resnet_v2_101) s8.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint_path_resnet_v2_50) #s4.restore(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint_path_ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2) model = get_model_loader(FLAGS.checkpoint_path_resnext_101).init(sess) print('Initialized Models') for filenames, images in load_images(FLAGS.input_dir, batch_shape): target_class_for_batch = ( [all_images_taget_class[n] for n in filenames] + [0] * (FLAGS.batch_size - len(filenames))) true_label_for_batch = ( [all_images_true_label[n] for n in filenames] + [0] * (FLAGS.batch_size - len(filenames))) adv_images =, feed_dict={x_input: images, target_class_input: target_class_for_batch, true_label_input:true_label_for_batch}) #by heziwen #adv_images =, feed_dict={x_input1:adv_images, x_input2:images}) save_images(adv_images, filenames, FLAGS.output_dir) processed += FLAGS.batch_size full_end = timer() print("DONE: Processed {} images in {} sec".format(processed, full_end - full_start))
from tensorpack import logger from tensorpack.tfutils import varmanip, get_model_loader if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Keep only TRAINABLE and MODEL variables in a checkpoint.') parser.add_argument('--meta', help='metagraph file', required=True) parser.add_argument(dest='input', help='input model file, has to be a TF checkpoint') parser.add_argument(dest='output', help='output model file, can be npz or TF checkpoint') args = parser.parse_args() tf.train.import_meta_graph(args.meta) # loading... init = get_model_loader(args.input) sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) init.init(sess) # dump ... with sess.as_default(): if args.output.endswith('npy') or args.output.endswith('npz'): varmanip.dump_session_params(args.output) else: var = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES) var.extend(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES)) gvars = set([ for k in tf.global_variables()]) var = [v for v in var if in gvars] var_dict = {}
# create GhostNet from ghost_net import GhostNet model = GhostNet(width=args.width_ratio,, weight_decay=args.weight_decay, dw_code=dw_code, ratio_code=ratio_code, label_smoothing=args.label_smoothing) model.data_format = args.data_format print('model created') # start evaluation if args.eval: batch = 256 # something that can run on your gpu ds = get_data('val', batch) start = time() eval_on_ILSVRC12(model, get_model_loader(args.load), ds) stop = time() print('Evaluation used time: %.2fs.' % (stop-start)) elif args.flops > 0: # manually build the graph with batch=1 image_shape = 224 input_desc = [ InputDesc(tf.float32, [1, image_shape, image_shape, 3], 'input'), InputDesc(tf.int32, [1], 'label') ] input = PlaceholderInput() input.setup(input_desc) with TowerContext('', is_training=False): model.build_graph(*input.get_input_tensors()) model_utils.describe_trainable_vars()
def eval_retrieval(evalargs): # Set up evaluation: save_dir = evalargs.save_dir mkdir_p(evalargs.save_dir) model_configs = get_model_config(evalargs.ModelPath) # Set up graph: pred_config = PredictConfig( model=DH3D(model_configs), session_init=get_model_loader(evalargs.ModelPath), input_names=['pointclouds'], output_names=['globaldesc'], # ['globaldesc'], output_weights ) predictor = OfflinePredictor(pred_config) # Data: df, totalbatch = get_eval_global_testdata(model_configs, evalargs.data_path, evalargs.ref_gt_file) # Predict: pcdnum = 0 for [pcds, names] in df: # pcds is a list, batchsize x numpts x 3 batch = pcds.shape[0] if totalbatch > batch: numpts = pcds.shape[1] pcddim = pcds.shape[2] padzeros = np.zeros([totalbatch - batch, numpts, pcddim], dtype=np.float32) pcds = np.vstack([pcds, padzeros]) results = predictor(pcds) global_feats = results[0] for i in range(batch): pcdnum += 1 globaldesc = global_feats[i] name = names[i] savename = os.path.join(evalargs.save_dir, name) basedir = os.path.dirname(savename) mkdir_p(basedir) globaldesc.tofile(savename) print('predicted {} poitnclouds \n'.format(pcdnum)) # Evaluation recall: if evalargs.eval_recall: evaluator = GlobalDesc_eval( result_savedir='./', desc_dir=save_dir, database_file=os.path.join(evalargs.data_path, evalargs.ref_gt_file), query_file=os.path.join(evalargs.data_path, evalargs.qry_gt_file), max_num_nn=25) evaluator.evaluate() print("evaluation finished!\n") if evalargs.delete_tmp: # delete all the descriptors descdirs = [os.path.join(save_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(save_dir)] descdirs = [d for d in descdirs if os.path.isdir(d)] for d in descdirs: shutil.rmtree(d)
if not tf.test.is_gpu_available(): from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util assert get_tf_version_tuple() >= (1, 7) and test_util.IsMklEnabled(), \ "Inference requires either GPU support or MKL support!" assert args.load finalize_configs(is_training=False) if args.predict or args.visualize: cfg.TEST.RESULT_SCORE_THRESH = cfg.TEST.RESULT_SCORE_THRESH_VIS if args.visualize: do_visualize(MODEL, args.load) else: predcfg = PredictConfig( model=MODEL, session_init=get_model_loader(args.load), input_names=MODEL.get_inference_tensor_names()[0], output_names=MODEL.get_inference_tensor_names()[1]) if args.compact: ModelExporter(predcfg).export_compact(args.compact, optimize=False) elif args.serving: ModelExporter(predcfg).export_serving(args.serving, optimize=False) if args.predict: predictor = OfflinePredictor(predcfg) for image_file in args.predict: do_predict(predictor, image_file) elif args.evaluate: assert args.evaluate.endswith('.json'), args.evaluate do_evaluate(predcfg, args.evaluate)
parser.add_argument('--mode', choices=['resnet', 'preact', 'se'], help='variants of resnet to use', default='resnet') args = parser.parse_args() if args.gpu: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = args.gpu model = Model(args.depth, args.mode) model.data_format = args.data_format if args.eval: batch = 1 # something that can run on one gpu ds = get_data('val', batch) eval_on_iNaturalist(model, get_model_loader(args.load), ds) print('eval Done!') elif args.test: batch = 1 # something that can run on one gpu ds = get_data('test', batch) test_on_iNaturalist(model, get_model_loader(args.load), ds) else: if args.fake: logger.set_logger_dir(os.path.join('train_log', 'tmp'), 'd') else: logger.set_logger_dir( os.path.join( 'train_log', 'iNaturalist-{}-d{}'.format(args.mode, args.depth)))
parser.add_argument('--batch', default=256, type=int, help='total batch size. 32 per GPU gives best accuracy, higher values should be similarly good') parser.add_argument('--mode', choices=['resnet', 'preact', 'se'], help='variants of resnet to use', default='resnet') args = parser.parse_args() if args.gpu: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = args.gpu model = Model(args.depth, args.mode) model.data_format = args.data_format if args.eval: batch = 1 # something that can run on one gpu ds = get_data('val', batch) eval_on_iNaturalist(model, get_model_loader(args.load), ds) print('eval Done!') elif args.test: batch = 1 # something that can run on one gpu ds = get_data('test', batch) test_on_iNaturalist(model, get_model_loader(args.load), ds) else: if args.fake: logger.set_logger_dir(os.path.join('train_log', 'tmp'), 'd') else: logger.set_logger_dir( os.path.join('train_log', 'iNaturalist-{}-d{}'.format(args.mode, args.depth))) config = get_config(model, fake=args.fake)
"Note that it's best to keep per-GPU batch size in [32, 64] to obtain the best accuracy." "Pretrained models listed in README were trained with batch=32x8.") parser.add_argument('--mode', choices=['resnet', 'preact', 'se'], help='variants of resnet to use', default='resnet') args = parser.parse_args() if args.gpu: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = args.gpu model = Model(args.depth, args.mode) model.data_format = args.data_format if args.eval: batch = 128 # something that can run on one gpu ds = get_data('val', batch) eval_on_ILSVRC12(model, get_model_loader(args.load), ds) else: if args.fake: logger.set_logger_dir(os.path.join('train_log', 'tmp'), 'd') else: logger.set_logger_dir( os.path.join('train_log', 'imagenet-{}-d{}'.format(args.mode, args.depth))) config = get_config(model, fake=args.fake) if args.load: config.session_init = get_model_loader(args.load) trainer = SyncMultiGPUTrainerReplicated(max(get_nr_gpu(), 1)) launch_train_with_config(config, trainer)
def do_train(model): batch = args.batch total_batch = batch * hvd.size() if args.fake: data = FakeData([[batch, 224, 224, 3], [batch]], 1000, random=False, dtype=['uint8', 'int32']) data = StagingInput(QueueInput(data)) callbacks = [] steps_per_epoch = 50 else:"#Tower: {}; Batch size per tower: {}".format( hvd.size(), batch)) zmq_addr = 'ipc://@imagenet-train-b{}'.format(batch) if args.no_zmq_ops: dataflow = RemoteDataZMQ(zmq_addr, hwm=150, bind=False) data = QueueInput(dataflow) else: data = ZMQInput(zmq_addr, 30, bind=False) data = StagingInput(data) steps_per_epoch = int(np.round(1281167 / total_batch)) BASE_LR = 0.1 * (total_batch // 256) """ ImageNet in 1 Hour, Sec 2.1: Linear Scaling Rule: When the minibatch size is multiplied by k, multiply the learning rate by k. """"Base LR: {}".format(BASE_LR)) callbacks = [ ModelSaver(max_to_keep=10), EstimatedTimeLeft(), ScheduledHyperParamSetter('learning_rate', [(0, BASE_LR), (35, BASE_LR * 1e-1), (70, BASE_LR * 1e-2), (95, BASE_LR * 1e-3)]) ] """ Feature Denoising, Sec 5: Our models are trained for a total of 110 epochs; we decrease the learning rate by 10× at the 35- th, 70-th, and 95-th epoch """ max_epoch = 110 if BASE_LR > 0.1: callbacks.append( ScheduledHyperParamSetter('learning_rate', [(0, 0.1), (5 * steps_per_epoch, BASE_LR)], interp='linear', step_based=True)) """ ImageNet in 1 Hour, Sec 2.2: we start from a learning rate of η and increment it by a constant amount at each iteration such that it reaches ηˆ = kη after 5 epochs """ if not args.fake: # add distributed evaluation, for various attackers that we care. def add_eval_callback(name, attacker, condition): cb = create_eval_callback( name, model.get_inference_func(attacker), # always eval in the last 2 epochs no matter what lambda epoch_num: condition(epoch_num) or epoch_num > max_epoch - 2) callbacks.append(cb) add_eval_callback('eval-clean', NoOpAttacker(), lambda e: True) add_eval_callback( 'eval-10step', PGDAttacker(10, args.attack_epsilon, args.attack_step_size), lambda e: True) add_eval_callback( 'eval-50step', PGDAttacker(50, args.attack_epsilon, args.attack_step_size), lambda e: e % 20 == 0) add_eval_callback( 'eval-100step', PGDAttacker(100, args.attack_epsilon, args.attack_step_size), lambda e: e % 10 == 0 or e > max_epoch - 5) for k in [20, 30, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90]: add_eval_callback( 'eval-{}step'.format(k), PGDAttacker(k, args.attack_epsilon, args.attack_step_size), lambda e: False) trainer = HorovodTrainer(average=True) trainer.setup_graph(model.get_inputs_desc(), data, model.build_graph, model.get_optimizer) trainer.train_with_defaults(callbacks=callbacks, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, session_init=get_model_loader(args.load) if args.load is not None else None, max_epoch=max_epoch, starting_epoch=args.starting_epoch)
if args.v2 and != parser.get_default('group'): logger.error("group= is not used in ShuffleNetV2!") if args.batch != 1024: logger.warn( "Total batch size != 1024, you need to change other hyperparameters to get the same results." ) TOTAL_BATCH_SIZE = args.batch model = Model() if args.eval: batch = 128 # something that can run on one gpu ds = get_data('val', batch) eval_classification(model, get_model_loader(args.load), ds) elif args.flops: # manually build the graph with batch=1 with TowerContext('', is_training=False): model.build_graph( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, 224, 224, 3], 'input'), tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [1], 'label')) model_utils.describe_trainable_vars() tf.profiler.profile( tf.get_default_graph(), cmd='op', options=tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.float_operation()) "Note that TensorFlow counts flops in a different way from the paper." )
help='ResNet depth', type=int, default=152, choices=[50, 101, 152]) parser.add_argument('--arch', help='Name of architectures defined in', default='ResNetDenoise') parser.add_argument('--load', help='path to checkpoint') parser.add_argument('--input', help='path to input image') args = parser.parse_args() model = getattr(nets, args.arch + 'Model')(args) input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 224, 224, 3)) image = input / 127.5 - 1.0 image = tf.transpose(image, [0, 3, 1, 2]) with TowerContext('', is_training=False): logits = model.get_logits(image) sess = tf.Session() get_model_loader(args.load).init(sess) sample = cv2.imread(args.input) # this is a BGR image, not RGB # imagenet evaluation uses standard imagenet pre-processing # (resize shortest edge to 256 + center crop 224). # However, for images of unknown sources, let's just do a naive resize. sample = cv2.resize(sample, (224, 224)) l =, feed_dict={input: np.array([sample])}) print("Prediction: ", l.argmax())