Exemple #1
def distributive_property(term1: Term) -> (Term, bool):
    """ x*x*(1+3)  -->  x*x*1 + x*x*3 """
    for i, child in enumerate(term1.children):
        # look for sum, if found use distributive property
        if child.label == ADD:
            term1.children.pop(i)  # remove that sum, whats left are the terms from product to be distributed
            return Term(ADD, [Term(MUL, children=[summand] + [Term.copy(child) for child in term1.children]) for summand in child.children]), True
    else:  # not found a sum among children
        return term1, False
Exemple #2
def tan_derivative(term1: Term, rules) -> Term:
    """rule for differentiating tangens:
    (tan(u))' = u' + u'*(tan(u))^2"""
    arg = Term.copy(term1.children[0])
    return Term(ADD, [
        calculate_derivative(arg, rules),
             [calculate_derivative(arg, rules),
              Term(POW, [term1, Term(2)])])
Exemple #3
 def get_children_copy(self):
     """ try_to_simplify acts on a copy of children, because usually it needs to reverse the changes. """
     return [Term.copy(child) for child in self.term.children]