def get_xspf_tracks(self): """Retrieve xspf tracks from""" xml = self._request(self.url_radio_xspf, sk=self.session_id, desktop=0.1, discovery=0) lst = [] tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) tracklist = tree.find("trackList") for child in tracklist.findall("track"): track = Track(to_utf8(child.find("title").text), child.find("id").text) track.album = Album(to_utf8(child.find("album").text or "")) track.artist = Artist(to_utf8(child.find("creator").text or "")) track.url = child.find("location").text track.duration = int(child.find("duration").text) track.image = child.find("image").text lst.append(track) return lst
def get_neighbours(self, username): """Retrieve neighbours of a user. @parm username: username """ url = "%s/%s/neighbours.xml" % (self.url_userfeed, username) xml = self._request(url) lst = [] tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) for child in tree.getchildren(): neighbour = Neighbour(to_utf8(child.get("username"))) neighbour.url = child.find("url").text neighbour.image = child.find("image").text lst.append(neighbour) return lst
def get_friends(self, username): """Retrieve friends of a Jamendo user. @parm username: Jamendo username """ url = "%s/%s/friends.xml" % (self.url_userfeed, username) xml = self._request(url) lst = [] tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) for child in tree.getchildren(): friend = Friend(to_utf8(child.get("username"))) friend.url = child.find("url").text friend.image = child.find("image").text lst.append(friend) return lst