def test_normal_play_song(): file_path = get_file_path("play_list/normal_play_song") sid = "1699763" # 没收 type = "e" channel = "4221247" # 缘系MHZ play_list = get_play_list(sid, type, channel) write_to_file(file_path, play_list) # if __name__ == "__main__": # nose.runmodule()
def test_programmes_collect(): file_path = get_file_path("programmes_collect") programmes_collect = write_to_file(file_path, programmes_collect)
def test_channels_collect(): file_path = get_file_path("channels_collect") channels_collect = write_to_file(file_path, channels_collect)
def test_channels(): file_path = get_file_path("channels") channels = write_to_file(file_path, channels)
#!/usr/bin/python from test import write_to_file fileHandler = open('PFID.txt') fileList = fileHandler.readlines() for i in range(0, len(fileList)): # get the food type if fileList[i].find('Food:') != -1: index = fileList[i].find(":") food_line = fileList[i] food_type = food_line[index+3 : len(food_line)] print food_type # write to file system of the xml with parameters if fileList[i].find('image:') != -1: index = fileList[i].find("\\") img_line = fileList[i] img_name_with_suffix = img_line[index+9 : len(img_line)] index = img_name_with_suffix.find(".jpg") img_name = img_name_with_suffix[0: index] print img_name write_to_file(img_name_with_suffix, food_type, img_name+".xml") fileHandler.close()
def test_search_channel(): file_path = get_file_path("search_channel") query = "华语" search_channel = write_to_file(file_path, search_channel)
def test_song_detail(): file_path = get_file_path("song_detail") s = {"1954748": "漂洋过海来看你"} sid = "1954748" song_detail = write_to_file(file_path, song_detail)
def test_user_play_record(): file_path = get_file_path("user_play_record") user_play_record = write_to_file(file_path, user_play_record)
def test_song_lyric(): file_path = get_file_path("song_lyric") sid = "1954748" ssid = "1c3c" song_lyric =, ssid=ssid) write_to_file(file_path, song_lyric)
def test_programme_detail(): file_path = get_file_path("programme_detail") pid = "1364115" # 日本BGN programme_detail = write_to_file(file_path, programme_detail)
def test_hot_and_guess_programmes(): file_path = get_file_path("hot_and_guess_programmes") hot_and_guess_programmes = write_to_file(file_path, hot_and_guess_programmes)
def test_user_info(): file_path = get_file_path("user_info") user_info = write_to_file(file_path, user_info)
def test_search_programme(): file_path = get_file_path("search_programme") query = "华语" search_programme = write_to_file(file_path, search_programme)
#!/usr/bin/python from test import write_to_file fileHandler = open('PFID.txt') fileList = fileHandler.readlines() for i in range(0, len(fileList)): # get the food type if fileList[i].find('Food:') != -1: index = fileList[i].find(":") food_line = fileList[i] food_type = food_line[index + 3:len(food_line)] print food_type # write to file system of the xml with parameters if fileList[i].find('image:') != -1: index = fileList[i].find("\\") img_line = fileList[i] img_name_with_suffix = img_line[index + 9:len(img_line)] index = img_name_with_suffix.find(".jpg") img_name = img_name_with_suffix[0:index] print img_name write_to_file(img_name_with_suffix, food_type, img_name + ".xml") fileHandler.close()