Exemple #1
def testFailOver(cluster, nodeToKill, addSwapFlags={}):
    node0 = cluster.getNode(0)
    nodeId = nodeToKill.nodeId
    Print("Kill node %d and then remove the state and blocks" % nodeId)


    blockNumAfterNode1Killed = node0.getHeadBlockNum()

    assert nodeToKill.relaunch(timeout=30, skipGenesis=False, cachePopen=True, addSwapFlags=addSwapFlags), "Fail to relaunch"
    assert node0.waitForIrreversibleBlockProducedBy("vltproducera", blockNumAfterNode1Killed, retry=30), "failed to see blocks produced by vltproducera"
Exemple #2
def recoverBackedupBlksDir(nodeId):
   dataDir = Utils.getNodeDataDir(nodeId)
   # Delete existing one and copy backed up one
   existingBlocksDir = os.path.join(dataDir, "blocks")
   backedupBlocksDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dataDir), os.path.basename(dataDir) + "-backup", "blocks")
   shutil.rmtree(existingBlocksDir, ignore_errors=True)
   shutil.copytree(backedupBlocksDir, existingBlocksDir)
Exemple #3
def backupBlksDir(nodeId):
    dataDir = Utils.getNodeDataDir(nodeId)
    sourceDir = os.path.join(dataDir, "blocks")
    destinationDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dataDir),
                                  os.path.basename(dataDir) + "-backup",
    shutil.copytree(sourceDir, destinationDir)
Exemple #4
    activatedBlockNum = newNodes[0].getHeadBlockNum(
    )  # The PREACTIVATE_FEATURE should have been activated before or at this block num
    assert waitUntilBlockBecomeIrr(newNodes[0], activatedBlockNum), \
           "1st node LIB should be able to advance past the block that contains PREACTIVATE_FEATURE"
    assert newNodes[1].getIrreversibleBlockNum() >= activatedBlockNum and \
           newNodes[2].getIrreversibleBlockNum() >= activatedBlockNum, \
           "2nd and 3rd node LIB should also be able to advance past the block that contains PREACTIVATE_FEATURE"
    assert oldNode.getIrreversibleBlockNum() <= libBeforePreactivation, \
           "4th node LIB should stuck on LIB before PREACTIVATE_FEATURE is activated"

    # Restart old node with newest version
    # Before we are migrating to new version, use --export-reversible-blocks as the old version
    # and --import-reversible-blocks with the new version to ensure the compatibility of the reversible blocks
    # Finally, when we restart the 4th node with the version of nodroxe that supports protocol feature,
    # all nodes should be in sync, and the 4th node will also contain PREACTIVATE_FEATURE
    portableRevBlkPath = os.path.join(Utils.getNodeDataDir(oldNodeId),
    # Note, for the following relaunch, these will fail to relaunch immediately (expected behavior of export/import), so the chainArg will not replace the old cmd
        chainArg="--export-reversible-blocks {}".format(portableRevBlkPath),
        chainArg="--import-reversible-blocks {}".format(portableRevBlkPath),

Exemple #5
    count = 0
    while True:
        allDone = True
        for node in nodes:
            if node.verifyAlive():
                allDone = False
        if allDone:
        count += 1
        if count > 12:
            Utils.cmdError("All Nodes should have died")
            errorExit("Failure - All Nodes should have died")

    for i in range(numNodes):
        f = open(Utils.getNodeDataDir(i) + "/stderr.txt")
        contents = f.read()
        if contents.find("database chain::guard_exception") == -1:
                "Node%d is expected to exit because of database guard_exception, but was not."
                % (i))

    Print("all nodes exited with expected reason database_guard_exception")

    Print("relaunch nodes with new capacity")
    addSwapFlags = {}
    maxRAMValue += 2
    currentMinimumMaxRAM = maxRAMValue
    enabledStaleProduction = False
    for i in range(numNodes):
        addSwapFlags[maxRAMFlag] = str(maxRAMValue)
Exemple #6
    activatedBlockNum = newNodes[0].getHeadBlockNum() # The PREACTIVATE_FEATURE should have been activated before or at this block num
    assert waitUntilBlockBecomeIrr(newNodes[0], activatedBlockNum), \
           "1st node LIB should be able to advance past the block that contains PREACTIVATE_FEATURE"
    assert newNodes[1].getIrreversibleBlockNum() >= activatedBlockNum and \
           newNodes[2].getIrreversibleBlockNum() >= activatedBlockNum, \
           "2nd and 3rd node LIB should also be able to advance past the block that contains PREACTIVATE_FEATURE"
    assert oldNode.getIrreversibleBlockNum() <= libBeforePreactivation, \
           "4th node LIB should stuck on LIB before PREACTIVATE_FEATURE is activated"

    # Restart old node with newest version
    # Before we are migrating to new version, use --export-reversible-blocks as the old version
    # and --import-reversible-blocks with the new version to ensure the compatibility of the reversible blocks
    # Finally, when we restart the 4th node with the version of vectrum-node that supports protocol feature,
    # all nodes should be in sync, and the 4th node will also contain PREACTIVATE_FEATURE
    portableRevBlkPath = os.path.join(Utils.getNodeDataDir(oldNodeId), "rev_blk_portable_format")
    # Note, for the following relaunch, these will fail to relaunch immediately (expected behavior of export/import), so the chainArg will not replace the old cmd
    oldNode.relaunch(oldNodeId, chainArg="--export-reversible-blocks {}".format(portableRevBlkPath), timeout=1)
    oldNode.relaunch(oldNodeId, chainArg="--import-reversible-blocks {}".format(portableRevBlkPath), timeout=1, nodePath="programs/node/vectrum-node")

    restartNode(oldNode, oldNodeId, chainArg="--replay", nodePath="programs/node/vectrum-node")
    time.sleep(2) # Give some time to replay

    assert areNodesInSync(allNodes), "All nodes should be in sync"
    assert shouldNodeContainPreactivateFeature(oldNode), "4th node should contain PREACTIVATE_FEATURE"

    testSuccessful = True
    TestHelper.shutdown(cluster, walletMgr, testSuccessful, killInstances, killWallet, keepLogs, killAll, dumpErrorDetails)
Exemple #7
def removeState(nodeId):
   dataDir = Utils.getNodeDataDir(nodeId)
   state = os.path.join(dataDir, "state")
   shutil.rmtree(state, ignore_errors=True)
Exemple #8
def removeReversibleBlks(nodeId):
   dataDir = Utils.getNodeDataDir(nodeId)
   reversibleBlks = os.path.join(dataDir, "blocks", "reversible")
   shutil.rmtree(reversibleBlks, ignore_errors=True)
Exemple #9
def getLatestSnapshot(nodeId):
   snapshotDir = os.path.join(Utils.getNodeDataDir(nodeId), "snapshots")
   snapshotDirContents = os.listdir(snapshotDir)
   assert len(snapshotDirContents) > 0
   return os.path.join(snapshotDir, snapshotDirContents[-1])
Exemple #10
    Print("Retrieve the whole blocklog for node 0")
    blockLog = cluster.getBlockLog(0)
    foundBlockNums = checkBlockLog(blockLog, [headBlockNum, headBlockNumAfter])
    assert foundBlockNums[0], "Couldn't find \"%d\" in blocklog:\n\"%s\"\n" % (
        foundBlockNums[0], output)
    assert not foundBlockNums[
        1], "Should not find \"%d\" in blocklog:\n\"%s\"\n" % (
            foundBlockNums[1], blockLog)

    output = cluster.getBlockLog(0, blockLogAction=BlockLogAction.smoke_test)
    expectedStr = "no problems found"
    assert output.find(
        expectedStr) != -1, "Couldn't find \"%s\" in:\n\"%s\"\n" % (
            expectedStr, output)

    blockLogDir = Utils.getNodeDataDir(0, "blocks")
    duplicateIndexFileName = os.path.join(blockLogDir, "duplicate.index")
    output = cluster.getBlockLog(0,
    assert output is not None, "Couldn't make new index file \"%s\"\n" % (

    blockIndexFileName = os.path.join(blockLogDir, "blocks.index")
    blockIndexFile = open(blockIndexFileName, "rb")
    duplicateIndexFile = open(duplicateIndexFileName, "rb")
    blockIndexStr = blockIndexFile.read()
    duplicateIndexStr = duplicateIndexFile.read()
    assert blockIndexStr == duplicateIndexStr, "Generated file \%%s\" didn't match original \"%s\"" % (
        duplicateIndexFileName, blockIndexFileName)
Exemple #11
            for status in statuses:
                statusDesc = status["status"]
                if statusDesc == "done":
                    done = True
                    firstBlockNum = status["first_block_num"]
                    lastBlockNum = status["last_block_num"]
                    maxFirstBN = max(maxFirstBN, firstBlockNum)
                    minLastBN = min(minLastBN, lastBlockNum)
                if statusDesc == "error":
                    Utils.errorExit("javascript client reporting error see: %s." % (shipClientErrorFile))

        assert done, Print("ERROR: Did not find a \"done\" status for client %d" % (i))

    Print("All clients active from block num: %s to block_num: %s." % (maxFirstBN, minLastBN))

    stderrFile=Utils.getNodeDataDir(shipNodeNum, "stderr.txt")
    biggestDelta = timedelta(seconds=0)
    totalDelta = timedelta(seconds=0)
    timeCount = 0
    with open(stderrFile, 'r') as f:
        line = f.readline()
        while line:
            match = re.search(r'info\s+([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3})\s.+Received\sblock\s+.+\s#([0-9]+)\s@\s([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3})',
            if match:
                rcvTimeStr = match.group(1)
                prodTimeStr = match.group(3)
                blockNum = int(match.group(2))
                if blockNum > maxFirstBN:
                    # ship requests can only affect time after clients started
                    rcvTime = datetime.strptime(rcvTimeStr, Utils.TimeFmt)
Exemple #12
def get_successful_constructed_block_numbers_for_node(nodeId):
  result = []
  for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(Utils.getNodeDataDir(nodeId), 'stderr.*.txt')):
  return set(result)