Exemple #1
def estimate_r(ped_xy, vic_xy, dt):
    No vic in frame / strictly dominating vic => set r to this vic's index
    Strictly dominating defined as
    - dsq < any other vic's dsq
    - tau < any other vic's tau
    :param ped_xy: n_frames, n_ped, 2
    :param vic_xy: n_frames, n_vic, 2
    :param dt: 
    :return: n_frames-1, n_ped | index of dominating vic for frame,
      i = R_NO_VIC if no vic
      i = R_SENTINEL if not estimated (ie no dominating vic exists, or ped = nan in frame i/i+1)
    n_frames, n_ped = ped_xy.shape[:2]
    n_vic = vic_xy.shape[1]
    r = np.zeros((n_frames - 1, n_ped), dtype=np.int) + R_SENTINEL
    for i in range(n_ped):
        for j in range(n_frames-1):
            ped_pv = np.concatenate([
                ped_xy[[j], i, :], (ped_xy[[j + 1], i, :] - ped_xy[[j], i, :]) / dt], axis=1)
            vic_pv = np.concatenate([
                vic_xy[j, :, :], (vic_xy[j + 1, ...] - vic_xy[j, ...]) / dt], axis=1)
            is_vic_nan = np.isnan(vic_pv).any(axis=1)
            if is_vic_nan.sum() == n_vic:
                r[j, i] = R_NO_VIC
            if np.isnan(ped_pv).any():
            dsq_tau = rt.dist2rt_v1(ped_pv, vic_pv[~is_vic_nan, :])  # (n_ped=1, n_vic, 2)
            dsq_tau = dsq_tau[0, ...]
            ind_dominating = find_dominating(-dsq_tau, sentinel=R_SENTINEL)
            ind_dominating = np.arange(n_vic)[~is_vic_nan][ind_dominating]
            r[j, i] = ind_dominating
    return r
Exemple #2
def sample_next(state, vic_pv, parameters):
    For pedestrians that can interact with no vic - ignore
    For remaining, mask no-interaction vic and sample r, q
    :param state: n_samples, n_ped, 6 | [x v r q]
    :param vic_pv: n_vic, 4 | [x v]
    :param parameters:
    n_samples, n_ped = state.shape[:2]
    state_next = np.empty_like(state)
    pe_dist, pa_dist = perp_dist.signed_pe_dist_particles_v1(
        state[..., :4], vic_pv)
    # n_samples, n_ped, n_vic
    is_ignore = predict_utils.is_ignore(pe_dist, pa_dist,
    ignore_n_mask = np.all(is_ignore, axis=-1)
    n_ni = (~ignore_n_mask).sum()
    state_next[ignore_n_mask, :2] = state[ignore_n_mask, :2] +\
        state[ignore_n_mask, 2:4] * parameters.dt
    state_next[ignore_n_mask, 2:4] = state[ignore_n_mask, 2:4] + \
        np.random.randn(n_samples*n_ped - n_ni, 2) * parameters.sigma_v
    if n_ni == 0:
        # ignore all vic
        return state_next
    # remaining ped have at least 1 interacting vic
    # n_ni, n_vic, 2
    rt_all = rd.dist2rt_v1(state[~ignore_n_mask, :4], vic_pv)
    rt_all[rt_all < EPS] = EPS
    rt_all = np.log10(rt_all)
    rt_all[..., 0] /= 2
    # n_ni, n_vic, m
    z_all = rt_grid.rt2enc_v1(rt_all, parameters.rt_grid)
    # n_ni, n_vic
    z_all_dot_beta = z_all.dot(-parameters.beta[1:]) - parameters.beta[0]
    # n_ni,
    r_s, q_s = sample_rq.sample_softmax_rq_v0(z_all_dot_beta,
    v_hat = u_grid.evaluate_v_v1(state[~ignore_n_mask, :4], vic_pv,
                                 parameters.mrx_grid, parameters.u, q_s == 1,
    state[~ignore_n_mask, 4] = r_s
    state[~ignore_n_mask, 5] = q_s
        ~ignore_n_mask, :2] = state[~ignore_n_mask, :2] + v_hat * parameters.dt
    state_next[~ignore_n_mask, 2:4] = state[~ignore_n_mask, 2:4] +\
        np.random.randn(n_ni, 2) * parameters.sigma_v
    return state_next
Exemple #3
def find_little_interaction_frames_v0(ped_xy, vic_xy, dt):
    little interaction if either of
    - rt risk threshold met: for each vic, ped not on collision course, or vic is stationary
    - perpendicular distance: even if collision course, distance is sufficiently far
      - this relates to finite (perp) distance m(x)=u maps encode
    :param ped_xy: n_frames, 2
    :param vic_xy: n_frames, n_vic, 2
    - frames with nan ignored
    :param dt: 
    :return: frame_inds: inds of ped_xy *velocity* counted as observed, in sorted order
    - ind i included if i,i+1 both observed or i has no vic
    tau_dist = 5  # meters away from any vic's last-velocity line
    tau_v = 0.5  # threshold for stationary vics
    M = 20  # threshold for d, tau - to check that ped is on collision course
    frame_inds = []
    n_frames = ped_xy.shape[0]
    no_vic_frames = np.arange(n_frames)[
    # only for frames where i, i+1 not nan
    is_ped_valid = ~np.isnan(ped_xy[:-1, 0]) & ~np.isnan(ped_xy[1:, 0])
    for i in np.arange(n_frames-1)[is_ped_valid]:
        if i in no_vic_frames:
        ped_pv = np.concatenate([ped_xy[[i], :], (ped_xy[[i+1], :] - ped_xy[[i], :])/dt], axis=1)
        vic_pv = np.concatenate([vic_xy[i, :, :], (vic_xy[i+1, ...] - vic_xy[i, ...])/dt], axis=1)
        is_vic_nan = np.isnan(vic_pv).any(axis=1)
        vic_pv = vic_pv[~is_vic_nan, :]
        dsq_tau = rt.dist2rt_v1(ped_pv, vic_pv)  # (n_ped=1, n_vic, 2)
        dsq_tau = dsq_tau[0, ...]
        dsq_tau[:, 0] = np.sqrt(dsq_tau[:, 0])
        is_intersect = np.all(dsq_tau < M, axis=1)
        is_stationary = (vic_pv[:, 2:]**2).sum(axis=1) < tau_v**2
        mask = is_intersect & ~is_stationary
        if np.sum(mask) == 0:
        pe_dist = perp.pe_dist_v0(ped_pv[:, :2], vic_pv[mask, :])[0]
        if np.all(pe_dist > tau_dist):
    consec_inds = np.sort(np.hstack((frame_inds, no_vic_frames)).astype(np.int))
    consec_inds = ge.select_consecutive_forward(consec_inds)
    # add any removed no_vic frames back in
    consec_inds = np.unique(np.hstack((consec_inds, no_vic_frames))).astype(np.int)
    return consec_inds
Exemple #4
def optimize_out_softmax_rq_v1(a_pvvh, b_pv, rt_grid, beta,
                               mrx_grid, u, sigma_x, dt):
    Calculate r, q, nll for a single frame (n=n_ped, k=n_vic)
    Ignore k that are outside the range of grid, setting:
    - r = R_IGNORED
    - q = 1
    :param a_pvvh: n, 6 | [x v \hat{v}], v is given, \hat{v} from differences
    :param b_pv: k, 4
    :param rt_grid: (lx, ly, dx, dy, nx, ny) | 6-tuple
    :param beta: 1+nx*ny, | weights for rt_grid encoding
    :param mrx_grid: (l, m) | 2-tuple
    :param u: m, | weights for  mrx_grid encoding
    :param sigma_x:
    :param dt:
    :return: r, q that minimize total (r, q, x) nll given v
        r: n,
        q: n,
        nll: n, | loss for each agent
    n = a_pvvh.shape[0]
    k = b_pv.shape[0]
    r = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.int) + R_IGNORED
    q = np.ones(n, dtype=np.int)
    nll = np.zeros(n)
    pe_dist, pa_dist = perp.signed_pe_dist_v1(a_pvvh[:, :4], b_pv)
    is_ignore = (pe_dist < -mrx_grid[0]) | (0 < pe_dist) | (pa_dist < 0)
    ignore_n_mask = np.all(is_ignore, axis=1)
    n_ni = (~ignore_n_mask).sum()

    # is_ignore -> compute only x_q1 loss
    scaling = 0.5 * (dt / sigma_x) ** 2
    nll[ignore_n_mask] = ((a_pvvh[ignore_n_mask, 2:4] -
                           a_pvvh[ignore_n_mask, 4:6])**2).sum(axis=-1) * scaling
    if n_ni == 0:
        return r, q, nll
    nll_all = np.zeros((n_ni, k, 2))
    is_ignore_sub = is_ignore[~ignore_n_mask]
    # *some* k may be valid for *some* n but not for others
    # how to ignore bad k while still processing?
    # in logsumexp use b=is_ignore_sub.astype(int)
    ni_inds = np.arange(n)[~ignore_n_mask]
    a_pvvh_ni = a_pvvh[~ignore_n_mask]

    rt_all = rd.dist2rt_v1(a_pvvh_ni[:, :4], b_pv)
    rt_all[rt_all < EPS] = EPS
    rt_all = np.log10(rt_all)
    rt_all[..., 0] /= 2
    # n_ni, k, m
    z_all = b_grid.rt2enc_v1(rt_all, rt_grid)
    # n_ni, k
    z_all_dot_beta = z_all.dot(-beta[1:]) - beta[0]
    r_loss = -(z_all_dot_beta.T - sp.logsumexp(
        z_all_dot_beta, b=(~is_ignore_sub).astype(np.int), axis=-1)).T
    nll_all += r_loss[..., np.newaxis]

    q1_loss = np.logaddexp(0 * z_all_dot_beta, z_all_dot_beta)
    q0_loss = -z_all_dot_beta + q1_loss
    nll_all[..., 0] += q0_loss
    nll_all[..., 1] += q1_loss

    # n_ni*k, 2
    # a_pvvh_ni (n_ni, 4) -> (n_ni*k, 4)
    v_slow = u_grid.evaluate_v_v1(
        np.repeat(a_pvvh_ni[:, :4], k, axis=0), b_pv,
        mrx_grid, u,
        np.zeros(n_ni*k, dtype=np.int),
        np.broadcast_to(np.arange(k, dtype=np.int), (n_ni, k)).reshape(-1),
    # n_ni, k
    x_q0_loss = ((v_slow.reshape(n_ni, k, 2) -
                  a_pvvh_ni[:, np.newaxis, 4:6]) ** 2).sum(axis=-1) * scaling
    nll_all[..., 0] += x_q0_loss

    # n_ni,
    x_q1_loss = ((a_pvvh_ni[:, 2:4] - a_pvvh_ni[:, 4:6]) ** 2).sum(axis=-1) * scaling
    nll_all[..., 1] += np.broadcast_to(x_q1_loss, (k, n_ni)).T

    nll_all[is_ignore_sub] = np.inf
    # flattened inds wrt [0, k*2)
    min_inds = nll_all.reshape(n_ni, -1).argmin(axis=-1)
    r[ni_inds], q[ni_inds] = np.unravel_index(min_inds, (k, 2))
    nll_flat_inds = np.arange(0, n_ni*k*2, k*2) + min_inds
    nll[~ignore_n_mask] = nll_all.flat[nll_flat_inds]
    return r, q, nll
Exemple #5
def optimize_out_softmax_rq_v0(a_pvvh, b_pv, rt_grid, beta,
                               mrx_grid, u, sigma_x, dt):
    Calculate r, q, nll for a single frame (n=n_ped, k=n_vic)
    Ignore k that are outside the range of grid, setting:
    - r = R_IGNORED
    - q = 1
    :param a_pvvh: n, 6 | [x v \hat{v}], v is given, \hat{v} from differences
    :param b_pv: k, 4
    :param rt_grid: (lx, ly, dx, dy, nx, ny) | 6-tuple
    :param beta: 1+nx*ny, | weights for rt_grid encoding
    :param mrx_grid: (l, m) | 2-tuple
    :param u: m, | weights for  mrx_grid encoding
    :param sigma_x:
    :param dt:
    :return: r, q that minimize total (r, q, x) nll given v
        r: n,
        q: n,
        nll: n, | loss for each agent
    n = a_pvvh.shape[0]
    k = b_pv.shape[0]
    r = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.int) + R_IGNORED
    q = np.ones(n, dtype=np.int)
    nll = np.zeros(n)
    pe_dist, pa_dist = perp.signed_pe_dist_v1(a_pvvh[:, :4], b_pv)
    is_ignore = (pe_dist < -mrx_grid[0]) | (0 < pe_dist) | (pa_dist < 0)
    ignore_n_mask = np.all(is_ignore, axis=1)
    n_ni = (~ignore_n_mask).sum()

    # is_ignore -> compute only x_q1 loss
    scaling = 0.5 * (dt / sigma_x) ** 2
    nll[ignore_n_mask] = ((a_pvvh[ignore_n_mask, 2:4] -
                           a_pvvh[ignore_n_mask, 4:6])**2).sum(axis=-1) * scaling
    if n_ni == 0:
        return r, q, nll
    nll_all = np.zeros((n_ni, k, 2))
    # *some* k may be valid for *some* n but not for others
    ni_inds = np.arange(n)[~ignore_n_mask]
    for i, n_ind in enumerate(ni_inds):
        k_s = (~is_ignore[n_ind, :]).sum()
        if k_s == 0:
            # ignore all vic
        # make 'x'
        rt_all = rd.dist2rt_v1(a_pvvh[[n_ind], :4], b_pv[~is_ignore[n_ind, :], :])
        rt_all[rt_all < EPS] = EPS
        rt_all = np.log10(rt_all)
        rt_all[..., 0] /= 2
        # n=1, k_s, m
        z_all = b_grid.rt2enc_v1(rt_all, rt_grid)
        # k_s,
        z_all_dot_beta = (z_all.dot(-beta[1:]) - beta[0])[0]
        # k_s, : - log likelihood
        r_loss = -(z_all_dot_beta - sp.logsumexp(z_all_dot_beta))
        nll_all[i, ~is_ignore[n_ind, :], :] += np.broadcast_to(r_loss, (2, k_s)).T

        # k_s,
        q1_loss = np.logaddexp(0*z_all_dot_beta, z_all_dot_beta)
        q0_loss = -z_all_dot_beta + q1_loss
        nll_all[i, ~is_ignore[n_ind, :], 0] += q0_loss
        nll_all[i, ~is_ignore[n_ind, :], 1] += q1_loss

        # calculate v_slow
        # - replicate a_pv to calculate it for all k_s vic at once
        # k_s, 2
        v_slow = u_grid.evaluate_v_v1(
            np.broadcast_to(a_pvvh[[n_ind], :4], (k_s, 4)), b_pv[~is_ignore[n_ind, :], :],
            mrx_grid, u,
            np.zeros(k_s, dtype=np.int), np.arange(k_s, dtype=np.int)
        x_q0_loss = ((v_slow - a_pvvh[n_ind, 4:6])**2).sum(axis=-1) * scaling
        nll_all[i, ~is_ignore[n_ind, :], 0] += x_q0_loss
        # 1,
        x_q1_loss = ((a_pvvh[n_ind, 2:4] - a_pvvh[n_ind, 4:6])**2).sum() * scaling
        nll_all[i, ~is_ignore[n_ind, :], 1] += x_q1_loss

    nll_all[is_ignore[ni_inds]] = np.inf
    # flattened inds wrt [0, k*2)
    min_inds = nll_all.reshape(n_ni, -1).argmin(axis=-1)
    r[ni_inds], q[ni_inds] = np.unravel_index(min_inds, (k, 2))
    nll_flat_inds = np.arange(0, n_ni*k*2, k*2) + min_inds
    nll[~ignore_n_mask] = nll_all.flat[nll_flat_inds]
    return r, q, nll