Exemple #1
    def test_testMethod(self):
        """Verify that test() method creates the !prediction.txt file."""

        # Exercise SUT
        with replaced_open():
        # Verify
 def test_getClass(self):
     """Test the get_class method."""
     for key, exp_class in self.true_class.items():
         with replaced_open():
             obs_class = self.tc.get_class(key)
             exp_class, obs_class,
             'The expected class of email {} is {}, but {} was observed'.
             format(key, exp_class, obs_class))
 def setUp(self):
     """Prepare fake corpus with !truth.txt file."""
     self.email_dict = create_corpus_dictionary()
     self.true_class = create_classification_for(self.email_dict.keys())
     truth_filepath = os.path.join(CORPUS_DIR, TRUTH_FILENAME)
     save_classification_to_file(self.true_class, fname=truth_filepath)
     with replaced_open():
         self.tc = TrainingCorpus(CORPUS_DIR)
 def test_isHam(self):
     """Test the is_ham method."""
     for key, exp_class in self.true_class.items():
         exp_ham = (exp_class == HAM_TAG)
         with replaced_open():
             obs_ham = self.tc.is_ham(key)
             exp_ham, obs_ham,
             'The email {} hamminess: expected {}, observed {}.'.format(
                 key, str(exp_ham), str(obs_ham)))
 def test_allPredictionsWrong(self):
     # Prepare the SUT
     # Create an artificial email classification dictionary
     truth_dict = create_classification()
     create_truth_and_prediction_file(truth_dict, invert_classes)
     # Excercise the SUT
     with replaced_open():  # Insist on explicit use of encoding
         q = self.compute_quality_for_corpus(CORPUS_DIR)
     # Assertions
     self.assertEqual(q, 0.0)
Exemple #6
 def test_trainMethod(self):
     """Filter method train() shall run quietly. 
     Smoke test. Does not assert anything, just tries to run the method.
     # Prepare the SUT
     # The train() method may use the !truth.txt file, create it!
     # Excercise the SUT
     with replaced_open():
Exemple #7
 def test_corpusContainsOnlyEmails(self):
     """Test reading the corpus with email messages only."""
     corpus = Corpus(CORPUS_DIR)
     # Exercise the SUT
     observed = {}
     with replaced_open():
         for fname, contents in corpus.emails():
             observed[fname] = contents
     # Verify the results
         len(self.expected), len(observed),
         'The emails() method did not generate all the corpus files.')
         self.expected, observed,
         'The read file contents are not equal to the expected contents.')
Exemple #8
 def test_trainAndTest(self):
     """Execute the train() and test() methods in a sequence as in real use."""
     # Prepare the SUT
     # The train() method may use the !truth.txt file, create it!
     # Excercise the SUT
     with replaced_open():
         # Before testing, delete the !truth.txt file
         # Test the filter on the same corpus
     # Verify
 def test_allPredictionsHam_for10SpamsAnd20Hams(self):
     # Prepare the SUT
     # Create an artificial email classification dictionary
     truth_dict = create_classification(n_items=30, n_spams=10)
     create_truth_and_prediction_file(truth_dict, hams_only)
     # Since there are 10 spams and 20 hams in the corpus,
     # and predictions are all ham, then the confusion matrix
     # shall have TN = 20 and FN = 10, zero positives.
     # The modified accuracy then is:
     expected_q = 20 / (20 + 10)
     # Excercise the SUT
     with replaced_open():  # Insist on explicit use of encoding
         q = self.compute_quality_for_corpus(CORPUS_DIR)
     # Assertions
     self.assertEqual(q, expected_q)
 def test_1FP2FN_for10SpamsAnd20Hams(self):
     # Prepare the SUT
     # Create an artificial email classification dictionary
     truth_dict = create_classification(n_items=30, n_spams=10)
     create_truth_and_prediction_file(truth_dict, n_FP_n_FN)
     # Since there are 10 spams and 20 hams in the corpus,
     # and predictions are all correct except 1 FP and 2 FN,
     # then the confusion matrix shall have
     # FP = 1, FN = 2,
     # TN = 19, TP = 8.
     # The modified accuracy then is:
     expected_q = (8 + 19) / (8 + 19 + 10 * 1 + 2)
     # Excercise the SUT
     with replaced_open():  # Insist on explicit use of encoding
         q = self.compute_quality_for_corpus(CORPUS_DIR)
     # Assertions
     self.assertEqual(q, expected_q)
 def test_hams(self):
     """Test hams() method."""
     obs_num_hams = 0
     with replaced_open():
         for fname, contents in self.tc.hams():
             obs_num_hams += 1
             # Validate results
             self.assertEqual(self.true_class[fname], HAM_TAG,
                              'Spam email returned by hams() method.')
                 self.email_dict[fname], contents,
                 'The read file contents are not equal to the expected contents.'
     c = Counter(self.true_class.values())
     exp_num_hams = c[HAM_TAG]
         exp_num_hams, obs_num_hams,
         'The hams() method did not return the right number of hams.')
Exemple #12
 def test_corpusContainsAlsoSpecialFiles(self):
     """Test reading the corpus with special files."""
     # Add a special file into the corpus dir
     corpus = Corpus(CORPUS_DIR)
     # Exercise the SUT
     observed = {}
     with replaced_open():
         for fname, contents in corpus.emails():
             observed[fname] = contents
     # Verify the results
         len(self.expected), len(observed),
         'The emails() method did not generate all the corpus files.')
         self.expected, observed,
         'The read file contents are not equal to the expected contents.')