Exemple #1
def test_commit(wst):
    with temp_dir():
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
    config.merge.branches = '1.0.x 2.0.x 3.0.x master'
    with temp_git_repo():
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            wst('commit "no files to commit"')

    with temp_git_repo():
        run('git checkout -b 3.0.x')
        with open('new_file_commit1', 'w') as fp:
            fp.write('New World')
        run('git add -A')
        wst('commit "Add new file"')
        changes = run('git log --oneline', return_output=True)
        expected_commit_message = "Add new file"
        assert expected_commit_message in changes

        # test commit with branch
        with open('new_file_commit2', 'w') as fp:
            fp.write('Hello World')

        wst('commit "New Master file" --branch master')
        changes = run('git log --oneline', return_output=True)
        expected_commit_message = "New Master file"
        assert expected_commit_message in changes
Exemple #2
def test_merge_downstream(wst, capsys):
    config.merge.branches = '1.0.x 2.0.x 3.0.x master'

    with temp_git_repo():
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m dummy-commit')
        run('git branch 3.0.x')
        run('git checkout -b 2.0.x')

        run('git commit --allow-empty -m new-commit')

        wst('merge --downstream')

        branches = run('git branch', return_output=True)
        changes = run('git log --oneline', return_output=True)

    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()

    assert out == """\
Merging 2.0.x into 3.0.x
Pushing 3.0.x
Merging 3.0.x into master
Pushing master

    assert '* master' in branches
    assert 'new-commit' in changes
Exemple #3
def test_merge_branch_skip_all(wst, capsys):
        Test to check if merge_branch works with three commits created on 3.0.x, with the all commits  skipped.
    config.merge.branches = '1.0.x 2.0.x 3.0.x master'
    with temp_git_repo():
        # Dummy commit
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m dummy-commit')
        run('git checkout -b 3.0.x')
        skipped1_sha = make_commit("commit1", skip=True)
        skipped2_sha = make_commit("commit2", skip=True)
        skipped3_sha = make_commit("commit3", skip=True)
        run('git checkout master')
        wst('merge 3.0.x --skip-commits \'skip\' \'space separated example\'')

        changes = run('git log --oneline', return_output=True)
        # Change should have been in the log entry
        assert f'Merge commit {skipped1_sha[0:7]} into master (using strategy ours)' in changes
        assert f'Merge commit {skipped2_sha[0:7]} into master (using strategy ours)' in changes
        assert f'Merge commit {skipped3_sha[0:7]} into master (using strategy ours)' in changes
        assert '[skip]' in changes
        assert '[skip]' in changes
        assert '[skip]' in changes

        temp_git_dir_path = os.getcwd()
        assert not os.path.isfile(
            os.path.join(temp_git_dir_path, "commit1.xml"))
        assert not os.path.isfile(
            os.path.join(temp_git_dir_path, "commit2.xml"))
        assert not os.path.isfile(
            os.path.join(temp_git_dir_path, "commit3.xml"))

    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out.split('\n')[0] == 'Merging 3.0.x into master'
Exemple #4
def test_merge_branch_skip_none(wst, capsys):
        Test to check if merge_branch works when three commits are created, with no commits skipped.
        Fourth commit used so that all 3 commits on 3.0.x create merge commits.
    config.merge.branches = '1.0.x 2.0.x 3.0.x master'
    with temp_git_repo():
        # Dummy commit
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m dummy-commit')
        run('git checkout -b 3.0.x')
        commit1_sha = make_commit("commit1")
        commit2_sha = make_commit("commit2")
        commit3_sha = make_commit("commit3")
        run('git checkout master')
        wst('merge 3.0.x --skip-commits \'skip\' \'space separated example\'')

        changes = run('git log --oneline', return_output=True)
        assert f'Merge commit \'{commit1_sha[0:7]}\'' in changes
        assert f'Merge commit \'{commit2_sha[0:7]}\'' in changes
        assert f'Merge commit \'{commit3_sha[0:7]}\'' in changes
        assert 'commit1' in changes
        assert 'commit2' in changes
        assert 'commit3' in changes

        temp_git_dir_path = os.getcwd()
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(temp_git_dir_path, "commit1.xml"))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(temp_git_dir_path, "commit2.xml"))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(temp_git_dir_path, "commit3.xml"))

    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out.split('\n')[0] == 'Merging 3.0.x into master'
Exemple #5
def test_merge_branch_with_whitelist(wst, capsys):
    config.merge.branches = '1.0.x 2.0.x 3.0.x master'

    with temp_git_repo():
        # Dummy commit
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m dummy-commit')

        run('git checkout -b 3.0.x')
        run('touch temp.xml')
        run('git add -A')
        # Commit 1
        run('git commit -m  [skip]')

        # commit 2
        run('touch temp2.xml')
        run('git add -A')
        run('git commit -m  commit2')

        run('git checkout master')

        wst('merge 3.0.x --skip-commits \'skip\' \'space separated example\'')

        changes = run('git log --oneline', return_output=True)
        # Change should have been in the log entry
        assert 'Merge branch \'3.0.x\'' in changes
        assert '[skip]' in changes
        assert 'commit2' in changes

    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out.split('\n')[0] == 'Merging 3.0.x into master'
def test_test(wst, monkeypatch):
    if 'PYTESTARGS' in os.environ:
        del os.environ['PYTESTARGS']

    with temp_dir() as cwd:
        monkeypatch.setenv('HOME', cwd)  # tox creates virtualenvs in ~/.virtualenvs

        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

        with temp_git_repo(name='foo') as cwd:
            with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            wst('setup --product')

            with open('foo/__init__.py', 'w') as fp:
                fp.write('hello = "world"')

            pass_test = 'from foo import hello\n\n\ndef test_pass():\n  assert hello == "world"'
            fail_test = 'def test_fail():\n  assert False'

            with open('tests/test_pass.py', 'w') as fp:
            commands = wst('test')
            assert set(commands.keys()) == {'cover', 'py37', 'style'}
            assert 'tox' in commands['cover']

            wst('test --show-dependencies')
            wst('test --install-editable flake8')
            wst('test --install-editable foo')

            results = wst('test --test-dependents')
            assert set(results.keys()) == {'foo'}
            assert '2 passed' in results['foo']

            with open('tests/test_fail.py', 'w') as fp:
                fp.write(pass_test + '\n\n\n' + fail_test)
            with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

            output = wst('test tests/test_pass.py')
            assert output == {'py36': 'pytest {env:PYTESTARGS:}', 'py37': 'pytest {env:PYTESTARGS:}'}

            os.utime('requirements.txt', None)
            assert list(wst('test -k test_pass').keys()) == ['py36', 'py37']

            with open('tests/test_fail.py', 'w') as fp:
                fp.write(pass_test + '\n' + fail_test)
            with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
                wst('test style')

            with open('tests/test_fail.py', 'w') as fp:
                fp.write(pass_test + '\n\n\n' + fail_test)
            assert 'style' in wst('test style')

            assert 'cover' in wst('test cover')
            assert os.path.exists('coverage.xml')
            assert os.path.exists('htmlcov/index.html')
def test_sanity(wst, command, exception):
    with temp_dir():
        if exception:
            with pytest.raises(exception):

    with temp_git_repo():
Exemple #8
def test_merge_branch(wst, capsys):
    config.merge.branches = '1.0.x 2.0.x 3.0.x master'

    with temp_git_repo():
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m dummy-commit')

        run('git checkout -b 3.0.x')
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m new-commit')

        run('git checkout master')

        wst('merge 3.0.x')

        changes = run('git log --oneline', return_output=True)
        assert 'new-commit' in changes

    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out.split('\n')[0] == 'Merging 3.0.x into master'
def test_setup(wst, monkeypatch):
    with temp_git_repo(name='foo') as tmpdir:
        bashrc_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, '.bashrc')
        wstrc_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, '.wstrc')
        with open(bashrc_file, 'w') as fp:
            fp.write('export EXISTING=true')
        monkeypatch.setattr('workspace.commands.setup.BASHRC_FILE', os.path.join(tmpdir, '.bashrc'))
        monkeypatch.setattr('workspace.commands.setup.WSTRC_FILE', os.path.join(tmpdir, '.wstrc'))
        wst('setup --commands-with-aliases')

        bashrc = open(bashrc_file).read().split('\n')
        wstrc = open(wstrc_file).read()

        assert bashrc[0] == 'export EXISTING=true'
        assert bashrc[1] == ''
        assert bashrc[2].startswith('source ') and bashrc[2].endswith('.wstrc')

        assert 'function ws()' in wstrc
def test_commit(wst):
    with temp_dir():
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

    with temp_git_repo():
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            wst('commit "no files to commit"')

        with open('new_file', 'w') as fp:
            fp.write('Hello World')
        assert 'new_file' in stat_repo(return_output=True)

        wst('commit "Add new file" --branch master')

        assert 'working tree clean' in stat_repo(return_output=True)
        assert 'Hello World' == open('new_file').read()

        with open('new_file', 'w') as fp:
            fp.write('New World')

        wst('commit "Update file"')

        assert ['update-file@master', 'master'] == all_branches()

        wst('commit --move release')

        assert ['update-file@master', 'master', 'release'] == all_branches()

        wst('commit --discard')

        assert ['master', 'release'] == all_branches()

        wst('checkout release')

        wst('commit --discard')

        assert ['release', 'master'] == all_branches()

        logs = commit_logs()
        assert 'new file' in logs
        assert 1 == len(list(filter(None, logs.split('commit'))))
def test_status(wst, capsys):
    with temp_git_repo():
        out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == '# Branches: \n'

        run('git commit --allow-empty -m Dummy')
        out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == '# Branches: master\n'

        run('git checkout -b feature')
        out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == '# Branches: feature master\n'

        run('git checkout HEAD^0')
        out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
        assert re.fullmatch('# Branches: \w+\* feature master\n', out)
def test_cleanrun(wst):
    config.clean.remove_products_older_than_days = 30

    with temp_dir():
        repos = ['repo', 'old_repo', 'old_repo_dirty']
        run('touch file; mkdir ' + ' '.join(repos), shell=True)
        for repo in repos:
            run('cd {}; git init; git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit"'.format(repo), shell=True)
            if repo.startswith('old'):
                run('touch -t 200001181205.09 ' + repo)
        run('cd old_repo_dirty; touch new_file', shell=True)
        run('ls -l')

        assert os.listdir() == ['old_repo_dirty', 'repo', 'file']

    with temp_git_repo():
        run('touch hello.py hello.pyc')

        assert os.listdir() == ['.git', 'hello.py']
Exemple #13
def test_publish(wst, monkeypatch):
    silent_run_mock = Mock()
    config_mock = Mock()
    monkeypatch.setattr('workspace.commands.publish.LocalConfig', config_mock)
    monkeypatch.setattr('workspace.commands.publish.run', silent_run_mock)

    config_mock().get.side_effect = ['repo', 'user', 'pass'] * 10

    with temp_git_repo() as cwd:
        wst('setup --product')

        # Patch release
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m change1')
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m change2')


        changes = open('docs/CHANGELOG.rst').read()
        assert changes == """\
Version 0.0.1

* change2
* change1

        setup_py = open('setup.py').read().split('\n')
        assert setup_py[5] == "    version='0.0.2',"

        python = Path('~/.virtualenvs').expanduser() / Path(
            cwd).name / 'bin' / 'python'

        repo_path = '/private' + str(cwd)
        assert silent_run_mock.call_args_list == [
            call('rm -rf dist/*', cwd=repo_path, shell=True),
            call(f'{python} setup.py sdist bdist_wheel', cwd=repo_path),
            call('twine upload -r "pypi" -u "user" -p "pass" dist/*',

        # No changes
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

        # Minor release
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m feature1')

        wst('publish --minor')

        assert 'Bump minor version' in commit_logs()

        changes = open('docs/CHANGELOG.rst').read()
        assert changes == """\
Version 0.1.0

* feature1

Version 0.0.1

* change2
* change1
        setup_py = open('setup.py').read().split('\n')
        assert setup_py[5] == "    version='0.1.1',"

        # Major release
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m feature2')

        wst('publish --major')

        assert 'Bump major version' in commit_logs()

        changes = open('docs/CHANGELOG.rst').read()
        assert changes == """\
Version 1.0.0

* feature2

Version 0.1.0

* feature1

Version 0.0.1

* change2
* change1
        setup_py = open('setup.py').read().split('\n')
        assert setup_py[5] == "    version='1.0.1',"

        # Already published patch version will bump before publish
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m "Publish version 1.0.1"', shell=True)
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m bugfix1')


        changes = open('docs/CHANGELOG.rst').read()
        assert changes == """\
Version 1.0.2

* bugfix1

Version 1.0.0

* feature2

Version 0.1.0

* feature1

Version 0.0.1

* change2
* change1

        setup_py = open('setup.py').read().split('\n')
        assert setup_py[5] == "    version='1.0.3',"
def test_publish(wst, monkeypatch):
    silent_run_mock = Mock()
    config_mock = Mock()
    monkeypatch.setattr('workspace.commands.publish.LocalConfig', config_mock)
    monkeypatch.setattr('workspace.commands.publish.silent_run', silent_run_mock)
    monkeypatch.setattr('workspace.commands.publish.run', silent_run_mock)

    config_mock().get.side_effect = ['repo', 'user', 'pass'] * 10

    with temp_git_repo() as cwd:
        wst('setup --product')

        # Patch release
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m change1')
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m change2')


        changes = open('docs/CHANGELOG.rst').read()
        assert changes == """\
Version 0.0.1

* change2
* change1

        setup_py = open('setup.py').read().split('\n')
        assert setup_py[5] == "    version='0.0.2',"

        python = Path('~/.virtualenvs').expanduser() / Path(cwd).name / 'bin' / 'python'

        assert silent_run_mock.call_args_list == [
            call('rm -rf dist/*', cwd=str(cwd), shell=True),
            call(f'{python} setup.py sdist bdist_wheel', cwd=str(cwd)),
            call('twine upload -r "pypi" -u "user" -p "pass" dist/*', cwd=str(cwd), shell=True, silent=2)]

        # No changes
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

        # Minor release
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m feature1')

        wst('publish --minor')

        assert 'Bump minor version' in commit_logs()

        changes = open('docs/CHANGELOG.rst').read()
        assert changes == """\
Version 0.1.0

* feature1

Version 0.0.1

* change2
* change1
        setup_py = open('setup.py').read().split('\n')
        assert setup_py[5] == "    version='0.1.1',"

        # Major release
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m feature2')

        wst('publish --major')

        assert 'Bump major version' in commit_logs()

        changes = open('docs/CHANGELOG.rst').read()
        assert changes == """\
Version 1.0.0

* feature2

Version 0.1.0

* feature1

Version 0.0.1

* change2
* change1
        setup_py = open('setup.py').read().split('\n')
        assert setup_py[5] == "    version='1.0.1',"

        # Already published patch version will bump before publish
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m "Publish version 1.0.1"', shell=True)
        run('git commit --allow-empty -m bugfix1')


        changes = open('docs/CHANGELOG.rst').read()
        assert changes == """\
Version 1.0.2

* bugfix1

Version 1.0.0

* feature2

Version 0.1.0

* feature1

Version 0.0.1

* change2
* change1

        setup_py = open('setup.py').read().split('\n')
        assert setup_py[5] == "    version='1.0.3',"