def test_scale_values(self): '''Test behavior of Variable.scale_values function''' values = list(zip(range(0, 5, 1), range(1, 6, 1))) testvar = Variable("testvar") testvar.is_binned = True testvar.units = "GeV" testvar.values = values self.assertTrue(testvar.values == values) for factor in [random.uniform(0, 10000) for x in range(100)]: # Check that scaling works testvar.scale_values(factor) scaled_values = [(factor * x[0], factor * x[1]) for x in values] assert (all( test_utilities.tuple_compare(x, y) for x, y in zip(testvar.values, scaled_values))) # Check that inverse also works testvar.scale_values(1. / factor) self.assertTrue( all( test_utilities.tuple_compare(x, y) for x, y in zip(testvar.values, values)))
def test_set_values_from_intervals(self): '''Test behavior of Uncertainy.test_set_values_from_intervals function''' # Dummy central values and variatons relative to central value npoints = 100 values = list(range(0, npoints, 1)) uncertainty = [(-random.uniform(0, 1), random.uniform(0, 1)) for _ in range(100)] # Convert +- error to interval bounds intervals = [(val + unc_minus, val + unc_plus) for val, (unc_minus, unc_plus) in zip(values, uncertainty)] # Reference uses "normal" assignment refunc = Uncertainty("reference_unc") refunc.is_symmetric = False refunc.values = uncertainty # Test uses new function testunc = Uncertainty("test_unc") testunc.is_symmetric = False testunc.set_values_from_intervals(intervals, nominal=values) # Check that both agree self.assertTrue(all((test_utilities.tuple_compare(tup1, tup2) \ for tup1, tup2 in zip(testunc.values, refunc.values))))
def test_read_hist_2d_asymmetric_errors(self): """Test the read_hist_2d function with asymmetric errors forcing symmetric errors to be used.""" # pylint: disable-msg=too-many-locals _fpath = "testfile.root" # Create test histogram NX = 17 NY = 17 n_fill = 1000 hist = ROOT.TH2D("test2d_asym", "test2d_asym", NX, 0, 1, NY, 0, 1) hist.SetBinErrorOption(ROOT.TH1.kPoisson) for val in np.random.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.15, size=(n_fill, 2)): hist.Fill(*val) backup_hist = hist.Clone("backup") # Write to file testfile = make_tmp_root_file(testcase=self) hist.SetDirectory(testfile) hist.Write("test2d_asym") testfile.Close() # Read back reader = RootFileReader(testfile.GetName()) points = reader.read_hist_2d("test2d_asym") # Check keys self.assertTrue( set(["x", "y", "z", "x_edges", "y_edges", "dz"]) == set( points.keys())) # Check length for v in points.values(): self.assertTrue(len(v) == NX * NY) # Look up original bins and compare for x, y, z, dz in zip(points["x"], points["y"], points["z"], points["dz"]): ibin = backup_hist.Fill(x, y, 0) ibinx = ctypes.c_int() ibiny = ctypes.c_int() ibinz = ctypes.c_int() backup_hist.GetBinXYZ(ibin, ibinx, ibiny, ibinz) self.assertTrue( float_compare(backup_hist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(ibinx.value), x)) self.assertTrue( float_compare(backup_hist.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(ibiny.value), y)) self.assertTrue(float_compare(backup_hist.GetBinContent(ibin), z)) self.assertTrue( tuple_compare( (-backup_hist.GetBinErrorLow(ibinx.value, ibiny.value), backup_hist.GetBinErrorUp(ibinx.value, ibiny.value)), dz)) # Clean up self.doCleanups()
def test_read_hist_1d_asymmetric_errors(self): """Test the read_hist_1d function for a histogram with asymmetric errors.""" _fpath = "testfile.root" # Create test histogram n_bin = 17 n_fill = 1000 testname = "test1d_asymm" hist = ROOT.TH1D(testname, testname, n_bin, 0, 1) hist.SetBinErrorOption(ROOT.TH1.kPoisson) for val in np.random.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.15, size=n_fill): hist.Fill(val) # Extract values x_values = [] y_values = [] dy_values = [] for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX()): x_values.append(hist.GetBinCenter(i)) y_values.append(hist.GetBinContent(i)) dy_values.append((-hist.GetBinErrorLow(i), hist.GetBinErrorUp(i))) # Write to file testfile = make_tmp_root_file(testcase=self) hist.Write(testname) testfile.Close() # Read back reader = RootFileReader(testfile.GetName()) points = reader.read_hist_1d(testname) # Check consistency self.assertTrue(set(["x", "y", "x_edges", "dy"]) == set(points.keys())) self.assertTrue( all(float_compare(*tup) for tup in zip(points["x"], x_values))) self.assertTrue( all(float_compare(*tup) for tup in zip(points["y"], y_values))) self.assertTrue( all(tuple_compare(*tup) for tup in zip(points["dy"], dy_values))) # Clean up self.doCleanups()
def test_read_hist_1d_asymmetric_errors(self): """Test the read_hist_1d function for a histogram with asymmetric errors.""" fpath = "testfile.root" # Create test histogram Nbin = 17 Nfill = 1000 hist = ROOT.TH1D("test1d_asymm", "test1d_asymm", Nbin, 0, 1) hist.SetBinErrorOption(ROOT.TH1.kPoisson) for val in np.random.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.15, size=Nfill): hist.Fill(val) # Extract values x_values = [] y_values = [] dy_values = [] for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX()): x_values.append(hist.GetBinCenter(i)) y_values.append(hist.GetBinContent(i)) dy_values.append((-hist.GetBinErrorLow(i), hist.GetBinErrorUp(i))) # Write to file f = ROOT.TFile(fpath, "RECREATE") hist.SetDirectory(f) hist.Write("test") f.Close() # Read back reader = RootFileReader(fpath) points = reader.read_hist_1d("test") # Check consistency self.assertTrue(set(["x", "y", "x_edges", "dy"]) == set(points.keys())) self.assertTrue( all(float_compare(*tup) for tup in zip(points["x"], x_values))) self.assertTrue( all(float_compare(*tup) for tup in zip(points["y"], y_values))) self.assertTrue( all(tuple_compare(*tup) for tup in zip(points["dy"], dy_values))) # Clean up os.remove(fpath)
def test_read_hist_1d_symmetric_errors(self): """Test the read_hist_1d function for a histogram with symmetric errors.""" name = "test" # Create test histogram N = 100 x_values = [0.5 + x for x in range(N)] y_values = list(np.random.uniform(-1e3, 1e3, N)) dy_values = list(np.random.uniform(0, 1e3, N)) x_edges = [] hist = ROOT.TH1D("test1d_symm", "test1d_symm", N, 0, N) for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX() + 1): hist.SetBinContent(i, y_values[i - 1]) hist.SetBinError(i, dy_values[i - 1]) center = hist.GetBinCenter(i) width = hist.GetBinWidth(i) x_edges.append((center - 0.5 * width, center + 0.5 * width)) testfile = make_tmp_root_file(testcase=self) hist.Write(name) testfile.Close() reader = RootFileReader(testfile.GetName()) points = reader.read_hist_1d(name) # Check consistency for key in ["x", "y", "dy", "x_edges"]: self.assertTrue(key in set(points.keys())) self.assertTrue( all(float_compare(*tup) for tup in zip(points["x"], x_values))) self.assertTrue( all(float_compare(*tup) for tup in zip(points["y"], y_values))) self.assertTrue( all(float_compare(*tup) for tup in zip(points["dy"], dy_values))) self.assertTrue( all( tuple_compare(*tup) for tup in zip(points["x_edges"], x_edges))) # Clean up self.doCleanups()