Exemple #1
    def create_remote_keytab(self, name: str, principals: list=[]) -> str:
        Create a remote keytab for the specified list of principals
        if not name:
            name = "{}.keytab".format(str(uuid.uuid4()))

        log.info("Creating keytab: %s", name)

        if not principals:
            log.info("Using predefined principals")
            principals = self.principals

        if not principals:
            log.error("No principals specified not creating keytab")
            return None

        log.info("Deleting any previous keytab just in case (kadmin will append to it)")
        sdk_cmd.task_exec(self.task_id, "rm {}".format(name))

        kadmin_options = ["-l"]
        kadmin_cmd = "ext"
        kadmin_args = ["-k", name]

        self.__run_kadmin(kadmin_options, kadmin_cmd, kadmin_args)

        keytab_absolute_path = os.path.join("/var/lib/mesos/slave/slaves", self.kdc_host_id,
                                            "frameworks", self.framework_id,
                                            "executors", self.task_id,
                                            "runs/latest", name)
        return keytab_absolute_path
Exemple #2
def resolve_hosts(task_id: str, hosts: list) -> bool:
    Use bootstrap to resolve the specified list of hosts
    bootstrap_cmd = [
        './bootstrap', '-print-env=false', '-template=false',
        '-install-certs=false', '-self-resolve=false', '-resolve-hosts',
    LOG.info("Running bootstrap to wait for DNS resolution of %s\n\t%s", hosts,
    return_code, bootstrap_stdout, bootstrap_stderr = sdk_cmd.task_exec(
        task_id, ' '.join(bootstrap_cmd))

    LOG.info("bootstrap return code: %s", return_code)
    LOG.info("bootstrap STDOUT: %s", bootstrap_stdout)
    LOG.info("bootstrap STDERR: %s", bootstrap_stderr)

    # Note that bootstrap returns its output in STDERR
    resolved = 'SDK Bootstrap successful.' in bootstrap_stderr
    if not resolved:
        for host in hosts:
            resolved_host_string = "Resolved '{host}' =>".format(host=host)
            host_resolved = resolved_host_string in bootstrap_stdout
            if not host_resolved:
                LOG.error("Could not resolve: %s", host)

    return resolved
Exemple #3
def kdestroy(task_id: str):
    Performs a kdestroy command to erase an auth session for a principal.
    :param task_id: The task in whose environment the kinit will run.
    log.info("Erasing auth session:")
    rc, stdout, stderr = sdk_cmd.task_exec(task_id, "kdestroy")
    if rc != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed ({}) to erase auth session\nstdout: {}\nstderr: {}".format(rc, stdout, stderr))
Exemple #4
def kinit(task_id: str, keytab: str, principal: str):
    Performs a kinit command to authenticate the specified principal.
    :param task_id: The task in whose environment the kinit will run.
    :param keytab: The keytab used by kinit to authenticate.
    :param principal: The name of the principal the user wants to authenticate as.
    kinit_cmd = "kinit -kt {keytab} {principal}".format(keytab=keytab, principal=principal)
    log.info("Authenticating principal=%s with keytab=%s: %s", principal, keytab, kinit_cmd)
    rc, stdout, stderr = sdk_cmd.task_exec(task_id, kinit_cmd)
    if rc != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed ({}) to authenticate with keytab={} principal={}\nstdout: {}\nstderr: {}".format(rc, keytab, principal, stdout, stderr))
Exemple #5
    def __run_kadmin(self, options: list, cmd: str, args: list):
        Invokes Kerberos' kadmin binary inside the container to run some command.
        :param options (list): A list of options given to kadmin.
        :param cmd (str): The name of the sub command to run.
        :param args (list): A list of arguments passed to the sub command. This should also include any flags
                            needed to be set for the sub command.
        :raises a generic Exception if the invocation fails.
        kadmin_cmd = "/usr/sbin/kadmin {options} {cmd} {args}".format(
            options=' '.join(options),
            args=' '.join(args)

        log.info("Running kadmin: {}".format(kadmin_cmd))
        rc, stdout, stderr = sdk_cmd.task_exec(self.task_id, kadmin_cmd)
        if rc != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed ({}) to invoke kadmin: {}\nstdout: {}\nstderr: {}".format(rc, kadmin_cmd, stdout, stderr))
Exemple #6
def cmd(pod_name, command):
    return sdk_cmd.task_exec(
        "bash -c 'JAVA_HOME=$(ls -d jre*/) apache-cassandra-*/bin/nodetool {}'"