Exemple #1
        error = z_target - z_actual
        error_dot = z_dot_target - z_dot_actual

        self.last_error = error

        # u_bar is what we want vertical acceleration to be
        u_bar = self.k_p * error + self.k_d * error_dot + z_dot_dot_ff

        #u is the thrust command which will cause u_bar
        u = self.vehicle_mass * (self.g - u_bar)

        return u


def oscillating_target():
    returns sampling time, target path, target path velocity, target path acceleration

    AMPLITUDE = 0.5


    t, z_path, z_dot_path, z_dot_dot_path = trajectories.cosine(AMPLITUDE,
        #   modify the PD control code to incorporate
        #   the feedforward term.

        # position error
        err = z_target - z_actual
        # velocity error
        err_dot = z_dot_target - z_dot_actual
        # desired acceleration
        u_bar = self.k_p * err + self.k_d * err_dot + z_dot_dot_ff
        # commanded thrust
        u = self.vehicle_mass * (self.g - u_bar)

        return u

testing.pd_controller_test(PDController, feed_forward=True)

# #### TODO 2 - Compare trajectories with and without a feedforward term
# The code below generates plots of $z$ vs $t$ for two drones. One uses FF and the other doesn't.
# Run the code and compare the two trajectories. What happens if you increase the oscillation frequency to 10? What happens if you decrease it to 2?
# You should notice a **lag** in the system response: the trajectory without the feedforward term should lag behind the desired trajectory in time. This effect diminishes as the oscillation frequency decreases.

# In[5]:

# This code simulates TWO drones. One uses the feed forward
# acceleration and the other doesn't. Note the difference in
# trajectories.