Exemple #1
def _compile_bakery_plugins(pylint_test_dir):
    with open(pylint_test_dir + "/cmk_bakery_plugins.py", "w") as f:

            f, os.path.realpath(os.path.join(cmc_path(), "cmk_base/cee/agent_bakery_plugins.py")))
        # This pylint warning is incompatible with our "concatenation technology".
        f.write("# pylint: disable=reimported,wrong-import-order,wrong-import-position\n")

        # Also add bakery plugins
        for path in pylint_cmk.check_files(os.path.join(cmc_path(), "agents/bakery")):
            pylint_cmk.add_file(f, path)
def test_find_debug_code():
    scanned = 0
    for base_path in [ cmk_path(), cmc_path() ]:
        for dir_path in check_paths:
            path = "%s/%s" % (base_path, dir_path)
            if not os.path.exists(path):

            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
                scanned += 1
                for filename in filenames:
                    file_path = "%s/%s" % (dirpath, filename)

                    for nr, line in enumerate(open(file_path)):
                        if nr == 0 and ("bash" in line or "php" in line):
                            break # skip non python files

                        l = line.lstrip()
                        assert not l.startswith("print("), \
                            "Found \"print(...)\" call in %s:%d" % \
                                                    (file_path, nr+1)
                        assert not l.startswith("print "), \
                            "Found \"print ...\" call in %s:%d" % \
                                                    (file_path, nr+1)

    assert scanned > 0
Exemple #3
def test_pylint_checks():
    base_path = pylint_cmk.get_test_dir()

    f = file(base_path + "/cmk-checks.py", "w")

    # add the modules
    for path in pylint_cmk.ordered_module_files():
        pylint_cmk.add_file(f, path)

    # Now add the checks
    for path in pylint_cmk.check_files(repo_path() + "/checks"):
        pylint_cmk.add_file(f, path)

    # Also add inventory plugins
    for path in pylint_cmk.check_files(repo_path() + "/inventory"):
        pylint_cmk.add_file(f, path)

    # Also add bakery plugins
    for path in pylint_cmk.check_files(cmc_path() + "/agents/bakery"):
        pylint_cmk.add_file(f, path)


    exit_code = pylint_cmk.run_pylint(base_path, cleanup_test_dir=True)
    assert exit_code == 0, "PyLint found an error in checks, inventory " \
                           "or agent bakery plugins"
def test_precompiled_file_ages():
    newest_source_file, newest_source_time = find_newest_source_file()

    for filename in precompiled_files:
        path = "%s/agents/windows/%s" % (cmc_path(), filename)
        commit_time = last_commit_time(path)
        assert commit_time >= newest_source_time, \
            "%s is older than source code file %s" % (path, newest_source_file)
Exemple #5
def ordered_module_files():
    ordered_modules = [
        cmk_path() + "/modules/check_mk_base.py",
        cmk_path() + "/modules/check_mk.py",
        cmk_path() + "/modules/config.py",
        cmk_path() + "/modules/discovery.py",
        cmk_path() + "/modules/snmp.py",
        cmk_path() + "/modules/notify.py",
        cmk_path() + "/modules/events.py",
        cmk_path() + "/modules/nagios.py",
        cmk_path() + "/modules/automation.py",
        cmk_path() + "/modules/inventory.py",
        cmc_path() + "/modules/real_time_checks.py",
        cmc_path() + "/modules/alert_handling.py",
        cmc_path() + "/modules/keepalive.py",
        cmc_path() + "/modules/cmc.py",
        cmc_path() + "/modules/inline_snmp.py",
        cmc_path() + "/modules/agent_bakery.py",
        cmc_path() + "/modules/rrd.py",
        cme_path() + "/modules/managed.py",

    modules = ordered_modules

    # Add modules which are not specified above
    for path in module_files():
        if path not in modules:

    return modules
Exemple #6
def module_files():
    modules = []
    for base_path in [cmk_path() + "/modules", cmc_path() + "/modules"]:

        modules += [
            base_path + "/" + f for f in os.listdir(base_path)
            if not f.startswith(".")
    return sorted(modules)
Exemple #7
def get_plugin_files(plugin_dir):
    files = []

    for path in [ cmk_path() + "/web/plugins/" + plugin_dir,
                  cmc_path() + "/web/plugins/" + plugin_dir ]:
        if os.path.exists(path):
            files += [ (f, path) for f in os.listdir(path) ]

    return sorted(files)
Exemple #8
def get_plugin_files(plugin_dir):
    files = []

    for path in [
            cmk_path() + "/web/plugins/" + plugin_dir,
            cmc_path() + "/web/plugins/" + plugin_dir
        if os.path.exists(path):
            files += [(f, path) for f in os.listdir(path)]

    return sorted(files)
Exemple #9
def get_web_plugin_dirs():
    plugin_dirs = sorted(list(set(os.listdir(cmk_path() + "/web/plugins")
                                + os.listdir(cmc_path() + "/web/plugins"))))

    # icons are included from a plugin of views module. Move to the end to
    # make them be imported after the views plugins. Same for perfometers.
    return plugin_dirs
def test_pylint_misc():
    search_paths = [
        cmk_path() + "/cmk_base",
        cmc_path() + "/cmk_base",
        cmk_path() + "/lib",
        cmk_path() + "/bin",
        cmk_path() + "/notifications",
        cmk_path() + "/agents/plugins",
        cmk_path() + "/active_checks",
        cmc_path() + "/agents/plugins",
        cmc_path() + "/bin",
        cmc_path() + "/misc",

    checked, worst = 0, 0
    for path in search_paths:
        worst = max(worst, pylint_cmk.run_pylint(path))
        checked += 1

    assert checked > 0, "Did not find a file to check!"
    assert worst == 0, "At least one issue found"
Exemple #11
def get_web_plugin_dirs():
    plugin_dirs = sorted(
                os.listdir(cmk_path() + "/web/plugins") +
                os.listdir(cmc_path() + "/web/plugins"))))

    # icons are included from a plugin of views module. Move to the end to
    # make them be imported after the views plugins. Same for perfometers.
    return plugin_dirs
Exemple #12
def test_find_debug_code():
    scanned = 0
    for base_path in [cmk_path(), cmc_path()]:
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("%s/web" % base_path):
            scanned += 1
            for filename in filenames:
                path = "%s/%s" % (dirpath, filename)

                for line in open(path):
                    l = line.lstrip()
                    assert not l.startswith("html.debug("), \
                        "Found \"html.debug(...)\" call"

    assert scanned > 0
def test_find_debug_code():
    scanned = 0
    for base_path in [ cmk_path(), cmc_path() ]:
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("%s/web" % base_path):
            scanned += 1
            for filename in filenames:
                path = "%s/%s" % (dirpath, filename)

                for line in open(path):
                    l = line.lstrip()
                    assert not l.startswith("html.debug("), \
                        "Found \"html.debug(...)\" call"

    assert scanned > 0
Exemple #14
def test_pylint_web():
    base_path = pylint_cmk.get_test_dir()

    # Make compiled files import eachother by default
    sys.path.insert(0, base_path)

    modules = glob.glob(cmk_path() + "/web/htdocs/*.py") \
            + glob.glob(cmc_path() + "/web/htdocs/*.py") \
            + glob.glob(cme_path() + "/web/htdocs/*.py")

    for module in modules:
        print("Copy %s to test directory" % module)
        f = open(base_path + "/" + os.path.basename(module), "w")
        pylint_cmk.add_file(f, module)

    # Move the whole plugins code to their modules, then
    # run pylint only on the modules
    for plugin_dir in get_web_plugin_dirs():
        files = get_plugin_files(plugin_dir)

        for plugin_file, plugin_base in files:
            plugin_path = plugin_base + "/" + plugin_file

            if plugin_file.startswith('.'):
            elif plugin_dir in ["icons", "perfometer"]:
                module_name = "views"
            elif plugin_dir == "pages":
                module_name = "modules"
                module_name = plugin_dir

            print("[%s] add %s" % (module_name, plugin_path))
            module = file(base_path + "/" + module_name + ".py", "a")
            pylint_cmk.add_file(module, plugin_path)

    exit_code = pylint_cmk.run_pylint(base_path, cleanup_test_dir=True)
    assert exit_code == 0, "PyLint found an error in the web code"
Exemple #15
def test_pylint_web():
    base_path = pylint_cmk.get_test_dir()

    # Make compiled files import eachother by default
    sys.path.insert(0, base_path)

    modules = glob.glob(cmk_path() + "/web/htdocs/*.py") \
            + glob.glob(cmc_path() + "/web/htdocs/*.py")

    for module in modules:
        print("Copy %s to test directory" % module)
        f = open(base_path + "/" + os.path.basename(module), "w")
        pylint_cmk.add_file(f, module)

    # Move the whole plugins code to their modules, then
    # run pylint only on the modules
    for plugin_dir in get_web_plugin_dirs():
        files = get_plugin_files(plugin_dir)

        for plugin_file, plugin_base in files:
            plugin_path = plugin_base +"/"+plugin_file

            if plugin_file.startswith('.'):
            elif plugin_dir in ["icons","perfometer"]:
                module_name = "views"
            elif plugin_dir == "pages":
                module_name = "modules"
                module_name = plugin_dir

            print("[%s] add %s" % (module_name, plugin_path))
            module = file(base_path + "/" + module_name + ".py", "a")
            pylint_cmk.add_file(module, plugin_path)

    exit_code = pylint_cmk.run_pylint(base_path, cleanup_test_dir=True)
    assert exit_code == 0, "PyLint found an error in the web code"
Exemple #16
    ['  print "hello Word"', 'print("variable")', '  pprint(dict)', '  pprint.pprint(list)'])
def test_find_debugs(line):
    assert find_debugs(line)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("line", ['sys.stdout.write("message")', '# print(variable)'])
def test_find_debugs_false(line):
    assert find_debugs(line) is None

        p  #
        for base_path in [cmk_path(), cmc_path(), cme_path()]  #
        for dir_path in check_paths  #
        for p in ["%s/%s" % (base_path, dir_path)]
        if os.path.exists(p)
def test_find_debug_code(path):
    scanned = 0

    for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(path):
        scanned += 1
        for filename in filenames:
            file_path = "%s/%s" % (dirpath, filename)
            if [folder for folder in exclude_folders if folder in file_path]:
def find_newest_source_file():
    path = "%s/agents/plugins/cmk-update-agent" % cmc_path()
    return path, last_commit_time(path)
def test_precompiled_files_present():
    for filename in precompiled_files:
        path = "%s/agents/windows/%s" % (cmc_path(), filename)
        assert os.path.exists(path)