Exemple #1
def make_cme_wrong_customer_user(user_id):
    if not is_managed_repo():
        pytest.skip("not relevant")

    users = _load_users_uncached(lock=True)

    users[user_id]["customer"] = "wrong-customer"
Exemple #2
def make_cme_global_user(user_id):
    if not is_managed_repo():
        pytest.skip("not relevant")

    import cmk.gui.cme.managed as managed  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
    users = _load_users_uncached(lock=True)

    users[user_id]["customer"] = managed.SCOPE_GLOBAL
Exemple #3
def fixture_edition_short(monkeypatch, request):
    edition_short = request.param
    if edition_short == "cme" and not is_managed_repo():
        pytest.skip("Needed files are not available")

    if edition_short == "cee" and not is_enterprise_repo():
        pytest.skip("Needed files are not available")

    monkeypatch.setattr(cmk_version, "edition_short", lambda: edition_short)
    yield edition_short
Exemple #4
def make_cme(monkeypatch, user_id):
    if not is_managed_repo():
        pytest.skip("not relevant")

    monkeypatch.setattr(cmk.utils.version, "omd_version",
                        lambda: "2.0.0i1.cme")
    assert cmk.utils.version.is_managed_edition()

    monkeypatch.setattr(config, "current_customer", "test-customer")
    # Fix CRE mypy tests that do not have this attribute defined
    assert config.current_customer == "test-customer"  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
Exemple #5
def test_check_credentials_managed_wrong_customer_user_is_denied(with_user):
    if not is_managed_repo():
        pytest.skip("not relevant")

    user_id, password = with_user
    assert userdb.check_credentials(user_id, password) is False
Exemple #6
def test_check_credentials_managed_global_user_is_allowed(with_user):
    if not is_managed_repo():
        pytest.skip("not relevant")

    user_id, password = with_user
    assert userdb.check_credentials(user_id, password) == user_id
Exemple #7
def test_pylint(pylint_test_dir):
    # Only specify the path to python packages or modules here
    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
        modules_or_packages = []
        modules_or_packages = [

        if is_enterprise_repo():
            modules_or_packages += [
                # TODO: Check if this kind of "overlay" really works.
                # TODO: Why do we have e.g. a symlink cmk_base/cee -> enterprise/cmk_base/cee?
                # TODO: Funny links there, see above.

        if is_managed_repo():
            modules_or_packages += [

    # Add the compiled files for things that are no modules yet
    open(pylint_test_dir + "/__init__.py", "w")

    if is_enterprise_repo():

    # Not checking compiled check, inventory, bakery plugins with Python 3
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
        modules_or_packages += [

    # We use our own search logic to find scripts without python extension
    search_paths = [

    if is_enterprise_repo():
        search_paths += [

    for path in search_paths:
        abs_path = cmk_path() + "/" + path
        for fname in pylint_cmk.get_pylint_files(abs_path, "*"):
            modules_or_packages.append(path + "/" + fname)

    exit_code = pylint_cmk.run_pylint(cmk_path(), modules_or_packages)
    assert exit_code == 0, "PyLint found an error"