Exemple #1
def check(state_engine):

    global wallet_keys, datasets, zonefile_hash

    # not revealed, but ready
    ns = state_engine.get_namespace_reveal("test")
    if ns is not None:
        print "namespace not ready"
        return False

    ns = state_engine.get_namespace("test")
    if ns is None:
        print "no namespace"
        return False

    if ns['namespace_id'] != 'test':
        print "wrong namespace"
        return False

    # not preordered
    preorder = state_engine.get_name_preorder(
        "foo.test", virtualchain.make_payment_script(wallets[2].addr),
    if preorder is not None:
        print "still have preorder"
        return False

    # registered
    name_rec = state_engine.get_name("foo.test")
    if name_rec is None:
        print "name does not exist"
        return False

    # owned
    if name_rec['address'] != wallets[3].addr or name_rec[
            'sender'] != virtualchain.make_payment_script(wallets[3].addr):
        print "name has wrong owner"
        return False

    # have right hash
    if name_rec['value_hash'] != zonefile_hash:
        print "Invalid zonefile hash"
        return False

    # have right data
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup("foo.test")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'error looking up profile: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    assert 'profile' in res
    assert 'zonefile' in res

    return True
Exemple #2
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global put_result, wallet_keys, legacy_profile, zonefile_hash, zonefile_hash_2, error

    wallet_keys = testlib.ysi_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[8].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )

    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    ysi_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.ysi_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.ysi_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.ysi_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.ysi_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.ysi_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # set up legacy profile hash
    legacy_txt = json.dumps(legacy_profile,sort_keys=True)
    legacy_hash = virtualchain.lib.hashing.hex_hash160( legacy_txt )
    result_1 = testlib.ysi_cli_update("foo.test", legacy_txt, '0123456789abcdef') 
    if 'error' in result_1:
        print json.dumps(result_1, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # wait for it to go through...
    for i in xrange(0, 12):

    print "wait 10 seconds for update to go through"

    rc = ysi_client.storage.put_immutable_data( legacy_txt, result_1['transaction_hash'], data_hash=legacy_hash )
    assert rc is not None

    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # migrate profiles to standard zonefiles
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False 

    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # give foo.test a nonstandard zonefile (as something that serializes to JSON)
    nonstandard_zonefile_json = {'nonstandard': 'true', 'error': 'nonstandard'}
    nonstandard_zonefile_txt = json.dumps(nonstandard_zonefile_json, sort_keys=True)
    nonstandard_zonefile_raw = binascii.unhexlify( "".join(["%02x" % i for i in xrange(0, 256)]))

    zf_data = [nonstandard_zonefile_txt, nonstandard_zonefile_raw]
    for zi in xrange(0, len(zf_data)):
        nonstandard_zonefile = zf_data[zi]

        resp = testlib.ysi_cli_update( "foo.test", nonstandard_zonefile, "0123456789abcdef", nonstandard=True )
        if 'error' in resp:
            print "failed to put nonstandard zonefile '%s'" % nonstandard_zonefile
            print json.dumps(resp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
            return False


        # wait for it to take effect
        for i in xrange(0, 12):
            testlib.next_block( **kw )


        # getting zonefile should still work...
        resp = testlib.ysi_cli_get_name_zonefile( "foo.test", json=True, raw=False)
        if 'error' in resp:
            print "failed to get zonefile %s" % zi
            print json.dumps(resp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
            return False 

        if resp['zonefile'] != nonstandard_zonefile:
            print "failed to load nonstandard zonefile json"
            print "expected:\n%s\n\ngot:\n%s" % (nonstandard_zonefile, resp['zonefile'])
            return False

        # the following should all fail
        dataplane_funcs = [
            ("lookup",        lambda: testlib.ysi_cli_lookup( "foo.test" )),
            ("put_immutable", lambda: testlib.ysi_cli_put_immutable( "foo.test", "fail", '{"Fail": "Yes"}', password='******' )),
            ("get_immutable", lambda: testlib.ysi_cli_get_immutable( "foo.test", "fail" )),
            ("put_mutable",   lambda: testlib.ysi_cli_put_mutable( "foo.test", "fail", '{"fail": "yes"}', password='******' )),
            ("get_mutable",   lambda: testlib.ysi_cli_get_mutable( "foo.test", "fail" )),
            ("delete_immutable", lambda: testlib.ysi_cli_delete_immutable( "foo.test", "00" * 32, password='******' )),
            ("delete_mutable", lambda: testlib.ysi_cli_delete_mutable( "foo.test", "fail", password='******' ))

        for data_func_name, data_func in dataplane_funcs:
            resp = data_func()
            if 'error' not in resp:
                if data_func_name != 'lookup':
                    print "%s succeeded when it should not have:\n%s" % (data_func_name, json.dumps(resp, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
                    return False
                elif 'error' not in resp['profile']:
                    print "%s succeeded when it should not have:\n%s" % (data_func_name, json.dumps(resp, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
                    return False
        # this should succeed
        zf_hist = testlib.ysi_cli_list_zonefile_history( "foo.test" )
        if len(zf_hist) != 2*(zi+1)+1:
            print "missing zonefile history: %s (expected %s items, got %s)" % (zf_hist, zi+3, len(zf_hist))
            return False

        update_hist = testlib.ysi_cli_list_update_history( "foo.test" )
        if len(update_hist) != 2*(zi+1)+1:
            print 'missing zonefile history: %s (expected %s items, got %s)' % (zf_hist, zi+3, len(zf_hist))
            return False

        name_hist = testlib.ysi_cli_get_name_blockchain_history("foo.test")
        if zf_hist[-1] != nonstandard_zonefile:
            print "invalid zonefile: expected\n%s\ngot\n%s\n" % (nonstandard_zonefile, zf_hist[-1])
            return False

        # this should work, but with "non-standard zonefiles"
        hist = testlib.ysi_cli_list_immutable_data_history("foo.test", "fail")
        if len(hist) != 2*(zi+1)+1:
            print "missing immutable data history: %s (expected %s items, got %s)" % (hist, zi+3, len(hist))
            return False

        if hist[-1] != 'non-standard zonefile':
            print "not a non-standard zonefile: %s" % hist[-1]
            return False 

        # verify that we can migrate it back
        resp = testlib.ysi_cli_migrate( "foo.test", "0123456789abcdef", force=True, interactive=False )
        if 'error' in resp:
            print "failed to migrate"
            print json.dumps(resp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
            return False

        zonefile_hash = resp['zonefile_hash']

        # wait for it to take effect
        for i in xrange(0, 12):
            testlib.next_block( **kw )


    # see that put_immutable works
    put_result = testlib.ysi_cli_put_immutable("foo.test", "hello_world_immutable", json.dumps({'hello': 'world'}), password='******')
    if 'error' in put_result:
        print json.dumps(put_result, indent=4, sort_keys=True )
        return False


    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    # wait for confirmation
    for i in xrange(0, 12):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print "waiting for confirmation"

    # see that put_mutable works
    put_result = testlib.ysi_cli_put_mutable("foo.test", "hello_world_mutable", json.dumps({'hello': 'world'}), password='******')
    if 'error' in put_result:
        print json.dumps(put_result, indent=4, sort_keys=True )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
Exemple #3
def check( state_engine ):

    global wallet_keys, datasets, zonefile_hash

    # not revealed, but ready 
    ns = state_engine.get_namespace_reveal( "test" )
    if ns is not None:
        print "namespace not ready"
        return False 

    ns = state_engine.get_namespace( "test" )
    if ns is None:
        print "no namespace"
        return False 

    if ns['namespace_id'] != 'test':
        print "wrong namespace"
        return False 

    # not preordered
    preorder = state_engine.get_name_preorder( "foo.test", virtualchain.make_payment_script(wallets[2].addr), wallets[3].addr )
    if preorder is not None:
        print "still have preorder"
        return False
    # registered 
    name_rec = state_engine.get_name( "foo.test" )
    if name_rec is None:
        print "name does not exist"
        return False 

    # owned 
    if name_rec['address'] != wallets[3].addr or name_rec['sender'] != virtualchain.make_payment_script(wallets[3].addr):
        print "name has wrong owner"
        return False 

    # have right hash 
    if name_rec['value_hash'] != zonefile_hash:
        print "Invalid zonefile hash"
        return False 

    # have right data 
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    ysi_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    for i in xrange(0, len(datasets)):
        print "get hello_world_%s" % (i+1)
        dat = testlib.ysi_cli_get_mutable( "foo.test", "hello_world_{}".format(i+1), public_key=wallets[4].pubkey_hex )
        if dat is None:
            print "No data '%s'" % ("hello_world_%s" % (i+1))
            return False

        if 'error' in dat:
            print json.dumps(dat, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
            return False

        if json.loads(dat['data']) != datasets[i]:
            print "Mismatch %s: %s != %s" % (i, dat, datasets[i])
            return False

    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup("foo.test")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'error looking up profile: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    assert 'profile' in res
    assert 'zonefile' in res

    return True
Exemple #4
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    wallet = testlib.ysi_client_initialize_wallet("0123456789abcdef",

    testlib.ysi_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey)

        "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,

    testlib.ysi_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)

    testlib.ysi_name_preorder("foo1.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr)
    testlib.ysi_name_preorder("foo2.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr)
    testlib.ysi_name_preorder("foo3.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr)

    # make zonefiles:
    # one with a data key
    # one without a data key
    # one with a nonstandard zonefile
    zf1 = ysi_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('foo1.test',
    zf1_txt = ysi_zones.make_zone_file(zf1)

    zf2 = ysi_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('foo2.test', None)
    zf2_txt = ysi_zones.make_zone_file(zf2)

    zf3_txt = '\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05'


    # replicate zonefiles
    proxy = testlib.make_proxy()
    res = ysi_client.proxy.put_zonefiles("localhost:{}".format(
        ysi.RPC_SERVER_PORT), [
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    for s in res['saved']:
        if s != 1:
            print res
            return False

    print 'waiting for zonefiles to be saved...'

    # store signed profile for each
    working_dir = os.environ['VIRTUALCHAIN_WORKING_DIR']

    for name in ['foo1.test', 'foo2.test', 'foo3.test']:
        profile = ysi_client.user.make_empty_user_profile()
        profile['name'] = name

        profile_path = os.path.join(working_dir, '{}.profile'.format(name))
        with open(profile_path, 'w') as f:

        print 'sign profile for {}'.format(name)

        jwt = testlib.ysi_cli_sign_profile(name, profile_path)
        if 'error' in jwt:
            print jwt
            return False

        jwt_path = os.path.join(working_dir, '{}.profile.jwt'.format(name))
        with open(jwt_path, 'w') as f:

        print 'verify profile for {}'.format(name)

        res = testlib.ysi_cli_verify_profile(name, jwt_path)
        if 'error' in res:
            print res
            return False

        print 'store profile for {}'.format(name)

        # store the jwt to the right place
        res = ysi_client.storage.put_mutable_data(name,
        if not res:
            print res
            return False

        print 'lookup profile for {}'.format(name)

        # lookup
        res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup(name)
        if name != 'foo3.test':
            if 'error' in res:
                print res
                return False

            if res['profile'] != profile:
                print 'profile mismatch:'
                print res
                print profile
                return False

            if 'error' not in res:
                print res
                return False
Exemple #5
def check(state_engine):

    global wallet_keys, datasets, zonefile_hash

    # not revealed, but ready
    ns = state_engine.get_namespace_reveal("test")
    if ns is not None:
        print "namespace not ready"
        return False

    ns = state_engine.get_namespace("test")
    if ns is None:
        print "no namespace"
        return False

    if ns['namespace_id'] != 'test':
        print "wrong namespace"
        return False

    # not preordered
    preorder = state_engine.get_name_preorder(
        "foo.test", virtualchain.make_payment_script(wallets[2].addr),
    if preorder is not None:
        print "still have preorder"
        return False

    # registered
    name_rec = state_engine.get_name("foo.test")
    if name_rec is None:
        print "name does not exist"
        return False

    # owned
    if name_rec['address'] != wallets[3].addr or name_rec[
            'sender'] != virtualchain.make_payment_script(wallets[3].addr):
        print "name has wrong owner"
        return False

    # have right hash
    if name_rec['value_hash'] != zonefile_hash:
        print "Invalid zonefile hash"
        return False

    # zonefile is NOT legacy
    user_zonefile = ysi_client.zonefile.load_name_zonefile(
        'foo.test', zonefile_hash)
    if 'error' in user_zonefile:
        print json.dumps(user_zonefile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    if ysi_profiles.is_profile_in_legacy_format(user_zonefile):
        print "legacy still"
        print json.dumps(user_zonefile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup("foo.test")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'error looking up profile: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    assert 'profile' in res
    assert 'zonefile' in res

    return True
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    global first_name_block
    test_proxy = testlib.make_proxy()

    # make a test namespace
    resp = testlib.ysi_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr,
    if 'error' in resp:
        print json.dumps(resp, indent=4)
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # end of 689

    resp = testlib.ysi_namespace_reveal(
        "test", wallets[1].addr, 2, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,
    if 'error' in resp:
        print json.dumps(resp, indent=4)
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # 690

    # make a zonefile and a profile
    driver_urls = ysi_client.storage.make_mutable_data_urls(
        'foo.test', use_only=['dht', 'disk'])
    zonefile = ysi_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('foo.test',
    zonefile_txt = ysi_zones.make_zone_file(zonefile,

    # make a new keyfile as well
    user_profile = ysi_client.user.make_empty_user_profile()
    res = ysi_client.key_file.make_initial_key_file(user_profile, wallets[3].privkey)
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return res

    keyfile_txt = res['key_file']
    zonefile_hash = ysi_client.get_zonefile_data_hash(zonefile_txt)

    resp = testlib.ysi_name_import("foo.test", wallets[3].addr, zonefile_hash,
    if 'error' in resp:
        print json.dumps(resp, indent=4)
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # 691

    # broadcast zonefile
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_sync_zonefile('foo.test',
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False
    # upload keyfile
    res = ysi_client.key_file.key_file_put('foo.test', keyfile_txt)
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    rc = ysi_client.profile.put_profile('foo.test',
    if not rc:
        print 'failed to put profile'
        return False

    # try lookup
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    first_name_block = testlib.get_current_block(**kw)

    resp = testlib.ysi_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)
    if 'error' in resp:
        print json.dumps(resp, indent=4)
        return False

    # try lookup
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # end of 692

    whois = testlib.ysi_cli_whois('foo.test')
    if 'error' in whois:
        print 'failed to whois foo.test'
        print json.dumps(whois, indent=4)
        return False

    # this should be the second-to-last block
    if whois['expire_block'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 2:
        print 'wrong expire block (expect 2 more)'
        print whois
        return False

    # try lookup
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # end of 693; begin epoch 2
    # begin epoch 2

    # try lookup
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # 694

    # try lookup
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    whois = testlib.ysi_cli_whois('foo.test')
    if 'error' in whois:
        print 'failed to whois foo.test'
        print json.dumps(whois, indent=4)
        return False

    # this should be the last block
    if whois['expire_block'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 2:
        print 'wrong expire block (expect 2 more)'
        print whois
        return False

    if whois['renewal_deadline'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 2:
        print 'wrong renewal block (expect 2 more)'
        print whois
        return False

    print whois

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # 695 (epoch 3 begins)

    # try lookup
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # end of 696

    # try lookup (should fail)
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' not in res:
        print res
        return False

    if 'expired' not in res['error']:
        print res
        return False

    whois = testlib.ysi_cli_whois('foo.test')
    if 'error' in whois:
        print whois
        return False

    # this should be the expire block
    if whois['expire_block'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw):
        print 'wrong expire block (now at {})'.format(
        print whois
        return False

    # should now be a grace period
    if whois['renewal_deadline'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 5:
        print 'wrong renewal block (now at {})'.format(
        print whois
        return False

    last_transaction_height = whois['last_transaction_height']

    # begin epoch 3 (grace period)
    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # end of 697

    # try lookup (should fail)
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' not in res:
        print res
        return False

    if 'expired' not in res['error']:
        print res
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # 698

    # try lookup (should fail)
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' not in res:
        print res
        return False

    if 'expired' not in res['error']:
        print res
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # 699

    # try lookup (should fail)
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' not in res:
        print res
        return False

    if 'expired' not in res['error']:
        print res
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # 700

    # try lookup (should fail)
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' not in res:
        print res
        return False

    if 'expired' not in res['error']:
        print res
        return False

    # make a zonefile and a profile
    driver_urls = ysi_client.storage.make_mutable_data_urls(
        'foo.test', use_only=['dht', 'disk'])
    new_zonefile = ysi_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile(
        'foo.test', wallets[4].pubkey_hex, urls=driver_urls)
    new_zonefile_txt = ysi_zones.make_zone_file(new_zonefile,

    # make a new keyfile as well
    new_user_profile = ysi_client.user.make_empty_user_profile()
    new_user_profile['new_user'] = True
    res = ysi_client.key_file.make_initial_key_file(new_user_profile, wallets[0].privkey)
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return res

    new_keyfile_txt = res['key_file']
    new_zonefile_hash = ysi_client.get_zonefile_data_hash(new_zonefile_txt)

    rc = ysi_client.profile.put_profile('foo.test',
    if not rc:
        print 'failed to put profile'
        return False

    # renew/xfer/update
    resp = testlib.ysi_name_renew('foo.test',
    if 'error' in resp:
        print resp
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # end of 701 (end of grace period)

    # try lookup (should succeed again)
    res = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    if res['zonefile'] != new_zonefile_txt:
        print 'wrong zonefile'
        print new_zonefile_txt
        print res
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # 702 (name can be registered again)
Exemple #7
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    global first_name_block

    # make a test namespace
    resp = testlib.ysi_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr,
    if 'error' in resp:
        print json.dumps(resp, indent=4)
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # end of 689

    resp = testlib.ysi_namespace_reveal(
        "test", wallets[1].addr, 2, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,
    if 'error' in resp:
        print json.dumps(resp, indent=4)
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # 690

    resp = testlib.ysi_name_import("foo.test", wallets[3].addr, "11" * 20,
    if 'error' in resp:
        print json.dumps(resp, indent=4)
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # 691
    first_name_block = testlib.get_current_block(**kw)

    resp = testlib.ysi_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)
    if 'error' in resp:
        print json.dumps(resp, indent=4)
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # end of 692 (epoch 3 should be active)

    whois = testlib.ysi_cli_whois('foo.test')
    if 'error' in whois:
        print 'failed to whois foo.test'
        print json.dumps(whois, indent=4)
        return False

    # epoch 3 should be active...
    if whois['expire_block'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 4:
        print 'wrong expire block (should be 4 away)'
        print whois
        return False

    resp = testlib.ysi_name_renew('foo.test',
                                  zonefile_hash='22' * 20,
    if 'error' in resp:
        print resp
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # end of 693 (new epoch)

    whois = testlib.ysi_cli_whois('foo.test')
    if 'error' in whois:
        print whois
        return False

    if whois['expire_block'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 4:
        print 'expire block: {}'.format(whois['expire_block'])
        print 'current block + 4: {}'.format(
            testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 4)
        return False

    if whois['renewal_deadline'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 9:
        print 'renewal deadline: {}'.format(whois['renewal_deadline'])
        print 'current block + 9: {}'.format(
            testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 9)
        return False

    # expire it again (block 694-698)
    for i in xrange(0, 4):

    lookup = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup('foo.test')
    if 'error' not in lookup:
        print lookup
        return False

    if 'name is expired' not in lookup['error'].lower():
        print lookup
        return False

    whois = testlib.ysi_cli_whois('foo.test')
    if 'error' in whois:
        print whois
        return False

    if whois['expire_block'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw):
        print 'expire block: {}'.format(whois['expire_block'])
        print 'current block: {}'.format(testlib.get_current_block(**kw))
        return False

    if whois['renewal_deadline'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 5:
        print 'renewal deadline: {}'.format(whois['renewal_deadline'])
        print 'current block + 4: {}'.format(
            testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 5)
        return False

    # renew
    resp = testlib.ysi_name_renew('foo.test',
                                  zonefile_hash='33' * 20,
    if 'error' in resp:
        print resp
        return False

    testlib.next_block(**kw)  # 699

    whois = testlib.ysi_cli_whois('foo.test')
    if 'error' in whois:
        print whois
        return False

    if whois['expire_block'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 4:
        print 'expire block: {}'.format(whois['expire_block'])
        print 'current block + 4: {}'.format(
            testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 4)
        return False

    if whois['renewal_deadline'] != testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 9:
        print 'renewal deadline: {}'.format(whois['renewal_deadline'])
        print 'current block + 9: {}'.format(
            testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 9)
        return False

    if whois['owner_address'] != wallets[4].addr:
        print 'wrong owner; expected {}'.format(wallets[4].addr)
        print whois
        return False
Exemple #8
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global preorder_info, register_info, update_info, balance_before, balance_after, names_owned_before, names_owned_after, whois, blockchain_record, deposit_info, price_info
    global blockchain_history, zonefile_info, all_names_info, namespace_names_info, wallet_info, lookup_info, update_history, zonefile_history, names_info

    testlib.ysi_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.ysi_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.ysi_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    wallet = testlib.ysi_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )

    balance_before = testlib.ysi_cli_balance()
    deposit_info = testlib.ysi_cli_deposit()
    price_info = testlib.ysi_cli_price( "foo.test", password="******" )
    wallet_info = testlib.ysi_cli_wallet( "0123456789abcdef" ) 

    resp = testlib.ysi_cli_register( "foo.test", "0123456789abcdef" )
    if 'error' in resp:
        print >> sys.stderr, json.dumps(resp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False
    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 5):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # queued?
    preorder_info = testlib.ysi_cli_info()
    names_owned_before = testlib.ysi_cli_get_names_owned_by_address( wallets[3].addr )

    for i in xrange(0, 7):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for the poller to pick it up
    print >> sys.stderr, "Waiting 10 seconds for the backend to submit the register"

    # wait for the register to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 5):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # registered?
    register_info = testlib.ysi_cli_info()
    names_info = testlib.ysi_cli_names()

    for i in xrange(0, 7):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print >> sys.stderr, "Waiting 10 seconds for the backend to acknowledge registration"

    # wait for update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 5):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    update_info = testlib.ysi_cli_info()
    names_owned_after = testlib.ysi_cli_get_names_owned_by_address( wallets[3].addr )
    whois = testlib.ysi_cli_whois( "foo.test" )

    for i in xrange(0, 7):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print >> sys.stderr, "Waiting 10 seconds for the backend to acknowledge update"

    # put some immutable data 
    put_immutable_info = testlib.ysi_cli_put_immutable( "foo.test", "hello_world", '{"hello": "world"}' )    
    if 'error' in put_immutable_info:
        print "put_immutable failed"
        print json.dumps(put_immutable_info, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # wait for update to be confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 12):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print >> sys.stderr, "Waiting 10 seconds for backend to acknowledge put-immutable update"

    balance_after = testlib.ysi_cli_balance()
    blockchain_history = testlib.ysi_cli_get_name_blockchain_history( "foo.test" )
    zonefile_info = testlib.ysi_cli_get_name_zonefile( "foo.test", json=False )
    all_names_info = testlib.ysi_cli_get_all_names(0)
    namespace_names_info = testlib.ysi_cli_get_names_in_namespace("test", 0)
    lookup_info = testlib.ysi_cli_lookup( "foo.test" )
    update_history = testlib.ysi_cli_list_update_history( "foo.test" )
    zonefile_history = testlib.ysi_cli_list_zonefile_history( "foo.test" )
    blockchain_record = testlib.ysi_cli_get_name_blockchain_record( "foo.test" )