Exemple #1
 def extractLogSectionElapsed(sLogContent, tsStart, tsElapsed):
     Returns log section from tsStart and tsElapsed forward (or all if we cannot make sense of it).
     tsStart = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsStart)
     tsLast = tsStart + tsElapsed
     return TestSetData.extractLogSection(sLogContent, tsStart, tsLast)
Exemple #2
 def formatTsShort(self, oTs):
     Formats a timestamp (db rep) into a short form.
     oTsZulu = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(oTs)
     sTs = oTsZulu.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ')
     return unicode(sTs).replace('-', u'\u2011').replace(' ', u'\u00a0')
Exemple #3
 def prepCurTs():
     """ Formats the current timestamp. """
     if iCurTs < len(aoTimestamps):
         oTsZulu = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(aoTimestamps[iCurTs])
         return (oTsZulu.strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f'),
     return ('~~|~~|~~|~~~~~~', '~~|~~|~~|~~~~~~')
 def formatTsShort(self, oTs):
     Formats a timestamp (db rep) into a short form.
     oTsZulu = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(oTs)
     sTs = oTsZulu.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ")
     return unicode(sTs).replace("-", u"\u2011").replace(" ", u"\u00a0")
Exemple #5
 def extractLogSectionElapsed(sLogContent, tsStart, tsElapsed):
     Returns log section from tsStart and tsElapsed forward (or all if we cannot make sense of it).
     tsStart = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsStart);
     tsLast  = tsStart + tsElapsed;
     return TestSetData.extractLogSection(sLogContent, tsStart, tsLast);
 def formatTsShort(self, oTs):
     Formats a timestamp (db rep) into a short form.
     oTsZulu = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(oTs);
     sTs = oTsZulu.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ');
     return unicode(sTs).replace('-', u'\u2011').replace(' ', u'\u00a0');
Exemple #7
 def _formatEventTimestampHtml(self, tsEvent, tsLog, idEvent, oTestSet):
     """ Formats an event timestamp with a main log link. """
     tsEvent = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsEvent);
     #sFormattedTimestamp = u'%04u\u2011%02u\u2011%02u\u00a0%02u:%02u:%02uZ' \
     #                    % ( tsEvent.year, tsEvent.month, tsEvent.day,
     #                        tsEvent.hour, tsEvent.minute, tsEvent.second,);
     sFormattedTimestamp = u'%02u:%02u:%02uZ' \
                         % ( tsEvent.hour, tsEvent.minute, tsEvent.second,);
     sTitle              = u'#%u - %04u\u2011%02u\u2011%02u\u00a0%02u:%02u:%02u.%06uZ' \
                         % ( idEvent, tsEvent.year, tsEvent.month, tsEvent.day,
                             tsEvent.hour, tsEvent.minute, tsEvent.second, tsEvent.microsecond, );
     tsLog = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsLog);
     sFragment = u'%02u_%02u_%02u_%06u' % ( tsLog.hour, tsLog.minute, tsLog.second, tsLog.microsecond);
     return WuiTmLink(sFormattedTimestamp, '',
                      { WuiMain.ksParamAction:             WuiMain.ksActionViewLog,
                        WuiMain.ksParamLogSetId:           oTestSet.idTestSet,  },
                      sFragmentId = sFragment, sTitle = sTitle, fBracketed = False, ).toHtml();
Exemple #8
 def _formatEventTimestampHtml(self, tsEvent, tsLog, idEvent, oTestSet):
     """ Formats an event timestamp with a main log link. """
     tsEvent = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsEvent);
     #sFormattedTimestamp = u'%04u\u2011%02u\u2011%02u\u00a0%02u:%02u:%02uZ' \
     #                    % ( tsEvent.year, tsEvent.month, tsEvent.day,
     #                        tsEvent.hour, tsEvent.minute, tsEvent.second,);
     sFormattedTimestamp = u'%02u:%02u:%02uZ' \
                         % ( tsEvent.hour, tsEvent.minute, tsEvent.second,);
     sTitle              = u'#%u - %04u\u2011%02u\u2011%02u\u00a0%02u:%02u:%02u.%06uZ' \
                         % ( idEvent, tsEvent.year, tsEvent.month, tsEvent.day,
                             tsEvent.hour, tsEvent.minute, tsEvent.second, tsEvent.microsecond, );
     tsLog = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsLog);
     sFragment = u'%02u_%02u_%02u_%06u' % ( tsLog.hour, tsLog.minute, tsLog.second, tsLog.microsecond);
     return WuiTmLink(sFormattedTimestamp, '',
                      { WuiMain.ksParamAction:             WuiMain.ksActionViewLog,
                        WuiMain.ksParamLogSetId:           oTestSet.idTestSet,  },
                      sFragmentId = sFragment, sTitle = sTitle, fBracketed = False, ).toHtml();
Exemple #9
    def findLogOffsetForTimestamp(sLogContent,
        Log parsing utility function for finding the offset for the given timestamp.

        We ASSUME the log lines are prefixed with UTC timestamps on the format

        Return index into the sLogContent string, 0 if not found.
        # Turn tsTimestamp into a string compatible with what we expect to find in the log.
        oTsZulu = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsTimestamp)
        sWantedTs = oTsZulu.strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f')
        assert len(sWantedTs) == 15

        # Now loop thru the string, line by line.
        offRet = offStart
        off = offStart
        while True:
            sThisTs = sLogContent[off:off + 15]
            if    len(sThisTs) >= 15 \
              and sThisTs[2]  == ':' \
              and sThisTs[5]  == ':' \
              and sThisTs[8]  == '.' \
              and sThisTs[14] in '0123456789':
                if sThisTs < sWantedTs:
                    offRet = off
                elif sThisTs == sWantedTs:
                    if not fAfter:
                        return off
                    offRet = off
                    if fAfter:
                        offRet = off

            # next line.
            off = sLogContent.find('\n', off)
            if off < 0:
                if fAfter:
                    offRet = len(sLogContent)
            off += 1

        return offRet
Exemple #10
    def findLogOffsetForTimestamp(sLogContent, tsTimestamp, offStart = 0, fAfter = False):
        Log parsing utility function for finding the offset for the given timestamp.

        We ASSUME the log lines are prefixed with UTC timestamps on the format

        Return index into the sLogContent string, 0 if not found.
        # Turn tsTimestamp into a string compatible with what we expect to find in the log.
        oTsZulu   = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(tsTimestamp);
        sWantedTs = oTsZulu.strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f');
        assert len(sWantedTs) == 15;

        # Now loop thru the string, line by line.
        offRet  = offStart;
        off     = offStart;
        while True:
            sThisTs = sLogContent[off : off + 15];
            if    len(sThisTs) >= 15 \
              and sThisTs[2]  == ':' \
              and sThisTs[5]  == ':' \
              and sThisTs[8]  == '.' \
              and sThisTs[14] in '0123456789':
                if sThisTs < sWantedTs:
                    offRet = off;
                elif sThisTs == sWantedTs:
                    if not fAfter:
                        return off;
                    offRet = off;
                    if fAfter:
                        offRet = off;

            # next line.
            off = sLogContent.find('\n', off);
            if off < 0:
                if fAfter:
                    offRet = len(sLogContent);
            off += 1;

        return offRet;
    def show(self):
        Generates the tooltip.
        Returns (sTitle, HTML).
        sHtml = '<div class="tmvcstimeline tmvcstimelinetooltip">\n'

        oCurDate = None
        for oEntry in self.aoEntries:
            oTsZulu = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(oEntry.tsCreated)
            if oCurDate is None or oCurDate != oTsZulu.date():
                if oCurDate is not None:
                    sHtml += ' </dl>\n'
                oCurDate = oTsZulu.date()
                sHtml += ' <h2>%s:</h2>\n' \
                         ' <dl>\n' \
                       % (oTsZulu.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),)

            sEntry = '  <dt id="r%s">' % (oEntry.iRevision, )
            sEntry += '<a href="%s">' \
                    % ( webutils.escapeAttr(config.g_ksTracChangsetUrlFmt
                                            % { 'iRevision': oEntry.iRevision, 'sRepository': oEntry.sRepository,}), )

            sEntry += '<span class="tmvcstimeline-time">%s</span>' % (
                oTsZulu.strftime('%H:%MZ'), )
            sEntry += ' Changeset <span class="tmvcstimeline-rev">[%s]</span>' % (
                oEntry.iRevision, )
            sEntry += ' by <span class="tmvcstimeline-author">%s</span>' % (
                webutils.escapeElem(oEntry.sAuthor), )
            sEntry += '</a>\n'
            sEntry += '</dt>\n'
            sEntry += '  <dd>%s</dd>\n' % (webutils.escapeElem(
                oEntry.sMessage), )

            sHtml += sEntry

        if oCurDate is not None:
            sHtml += ' </dl>\n'
        sHtml += '</div>\n'

        return ('VCS History Tooltip', sHtml)
    def show(self):
        Generates the tooltip.
        Returns (sTitle, HTML).
        sHtml  = '<div class="tmvcstimeline tmvcstimelinetooltip">\n';

        oCurDate = None;
        for oEntry in self.aoEntries:
            oTsZulu = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(oEntry.tsCreated);
            if oCurDate is None or oCurDate != oTsZulu.date():
                if oCurDate is not None:
                    sHtml += ' </dl>\n'
                oCurDate = oTsZulu.date();
                sHtml += ' <h2>%s:</h2>\n' \
                         ' <dl>\n' \
                       % (oTsZulu.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),);

            sEntry  = '  <dt id="r%s">' % (oEntry.iRevision, );
            sEntry += '<a href="%s">' \
                    % ( webutils.escapeAttr(config.g_ksTracChangsetUrlFmt
                                            % { 'iRevision': oEntry.iRevision, 'sRepository': oEntry.sRepository,}), );

            sEntry += '<span class="tmvcstimeline-time">%s</span>' % ( oTsZulu.strftime('%H:%MZ'), );
            sEntry += ' Changeset <span class="tmvcstimeline-rev">[%s]</span>' % ( oEntry.iRevision, );
            sEntry += ' by <span class="tmvcstimeline-author">%s</span>' % ( webutils.escapeElem(oEntry.sAuthor), );
            sEntry += '</a>\n';
            sEntry += '</dt>\n';
            sEntry += '  <dd>%s</dd>\n' % ( webutils.escapeElem(oEntry.sMessage), );

            sHtml += sEntry;

        if oCurDate is not None:
            sHtml += ' </dl>\n';
        sHtml += '</div>\n';

        return ('VCS History Tooltip', sHtml);
 def prepCurTs():
     """ Formats the current timestamp. """
     if iCurTs < len(aoTimestamps):
         oTsZulu = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(aoTimestamps[iCurTs]);
         return (oTsZulu.strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f'), oTsZulu.strftime('%H_%M_%S_%f'));
     return ('~~|~~|~~|~~~~~~', '~~|~~|~~|~~~~~~'); # ASCII chars with high values. Limit hits.
Exemple #14
 def prepCurTs():
     """ Formats the current timestamp. """
     if iCurTs < len(aoTimestamps):
         oTsZulu = db.dbTimestampToZuluDatetime(aoTimestamps[iCurTs]);
         return (oTsZulu.strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f'), oTsZulu.strftime('%H_%M_%S_%f'));
     return ('~~|~~|~~|~~~~~~', '~~|~~|~~|~~~~~~'); # ASCII chars with high values. Limit hits.