def test_validate_kwargs_wrong_data(self): kwargs = {"name": 67} # raises the validate content has an incorrect value with self.assertRaises(AsyncOrmFieldError) as exc: book = Book() book.validate_kwargs(kwargs) self.assertIn("is a wrong datatype for field", exc.exception.args[0])
def test_validate_kwargs_with_wrong_fieldname(self): kwargs = {"name": "name", "volume": 23} # raises the validate error because volume is not a correct attrib with self.assertRaises(AsyncOrmModelError) as exc: book = Book() book.validate_kwargs(kwargs) # its a list because we validate all kwargs self.assertEqual(exc.exception.args[0], ['"volume" is not an attribute for Book'])
def test_validate_kwargs_with_forced_id(self): kwargs = {"id": 34, "name": "name"} # also raises AsyncOrmFieldError because you can not pre-set the object's id with self.assertRaises(AsyncOrmFieldError) as exc: book = Book() book.validate_kwargs(kwargs) self.assertEqual(exc.exception.args[0], "Models can not be generated with forced id")
async def test_unique_together(self): # we can not create new books with same name and content together book = Book(**{"name": "book name 5", "content": "hard cover"}) with self.assertRaises(AsyncOrmModelError) as exc: await self.assertEqual("The model violates a unique constraint", exc.exception.args[0]) # but when any of them are different there is no problem = "this is a new name" await
async def test_choices_content_not_in_choices(self): # choices defined as lists or tuples with self.assertRaises(AsyncOrmFieldError) as exc: book = Book(content="telomero") await self.assertEqual(exc.exception.args[0], '"telomero" not in field choices')
def test_class__init__(self): # classmethods tests # no matter how you import them they are the same object self.assertTrue(Author is Author2) self.assertTrue(Book is Book2) self.assertEqual(Book().cls_tablename(), "library") self.assertEqual(Author().cls_tablename(), "Author")
async def test_ordering(self): # since ordering is by id descending self.assertEqual(Book().ordering, ["-id"]) # the first book with id lower that 10 book = await Book.objects.filter(id__lt=10)[0] # is 9 self.assertEqual(, 9)
def test_get_fields(self): fields = Book.get_fields() self.assertEqual(len(fields), 7) self.assertEqual( sorted(list(fields.keys())), sorted([ "id", "content", "name", "author", "date_created", "price", "quantity" ]), )
async def test_id_persitent(self): book = Book( **{ "name": "silmarilion", "content": "hard cover", "date_created": }) await orig_id = await self.assertEqual(orig_id,
async def test_save_no_id_before_save(self): book = Book( **{ "name": "lord of the rings", "content": "hard cover", "date_created": }) id_before_save = await self.assertFalse(id_before_save) self.assertTrue(
async def test_choices_display(self): book = Book(content="hard cover") self.assertEqual(book.content_display(), "hard cover book")
def test_validate_kwargs_no_error(self): kwargs = {"name": "name"} # now it correctly validates book = Book() self.assertEqual(book.validate_kwargs(kwargs), None)
def test_instantiated__init__(self): # classmethods tests book = Book() self.assertEqual(book.db_pk, "id") self.assertEqual(book.orm_pk, "id")