async def test_make_entity_links(): schema = make_pfb_schema([person_entity_def, pet_entity_def]) file = make_avro_file(schema, [ {'name': 'person', 'id': '123', 'object': {'first_name': 'Brian'}}, {'name': 'pet', 'id': '456', 'object': {'pet_name': 'Asa'}, 'relations': [ {'dst_name': 'person', 'dst_id': '123'} ]} ]) result = await translate(fastavro.reader(file)) assert result == [ { 'name': '123', 'entityType': 'person', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('first_name', 'Brian') ] }, { 'name': '456', 'entityType': 'pet', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('pet_name', 'Asa'), add_update_attribute('person', { 'entityType': 'person', 'entityName': '123' }) ] } ]
async def test_decode_enum_value(): use_base64_encoded_enums = True schema = make_pfb_schema([make_sample_entity_def(use_base64_encoded_enums)]) file = make_avro_file(schema, [ {'name': 'sample', 'id': '123', 'object': {'tissue_type': tissue_type_b64_values['Tumor']}}, {'name': 'sample', 'id': '456', 'object': {'tissue_type': tissue_type_b64_values['Normal']}}, {'name': 'sample', 'id': '789', 'object': {'tissue_type': tissue_type_b64_values['Unknown']}} ]) result = await translate(fastavro.reader(file), {'b64-decode-enums': use_base64_encoded_enums}) assert result == [ { 'name': '123', 'entityType': 'sample', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('tissue_type', 'Tumor') ] }, { 'name': '456', 'entityType': 'sample', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('tissue_type', 'Normal') ] }, { 'name': '789', 'entityType': 'sample', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('tissue_type', 'Unknown') ] } ]
async def test_make_file_links(): schema = make_pfb_schema([file_def]) file = make_avro_file(schema, [ {'name': 'file', 'id': '123', 'object': {'object_id': ''}} ]) result = await translate(fastavro.reader(file)) assert result == [ { 'name': '123', 'entityType': 'file', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('object_id', '') ] } ] result = await translate(fastavro.reader(file), {'prefix-object-ids': True}) assert result == [ { 'name': '123', 'entityType': 'file', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('object_id', 'drs://') ] } ]
async def test_disambiguate_enum_and_non_enum(): """ Verify enum value decoding when different entities have fields with the same names """ schema = make_pfb_schema([make_sample_entity_def(), other_sample_entity_def]) file = make_avro_file(schema, [ {'name': 'sample', 'id': '123', 'object': {'tissue_type': tissue_type_b64_values['Tumor']}}, {'name': 'other_sample', 'id': '456', 'object': {'tissue_type': 'not a tumor'}}, ]) result = await translate(fastavro.reader(file), {'b64-decode-enums': True}) assert result == [ { 'name': '123', 'entityType': 'sample', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('tissue_type', 'Tumor') ] }, { 'name': '456', 'entityType': 'other_sample', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('tissue_type', 'not a tumor') ] } ]
async def test_ignore_metadata(): schema = make_pfb_schema() file = make_avro_file(schema, [ {'name': 'Metadata', 'object': {}} ]) result = await translate(fastavro.reader(file)) assert result == []
async def test_filter_none_values(): schema = make_pfb_schema([person_entity_def]) file = make_avro_file(schema, [ {'name': 'person', 'id': '123', 'object': {'first_name': 'Test'}} ]) result = await translate(fastavro.reader(file)) assert result == [ { 'name': '123', 'entityType': 'person', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('first_name', 'Test') ] } ]
async def test_rename_name_attributes(): schema = make_pfb_schema([named_entity_def]) file = make_avro_file(schema, [ {'name': 'thing', 'id': '1', 'object': {'name': 'Thing 1'}} ]) result = await translate(fastavro.reader(file)) assert result == [ { 'name': '1', 'entityType': 'thing', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('thing_name', 'Thing 1') ] } ]
async def test_translate_record(): schema = make_pfb_schema([person_entity_def]) file = make_avro_file(schema, [ {'name': 'person', 'id': '123', 'object': { 'first_name': 'Test', 'last_name': 'Dummy', 'eye_color': 'gray' }} ]) result = await translate(fastavro.reader(file)) assert result == [ { 'name': '123', 'entityType': 'person', 'operations': [ add_update_attribute('first_name', 'Test'), add_update_attribute('last_name', 'Dummy'), add_update_attribute('eye_color', 'gray') ] } ]
async def test_translate_nothing(): schema = make_pfb_schema() file = make_avro_file(schema) result = await translate(fastavro.reader(file)) assert result == []