Exemple #1
    def liquidate_urn(cls, web3, mcd, c, gal_address, our_address):
        # Ensure the CDP isn't safe
        urn = mcd.vat.urn(c.ilk, gal_address)
        dart = max_dart(mcd, c, gal_address) - Wad.from_number(1)
        assert mcd.vat.frob(c.ilk, gal_address, Wad(0), dart).transact(from_address=gal_address)
        set_collateral_price(mcd, c, Wad.from_number(66))
        assert not is_cdp_safe(mcd.vat.ilk(c.ilk.name), urn)

        # Determine how many bites will be required
        dunk = Wad(mcd.cat.dunk(c.ilk))
        urn = mcd.vat.urn(c.ilk, gal_address)
        bites_required = math.ceil(urn.art / dunk)
        print(f"art={urn.art} and dunk={dunk} so {bites_required} bites are required")
        c.flipper.approve(mcd.vat.address, approval_function=hope_directly(from_address=our_address))
        first_kick = c.flipper.kicks() + 1

        # Bite and bid on each auction
        for i in range(bites_required):
            kick = bite(mcd, c, urn)
            assert kick > 0
            auction = c.flipper.bids(kick)
            print(f"biting {i} of {bites_required} and bidding tab of {auction.tab}")
            bid = Wad(auction.tab) + Wad(1)
            reserve_dai(mcd, c, our_address, bid)
            print(f"bidding tab of {auction.tab}")
            assert c.flipper.tend(kick, auction.lot, auction.tab).transact(from_address=our_address)

        time_travel_by(web3, c.flipper.ttl())
        for kick in range(first_kick, c.flipper.kicks()):
            assert c.flipper.deal(kick).transact()

        set_collateral_price(mcd, c, Wad.from_number(200))
        urn = mcd.vat.urn(c.ilk, gal_address)
Exemple #2
    def liquidate_urn(cls, web3, mcd, c, gal_address, our_address):
        # Ensure the CDP isn't safe
        urn = mcd.vat.urn(c.ilk, gal_address)
        dart = max_dart(mcd, c, gal_address) - Wad.from_number(1)
        assert mcd.vat.frob(c.ilk, gal_address, Wad(0),
        set_collateral_price(mcd, c, Wad.from_number(66))
        assert not is_cdp_safe(mcd.vat.ilk(c.ilk.name), urn)

        # Bite and kick off the auction
        kick = bite(mcd, c, urn)
        assert kick > 0

        # Bid on and win the auction
        auction = c.flipper.bids(kick)
        bid = Wad(auction.tab) + Wad(1)
        reserve_dai(mcd, c, our_address, bid)
        assert c.flipper.tend(kick, auction.lot,
        time_travel_by(web3, c.flipper.ttl() + 1)
        assert c.flipper.deal(kick).transact()

        set_collateral_price(mcd, c, Wad.from_number(200))
        urn = mcd.vat.urn(c.ilk, gal_address)
        assert urn.ink == Wad(0)
        assert urn.art == Wad(0)
def create_risky_vault():
    # Create a vault close to the liquidation ratio
    if not is_cdp_safe(mcd.vat.ilk(collateral.ilk.name), urn):
        logging.info("Vault is already unsafe; no action taken")
        collateral_amount = Wad(ilk.dust / Rad(ilk.spot) * Rad(ilk.rate)) + flub_amount
        logging.info(f"Opening/adjusting vault with {collateral_amount} {ilk.name}")
        create_risky_cdp(mcd, collateral, collateral_amount, our_address, False)
        logging.info("Created risky vault")
def create_risky_vault():
    # Create a vault close to the liquidation ratio
    if not is_cdp_safe(mcd.vat.ilk(collateral.ilk.name), urn):
        print("Vault is already unsafe; no action taken")
        osm_price = collateral.pip.peek()
        print(f"dust={ilk.dust} osm_price={osm_price} mat={mcd.spotter.mat(ilk)}")
        # To make a (barely) safe urn, I expected to add 10^-8, but for some reason I need to add 10^-7
        normalized_collateral_amount = (Wad(ilk.dust) / osm_price * Wad(mcd.spotter.mat(ilk))) + Wad.from_number(0.00000050)

        # token = Token(ilk.name, collateral.gem.address, collateral.adapter.dec())
        print(f"Opening vault with {normalized_collateral_amount} {ilk.name}")
        create_risky_cdp(mcd, collateral, Wad.from_number(normalized_collateral_amount), our_address, True)
        print("Created unsafe vault")
Exemple #5
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys

from pymaker.numeric import Wad, Ray, Rad
from tests.conftest import create_unsafe_cdp, is_cdp_safe, mcd, gal_address, web3

mcd = mcd(web3())
address = gal_address(web3())

collateral_amount = Wad.from_number(float(
    sys.argv[1])) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 1.0
collateral = mcd.collaterals[str(
    sys.argv[2])] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else mcd.collaterals['ETH-C']
urn = mcd.vat.urn(collateral.ilk, address)

if not is_cdp_safe(mcd.vat.ilk(collateral.ilk.name), urn):
    print("CDP is already unsafe; no action taken")
    create_unsafe_cdp(mcd, collateral, Wad.from_number(collateral_amount),
                      address, False)
    print("Created unsafe CDP")