def test_finally_failure_blocks(self): """Validate behavior of blocks after FINALLY block failure. We check that other blocks don't run after a finally's failure. """ MockFlow.blocks = (SuccessBlock.params(mode=MODE_CRITICAL), FailureBlock.params(mode=MODE_FINALLY), SuccessBlock.params(mode=MODE_CRITICAL), SuccessBlock.params(mode=MODE_OPTIONAL)) test_flow = MockFlow() self.run_test(test_flow) self.assertFalse(self.result.wasSuccessful(), 'Flow succeeded when it should have failed') self.assertEqual(self.result.testsRun, 1, "Result didn't run the correct number of tests") self.assertEqual(len(self.result.failures), 1, "Result didn't fail the correct number of tests") self.validate_blocks(test_flow, successes=1, failures=1, skips=2) # === Validate data object === self.assertFalse(, 'Flow data result should have been False') self.assertEqual(, TestOutcome.FAILED, 'Flow data status should have been failure')
def test_optional_blocks(self): """Validate behavior of block in OPTIONAL mode. We check that other blocks run after a optional's failure but don't after an error in an optional block. """ MockFlow.blocks = (SuccessBlock.params(mode=MODE_CRITICAL), FailureBlock.params(mode=MODE_OPTIONAL), SuccessBlock.params(mode=MODE_CRITICAL), ErrorBlock.params(mode=MODE_OPTIONAL), SuccessBlock.params(mode=MODE_CRITICAL)) test_flow = MockFlow() self.run_test(test_flow) self.assertFalse(self.result.wasSuccessful(), 'Flow succeeded when it should have failed') self.assertEqual(self.result.testsRun, 1, "Result didn't run the correct number of tests") self.assertEqual(len(self.result.errors), 1, "Result didn't had the correct number of errors") self.validate_blocks(test_flow, successes=2, failures=1, errors=1, skips=1) # === Validate data object === self.assertFalse(, 'Flow data result should have been False') self.assertEqual(, TestOutcome.ERROR, 'Flow data status should have been error')