Exemple #1
def test_subscript_del_ctx(node):
    """Test visitor of Subscript node within a del statement."""
    del_node = astroid.Delete()
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(del_node)
    for subscript_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Subscript):
        assert subscript_node.inf_type.getValue() == type(None)
Exemple #2
def test_subscript_slice():
    program = '''
        x = List[:]
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program)
    assign_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Assign))
    assert isinstance(assign_node.inf_type, TypeFail)
def test_functiondef_annotated_simple_return(functiondef_node):
    """Test whether type annotations are set properly for a FunctionDef node representing a function definition
    with type annotations."""
    arg_names = [arg.name for arg in functiondef_node.args.args]
    assume(functiondef_node.name not in arg_names)
    for arg in functiondef_node.args.args:
        assume(arg_names.count(arg.name) == 1)
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(functiondef_node)
    functiondef_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.FunctionDef))
    # arguments and annotations are not changing, so test this once.
    for i in range(len(functiondef_node.args.annotations)):
        arg_name = functiondef_node.args.args[i].name
        expected_type = inferer.type_constraints.resolve(functiondef_node.type_environment.lookup_in_env(arg_name)).getValue()
        # need to do by name because annotations must be name nodes.
        if isinstance(expected_type, _GenericAlias):
            assert _gorg(expected_type).__name__ == functiondef_node.args.annotations[i].name
            assert expected_type.__name__ == functiondef_node.args.annotations[i].name
    # test return type
    return_node = functiondef_node.body[0].value
    expected_rtype = inferer.type_constraints.resolve(functiondef_node.type_environment.lookup_in_env(return_node.name)).getValue()
    if isinstance(expected_rtype, _GenericAlias):
        assert _gorg(expected_rtype).__name__ == functiondef_node.returns.name
        assert expected_rtype.__name__ == functiondef_node.returns.name
Exemple #4
def test_invalid_annassign_and_assign():
    src = """
    x: List[str] = [1, 2, 3]
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    for ann_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AnnAssign):
        assert isinstance(ann_node.inf_type, TypeFailUnify)
Exemple #5
def test_annotation_forward_ref_space():
    src = """
    x: 'Some Class'
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    for ann_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AnnAssign):
        assert isinstance(ann_node.inf_type, TypeFailAnnotationInvalid)
Exemple #6
def test_multi_starred():
    src = """
    *a, b, *c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    assign_node = next(ast_mod.nodes_of_class(astroid.Assign))
    assert isinstance(assign_node.inf_type, TypeFailStarred)
def test_userdefn_inheritance_multilevel(draw=False):
    src = """
    class A:

    class B(A):

    class C(B):

    a = A()
    b = B()
    c = C()
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    tc = ti.type_constraints
    a, b, c = [ti.lookup_typevar(node, node.name) for node
               in ast_mod.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)]

    assert tc.unify(b, a).getValue() == ForwardRef('B')
    assert tc.unify(c, b).getValue() == ForwardRef('C')
    assert tc.unify(c, a).getValue() == ForwardRef('C')
    assert isinstance(ti.type_constraints.unify(b, c), TypeFail)

    if draw:
def test_userdefn_mro_diamond(draw=False):
    src = """
    class A:
    class B(A):
        def foo(self):
            return 'a'
    class C(A):
        def foo(self):
            return 0
    class D(B,C):
    d = D()
    x = d.foo() # this is a call to B.foo()
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    _, _, d, x = [ti.lookup_typevar(node, node.name) for node
                  in ast_mod.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)]
    assert ti.type_constraints.resolve(x).getValue() == str
    if draw:
Exemple #9
def test_set_name_unassigned(variable_name):
    """Test visitor for name nodes representing a single unassigned variable in module."""
    program = variable_name
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program)
    for name_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Name):
        name_type_var = name_node.frame().type_environment.lookup_in_env(name_node.name)
        assert name_node.type_constraints.type == name_type_var
Exemple #10
def test_set_comprehension_reproduce_homogeneous(iterable):
    """Test SetComp node visitor representing a comprehension expression reproducing a set of elements of
    a homogeneous iterable."""
    program = '{elt for elt in ' + repr(iterable) + '}'
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program)
    setcomp_node = list(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.SetComp))[0]
    assert setcomp_node.type_constraints.type == Set[setcomp_node.generators[0].iter.type_constraints.type.__args__[0]]
Exemple #11
def test_homogeneous_lists(lst):
    """Test List nodes representing a list of values of the same primitive type."""
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(lst)
    list_node = list(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.List))[0]
    if len(list_node.elts) == 0:
        assert list_node.type_constraints.type == List[Any]
        cs._verify_type_setting(module, astroid.List, List[type(lst.elts[0].value)])
Exemple #12
def test_compare_is_not():
    program = """
    A = 0
    A is not 1
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program)
    compare_node = list(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Compare))[0]
    assert compare_node.inf_type.getValue() == bool
Exemple #13
def test_compare_equality(left_value, operator_value_tuples):
    """Test type setting of Compare node representing comparators: ''==', '!=', '>=', '<=', 'is'. """
    program = f'{repr(left_value)}'
    for operator, value in operator_value_tuples:
        program += ' ' + ' '.join([operator, repr(value)])
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program)
    compare_node = list(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Compare))[0]
    assert compare_node.inf_type.getValue() == bool
Exemple #14
def test_annassign_subscript_dict_int_str():
    program = """
    d: Dict[int, str]
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program)
    ann_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AnnAssign))
    variable_type = lookup_type(inferer, ann_node, ann_node.target.name)
    eq_(variable_type, Dict[int, str])
Exemple #15
def test_multi_variable():
    src = """
    lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    *a, b, *c = lst
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    assign_node = list(ast_mod.nodes_of_class(astroid.Assign))[1]
    assert isinstance(assign_node.inf_type, TypeFailStarred)
Exemple #16
def test_inference_invalid_slice(node):
    sub_node = astroid.Subscript()
    slice = astroid.Slice()
    slice.postinit(astroid.Const(0), astroid.Const('a'))
    sub_node.postinit(node, slice)
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(sub_node)
    for subscript_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Subscript):
        assert isinstance(subscript_node.inf_type, TypeFail)
Exemple #17
def test_tuple_subscript():
    program = """
    lst = ['Hello', 'Goodbye']
    lst[0], lst[1] = 'Bonjour', 'Au revoir'
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program)
    for assign_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Assign):
        assert not isinstance(assign_node.inf_type, TypeFail)
def test_builtin_generic_inheritance_init(draw=False):
    src = """
    x = set([1,2,3])
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    x = [ti.lookup_typevar(node, node.name) for node
         in ast_mod.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)][0]
    assert ti.type_constraints.resolve(x).getValue() == Set[int]
def test_tuple_int_str():
    src = """
    l = (1, "Hello")
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src)
    actual_set = tc_to_disjoint(ti.type_constraints)
    expected_set = [{'~_TV0', 'typing.Tuple[int, str]'}]
    compare_list_sets(actual_set, expected_set)
Exemple #20
def test_list_comprehension_single_target_name_homogeneous_iterable(iterable):
    """Test Comprehension node visitor representing a comprehension expression with a single target and a
    name expression over a homogeneous list."""
    program = f'[num for num in {repr(iterable)}]'
    module, typeinferrer = cs._parse_text(program)
    listcomp_node = list(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.ListComp))[0]
    expected_type = List[listcomp_node.generators[0].iter.type_constraints.type.__args__[0]]
    assert listcomp_node.type_constraints.type == expected_type
def test_list_int():
    src = """
    l = [1,2,3]
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src)
    actual_set = tc_to_disjoint(ti.type_constraints)
    expected_set = [{'~_TV0', 'typing.List[int]'}, {int}]
    compare_list_sets(actual_set, expected_set)
def test_one_var():
    src = """
    a = 1
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src)
    actual_set = tc_to_disjoint(ti.type_constraints)
    expected_set = [{int, '~_TV0'}]
    compare_list_sets(actual_set, expected_set)
Exemple #23
def test_heterogeneous_binary_boolop(node):
    """Test type setting of binary BoolOp node(s) representing expression with heterogeneous operands."""
    raise SkipTest('Currently fails due to typechecking for inheritance. '
                   'Need to figure out if this is expected behavior.')
    assume(type(node.values[0].value) != type(node.values[1].value))
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(node)
    boolop_node = list(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.BoolOp))[0]
    assert boolop_node.inf_type.getValue() == Any
Exemple #24
def test_annassign_subscript_set():
    program = """
    s: Set
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program)
    ann_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AnnAssign))
    variable_type = lookup_type(inferer, ann_node, ann_node.target.name)
    eq_(variable_type, Set[Any])
Exemple #25
def test_dict_comprehension_reproduce_heterogeneous(node):
    """Test DictComp node visitor representing a comprehension expression reproducing the the key, value pairs
    of a heterogeneous Dictionary."""
    dictionary = node.as_string()
    program = f"{{key: {dictionary}[key] for key in {dictionary}}}"
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program)
    dictcomp_node = list(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.DictComp))[0]
    assert dictcomp_node.inf_type.getValue() == dictcomp_node.generators[0].iter.inf_type.getValue()
Exemple #26
def test_binop_reverse():
    src = """
    x = 3 * [1,2,3]
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    x = [ti.lookup_typevar(node, node.name) for node
         in ast_mod.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)][0]
    assert ti.type_constraints.resolve(x).getValue() == List[int]
def test_any_list():
    src = """
    l = [1, "string", False]
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src)
    actual_set = tc_to_disjoint(ti.type_constraints)
    expected_set = [{'~_TV0', 'typing.List[typing.Any]'}, {int}, {str}]
    compare_list_sets(actual_set, expected_set)
Exemple #28
def test_param_annotation_not_type():
    src = """
    def f(x: [str, int]) -> None:
        return x
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    for arg_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Arguments):
        assert isinstance(arg_node.inf_type, TypeFailAnnotationInvalid)
Exemple #29
def test_annassign_subscript_tuple_int():
    program = """
    t: Tuple[int, int]
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program)
    ann_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AnnAssign))
    variable_type = lookup_type(inferer, ann_node, ann_node.target.name)
    eq_(variable_type, Tuple[int, int])
Exemple #30
def test_non_callable():
    program = '''
    x = 1
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program)
    call_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Call))
    assert isinstance(call_node.inf_type, TypeFailFunction)
def test_var_assign():
    src = """
    A = 1
    A = 'One'
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    tf = find_type_fail(ast_mod).inf_type
Exemple #32
def test_binop_autoconvert():
    program = """
    x = 1 + 1.0
    y = 1 + 1j
    z = 1.0 + 1j
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program, reset=True)
    x, y, z = [inferer.lookup_typevar(node, node.name) for node
               in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)]
    assert inferer.type_constraints.resolve(x).getValue() == float
    assert inferer.type_constraints.resolve(y).getValue() == complex
    assert inferer.type_constraints.resolve(z).getValue() == complex
Exemple #33
def test_binop_non_bool_concrete(node):
    """Test type setting of BinOp node(s) with non-boolean operands."""
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(node)
    binop_node = list(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.BinOp))[0]
    left_type, right_type = binop_node.left.inf_type.getValue(), binop_node.right.inf_type.getValue()
    exp_func_type = inferer.type_store.lookup_method(BINOP_TO_METHOD[node.op], left_type, right_type, node=binop_node)
    if not isinstance(exp_func_type, TypeFailFunction):
        exp_return_type = exp_func_type.__args__[-1]
        exp_return_type = None
    assume(exp_return_type is not None)
    assert binop_node.inf_type.getValue() == exp_return_type
def test_function_return_3():
    program = """
    def foo(x, y):
        return y
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program)
    call_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Call))
    func_type = call_node.func.inf_type.getValue()
    t1, t2, t3 = func_type.__args__
    eq_(t2, t3)
def test_functiondef_staticmethod():
    program = \
        class A:

            def method(x):
                return x + 1
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program)
    for func_def in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.FunctionDef):
        assert lookup_type(inferer, func_def, func_def.argnames()[0]) == int
Exemple #36
def test_var_chain():
    src = """
    a = 1
    b = a
    c = b
    d = c
    e = d
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src)
    actual_set = tc_to_disjoint(ti.type_constraints)
    expected_set = [{int, '~_T0', '~_T1', '~_T2', '~_T3', '~_T4'}]
    compare_list_sets(actual_set, expected_set)
Exemple #37
def test_attribute_self_bind():
    """Make sure auto-binding of self persists"""
    program = \
        x = []
        f = x.append
    module, ti = cs._parse_text(program, reset=True)
    x = [ti.lookup_typevar(node, node.name) for node
         in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)][0]
    assert str(ti.type_constraints.resolve(x).getValue()) == "typing.List[int]"
Exemple #38
def test_class_without_init():
    program = """
    class Foo:
        def fee(self):
            return 1

    foo = Foo()
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(program)
    for call_node in ast_mod.nodes_of_class(astroid.Call):
        assert isinstance(call_node.inf_type.getValue(), ForwardRef)
        eq_(call_node.inf_type.getValue(), ForwardRef('Foo'))
def test_one_list():
    src = """
    L1 = [1, 2, 3]
    L1 = "Hello"
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    tf = find_type_fail(ast_mod).inf_type
Exemple #40
def test_annassign_and_assign():
    src = """
    x: List[int] = [1, 2, 3]
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    x = [
        inferer.lookup_typevar(node, node.name)
        for node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)
    for ann_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AnnAssign):
        assert ann_node.inf_type == NoType()
    assert inferer.type_constraints.resolve(x).getValue() == List[int]
Exemple #41
def test_augassign_subscript_target():
    program = """
    x = ['a', 'b', 'c']
    x[0] += 'd'
    y = x[0]
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program, reset=True)
    x, y = [
        inferer.lookup_typevar(node, node.name)
        for node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)
    assert inferer.type_constraints.resolve(y).getValue() == str
Exemple #42
def test_class_defined_later():
    program = """
    class A:
        def __init__(self):
            self.attr = B()

    class B:
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(program, True)
    for call_node in ast_mod.nodes_of_class(astroid.Call):
        assert not isinstance(call_node.inf_type, TypeFail)
Exemple #43
def test_for_list_tuple():
    program = """
        some_list = [('A', 1), ('B', 2)]

        for elt in some_list:
            x = elt
    module, ti = cs._parse_text(program)
    for assign_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName):
        if assign_node.name == 'x' or assign_node.name == 'elt':
            eq_(lookup_type(ti, assign_node, assign_node.name), Tuple[str,
Exemple #44
def test_binop_non_bool_concrete(left_operand, operator, right_operand):
    """Test type setting of BinOp node(s) with non-boolean operands."""
        exp_func_type = TYPE_STORE.lookup_function(op_to_dunder(operator), type(left_operand), type(right_operand))
        exp_return_type = exp_func_type.__args__[-1]
    except KeyError:
        exp_return_type = None
    assume(exp_return_type is not None)
    program = f'{repr(left_operand)} {operator} {repr(right_operand)}\n'
    module = cs._parse_text(program)
    binop_node = list(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.BinOp))[0]
    assert binop_node.type_constraints.type == exp_return_type
Exemple #45
def test_for_homogeneous_list(iterable):
    """Test whether visitors properly set the type constraint of the a For node representing for/else statement
     iterating over a homogeneous list.
    program = f'for elt in {iterable}:\n' \
              f'    x = elt\n'
    module, TypeInferrer = cs._parse_text(program)
    for_node = list(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.For))[0]
    local_type_var = module.type_environment.lookup_in_env('x')
    inferred_type = TypeInferrer.type_constraints.resolve(
    assert inferred_type == for_node.iter.inf_type.getValue().__args__[0]
Exemple #46
def test_multi_var():
    src = """
    a = 1
    b = "Hello"
    c = False
    d = 4.0
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src)
    actual_set = tc_to_disjoint(ti.type_constraints)
    expected_set = [{int, '~_T0'}, {'~_T1', str}, {'~_T2', bool},
                    {'~_T3', float}]
    compare_list_sets(actual_set, expected_set)
Exemple #47
def test_bad_attribute_access():
    """ User tries to access a non-existing attribute; or misspells the attribute name.
    program = f'x = 1\n' \
        module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program)
        raise SkipTest()
    expr_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Expr))
    expected_msg = 'Attribute wrong_name not found for type int'
    assert expr_node.inf_type.getValue() == expected_msg
Exemple #48
def test_instance_dot_method():
    program = \
        class A:
            def foo(self, x):
                return x + 1

    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program, reset=True)
    for attribute_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Attribute):
        assert str(attribute_node.inf_type.getValue()) == "typing.Callable[[int], int]"
Exemple #49
def test_compare_inequality(operators, values):
    """Test type setting of Compare node representing comparators: '<', '>'. """
    a = list(zip(operators, values))
    pre = []
    for operator, value in a:
    # pre_input_program = [str(elt) for tuple in zip(operator, values) for elt in tuple]
    program = f'{str(values[0])} ' + ' '.join(pre)
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program)
    compare_node = list(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Compare))[0]
    assert compare_node.inf_type.getValue() == bool
Exemple #50
def test_builtin_comp_inheritance(draw=False):
    src = """
    x = (3 == 'abc')
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(src, reset=True)
    x = [
        ti.lookup_typevar(node, node.name)
        for node in ast_mod.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)
    assert ti.type_constraints.resolve(x).getValue() == bool
    if draw:
Exemple #51
def test_augassign_builtin_autoconvert():
    raise SkipTest('TODO: make this test pass (currently a unification fail)')
    program = """
    x = 1
    x += 1.0
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program, reset=True)
    x = [
        inferer.lookup_typevar(node, node.name)
        for node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)
    assert inferer.type_constraints.resolve(x).getValue() == float
Exemple #52
def test_set_env(variables_dict):
    """Test environment setting visitors"""
    program = cs._parse_dictionary_to_program(variables_dict)
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program)
    # get list of variable names in locals
    local_values = [module.type_environment.locals[name] for name in module.type_environment.locals]
    global_values = [module.type_environment.globals[name] for name in module.type_environment.globals]
    # verify the type of the value of each variable in the environment
    for value in local_values:
        assert isinstance(value, TypeVar)
    for value in global_values:
        assert isinstance(value, TypeVar)
def test_functiondef_method():
    program = \
        class A:

            def method(self, x):
                return x + 1
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program)
    for func_def in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.FunctionDef):
        assert lookup_type(inferer, func_def,
                           func_def.argnames()[0]) == ForwardRef('A')
Exemple #54
def test_class_dot_method():
    program = \
        class A:
            def foo(self, x):
                return x + 1

        A.foo(A(), 0)
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program, reset=True)
    for attribute_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Attribute):
        eq_(str(attribute_node.inf_type.getValue()), "typing.Callable[[ForwardRef('A'), int], int]")
Exemple #55
def test_incompatible_binop_call():
    """ User tries to call a builtin binary operation on arguments of the wrong type.
    program = f'5 + "string"\n'
        module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program)
        raise SkipTest()
    binop_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.BinOp))
    expected_msg = "You cannot add an int, 5, and a str, 'string'. " \
                   "Perhaps you wanted to cast the integer into a string or vice versa?"
    assert binop_node.inf_type.getValue() == expected_msg
Exemple #56
def test_tuple_empty():
    program = """
    def f(x):
        a = ()
        b = (x,)
        a = b
    module, ti = cs._parse_text(program)
    functiondef_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.FunctionDef))
    eq_(lookup_type(ti, functiondef_node, 'a'), Tuple[()])
    x_type = lookup_type(ti, functiondef_node, 'x')
    eq_(lookup_type(ti, functiondef_node, 'b'), Tuple[x_type])
Exemple #57
def test_inference_dict_subscript(node):
    """Note that this test only takes in a dictionary because the subscript index
    must be the same type as the dictionary's keys in order to type check.
    for key, _ in node.items:
        new_node = astroid.Subscript()
        new_node.postinit(node, key)
        module, _ = cs._parse_text(new_node)
        for subscript_node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Subscript):
            dict_node = subscript_node.value
            assert subscript_node.inf_type.getValue() == list(
Exemple #58
def test_annassign(variables_annotations_dict):
    """Test whether types are being properly set for an AnnAssign node.
    program = f'class Student:\n'
    for variable in variables_annotations_dict:
        program += f'    {variable}: {variables_annotations_dict[variable].__name__}\n'
    program += f'    def __init__(self):\n' \
               f'        pass\n'
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program)
    for node in module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AnnAssign):
        variable_type = lookup_type(inferer, node, node.target.name)
        annotated_type = variables_annotations_dict[node.target.name]
        assert variable_type == annotated_type
def test_flagged_builtin_overload():
    program = """
    x = round(5.5)
    y = round(5.5, 1)
    ast_mod, ti = cs._parse_text(program)
    for assgn_node in ast_mod.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName):
        if assgn_node.name == 'x':
            x = ti.lookup_typevar(assgn_node, assgn_node.name)
            assert ti.type_constraints.resolve(x).getValue() == int
        if assgn_node.name == 'y':
            y = ti.lookup_typevar(assgn_node, assgn_node.name)
            assert ti.type_constraints.resolve(y).getValue() == float
Exemple #60
def test_annassign_subscript_list_int_wrong():
    program = """
    lst: List[int]

    lst = ['Hello', 'Goodbye']
    module, inferer = cs._parse_text(program)
    ann_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.AnnAssign))
    variable_type = lookup_type(inferer, ann_node, ann_node.target.name)
    eq_(variable_type, List[int])

    assign_node = next(module.nodes_of_class(astroid.Assign))
    assert isinstance(assign_node.inf_type, TypeFailUnify)