Exemple #1
 def test__get_sources_c_prim_with_partial_data(self):
     db_add_objects(Word, [
     db_add_objects(Type, types)
     result = Word.get_by_id(3813)._get_sources_c_prim()
     assert len(result) == 5
Exemple #2
    def test_e_year(self):
        """Test year conversion"""
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        word = Word.get_by_id(3911)

        result = word.e_year
        assert result == "1988 (?)"
    def test_relationship_appeared_words(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, changed_words)
        db_add_objects(Event, changed_events)
        event = Event.get_by_id(5)

        assert isinstance(event.deprecated_words, list)
        assert len(event.deprecated_words) == 4
    def test_grammar(self):
        db_add_objects(Definition, definitions)
        d = Definition.get_by_id(13527)
        assert d.grammar == "(4v)"

        d = Definition.get_by_id(13529)
        assert d.grammar == "(a)"
Exemple #5
    def test_export(self):
        """Test Definition.export() method"""
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        db_add_objects(Definition, definitions)
        definition = Definition.get_by_id(13527)

        result = definition.export()
        assert result == "7191@1@@4v@K «test»/«examine» B for P with test V.@@K-BPV"
Exemple #6
    def test_e_usedin_empty(self):
        """Test used_in conversion if no cpx"""
        db_add_object(Word, word_2)
        db_add_objects(Type, types)
        word = Word.get_by_id(3813)

        result = word.e_usedin
        assert result == str()
    def test_derivatives(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, words)

        p1 = Word.get_by_id(3813)

        assert isinstance(p1.derivatives, BaseQuery)
        assert p1.derivatives.count() == 3
    def test_link_keys_from_definition_body(self):
        db_add_objects(Key, keys)
        d = dar(Definition, definition_1)
        assert d.keys.count() == 0

        assert d.keys.count() == 2
        assert sorted([k.word for k in d.keys]) == sorted(["test", "examine"])
    def test_definitions_relationship(self):
        word = dar(Word, word_1)
        definitions_to_add = [
            d for d in definitions if d["word_id"] == word.id
        db_add_objects(Definition, definitions_to_add)

        assert word._definitions.count() == len(definitions_to_add) == 5
        assert isinstance(word._definitions[0], Definition)
    def test_parents(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, words)

        result = Word.get_by_id(7316).parents

        assert len(result.all()) == 2
        assert isinstance(result, BaseQuery)
        assert isinstance(result[0], Word)
Exemple #11
    def test_e_affixes(self):
        """Test affix conversion"""
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        db_add_objects(Type, types)
        word = Word.get_by_id(3813)

        result = word.e_affixes
        assert result == "kak kao"
    def test_link_key_from_str(self):
        db_add_objects(Key, keys)
        d = dar(Definition, definition_2)
        assert d.keys.count() == 0

        key_to_add = "tester"
        assert d.keys.count() == 1
        assert d.keys.first().word == key_to_add
    def test_relationship_definitions(self):
        db_add_objects(Key, keys)
        db_add_objects(Definition, definitions)
        key = Key.get_by_id(12474)

        assert isinstance(key.definitions, BaseQuery)
        assert len(key.definitions.all()) == 5
        assert [d.id for d in key.definitions
                ] == [13521, 13523, 13524, 13527, 13531]
    def test_add_children(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        cmp = Word.get_by_id(word_1.get("id"))
        assert cmp._parents.count() == 0

        for p in [word_2, word_3]:
            prim = Word.get_by_id(p.get("id"))
            prim.add_children([cmp, ])

        assert cmp._parents.count() == 2
    def test_affixes(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        db_add_objects(Type, types)

        result = Word.get_by_id(3813).affixes

        assert len(result.all()) == 2
        assert isinstance(result, BaseQuery)
        assert isinstance(result[0], Word)
    def test_link_keys_from_list_of_str(self):
        db_add_objects(Definition, definitions)
        db_add_objects(Key, keys)

        keys_to_add = ["test", "examine"]
        d = Definition.get_by_id(13527)
        assert d.keys.count() == 0

        assert d.keys.count() == 2
        assert sorted([k.word for k in d.keys]) == sorted(keys_to_add)
    def test_add_authors(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        db_add_objects(Author, authors)

        word = Word.get_by_id(7316)
        assert word.authors.count() == 0

        local_authors = Author.get_all()

        assert word.authors.count() == 2
        assert isinstance(word.authors[0], Author)
    def test_relationship_words(self):
        db_add_objects(Type, types)
        db_add_objects(Word, words)

        test_type = Type.by("Little").first()
        assert len(test_type.words) == 3

        test_type = Type.by("C-Prim").first()
        assert len(test_type.words) == 2

        test_type = Type.by("Cpx").first()
        assert len(test_type.words) == 1
    def test_authors_relationship(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        db_add_objects(Author, authors)

        word = Word.get_by_id(7316)
        author = Author.get_by_id(29)

        assert word.authors.count() == 1
        assert word.authors[0] == author
        assert word.authors.first() == author
        assert isinstance(word.authors.all(), list)
        assert len(word.authors.all()) == 1
    def test_by(self):
        db_add_objects(Type, types)
        test_type = Type.by("Little").first()
        assert test_type.type == "Afx"

        test_type = Type.by("Little")
        assert test_type[0].type == "Afx"

        test_type = Type.by("2-Cpx").first()
        assert test_type.group == "Cpx"

        test_type = Type.by("Predicate").count()
        assert test_type == 2
Exemple #21
    def test__get_sources_c_prim(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        db_add_objects(Type, types)

        result = Word.get_by_id(3813)._get_sources_c_prim()

        assert len(result) == 5
        assert isinstance(result, list)
        assert isinstance(result[0], WordSource)

        afx = Word.get_by_id(3802)
        result = afx._get_sources_c_prim()
        assert result is None
    def test_uniqueness(self):
        db_add_objects(Key, [
        result = [k.word for k in Key.get_all()]
        assert result == [

        with pytest.raises(sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError) as _:
            assert isinstance(dar(Key, un_key_3), Key)
    def test_add_author(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        db_add_objects(Author, authors)

        word = Word.get_by_id(7316)
        author = Author.get_by_id(29)
        assert word.authors.count() == 0

        assert word.authors.count() == 1
        assert word.authors[0] == author

        assert word.authors.count() == 1
Exemple #24
    def test_e_usedin(self):
        """Test used_in conversion"""
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        db_add_objects(Type, types)
        word1 = Word.get_by_id(3813)

        result = word1.e_usedin
        assert result == "prukao"

        word2 = Word.get_by_id(7316)

        result = word2.e_usedin
        assert result == ""
    def test_event_relationship(self, item):
        db_add_objects(Event, all_events)
        word = dar(Word, item)

        event_start_from_db = Event.get_by_id(word.event_start_id)
        assert isinstance(event_start_from_db, Event)
        assert event_start_from_db == word.event_start

        if word.event_end_id:
            event_end_from_db = Event.get_by_id(word.event_end_id)
            assert isinstance(event_end_from_db, Event)
            assert event_end_from_db == word.event_start
            assert word.event_end is None
Exemple #26
    def test_html_meaning(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        db_add_objects(Type, types)
        db_add_objects(Author, authors)
        db_add_objects(Definition, definitions)
        word = Word.get_by_id(7315)
        expected_result_ultra = """<m>
<t><afx>pru</afx> <o>&lt;3/4E prove | 2/4C sh yen | 3/6S prueba | 2/5R proba | 2/5F epreuve | 2/5G probe | 2/6J tameshi&gt;</o> <tec>49% C-Prim L4 1975 1.9</tec></t>
<dl>(3n) V is a <k>test</k>/<k>examination</k> for property B in any member of class F. [V&zwj;-&zwj;BF]</dl>
<dl>(vt) <k>test</k>, test for … a property … in a member of ….</dl>
<dl><du>fu —</du> (a) <k>testable</k>, of classes with -able members.</dl>
<dl><du>nu —</du> (a) <k>testable</k>, of testable properties.</dl>
<us>Used In: <use><cpx>prukao</cpx></use></us>
        result = word.html_meaning(style="ultra")
        assert result == expected_result_ultra

        expected_result_normal = """<div class="meaning" id="7315">
<div class="technical"><span class="m_afx">pru</span> <span class="m_origin">&lt;3/4E prove | 2/4C sh yen | 3/6S prueba | 2/5R proba | 2/5F epreuve | 2/5G probe | 2/6J tameshi&gt;</span> <span class="m_technical"><span class="m_match">49%</span> <span class="m_type">C-Prim</span> <span class="m_author">L4</span> <span class="m_year">1975</span> <span class="m_rank">1.9</span></span></div>
<div class="definitions">
<div class="definition log" id=13523><span class="dg">(3n)</span> <span class="db">V is a <k>test</k>/<k>examination</k> for property B in any member of class F.</span> <span class="dt">[V&zwj;-&zwj;BF]</span></div>
<div class="definition log" id=13524><span class="dg">(vt)</span> <span class="db"><k>test</k>, test for … a property … in a member of ….</span></div>
<div class="definition log" id=13525><span class="du">fu —</span> <span class="dg">(a)</span> <span class="db"><k>testable</k>, of classes with -able members.</span></div>
<div class="definition log" id=13526><span class="du">nu —</span> <span class="dg">(a)</span> <span class="db"><k>testable</k>, of testable properties.</span></div>
<div class="used_in">Used In: <span class="m_use"><a class="m_cpx">prukao</a></span></div>
        result = word.html_meaning(style="normal")
        assert result == expected_result_normal
    def test_add_child(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, words)
        cmp = Word.get_by_id(word_1.get("id"))
        assert cmp._parents.count() == 0

        for p in [word_2, word_3]:
            prim = Word.get_by_id(p.get("id"))
            result = prim.add_child(cmp)
            assert result == cmp.name

        assert cmp._parents.count() == 2

        prim = Word.get_by_id(word_3.get("id"))
        assert cmp._parents.count() == 2
Exemple #28
    def test_relationship_contribution(self):
        db_add_objects(Author, authors)
        db_add_objects(Word, words)

        test_author = Author.get_by_id(29)
        assert len(test_author.contribution) == 3
        assert isinstance(test_author.contribution, list)
        assert [w.name for w in test_author.contribution
                ] == ['kakto', 'pruci', 'prukao']

        test_author = Author.get_by_id(13)
        assert len(test_author.contribution) == 3
        assert [w.name
                for w in test_author.contribution] == ['kak', 'kao', 'pru']
    def test_by_name(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, doubled_words)
        db_add_objects(Event, events)
        result = Word.by_name("duo").count()
        assert result == 2

        result = Word.by_name("duo").all()
        assert isinstance(result, list)
        assert isinstance(result[0], Word)

        result = sorted([w.type_id for w in result])
        assert result == [2, 17]

        result = Word.by_name("duo").first()
        assert isinstance(result, Word)
    def test_by_event(self):
        db_add_objects(Word, changed_words + words)
        db_add_objects(Event, all_events)

        result = Word.get_all()
        assert len(result) == 13

        result = Word.by_event(1).all()
        assert len(result) == 10

        result = Word.by_event(5).all()
        assert len(result) == 9

        result = Word.by_event().all()
        assert len(result) == 9