def test_help_text(monkeypatch, capsys): # When mock_exit = mock.Mock( side_effect=ValueError("raised in test to exit early")) with mock.patch.object(sys, "exit", mock_exit), pytest.raises( ValueError, match="raised in test to exit early"): run_dryml_cli(["--help"]) # Then captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Provide the DRYML Document String or the Path" in captured.out
def test_dryml_file_to_json(capsys, input_dryml_file, output_json_file): # Given with open(output_json_file) as output_json: expected_output_test_data_json = json.load(output_json) print(json.dumps(expected_output_test_data_json, indent=2)) out, err = capsys.readouterr() # When run_dryml_cli(["dryml-to-json", input_dryml_file, "--path"]) # Then captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == out
def test_help_text(monkeypatch, capsys): # When mock_exit = mock.Mock( side_effect=ValueError("raised in test to exit early")) with mock.patch.object(sys, "exit", mock_exit), pytest.raises( ValueError, match="raised in test to exit early"): assert not run_dryml_cli(["--help"]) # Then captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "usage: dryml" in captured.out
def test_version(monkeypatch, capsys): # When mock_exit = mock.Mock( side_effect=ValueError("raised in test to exit early")) with mock.patch.object(sys, "exit", mock_exit), pytest.raises( ValueError, match="raised in test to exit early"): assert not run_dryml_cli(["--version"]) # Then captured = capsys.readouterr() mock_exit.assert_called_with(0) assert main.__version__ in captured.out.strip()
def test_simple_run(monkeypatch, capsys): # When run_dryml_cli(["dryml-to-json", "-h"]) # Then captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Provide the DRYML Document String or the Path" not in captured.out