Exemple #1
    def test_debug_print_001(capsys):
        """Test printing the content.

        Test printing content with print. This is a development test which
        must directly print the snippets with the test case helper method.

        output = (
            '1. Remove all docker containers with volumes @docker [54e41e9b52a02b63]',
            '   $ docker rm --volumes $(docker ps --all --quiet)',
            '   # cleanup,container,docker,docker-ce,moby',
            '   > https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/rm/',
            '   ! category    : snippet',
            '   ! created     : 2017-10-14T19:56:31.000001+00:00',
            '   ! description : ',
            '   ! digest      : 54e41e9b52a02b631b5c65a6a053fcbabc77ccd42b02c64fdfbc76efdb18e319 (True)',
            '   ! filename    : ',
            '   ! id          : a1cd5827-b6ef-4067-b5ac-3ceac07dde9f',
            '   ! name        : ',
            '   ! source      : ',
            '   ! updated     : 2017-10-14T19:56:31.000001+00:00',
            '   ! uuid        : 11cd5827-b6ef-4067-b5ac-3ceac07dde9f',
            '   ! versions    : ',
            '2. Remove docker image with force @docker [53908d68425c61dc]',
            '   $ docker rm --force redis',
            '   # cleanup,container,docker,docker-ce,moby',
            '   > https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/rm/',
            '   > https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-remove-docker-images-containers-and-volumes',
            '   ! category    : snippet',
            '   ! created     : 2017-10-14T19:56:31.000001+00:00',
            '   ! description : ',
            '   ! digest      : 53908d68425c61dc310c9ce49d530bd858c5be197990491ca20dbe888e6deac5 (True)',
            '   ! filename    : ',
            '   ! id          : a2cd5827-b6ef-4067-b5ac-3ceac07dde9f',
            '   ! name        : ',
            '   ! source      : ',
            '   ! updated     : 2017-10-14T19:56:31.000001+00:00',
            '   ! uuid        : 12cd5827-b6ef-4067-b5ac-3ceac07dde9f',
            '   ! versions    : ',
            '# collection meta',
            '   ! total : 2'
        print(Content.output())  # Part of the test.
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        out = Helper.remove_ansi(out)
        assert Const.NEWLINE.join(output) in out
        assert not err
    def test_collection_operations_001(capsys):
        """Test collection data class operations.

        Verify that collection class implements data class methods correctly.
        In this case there are no resources in collection.

        collection = Collection()

        # Collection with len().
        assert not collection

        # Collection with condition.
        if collection:
            assert 0
            assert 1

        # Collection with negative condition.
        if not collection:
            assert 1
            assert 0

        # Equality of two empty collections.
        collection2 = Collection()
        if collection == collection2:
            assert 1
            assert 0

        # Non equality of two empty collections.
        if collection != collection2:
            assert 0
            assert 1

        # Iterate resources in collection.
        for resource in collection:
            resource.digest = resource.digest
            assert 0

        # Get list of keys (digest) from collection.
        assert not collection.keys()

        # Get list of values (resources) from collection.
        assert not collection.values()

        # Test generator.
        resources = collection.resources()
        with pytest.raises(StopIteration):

        # Printing collection.
        output = ('# collection meta', '   ! total : 0', '', '')
        print(collection)  # Part of the test.
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        out = Helper.remove_ansi(out)
        assert out == Const.NEWLINE.join(output)
        assert not err

        # Access non existent resource from collection.
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            resource = collection[0]

        # Delete non existent resource from collection with string.
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            del collection['012123']

        # Delete non existent resource from collection with number.
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            del collection[0]

        # Two created objects must not point ot same reference.
        if collection is collection2:
            assert 0

        # Reference of object must be to the same object.
        collection3 = collection
        if collection3 is not collection:
            assert 0
    def test_collection_operations_002(capsys):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        """Test collection data class operations.

        Verify that collection class implements data class methods correctly.
        In this case there is only one resource in collection.

        collection = Collection()
            Helper.EXPORT_TIME, {
                'data': [{
                    'data': [
                        'tar cvfz mytar.tar.gz --exclude="mytar.tar.gz" ./',
                        'tar xfO mytar.tar.gz manifest.json# Cat file in compressed tar.'
                    'Manipulate compressed tar files',
                    'groups': ['linux'],
                    'tags': ['howto', 'linux', 'tar', 'untar'],

        # Collection with len().
        assert len(collection) == 1

        # Collection with condition.
        if collection:
            assert 1
            assert 0

        # Collection with negative condition.
        if not collection:
            assert 0
            assert 1

        # Equality of two different collections where the UUID differs.
        collection2 = Collection()
            Helper.EXPORT_TIME, {
                'data': [{
                    'data': [
                        'tar cvfz mytar.tar.gz --exclude="mytar.tar.gz" ./',
                        'tar xfO mytar.tar.gz manifest.json# Cat file in compressed tar.'
                    'Manipulate compressed tar files',
                    'groups': ['linux'],
                    'tags': ['howto', 'linux', 'tar', 'untar'],
        if collection == collection2:
            assert 0
            assert 1

        # Non equality of two different collections.
        if collection != collection2:
            assert 1
            assert 0

        # Equality of two same collections.
        collection2 = collection
        if collection == collection2:
            assert 1
            assert 0

        # Non equality of same collections.
        if collection != collection2:
            assert 0
            assert 1

        # Equality of two collection with different length.
        collection2 = Collection()
        if collection == collection2:
            assert 0
            assert 1

        # Equality collection and random type.
        if collection == 1:
            assert 0
            assert 1

        # Iterate resources in collection.
        i = 0
        for resource in collection:
            resource.digest = resource.digest
            i = i + 1
        assert i == 1

        # Get list of keys (digest) from collection.
        assert len(collection.keys()) == 1
        assert collection.keys() == list([

        # Get list of values (resources) from collection.
        assert len(collection.values()) == 1
        assert collection.values()[0] == collection[

        # Test generator.
        resources = collection.resources()
        assert next(resources) == collection[
        with pytest.raises(StopIteration):

        # Printing collection.
        output = (
            '1. Manipulate compressed tar files @linux [e79ae51895908c5a]', '',
            '   $ tar cvfz mytar.tar.gz --exclude="mytar.tar.gz" ./',
            '   $ tar xfO mytar.tar.gz manifest.json# Cat file in compressed tar.',
            '', '   # howto,linux,tar,untar', '', '   ! category    : snippet',
            '   ! created     : 2018-02-02T02:02:02.000001+00:00',
            '   ! description : ',
            '   ! digest      : e79ae51895908c5a40e570dc60a4dd594febdecf781c77c7b3cad37f9e0b7240 (True)',
            '   ! filename    : ',
            '   ! id          : a1cd5827-b6ef-4067-b5ac-3ceac07dde9f',
            '   ! languages   : ', '   ! name        : ',
            '   ! source      : ',
            '   ! updated     : 2018-02-02T02:02:02.000001+00:00',
            '   ! uuid        : a1cd5827-b6ef-4067-b5ac-3ceac07dde9f',
            '   ! versions    : ', '', '# collection meta', '   ! total : 1',
            '', '')
        print(collection)  # Part of the test.
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        out = Helper.remove_ansi(out)
        assert out == Const.NEWLINE.join(output)
        assert not err

        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            resource = collection[0]