Exemple #1
 def test_enter_leave(self):
     hall = Location("hall")
     rat1 = NPC("rat1", "n")
     rat2 = NPC("rat2", "n")
     julie = NPC("julie", "f")
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         hall.insert(12345, julie)
     self.assertEqual(_limbo, rat1.location)
     self.assertFalse(rat1 in hall.livings)
     wiretap = Wiretap(hall)
     hall.insert(rat1, julie)
     self.assertEqual(hall, rat1.location)
     self.assertTrue(rat1 in hall.livings)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap.msgs,
                      "insert shouldn't produce arrival messages")
     hall.insert(rat2, julie)
     self.assertTrue(rat2 in hall.livings)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap.msgs,
                      "insert shouldn't produce arrival messages")
     # now test leave
     hall.remove(rat1, julie)
     self.assertFalse(rat1 in hall.livings)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap.msgs,
                      "remove shouldn't produce exit message")
     hall.remove(rat2, julie)
     self.assertFalse(rat2 in hall.livings)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap.msgs,
                      "remove shouldn't produce exit message")
     # test random leave
     hall.remove(rat1, julie)
     hall.remove(12345, julie)
Exemple #2
 def test_message_nearby_location(self):
     plaza = Location("plaza")
     road = Location("road")
     house = Location("house")
     attic = Location("attic")
         Exit("north", road, "road leads north"),
         Exit("door", house, "door to a house")
     road.add_exits([Exit("south", plaza, "plaza to the south")])
         Exit("door", plaza, "door to the plaza"),
         Exit("ladder", attic, "dusty attic")
     attic.add_exits([Exit("ladder", house, "the house")])
     wiretap_plaza = Wiretap(plaza)
     wiretap_road = Wiretap(road)
     wiretap_house = Wiretap(house)
     wiretap_attic = Wiretap(attic)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap_plaza.msgs,
                      "the plaza doesnt receive tells")
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap_attic.msgs,
                      "the attic is too far away to receive msgs")
     self.assertTrue(("road", "boing") in wiretap_road.msgs)
     self.assertTrue(("road", "The sound is coming from the south.")
                     in wiretap_road.msgs,
                     "road should give sound direction")
     self.assertTrue(("house", "boing") in wiretap_house.msgs)
         ("house", "You can't hear where the sound is coming from.")
         in wiretap_house.msgs,
         "in the house you can't locate the sound direction")
 def test_enter_leave(self):
     hall = Location("hall")
     rat1 = NPC("rat1", "n")
     rat2 = NPC("rat2", "n")
     julie = NPC("julie", "f")
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         hall.insert(12345, julie)
     self.assertEqual(_Limbo, rat1.location)
     self.assertFalse(rat1 in hall.livings)
     wiretap = Wiretap(hall)
     hall.insert(rat1, julie)
     self.assertEqual(hall, rat1.location)
     self.assertTrue(rat1 in hall.livings)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap.msgs, "insert shouldn't produce arrival messages")
     hall.insert(rat2, julie)
     self.assertTrue(rat2 in hall.livings)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap.msgs, "insert shouldn't produce arrival messages")
     # now test leave
     hall.remove(rat1, julie)
     self.assertFalse(rat1 in hall.livings)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap.msgs, "remove shouldn't produce exit message")
     hall.remove(rat2, julie)
     self.assertFalse(rat2 in hall.livings)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap.msgs, "remove shouldn't produce exit message")
     # test random leave
     hall.remove(rat1, julie)
     hall.remove(12345, julie)
Exemple #4
 def test_move(self):
     hall = Location("hall")
     attic = Location("attic")
     rat = Living("rat", "n", race="rodent")
     wiretap_hall = Wiretap(hall)
     wiretap_attic = Wiretap(attic)
     self.assertTrue(rat in hall.livings)
     self.assertFalse(rat in attic.livings)
     self.assertEqual(hall, rat.location)
     self.assertTrue(rat in attic.livings)
     self.assertFalse(rat in hall.livings)
     self.assertEqual(attic, rat.location)
     self.assertEqual([("hall", "Rat leaves.")], wiretap_hall.msgs)
     self.assertEqual([("attic", "Rat arrives.")], wiretap_attic.msgs)
     # now try silent
     rat.move(hall, silent=True)
     self.assertTrue(rat in hall.livings)
     self.assertFalse(rat in attic.livings)
     self.assertEqual(hall, rat.location)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap_hall.msgs)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap_attic.msgs)
Exemple #5
 def test_move(self):
     hall = Location("hall")
     person = Living("person", "m", race="human")
     monster = NPC("dragon", "f", race="dragon")
     monster.aggressive = True
     key = Item("key")
     stone = Item("stone")
     hall.init_inventory([person, key])
     stone.move(hall, person)
     wiretap = Wiretap(hall)
     self.assertTrue(person in hall)
     self.assertTrue(key in hall)
     key.contained_in = person  # hack to force move to actually check the source container
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
         key.move(person, person)
     key.contained_in = hall  # put it back as it was
     key.move(person, person)
     self.assertFalse(key in hall)
     self.assertTrue(key in person)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap.msgs, "item.move() should be silent")
     with self.assertRaises(ActionRefused) as x:
         key.move(monster, person)  # aggressive monster should fail
     self.assertTrue("not a good idea" in str(x.exception))
     monster.aggressive = False
     key.move(monster, person)  # non-aggressive should be ok
 def test_move(self):
     hall = Location("hall")
     attic = Location("attic")
     rat = Living("rat", "n", race="rodent")
     wiretap_hall = Wiretap(hall)
     wiretap_attic = Wiretap(attic)
     self.assertTrue(rat in hall.livings)
     self.assertFalse(rat in attic.livings)
     self.assertEqual(hall, rat.location)
     self.assertTrue(rat in attic.livings)
     self.assertFalse(rat in hall.livings)
     self.assertEqual(attic, rat.location)
     self.assertEqual([("hall", "Rat leaves.")], wiretap_hall.msgs)
     self.assertEqual([("attic", "Rat arrives.")], wiretap_attic.msgs)
     # now try silent
     rat.move(hall, silent=True)
     self.assertTrue(rat in hall.livings)
     self.assertFalse(rat in attic.livings)
     self.assertEqual(hall, rat.location)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap_hall.msgs)
     self.assertEqual([], wiretap_attic.msgs)