Exemple #1
            class Row:
                """Task List page row elements locators"""

                job_name = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-job-name a", "Job name")
                job_start_date = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(2)", "Job start date")
                job_finish_date = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(3)", "Job finish date")
                job_status = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-job-status-column mat-icon", "Job status")
Exemple #2
    class HelpPopup:
        """ADCM header popup with help links"""

        ask_link = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[adcm_test='ask_for_help']",
                           "Ask for help link")
        doc_link = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[adcm_test='dock']",
                           "Documentation link")
Exemple #3
class JobPageLocators(ObjectPageLocators):
    """Locators for detailed job page"""

    job_info = Locator(By.TAG_NAME, "app-job-info", "Job info section")
    job_log = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-log-text", "Job log")
    start_date = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".time-info>div:first-child>span",
                         "Start date")
    finish_date = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".time-info>div:last-child>span",
                          "Finish date")
    duration = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".time-info>div:nth-child(2)>span",
                       "Task duration")

    class Menu:
        """Locators for detailed job page menu"""

        # keep stdout(-err) prefix in naming
        stdout_tab = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[adcm_test='tab_1']",
                             "Job stdout tab")
        stdout_download_btn = Locator(
            By.XPATH, "//a[.//span[text()='ansible [ stdout ]']]//button",
            "Download stdout button")
        stderr_tab = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[adcm_test='tab_2']",
                             "Job stderr tab")
        stderr_download_btn = Locator(
            By.XPATH, "//a[.//span[text()='ansible [ stderr ]']]//button",
            "Download stdout button")
Exemple #4
        class JobRow:
            """ADCM header popup job row with jobs"""

            job_status = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-icon",
                                 "Job status in job row")
            job_name = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a",
                               "Job row name in popup list")
Exemple #5
class ActionDialog:
    """Action Dialog class"""

    body = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-dialog-container",
                   "Dialog with choices")
    run = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-dialog button[color='accent']",
                  "Run button in action dialog")
Exemple #6
class ClusterServicesLocators:
    """Cluster main page elements locators"""

    add_services_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button[adcm_test='create-btn']", "Add services button")
    service_row = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".mat-row", "Service row")

    class AddServicePopup:
        """Popup for adding services"""

        block = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".mat-dialog-container", "Popup block")
        service_row = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".mat-list-option", "Service row")
        create_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-add-service button:last-child", "Add button")
        cancel_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-add-service button:first-child", "Cancel button")

        class ServiceRow:
            """Locators for services row"""

            text = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".mat-list-text", "Service name")

    class ServiceTableRow:
        """Services table roe locators"""

        name = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:first-of-type", "Service name")
        version = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(2)", "Service version")
        state = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-state-column", "Service state")
        status = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-status-column button", "Service status")
        actions = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-actions-button button", "Service actions")
        service_import = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(6) button", "Service import")
        config = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(7) button", "Service config")
Exemple #7
class ProfileLocators:
    """Profile page elements locators"""

    username = Locator(By.XPATH, "//p[contains(text(), 'You are authorized as')]/b", "Authorized user name")
    password = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[formcontrolname='password']", "New password input field")
    confirm_password = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[formcontrolname='cpassword']", "New password confirmation field")
    save_password_btn = Locator(By.XPATH, "//button[./span[text()= 'Save']]", "Save password button")
Exemple #8
    class WarnPopup:
        """Warning Popup"""

        popup_block = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-popover",
                              "Warning popup block")
        item = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-popover app-concern",
                       "Item with warning")
Exemple #9
class CommonTable:
    """Common table locators (eg, cluster list page table)."""

    visible_row = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-row[adwphover]",
                          "Visible table row")
    header = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-header-cell>div", "Table header")
    row = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-row[adwphover]", "Table row")

    class ActionPopup:
        """Common popup for action in tables."""

        block = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div[role='menu']",
                        "Action popup block")
        button = TemplateLocator(
            "//button[@adcm_test='action_btn' and ./span[text()='{}']]",
            "Button with action {}")

    class Pagination:
        """Common table pagination locators."""

        previous_page = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                                "button[aria-label='Previous page']",
                                "Previous page button")
        page_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[class*='page-button']",
                           "Page button")
        page_to_choose_btn = TemplateLocator(
            By.XPATH, "//a[contains(@class, 'page-button') and text()='{}']",
            "Page button")
        next_page = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button[aria-label='Next page']",
                            "Next page button")
Exemple #10
class CommonFooterLocators:
    """ADCM footer locators"""

    version_link = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "footer a[href*='docs']",
                           "Link to version doc page")
    logo = Locator(By.XPATH, "//footer//*[contains(text(), 'ARENADATA ©')]",
                   "Footer logo")
Exemple #11
class AdminIntroLocators:
    """Locators for Admin Intro menu"""

    intro_title = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".content mat-card-header",
                          "Intro header container")
    intro_text = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".content mat-card-content",
                         "Intro text container")
Exemple #12
class GroupConfigListLocators:
    """Group Configuration list locators"""

    add_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button[adcm_test='create-btn']",
                      "Add config group button")
    header_item = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-table mat-header-cell",
                          "Add config group button")
    group_config_row = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-table mat-row",
                               "Group Configuration row")

    class GroupConfigRow:
        """Group Configuration row locators"""

        name = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:first-child", "Row name")
        description = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(2)",
                              "Row description")
        delete_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button", "Row delete button")

    class CreateGroupPopup:
        block = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-dialog", "Popup block")
        name_input = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[data-placeholder='Name']",
                             "Name input")
        description_input = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                                    "Description input")
        create_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                             "app-add-controls button[color='accent']",
                             "Create button")
Exemple #13
    class GroupConfigRow:
        """Group Configuration row locators"""

        name = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:first-child", "Row name")
        description = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(2)",
                              "Row description")
        delete_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button", "Row delete button")
Exemple #14
class DeleteDialog:
    """Delete Dialog class"""

    body = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-dialog-container",
                   "Dialog with choices")
    yes = Locator(By.XPATH, "//button//span[contains(text(), 'Yes')]",
                  "Yes button in delete dialog")
Exemple #15
class ObjectPageLocators:
    """Common locators for object's detailed page"""

    title = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-card-header mat-card-title", "Title")
    subtitle = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-card-header mat-card-subtitle",
    text = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-card-content",
                   "Cluster main page text")
Exemple #16
    class Filter:
        """Task List page filter elements locators"""

        all = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-button-toggle[value=''] button", "All jobs filter button")
        running = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-button-toggle[value='running'] button", "Running filter button")
        success = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-button-toggle[value='success'] button", "Success filter button")
        failed = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-button-toggle[value='failed'] button", "Failed filter button")
        filter_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-button-toggle button", "Filter button")
Exemple #17
    class ImportItem:
        """Import item elements locators"""

        name = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "h3", "Import item name")
        import_chbx = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-checkbox",
                              "Import checkbox")
        description = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-exports>div>div",
                              "Description text")
Exemple #18
    class Toolbar:
        """Bundle List page toolbar elements locators"""

        apps_btn = Locator(By.XPATH, "//a[.//mat-icon[text()='apps']]",
                           "Apps button")
        upload_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                             "Bundle upload button")
Exemple #19
class CommonLocators:
    """Locators common to all pages"""

    socket = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".socket", "open socket marker")
    profile = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".profile", "profile load marker")
    load_marker = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.load_complete',
                          "page load marker")
    mat_slide_toggle = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-slide-toggle", "toggle")
Exemple #20
    class GroupRow:
        """Row with groups info"""

        checkbox = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-checkbox", "Group checkbox")
        name = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(2)", "Group name")
        description = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(3)",
                              "Group description")
        users = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(4)",
                        "Group users")
Exemple #21
    class AccountPopup:
        """ADCM header popup with account settings"""

        settings_link = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a[adcm_test='settings']",
                                "Settings link")
        profile_link = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button[adcm_test='profile']",
                               "Profile link")
        logout_button = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button[adcm_test='logout']",
                                "logout button")
Exemple #22
    class RoleRow:
        """Row with role info"""

        checkbox = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-checkbox", "Role checkbox")
        name = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(2)", "Role name")
        description = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(3)",
                              "Role description")
        permissions = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-cell:nth-child(4)",
                              "Role permissions")
Exemple #23
    class LicensePopup:
        """Bundle List page licence popup elements locators"""

        block = Locator(By.XPATH,
                        "//app-dialog[./h3[contains(text(), 'license')]]",
                        "block with license agreement")
        agree_btn = Locator(By.XPATH,
                            "//button[./span[contains(text(), 'Yes')]]",
                            "Agree button")
Exemple #24
 class CreateGroupPopup:
     block = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-dialog", "Popup block")
     name_input = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[data-placeholder='Name']",
                          "Name input")
     description_input = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                                 "Description input")
     create_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                          "app-add-controls button[color='accent']",
                          "Create button")
Exemple #25
        class ThirdStep:
            """Locators for third step"""

            back_btn_third = Locator(
                "app-rbac-policy-form-step-three~div button[matstepperprevious]",
                "Next button from third step",
            cancel_btn = Locator(By.XPATH, "//button[./span[text()='Cancel']]",
                                 "Cancel button")
Exemple #26
class ClusterActionLocators:
    """Cluster action page elements locators"""

    action_card = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-action-card", "Action card")
    info_text = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-action-card p", "Text on action page")

    class ActionCard:
        """Cluster action page action card elements locators"""

        play_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button", "Action run button")
Exemple #27
class ClusterComponentsLocators:
    """Cluster components page elements locators"""

    restore_btn = Locator(By.XPATH, "//button[./span[contains(text(), 'Restore')]]", "Restore button")
    save_btn = Locator(By.XPATH, "//button[./span[contains(text(), 'Save')]]", "Save button")

    components_title = Locator(By.XPATH, "//h3[./span[contains(text(), 'Components')]]", "Title for Components block")
    service_page_link = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-card-content a[href*='service']", "Link to service page")

    hosts_title = Locator(By.XPATH, "//h3[./span[contains(text(), 'Hosts')]]", "Title for Hosts block")
    hosts_page_link = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-card-content a[href*='host']", "Link to hosts page")
    create_hosts_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button[adcm_test='create-btn']", "Create hosts button")

    host_row = Locator(By.XPATH, "//div[./h3/span[contains(text(), 'Host')]]//app-much-2-many", "Host row")
    component_row = Locator(
        "//div[./h3/span[contains(text(), 'Components')]]//app-much-2-many",
        "Component row",

    class Row:
        """Cluster components page row elements locators"""

        name = Locator(By.XPATH, ".//button[@mat-button]/span/span[not(contains(@class, 'warn'))]", "Item name")
        number = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button[mat-raised-button] span:first-of-type", "Amount of links")
        relations_row = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div[class*='relations-list']", "Row with relations")

        class RelationsRow:
            """Cluster components page relations row elements locators"""

            name = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div>span", "Related item name")
            delete_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button", "Delete item button")
Exemple #28
    class CreateClusterPopup:
        """Cluster List page create cluster popup elements locators"""

        block = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-dialog-container", "Popup block")
        bundle_select_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                                    "Select bundle")
        version_select_btn = Locator(
            By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-select[formcontrolname='bundle_id']",
            "Select bundle version")
        select_option = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "mat-option", "Select option")

        upload_bundle_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                                    "Upload bundle button")
        cluster_name_input = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                                     "input[data-placeholder='Cluster name']",
                                     "Cluster name input")
        description_input = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                                    "Description input")

        create_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                             "app-add-controls button:last-child",
                             "Create button")
        cancel_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR,
                             "app-add-controls button:first-child",
                             "Cancel button")
Exemple #29
class CommonPopupLocators:
    """ADCM popup locators"""

    block = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-snack-bar", "Popup block")
    block_by_text = TemplateLocator(By.XPATH,
                                    "Popup block with text {}")
    text = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "app-snack-bar .message",
                   "Popup info message")
    hide_btn = Locator(By.XPATH, "//button[./span[text()='Hide']]",
                       "Hide pop up button")
Exemple #30
    class Row:
        """Cluster components page row elements locators"""

        name = Locator(By.XPATH, ".//button[@mat-button]/span/span[not(contains(@class, 'warn'))]", "Item name")
        number = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button[mat-raised-button] span:first-of-type", "Amount of links")
        relations_row = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div[class*='relations-list']", "Row with relations")

        class RelationsRow:
            """Cluster components page relations row elements locators"""

            name = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div>span", "Related item name")
            delete_btn = Locator(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button", "Delete item button")