Exemple #1
    def setUpClass(cls):
        Set up the test class.

        Prevent tests running if the host is down.
        super(CheckHostnameMixin, cls).setUpClass()

        if not hasattr(cls, 'sites'):

        for key, data in cls.sites.items():
            if 'hostname' not in data:
                raise Exception('%s: hostname not defined for %s' %
                                (cls.__name__, key))
            hostname = data['hostname']

            if hostname in cls._checked_hostnames:
                if isinstance(cls._checked_hostnames[hostname], Exception):
                    raise unittest.SkipTest(
                        '%s: hostname %s failed (cached): %s' %
                        (cls.__name__, hostname,
                elif cls._checked_hostnames[hostname] is False:
                    raise unittest.SkipTest('%s: hostname %s failed (cached)' %
                                            (cls.__name__, hostname))

            e = None
                if '://' not in hostname:
                    hostname = 'http://' + hostname
                r = http.fetch(uri=hostname, default_error_handling=False)
                if r.exception:
                    e = r.exception
                    if r.status not in [200, 301, 302, 303, 307, 308]:
                        raise ServerError('HTTP status: %d' % r.status)
                    r.content  # default decode may raise exception
            except Exception as e2:
                pywikibot.error('%s: accessing %s caused exception:' %
                                (cls.__name__, hostname))
                pywikibot.exception(e2, tb=True)
                e = e2

            if e:
                cls._checked_hostnames[hostname] = e
                raise unittest.SkipTest('%s: hostname %s failed: %s' %
                                        (cls.__name__, hostname, e))

            cls._checked_hostnames[hostname] = True
Exemple #2
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
         func(*args, **kwargs)
     except AssertionError:
         tb = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
         for depth, line in enumerate(tb):
             if re.match('^assert[A-Z]', line[2]):
         tb = traceback.format_list(tb[:depth])
         pywikibot.error('\n' + ''.join(tb)[:-1])  # remove \n at the end
         raise unittest.SkipTest('Test is allowed to fail.')
     except Exception:
         raise unittest.SkipTest('Test is allowed to fail.')
Exemple #3
    def assertPagesInNamespacesAll(self, gen, namespaces, skip=False):
        Try to confirm that generator returns Pages for all namespaces.

        @param gen: generator to iterate
        @type gen: generator
        @param namespaces: expected namespaces
        @type namespaces: int or set of int
        @param count: maximum results to process
        @type count: int
        @param skip: skip test if not all namespaces found
        @param skip: bool
        if isinstance(namespaces, int):
            namespaces = set([namespaces])
            assert (isinstance(namespaces, set))

        page_namespaces = [page.namespace() for page in gen]

        if skip and set(page_namespaces) != namespaces:
            raise unittest.SkipTest('Pages in namespaces %r not found.' %
                                    list(namespaces - set(page_namespaces)))
            self.assertEqual(set(page_namespaces), namespaces)
    def test_create_pipeline(self):
        # In order to create a pipeline, we need to create 2 s3 buckets
        # and 1 iam role.
        input_bucket = self.create_bucket()
        output_bucket = self.create_bucket()
        role = self.create_iam_role()
        pipeline_name = 'botocore-test-create-%s' % (random.randint(
            1, 1000000))

        operation = self.service.get_operation('CreatePipeline')
        http, parsed = operation.call(self.endpoint,
                                          'Progressing': '',
                                          'Completed': '',
                                          'Warning': '',
                                          'Error': ''
        if http.status_code == 429:
            # It's possible that we have too many existing pipelines.
            # We don't want to fail the test, but we need to indicate
            # that it didn't pass.  A SkipTest is a reasonable compromise.
            raise unittest.SkipTest(
                "HTTP status 429, too many existing pipelines.")
        self.assertEqual(http.status_code, 201)
        self.assertIn('Pipeline', parsed)
Exemple #5
    def setUpClass(cls):
        Set up the test class.

        Reject write test classes configured with non-test wikis, or caching.

        Prevent test classes from writing to the site by default.

        If class attribute 'write' is -1, the test class is skipped unless
        environment variable PYWIKIBOT2_TEST_WRITE_FAIL is set to 1.

        Otherwise the test class is skipped unless environment variable
        PYWIKIBOT2_TEST_WRITE is set to 1.
        super(SiteWriteMixin, cls).setUpClass()

        site = cls.get_site()
        assert ('test' in (site.family.name, site.code))

        if cls.write == -1:
            env_var = 'PYWIKIBOT2_TEST_WRITE_FAIL'
            env_var = 'PYWIKIBOT2_TEST_WRITE'

        if os.environ.get(env_var, '0') != '1':
            raise unittest.SkipTest('%r write tests disabled. '
                                    'Set %s=1 to enable.' %
                                    (cls.__name__, env_var))

        if issubclass(cls, ForceCacheMixin):
            raise Exception('%s can not be a subclass of both '
                            'SiteEditTestCase and ForceCacheMixin' %
def get_lab_app(
    """Returns the lab app as an MSAL confidential client.

    Get it from environment variables if defined, otherwise fall back to use MSI.
    if os.getenv(env_client_id) and os.getenv(env_client_secret):
        # A shortcut mainly for running tests on developer's local development machine
        # or it could be setup on Travis CI
        #   https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#defining-variables-in-repository-settings
        # Data came from here
        # https://microsoft.sharepoint-df.com/teams/MSIDLABSExtended/SitePages/Rese.aspx#programmatic-access-info-for-lab-request-api
        logger.info("Using lab app defined by ENV variables %s and %s",
                    env_client_id, env_client_secret)
        client_id = os.getenv(env_client_id)
        client_secret = os.getenv(env_client_secret)
            "ENV variables %s and/or %s are not defined. Fall back to MSI.",
            env_client_id, env_client_secret)
        # See also https://microsoft.sharepoint-df.com/teams/MSIDLABSExtended/SitePages/Programmatically-accessing-LAB-API's.aspx
        raise unittest.SkipTest(
            "MSI-based mechanism has not been implemented yet")
    return msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(
        "72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47",  # Microsoft tenant ID
Exemple #7
    def setUpClass(cls):
        Set up the test class.

        Checks that all sites are configured with a Wikibase repository,
        with Site.has_data_repository() returning True, and all sites
        use the same data repository.
        super(WikibaseTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        for data in cls.sites.values():
            if 'site' not in data:

            site = data['site']
            if not site.has_data_repository:
                raise unittest.SkipTest(
                    u'%s: %r does not have data repository' %
                    (cls.__name__, site))

            if (hasattr(cls, 'repo') and cls.repo != site.data_repository()):
                raise Exception(
                    '%s: sites do not all have the same data repository' %

            cls.repo = site.data_repository()
Exemple #8
 def create_rest_api_or_skip(self):
         api_id = self.client.create_rest_api(name=self.api_name)['id']
     except exceptions.ClientError as e:
         if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'TooManyRequestsException':
             raise unittest.SkipTest(
                 "Hit API gateway throttle limit, skipping test.")
     return api_id
Exemple #9
    def setUpClass(cls):
        if os.environ.get('PYWIKIBOT2_TEST_NO_RC', '0') == '1':
            raise unittest.SkipTest('RecentChanges tests disabled.')

        super(RecentChangesTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        if cls.get_site().code == 'test':
            cls.override_default_site(pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia'))
Exemple #10
    def get_missing_article(self, site=None):
        """Get a Page which refers to a missing page on the site."""
        if not site:
            site = self.get_site()
        page = pywikibot.Page(
            pywikibot.page.Link("There is no page with this title", site))
        if page.exists():
            raise unittest.SkipTest("Did not find a page that does not exist.")

        return page
Exemple #11
    def setUpClass(cls):
        Set up the test class.

        Require the data repository is wikidata.org.
        super(WikibaseClientTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        if str(cls.get_repo()) != 'wikidata:wikidata':
            raise unittest.SkipTest(u'%s: %s is not connected to Wikidata.' %
                                    (cls.__name__, cls.get_site()))
Exemple #12
    def setUpClass(cls):
        Set up the test class.

        Prefetch the Site object for each of the sites the test
        class has declared are needed.
        super(TestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        if not hasattr(cls, 'sites'):

        # This stores the site under the site name.
        if not cls.sites:
            cls.sites = {}

        # If the test is not cached, create new Site objects for this class
        if not hasattr(cls, 'cached') or not cls.cached:
            orig_sites = pywikibot._sites
            pywikibot._sites = {}

        interface = None  # defaults to 'APISite'
        dry = hasattr(cls, 'dry') and cls.dry
        if dry:
            interface = DrySite

        for data in cls.sites.values():
            if ('code' in data and data['code'] in ('test', 'mediawiki')
                    and 'PYWIKIBOT2_TEST_PROD_ONLY' in os.environ and not dry):
                raise unittest.SkipTest(
                    'Site code "%s" and PYWIKIBOT2_TEST_PROD_ONLY is set.' %

            if 'site' not in data and 'code' in data and 'family' in data:
                data['site'] = Site(data['code'],
            if 'hostname' not in data and 'site' in data:
                    data['hostname'] = data['site'].hostname()
                except KeyError:
                    # The family has defined this as obsolete
                    # without a mapping to a hostname.

        if not hasattr(cls, 'cached') or not cls.cached:
            pywikibot._sites = orig_sites

        if len(cls.sites) == 1:
            key = next(iter(cls.sites.keys()))
            if 'site' in cls.sites[key]:
                cls.site = cls.sites[key]['site']
Exemple #13
    def setUpClass(cls):
        Set up the test class.

        Checks that all sites are configured as a Wikibase client,
        with Site.has_transcluded_data() returning True.
        super(WikibaseClientTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        for site in cls.sites.values():
            if not site['site'].has_transcluded_data:
                raise unittest.SkipTest(
                    u'%s: %r does not have transcluded data' %
                    (cls.__name__, site['site']))
Exemple #14
 def assertLoosely(self, response, assertion=None,
         skippable_errors=("invalid_grant", "interaction_required")):
     if response.get("error") in skippable_errors:
         logger.debug("Response = %s", response)
         # Some of these errors are configuration issues, not library issues
         raise unittest.SkipTest(response.get("error_description"))
         if assertion is None:
             assertion = lambda: self.assertIn(
                 "access_token", response,
                 "{error}: {error_description}".format(
                     # Do explicit response.get(...) rather than **response
Exemple #15
    def setUpClass(cls):
        Set up the test class.

        Skip the test class if the user config does not have
        a valid login to the site.
        super(RequireUserMixin, cls).setUpClass()



        if not cls.site.user():
            raise unittest.SkipTest(
                '%s: Unable able to login to %s' % cls.__name__, cls.site)
Exemple #16
    def test_query_string_params_in_urls(self):
        if not hasattr(self.AuthClass, 'canonical_query_string'):
            raise unittest.SkipTest('%s does not expose interim steps' %

        request = AWSRequest()
        request.url = ('https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket?'
        request.data = {'Action': 'MyOperation'}
        request.method = 'GET'

        # Check that the canonical query string is correct formatting
        # by ensuring that query string paramters that are added to the
        # canonical query string are correctly formatted.
        cqs = self.auth.canonical_query_string(request)
        self.assertEqual('marker=%C3%A4%C3%B6%C3%BC-01.txt&prefix=', cqs)
Exemple #17
    def setUpClass(cls):
        Set up the test class.

        Skip the test class if the user config does not have
        a valid login to the site.
        super(RequireUserMixin, cls).setUpClass()

        sysop = hasattr(cls, 'sysop') and cls.sysop

        for site in cls.sites.values():
            cls.require_site_user(site['family'], site['code'], sysop)


            if not site['site'].user():
                raise unittest.SkipTest(
                    '%s: Unable able to login to %s as %s' %
                    (cls.__name__, 'sysop' if sysop else 'bot', site['site']))
Exemple #18
    def setUpClass(cls):
        Set up the test class.

        Prevent test classes to write to the site and also cache results.

        Skip the test class if environment variable PYWIKIBOT2_TEST_WRITE
        does not equal 1.
        if os.environ.get('PYWIKIBOT2_TEST_WRITE', '0') != '1':
            raise unittest.SkipTest('%r write tests disabled. '
                                    'Set PYWIKIBOT2_TEST_WRITE=1 to enable.' %

        if issubclass(cls, ForceCacheMixin):
            raise Exception('%s can not be a subclass of both '
                            'SiteEditTestCase and ForceCacheMixin' %

        super(SiteWriteMixin, cls).setUpClass()
Exemple #19
 def require_site_user(cls):
     """Check the user config has a valid login to the site."""
     if not cls.has_site_user(cls.family, cls.code):
         raise unittest.SkipTest('%s: No username for %s:%s' %
                                 (cls.__name__, cls.family, cls.code))
Exemple #20
import os
import sys
import datetime

from tests import unittest, capture

if not os.environ.get('PEEWEE'):
    raise unittest.SkipTest('Not a Peewee build')

from tests.models.peewee import *

class BasePeeweePartitionTestCase(object):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        sys.argv = [
            'architect', 'partition', '--module', 'tests.models.peewee'
        with capture() as (out, _):
            search = 'successfully (re)configured the database for the following models'
            assert search in out, '{0} not in {1}'.format(search, out)

    def test_raises_partition_column_error(self):
        from architect.exceptions import PartitionColumnError
        RangeDateDay.PartitionableMeta.partition_column = 'foo'

        with self.assertRaises(PartitionColumnError):
                                    2014, 4, 15, 18, 44, 23))
Exemple #21
 def require_site_user(cls, family, code, sysop=False):
     """Check the user config has a valid login to the site."""
     if not cls.has_site_user(family, code, sysop=sysop):
         raise unittest.SkipTest(
             '%s: No %susername for %s:%s' %
             (cls.__name__, "sysop " if sysop else "", family, code))
Exemple #22
import os
import sys
import datetime

from tests import unittest, capture

if not os.environ.get('PONY'):
    raise unittest.SkipTest('Not a Pony build')

from tests.models.pony import *

class BasePonyPartitionTestCase(object):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        sys.argv = ['architect', 'partition', '--module', 'tests.models.pony']
        with capture() as (out, _):
            search = 'successfully (re)configured the database for the following models'
            assert search in out, '{0} not in {1}'.format(search, out)

    def test_raises_partition_column_error(self):
        RangeDateDay.PartitionableMeta.partition_column = 'foo'

        with self.assertRaises(CommitException):
            with db_session:
                             created=datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 15, 18, 44,

        RangeDateDay.PartitionableMeta.partition_column = 'created'
Exemple #23
import os
import sys
import datetime

from tests import unittest, capture

if not os.environ.get('DJANGO'):
    raise unittest.SkipTest('Not a Django build')

from tests.models.django import *

class BaseDjangoPartitionTestCase(object):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        sys.argv = ['architect', 'partition', '--module', 'tests.models.django']
        with capture() as (out, _):
            search = 'successfully (re)configured the database for the following models'
            assert search in out, '{0} not in {1}'.format(search, out)

    def test_raises_partition_column_error(self):
        from architect.exceptions import PartitionColumnError
        RangeDateDay.PartitionableMeta.partition_column = 'foo'

        with self.assertRaises(PartitionColumnError):
            RangeDateDay.objects.create(name='foo', created=datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 15, 18, 44, 23))

        RangeDateDay.PartitionableMeta.partition_column = 'created'

@unittest.skipUnless(os.environ.get('DB') == 'postgresql', 'Not a PostgreSQL build')
import os
import sys
import datetime

from tests import unittest, capture

if not os.environ.get('SQLALCHEMY'):
    raise unittest.SkipTest('Not a SQLAlchemy build')

from tests.models.sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

class BaseSqlAlchemyPartitionTestCase(object):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        sys.argv = [
            'architect', 'partition', '--module', 'tests.models.sqlalchemy',
            '--connection', dsn
        with capture() as (out, _):
            search = 'successfully (re)configured the database for the following models'
            assert search in out, '{0} not in {1}'.format(search, out)
        cls.session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()

    def test_dsn_not_provided_error(self):
        from architect.exceptions import DsnNotProvidedError
        sys.argv = [
            'architect', 'partition', '--module', 'tests.models.sqlalchemy'
        with capture() as (_, err):
Exemple #25
 def setUpClass(cls):
     if not __debug__:
         raise unittest.SkipTest(
             '%s is disabled when __debug__ is disabled.' % cls.__name__)
     super(DebugOnlyTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
Exemple #26
def setUpModule():  # noqa: N802
    """Always skip."""
    raise unittest.SkipTest('flow_tests.py tests are disabled '
                            'due to upstream issue T249705.')
Exemple #27
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
         func(*args, **kwargs)
     except Exception:
         raise unittest.SkipTest()
Exemple #28
 def setUpClass(cls):
     super(OpMsgReadPrefBase, cls).setUpClass()
     if version_tuple < (3, 7):
         raise unittest.SkipTest("requires PyMongo 3.7")