def test_remove(self): """Tests remove """ self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'paulie'}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in"*:*")) == 1) self.conn['test']['test'].remove({'name': 'paulie'}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in"*:*")) == 0)
def test_update(self): """Test update operations.""" # Insert self.conn.test.test.insert({"a": 0}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self.mongo_doc._search()) == 1) def check_update(update_spec): updated = self.conn.test.test.find_and_modify( {"a": 0}, update_spec, new=True ) # Allow some time for update to propagate time.sleep(2) replicated = self.mongo_doc.mongo.test.test.find_one({"a": 0}) self.assertEqual(replicated, updated) # Update by adding a field check_update({"$set": {"b": [{"c": 10}, {"d": 11}]}}) # Update by changing a value within a sub-document (contains array) check_update({"$inc": {"b.0.c": 1}}) # Update by changing the value within an array check_update({"$inc": {"b.1.f": 12}}) # Update by changing an entire sub-document check_update({"$set": {"b.0": {"e": 4}}}) # Update by adding a sub-document check_update({"$set": {"b": {"0": {"c": 100}}}}) # Update whole document check_update({"a": 0, "b": {"1": {"d": 10000}}})
def test_drop_database(self): self.initOplogThread() pymongo.collection.Collection( self.primary_conn['test'], 'test', create=True) self.primary_conn.drop_database('test') assert_soon(lambda: len(self.docman.commands) == 2) self.assertEqual(self.docman.commands[1], {'dropDatabase': 1})
def test_drop_collection(self): self.initOplogThread() coll = pymongo.collection.Collection( self.primary_conn['test'], 'test', create=True) coll.drop() assert_soon(lambda: len(self.docman.commands) == 2) self.assertEqual(self.docman.commands[1], {'drop': 'test'})
def test_remove(self): """Tests remove operations.""" self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'paulie'}) assert_soon(lambda: self._count() == 1) self.conn['test']['test'].remove({'name': 'paulie'}) assert_soon(lambda: self._count() != 1) self.assertEqual(self._count(), 0)
def test_with_orphan_documents(self): """Test that DocManagers have proper state after a chunk migration that resuts in orphaned documents. """ # Start replicating to dummy doc managers self.opman1.start() self.opman2.start() collection = self.mongos_conn["test"]["mcsharded"] collection.insert({"i": i + 500} for i in range(1000)) # Assert current state of the mongoverse self.assertEqual(self.shard1_conn["test"]["mcsharded"].find().count(), 500) self.assertEqual(self.shard2_conn["test"]["mcsharded"].find().count(), 500) assert_soon(lambda: len(self.opman1.doc_managers[0]._search()) == 1000) # Stop replication using the 'rsSyncApplyStop' failpoint self.shard1_conn.admin.command( "configureFailPoint", "rsSyncApplyStop", mode="alwaysOn" ) # Move a chunk from shard2 to shard1 def move_chunk(): try: self.mongos_conn["admin"].command( "moveChunk", "test.mcsharded", find={"i": 1000}, to="demo-set-0" ) except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: pass # moveChunk will never complete, so use another thread to continue mover = threading.Thread(target=move_chunk) mover.start() # wait for documents to start moving to shard 1 assert_soon(lambda: self.shard1_conn.test.mcsharded.count() > 500) # Get opid for moveChunk command operations = self.mongos_conn.test.current_op() opid = None for op in operations["inprog"]: if op.get("query", {}).get("moveChunk"): opid = op["opid"] self.assertNotEqual(opid, None, "could not find moveChunk operation") # Kill moveChunk with the opid self.mongos_conn["test"]["$cmd.sys.killop"].find_one({"op": opid}) # Mongo Connector should not become confused by unsuccessful chunk move docs = self.opman1.doc_managers[0]._search() self.assertEqual(len(docs), 1000) self.assertEqual(sorted(d["i"] for d in docs), list(range(500, 1500))) # cleanup mover.join()
def test_subdocument_with_id(self): """ Test inserting a document with a subdocument containing an _id property. In the current version of translating from document data model to property graph, the root level _id field is included in all subdocument nodes in the graph. This test verifies there is no error when inserting a document containing a subdocument with an _id property. See """ doc = { '_id': 'root_level_object_id', 'name': 'Bob', 'location': { '_id': 'sub_document_object_id', 'city': 'Missoula', 'state': 'Montana' } } self.connector.doc_managers[0].upsert(doc, "test.test_id", 1) assert_soon(lambda: self._count() > 0) result_set = self.neo4j_conn.find_one("location") self.assertNotEqual(result_set, None) self.assertEqual( result_set['_id'], 'root_level_object_id') # expect subdocument _id to be ignored
def start_replica_set(set_name, num_members=3, num_arbiters=1): """Start a replica set with a given name.""" # Start members repl_ports = [ start_mongo_proc( options=["--replSet", set_name, "--noprealloc", "--nojournal"]) for i in range(num_members) ] # Initialize set client = MongoClient(mongo_host, repl_ports[-1]) client.admin.command( 'replSetInitiate', { '_id': set_name, 'members': [{ '_id': i, 'host': '%s:%d' % (mongo_host, p), 'arbiterOnly': (i < num_arbiters) } for i, p in enumerate(repl_ports)] }) # Wait for primary assert_soon(lambda: client.admin.command("isMaster")['ismaster']) # Wait for secondaries for port in repl_ports[num_arbiters:-1]: secondary_client = MongoClient(mongo_host, port) assert_soon(lambda: secondary_client.admin.command('replSetGetStatus')[ 'myState'] == 2) # Tag primary nodes[client.port]['master'] = True # Tag arbiters for port in repl_ports[:num_arbiters]: nodes[port]['arbiter'] = True return repl_ports
def setUp(self): """ Starts a new connector for every test """ try: os.unlink("config.txt") except OSError: pass open("config.txt", "w").close() self.connector = Connector( address='%s:%s' % (mongo_host, self.primary_p), oplog_checkpoint='config.txt', target_url=elastic_pair, ns_set=['test.test'], u_key='_id', auth_key=None, doc_manager='mongo_connector/doc_managers/', auto_commit_interval=0 ) # Clean out test databases try: self.elastic_doc._remove() except OperationFailed: try: # Create test.test index if necessary client = Elasticsearch(hosts=[elastic_pair]) idx_client = IndicesClient(client) idx_client.create(index='test.test') except es_exceptions.TransportError: pass self.conn.test.test.drop() self.connector.start() assert_soon(lambda: len(self.connector.shard_set) > 0) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self.elastic_doc._search()) == 0)
def setUp(self): """ Starts a new connector for every test """ try: os.unlink("config.txt") except OSError: pass open("config.txt", "w").close() self.connector = Connector( address='%s:%s' % (mongo_host, self.primary_p), oplog_checkpoint='config.txt', target_url=elastic_pair, ns_set=['test.test'], u_key='_id', auth_key=None, doc_manager='mongo_connector/doc_managers/', auto_commit_interval=0) # Clean out test databases try: self.elastic_doc._remove() except OperationFailed: try: # Create test.test index if necessary client = Elasticsearch(hosts=[elastic_pair]) idx_client = IndicesClient(client) idx_client.create(index='test.test') except es_exceptions.TransportError: pass self.conn.test.test.drop() self.connector.start() assert_soon(lambda: len(self.connector.shard_set) > 0) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self.elastic_doc._search()) == 0)
def test_filter_fields(self): docman = self.opman.doc_managers[0] conn = self.opman.main_connection include_fields = ["a", "b", "c"] exclude_fields = ["d", "e", "f"] # Set fields to care about self.opman.fields = include_fields # Documents have more than just these fields doc = { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4, "e": 5, "f": 6, "_id": 1 } db = conn['test']['test'] db.insert(doc) assert_soon(lambda: db.count() == 1) self.opman.dump_collection() result = docman._search()[0] keys = result.keys() for inc, exc in zip(include_fields, exclude_fields): self.assertIn(inc, keys) self.assertNotIn(exc, keys)
def test_many_targets(self): """Test that one OplogThread is capable of replicating to more than one target. """ doc_managers = [DocManager(), DocManager(), DocManager()] self.opman.doc_managers = doc_managers # start replicating self.opman.start() self.primary_conn["test"]["test"].insert({ "name": "kermit", "color": "green" }) self.primary_conn["test"]["test"].insert({ "name": "elmo", "color": "firetruck red" }) assert_soon( lambda: sum(len(d._search()) for d in doc_managers) == 6, "OplogThread should be able to replicate to multiple targets") self.primary_conn["test"]["test"].remove({"name": "elmo"}) assert_soon( lambda: sum(len(d._search()) for d in doc_managers) == 3, "OplogThread should be able to replicate to multiple targets") for d in doc_managers: self.assertEqual(d._search()[0]["name"], "kermit")
def test_create_collection(self): self.initOplogThread() pymongo.collection.Collection(self.primary_conn['test'], 'test', create=True) assert_soon(lambda: self.docman.commands) self.assertEqual(self.docman.commands[0], {'create': 'test'})
def test_many_targets(self): """Test that one OplogThread is capable of replicating to more than one target. """ doc_managers = [DocManager(), DocManager(), DocManager()] self.opman.doc_managers = doc_managers # start replicating self.opman.start() self.primary_conn["test"]["test"].insert({"name": "kermit", "color": "green"}) self.primary_conn["test"]["test"].insert({"name": "elmo", "color": "firetruck red"}) assert_soon( lambda: sum(len(d._search()) for d in doc_managers) == 6, "OplogThread should be able to replicate to multiple targets", ) self.primary_conn["test"]["test"].remove({"name": "elmo"}) assert_soon( lambda: sum(len(d._search()) for d in doc_managers) == 3, "OplogThread should be able to replicate to multiple targets", ) for d in doc_managers: self.assertEqual(d._search()[0]["name"], "kermit")
def test_subdocument_with_id(self): """ Test inserting a document with a subdocument containing an _id property. In the current version of translating from document data model to property graph, the root level _id field is included in all subdocument nodes in the graph. This test verifies there is no error when inserting a document containing a subdocument with an _id property. See """ doc = { '_id': 'root_level_object_id', 'name': 'Bob', 'location': { '_id': 'sub_document_object_id', 'city': 'Missoula', 'state': 'Montana' } } self.connector.doc_managers[0].upsert(doc, "test.test_id", 1) assert_soon(lambda: self._count() > 0) result_set = self.neo4j_conn.find_one("location") self.assertNotEqual(result_set, None) self.assertEqual(result_set['_id'], 'root_level_object_id') # expect subdocument _id to be ignored
def test_remove(self): """Tests remove """ self.conn["test"]["test"].insert({"name": "paulie"}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in"*:*")) == 1) self.conn["test"]["test"].remove({"name": "paulie"}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in"*:*")) == 0)
def test_update(self): """Test update operations.""" # Insert self.conn.test.test.insert({"a": 0}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self.mongo_doc._search()) == 1) def check_update(update_spec): updated = self.conn.test.test.find_and_modify({"a": 0}, update_spec, new=True) # Allow some time for update to propagate time.sleep(2) replicated = self.mongo_doc.mongo.test.test.find_one({"a": 0}) self.assertEqual(replicated, updated) # Update by adding a field check_update({"$set": {"b": [{"c": 10}, {"d": 11}]}}) # Update by changing a value within a sub-document (contains array) check_update({"$inc": {"b.0.c": 1}}) # Update by changing the value within an array check_update({"$inc": {"b.1.f": 12}}) # Update by adding new bucket to list check_update({"$push": {"b": {"e": 12}}}) # Update by changing an entire sub-document check_update({"$set": {"b.0": {"e": 4}}}) # Update by adding a sub-document check_update({"$set": {"b": {"0": {"c": 100}}}}) # Update whole document check_update({"a": 0, "b": {"1": {"d": 10000}}})
def test_update(self): """Test update operations on Solr. Need to have the following defined in schema.xml: <field name="a" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="b.0.c" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="b.10.c" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="b.0.e" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="b.1.d" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="b.1.f" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="b.2.e" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> """ docman = self.connector.doc_managers[0] # Insert self.conn.test.test.insert({"a": 0}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in docman._search("*:*")) == 1) def check_update(update_spec): updated = self.conn.test.test.find_and_modify({"a": 0}, update_spec, new=True) # Stringify _id to match what will be retrieved from Solr updated["_id"] = str(updated["_id"]) # Flatten the MongoDB document to match Solr updated = docman._clean_doc(updated) # Allow some time for update to propagate time.sleep(1) replicated = list(docman._search("a:0"))[0] # Remove add'l fields until these are stored in a separate Solr core replicated.pop("_ts") replicated.pop("ns") # Remove field added by Solr replicated.pop("_version_") self.assertEqual(replicated, docman._clean_doc(updated)) # Update by adding a field. # Note that Solr can't mix types within an array check_update({"$set": {"b": [{"c": 10}, {"d": 11}]}}) # Update by setting an attribute of a sub-document beyond end of array. check_update({"$set": {"b.10.c": 42}}) # Update by changing a value within a sub-document (contains array) check_update({"$inc": {"b.0.c": 1}}) # Update by changing the value within an array check_update({"$inc": {"b.1.f": 12}}) # Update by adding new bucket to list check_update({"$push": {"b": {"e": 12}}}) # Update by replacing an entire sub-document check_update({"$set": {"b.0": {"e": 4}}}) # Update by adding a sub-document check_update({"$set": {"b": {"0": {"c": 100}}}}) # Update whole document check_update({"a": 0, "b": {"1": {"d": 10000}}})
def test_remove_file(self): """Tests removing a gridfs file """ fs = GridFS(self.conn['test'], 'test') id = fs.put("test file", filename="test.txt", encoding='utf8') assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in"*:*")) == 1) fs.delete(id) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in"*:*")) == 0)
def test_drop_database(self): self.initOplogThread() pymongo.collection.Collection(self.primary_conn['test'], 'test', create=True) self.primary_conn.drop_database('test') assert_soon(lambda: len(self.docman.commands) == 2) self.assertEqual(self.docman.commands[1], {'dropDatabase': 1})
def test_drop_collection(self): self.initOplogThread() coll = pymongo.collection.Collection(self.primary_conn['test'], 'test', create=True) coll.drop() assert_soon(lambda: len(self.docman.commands) == 2) self.assertEqual(self.docman.commands[1], {'drop': 'test'})
def test_update(self): """Test update operations on Solr. Need to have the following defined in schema.xml: <field name="a" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="b.0.c" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="b.0.e" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="b.1.d" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="b.1.f" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="b.2.e" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" /> """ docman = self.connector.doc_managers[0] # Insert self.conn.test.test.insert({"a": 0}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in docman._search("*:*")) == 1) def check_update(update_spec): updated = self.conn.test.test.find_and_modify({"a": 0}, update_spec, new=True) # Stringify _id to match what will be retrieved from Solr updated['_id'] = str(updated['_id']) # Flatten the MongoDB document to match Solr updated = docman._clean_doc(updated) # Allow some time for update to propagate time.sleep(1) replicated = list(docman._search("a:0"))[0] # Remove add'l fields until these are stored in a separate Solr core replicated.pop("_ts") replicated.pop("ns") # Remove field added by Solr replicated.pop("_version_") self.assertEqual(replicated, docman._clean_doc(updated)) # Update by adding a field. # Note that Solr can't mix types within an array check_update({"$set": {"b": [{"c": 10}, {"d": 11}]}}) # Update by changing a value within a sub-document (contains array) check_update({"$inc": {"b.0.c": 1}}) # Update by changing the value within an array check_update({"$inc": {"b.1.f": 12}}) # Update by adding new bucket to list check_update({"$push": {"b": {"e": 12}}}) # Update by replacing an entire sub-document check_update({"$set": {"b.0": {"e": 4}}}) # Update by adding a sub-document check_update({"$set": {"b": {"0": {"c": 100}}}}) # Update whole document check_update({"a": 0, "b": {"1": {"d": 10000}}})
def test_remove(self): """Tests remove """ self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'paulie'}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self.mongo_doc._search()) == 1) self.conn['test']['test'].remove({'name': 'paulie'}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self.mongo_doc._search()) != 1) self.assertEqual(sum(1 for _ in self.mongo_doc._search()), 0)
def check_update(update_spec): updated = self.conn.test.command( SON([('findAndModify', 'test'), ('query', {"a": 0}), ('update', update_spec), ('new', True)]))['value'] # Stringify _id to match what will be retrieved from ES updated['_id'] = str(updated['_id']) assert_soon(lambda: next(self._search()) == updated)
def test_bad_int_value(self): self.conn.test.test.insert_one({ 'inf': float('inf'), 'nan': float('nan'), 'still_exists': True}) assert_soon(lambda: self._count() > 0) for doc in self._search(): self.assertNotIn('inf', doc) self.assertNotIn('nan', doc) self.assertTrue(doc['still_exists'])
def test_rename_collection(self): self.initOplogThread() coll = pymongo.collection.Collection( self.primary_conn['test'], 'test', create=True) coll.rename('test2') assert_soon(lambda: len(self.docman.commands) == 2) self.assertEqual( self.docman.commands[1], {'renameCollection': 'test.test', 'to': 'test.test2'})
def test_single_target(self): """Test with a single replication target""" self.opman.start() # Insert first document with primary up self.main_conn["test"]["mc"].insert({"i": 0}) self.assertEqual(self.primary_conn["test"]["mc"].find().count(), 1) # Make sure the insert is replicated secondary = self.secondary_conn assert_soon(lambda: secondary["test"]["mc"].count() == 1, "first write didn't replicate to secondary") # Kill the primary kill_mongo_proc(self.primary_p, destroy=False) # Wait for the secondary to be promoted while not secondary["admin"].command("isMaster")["ismaster"]: time.sleep(1) # Insert another document. This will be rolled back later retry_until_ok(self.main_conn["test"]["mc"].insert, {"i": 1}) self.assertEqual(secondary["test"]["mc"].count(), 2) # Wait for replication to doc manager assert_soon(lambda: len(self.opman.doc_managers[0]._search()) == 2, "not all writes were replicated to doc manager") # Kill the new primary kill_mongo_proc(self.secondary_p, destroy=False) # Start both servers back up restart_mongo_proc(self.primary_p) primary_admin = self.primary_conn["admin"] assert_soon(lambda: primary_admin.command("isMaster")["ismaster"], "restarted primary never resumed primary status") restart_mongo_proc(self.secondary_p) assert_soon(lambda: retry_until_ok(secondary.admin.command, 'replSetGetStatus')['myState'] == 2, "restarted secondary never resumed secondary status") assert_soon(lambda: retry_until_ok( > 0, "documents not found after primary/secondary restarted") # Only first document should exist in MongoDB self.assertEqual(self.main_conn["test"]["mc"].count(), 1) self.assertEqual(self.main_conn["test"]["mc"].find_one()["i"], 0) # Same case should hold for the doc manager doc_manager = self.opman.doc_managers[0] self.assertEqual(len(doc_manager._search()), 1) self.assertEqual(doc_manager._search()[0]["i"], 0) # cleanup self.opman.join()
def test_insert(self): """Test insert operations.""" self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'paulie'}) assert_soon(lambda: self._count() > 0) result_set_1 = list(self._search()) self.assertEqual(len(result_set_1), 1) result_set_2 = self.conn['test']['test'].find_one() for item in result_set_1: self.assertEqual(item['_id'], str(result_set_2['_id'])) self.assertEqual(item['name'], result_set_2['name'])
def test_stress(self): """Test stress by inserting and removing a large number of documents""" for i in range(0, STRESS_COUNT): self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'Paul ' + str(i)}) time.sleep(5) condition = lambda: self._count() == STRESS_COUNT assert_soon(condition) self.assertEqual(set('Paul ' + str(i) for i in range(STRESS_COUNT)), set(item['name'] for item in self._search()))
def test_stressed_rollback(self): """Test stressed rollback with number of documents equal to specified in global variable. Strategy for rollback is the same as before. """ for i in range(0, STRESS_COUNT): self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'Paul ' + str(i)}) search = self.mongo_doc._search condition = lambda: sum(1 for _ in search()) == STRESS_COUNT assert_soon(condition) primary_conn = MongoClient(mongo_host, self.primary_p) kill_mongo_proc(self.primary_p, destroy=False) new_primary_conn = MongoClient(mongo_host, self.secondary_p) admin = new_primary_conn['admin'] assert_soon(lambda: admin.command("isMaster")['ismaster']) time.sleep(5) count = -1 while count + 1 < STRESS_COUNT: try: count += 1 self.conn['test']['test'].insert( {'name': 'Pauline ' + str(count)}) except (OperationFailure, AutoReconnect): time.sleep(1) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self.mongo_doc._search()) == self. conn['test']['test'].find().count()) result_set_1 = self.mongo_doc._search() for item in result_set_1: if 'Pauline' in item['name']: result_set_2 = self.conn['test']['test'].find_one( {'name': item['name']}) self.assertEqual(item['_id'], result_set_2['_id']) kill_mongo_proc(self.secondary_p, destroy=False) restart_mongo_proc(self.primary_p) db_admin = primary_conn['admin'] assert_soon(lambda: db_admin.command("isMaster")['ismaster']) restart_mongo_proc(self.secondary_p) search = self.mongo_doc._search condition = lambda: sum(1 for _ in search()) == STRESS_COUNT assert_soon(condition) result_set_1 = list(self.mongo_doc._search()) self.assertEqual(len(result_set_1), STRESS_COUNT) for item in result_set_1: self.assertTrue('Paul' in item['name']) find_cursor = retry_until_ok(self.conn['test']['test'].find) self.assertEqual(retry_until_ok(find_cursor.count), STRESS_COUNT)
def test_stressed_rollback(self): """Test stressed rollback with number of documents equal to specified in global variable. Strategy for rollback is the same as before. """ for i in range(0, STRESS_COUNT): self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'Paul ' + str(i)}) search = self.mongo_doc._search condition = lambda: sum(1 for _ in search()) == STRESS_COUNT assert_soon(condition) primary_conn = MongoClient(mongo_host, self.primary_p) kill_mongo_proc(self.primary_p, destroy=False) new_primary_conn = MongoClient(mongo_host, self.secondary_p) admin = new_primary_conn['admin'] assert_soon(lambda: admin.command("isMaster")['ismaster']) time.sleep(5) count = -1 while count + 1 < STRESS_COUNT: try: count += 1 self.conn['test']['test'].insert( {'name': 'Pauline ' + str(count)}) except (OperationFailure, AutoReconnect): time.sleep(1) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self.mongo_doc._search()) == self.conn['test']['test'].find().count()) result_set_1 = self.mongo_doc._search() for item in result_set_1: if 'Pauline' in item['name']: result_set_2 = self.conn['test']['test'].find_one( {'name': item['name']}) self.assertEqual(item['_id'], result_set_2['_id']) kill_mongo_proc(self.secondary_p, destroy=False) restart_mongo_proc(self.primary_p) db_admin = primary_conn['admin'] assert_soon(lambda: db_admin.command("isMaster")['ismaster']) restart_mongo_proc(self.secondary_p) search = self.mongo_doc._search condition = lambda: sum(1 for _ in search()) == STRESS_COUNT assert_soon(condition) result_set_1 = list(self.mongo_doc._search()) self.assertEqual(len(result_set_1), STRESS_COUNT) for item in result_set_1: self.assertTrue('Paul' in item['name']) find_cursor = retry_until_ok(self.conn['test']['test'].find) self.assertEqual(retry_until_ok(find_cursor.count), STRESS_COUNT)
def test_create_collection_skipped(self): self.initOplogThread(['test.test']) pymongo.collection.Collection( self.primary_conn['test2'], 'test2', create=True) pymongo.collection.Collection( self.primary_conn['test'], 'test', create=True) assert_soon(lambda: self.docman.commands) self.assertEqual(len(self.docman.commands), 1) self.assertEqual(self.docman.commands[0], {'create': 'test'})
def test_valid_fields(self): """ Tests documents with field definitions """ inserted_obj = self.conn["test"]["test"].insert({"name": "test_valid"}) self.conn["test"]["test"].update({"_id": inserted_obj}, {"$set": {"popularity": 1}}) docman = self.connector.doc_managers[0] assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in docman._search("*:*")) > 0) result = docman.get_last_doc() self.assertIn("popularity", result) self.assertEqual(sum(1 for _ in docman._search("name=test_valid")), 1)
def test_stress(self): """Stress test for inserting and removing many documents.""" for i in range(0, STRESS_COUNT): self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'Paul ' + str(i)}) time.sleep(5) condition = lambda: self._count() == STRESS_COUNT assert_soon(condition) self.assertEqual( set('Paul ' + str(i) for i in range(STRESS_COUNT)), set(item['name'] for item in self._search()) )
def test_remove(self): """Tests remove operations.""" self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'paulie'}) result_set = self.conn['test']['test'].find_one() # self.connector.doc_managers[0].upsert({'_id': str(result_set['_id']),'name': 'paulie'}, "test.test", 1) assert_soon(lambda: self._count() == 1) self.conn['test']['test'].remove({'name': 'paulie'}) assert_soon(lambda: self._count() != 1) self.connector.doc_managers[0].remove(str(result_set['_id']), 'test.test', 1) self.assertEqual(self._count(), 0) self.connector.doc_managers[0].graph.delete_all()
def test_insert(self): """Test insert operations.""" self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'paulie'}) result_set_2 = self.conn['test']['test'].find_one() self.connector.doc_managers[0].upsert({'_id': str(result_set_2['_id']),'name': 'paulie'}, "test.test", 1) assert_soon(lambda: self._count() > 0) result_set_1 = self.neo4j_conn.find_one("test") self.assertNotEqual(result_set_1, None) self.assertEqual(result_set_1['_id'], str(result_set_2['_id'])) self.assertEqual(result_set_1['name'], result_set_2['name']) self.connector.doc_managers[0].graph.delete_all()
def test_bad_int_value(self): self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'inf': float('inf'), 'nan': float('nan'), 'still_exists': True}) result_set = self.conn['test']['test'].find_one() self.connector.doc_managers[0].upsert({'_id': str(result_set['_id']), 'inf': float('inf'), 'nan': float('nan'), 'still_exists': True }, "test.test", 1) assert_soon(lambda: self._count() > 0) doc = self.neo4j_conn.find_one("test") self.assertNotIn('inf', doc) self.assertNotIn('nan', doc) self.assertTrue(doc['still_exists'])
def test_bad_int_value(self): self.conn.test.test.insert({ 'inf': float('inf'), 'nan': float('nan'), 'still_exists': True }) assert_soon(lambda: self._count() > 0) for doc in self._search(): self.assertNotIn('inf', doc) self.assertNotIn('nan', doc) self.assertTrue(doc['still_exists'])
def test_rename_collection(self): self.initOplogThread() coll = pymongo.collection.Collection(self.primary_conn['test'], 'test', create=True) coll.rename('test2') assert_soon(lambda: len(self.docman.commands) == 2) self.assertEqual(self.docman.commands[1], { 'renameCollection': 'test.test', 'to': 'test.test2' })
def test_insert(self): """Tests insert """ self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'paulie'}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self.mongo_doc._search()) == 1) result_set_1 = self.mongo_doc._search() self.assertEqual(sum(1 for _ in result_set_1), 1) result_set_2 = self.conn['test']['test'].find_one() for item in result_set_1: self.assertEqual(item['_id'], result_set_2['_id']) self.assertEqual(item['name'], result_set_2['name'])
def test_insert(self): """Tests insert """ self.conn["test"]["test"].insert({"name": "paulie"}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in"*:*")) > 0) result_set_1 = list("paulie")) self.assertEqual(len(result_set_1), 1) result_set_2 = self.conn["test"]["test"].find_one() for item in result_set_1: self.assertEqual(item["_id"], str(result_set_2["_id"])) self.assertEqual(item["name"], result_set_2["name"])
def test_insert(self): """Tests insert """ self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'paulie'}) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in'*:*')) > 0) result_set_1 = list('paulie')) self.assertEqual(len(result_set_1), 1) result_set_2 = self.conn['test']['test'].find_one() for item in result_set_1: self.assertEqual(item['_id'], str(result_set_2['_id'])) self.assertEqual(item['name'], result_set_2['name'])
def test_with_chunk_migration(self): """Test that DocManagers have proper state after both a successful and an unsuccessful chunk migration """ # Start replicating to dummy doc managers self.opman1.start() self.opman2.start() collection = self.mongos_conn["test"]["mcsharded"] for i in range(1000): collection.insert({"i": i + 500}) # Assert current state of the mongoverse self.assertEqual(self.shard1_conn["test"]["mcsharded"].find().count(), 500) self.assertEqual(self.shard2_conn["test"]["mcsharded"].find().count(), 500) assert_soon(lambda: len(self.opman1.doc_managers[0]._search()) == 1000) # Test successful chunk move from shard 1 to shard 2 self.mongos_conn["admin"].command( "moveChunk", "test.mcsharded", find={"i": 1}, to="demo-set-1" ) # doc manager should still have all docs all_docs = self.opman1.doc_managers[0]._search() self.assertEqual(len(all_docs), 1000) for i, doc in enumerate(sorted(all_docs, key=lambda x: x["i"])): self.assertEqual(doc["i"], i + 500) # Mark the collection as "dropped". This will cause migration to fail. self.mongos_conn["config"]["collections"].update( {"_id": "test.mcsharded"}, {"$set": {"dropped": True}} ) # Test unsuccessful chunk move from shard 2 to shard 1 def fail_to_move_chunk(): self.mongos_conn["admin"].command( "moveChunk", "test.mcsharded", find={"i": 1}, to="demo-set-0" ) self.assertRaises(pymongo.errors.OperationFailure, fail_to_move_chunk) # doc manager should still have all docs all_docs = self.opman1.doc_managers[0]._search() self.assertEqual(len(all_docs), 1000) for i, doc in enumerate(sorted(all_docs, key=lambda x: x["i"])): self.assertEqual(doc["i"], i + 500)
def test_insert_file(self): """Tests inserting a gridfs file """ fs = GridFS(self.conn['test'], 'test') test_data = "test_insert_file test file" id = fs.put(test_data, filename="test.txt", encoding='utf8') assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in'*:*')) > 0) res = list('content:*test_insert_file*')) self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) doc = res[0] self.assertEqual(doc['filename'], "test.txt") self.assertEqual(doc['_id'], str(id)) self.assertIn(test_data.strip(), doc['content'][0].strip())
def test_stress(self): """Test stress by inserting and removing a large amount of docs. """ #stress test for i in range(0, STRESS_COUNT): self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'Paul ' + str(i)}) time.sleep(5) assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in '*:*', rows=STRESS_COUNT)) == STRESS_COUNT) for i in range(0, STRESS_COUNT): result_set_1 ='Paul ' + str(i)) for item in result_set_1: self.assertEqual(item['_id'], item['_id'])
def setUp(self): self.connector = Connector( address='%s:%s' % (mongo_host, self.primary_p), oplog_checkpoint="config.txt", target_url='%s:%d' % (mongo_host, self.standalone_port), ns_set=['test.test'], u_key='_id', auth_key=None, doc_manager='mongo_connector/doc_managers/') self.connector.start() assert_soon(lambda: len(self.connector.shard_set) > 0) self.conn['test']['test'].remove() assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self.mongo_doc._search()) == 0)
def test_insert_file(self): """Tests inserting a gridfs file """ fs = GridFS(self.conn['test'], 'test') test_data = b"test_insert_file test file" id = fs.put(test_data, filename="test.txt", encoding='utf8') assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self._search()) > 0) res = list(self._search()) self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) doc = res[0] self.assertEqual(doc['filename'], 'test.txt') self.assertEqual(doc['_id'], id) self.assertEqual(doc['content'], test_data)
def test_valid_fields(self): """ Tests documents with field definitions """ inserted_obj = self.conn['test']['test'].insert({'name': 'test_valid'}) self.conn['test']['test'].update({'_id': inserted_obj}, {'$set': { 'popularity': 1 }}) docman = self.connector.doc_managers[0] assert_soon(lambda: sum(1 for _ in self._search("*:*")) > 0) result = docman.get_last_doc() self.assertIn('popularity', result) self.assertEqual(sum(1 for _ in self._search("name=test_valid")), 1)