def test_matlab_parse_string(): """[MATLAB] parse_string.m: """ cmd = 'matlab -nodisplay -nosplash' run_cmd("%s < matlab/parse_string.m > /dev/null" % cmd, "", "") str_eq(open("tmp_ml_out.txt", "r").read(), MATLAB_EXP_OUT) os.remove("tmp_ml_out.txt") os.remove("tmp.xc")
def test_cpp_load_text_str(): """[CPP] load_text_str.cpp: """ build_cpp('load_text_str') run_cmd(' "`< tmp.xc`"', "", """v_char: A (int)v_byte: 127 (int)v_ubyte: 255 v_short: 2 v_int: 10 v_long: 123456789 v_ushort: 2 v_uint: 10 v_ulong: 123456789 v_float: 3.14 v_double: 0.007 v_str: hello world point_obj: Point(34.100000, 4.000000) line_obj: [Point(100.000000, 200.000000), Point(300.000000, 400.000000)] array_obj: Point(1.000000, 0.000000) Point(2.000000, 4.000000) tensor_obj: 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000 """) os.remove('tmp.xc')
def test_xcpp_matlab(): """[XCPP-MATLAB]: """ exec_cmd('excentury xc_test.xcpp to matlab --force') cmd = 'matlab -nodisplay -nosplash' run_cmd("%s < matlab/xc_test.m > /dev/null" % cmd, "", "") data = load_file('tmp.xc') eq_(data['x'], 4, "Failed...") eq_(data['y'], 27, "Failed...")
def test_xcpp_cpp(): """[XCPP-CPP]: """ exec_cmd('excentury xc_test.xcpp to cpp --force') cmd = ' "%s"' % to_text(x=2.0) exp_out = '0 1\nresult R 8 4.000000 \n' exp_err = '' run_cmd(cmd, exp_err, exp_out) cmd = ' "%s"' % to_text(x=3) exp_out = '0 1\nresult I 4 27 \n' exp_err = '' run_cmd(cmd, exp_err, exp_out)
def test_python_load_text(): """[PYTHON] """ run_cmd("python python/", "", EXP_OUT)
def test_matlab_load_text(): """[MATLAB] load_text.m: """ cmd = 'matlab -nodisplay -nosplash' run_cmd("%s < matlab/load_text.m > /dev/null" % cmd, "", "") str_eq(open("tmp_ml_out.txt", "r").read(), MATLAB_EXP_OUT) os.remove("tmp_ml_out.txt")
def test_python_dump_text(): """[PYTHON] """ run_cmd("python python/", "", "") str_eq(open("tmp.xc", "r").read(), PYTHON_FILE_CONTENT)
def test_python_to_text(): """[PYTHON] """ run_cmd("python python/", "", PYTHON_FILE_CONTENT)
def test_matlab_dump_text(): """[MATLAB] dump_text.m: """ cmd = 'matlab -nodisplay -nosplash' run_cmd("%s < matlab/dump_text.m > /dev/null" % cmd, "", "") str_eq(open("tmp.xc", "r").read(), MATLAB_FILE_CONTENT)