Exemple #1
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # files = os.listdir(settings.EPUB_ROOT)
        # downloads = []

        # for f in sorted(files):
        #     ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1]
        #     if ext == '.epub' or ext == '.zip':
        #         # the download link is going to be EPUB_URL + filename
        #         filename = os.path.basename(f)
        #         link = "{0}{1}".format(settings.EPUB_URL, filename)
        #         label = ""
        #         if ext == '.epub':
        #             # assuming the filenames are all like:
        #             # epub30-test-0220-20131016.epub
        #             # chop off the first 12 and the last 14 to get the number, e.g. 0220.
        #             # this matches what is usually in the publication title and what is shown to the user in the test form
        #             label = "Document {0}".format(f[12:len(f)-14])
        #         else:
        #             label = "All Testsuite Documents (zip)"

        #         dl = {"label": label, "link": link}
        #         downloads.append(dl)
        downloads = []
        epubs = helper_functions.get_epubs_from_latest_testsuites()
        for epub in epubs:
            dl = {"label": epub.name, "link": "{0}{1}".format(settings.EPUB_URL, os.path.basename(epub.source))}
        dl = {"label": "All Testsuite Documents (zip)", "link": "{0}TestSuiteDocuments.zip".format(settings.EPUB_URL)}
        return render(request, self.template_name, {'downloads': downloads})
Exemple #2
def gen_testsuite_xml(request, *args, **kwargs):
    doc = etree.Element("testsuite")
    doc.attrib["date"] = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    epubs = helper_functions.get_epubs_from_latest_testsuites()
    for epub in epubs:
        item = etree.SubElement(doc, "epub")
        item.attrib["src"] = epub.source
        item.attrib["name"] = epub.name
        if epub.desc != None:
            item.attrib["desc"] = "epub.desc"
    xmlstr = etree.tostring(doc, pretty_print=True, encoding="utf-8")
    return HttpResponse(xmlstr, mimetype="text")
Exemple #3
def get_unanswered_flagged_items_sorted_by_epub(result_set):
    "get unanswered flagged item ids, organized by the EPUB file they appear in"
    tests = result_set.get_unanswered_flagged_tests()
    unique_epubs = helper_functions.get_epubs_from_latest_testsuites()
    tests_by_epub = []
    for epub in unique_epubs:
        print "epub: {0}".format(epub.id)
    for epub in unique_epubs:

        testdata = []
        for t in tests:
            if t.get_parent_epub_category() == epub:
                print "match!"
                testdata.append({"id": t.testid, "parentid": t.get_top_level_parent_category().id})
                print t.get_parent_epub_category().id
        if len(testdata) > 0:
            tests_by_epub.append({"epub_name": epub.name, 
                "epub_url": "{0}{1}".format(settings.EPUB_URL, os.path.basename(epub.source)), 
                "tests": testdata})
    return tests_by_epub