def create_runtimes_and_results_file(testresults_dir, testsrcdir=None): """ Write an empty runtimes file in the 'testsrcdir' (as a marker file to determine the testing root), then write a results file in the TESTING_DIRECTORY. """ util.runcmd(vtu.resultspy + ' save', chdir=testsrcdir) vtu.runvvtest('-i --save-results', chdir=testresults_dir) resultsfname = get_latest_results_filename() return resultsfname
def run(self, **options): "" quiet = options.get( 'quiet', False ) raise_on_error = options.get( 'raise_on_error', True ) chdir = options.get( 'chdir', None ) x,out = util.runcmd( self.cmd, chdir=chdir, raise_on_error=False, print_output=False ) if not quiet: print3( out ) self.x = x self.out = out self.cntD = parse_vvtest_counts( out ) self.testdates = None self.plat = get_platform_name( out ) self.rdir = get_results_dir( out ) if self.rdir: if not os.path.isabs( self.rdir ): if chdir: self.rdir = abspath( pjoin( chdir, self.rdir ) ) else: self.rdir = abspath( self.rdir ) elif chdir: self.rdir = abspath( chdir ) else: self.rdir = os.getcwd() assert x == 0 or not raise_on_error, \ 'vvtest command returned nonzero exit status: '+str(x)
def run_vvtest_with_hook( vvtest_args, envspec, batch=False ): "" cmd = vvtest_command_line( vvtest_args, batch=batch ) os.environ['VVTEST_UNIT_TEST_SPEC'] = envspec try: x,out = util.runcmd( cmd, raise_on_error=False ) finally: del os.environ['VVTEST_UNIT_TEST_SPEC'] return x, out