class Game2048(object): # 2048 game textHandler = textHandler.TextHandler() # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 COLORS2 = ["000000", "ff0000", "ff6500", "ffff00", "00ff00", "00ff65", "0065ff", \ # 7 8 9 10 "0000ff", "6500ff", "ff00ff","ffffff" ] # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 COLORS = ["000000", "ffff00", "ff6500","ff0000", "0065ff", "0000ff", "6500ff", \ # 7 8 9 10 "ff00ff", "006500", "00ff00","ffffff" ] WIN_COUNT = len(COLORS) - 2 BOARDSIZE = 4 playing = False paneldisplay = True #Initialize game def init(self, wi=None, panel=True): global board global oldboard global pane self.board = [[0 for _ in range(self.BOARDSIZE)] for _ in range(self.BOARDSIZE)] self.oldboard = copy.deepcopy(self.board) self.panel = [["101010" for _ in range(15)] for _ in range(9)] self.addtile() if panel: self.paneldisplay = True else: self.paneldisplay = False if self.paneldisplay: sp.panel_clear() self.playing = True """if self.BOARDSIZE > 4 and self.paneldisplay: sp.rectangle(0, 15-(self.BOARDSIZE+2), self.BOARDSIZE+1, 14, "ffffff") else: sp.rectangle(0,15-((self.BOARDSIZE+2)*2-2), ((self.BOARDSIZE+1)*2)-1, 14, "656565")""" if self.paneldisplay: for i in range(len(self.COLORS) - 2): #sp.set_pixel_color(sp.matrix(i,0), self.COLORS[i+1]) #sp.set_pixel_color(sp.matrix(i,1), self.COLORS2[i+1]) self.panel[8 - i][0] = self.COLORS[i + 1] sp.set_panel_memory_from_matrix(self.panel) time.sleep(0.1) print i self.draw() #Reset game state def reset(self): board = self.board for x in range(len(board)): for y in range(len(board[0])): board[x][y] = 0 #Draw board to panel/print to console def draw(self): print "" board = self.board for line in range(len(board)): print board[len(board) - (line + 1)] #Draw to panel if self.paneldisplay: colors = self.COLORS if self.BOARDSIZE > 4: for x in range(len(board)): for y in range(len(board[0])): #sp.set_pixel_color(sp.matrix((x+1),14-(y+1)), colors[board[x][y]]) self.panel[7 - x][13 - y] = colors[board[x][y]] else: for x in range(len(board)): for y in range(len(board[0])): self.panel[6 - (x * 2)][12 - (y * 2)] = colors[board[x][y]] self.panel[6 - (x * 2)][12 - (y * 2 - 1)] = colors[board[x][y]] self.panel[6 - (x * 2 - 1)][12 - (y * 2)] = colors[board[x][y]] self.panel[6 - (x * 2 - 1)][12 - (y * 2 - 1)] = colors[board[x][y]] #sp.set_pixel_color(sp.matrix(((x+1)*2),(15-(y+1)*2)), colors[board[x][y]]) #sp.set_pixel_color(sp.matrix(((x+1)*2),(15-(y+1)*2)-1), colors[board[x][y]]) #sp.set_pixel_color(sp.matrix(((x+1)*2-1),(15-((y+1)*2))), colors[board[x][y]]) #sp.set_pixel_color(sp.matrix(((x+1)*2)-1,(15-((y+1)*2)-1)), colors[board[x][y]]) sp.set_panel_memory_from_matrix(self.panel) #Add one tile def addtile(self, direction=""): tryed = 0 board = self.board while True: tryed += 1 if direction == "D": x = self.BOARDSIZE - 1 y = randint(0, self.BOARDSIZE - 1) elif direction == "U": x = 0 y = randint(0, self.BOARDSIZE - 1) elif direction == "L": x = randint(0, self.BOARDSIZE - 1) y = self.BOARDSIZE - 1 elif direction == "R": x = randint(0, self.BOARDSIZE - 1) y = 0 else: x = randint(0, self.BOARDSIZE - 1) y = randint(0, self.BOARDSIZE - 1) if (board[x][y] == 0): board[x][y] = randint(1, 2) return True if (tryed > 100): return False #Check for win def checkboard(self): return any(self.WIN_COUNT in line for line in self.board) #Function to check, if you lose def checkforlost(self): self.oldboard = copy.deepcopy(self.board) self.shiftleft() self.leftcount() if self.board == self.oldboard: #cannot move left self.shiftright() self.rightcount() if self.board == self.oldboard: #cannot move right self.shiftup() self.upcount() if self.board == self.oldboard: #cannot move up self.shiftdown() self.downcount() if self.board == self.oldboard: #cannot move down #you lose! self.playing = False print "Game over" text, textwidth = self.textHandler.make_text( "GAME OVER!", 16, 1, color="ff0000") engine = matrixHandler.MatrixEngine(text) for i in range(textwidth + 16): engine.shift_left() matrix = engine.get_matrix( cycle=True, cycle_size_col=textwidth + 16) sp.set_panel_memory_from_matrix(matrix) return if self.paneldisplay: for _ in range(5): sp.set_panel_color("300000") time.sleep(1) sp.panel_clear() time.sleep(1) else: self.board = self.oldboard else: self.board = self.oldboard else: self.board = self.oldboard else: self.board = self.oldboard #Get direction of move def getdirection(self, wi): #console controll if wi is None: consoleinput = raw_input() if consoleinput == "a": return "R" elif consoleinput == "d": return "L" elif consoleinput == "w": return "U" elif consoleinput == "s": return "D" else: return "" #wiimote else: buttons = wi.state["buttons"] if buttons & 256: # left return "R" elif buttons & 512: # right return "L" elif buttons & 2048: # up return "U" elif buttons & 1024: # down return "D" else: return "" #Play def play(self, wi): import time while self.playing: direction = self.getdirection(wi) if direction == "R": self.right() time.sleep(0.23) elif direction == "L": self.left() time.sleep(0.3) elif direction == "U": self.up() time.sleep(0.3) elif direction == "D": self.down() time.sleep(0.3) if self.checkboard(): self.playing = False print "You win" text, textwidth = self.textHandler.make_text("YOU WIN!", 16, 1, color="00ff00") engine = matrixHandler.MatrixEngine(text) for i in range(textwidth + 16): engine.shift_left() matrix = engine.get_matrix(cycle=True, cycle_size_col=textwidth + 16) sp.set_panel_memory_from_matrix(matrix) return for _ in range(5): sp.set_panel_color("003000") time.sleep(1) sp.panel_clear() time.sleep(1) # --------------------VERTICAL------------------ def checkvertical(self, colum): board = self.board #print colum, for line in range(self.BOARDSIZE): if board[line][colum] != 0: #print "T" return True #print "F" return False # -------------------DOWN--------------------- def shiftdown(self): for colum in range(self.BOARDSIZE): if (self.checkvertical(colum)): for line in range(self.BOARDSIZE): #self.draw() for _ in range(self.BOARDSIZE): #self.draw() for tile in range(self.BOARDSIZE - 1): if self.board[tile][colum] == 0: self.board[tile][colum] = self.board[tile + 1][colum] self.board[tile + 1][colum] = 0 def downcount(self): for line in range(self.BOARDSIZE - 1): for colum in range(self.BOARDSIZE): if self.board[line][colum] == self.board[ line + 1][colum] and self.board[line][colum] != 0: self.board[line][colum] += 1 self.board[line + 1][colum] = 0 def down(self): self.oldboard = copy.deepcopy(self.board) self.shiftdown() self.downcount() self.shiftdown() if not self.oldboard == self.board: self.addtile("D") self.draw() else: self.checkforlost() # ---------------------UP-------------------- def shiftup(self): for colum in range(self.BOARDSIZE): if (self.checkvertical(colum)): for line in range(self.BOARDSIZE): for _ in range(self.BOARDSIZE): for tile in range(self.BOARDSIZE - 1): if self.board[(self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - tile][colum] == 0: self.board[(self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - tile][colum] = self.board[ (self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - (tile + 1)][colum] self.board[(self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - (tile + 1)][colum] = 0 def upcount(self): for line in range(self.BOARDSIZE - 1): for colum in range(self.BOARDSIZE): if self.board[(self.BOARDSIZE-1)-line][colum] == self.board[(self.BOARDSIZE-1)-(line+1)][colum] \ and self.board[(self.BOARDSIZE-1)-line][colum] != 0: self.board[(self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - line][colum] += 1 self.board[(self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - (line + 1)][colum] = 0 def up(self): self.oldboard = copy.deepcopy(self.board) self.shiftup() self.upcount() self.shiftup() if not self.oldboard == self.board: self.addtile("U") self.draw() else: self.checkforlost() # ------------------HORIZONTAL------------------------ def checkhorizontal(self, line): board = self.board #print line, for colum in range(self.BOARDSIZE): if board[line][colum] != 0: #print "T" return True #print "F" return False # ------------------LEFT---------------------------- def shiftleft(self): for line in range(self.BOARDSIZE): if (self.checkhorizontal(line)): for colum in range(self.BOARDSIZE): for _ in range(self.BOARDSIZE): for tile in range(self.BOARDSIZE - 1): if self.board[line][tile] == 0: self.board[line][tile] = self.board[line][tile + 1] self.board[line][tile + 1] = 0 def leftcount(self): for line in range(self.BOARDSIZE): for colum in range(self.BOARDSIZE - 1): if self.board[line][colum] == self.board[line][ colum + 1] and self.board[line][colum] != 0: self.board[line][colum] += 1 self.board[line][colum + 1] = 0 def left(self): self.oldboard = copy.deepcopy(self.board) self.shiftleft() self.leftcount() self.shiftleft() if not self.oldboard == self.board: self.addtile("L") self.draw() else: self.checkforlost() # ----------------------RIGHT----------------------- def shiftright(self): for line in range(self.BOARDSIZE): if (self.checkhorizontal(line)): for colum in range(self.BOARDSIZE): for _ in range(self.BOARDSIZE): for tile in range(self.BOARDSIZE - 1): if self.board[line][(self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - tile] == 0: self.board[line][(self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - tile] = self.board[line][ (self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - (tile + 1)] self.board[line][(self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - (tile + 1)] = 0 def rightcount(self): for line in range(self.BOARDSIZE): for colum in range(self.BOARDSIZE - 1): if self.board[line][(self.BOARDSIZE-1)-colum] == self.board[line][(self.BOARDSIZE-1)-(colum+1)] \ and self.board[line][(self.BOARDSIZE-1)-colum] != 0: self.board[line][(self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - colum] += 1 self.board[line][(self.BOARDSIZE - 1) - (colum + 1)] = 0 def right(self): self.oldboard = copy.deepcopy(self.board) self.shiftright() self.rightcount() self.shiftright() if not self.oldboard == self.board: self.addtile("R") self.draw() else: self.checkforlost() def showtext(self, inputtext, inputcolor="0000ff"): while True: text, textwidth = self.textHandler.make_text(inputtext, 16, 1, color=inputcolor) engine = matrixHandler.MatrixEngine(text) for i in range(textwidth + 16): engine.shift_left() matrix = engine.get_matrix(cycle=True, cycle_size_col=textwidth + 16) sp.set_panel_memory_from_matrix(matrix)
import svetelny_panel as sp import textHandler import matrixHandler textHandler = textHandler.TextHandler() def showtext( inputtext, inputcolor="0000ff", times=1): for _ in range(times): text, textwidth = textHandler.make_text(inputtext, 16,1, color=inputcolor) engine =matrixHandler.MatrixEngine(text) for i in range(textwidth+16): engine.shift_left() matrix = engine.get_matrix(cycle=True, cycle_size_col = textwidth+16) sp.set_panel_memory_from_matrix(matrix)
def starten(self): useRest = self.useRestVar.get() includeSub = self.includeSubVar.get() typ = self.eventTypeVar.get() radTyp = self.radTypVar.get() unitKeys = self.gliederungSvar.get().split(",") start = toDate(self.getStart()) end = toDate(self.getEnd()) if start[0:4] != end[0:4]: raise ValueError("Start und Ende in unterschiedlichem Jahr") self.images.clear() self.text.delete("1.0", END) txtWriter = TxtWriter(self.text) formatS = self.formatOM.get() if formatS == "Starnberg": handler = printHandler.PrintHandler() elif formatS == "München": handler = textHandler.TextHandler() elif formatS == "CSV": handler = csvHandler.CsvHandler(txtWriter) elif formatS == "Text": handler = rawHandler.RawHandler() elif formatS == "Word": if self.docxHandler is None: self.docxTemplate("NO") handler = self.docxHandler elif formatS == "Scribus": handler = self.scrbHandler elif formatS == "PDF": import pdfHandler handler = pdfHandler.PDFHandler(self) # elif formatS == "PDF": # handler = pdfHandler.PDFHandler(self) # # conditions obtained from PDF template! # includeSub = handler.getIncludeSub() # eventType = handler.getEventType() # radTyp = handler.getRadTyp() # unitKeys = handler.getUnitKeys().split(",") # start = toDate(handler.getStart()) # end = toDate(handler.getEnd()) else: handler = rawHandler.RawHandler() self.prefs.set(useRest, includeSub, formatS, self.getLinkType(), self.getEventType(), self.getRadTyp(), unitKeys, self.getStart(), self.getEnd(), self.docxTemplateName, self.xmlFileName) with contextlib.redirect_stdout(txtWriter): try: self.eventServer = tourServer.EventServer( useRest, includeSub, self.max_workers) if self.xmlFileName is not None and self.xmlFileName != "": self.eventServer = eventXml.EventServer( self.xmlFileName, self.eventServer) useXml = True else: useXml = False events = [] for unitKey in unitKeys: if unitKey == "Alles": unitKey = "" events.extend( self.eventServer.getEvents(unitKey.strip(), start, end, typ)) if len(events) == 0: handler.nothingFound() self.eventServer.calcNummern() if useXml: events.sort(key=lambda x: x.getDatumRaw( )) # sortieren nach Datum, REST: beginning, XML: beginning else: events.sort( key=lambda x: x["beginning"] ) # sortieren nach Datum, REST: beginning, XML: beginning ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.max_workers).map( self.eventServer.getEvent, events) for event in events: event = self.eventServer.getEvent(event) if event is None or event.isExternalEvent( ): # add a GUI switch? continue if event.isTermin(): if isinstance(handler, rawHandler.RawHandler): self.insertImage(event) handler.handleTermin(event) else: # docx and scrb have own radtyp selections if radTyp != "Alles" and self.docxHandler is None and self.scrbHandler is None and event.getRadTyp( ) != radTyp: logger.debug( "tour %s hat radtyp %s, nicht radtyp %s", event.getTitel(), event.getRadTyp(), radTyp) continue if isinstance(handler, rawHandler.RawHandler): self.insertImage(event) handler.handleTour(event) if hasattr(handler, "handleEnd"): handler.handleEnd() self.pos = "1.0" self.text.mark_set(INSERT, self.pos) self.text.focus_set() except Exception as e: logger.exception("Error during script evaluation") print("Error ", e, ", see ", logFilePath)