def query_page_content_text(page_title):
    try :
        if "#" in page_title:
            # ignore anchor tags (for example Microbrewery#Craft beer) and just get the main page title 
            page_title = page_title[:page_title.index("#")]
        content_query = 'titles='+(str(page_title).replace(' ', '_'))+'&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&format=xml'
        content_xml = __query_wiki__(content_query)
        dom = parseString(content_xml)
        content = dom.getElementsByTagName('rev')[0].childNodes[0].data
        if "#REDIRECT" in content:
            # this is a direct page, so we need original page with the actual content
            orig_page_title = content[content.index('[[')+2:content.index(']]')]
            return query_page_content_text(orig_page_title)
        # clean out wikimarkup 
        content = __clean_wikimarkup__(content)
        # clean out newlines, non-printable characters, etc
        content = text_util.format_text_for_NER(content, None)
        content = content.encode("utf-8")
        return content
    except Exception as e:
        print "Problem retrieving page content of page "+str(page_title), e
        return ''
def find_and_construct_named_entities(shorttext_id, original_shorttext, username, site=None):
    # use wikipedia miner and dpedia spotlight to detect
    # named entities and their candidate resources
    detected_entities = []
    clean_shorttext = text_util.format_text_for_NER(original_shorttext, site)
        sf_to_candidates_wikiminer = find_candidates_wikipedia_miner(clean_shorttext)
        sf_to_candidates_wikiminer = {}
        sf_to_candidates_dbpedia = find_candidates_dbpedia(clean_shorttext)
        sf_to_candidates_dbpedia = {}
    all_detected_surface_forms = set(sf_to_candidates_wikiminer.keys()).union(sf_to_candidates_dbpedia.keys())
    # now construct a NamedEntity object for each detected surface form
    for surface_form in all_detected_surface_forms:
        ne_obj = NamedEntity(surface_form,
                             shorttext_id, original_shorttext,
                             username, site)    
        # set the NamedEntity's baseline candidate rankings 
        if surface_form in sf_to_candidates_wikiminer:
        if surface_form in sf_to_candidates_dbpedia:
    return detected_entities
def build_entities_dataset(shorttext_rows, site):
    siteNameStr = str(site.siteName)
    # Load or create/initialize the spreadsheet of users' short texts
    entity_csv_path = __get_entities_csv_path__(site)
    output_str = __get_detected_entities_output_str__(site)
    entities_in_csv = csv_util.load_or_initialize_csv(entity_csv_path, output_str, headers, COLUMN_ENTITY_ID)
    shorttexts_in_csv = csv_util.get_all_column_values(entity_csv_path, COLUMN_SHORTTEXT_ID)
    print "A total of "+str(len(shorttext_rows))+" short texts available to detect and resolve entities in..."
    # Load the cache of ambiguous entity objects
    ne_objs = pkl_util.load_pickle(output_str, __get_ne_cache_path__(site))
    if ne_objs is None:
        ne_objs = []
    # Load the cache of short texts that contain no entities
    # and that we don't need to keep querying services with
    entityless_shorttexts = get_entityless_shorttexts(site)
    # Load the cache of problematic short texts that we can 
    # go back and look at later..
    problematic_shorttexts = get_problematic_shorttexts(site)
    # Prompt how many users to fetch short texts for
    desired_num_entities = prompt_and_print.prompt_num_entries_to_build(output_str, shorttexts_in_csv)
    entities_rows = []
    progress_count = 1
    all_shorttexts_done = True
    for shorttext_row in shorttext_rows:
        shorttext_id = shorttext_row[0]
        if shorttext_id in shorttexts_in_csv or shorttext_id in entityless_shorttexts or shorttext_id in problematic_shorttexts:
            # already did entities for this shorttext (and either successfully 
            # detected some, successfully detected none, or encountered an error)
        all_shorttexts_done = False
            if len(entities_in_csv) >= desired_num_entities:
                # have enough so exit
            if progress_count%10==0:
                print "Detecting named entities in short texts posted on "+siteNameStr+\
                " by cross-site usernames... Number of short texts whose entities have been fetched so far: \n"+\
            progress_count = progress_count+1
            original_shorttext = shorttext_row[1]
            username = shorttext_row[2]
            # get the entities contained in each short text
            # clean the short text before attempting to detect entities in it
            clean_shorttext = text_util.format_text_for_NER(original_shorttext, site)
            if clean_shorttext=='':
                # whole string was invalid, perhaps a URL or 
                # some other content that gets totally filtered
            detected_entities = named_entity_finder.find_and_construct_named_entities(shorttext_id, original_shorttext, username, site)
            if len(detected_entities)==0:
            for ne_obj in detected_entities:
                # cache this entity object
                # make a row in the spreadsheet for this entity
                ne_id = ne_obj.get_entity_id()
                entity_row = [ne_id, ne_obj.surface_form, 
                              shorttext_id, original_shorttext,
                # keep track that we'll be adding this entity to the csv
        except Exception as st_e:
            print "Problematic short text "+str(shorttext_row[1]), st_e
            if 'referenced before assignment' in str(st_e):
                raise # it's a server error so we need to stop 
    # update the spreadsheet with any new users' short texts that have been fetched
    csv_util.append_to_spreadsheet(output_str, entity_csv_path, entities_in_csv, entities_rows, False)  
    # update the cache of ambiguous surface form objects
    pkl_util.write_pickle(output_str, ne_objs, __get_ne_cache_path__(site))
    pkl_util.write_pickle(__entityless_output_str__, entityless_shorttexts, __get_entityless_cache_path__(site))
    pkl_util.write_pickle(__problematic_output_str__, problematic_shorttexts, __get_problematic_cache_path__(site))
    print "Cached a total of "+str(len(ne_objs))+" ambiguous named entities"
    if all_shorttexts_done:
        print "Completed detecting and resolving entities in all short texts available."
        print "More short texts available to detect and resolve entities for."