Exemple #1
         publisher = input("Enter new publisher:\n> ")
     print("Change year published:")
     change = input("> ")
     if change == "y":
         year = input("Enter new year published:\n> ")
     print("Change total stock:")
     change = input("> ")
     if change == "y":
         inventory = input("Enter new stock total:\n> ")
     print("Change Price:")
     change = input("> ")
     if change == "y":
         price = input("Enter new price:\n> ")
     book1 = Textbook(title, first, last, age, edition, isbn_number,
                      publisher, year, inventory, price)
 # modify 2nd book
 elif choice == "2":
         "Each part of the textbook that can be changed will be prompted.\nTo change it type y, otherwise type n.\n"
     print("Change Title:")
     change = input("> ")
     if change == "y":
         title2 = input("Enter new title:\n> ")
     print("Change Author:")
     change = input("> ")
     if change == "y":
         first2 = input("Enter Author's first name:\n> ")
         last2 = input("Enter Author's last name:\n> ")
         age2 = input("Enter Author's age:\n> ")