def ingest_expired_text(text_id): from texts.models import Text, TextMeta, HtmlVisualization from annis.models import AnnisServer # Set up an instance of the logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Define HTML Formats and the ANNIS server to query annis_server = AnnisServer.objects.all()[:1] vdisplay = Xvfb() vdisplay.start() driver = webdriver.Firefox() if len(annis_server) > 0: annis_server = annis_server[0] # Ensure trailing slash in the annis server base domain if not annis_server.base_domain.endswith("/"): annis_server.base_domain += "/" else: logger.error("Error with single text re-ingest, no ANNIS server found") return False # Get the text try: text = Text.objects.get(id=text_id) except Text.DoesNotExist: logger.error("Error with single text re-ingest, no text found for text id", text_id) return False # Log the import information" -- Importing " + text.corpus.title + " " + text.title + " " + str( # Query ANNIS for the metadata for the document meta_query_url = annis_server.base_domain + annis_server.document_metadata_url.replace(":corpus_name", text.corpus.annis_corpus_name).replace(":document_name", text.title) res = request.urlopen(meta_query_url) xml = soup = BeautifulSoup(xml) meta_items = soup.find_all("annotation") # Remove old textmeta items # And save each meta item for the text document text.text_meta.all().delete() for meta_item in meta_items: text_meta = TextMeta() = meta_item.find("name").text text_meta.value = meta_item.find("value").text text_meta.pre = meta_item.find("pre").text meta_corpus_name = meta_item.find("corpusName") if meta_corpus_name: text_meta.corpus_name = meta_corpus_name.text text.text_meta.add(text_meta) # Remove the html visualizations from the text # Query ANNIS for each HTML format of the documents text.html_visualizations.all().delete() for html_format in text.corpus.html_visualization_formats.all(): # Add the corpus corpus name to the URL corpora_url = annis_server.base_domain + annis_server.html_visualization_url.replace(":corpus_name", text.corpus.annis_corpus_name).replace(":document_name", text.title).replace(":html_visualization_format", html_format.slug) # Fetch the HTML for the corpus/document/html_format from ANNIS driver.get(corpora_url) # Wait for visualization to load in browser try: element = WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, "htmlvis")) ) driver.delete_all_cookies() body = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body") text_html = body.get_attribute("innerHTML") styles = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("/html/head/style") except: text_html = "" styles = [] driver.quit() driver = webdriver.Firefox() # Check to ensure there's html returned # if "Could not query document" in text_html or "error" in text_html: if "Client response status: 403" in text_html: logger.error(" -- Error fetching " + corpora_url) text_html = "" # Remove Javascript from the body content if len(text_html): # Add the styles for style_elem in styles: style_css = style_elem.get_attribute("innerHTML") text_html = text_html + "<style>" + style_css + "</style>" # For script element in the html, remove it script_elems = re.findall(r'<script.*script>', text_html, re.DOTALL) for script_elem in script_elems: text_html = text_html.replace(script_elem, "") # Create the new html_visualization html_visualization = HtmlVisualization() html_visualization.visualization_format = html_format html_visualization.html = text_html # Add the html visualization to the text text.html_visualizations.add(html_visualization) # Save the updated text text.is_expired = False driver.quit() vdisplay.stop() return
def collect(corpus, text, annis_server): corpus_name = corpus.annis_corpus_name formats = corpus.html_visualization_formats.all()'Fetching %d visualizations' % len(formats)) driver = None for html_format in formats: html_vis_url = annis_server.url_html_visualization(corpus_name, text.title, html_format.slug) vis_tries_left = MAX_VIS_TRIES text_html = False while not text_html and vis_tries_left: try: if not driver: logger.debug("Starting browser") try: driver = webdriver.Chrome(os.environ.get('CHROMEDRIVER', '/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromedriver')) except Exception as e: logger.error('Unable to start browser: %s' % e) return logger.debug(driver) retries_left = 5 connection_accepted = False vis_fetch_start_time = time() while not connection_accepted and retries_left: try: driver.get(html_vis_url) connection_accepted = True except ConnectionRefusedError as cre: logger.warning(cre) retries_left -= 1 sleep(15) if retries_left == 0: raise VisServerRefusingConn()'Calling WebDriverWait') WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, "htmlvis"))) text_html = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body").get_attribute("innerHTML")'WebDriverWait returned\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%f' % ( corpus_name, text.title, html_format.slug, len(text_html), MAX_VIS_TRIES - vis_tries_left, time() - vis_fetch_start_time)) driver.delete_all_cookies() except Exception as e: vis_tries_left -= 1 logger.error('Error getting %s: %s' % (html_vis_url, e)) logger.error('Page source: ' + driver.page_source) driver.quit() driver = None if not text_html: logger.error('Unable to get %s in %d tries.' % (html_vis_url, MAX_VIS_TRIES)) else: # Add the styles for style_elem in driver.find_elements_by_xpath("/html/head/style"): text_html += "<style>" + style_elem.get_attribute("innerHTML") + "</style>" # Remove JavaScript elements for script_elem in re.findall(r'<script.*script>', text_html, re.DOTALL): text_html = text_html.replace(script_elem, "") vis = HtmlVisualization() vis.visualization_format = html_format vis.html = text_html text.html_visualizations.add(vis) self_max_mem, child_max_mem = [resource.getrusage(who).ru_maxrss for who in (resource.RUSAGE_SELF, resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN)]'Max mem, self: {:,}, children: {:,}'.format(self_max_mem, child_max_mem)) if driver: driver.quit()
def collect(corpus, text, annis_server, driver): corpus_name = corpus.annis_corpus_name formats = corpus.html_visualization_formats.all()'Fetching %d visualizations' % len(formats)) for html_format in formats: html_vis_url = annis_server.url_html_visualization(corpus_name, text.title, html_format.slug) try: retries_left = 5 connection_accepted = False while not connection_accepted and retries_left: try: driver.get(html_vis_url) connection_accepted = True except ConnectionRefusedError as cre: logger.warning(cre) driver.close() retries_left -= 1 sleep(15) if retries_left == 0: raise VisServerRefusingConn() WebDriverWait(driver, 60 * 2).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, "htmlvis"))) driver.delete_all_cookies() body = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body") text_html = body.get_attribute("innerHTML") styles = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("/html/head/style") except Exception as e: logger.error('Error getting %s: %s' % (html_vis_url, e)) logger.error('Page source: ' + driver.page_source) text_html = "" styles = [] if "Client response status: 403" in text_html: logger.error(" -- Error fetching " + html_vis_url) text_html = "" if text_html: # Add the styles for style_elem in styles: style_css = style_elem.get_attribute("innerHTML") text_html = text_html + "<style>" + style_css + "</style>" # For script element in the html, remove it script_elems = re.findall(r'<script.*script>', text_html, re.DOTALL) for script_elem in script_elems: text_html = text_html.replace( script_elem, "" ) vis = HtmlVisualization() vis.visualization_format = html_format vis.html = text_html text.html_visualizations.add(vis) self_max_mem, child_max_mem = [resource.getrusage(who).ru_maxrss for who in (resource.RUSAGE_SELF, resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN)]'Max mem, self: {:,}, children: {:,}'.format(self_max_mem, child_max_mem))