Exemple #1
def summarize():
    title = request.form['title']
    text = request.form['text']
    text = " ".join(text.replace("\n", " ").split())
    tt = TextTeaser()
    sentences = tt.summarize(title, text, 5)
    return render_template('summarize.html',
Exemple #2
def summarize():
    title = request.form.get('title')
    text = request.form.get('text')

    tt = TextTeaser()

    sentences = tt.summarize(title, text)
    summary = {"sentences": []}
    for sentence in sentences:
        print sentence

    return jsonify(summary)
Exemple #3
def summarize(user,
    if title == None:
        title = '%s Summary' % room_name
    text = compile_messages(user, room_name, msg_limit, days_limit,
                            hours_limit, min_limit)
    tt = TextTeaser()
    return indent_tagged(tt.summarize(title, text),
                         utils.get_emails_with_users(user, room_name).values())
Exemple #4
def hello():
    url = request.args.get('url', '')

    article = Article(url)

    title = article.title
    text = article.text

    tt = TextTeaser()

    sentences = tt.summarize(title, text)

    for sentence in sentences:

    return jsonify(sentences)
Exemple #5
def tags():


    if request.method == 'POST':

        global session

        if not session:
            session = authfromSwellRT()

        data = request.get_json()
        #Initialisation for context
        wave_id = data['waveid']
        description = data['data']['text']
        name = data['data']['name']

        #Generating tags
        tags = json.dumps(mytagger(data['data']['text'],10), default=lambda x: str(x).strip('"\''))

        #Generating summary of 4 lines
        tt = TextTeaser()
        sentences = tt.summarize(name, description)
        summary = json.dumps(sentences[:4])

        #For logs
        return json.dumps(True)
        tags = json.dumps("Hello from Teem Tag",10, default=lambda x: str(x).strip('"\''))
        return tags
Exemple #6
def summarize_url(url, arc90=False):
    # arc90 helps us get the content of the article without the comments and shit
    # used in Safari's Reader view, Flipboard, and Treesaver.
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4672060/web-scraping-how-to-identify-main-content-on-a-webpage

    CHAR_LIMIT = 100000  # blocks urls that have too much text that would bog us down
    # TODO: save results so that we avoid querying the same thing again
    # URL's can be PKs

    if not url:

    r = requests.get(url)
    tt = TextTeaser()

    if arc90:
        doc = Document(r.text)
        title = doc.title()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(doc.summary(), "html.parser")
        soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
        title = soup.title.text

    text = ' '.join(map(lambda p: p.text, soup.find_all('p')))

    if len(text) < CHAR_LIMIT:
        summary = ' '.join(tt.summarize(title, text))
        summary = 'Text exceeds the ' + str(CHAR_LIMIT) + ' character limit.'

    return {
        'title': title,
        'url': url,
        'length': len(text),
        'summary': summary,
        'minutes': len(text.split(' ')) // 200
Exemple #7
def textteaser_test():

    summary = open("summary_list.txt", "a", encoding='utf-8-sig')
    sys.stdout = summary

    # obtain the input article from url
    #url = "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/17/us/politics/donald-trump-administration-twitter.html?ref=politics"
    #parser = HtmlParser.from_url(url, Tokenizer(LANGUAGE))

    # obtain the input article from plain text files
    parser = PlaintextParser.from_file("input_sample.txt", Tokenizer(LANGUAGE))

    # define the language, by dafult it is English
    stemmer = Stemmer(LANGUAGE)

    # SumBasic algorithm
    summarizer = SumBasicSummarizer(stemmer)
    summarizer.stop_words = get_stop_words(LANGUAGE)
    for sentence in summarizer(parser.document, SENTENCES_COUNT):

    # LSA algorithm
    summarizer = LsaSummarizer(stemmer)
    summarizer.stop_words = get_stop_words(LANGUAGE)
    print("Latent Semantic Analysis:")
    for sentence in summarizer(parser.document, SENTENCES_COUNT):

    # TextRank algorithm
    summarizer = TextRankSummarizer(stemmer)
    summarizer.stop_words = get_stop_words(LANGUAGE)
    for sentence in summarizer(parser.document, SENTENCES_COUNT):

    # LexRank algorithm
    summarizer = LexRankSummarizer(stemmer)
    summarizer.stop_words = get_stop_words(LANGUAGE)
    for sentence in summarizer(parser.document, SENTENCES_COUNT):

    #Featured-LexRank algorithm
    with open('input_sample.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
        first_line = f.readline()
    title = first_line
    with open('input_sample.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
        text = f.read()
    tt = TextTeaser()

    sentences = tt.summarize(title, text)
    file = open("tt.txt", "w", encoding='utf-8-sig')
    for sentence in sentences:
        file.write("%s\n" % sentence)

    parser = PlaintextParser.from_file("tt.txt", Tokenizer(LANGUAGE))
    summarizer = LexRankSummarizer(stemmer)
    summarizer.stop_words = get_stop_words(LANGUAGE)
    for sentence in summarizer(parser.document, SENTENCES_COUNT):

Exemple #8
from textteaser import TextTeaser
import sys

tt = TextTeaser()

with open("page18499Leftwingpolitics.txt", "r") as fl:
    data = fl.read()
sentences = tt.summarize("Politics", data)
for sen in sentences:
    print sen

def make_short_summary2(title, text):
    # third party program, uses nltk, makes decent summaries
    tt = TextTeaser()
    sentences = tt.summarize(title, text)
    return sentences
Exemple #10
# article source: https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2015/03/limitations-of-the-get-method-in-http/

#text = "We spend a lot of time thinking about web API design, and we learn a lot from other APIs and discussion with their authors. In the hopes that it helps others, we want to share some thoughts of our own. In this post, we’ll discuss the limitations of the HTTP GET method and what we decided to do about it in our own API.  As a rule, HTTP GET requests should not modify server state. This rule is useful because it lets intermediaries infer something about the request just by looking at the HTTP method.  For example, a browser doesn’t know exactly what a particular HTML form does, but if the form is submitted via HTTP GET, the browser knows it’s safe to automatically retry the submission if there’s a network error. For forms that use HTTP POST, it may not be safe to retry so the browser asks the user for confirmation first.  HTTP-based APIs take advantage of this by using GET for API calls that don’t modify server state. So if an app makes an API call using GET and the network request fails, the app’s HTTP client library might decide to retry the request. The library doesn’t need to understand the specifics of the API call.  The Dropbox API tries to use GET for calls that don’t modify server state, but unfortunately this isn’t always possible. GET requests don’t have a request body, so all parameters must appear in the URL or in a header. While the HTTP standard doesn’t define a limit for how long URLs or headers can be, most HTTP clients and servers have a practical limit somewhere between 2 kB and 8 kB.  This is rarely a problem, but we ran up against this constraint when creating the /delta API call. Though it doesn’t modify server state, its parameters are sometimes too long to fit in the URL or an HTTP header. The problem is that, in HTTP, the property of modifying server state is coupled with the property of having a request body.  We could have somehow contorted /delta to mesh better with the HTTP worldview, but there are other things to consider when designing an API, like performance, simplicity, and developer ergonomics. In the end, we decided the benefits of making /delta more HTTP-like weren’t worth the costs and just switched it to HTTP POST.  HTTP was developed for a specific hierarchical document storage and retrieval use case, so it’s no surprise that it doesn’t fit every API perfectly. Maybe we shouldn’t let HTTP’s restrictions influence our API design too much.  For example, independent of HTTP, we can have each API function define whether it modifies server state. Then, our server can accept GET requests for API functions that don’t modify server state and don’t have large parameters, but still accept POST requests to handle the general case. This way, we’re opportunistically taking advantage of HTTP without tying ourselves to it."
text = xlrd.open_workbook('./generation_text/4.xls')
table = text.sheets()[0]  # 获取所有表格(worksheet)的名字

rows = table.nrows
text1 = []
cout = 0
'''for i in range(rows):
   # print (6)3
with open('./textteaser/trainer/0.txt', 'r') as f:
    data = f.readlines()
for i in data:
    cout += 1
tt = TextTeaser()
sentences = tt.summarize(data, count=cout // 2)

fo = open('./textteaser/trainer/1.txt', 'w')

for sentence in sentences:
Exemple #11
from textteaser import TextTeaser
import json
import sys

data = json.load(sys.argv[1])
tt = TextTeaser()
for x in range(len(data["concept"])):
    data["concept"][x] = " ".join(
        tt.summarize(data["Title"], data["concept"][x]))

print(json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False))
from textteaser import TextTeaser
# article source: https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2015/03/limitations-of-the-get-method-in-http/
title = "the old man and the sea"
file = open(
text = file.read()

tt = TextTeaser()

sentences = tt.summarize(title, text, count=20)

for sentence in sentences:
    print sentence
Exemple #13
from textteaser import TextTeaser

tt = TextTeaser()
sentences = tt.summarize(
    "I can’t believe people are dropping their CERB cheque’s on new phones and designer shit like you guys get $2000 and don’t know how to act?? can’t wait for tax season to bite y’all in the ass. Let's be clear, people on Permanent Disability are expected to survive on half of what CERB is monthly. The billionaire class sure wants all those minimum wage earners back on the job fast, you know, the ones making the billionaires all that money... and especially before those workers get used to making more money collecting CERB than they do in their minimum wage (essential) job. Right on schedule. Right-wing suggests without evidence that people won't work because of CERB. Wealthy shareholders opposed to a $15 min wage think workers should be working to make them more dividends, even if some of you will contract Covid19 & die in the service of greed. The $2000/month CERB highlights the cruelty of our provincial social assistance and disability systems, which expect recipients to live on far less on a permanent basis, and jump through far greater hoops to receive the funds. The level of brain worms to think that CERB is 'getting paid to not work' instead of 'receiving money to not die'. Y’all are sooo stupid for buying designer with your CERB cheques. CERB provides the perfect template for a guaranteed minimum wage, something that more and more people are warming up to thanks to CERB, and that is having the Financial Post collectively lose their shit apparently. When are you, all MPPs, medical officers, and government staff going to give up your full salary and go on CERB ($1200/month) like the rest of us peasants in Ontario. All of you should earn $1200 a month until you open up the province. Enjoy the hurt that we do. After weeks of confusion for vulnerable people seeking support, the province has decided to deduct CERB income from ODSP & OW recipients. The scheme lets the province make money off the backs of recipients during the pandemic. Just make the CERB universal. As the NDP has been saying for over a month now. Emergency Student Benefit gets a failing grade - just make the CERB universal. The free meals for healthcare workers is such a kind sentiment, but if the infrastructure plus capacity is there, it would be amazing for these efforts to be directed to folks who aren’t generating an income during the pandemic, with children/family to feed/look after, all on CERB. Why are students not receiving the same amount on CERB? As a longtime post-secondary educator, many students often had families, bills & rent! Students need real help now & should not be treated as less deserving of the same assistance.The system needs to shift to support equity! A lot of vulnerable people are waiting to get helped such as pregnant women who are not qualified for cerb or ei and were working got lay offs from jobs. I know a lot of ppl who are spending their cerb money in non essential shoppings and on one side ppl r struggling to live. I received an email about a thriving business whose workers quit to go on CERB - it’s fraud, but it’s happening, and more must be done to ensure benefits go to those in need, not to those who just want to take the summer off. Living with Covid 19 has been incredibly difficult because the federal government has failed to deliver the CERB to eligible Canadians. Evidently they are completely uninterested in fixing the problem. Canadians deserve a government that treats us fairly, not this trainwreck. Foreign students cannot apply for CESB. Full stop. Like all qualifying workers, international students who earned > $5,000 over 12 months can apply for the CERB if they lost their jobs because of COVID-19. The CERB is not a student benefit"

for sentence in sentences:
Exemple #14
 def generate_summary_textteaser(self, input_text):
     tt = TextTeaser('TextTeaserApiTest')
     return tt.summarize(text=input_text, title='Test', url=None)
Exemple #15
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from textteaser import TextTeaser

# article source: https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2015/03/limitations-of-the-get-method-in-http/
title = "Limitations of the GET method in HTTP"
text = "We spend a lot of time thinking about web API design, and we learn a lot from other APIs and discussion with their authors. In the hopes that it helps others, we want to share some thoughts of our own. In this post, we’ll discuss the limitations of the HTTP GET method and what we decided to do about it in our own API.  As a rule, HTTP GET requests should not modify server state. This rule is useful because it lets intermediaries infer something about the request just by looking at the HTTP method.  For example, a browser doesn’t know exactly what a particular HTML form does, but if the form is submitted via HTTP GET, the browser knows it’s safe to automatically retry the submission if there’s a network error. For forms that use HTTP POST, it may not be safe to retry so the browser asks the user for confirmation first.  HTTP-based APIs take advantage of this by using GET for API calls that don’t modify server state. So if an app makes an API call using GET and the network request fails, the app’s HTTP client library might decide to retry the request. The library doesn’t need to understand the specifics of the API call.  The Dropbox API tries to use GET for calls that don’t modify server state, but unfortunately this isn’t always possible. GET requests don’t have a request body, so all parameters must appear in the URL or in a header. While the HTTP standard doesn’t define a limit for how long URLs or headers can be, most HTTP clients and servers have a practical limit somewhere between 2 kB and 8 kB.  This is rarely a problem, but we ran up against this constraint when creating the /delta API call. Though it doesn’t modify server state, its parameters are sometimes too long to fit in the URL or an HTTP header. The problem is that, in HTTP, the property of modifying server state is coupled with the property of having a request body.  We could have somehow contorted /delta to mesh better with the HTTP worldview, but there are other things to consider when designing an API, like performance, simplicity, and developer ergonomics. In the end, we decided the benefits of making /delta more HTTP-like weren’t worth the costs and just switched it to HTTP POST.  HTTP was developed for a specific hierarchical document storage and retrieval use case, so it’s no surprise that it doesn’t fit every API perfectly. Maybe we shouldn’t let HTTP’s restrictions influence our API design too much.  For example, independent of HTTP, we can have each API function define whether it modifies server state. Then, our server can accept GET requests for API functions that don’t modify server state and don’t have large parameters, but still accept POST requests to handle the general case. This way, we’re opportunistically taking advantage of HTTP without tying ourselves to it."

tt = TextTeaser()
sentences = tt.summarize(title, text)
for sentence in sentences:

title = "Será que a Bel Pesce aprendeu mesmo a lição?"
text = """
Quando decidi escrever e buscar ser uma referência sobre empreendedorismo, conversei com um amigo e ele foi duro comigo — agradeço — dizendo que eu não deveria falar de algo que eu nunca tive grandes êxitos. Por questões de autoridade, eu não deveria querer ser uma referência, antes de ser uma, mesmo tendo uma faculdade de administração e um MBA em gestão estratégica de empresas, alguns negócios testados, tendo passado e contribuído em mais de 250 empresas, eu não tinha um respaldo para solidificar minha fala. Foi ali que eu mudei o discurso de “faça isso”, para “eu tento fazer isso.” E isso não garante nada, falar de empreendedorismo e inovação sem ter nada (ainda) grandioso para mostrar a respeito é frágil demais.
E aqui entra o marketing.
Bel Pesce fez seu nome por ter estudado no MIT, trabalhado no Google e Microsoft e ter ajudado a construir uma empresa, a Lemon no Vale do Silício. Brilhante né?! Seria, se o trabalho no Google e na Microsoft não fossem um estágio de 3 meses de verão, se ela fosse co-founder da empresa citada ou alguma coisa mais efetiva por lá.
Eu conheço muita gente nessa vida, meu DataEu é bem sofisticado, gente de todo canto, de diversas áreas, rico, pobre, gente que passou por variadas situações e tem muita divergência de opinião e visão de mundo. Tem gente que trabalha (trabalha mesmo) no Google, pra Amazon, startups brasileiras incríveis, empreendedores que são reis no Vale do Silício, que estudam ou estudaram no MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Erasmus de Rotterdam (considerada a melhor escola de empreendedorismo do mundo), gente que representa o governo francês na União Européia, diretor de multinacional, vice-presidente de multinacional, milionário, multimilionário — infelizmente não conheço nenhum bilionário -, etc. O que quero dizer com isso?
Conheço no mínimo umas 50 pessoas 10 vezes mais importante e com história que realmente vale a pena ser explorada, mas não são, ou por opção, ou por falta de oportunidade.
Quando eu conheci a Bel Pesce, eu realmente fiquei empolgada para ouvir o que ela tinha para falar. Eu amo gente foda, gente que fez coisas que nunca fiz, que consegue cativar e ser reconhecida, enfim, eu gosto de gente brilhante.
Li o livro dela, achei bacana, bem escrito, nada glorioso, primoroso ou fora de série, mas atende bem a proposta. Comecei a ver os vídeos, a segui-la no twitter, a acompanhar no Periscope e foi ali, bem no meio daquela vontade de consumir um mundo do qual não tive a oportunidade de conhecer, que tive uma frustração bem grande.
O conhecimento que ela passava era tão profundo quanto um discurso da Dilma, mais raso que o nível que chegou a Cantareira. Algo como: “Essa empresa é top, é show, o que eles fazem é muito 10!”, “Empreender só depende de você”, “vá atrás dos seus sonhos”, “faça meta do dia”, sobre o negócio dela: “um negócio disruptivo, inovador, disuptamente novo”. Foi ali que fui atrás para entender quem era e porque ela tinha se tornado quem era. Essa conta não fechava. Deixei pra lá, não sou obrigada a consumir o que não quero e quem quiser que consuma. Ponto final!
Segui a vida… até que no início desse ano fiz um post questionando os “empreendedores motivacionais”, porque de repente eles se multiplicaram na internet. Eu não aguentava mais meta do dia, frases motivacionais, usei a expressão “essa geração Bel Pesce é legal mas a gente precisa mais no nosso dia a dia”. A crítica não era a ela, mas ao modelo replicado exaustivamente por diversas outras pessoas que se inspiraram nela.

Foi uma muvuca só. Aparentemente as pessoas tinham muito para falar sobre isso.
Conheci muita gente incrível por causa disso, inclusive uma das pessoas que me ajudaram a estruturar o atual projeto que estou trabalhando. Até brinquei que se desse certo, eu faria um post “Como a Bel Pesce me ajudou a ganhar meus primeiros milhões”.
Eu fui chamada de invejosa, diversas vezes, e coisa pior. Vieram dizer que a conheciam, que ela é um doce, e que era muito feio falar publicamente de uma pessoa. — ? Mesmo essa pessoa sendo uma pessoa pública?! Ué?! — O Murilo Gun, outra pessoa questionável, me chamou de “Bruna alguma coisa” em seu podcast e assim por diante.
Foi nesse momento que percebi que a Menina do Vale tinha virado, graças a ela mesma e sua constante autopromoção, um mito. E como todo famoso fruto da internet, de suas legiões incontáveis de fanáticos seguidores, é praticamente impossível questionar sem que os fãs da pessoa venham argumentar que você esteja criticando porque está com inveja.
Exemple #16
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from textteaser import TextTeaser

# article source: https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2015/03/limitations-of-the-get-method-in-http/
title = "Limitations of the GET method in HTTP"
# text = "We spend a lot of time thinking about web API design, and we learn a lot from other APIs and discussion with their authors. In the hopes that it helps others, we want to share some thoughts of our own. In this post, we’ll discuss the limitations of the HTTP GET method and what we decided to do about it in our own API.  As a rule, HTTP GET requests should not modify server state. This rule is useful because it lets intermediaries infer something about the request just by looking at the HTTP method.  For example, a browser doesn’t know exactly what a particular HTML form does, but if the form is submitted via HTTP GET, the browser knows it’s safe to automatically retry the submission if there’s a network error. For forms that use HTTP POST, it may not be safe to retry so the browser asks the user for confirmation first.  HTTP-based APIs take advantage of this by using GET for API calls that don’t modify server state. So if an app makes an API call using GET and the network request fails, the app’s HTTP client library might decide to retry the request. The library doesn’t need to understand the specifics of the API call.  The Dropbox API tries to use GET for calls that don’t modify server state, but unfortunately this isn’t always possible. GET requests don’t have a request body, so all parameters must appear in the URL or in a header. While the HTTP standard doesn’t define a limit for how long URLs or headers can be, most HTTP clients and servers have a practical limit somewhere between 2 kB and 8 kB.  This is rarely a problem, but we ran up against this constraint when creating the /delta API call. Though it doesn’t modify server state, its parameters are sometimes too long to fit in the URL or an HTTP header. The problem is that, in HTTP, the property of modifying server state is coupled with the property of having a request body.  We could have somehow contorted /delta to mesh better with the HTTP worldview, but there are other things to consider when designing an API, like performance, simplicity, and developer ergonomics. In the end, we decided the benefits of making /delta more HTTP-like weren’t worth the costs and just switched it to HTTP POST.  HTTP was developed for a specific hierarchical document storage and retrieval use case, so it’s no surprise that it doesn’t fit every API perfectly. Maybe we shouldn’t let HTTP’s restrictions influence our API design too much.  For example, independent of HTTP, we can have each API function define whether it modifies server state. Then, our server can accept GET requests for API functions that don’t modify server state and don’t have large parameters, but still accept POST requests to handle the general case. This way, we’re opportunistically taking advantage of HTTP without tying ourselves to it."
# text = "Every day I interview dozens of engineers for open positions in my own or in partner organisations. Most of these people have a job or just left their current position. This is the case because the existing market allows even beginners to easily find a job. The universal truth is that good engineers always have stable work. You may ask yourself why people seek a change and guess what? Almost every engineer I interview says they are experiencing a toxic political environment in their current organisation, doesn’t feel ownership in the organisation or is a victim of bad management or not transparent communication. This is not a surprise for me. Being internal and external in many organisations throughout the world, whether I was an engineer, lead or onboarding one of my teams, I experienced a lot of political tension. I have personally left stable workplaces or refused to work with a customer because of extreme political issues that produced a toxic environment, and usually because of the personal ambitions of several executive members in those companies. Lately, I have been participating in a lot of discussions regarding matrixed organisations and how agile transformation can increase productivity and ROI, and I absolutely agree that the agile, lean approach is definitely a good direction to go. But, there is one big, bold BUT. No method or approach can save an organisation from people acting only for their own profit and creating sophisticated, political rules of the game that serve their personal goals. What does it mean for a business owner? The reality is that businesses who experience digital transformation still depend vastly on the people who are coming from mostly conservative management backgrounds with a standard conservative education where University degree and the brands of consultancies you worked in mostly decide your position in the organisation and not necessarily skills or experience. I do not want to name classical consultancies which produce tons of C-level executives or business consultants, most of them get the desired positions in the companies without understanding digital business and the people who work there. They are trained to be politicians as well as the standard way of organisation is the only way they follow but that does not mean it’s the most beneficial way for company or business owners. Politics and processes do not grow great teams and products, culture does. Culture in the organisation, especially in digital business, is the most important aspect. Only great teams create great businesses, and that’s what makes the IT ecosystem so successful and IT companies outperform standard industries in revenue and growth. And yet culture is often misinterpreted. Some managers, especially HR managers, are still coming from the same conservative companies I have mentioned above. They try to create dogmatic values for the company, or even rename HR to something like the “People and Culture Department”, but believe me, that does not help either. No matter how many team events you organise or how many values you create in the company, engineers are a totally different kind of people. Being an engineer and switching to the business line I understand perfectly, we the IT people are very rational and look at the bottom of things, things, like having a list of top 5 company values and repeating them every morning, does not make the company better when you notice political motivation behind it. On the contrary, transparent, clear business goals and good communication makes the company better and keeps the team motivated. One of the cases I experienced during my consulting career is a very common example. A company and a team works toward a common goal, and a lot of time and effort has been spent on their product. Then, suddenly a new C-level executive joins the company. He comes from a traditional consultancy without any IT background and changes the whole strategy of the organisation. You would ask yourself why would that person do that? Simple answer, they need to show a change, justify salary, bonus or even shares in the company. Sometimes they could even use political ambition to get more power or eliminate the competitors in the company and neglect common sense and close down projects out of his control in a night without proper communication or transparent reasonable answer and fires people responsible for them. Now as a business owner imagine the feelings of your best engineers who believed in something? Does not matter what you do for them or how many values you create you just erased part of their life just because one of your C-level reps acted for his own political benefit. Do you think the team will continue work for you with the same pace or they will suddenly believe in your new values after you decided to destroy the business for the sake of the new approach of a person whom you hired because of his name or University degree? The answer is one big bold NO, this is the perfect timing when organisations start losing employees, basically what happens is employees start playing the same politics. They pretend they believe in values but use every second wisely to change a job or find a better place, even with same conditions but without politics, organisations that will value them and move to the common goal without buzzwords like “meritocracy” or “high values” that have one purpose make the politics in the organisation even more successful. I understood this lesson very good and now managing more than 200 Engineers on a daily basis I have understood one thing, I should never play politics, all people in the organisation should have one goal and this goal should be measurable, organisation should have clear revenue goals and everyone should know them, all team members should be in constant communication with me and not through surveys but through one to ones and be free to express their opinions. People should exactly know what is the goal of the company, how to achieve it, the direction the company moves to and what is their benefit when the company gets there. You can not trick engineers with “we work for the stability”, finding a job for an engineer is a no-brainer so stable salary is not an incentive anymore, people should enjoy their work and should be motivated to outperform. Company policies or values should not block people, they should push them towards achieving greater results for themselves and if the company is structured wisely, achieving a greater value for an employee means achieving a greater value for the business and increasing ROI. The best feedback I have heard in my life that there is no politics in our company, personal tensions are not actual because people have a common goal and their goal is going to the same direction as company goal both culturally and financially. Acting as a leader and business owner I will always do my best to avoid hiring people who will make the company environment full of politics. Also every leader should on a constant basis identify those people who act only in their own political benefit because from my experience people who lack self-confidence or skills usually behave over protective and move the reality into political background to have a chance to survive and grow in the company and as a business owner I try to do my best to avoid these people in my organisation and would advise other business owners to do the same. Article published by A.I. Evangelist, Startup Advisor and Entrepreneur Albert Cyberhulk."
text = "Big news today, you didn’t — you said you didn’t tape James Comey. Do you want to explain that? Why did you want him to believe that you possibly did that? Well, I didn't tape him. You never know what's happening when you see that the Obama administration and perhaps longer than that was doing all of this unmasking and surveillance. And you read all about it and I've been reading about it the last couple of months, the seriousness of the — and horrible situation with surveillance all over the place. And you have been hearing the word “unmasking,” a word you probably never heard before. So you never know what's out there, but I didn't tape and I don't have any tape, and I didn't tape. But when he found out that I, you know, that there may be tapes out there, whether it's governmental tapes or anything else, and who knows, I think his story may have changed. I mean, you will have to take a look at that because then he has to tell what actually took place at the events. And my story didn't change. My story was always a straight story. My story was always the truth. But you'll have to determine for yourself whether or not his story changed. But I did not tape. It was a smart way to make sure he stayed honest in those hearings. Well, it wasn't very stupid, I can tell you that. He was — he did admit that what I said was right. And if you look further back, before he heard about that, I think maybe he wasn't admitting that, so you'll have to do a little investigative reporting to determine that. But I don't think it will be that hard. Robert Mueller do you think he should recuse himself? He is friends with James Comey. He has hired attorneys that were part of Hillary Clinton's foundation and given money to both President Obama and Hillary Clinton's campaign. Should he recuse himself? He is very, very good friends with Comey, which is very bothersome. Uh, but he is also — we are going to have to see. We are going to have to see in terms — look, there has been no obstruction. There has been no collusion. There has been leaking by Comey. But there’s been no collusion and no obstruction, and virtually everybody agrees to that. So we’ll have to see. I can say that the people that have been hired are all Hillary Clinton supporters. Some of them worked for Hillary Clinton. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous if you want to know the truth from that standpoint. But Robert Mueller is an honorable man, and hopefully he will come up with an honorable solution."

tt = TextTeaser()

sentences = tt.summarize(title, text)

for sentence in sentences:
  print sentence
Exemple #17
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from textteaser import TextTeaser

in_file = open("sample1.txt", "rt")
contents = in_file.read()

# article source: https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2015/03/limitations-of-the-get-method-in-http/
title = "Limitations of the GET method in HTTP"
text = "We spend a lot of time thinking about web API design, and we learn a lot from other APIs and discussion with their authors. In the hopes that it helps others, we want to share some thoughts of our own. In this post, we’ll discuss the limitations of the HTTP GET method and what we decided to do about it in our own API.  As a rule, HTTP GET requests should not modify server state. This rule is useful because it lets intermediaries infer something about the request just by looking at the HTTP method.  For example, a browser doesn’t know exactly what a particular HTML form does, but if the form is submitted via HTTP GET, the browser knows it’s safe to automatically retry the submission if there’s a network error. For forms that use HTTP POST, it may not be safe to retry so the browser asks the user for confirmation first.  HTTP-based APIs take advantage of this by using GET for API calls that don’t modify server state. So if an app makes an API call using GET and the network request fails, the app’s HTTP client library might decide to retry the request. The library doesn’t need to understand the specifics of the API call.  The Dropbox API tries to use GET for calls that don’t modify server state, but unfortunately this isn’t always possible. GET requests don’t have a request body, so all parameters must appear in the URL or in a header. While the HTTP standard doesn’t define a limit for how long URLs or headers can be, most HTTP clients and servers have a practical limit somewhere between 2 kB and 8 kB.  This is rarely a problem, but we ran up against this constraint when creating the /delta API call. Though it doesn’t modify server state, its parameters are sometimes too long to fit in the URL or an HTTP header. The problem is that, in HTTP, the property of modifying server state is coupled with the property of having a request body.  We could have somehow contorted /delta to mesh better with the HTTP worldview, but there are other things to consider when designing an API, like performance, simplicity, and developer ergonomics. In the end, we decided the benefits of making /delta more HTTP-like weren’t worth the costs and just switched it to HTTP POST.  HTTP was developed for a specific hierarchical document storage and retrieval use case, so it’s no surprise that it doesn’t fit every API perfectly. Maybe we shouldn’t let HTTP’s restrictions influence our API design too much.  For example, independent of HTTP, we can have each API function define whether it modifies server state. Then, our server can accept GET requests for API functions that don’t modify server state and don’t have large parameters, but still accept POST requests to handle the general case. This way, we’re opportunistically taking advantage of HTTP without tying ourselves to it."

title1 = "Sentence Analysis"

tt = TextTeaser()

sentences = tt.summarize(title, contents)

for sentence in sentences:
Exemple #18
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from textteaser import TextTeaser

# article source: https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2015/03/limitations-of-the-get-method-in-http/
title = "Limitations of the GET method in HTTP"
text = "We spend a lot of time thinking about web API design, and we learn a lot from other APIs and discussion with their authors. In the hopes that it helps others, we want to share some thoughts of our own. In this post, we’ll discuss the limitations of the HTTP GET method and what we decided to do about it in our own API.  As a rule, HTTP GET requests should not modify server state. This rule is useful because it lets intermediaries infer something about the request just by looking at the HTTP method.  For example, a browser doesn’t know exactly what a particular HTML form does, but if the form is submitted via HTTP GET, the browser knows it’s safe to automatically retry the submission if there’s a network error. For forms that use HTTP POST, it may not be safe to retry so the browser asks the user for confirmation first.  HTTP-based APIs take advantage of this by using GET for API calls that don’t modify server state. So if an app makes an API call using GET and the network request fails, the app’s HTTP client library might decide to retry the request. The library doesn’t need to understand the specifics of the API call.  The Dropbox API tries to use GET for calls that don’t modify server state, but unfortunately this isn’t always possible. GET requests don’t have a request body, so all parameters must appear in the URL or in a header. While the HTTP standard doesn’t define a limit for how long URLs or headers can be, most HTTP clients and servers have a practical limit somewhere between 2 kB and 8 kB.  This is rarely a problem, but we ran up against this constraint when creating the /delta API call. Though it doesn’t modify server state, its parameters are sometimes too long to fit in the URL or an HTTP header. The problem is that, in HTTP, the property of modifying server state is coupled with the property of having a request body.  We could have somehow contorted /delta to mesh better with the HTTP worldview, but there are other things to consider when designing an API, like performance, simplicity, and developer ergonomics. In the end, we decided the benefits of making /delta more HTTP-like weren’t worth the costs and just switched it to HTTP POST.  HTTP was developed for a specific hierarchical document storage and retrieval use case, so it’s no surprise that it doesn’t fit every API perfectly. Maybe we shouldn’t let HTTP’s restrictions influence our API design too much.  For example, independent of HTTP, we can have each API function define whether it modifies server state. Then, our server can accept GET requests for API functions that don’t modify server state and don’t have large parameters, but still accept POST requests to handle the general case. This way, we’re opportunistically taking advantage of HTTP without tying ourselves to it."

tt = TextTeaser()

sentences = tt.summarize(title, text)

for sentence in sentences:
    print sentence
Exemple #19
# article source: https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2015/03/limitations-of-the-get-method-in-http/
# title = "Limitations of the GET method in HTTP"
# text = "We spend a lot of time thinking about web API design, and we learn a lot from other APIs and discussion with their authors. In the hopes that it helps others, we want to share some thoughts of our own. In this post, we’ll discuss the limitations of the HTTP GET method and what we decided to do about it in our own API.  As a rule, HTTP GET requests should not modify server state. This rule is useful because it lets intermediaries infer something about the request just by looking at the HTTP method.  For example, a browser doesn’t know exactly what a particular HTML form does, but if the form is submitted via HTTP GET, the browser knows it’s safe to automatically retry the submission if there’s a network error. For forms that use HTTP POST, it may not be safe to retry so the browser asks the user for confirmation first.  HTTP-based APIs take advantage of this by using GET for API calls that don’t modify server state. So if an app makes an API call using GET and the network request fails, the app’s HTTP client library might decide to retry the request. The library doesn’t need to understand the specifics of the API call.  The Dropbox API tries to use GET for calls that don’t modify server state, but unfortunately this isn’t always possible. GET requests don’t have a request body, so all parameters must appear in the URL or in a header. While the HTTP standard doesn’t define a limit for how long URLs or headers can be, most HTTP clients and servers have a practical limit somewhere between 2 kB and 8 kB.  This is rarely a problem, but we ran up against this constraint when creating the /delta API call. Though it doesn’t modify server state, its parameters are sometimes too long to fit in the URL or an HTTP header. The problem is that, in HTTP, the property of modifying server state is coupled with the property of having a request body.  We could have somehow contorted /delta to mesh better with the HTTP worldview, but there are other things to consider when designing an API, like performance, simplicity, and developer ergonomics. In the end, we decided the benefits of making /delta more HTTP-like weren’t worth the costs and just switched it to HTTP POST.  HTTP was developed for a specific hierarchical document storage and retrieval use case, so it’s no surprise that it doesn’t fit every API perfectly. Maybe we shouldn’t let HTTP’s restrictions influence our API design too much.  For example, independent of HTTP, we can have each API function define whether it modifies server state. Then, our server can accept GET requests for API functions that don’t modify server state and don’t have large parameters, but still accept POST requests to handle the general case. This way, we’re opportunistically taking advantage of HTTP without tying ourselves to it."

# article source: http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2018-08/07/c_129928410.htm
title = "新闻分析:土美关系急转直下能否峰回路转"

tt = TextTeaser()

sentences_score_list = tt.summarize(title, text)

for sentence, score in sentences_score_list:
    print(sentence + str(score))
Exemple #20
            r = http.request('GET', urls, preload_content=False)
            with open('pdf' + str(i) + ".pdf", 'wb+') as out:
                while True:
                    data = r.read()
                    if not data:
                test_file = ocr_space_file(filename='pdf' + str(i) + ".pdf")
                parsed_json = json.loads(test_file)
                data_parsed = parsed_json["ParsedResults"][0]["ParsedText"]
                data_parsed = "Failed to parse the data. Go to: " + urls
            i += 1
            summary = tt.summarize(title, data_parsed)
            summary = str(summary)
            summary = summary.rstrip()
            summary = summary.replace("'", '')
            summary = summary.replace('[', '')
            summary = summary.replace(']', '')
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            sql = "INSERT INTO `laws` (`has_seen`, `country`, `title`, `law`, `summarize`, `keywords`, `date`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
                sql, ('0', 'IN', title, data_parsed, summary,
                      str(keywords(data_parsed)).replace("\n", " "), work))
        print("Duplicate data or failed to enter")
Exemple #21
def summarize(user, room_name, msg_limit=None, days_limit=None, hours_limit=None, min_limit=None, title=None):
    if title == None:
        title = '%s Summary' % room_name
    text = compile_messages(user, room_name, msg_limit, days_limit, hours_limit, min_limit)
    tt = TextTeaser()
    return indent_tagged(tt.summarize(title, text), utils.get_emails_with_users(user, room_name).values())