Exemple #1
def git_history():
    error, data = run('git log --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=iso')
    commits = textutils.blocks(data, lambda x: x and x[:6] == 'commit')
    output = []
    for commit in commits:
        text = []
        for line in commit:
            if line.startswith('commit'):
                sha1 = line.split()[1]
                main = line.split('(', 1)
                labels = ''
                if len(main) == 2:
                    labels = main[1].split(')', 1)[0]
                    labels = labels.split(', ')
            elif line.startswith('Author'):
                author = line.split(' ', 1)[1].lstrip()
            elif line.startswith('Date'):
                date = line.split(' ', 1)[1].lstrip()
            elif line.startswith('Merge'):
        message = ' | '.join([x for x in text if x])
        history_line = [labels, message, author, date, sha1]
    return output
Exemple #2
def git_diff(path, cached=False):
    if not path or type(path) is not str:
        raise Exception('Path not supported: ' + str(path))

    opt = '--cached' if cached else ''
    cmd = 'git diff {} -- {}'.format(opt, path)
    error, data = run(cmd)
    if not data:
        cmd = 'git diff -- /dev/null %s' % path
        error, data = run(cmd)
        if data:
            data = data[5:]
            error = 0
        data = data[4:]
    if error:
        raise Exception('Error executing "' + cmd + '" (error = ' + str(error))
    hunks = list(textutils.blocks(data, lambda x: x and x.startswith('@@')))
    return hunks
Exemple #3
def git_diff(path):
    if not path or type(path) is not str:
        raise Exception('Path not supported: ' + str(path))

    cmd = 'git diff -- %s' % path
    data, error = run_with_error_code(cmd)
    if not data:
        cmd = 'git diff -- /dev/null %s' % path
        data, error = run_with_error_code(cmd)
        if data:
            data = data[5:]
            error = 0
        data = data[4:]
    # import cursutils
    # cursutils.debug()
    if error:
        raise Exception('Error executing "' + cmd + '" (error = ' + str(error))
    hunks = textutils.blocks(data, lambda x: x and x.startswith('@@'))
    screen_content = []
    for h in hunks:
        screen_content += textutils.remove_superfluous_alineas(h)
        screen_content.append('─' * 80)
    return screen_content