Exemple #1
    def register_options(self, options):
        Extension point to add options to xorro like choosing the
        transformation to apply.

        group = "Xorro Options"
            group, "approach",
        Approach to handle XOR constraints [count]
              <arg>: {count|list|tree|countp|up|gje}
                count      : Add count aggregates modulo 2
                {list,tree}: Translate binary XOR operators to rules
                             (binary operators are arranged in list/tree)
                countp     : Propagator simply counting assigned literals
                up         : Propagator implementing unit propagation
                gje        : Propagator implementing Gauss-Jordan Elimination"""
                    ), self.__parse_approach)

            group, "cutoff",
        Percentage of literals assigned before GJE [0-1]"""),

            group, "sampling",
        Enable sampling by generating random XOR constraints"""),

            group, "s",
        Number of XOR constraints to generate. Default=0, log(#atoms)"""),

            group, "q",
        Density of each XOR constraint. Default=0.5"""), self.__parse_q)

            group, "display",
        Display the random XOR constraints used in sampling"""),

            group, "split",
        Split XOR constraints to smaller ones of size <n>. Default=0 (off) """
                    ), self.__parse_split)

            group, "pre-gje",
        Enable GJE preprocessing for XOR constraints"""), self.__pre_gje)
def dedent(text: str) -> str:
    """Fix indentation of given text by removing leading spaces and tabs.

    Also removes leading newlines and trailing spaces and tabs, but keeps trailing
    return _dedent(text.lstrip("\n").rstrip(" \t"))
Exemple #3
 def normalized_indent (text) :
     """Returns `text` with normalized indentation."""
     lines  = text.strip ().split ("\n", 1)
     result = lines [0]
     rest   = lines [1:]
     if rest :
         result = "\n".join ((result, _dedent (rest [0])))
     return result
Exemple #4
 def normalized_indent(text):
     """Returns `text` with normalized indentation."""
     lines = text.strip().split("\n", 1)
     result = lines[0]
     rest = lines[1:]
     if rest:
         result = "\n".join((result, _dedent(rest[0])))
     return result
Exemple #5
    def _return_response_html_content(self, value, **args):

        def indented(string, level=1):
            return _indented(string, level, size=2)

        html = '''\
               <!DOCTYPE html>








        html = _dedent(html)

        if value:
            retval_html = \
                '<h2>Return value</h2>'\
                 '\n\n<p><code class="retval">{}</code></p>'\
            retval_html = ''

        if args:
            args_html = '<h2>Given arguments</h2>\n\n<dl class="args">\n\n  '
            args_html += \
                '\n\n  '.join('<dt><code class="arg_name">{}</code></dt>'
                               '\n  <dd><code class="arg_value">{}</code></dd>'
                              for name, value in sorted(args.items()))
            args_html += '\n\n</dl>'
            args_html = ''

        # XXX: use out-of-band current auth info
        # FIXME: use in-band auth info via auth info facet
        auth_info = self.current_auth_info
        auth_info_html = indented(self._auth_info_facet_html(auth_info))

        html = html.format(resource_name=_cgi.escape(self.__class__.__name__),
                           retval_html=retval_html, args_html=args_html,
        return html
Exemple #6
def translate(mode, prg, cutoff):
    if mode == "count":
            "__count", [],
            :- { __parity(ID,even,X) } = N, N\\2!=0, __parity(ID,even).
            :- { __parity(ID,odd ,X) } = N, N\\2!=1, __parity(ID,odd).
        prg.ground([("__count", [])])

    elif mode == "countp":

    elif mode == "up":

    elif mode == "gje":

    elif mode == "reason-gje":

    elif mode in ["list", "tree"]:

        def to_tree(constraint):
            layer = [Leaf(literal) for literal in constraint]

            def tree(l, r):
                return l if r is None else Tree(l, r)

            while len(layer) > 1:
                layer = list(
                                 util.zip_longest(layer[0::2], layer[1::2])))
            return layer[0]

        def get_lit(atom):
            return atom.literal, True if atom.is_fact else None

        ret = util.symbols_to_xor_r(prg.symbolic_atoms, get_lit)
        with prg.backend() as b:
            if ret is None:
                b.add_rule([], [])
                constraints, facts = ret
                for fact in facts:
                    b.add_rule([], [-fact])
                for constraint in constraints:
                    tree = List(constraint) if mode == "list" else to_tree(
                    b.add_rule([], [-tree.translate(b)])

        raise RuntimeError("unknow transformation mode: {}".format(mode))
Exemple #7
def get_xors(prg, files):
    Get XORs from encoding(s)/instance(s)

    ## Load files
    for f in files:

    ## Theory is added when Random XORs are built.
    ## So, if not sampling, theory must be added here.
    ## This must be substitute by using the AST
        "base", [],
    #theory parity { 
    element {}; 
    &odd/0 : element, directive; 
    &even/0 : element, directive }.

    prg.ground([("base", [])])

    ## Get XORS
    all_lits = []
    xors_parities = []
    xors_lits = []

    for atom in prg.theory_atoms:
        lits = []

        for e in atom.elements:
            element_str = str(e)
            condition = element_str.split(':')[-1]
            if "not " in condition:
                condition = condition.replace("not ", '')
            if condition not in all_lits:

            #if len(e.terms) == 2:
            #    lits.append(str(e.terms[1]))
            #    if str(e.terms[1]) not in all_lits:
            #        all_lits.append(str(e.terms[1]))
            #    lits.append(str(e.terms[0]))
            #    if str(e.terms[0]) not in all_lits:
            #        all_lits.append(str(e.terms[0]))

    return xors_lits, xors_parities, all_lits
Exemple #8
    def get(self, sum, start, offset):
        html = '''\
               <!DOCTYPE html>

                 <title>Date and time sum</title>

                 <p>Offsetting {start} by {offset} yields {sum}.</p>

        html = _dedent(html)
        html = html.format(start=start.native(), offset=offset.native(),
        return html
Exemple #9
def generate_random_xors(prg, files, s, q):
    Of course adding the theory may not be the best way to do it. This is just a hack
    Maybe using the AST is a better alternative to extract the symbols to build the xor constraints.
    In the end, we just need the symbols to write a file with random constraints. 
    for f in files:

        "base", [],
      #theory parity { 
        element {}; 
        &odd/0 : element, directive; 
        &even/0 : element, directive }.

    prg.ground([("base", [])])

    estimated_s = s
    constraints = []
    parities = []
    xors = ""
    symbols = [
        atom.symbol for atom in prg.symbolic_atoms
        if atom.is_fact is False and "__parity" not in str(atom.symbol)
    if len(symbols) > 0:
        if s == 0:
            estimated_s = int(log(len(symbols) + 1, 2))
        print("Random XOR Constraints: %s" % estimated_s)
        for i in range(estimated_s):
            range_ = int((len(symbols)) * q)
            size = randint(range_, range_)
            terms = " ; ".join(
                str(x) + ":" + str(x) for x in sorted(sample(symbols, size)))
            xors += "&%s{ %s }.\n" % (get_str_parity(randint(0, 1)), terms)

        file_ = open("examples/xors.lp", "w")
    return xors
Exemple #10
    def get(self, echo_dt, dt):
        html = '''\
               <!DOCTYPE html>

                 <title>Date and time echo</title>


        html = _dedent(html)
        html = html.format(echo_dt=echo_dt.native())
        return html
Exemple #11
    def get(self, difference, start, end):
        html = '''\
               <!DOCTYPE html>

                 <title>Date and time difference</title>

                   The difference between {start} and {end} is {difference}.

        html = _dedent(html)
        html = html.format(start=start.native(), end=end.native(),
        return html
Exemple #12
def _dl_function(shell):
    if shell in (Shells.BASH, Shells.ZSH):
        s = '''\
            # Download a Jutge problem and change to it
            %(fname)s () {
                %(jt)s download $@ && cd $(%(jt)s dl --get-dest $@)
    elif shell == Shells.TCSH:
        s = '''\
            : Download a Jutge problem and change to it
            alias %(fname)s '%(jt)s download \\!* && cd `%(jt)s --get-dest \\!*`
    elif shell == Shells.FISH:
        s = '''\
            function %(fname)s --description \\
                '# Download a Jutge problem and change to it'
                %(jt)s download $argv; and cd (%(jt)s dl --get-dest $argv)
    return _dedent(s)
Exemple #13
    def get(self, now):
        html = '''\
               <!DOCTYPE html>

                 <title>Current date and time</title>

                 <p>It is currently {time} on {date} in the time zone {tz}.</p>

        html = _dedent(html)
        now_dt = now.native()
        tz_str = now_dt.tzname() or now_dt.strftime('%z')
        html = html.format(date=now_dt.date(),
        return html
Exemple #14
def dedent(text):
    Sames as textwrap's dedent, except that handles the multi-line strings formated like this:
          line 1
          line 2
    from textwrap import dedent as _dedent

    # Ignores dedent if the text is a single line.
    if '\n' not in text:
        return text

    result = _dedent(text)

    # Removes (first) leading EOL if there's any.
    if result.startswith('\n'):
        result = result[1:]

    return result
def make_binary_ufunclike(method, name=None, module=None):
    Wraps an ArrayMethod to behave almost exactly like a binary ufunc that
    only works for the specific DTypes.
    Note that this uses private (Python side) API currently.
    This function is provided, because it is currently not possible to
    register an ArrayMethod as a ufunc "inner-loop"
    def func(arr1, arr2):
        casting, dtypes = method._resolve_descriptors(
            (arr1.dtype, arr2.dtype, None))
        # Could check casting, but it is not interesting usually.

        it = np.nditer(
            (arr1, arr2, None),
            flags=["zerosize_ok", "grow_inner", "buffered", "external_loop"],
            op_flags=[["readonly"], ["readonly"], ["writeonly", "allocate"]])
        res = it.operands[2]
        with it:
            for op1, op2, out in it:
                method._simple_strided_call((op1, op2, out))

        return res

    if name:
        func.__name__ = name
    if module:
        func.__module__ = module
    func.__doc__ = _dedent(f"""
        Automatically generated ufunc-like for The ArrayMethod:

    return func
Exemple #16
def source_no_header_template():
    return _dedent(_source_no_header_template)
Exemple #17
def header_template(macroname):
    return _dedent(_header_template.format(macroname=macroname))
Exemple #18
def source_template(header):
    return _dedent(_source_template.format(header=header))
Exemple #19
def namedflagset_classes(classname,
    """Classes for sets of named flags.

    This method creates a class that defines a set of flags that are valid
    for its instances.  Objects of this class contain zero or more of these
    registered flags.  These objects support the full
    :class:`collections.MutableSet` API.


    if baseclassname is None:
        baseclassname = classname + 'ABC'
    if frozenclassname is None:
        frozenclassname = 'Frozen' + classname

    __doc__suffix = \

        .. seealso:: :func:`spruce.lang.namedflagset_classes

        :param flags:
            Flags.  A union (using ``|``) of zero or more of the flags
            registered via :meth:`register_flags`.
        :type flags: ~\ :obj:`int` or :obj:`None`

        :raise TypeError:
            Raised if non-null *flags* are given that are of a type that cannot
            be converted to an :obj:`int`.

        :raise ValueError:
            Raised if non-null *flags* are given that cannot be converted to an

    __doc__suffix = _dedent(__doc__suffix)
    basedoc_shortdoc = \
        """A set of named flags.

        .. seealso:: :class:`{}`, :class:`{}`
         .format(classname, frozenclassname)
    baseclass__doc__ = _dedent(basedoc_shortdoc) + __doc__suffix

    __metaclass__ = _ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, flags=None):
        if not flags:
            flags = 0
            flags = int(flags)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('invalid flags type {!r}; expecting one that is'
                            ' accepted by {!r}'.format(flags.__class__, int))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                'invalid flags {!r}; expecting an integer'.format(flags))
        self._flags = flags

    def __and__(self, other):
        return self.__class__(int(self) & int(other))

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item <= self

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return int(self) == int(other)

    def __int__(self):
        return self._flags

    def __iter__(self):
        for flag in self.valid_flags():
            if self.__class__(flag) in self:
                yield flag

    def __le__(self, other):
        return (int(self) & int(other)) == int(self)

    def __len__(self):
        return sum(1 for flag in self.valid_flags()
                   if self.__class__(flag) in self)

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return bool(int(self))

    def __or__(self, other):
        return self.__class__(int(self) | int(other))

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}({})'.format(
            ' | '.join(self.flag_name(flag) for flag in self._repr_flags))

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return self.__class__(int(self) - int(other))

    def __str__(self):
        return '{{{}}}'.format(', '.join(
            self.flag_displayname(flag) for flag in self._repr_flags))

    def __xor__(self, other):
        return self.__class__(int(self) ^ int(other))

    def copy(self):
        return self.__class__(self)

    def flag_displayname(cls, flag):
            return cls._flags_displaynames[flag]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError('invalid {} flag {!r}'.format(cls.__name__, flag))

    def flag_name(cls, flag):
            return cls._flags_names[flag]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError('invalid {} flag {!r}'.format(cls.__name__, flag))

    def register_flag(cls, name, displayname=None, implied=None):

        flag = cls._frozenclass(cls._reserve_next_flag_value())
        if implied:
            flag |= implied

        cls._flags_names[flag] = name

        if displayname is None:
            displayname = name
        cls._flags_displaynames[flag] = displayname

        return flag

    def valid_flags(cls):
        return cls._flags_names.keys()

    _flags_displaynames = {}

    _flags_names = {}

    _next_flag_value = 1

    def _repr_flags(self):
        flags = []
        f = int(self)
        for flag in reversed(sorted(int(flag) for flag in self.valid_flags())):
            if flag & f == flag:
                f -= flag
        return reversed(flags)

    def _reserve_next_flag_value(cls):
        value = cls._next_flag_value
        cls._next_flag_value <<= 1
        return value

    baseclass_attrs = {
        '__doc__': baseclass__doc__,
        '__metaclass__': __metaclass__,
        '__init__': __init__,
        '__and__': __and__,
        '__contains__': __contains__,
        '__eq__': __eq__,
        '__int__': __int__,
        '__iter__': __iter__,
        '__le__': __le__,
        '__len__': __len__,
        '__nonzero__': __nonzero__,
        '__or__': __or__,
        '__repr__': __repr__,
        '__str__': __str__,
        '__xor__': __xor__,
        'copy': copy,
        'flag_displayname': flag_displayname,
        'flag_name': flag_name,
        'register_flag': register_flag,
        'valid_flags': valid_flags,
        '_flags_displaynames': _flags_displaynames,
        '_flags_names': _flags_names,
        '_next_flag_value': _next_flag_value,
        '_repr_flags': _repr_flags,
        '_reserve_next_flag_value': _reserve_next_flag_value,

    baseclass = _total_ordering(type(baseclassname, (_Set, ), baseclass_attrs))

    if frozendoc is None:
        frozendoc = basedoc_shortdoc
    frozenclass__doc__ = _dedent(frozendoc) + __doc__suffix

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._flags)

    frozenclass_attrs = {'__doc__': frozenclass__doc__, '__hash__': __hash__}
    frozenclass = type(frozenclassname, (baseclass, ), frozenclass_attrs)
    baseclass._frozenclass = frozenclass

    if doc is None:
        doc = basedoc_shortdoc
    mutableclass__doc__ = _dedent(doc) + __doc__suffix

    def __iand__(self, other):
        self._flags &= int(other)
        return self

    def __ior__(self, other):
        self._flags |= int(other)
        return self

    def __isub__(self, other):
        self._flags -= int(other)
        return self

    def __ixor__(self, other):
        self._flags ^= int(other)
        return self

    def add(self, item):
        self._flags |= int(item)

    def discard(self, item):
        self._flags &= ~int(item)

    mutableclass_attrs = {
        '__doc__': mutableclass__doc__,
        '__iand__': __iand__,
        '__ior__': __ior__,
        '__ixor__': __ixor__,
        'add': add,
        'discard': discard
    mutableclass = type(classname, (baseclass, _MutableSet),
    baseclass._mutableclass = mutableclass

    return baseclass, mutableclass, frozenclass
Exemple #20
def main_template():
    return _dedent(_main_template)
Exemple #21
    #   ar2 = jnp.sort(ar2)
    #   ind = jnp.searchsorted(ar2, ar1)
    #   if invert:
    #     return ar1 != ar2[ind]
    #   else:
    #     return ar1 == ar2[ind]
    if invert:
        return (ar1[:, None] != ar2[None, :]).all(-1)
        return (ar1[:, None] == ar2[None, :]).any(-1)

    Because the size of the output of ``setdiff1d`` is data-dependent, the function is not
    typically compatible with JIT. The JAX version adds the optional ``size`` argument which
    must be specified statically for ``jnp.setdiff1d`` to be used within some of JAX's
    size : int, optional
        If specified, the first ``size`` elements of the result will be returned. If there are
        fewer elements than ``size`` indicates, the return value will be padded with ``fill_value``.
    fill_value : array_like, optional
        When ``size`` is specified and there are fewer than the indicated number of elements, the
        remaining elements will be filled with ``fill_value``, which defaults to zero."""
def setdiff1d(ar1, ar2, assume_unique=False, *, size=None, fill_value=None):
    _check_arraylike("setdiff1d", ar1, ar2)
    if size is None:
        ar1 = core.concrete_or_error(None, ar1,
                                     "The error arose in setdiff1d()")
Exemple #22
def dedentfn(fn):
    fn.__doc__ = _dedent(fn.__doc__)
    return fn
Exemple #23
def dedent(text: str) -> str:
    """Fix indentation and also trim given text string."""
    return _dedent(text.lstrip("\n").rstrip(" \t\n"))
from textwrap import dedent as _dedent
from battletech.starsystem import (
    parse_systems_request as _parse_system_request,

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Select our desired system(s)
    biomes = set()
    user_input = input(
            """Please select the system(s) you wish to modify.
    Systems can be comma-separated to act on many different systems, may be matched via regex with
    an input starting with /, or with * for all. 
    \tEnter the system(s) to modify. > """
    selected_systems = _parse_systems_request(user_input)
    for system in selected_systems:
        system: StarSystem
        # with system:
        # if 20 >= system.number_of_shop_items <= 6:
        #     system.number_of_shop_items *= 2
        #     system.add_markets()
        # system.add_markets()
        biomes |= set(system.biomes)
Exemple #25
    def _exc_response_html_content(self, data):

        def indented(string, level=1):
            return _indented(string, level, size=2)

        html = '''\
               <!DOCTYPE html>



                 <style type="text/css">








        html = _dedent(html)
        css_blocks = []

        exc_facet = data['exc']

        if _debug.DEBUG_EXC_NAME in exc_facet.debug_flags:
            displayname = exc_facet.displayname or exc_facet.name
            title = displayname[0].upper()
            if len(displayname) > 1:
                title += displayname[1:]
            title = 'Error'

        class_def_info_css = '''\
                             dl.class_def_info > dt {
                               font-weight: bold;

        if exc_facet.message \
               and _debug.DEBUG_EXC_MESSAGE in exc_facet.debug_flags:
            message_html = '<p class="exc_str">{}</p>'\
            message_html = indented(message_html)
            message_html = ''

        if _debug.DEBUG_EXC_INSTANCE_INFO in exc_facet.debug_flags:
            tech_details_html = \
                <h2>Technical details</h2>

                <h3>Exception class</h3>

                <dl class="exc_class_def_info">

                  <dd><code class="exc_class_def_module">{class_def_module}</code></dd>

                  <dd><code class="exc_name">{name}</code></dd>



            tech_details_html = indented(_dedent(tech_details_html))

            if exc_facet.args:
                css = '''\
                      ol.exc_args {
                        padding: 0;
                        list-style: none;
                        counter-reset: arg -1;

                      ol.exc_args > li::before {
                        font-family: monospace;
                        counter-increment: arg;
                        content: "args[" counter(arg) "]: ";

                args_html = \
                    '<h3>Exception arguments</h3>'\
                     '\n\n<ol class="exc_args">\n\n  '
                args_html += \
                    '\n  '.join('<li><code class="exc_arg">{}</code></li>'
                                for arg in exc_facet.args)
                args_html += '\n\n</ol>'
                args_html = indented(args_html)
                args_html = ''

            if exc_facet.traceback \
                   and _debug.DEBUG_EXC_TRACEBACK in exc_facet.debug_flags:
                traceback_html = \
                     '\n\n<pre><code class="exc_traceback">{}</code></pre>'\
                traceback_html = indented(traceback_html)
                traceback_html = ''

            tech_details_html = \

            auth_info_facet = data['auth_info']
        except KeyError:
            auth_info_html = ''
            auth_info_html = \

        css = ''.join(indented(block, 2) for block in css_blocks)
        html = html.format(title=_cgi.escape(title),
        return html
Exemple #26
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'

# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
#modindex_common_prefix = []

rst_prolog = \
    .. role:: bash(code)
        :language: bash

    .. role:: python(code)
        :language: python
rst_prolog = _dedent(rst_prolog)

nitpicky = True

# FIXME: encapsulate this in a Sphinx extension.  make ``rfc_uri_tmpl`` a
#     Sphinx config setting
rfc_uri_tmpl = 'https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc{}.html'
def rfc_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):


    rfcrefpattern = r'(?:(?P<displaytext>[^<]*)'\
                     r' <)?(?P<refname>[^>]*)(?(displaytext)>|)'
    match = _re.match(rfcrefpattern, _rst.roles.utils.unescape(text))
    if match:
        rfcnum, anchorsep, anchor = match.group('refname').partition('#')
Exemple #27
def dedent(s):
    return _dedent(s.strip("\r\n"))
Exemple #28
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'

# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
#modindex_common_prefix = []

rst_prolog = \
    .. role:: bash(code)
        :language: bash

    .. role:: python(code)
        :language: python
rst_prolog = _dedent(rst_prolog)

nitpicky = True

# FIXME: encapsulate this in a Sphinx extension.  make ``rfc_uri_tmpl`` a
#     Sphinx config setting
rfc_uri_tmpl = 'https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc{}.html'

def rfc_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):


    rfcrefpattern = r'(?:(?P<displaytext>[^<]*)'\
                     r' <)?(?P<refname>[^>]*)(?(displaytext)>|)'
    match = _re.match(rfcrefpattern, _rst.roles.utils.unescape(text))
Exemple #29
def transform(inputs, callback):
    Transforms the given list of temporal programs in string form into an ASP

    Returns the future predicates whose atoms have to be set to false if
    referring to the future, and program parts that have to be regrounded if
    there are constraints referring to the future.

    inputs   -- The list of inputs.
    callback -- Callback for rewritten statements.
    loc = {
        'begin': {
            'line': 1,
            'column': 1,
            'filename': '<transform>'
        'end': {
            'line': 1,
            'column': 1,
            'filename': '<transform>'
    future_predicates = set()
    constraint_parts = {}
    time = _ast.Symbol(loc, _clingo.Function(_tf.g_time_parameter_name))
    wrap_lit = lambda a: _ast.Literal(loc, _ast.Sign.NoSign, a)

    # apply transformer to program
    def append(s):
        if s is not None:

    aux_rules = []
    transformer = _prg.ProgramTransformer(future_predicates, constraint_parts,
    for i in inputs:
        _clingo.parse_program(i, lambda s: append(transformer.visit(s)))
    if aux_rules:
            _ast.Program(loc, "always", [
                _ast.Id(loc, _tf.g_time_parameter_name),
                _ast.Id(loc, _tf.g_time_parameter_name_alt)
        for rule in aux_rules:

    # add auxiliary rules for future predicates
    future_sigs = []
    if len(future_predicates) > 0:
            _ast.Program(loc, "always", [
                _ast.Id(loc, _tf.g_time_parameter_name),
                _ast.Id(loc, _tf.g_time_parameter_name_alt)
        for name, arity, positive, shift in sorted(future_predicates):
            variables = [
                _ast.Variable(loc, "{}{}".format(_tf.g_variable_prefix, i))
                for i in range(arity)
            s = _ast.Symbol(loc, _clingo.Number(shift))
            t_shifted = _ast.BinaryOperation(loc, _ast.BinaryOperator.Plus,
                                             time, s)
            add_sign = lambda lit: lit if positive else _ast.UnaryOperation(
                loc, _ast.UnaryOperator.Minus, lit)
            p_current = _ast.SymbolicAtom(
                add_sign(_ast.Function(loc, name, variables + [time], False)))
            f_current = _ast.SymbolicAtom(
                    _ast.Function(loc, _tf.g_future_prefix + name,
                                  variables + [s, time], False)))
            callback(_ast.Rule(loc, wrap_lit(p_current),
                (_tf.g_future_prefix + name, arity + 2, positive))

    # gather rules for constraints referring to the future
    reground_parts = []
    if len(constraint_parts) > 0:
        for (name, shift), rules in constraint_parts.items():
            assert (shift > 0)
            params = [
                _ast.Id(loc, _tf.g_time_parameter_name),
                _ast.Id(loc, _tf.g_time_parameter_name_alt)
            # parts to be regrounded
            part = "{}_0_{}".format(name, shift - 1)
            callback(_ast.Program(loc, part, params))
            for p, l in rules:
            reground_parts.append((name, part, range(shift)))
            # parts that no longer have to be regrounded
            last_part = "{}_{}".format(name, shift)
            callback(_ast.Program(loc, last_part, params))
            for p, l in rules:
            reground_parts.append((name, last_part, range(shift, shift + 1)))

    def add_part(part_name, atom_name, statement, wrap=lambda x: x):
        params = [
            _ast.Id(loc, _tf.g_time_parameter_name),
            _ast.Id(loc, _tf.g_time_parameter_name_alt)
        callback(_ast.Program(loc, part_name, params))
        atom = wrap(
            _ast.SymbolicAtom(_ast.Function(loc, atom_name, [time], False)))
        callback(statement(loc, atom, []))

    add_part('initial', '__initial', _ast.Rule, wrap_lit)
    add_part('always', '__final', _tf.External)

    reground_parts.append(('always', 'always', range(1)))
    reground_parts.append(('dynamic', 'dynamic', range(1)))
    reground_parts.append(('initial', 'initial', range(1)))

    def no_program(s):
        if s.type != _ast.ASTType.Program:

        #theory tel {
            formula_body  {
                &   : 7, unary;         % prefix for keywords
                -   : 7, unary;         % classical negation
                +   : 6, binary, left;  % arithmetic +
                -   : 6, binary, left;  % arithmetic -
                ~   : 5, unary;         % negation
                <   : 5, unary;         % previous
                <   : 5, binary, right; % n x previous
                <:  : 5, unary;         % weak previous
                <:  : 5, binary, right; % n x weak previous
                <?  : 5, unary;         % eventually-
                <*  : 5, unary;         % always-
                <<  : 5, unary;         % initially
                >   : 5, unary;         % next
                >   : 5, binary, right; % n x next
                >:  : 5, unary;         % weak next
                >:  : 5, binary, right; % n x weak next
                >?  : 5, unary;         % eventually+
                >*  : 5, unary;         % always+
                >>  : 5, unary;         % finally
                >*  : 4, binary, left;  % release
                >?  : 4, binary, left;  % until
                <*  : 4, binary, left;  % trigger
                <?  : 4, binary, left;  % since
                &   : 3, binary, left;  % and
                |   : 2, binary, left;  % or
                <-  : 1, binary, left;  % left implication
                ->  : 1, binary, left;  % right implication
                <>  : 1, binary, left;  % equivalence
                ;>  : 0, binary, right; % sequence next
                ;>: : 0, binary, right; % sequence weak next
                <;  : 0, binary, left;  % sequence previous
                <:; : 0, binary, left   % sequence weak previous
            formula_head  {
                &   : 7, unary;         % prefix for keywords
                -   : 7, unary;         % classical negation
                +   : 6, binary, left;  % arithmetic +
                -   : 6, binary, left;  % arithmetic -
                ~   : 5, unary;         % negation
                >   : 5, unary;         % next
                >   : 5, binary, right; % n x next
                >:  : 5, unary;         % weak next
                >:  : 5, binary, right; % n x weak next
                >?  : 5, unary;         % eventually+
                >*  : 5, unary;         % always+
                >>  : 5, unary;         % finally
                >*  : 4, binary, left;  % release
                >?  : 4, binary, left;  % until
                &   : 3, binary, left;  % and
                |   : 2, binary, left;  % or
                ;>  : 0, binary, right; % sequence next
                ;>: : 0, binary, right  % sequence weak next
            &tel/1 : formula_body, body;
            &__tel_head/1 : formula_body, head
        '''), no_program)

        #theory del {
            formula_body  {
                &   : 7, unary;         % prefix for keywords
                ?   : 4, unary;         % check
                *   : 3, unary;         % kleene star
                +   : 2, binary, left;  % choice
                ;;  : 1, binary, left;  % sequence
                .>? : 0, binary, right; % diamond (eventually)
                .>* : 0, binary, right  % box (always)
            &del/1 : formula_body, body
        '''), no_program)

    return future_sigs, reground_parts