'device':          '/gpu:1',
    #####ISTA PARAMS######
    'numIterations':   100000,
    'displayPeriod':   200,
    #Batch size
    'batchSize':       32,
    #Learning rate for optimizer
    'learningRateA':   1e-3,
    'learningRateW':   1e-4,
    #Lambda in energy function
    'thresh':          .015,
    #Number of features in V1
    'numV':            128,
    #Stride of V1
    'VStrideY':        2,
    'VStrideX':        2,
    #Patch size
    'patchSizeY':      12,
    'patchSizeX':      12,

#Allocate tensorflow object
tfObj = ISTA(params, trainDataObj)
print "Done init"

tfObj.writePvpWeights(outPvpPrefix, rect=False)
print "Done run"


Exemple #2
    #Device to run on
    'device': '/gpu:1',
    #####ISTA PARAMS######
    'numIterations': 100000,
    'displayPeriod': 200,
    #Batch size
    'batchSize': 32,
    #Learning rate for optimizer
    'learningRateA': 1e-3,
    'learningRateW': 1e-4,
    #Lambda in energy function
    'thresh': .015,
    #Number of features in V1
    'numV': 128,
    #Stride of V1
    'VStrideY': 2,
    'VStrideX': 2,
    #Patch size
    'patchSizeY': 12,
    'patchSizeX': 12,

#Allocate tensorflow object
tfObj = ISTA(params, trainDataObj)
print "Done init"

tfObj.writePvpWeights(outPvpPrefix, rect=False)
print "Done run"
