def get_transfrom(reference_frame, target_frame): listener = tf.TransformListener() try: listener.waitForTransform(reference_frame, target_frame, rospy.Time(0), timeout=rospy.Duration(1)) translation_rotation = listener.lookupTransform( reference_frame, target_frame, rospy.Time()) except Exception as e1: try: tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() tf2_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tf_buffer) transform_stamped = tf_buffer.lookup_transform( reference_frame, target_frame, rospy.Time(0), timeout=rospy.Duration(1)) translation_rotation = tf_conversions.toTf( tf2_kdl.transform_to_kdl(transform_stamped)) except Exception as e2: rospy.logerr("get_transfrom::\n " + "Failed to find transform from %s to %s" % ( reference_frame, target_frame, )) return translation_rotation
def get_frame_offset(self, oframe1, oframe2): tf_done = False tfl = tf.TransformListener() while not tf_done: try: (trans1, rot1) = tfl.lookupTransform(oframe1, oframe2, rospy.Time(0)) tf_done = True except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue tf_done = False while not tf_done: try: (trans2, rot2) = tfl.lookupTransform("/world", self.frame, rospy.Time(0)) tf_done = True except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue print (trans1, rot1) print (trans2, rot2) f1 = tfc.fromTf((trans1, rot1)) f2 = tfc.fromTf((trans2, rot2)) frame = f2 * f1 self.transform = tfc.toTf(frame) tfb = tf.TransformBroadcaster() (t, r) = self.transform tfb.sendTransform(t, r,, "EX", "/world") self.frame = "EX"
def get_frames(num, step, trans, rot, frame=None, off=0, suffix=""): f = tfc.fromTf((trans, rot)) bc = tf.TransformBroadcaster() names = [] for i in range(1, num+1): r = tfc.Rotation(f.M) (roll, pitch, yaw) = r.GetRPY() r = tfc.Rotation.RPY(roll, pitch, yaw + step) rf = tfc.Frame(tfc.Rotation.RotZ(step)) rfz = tfc.Frame(tfc.Rotation.RPY(0,3.14159,0)) p = rf * tfc.Vector(f.p) p2 = tfc.Vector(-1*p.x(), -1*p.y(), -1*p.z()) r2 = tfc.Rotation.RPY(roll + 3.14159, pitch, (yaw + step)) f = tfc.Frame(r, p) f2 = tfc.Frame(r2, p2) (trans2, rot2) = tfc.toTf(f) (trans3, rot3) = tfc.toTf(f2) if verbose: print (trans2, rot2) if flipped_frames_allowed: print (trans3, rot3) if not frame == None: bc.sendTransform(trans2, rot2,, frame2 + suffix + "_gen" + str(off+i), frame) names.append(frame2 + suffix + "_gen" + str(off+i)) if flipped_frames_allowed: bc.sendTransform(trans3, rot3,, frame2 + suffix + "_flip" + str(off+i), frame) names.append(frame2 + suffix + "_flip" + str(off+i)) if verbose: print "---" + str(i) + "---" return names
def update(self): if not self.calibrated: try: T_camera_to_marker = tf_c.fromTf( self.tf_listen.lookupTransform('camera_link', 'ar_marker_0', rospy.Time(0))) T_base_endpoint = tf_c.fromTf( self.tf_listen.lookupTransform('base_link', 'endpoint', rospy.Time(0))) T_base_camera_current = tf_c.fromTf( self.tf_listen.lookupTransform('base_link', 'camera_link', rospy.Time(0))) T_endpoint_marker = tf_c.fromTf( self.tf_listen.lookupTransform('endpoint', 'endpoint_marker', rospy.Time(0))) T_base_camera = T_base_endpoint * T_endpoint_marker * T_camera_to_marker.Inverse( ) # Extract position and rotation for the new transformation xyz = tf_c.toTf(T_base_camera)[0] rpy = T_base_camera.M.GetRPY() # Call to service ########### # First check to see if service exists try: rospy.wait_for_service( '/semi_static_transform_publisher/UpdateTransform') except rospy.ROSException as e: rospy.logerr( 'Could not find semi-static transform service') return # Make servo call to set pose try: # Setup transform to send to sem-static node update_transform_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/semi_static_transform_publisher/UpdateTransform', UpdateTransform) msg = UpdateTransformRequest() msg.x, msg.y, msg.z = xyz msg.roll, msg.pitch, msg.yaw = rpy # Call to service update_transform_proxy(msg) self.calibrated = True except (rospy.ServiceException), e: rospy.logwarn('There was a problem with the service:') rospy.logwarn(e) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as e: rospy.logwarn(e) return
def update(self): all_frames = self.listener_.getFrameStrings() ar_frames = [f for f in all_frames if f.find('ar_marker')>=0] un_filtered = [f for f in ar_frames if f.find('filtered')<0] # Decay each frame count at every timestep for f in self.frames.keys(): self.frames[f]['no_frames'] -= 1 if self.frames[f]['no_frames'] <= 0: short_name = 'landmark_' + f.split('_')[len(f.split('_'))-1:][0] rospy.delete_param('instructor_landmark/'+short_name) rospy.logwarn('Deleted:' +short_name) self.frames.pop(f) for frame in un_filtered: try: F = tf_c.fromTf(self.listener_.lookupTransform('/world',frame,rospy.Time(0))) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException) as e: rospy.logerr('Frame ['+frame+'] not found') return except tf.ExtrapolationException as e: # The frame we're seeing is old return if frame not in self.frames.keys(): self.frames[frame] = {'no_frames':0, 'poses':[], 'average_pose':None} rospy.logwarn('New Frame:' + frame) # rospy.logwarn(self.frames[frame]['no_frames']) if self.frames[frame]['no_frames'] < self.buffer: self.frames[frame]['no_frames'] += 2 self.frames[frame]['poses'].append(F) else: self.frames[frame]['poses'].pop(0) self.frames[frame]['poses'].pop(0) self.frames[frame]['poses'].append(F) for frame in self.frames.keys(): # Get all stored frame positions/rotations sum_xyz = [tf_c.toTf(f)[0] for f in self.frames[frame]['poses']] sum_rpy = [f.M.GetRPY() for f in self.frames[frame]['poses']] if len(sum_xyz) > 2: xyz = np.mean(sum_xyz, 0) rpy = np.mean(sum_rpy, 0) F_avg = PyKDL.Frame() F_avg.p = PyKDL.Vector(*xyz) F_avg.M = PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(*rpy) self.broadcaster_.sendTransform(tuple(F_avg.p),tuple(F_avg.M.GetQuaternion()),, '/filtered/'+frame, '/world') # rosparam_marker_name = "instructor_landmark/{}".format(str('filtered/'+frame)) # rospy.set_param(rosparam_marker_name, str('filtered/'+frame)) short_name = 'landmark_' + frame.split('_')[len(frame.split('_'))-1:][0] rospy.set_param('instructor_landmark/'+short_name, str('filtered/'+frame))
def get_transform(self, reference_frame, target_frame): try: transform_stamped = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform( reference_frame, target_frame, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(1.0)) translation_rotation = tf_conversions.toTf( tf2_kdl.transform_to_kdl(transform_stamped)) except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException), e: print(e) rospy.logerr('FAILED TO GET TRANSFORM FROM %s to %s' % (reference_frame, target_frame)) return None
def get_most_recent_transform(self): left_pose, left_time = self.left_arm_tf_updater.current_pose_and_time right_pose, right_time = self.left_arm_tf_updater.current_pose_and_time if(right_time > left_time): pose = right_pose camera_transform = self.right_arm_tf_updater.camera_transform else: pose = left_pose camera_transform = self.left_arm_tf_updater.camera_transform transform = None if(pose): checkerboard_in_camera = tf_conversions.toMatrix((tf_conversions.fromMsg(pose))) checkerboard_in_body = camera_transform * checkerboard_in_camera checkerboard_in_body_tf = tf_conversions.toTf(tf_conversions.toMatrix(checkerboard_in_body)) checkerboard_rpy = tf.transformations.quaternion_to_euler(*checkerboard_in_body_tf[1]) transform = checkboard_body_in_tf[0] + checkerboard_rpy return transform
def cb(self, msg): pose = Pose(orientation=msg.orientation) _, q = tf_conversions.toTf(tf_conversions.fromMsg(pose)) rpy = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(q) print rpy self._data.append(rpy)
def flip_rotation_frame(trans, rot): f = tfc.fromTf((trans, rot)) ir = f.M.Inverse() return tfc.toTf(tfc.Frame(ir, f.p))
def update(self): # Return if the calibration is finished if not self.update_poses: return # Get all current TF frames. Add any new ones to AR tag list. current_frames = self.tf_listen.getFrameStrings() current_frames = [ f for f in current_frames if "ar_marker" in f and not ("filtered" in f) ] # current_frames = [f for f in current_frames if "ar_marker" in f and "filtered" in f] for f in current_frames: # Detect which camera the marker is sent from for c in range(self.n_cameras): if self.cameras[c] in f: camera = c break # Find tag name, camera frame, and pose fid = f[f.find("ar_marker_") + len("ar_marker") + 1:len(f)] camera_link = "{}_link".format(self.cameras[camera]) try: ret = tf_c.fromTf( self.tf_listen.lookupTransform(camera_link, f, rospy.Time(0))) except: print "Can't get TF camera->marker", camera_link, f continue # Check if we've seen this marker before if fid not in self.camera_marker_frame_names[camera].keys(): self.camera_marker_frame_names[camera][fid] = { 'name': f, 'count': 1 } print "New marker in calibration:", camera, fid, f else: self.camera_marker_frame_names[camera][fid]['count'] += 1 # Check for overlapping frames marker_1_names = self.camera_marker_frame_names[0].keys() marker_2_names = self.camera_marker_frame_names[1].keys() overlapping_markers = list( set(marker_1_names).intersection(marker_2_names)) n_overlapping_markers = len(overlapping_markers) print "---1---", self.camera_marker_frame_names[0] print "---2---", self.camera_marker_frame_names[1] # Check if camera 1 sees any fiducials if len(self.camera_marker_frame_names[0]) > 0: # if the other camera has seen a fiducial then make sure we're seeing the same one if all(self.cameras_calibrated): if n_overlapping_markers > 0: self._widget.shoulder_status_label.setText( 'FOUND FIDUCIAL') self._widget.shoulder_status_label.setStyleSheet( 'color:#ffffff;background-color:#9AD111') self.cameras_calibrated[0] = True else: self._widget.shoulder_status_label.setText( "FIDUCIALS DON'T MATCH") # Else if the only marker seen then say 'found' else: self._widget.shoulder_status_label.setText('FOUND FIDUCIAL') self._widget.shoulder_status_label.setStyleSheet( 'color:#ffffff;background-color:#9AD111') self.cameras_calibrated[0] = True # Check if camera 2 sees any fiducials if len(self.camera_marker_frame_names[1]) > 0: # if the other camera has seen a fiducial then make sure we're seeing the same one if all(self.cameras_calibrated): n_overlapping_markers = len( set(marker_1_names).intersection(marker_2_names)) if n_overlapping_markers > 0: self._widget.wrist_status_label.setText('FOUND FIDUCIAL') self._widget.wrist_status_label.setStyleSheet( 'color:#ffffff;background-color:#9AD111') self.cameras_calibrated[1] = True else: self._widget.wrist_status_label.setText( "FIDUCIALS DON'T MATCH") # Else if the only marker seen then say 'found' else: self._widget.wrist_status_label.setText('FOUND FIDUCIAL') self._widget.wrist_status_label.setStyleSheet( 'color:#ffffff;background-color:#9AD111') self.cameras_calibrated[1] = True # Check if all cameras are calibrated if self.cameras_calibrated[0] and self.cameras_calibrated[1]: # First verify that the camera links (base to optical frames) are valid try: ret = self.tf_listen.lookupTransform( "/base_link", "camera_1_rgb_optical_frame", rospy.Time(0)) ret = self.tf_listen.lookupTransform( "/base_link", "camera_2_rgb_optical_frame", rospy.Time(0)) except: txt = "ROBOT NOT CONNECTED" self._widget.robot_calibration_status_label.setText(txt) return # Check that each camera has seen the same fiduual if n_overlapping_markers == 0: self._widget.robot_calibration_status_label.setText( "FIDUCIALS DON'T MATCH") return # Get transform from robot base to camera 2 """ Want: World -> Cam2 Have: Cam1->Marker1 Cam2->Marker2 Robot->Cam1 Robot->Cam2 = (Robot->Cam1) * (Cam1->Marker1) * (Cam2->Marker2)^-1 """ # Find one of the markers seen by both cameras # print overlapping_markers, self.camera_marker_frame_names[0].keys(), self.camera_marker_frame_names[1].keys() marker_1_counts = [ self.camera_marker_frame_names[0][x]['count'] for x in overlapping_markers ] marker_2_counts = [ self.camera_marker_frame_names[1][x]['count'] for x in overlapping_markers ] overlap_count = [(marker_1_counts[i] + marker_2_counts[i]) / 2. for i in range(n_overlapping_markers)] ar_idx = overlapping_markers[np.argmax(overlap_count)] marker_1 = self.camera_marker_frame_names[0][ar_idx]['name'] marker_2 = self.camera_marker_frame_names[1][ar_idx]['name'] # print "Overlapping name:", marker_1, marker_2 base_frame = '/base_link' try: T_base_camera_1 = tf_c.fromTf( self.tf_listen.lookupTransform(base_frame, '/camera_1_link', rospy.Time(0))) except: rospy.logwarn("Can't get TF robot->camera1") return try: T_camera_1_marker_1 = tf_c.fromTf( self.tf_listen.lookupTransform('/camera_1_link', marker_1, rospy.Time(0))) except: rospy.logwarn("Can't get TF camera1->marker") return try: T_camera_2_marker_2 = tf_c.fromTf( self.tf_listen.lookupTransform('/camera_2_link', marker_2, rospy.Time(0))) except: rospy.logwarn("Can't get TF camera2->marker") return T_base_camera_2 = T_base_camera_1 * T_camera_1_marker_1 * T_camera_2_marker_2.Inverse( ) # Extract position and rotation for the new transformation xyz = tf_c.toTf(T_base_camera_2)[0] rpy = T_base_camera_2.M.GetRPY() # Smooth out output frame to prevent large changes due to noise marker normals self.all_xyz += [xyz] self.all_rpy += [rpy] if len(self.all_xyz) > 2: xyz = np.mean(self.all_xyz, 0) rpy = np.mean(self.all_rpy, 0) # xyz = np.median(self.all_xyz, 0) # rpy = np.median(self.all_rpy, 0) else: return # Send the transform to the semi-static transformer # First check to see if service exists try: rospy.wait_for_service( '/semi_static_transform_publisher/UpdateTransform') except rospy.ROSException as e: rospy.logerr('Could not find semi-static transform service') return # Make servo call to set pose try: # Setup transform to send to sem-static node update_transform_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/semi_static_transform_publisher/UpdateTransform', UpdateTransform) msg = UpdateTransformRequest() msg.x, msg.y, msg.z = xyz msg.roll, msg.pitch, msg.yaw = rpy # Call to service update_transform_proxy(msg) except (rospy.ServiceException), e: rospy.logwarn('There was a problem with the service:') rospy.logwarn(e) # Update GUI self._widget.robot_calibration_status_label.setText( 'ROBOT CALIBRATED') self._widget.robot_calibration_status_label.setStyleSheet( 'color:#ffffff;background-color:#9AD111') self._widget.done_btn.setStyleSheet('color:#429611') self.calibrated = True
def Map2localization(trans): global estimated_tf, init, localize, offset_hist, map2odom offset = TransformStamped() # We want to transform the detected aruco pose to map frame to do a reasonable comparison qinv = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0) qdetected = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0) if init: #Making sure that a Kalman filter is initialized for each marker if we don't have the Aruco Marker registered in the dictionary. estimated_tf = cv2.KalmanFilter(6, 6) # Initialization of kalman filter. trans_mat = np.identity(6, np.float32) estimated_tf.transitionMatrix = trans_mat #x'=Ax+BU transition matrix is A estimated_tf.measurementMatrix = trans_mat estimated_tf.processNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity( estimated_tf.processNoiseCov, 1e-3) #4 estimated_tf.measurementNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity( estimated_tf.measurementNoiseCov, 1e-2) #2 estimated_tf.errorCovPost = cv2.setIdentity( estimated_tf.errorCovPost) #, 1) init = False if not buff.can_transform(trans.child_frame_id, 'cf1/odom', trans.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(0.5)): rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5.0, 'No tranform from %s to map' % trans.child_frame_id) return else: t = TransformStamped() try: # We want to keep the relative position.... We can calculate the error betwen these frames. t = buff.lookup_transform('cf1/odom', trans.child_frame_id, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(0.5)) except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5.0, 'No tranform from %s to odom' % trans.child_frame_id) return #t.transform.translation.z=0.35 #============================================================================== #Ludvig's solution #============================================================================== Fodom = tf_conversions.fromTf( ((t.transform.translation.x, t.transform.translation.y, t.transform.translation.z), (t.transform.rotation.x, t.transform.rotation.y, t.transform.rotation.z, t.transform.rotation.w))) Fmap = tf_conversions.fromMsg(json_markers[int( trans.child_frame_id[-1])]) Fdiff = Fmap * Fodom.Inverse() offset = TransformStamped() offset.header.stamp = offset.header.frame_id = 'map' offset.child_frame_id = 'cf1/odom' ((offset.transform.translation.x, offset.transform.translation.y, offset.transform.translation.z), (offset.transform.rotation.x, offset.transform.rotation.y, offset.transform.rotation.z, offset.transform.rotation.w)) = tf_conversions.toTf(Fdiff) #====================================== #====================================== #===================================== #offset.transform.translation.z = 0 # Not considering any changes in z-axis #print("before filter " + str(offset.transform.translation.x) + " " + str(offset.transform.translation.y) + " " + str(offset.transform.translation.z)) """ print("") offset.transform.translation.x = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.translation.x, cutoff, fs, order) offset.transform.translation.y = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.translation.y, cutoff, fs, order) offset.transform.translation.z = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.translation.z, cutoff, fs, order) #offset.transform.rotation.x = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.rotation.x, cutoff, fs, order) #offset.transform.rotation.y = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.rotation.y, cutoff, fs, order) #offset.transform.rotation.z = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.rotation.z, cutoff, fs, order) #offset.transform.rotation.w = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.rotation.w, cutoff, fs, order) """ #print("after filter " + str(offset.transform.translation.x) + " " + str(offset.transform.translation.y) + " " + str(offset.transform.translation.z)) #===================================== #offset_hist.append((offset.transform.translation.x,offset.transform.translation.y,offset.transform.translation.z)) #offset_hist.append(offset.transform.translation.z) # pp.pprint(offset_hist) # print('list\n') #print(offset_hist) # if len(offset_hist)>1: # offset_hist=offset_hist[-1:] # #print(offset_hist) # average = np.mean(offset_hist, axis=0) # #print(average) # offset.transform.translation.x =average[0] # offset.transform.translation.y =average[1] # offset.transform.translation.z =average[2] # #offset.transform.translation.y = average[1] # # print('hi!') # # Fdiff=np.average(offset_hist) # # print('list 2\n') # # pp.pprint(Fdiff) # # #sum(offset_hist)/float(len(offset_hist)) # del offset_hist[:] # offset.transform.translation.z = 0 # # #===================================== # tf_bc.sendTransform(offset) # map2odom=offset # # pub_tf.publish(localize) # #===================================== #offset.transform.translation.z = 0 # Not considering any changes in z-axis filtered_offset = copy.deepcopy(offset) # ########Update the Kalman filter rot_ang = np.array([ filtered_offset.transform.rotation.x, filtered_offset.transform.rotation.y, filtered_offset.transform.rotation.z, filtered_offset.transform.rotation.w ], np.float32).reshape(-1, 1) translation = np.array([ filtered_offset.transform.translation.x, filtered_offset.transform.translation.y ], np.float32).reshape(-1, 1) # # x,y,z roll,pitch,yaw measurements = np.concatenate((translation, rot_ang)) prediction = estimated_tf.predict() estimation = estimated_tf.correct(measurements.reshape(-1, 1)) offset.transform.translation.x = estimation[0] offset.transform.translation.y = estimation[1] offset.transform.translation.x = estimation[0] offset.transform.translation.y = estimation[1] offset.transform.translation.z = 0 offset.transform.rotation.x = estimation[2] offset.transform.rotation.y = estimation[3] offset.transform.rotation.z = estimation[4] offset.transform.rotation.w = estimation[5] n = np.linalg.norm([ offset.transform.rotation.x, offset.transform.rotation.y, offset.transform.rotation.z, offset.transform.rotation.w ]) # #Normalize the quaternion offset.transform.rotation.x /= n offset.transform.rotation.y /= n offset.transform.rotation.z /= n offset.transform.rotation.w /= n #''' #tf_bc.sendTransform(offset) map2odom = offset = True pub_tf.publish(localize)