def mlp_net(train_data, is_training, reuse_mode=False, bn_mode=False): with tf.variable_scope('mlp', reuse=reuse_mode): # b*38*22 -> b*836 -> b*512 -> b*512 -> b*34 inputs = tf.reshape(train_data, [-1, 836]) layer1 = tf_util2.fully_connection('l1', inputs, 512, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 0.001, use_bn=bn_mode) layer2 = tf_util2.fully_connection('l2', layer1, 512, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 0.001, use_bn=bn_mode) layer3 = tf_util2.fully_connection('l3', layer2, 34, is_training, reuse_mode, None, 0.001, use_bn=False) return layer3
def discriminator(inputs, is_training, reuse_mode): with tf.variable_scope ('discriminator', reuse=reuse_mode): # b x 28 x 28 x 1 -> b x 14 x 14 x 128 layer1 = tf_util2.conv_2d ('l1', inputs, 128, is_training, reuse_mode, activation_fun = tf.nn.leaky_relu, padding = 'same', kernel_size = [3,3], stride_size = (2,2), use_bn = False) # b x 14 x 14 x 128 -> b x 7 x 7 x 256 layer2 = tf_util2.conv_2d ('l2', layer1, 256, is_training, reuse_mode, activation_fun = tf.nn.leaky_relu, padding = 'same', kernel_size = [3,3], stride_size = (2,2), use_bn = True) # b x 7 x 7 x 256 -> b x 4 x 4 x 512 layer3 = tf_util2.conv_2d ('l3', layer2, 512, is_training, reuse_mode, activation_fun = tf.nn.leaky_relu, padding = 'same', kernel_size = [3,3], stride_size = (2,2), use_bn = True) # b x 4 x 4 x 512 -> b x 4*4*512 flatten = tf.reshape(layer3, (-1, 4*4*512)) # b x 4*4*512 x 1 -> b x 1 logits = tf_util2.fully_connection ('flatten', flatten, 1, is_training, reuse_mode, use_bn = False) outputs = tf.sigmoid(logits) return logits, outputs
def generator(inputs, is_training, reuse_mode): with tf.variable_scope ('generator', reuse=reuse_mode): # b x 100 -> b x 4 x 4 x 512 layer1 = tf_util2.fully_connection ('l1', inputs, 4*4*512, is_training, reuse_mode, use_bn = False) layer1 = tf.reshape(layer1, [-1, 4, 4, 512]) with tf.variable_scope ('l1', reuse=reuse_mode): layer1 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(layer1, training=is_training) layer1 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(layer1) # b x 4 x 4 x 512 -> b x 7 x 7 x 256 layer2 = tf_util2.conv_2d_trans ('l2', layer1, 256, is_training, reuse_mode, activation_fun = tf.nn.leaky_relu, padding = 'valid', kernel_size = [4,4], stride_size = (1,1), use_bn = True) # b x 7 x 7 x 256 -> b x 14 x 14 x 128 layer3 = tf_util2.conv_2d_trans ('l3', layer2, 128, is_training, reuse_mode, activation_fun = tf.nn.leaky_relu, padding = 'same', kernel_size = [3,3], stride_size = (2,2), use_bn = True) # b x 14 x 14 x 256 -> b x 28 x 28 x 1 logits = tf_util2.conv_2d_trans ('l4', layer3, 1, is_training, reuse_mode, padding = 'same', kernel_size = [3,3], stride_size = (2,2), use_bn = True) outputs = tf.tanh(logits) return outputs
def pc_decoder(logits, fully_con, is_training=True, reuse_mode=False): layer = tf.reshape(logits, [-1, np.shape(logits)[1]]) with tf.variable_scope(fully_con['name'], reuse=reuse_mode): for i in range(len(fully_con['layers'])): layer = tf_util2.fully_connection( fully_con['layers'][i], layer, fully_con['outs'][i], is_training, reuse_mode, activation[fully_con['activation'][i]], 0.001, 'xaiver', use_bn=fully_con['bn'][i], bn_momentum=0.9) layer = tf.reshape(layer, [-1, np.shape(layer)[1] / 3, 3]) return layer
def img_encoder(image, conv_net, fully_con, is_training=True, reuse_mode=False): layer = tf.reshape(image, [-1, np.shape(image)[1], np.shape(image)[2], 1]) with tf.variable_scope(conv_net['name'], reuse=reuse_mode): for i in range(len(conv_net['layers'])): layer = tf_util2.conv_2d(conv_net['layers'][i], layer, conv_net['outs'][i], is_training, reuse_mode, activation[conv_net['activation'][i]], conv_net['padding'][i], conv_net['kenel'][i], conv_net['stride'][i], 0.001, 'xaiver', use_bn=conv_net['bn'][i], bn_momentum=0.9) layer = tf.layers.Flatten()(layer) with tf.variable_scope(fully_con['name'], reuse=reuse_mode): for i in range(len(fully_con['layers'])): layer = tf_util2.fully_connection( fully_con['layers'][i], layer, fully_con['outs'][i], is_training, reuse_mode, activation[fully_con['activation'][i]], 0.001, 'xaiver', use_bn=fully_con['bn'][i], bn_momentum=0.9) return layer
def pc_vae_encoder(pc_in, is_training, reuse_mode=False, bn_mode=True): with tf.variable_scope('vae_encoder', reuse=reuse_mode): # b*2048*3*1 -> b*2048*1*64 -> b*2048*1*128 -> b*2048*1*128 -> b*2048*1*256 -> b*2048*1*256 inputs = tf.reshape(pc_in, [-1, 2048, 3, 1]) layer1 = tf_util2.conv_2d('e1', inputs, 64, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'valid', [1, 3], (1, 1), use_bn=bn_mode) layer2 = tf_util2.conv_2d('e2', layer1, 128, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'valid', [1, 1], (1, 1), use_bn=bn_mode) layer3 = tf_util2.conv_2d('e3', layer2, 128, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'valid', [1, 1], (1, 1), use_bn=bn_mode) layer4 = tf_util2.conv_2d('e4', layer3, 256, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'valid', [1, 1], (1, 1), use_bn=bn_mode) layer5 = tf_util2.conv_2d('e5', layer4, 256, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'valid', [1, 1], (1, 1), use_bn=bn_mode) # b*2048*1*256 -> b*1*1*256 -> b*256 layer6 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(layer5, [2048, 1], [1, 1], padding='valid') layer7 = tf.squeeze(layer6) # b*256 -> (z_sigma, z_mu) z_sigma = tf_util2.fully_connection('es', layer7, 256, is_training, reuse_mode, None, 0.001, use_bn=False) z_mu = tf_util2.fully_connection('em', layer7, 256, is_training, reuse_mode, None, 0.001, use_bn=False) epsion = tf.random_normal(shape=tf.shape(z_sigma), mean=0, stddev=1, dtype=tf.float32) latent = z_mu + tf.sqrt(tf.exp(z_sigma)) * epsion return latent, z_sigma, z_mu
def pc_gan_discriminator(pc_in, is_training, reuse_mode=False, bn_mode=False): with tf.variable_scope('gan_discriminator', reuse=reuse_mode): # b*2048*3*1 -> b*2048*1*64 -> b*2048*1*128 -> b*2048*1*256 -> b*2048*1*1024 inputs = tf.reshape(pc_in, [-1, 2048, 3, 1]) layer1 = tf_util2.conv_2d('d1', inputs, 64, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'valid', [1, 3], (1, 1), use_bn=bn_mode) layer2 = tf_util2.conv_2d('d2', layer1, 128, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'valid', [1, 1], (1, 1), use_bn=bn_mode) layer3 = tf_util2.conv_2d('d3', layer2, 256, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'valid', [1, 1], (1, 1), use_bn=bn_mode) layer4 = tf_util2.conv_2d('d4', layer3, 1024, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'valid', [1, 1], (1, 1), use_bn=bn_mode) # b*2048*1*1024 -> b*1*1*1024 -> b*1024 layer5 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(layer4, [2048, 1], [1, 1], padding='valid') layer6 = tf.squeeze(layer5) # b*1024 -> b*256 -> b*256 -> b*1 layer7 = tf_util2.fully_connection('d7', layer6, 256, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 0.001, use_bn=False) layer8 = tf_util2.fully_connection('d8', layer7, 256, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 0.001, use_bn=False) logits = tf_util2.fully_connection('logits', layer8, 1, is_training, reuse_mode, None, 0.001, use_bn=False) outputs = tf.sigmoid(logits) return outputs, logits
def cnn_net(train_data, is_training, reuse_mode=False, bn_mode=False): with tf.variable_scope('cnn', reuse=reuse_mode): # b*38*22 -> b*38*22*32 -> b*19*11*64 -> b*10*6*64 -> b*5*3*64 inputs = tf.reshape(train_data, [-1, 38, 22]) conv1 = tf_util2.conv_2d('conv1', inputs, 32, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'same', [2, 2], (1, 1), use_bn=bn_mode) conv2 = tf_util2.conv_2d('conv2', conv1, 64, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'same', [2, 2], (2, 2), use_bn=bn_mode) conv3 = tf_util2.conv_2d('conv3', conv2, 64, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'same', [2, 2], (2, 2), use_bn=bn_mode) conv4 = tf_util2.conv_2d('conv4', conv3, 64, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 'same', [2, 2], (2, 2), use_bn=bn_mode) flatten = tf.reshape(conv4, [-1, 5 * 3 * 64]) # b*960 -> b*512 -> b*512 -> b*40 layer1 = tf_util2.fully_connection('l1', flatten, 512, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 0.001, use_bn=bn_mode) layer2 = tf_util2.fully_connection('l2', layer1, 512, is_training, reuse_mode, tf.nn.relu, 0.001, use_bn=bn_mode) layer3 = tf_util2.fully_connection('l3', layer2, 34, is_training, reuse_mode, None, 0.001, use_bn=bn_mode) return layer3