def test_auto_init(self): epoch_counter = [0] seq_flow = DataFlow.seq(0, 10, batch_size=2) map_flow = lambda x: (x + epoch_counter[0] * 10,)) def make_iterator(): epoch_counter[0] += 1 return map_flow it_flow = DataFlow.iterator_factory(make_iterator) flow = it_flow.threaded(3) batches = [b[0] for b in flow] np.testing.assert_array_equal( [[10, 11], [12, 13], [14, 15], [16, 17], [18, 19]], batches) batches = [b[0] for b in flow] np.testing.assert_array_equal( [[20, 21], [22, 23], [24, 25], [26, 27], [28, 29]], batches) flow.close() batches = [b[0] for b in flow] np.testing.assert_array_equal( [[40, 41], [42, 43], [44, 45], [46, 47], [48, 49]], batches) flow.close()
def test_flow(self): x_flow = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(10)], batch_size=4) y_flow = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(10, 17)], batch_size=4) flow = DataFlow.gather([x_flow, y_flow]) self.assertIsInstance(flow, GatherFlow) self.assertEqual((x_flow, y_flow), flow.flows) batches = list(flow) self.assertEqual(2, len(batches)) np.testing.assert_equal(np.arange(4), batches[0][0]) np.testing.assert_equal(np.arange(10, 14), batches[0][1]) np.testing.assert_equal(np.arange(4, 8), batches[1][0]) np.testing.assert_equal(np.arange(14, 17), batches[1][1])
def _create_sampled_dataflow(arrays, sampler, sample_now, **kwargs): if sample_now: arrays = sampler(*arrays) df = DataFlow.arrays(arrays, **kwargs) if not sample_now: df = return df
def test_map_array_indices(self): source = DataFlow.arrays([ np.arange(5), np.arange(5, 10), np.arange(10, 15), np.arange(15, 20) ], batch_size=4) # assert map a single df = x: [x + 1], array_indices=0) self.assertEqual(df.array_indices, (0, )) b = list(df) np.testing.assert_array_equal(b[0], [ [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [10, 11, 12, 13], [15, 16, 17, 18], ]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(b[1], [[5], [9], [14], [19]]) # assert map multiples df = x, y: [2 * x, 3 * y], array_indices=[1, 3]) self.assertEqual(df.array_indices, (1, 3)) b = list(df) np.testing.assert_array_equal(b[0], [ [0, 1, 2, 3], [10, 12, 14, 16], [10, 11, 12, 13], [45, 48, 51, 54], ]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(b[1], [[4], [18], [14], [57]])
def test_select(self): x = np.arange(5) y = np.arange(5, 10) z = np.arange(10, 15) flow = DataFlow.arrays([x, y, z], batch_size=5).select([0, 2, 0]) self.assertEqual(1, len(list(flow))) for b in flow: np.testing.assert_equal([x, z, x], b)
def test_run(self): with self.test_session() as session: df = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(6, dtype=np.float32)], batch_size=4) def log_message(m): logged_messages.append(m) logged_messages = [] # test default loss weight and merged feed dict with TrainLoop([], max_epoch=2) as loop: t = BaseTrainer(loop) t._run_step = Mock(return_value=None) t._iter_steps = Mock(wraps=lambda: loop.iter_steps(df)) t.before_epochs.add_hook( functools.partial(log_message, 'before_epoch')) t.before_steps.add_hook( functools.partial(log_message, 'before_step')) t.after_steps.add_hook( functools.partial(log_message, 'after_step')) t.after_epochs.add_hook( functools.partial(log_message, 'after_epoch')) self.assertEqual(4, len(t._run_step.call_args_list)) for i, call_args in enumerate(t._run_step.call_args_list[:-2]): call_session, call_payload = call_args[0] self.assertIs(session, call_session) self.assertEqual(i + 1, call_payload[0]) self.assertIsInstance(call_payload[1], tuple) self.assertEqual(1, len(call_payload[1])) np.testing.assert_equal( np.arange(6, dtype=np.float32)[i * 4: (i + 1) * 4], call_payload[1][0] ) self.assertEqual( ['before_epoch', 'before_step', 'after_step', 'before_step', 'after_step', 'after_epoch'] * 2, logged_messages ) # test re-entrant error with TrainLoop([], max_epoch=1) as loop: t = BaseTrainer(loop) t._run_step = Mock(return_value=None) t._iter_steps = Mock(wraps=lambda: loop.iter_steps(df)) def reentrant_error(): with pytest.raises( RuntimeError, match=r'`run\(\)` is not re-entrant'): reentrant_error = Mock(wraps=reentrant_error) t.after_steps.add_hook(reentrant_error) self.assertTrue(reentrant_error.called)
def test_run(self): with self.test_session() as session: df = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(6, dtype=np.float32)], batch_size=4) ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None]) ph2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[]) ph3 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[]) # test default loss weight and merged feed dict with TrainLoop([], max_epoch=1) as loop: v = Evaluator(loop, tf.reduce_mean(ph), [ph], df, feed_dict={ph2: 34}) v._run_batch = Mock(wraps=v._run_batch) for epoch in loop.iter_epochs():{ph3: 56}) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( 2.5, loop._epoch_metrics._metrics['valid_loss'].mean) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( 2.5, v.last_metrics_dict['valid_loss']) self.assertIn('eval_time', loop._epoch_metrics._metrics) self.assertEqual(2, len(v._run_batch.call_args_list)) for i, call_args in enumerate(v._run_batch.call_args_list): call_session, call_feed_dict = call_args[0] self.assertIs(session, call_session) np.testing.assert_equal( np.arange(6, dtype=np.float32)[i * 4:(i + 1) * 4], call_feed_dict[ph]) self.assertEqual(34, call_feed_dict[ph2]) self.assertEqual(56, call_feed_dict[ph3]) # test None loss weight and None time metric and override feed dict with TrainLoop([], max_epoch=1) as loop: v = Evaluator(loop, {'valid_loss_x': tf.reduce_mean(ph)}, [ph], df, feed_dict={ph2: 34}, batch_weight_func=None, time_metric_name=None) v._run_batch = Mock(wraps=v._run_batch) for epoch in loop.iter_epochs():{ph2: 56}) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( 3.0, loop._epoch_metrics._metrics['valid_loss_x'].mean) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( 3.0, v.last_metrics_dict['valid_loss_x']) self.assertNotIn('eval_time', loop._epoch_metrics._metrics) for i, call_args in enumerate(v._run_batch.call_args_list): call_session, call_feed_dict = call_args[0] self.assertEqual(56, call_feed_dict[ph2]) self.assertNotIn(ph3, call_feed_dict)
def test_errors(self): # test type error source = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(5), np.arange(5, 10)], batch_size=4) df = x, y: x + y) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='The output of the mapper is expected to ' 'be a tuple or a list, but got a'): _ = list(df) # test len(outputs) != len(inputs) source = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(5), np.arange(5, 10)], batch_size=4) df = x, y: [x + y], [0, 1]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='The number of output arrays of the mapper ' 'is required to match the inputs, since ' '`array_indices` is specified: outputs 1 != ' 'inputs 2'): _ = list(df)
def test_arrays(self): arrays = [np.arange(5), np.arange(10).reshape([5, 2])] df = DataFlow.arrays(arrays, 4, shuffle=False, skip_incomplete=False) self.assertIsInstance(df, ArrayFlow) for i, arr in enumerate(arrays): self.assertIs(arr, df.the_arrays[i]) self.assertEqual(2, df.array_count) self.assertEqual(5, df.data_length) self.assertEqual(((), (2, )), df.data_shapes) self.assertFalse(df.is_shuffled) self.assertFalse(df.skip_incomplete)
def test_map_to_tuple(self): source = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(5), np.arange(5, 10)], batch_size=4) df = x, y: (x + y, )) self.assertIs(df.source, source) b = list(df) self.assertEqual(2, len(b)) self.assertEqual(1, len(b[0])) np.testing.assert_array_equal([5, 7, 9, 11], b[0][0]) np.testing.assert_array_equal([13], b[1][0])
def test_get_arrays(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='empty, cannot convert to arrays'): _ = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(0)], batch_size=5).get_arrays() # test one batch df = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(5), np.arange(5, 10)], batch_size=6) arrays = df.get_arrays() np.testing.assert_equal(np.arange(5), arrays[0]) np.testing.assert_equal(np.arange(5, 10), arrays[1]) # test two batches df = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(10), np.arange(10, 20)], batch_size=6) arrays = df.get_arrays() np.testing.assert_equal(np.arange(10), arrays[0]) np.testing.assert_equal(np.arange(10, 20), arrays[1]) # test to_arrays_flow df2 = df.to_arrays_flow(batch_size=6) self.assertIsInstance(df2, ArrayFlow)
def test_implicit_iterator(self): df = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(3)], batch_size=2) self.assertIsNone(df.current_batch) np.testing.assert_equal([[0, 1]], df.next_batch()) np.testing.assert_equal([[0, 1]], df.current_batch) np.testing.assert_equal([[2]], df.next_batch()) np.testing.assert_equal([[2]], df.current_batch) with pytest.raises(StopIteration): _ = df.next_batch() self.assertIsNone(df.current_batch) np.testing.assert_equal([[0, 1]], df.next_batch()) np.testing.assert_equal([[0, 1]], df.current_batch)
def test_run(self): ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [5]) var = tf.get_variable('var', shape=[5], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) train_op = tf.assign(var, ph) df = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(10, 15, dtype=np.int32)], batch_size=5) with self.test_session() as session, \ TrainLoop([var], max_epoch=1, early_stopping=False) as loop: loop.collect_metrics = Mock(wraps=loop.collect_metrics) t = LossTrainer(loop, tf.reduce_sum(ph), train_op, [ph], df, metric_name='loss_x') ensure_variables_initialized() self.assertEqual( {'loss_x': 60}, loop.collect_metrics.call_args_list[0][0][0]) np.testing.assert_equal([10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
def test_seq(self): df = DataFlow.seq(1, 9, 2, batch_size=3, shuffle=False, skip_incomplete=False, dtype=np.int64) self.assertIsInstance(df, SeqFlow) self.assertEqual(1, df.array_count) self.assertEqual(4, df.data_length) self.assertEqual(((), ), df.data_shapes) self.assertEqual(3, df.batch_size) self.assertFalse(df.is_shuffled) self.assertFalse(df.skip_incomplete) self.assertEqual(1, df.start) self.assertEqual(9, df.stop) self.assertEqual(2, df.step)
def test_run(self): ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [5]) var = tf.get_variable('var', shape=[5], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) summary = tf.summary.histogram(, var) train_op = tf.assign(var, ph) df = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(10, 15, dtype=np.int32)], batch_size=5) with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: with self.test_session() as session, \ TrainLoop([var], max_epoch=1, early_stopping=False, summary_dir=tmpdir) as loop: loop.collect_metrics = Mock(wraps=loop.collect_metrics) loop.add_summary = Mock(wraps=loop.add_summary) t = Trainer(loop, train_op, [ph], df, metrics={'loss_x': tf.reduce_sum(ph)}, summaries=[summary]) ensure_variables_initialized() self.assertEqual( {'loss_x': 60}, loop.collect_metrics.call_args_list[0][0][0] ) self.assertTrue(loop.add_summary.called) np.testing.assert_equal([10, 11, 12, 13, 14], # test to specify summaries, but without loop.summary_dir, so no # summary should run with self.test_session() as session, \ TrainLoop([var], max_epoch=1, early_stopping=False) as loop: loop.collect_metrics = Mock(wraps=loop.collect_metrics) loop.add_summary = Mock(wraps=loop.add_summary) t = Trainer(loop, train_op, [ph], df, metrics={'loss_x': tf.reduce_sum(ph)}, summaries=[summary]) ensure_variables_initialized() self.assertEqual( {'loss_x': 60}, loop.collect_metrics.call_args_list[0][0][0] ) self.assertFalse(loop.add_summary.called)
def test_errors(self): with pytest.raises( ValueError, match='`prefetch_num` must be at least 1'): _ = ThreadingFlow(DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(10)], batch_size=2), prefetch=0)
def iter_steps(self, data_generator=None): """ Iterate through the steps. This method can only be called when there's no other step loop is being iterated, and an epoch loop is active. Args: data_generator: Optional iterable data to be yielded at every step. This is required if `max_step` is not configured, so as to prevent an infinite step loop. Yields: int or (int, any): The global step counter (starting from 1), or the tuple of ``(step counter, batch data)`` if `data_generator` is specified. """ def loop_condition(): return self._max_step is None or self.step < self._max_step self._require_entered() if not self._within_epoch: raise RuntimeError('Step loop must be opened within active epoch ' 'loop') if self._within_step: raise RuntimeError('Another step loop has been opened') if self._max_step is None and data_generator is None: raise RuntimeError('`data_generator` is required when `max_step` ' 'is not configured, so as to prevent an ' 'unstoppable step loop') try: if data_generator is not None: if isinstance(data_generator, DataFlow): data_flow = data_generator else: def iter_factory(): if data_gen[0] is not None: for batch in data_gen[0]: yield batch data_gen[0] = None # force to use data_generator once data_gen = [data_generator] data_flow = DataFlow.iterator_factory(iter_factory) self._data_flow = data_flow while loop_condition(): # prepare for the step data if self._data_flow is None: yield_obj = self.step + 1 step_data = None else: try: step_data = self._data_flow.next_batch() except StopIteration: break yield_obj = self.step + 1, step_data # yield this step self._states.step += 1 self._within_step = True self._step_data = step_data self._step_start_time = time.time(), self) try: yield yield_obj except StopIteration: # pragma: no cover # might be caused by call to ``data_flow.next_batch()`` break, self) self._commit_step_stop_time() finally: self._within_step = False self._step_start_time = None self._data_flow = None self._step_data = None
def test_run(self): with self.test_session() as session: df = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(6, dtype=np.float32)], batch_size=4) def log_event(m, trainer): logged_events.append((m, trainer)) logged_events = [] # test default loss weight and merged feed dict with TrainLoop([], max_epoch=2) as loop: t = BaseTrainer(loop) t._run_step = Mock(return_value=None) t._iter_steps = Mock(wraps=lambda: loop.iter_steps(df)) for key in [ EventKeys.BEFORE_EPOCH, EventKeys.BEFORE_STEP, EventKeys.STEP_ANNEALING, EventKeys.STEP_EVALUATION, EventKeys.STEP_LOGGING, EventKeys.AFTER_STEP, EventKeys.EPOCH_ANNEALING, EventKeys.EPOCH_EVALUATION, EventKeys.EPOCH_LOGGING, EventKeys.AFTER_EPOCH ]:, functools.partial(log_event, key)) self.assertEqual(4, len(t._run_step.call_args_list)) for i, call_args in enumerate(t._run_step.call_args_list[:-2]): call_session, call_payload = call_args[0] self.assertIs(session, call_session) self.assertEqual(i + 1, call_payload[0]) self.assertIsInstance(call_payload[1], tuple) self.assertEqual(1, len(call_payload[1])) np.testing.assert_equal( np.arange(6, dtype=np.float32)[i * 4:(i + 1) * 4], call_payload[1][0]) expected_logged_events = sum([[ (EventKeys.BEFORE_EPOCH, t), ] + sum([[ (EventKeys.BEFORE_STEP, t), (EventKeys.STEP_EVALUATION, t), (EventKeys.STEP_ANNEALING, t), (EventKeys.STEP_LOGGING, t), (EventKeys.AFTER_STEP, t), ] for step in [0, 1]], []) + [(EventKeys.EPOCH_EVALUATION, t), (EventKeys.EPOCH_ANNEALING, t), (EventKeys.EPOCH_LOGGING, t), (EventKeys.AFTER_EPOCH, t)] for epoch in [0, 1]], []) self.assertListEqual(logged_events, expected_logged_events) # test re-entrant error with TrainLoop([], max_epoch=1) as loop: t = BaseTrainer(loop) t._run_step = Mock(return_value=None) t._iter_steps = Mock(wraps=lambda: loop.iter_steps(df)) def reentrant_error(trainer): self.assertIs(trainer, t) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r'`run\(\)` is not re-entrant'): reentrant_error = Mock(wraps=reentrant_error), reentrant_error) self.assertTrue(reentrant_error.called)
def test_iterator(self): epoch_counter = [0] external_counter = [1] seq_flow = DataFlow.seq(0, 10, batch_size=2) map_flow = lambda x: (x + epoch_counter[0] * 10 + external_counter[0] * 100,)) def make_iterator(): epoch_counter[0] += 1 return map_flow it_flow = DataFlow.iterator_factory(make_iterator) with it_flow.threaded(prefetch=2) as flow: # the first epoch, expect 0 .. 10 np.testing.assert_array_equal( [[110, 111], [112, 113], [114, 115], [116, 117], [118, 119]], [a[0] for a in flow] ) time.sleep(.1) external_counter[0] += 1 # the second epoch, the epoch counter should affect more than # the external counter np.testing.assert_array_equal( # having `prefetch = 2` should affect 3 items, because # while the queue size is 2, there are 1 additional prefetched # item waiting to be enqueued [[120, 121], [122, 123], [124, 125], [226, 227], [228, 229]], [a[0] for a in flow] ) time.sleep(.1) external_counter[0] += 1 # the third epoch, we shall carry out an incomplete epoch by break for a in flow: np.testing.assert_array_equal([230, 231], a[0]) break time.sleep(.1) external_counter[0] += 1 # verify that the epoch counter increases after break for i, (a,) in enumerate(flow): # because the interruption is not well-predictable under # multi-threading context, we shall have a weaker verification # than the above self.assertTrue((340 + i * 2 == a[0]) or (440 + i * 2 == a[0])) self.assertTrue((341 + i * 2 == a[1]) or (441 + i * 2 == a[1])) time.sleep(.1) external_counter[0] += 1 # carry out the fourth, incomplete epoch by error try: for a in flow: np.testing.assert_array_equal([450, 451], a[0]) raise _MyError() except _MyError: pass time.sleep(.1) external_counter[0] += 1 # verify that the epoch counter increases after error for i, (a,) in enumerate(flow): self.assertTrue((560 + i * 2 == a[0]) or (660 + i * 2 == a[0])) self.assertTrue((561 + i * 2 == a[1]) or (661 + i * 2 == a[1]))
def test_errors(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='At least one flow must be specified'): _ = DataFlow.gather([]) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='Not a DataFlow'): _ = DataFlow.gather([1])
def main(): # parse the arguments arg_parser = ArgumentParser() spt.register_config_arguments(config, arg_parser, title='Model options') spt.register_config_arguments(spt.settings, arg_parser, prefix='tfsnippet', title='TFSnippet options') arg_parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # print the config print_with_title('Configurations', pformat(config.to_dict()), after='\n') # open the result object and prepare for result directories model_file = config.result_dir + "/" + os.path.basename(__file__).split(".py")[0] + "_" + \ str(config.noExp) + ".model" dirName = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".py")[0] + "_" + str( config.noExp) results = MLResults(os.path.join(config.result_dir, dirName)) results.save_config(config) # save experiment settings results.make_dirs('train_summary', exist_ok=True) results.make_dirs('result_summary', exist_ok=True) results.make_dirs('mid_summary', exist_ok=True) # os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = config.GPU_number # input placeholders input_x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, ) + config.x_shape, name='input_x') learning_rate = spt.AnnealingVariable('learning_rate', config.initial_lr, config.lr_anneal_factor, min_value=1e-6) multi_gpu = MultiGPU(disable_prebuild=True) # multi_gpu = MultiGPU() # derive the training operation gradses = [] grad_vars = [] train_losses = [] BATCH_SIZE = get_batch_size(input_x) for dev, pre_build, [dev_input_x ] in multi_gpu.data_parallel(BATCH_SIZE, [input_x]): with tf.device(dev), multi_gpu.maybe_name_scope(dev): # derive the loss for initializing with tf.name_scope('initialization'), \ arg_scope([p_net, q_net], is_initializing=True), \ spt.utils.scoped_set_config(spt.settings, auto_histogram=False): init_q_net = q_net(dev_input_x, n_z=config.train_n_samples) init_chain = init_q_net.chain(p_net, latent_axis=0, observed={'x': dev_input_x}) init_loss = tf.reduce_mean( # derive the loss and lower-bound for training with tf.name_scope('training'), \ arg_scope([p_net, q_net], is_training=True): train_q_net = q_net(dev_input_x, n_z=config.train_n_samples) train_chain = train_q_net.chain(p_net, latent_axis=0, observed={'x': dev_input_x}) train_loss = (tf.reduce_mean( + tf.losses.get_regularization_loss()) train_losses.append(train_loss) # derive the logits output for testing with tf.name_scope('testing'): test_q_net = q_net(dev_input_x, n_z=config.test_n_z) test_chain = test_q_net.chain(p_net, latent_axis=0, observed={'x': dev_input_x}) # log_prob of X and each univariate time series of X log_prob = tf.reduce_mean( test_chain.model['x'].distribution.log_prob(dev_input_x), 0) log_prob_per_element = tf.reduce_sum(log_prob) log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS = tf.reduce_sum( log_prob, [0, 1, 3]) log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_All = tf.reduce_sum( log_prob, [1, 3]) # derive the optimizer with tf.name_scope('optimizing'): params = tf.trainable_variables() optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate) grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(train_loss, params) for grad, var in grads: if grad is not None and var is not None: if config.grad_clip_norm: grad = tf.clip_by_norm(grad, config.grad_clip_norm) if config.check_numerics: grad = tf.check_numerics( grad, 'gradient for {} has numeric issue'.format( grad_vars.append((grad, var)) gradses.append(grad_vars) # merge multi-gpu outputs and operations [train_loss] = multi_gpu.average([train_losses], BATCH_SIZE) train_op = multi_gpu.apply_grads(grads=multi_gpu.average_grads(gradses), optimizer=optimizer, control_inputs=tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)) # sort the contribution of each univariate_TS of input SORT_UNIVARIATE_TS_INPUT = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, None), name='SORT_UNIVARIATE_TS_INPUT') SORT_UNIVARIATE_TS = tf.nn.top_k(SORT_UNIVARIATE_TS_INPUT, k=config.metricNumber).indices + 1 # load the training and testing data print("=" * 10 + "Shape of Input data" + "=" * 10) x, time_indexs, x_test, time_indexs2 = load_matrix_allData( config.dataReadformat, config.datapathForTrain, config.datapathForTest, config.timeLength, config.metricNumber, "TrainFileNameList.txt", "TestFileNameList.txt", results, config.norm) x_test = x_test.reshape([-1, config.timeLength, config.metricNumber, 1]) print("Test:", x_test.shape) if config.batchTest: test_flow = DataFlow.arrays( [x_test], config.test_batch_size) # DataFlow is iterator del x_test x_train, x_val = split_numpy_array(x, portion=config.VALID_PORTION) x_train = x_train.reshape([-1, config.timeLength, config.metricNumber, 1]) x_val = x_val.reshape([-1, config.timeLength, config.metricNumber, 1]) train_flow = DataFlow.arrays([x_train], config.batch_size, shuffle=False, skip_incomplete=True) val_flow = DataFlow.arrays([x_val], config.test_batch_size) print("Note:", config.x_dim, ", x_dim = size of datapoint = timeLength * metricNumber") print("Input data shape:", x.shape, "Train data shape:", x_train.shape, "Validation data shape:", x_val.shape) del x_train, x_val, x # training part with spt.utils.create_session().as_default() as session: spt.utils.ensure_variables_initialized() saver = CheckpointSaver(tf.trainable_variables(), model_file) if os.path.exists(model_file): # load the parameters of trained model saver.restore_latest() else: # initialize the network while True: breakFlag = 0 for [x] in train_flow: INITLOSS =, feed_dict={input_x: x}) print('Network initialized, first-batch loss is {:.6g}.'. format(INITLOSS)) if np.isnan(INITLOSS) or np.isinf( INITLOSS) or INITLOSS > 10**5: pass else: breakFlag = 1 break if breakFlag: break # train the network with train_flow.threaded(10) as train_flow: with spt.TrainLoop( params, var_groups=['q_net', 'p_net'], max_epoch=config.max_epoch, max_step=config.max_step, summary_dir=(results.system_path('train_summary') if config.write_summary else None), summary_graph=tf.get_default_graph(), early_stopping=True) as loop: trainer = spt.Trainer(loop, train_op, [input_x], train_flow, metrics={'loss': train_loss}, summaries=tf.summary.merge_all( spt.GraphKeys.AUTO_HISTOGRAM)) # anneal the learning rate trainer.anneal_after(learning_rate, epochs=config.lr_anneal_epoch_freq, steps=config.lr_anneal_step_freq) validator = spt.Validator( loop, train_loss, [input_x], val_flow, ) trainer.evaluate_after_epochs(validator, freq=10) trainer.log_after_epochs(freq=1) # save the training infomation firWrite = True num = 0 time0 = time.time() for [x_train] in train_flow: if config.savetrainDS: # log prob of each metric of each instance log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_item_Train = (, feed_dict={input_x: x_train})) log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_Train = log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_item_Train log_prob_per_element_list_Train = np.sum(np.array( log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_item_Train), axis=1).tolist() if firWrite: save_file( results.system_path("train_summary"), "OutlierScores_metric.txt", log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_Train) save_file(results.system_path("train_summary"), "OutlierScores.txt", log_prob_per_element_list_Train) else: save_file( results.system_path("train_summary"), "OutlierScores_metric.txt", log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_Train, "\n", "a") save_file(results.system_path("train_summary"), "OutlierScores.txt", log_prob_per_element_list_Train, "\n", "a") firWrite = False num += 1 if num % 1000 == 0: print( "-----Train %s >>>>>:Sum time of batch instances:%s" % (num, float(time.time() - time0) / float(num))) del train_flow, val_flow # online test time2 = time.time() log_prob_per_element_list, log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list = [], [] if config.batchTest: num = 0 for [x_test] in test_flow: if config.savetestDS: # log prob of each metric of each instance log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_item = (, feed_dict={input_x: x_test})) log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list += log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_item.tolist( ) log_prob_per_element_list += np.sum( np.array(log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_item), axis=1).tolist() num += 1 if num % 200 == 0: print("-----Test %s >>>>>:Sum time of batch instances:%s" % (num, float(time.time() - time2) / float(num))) else: num = 1 for batch_x in x_test: if config.savetestTS: log_prob_per_element_list_item = ( log_prob_per_element, feed_dict={input_x: [batch_x]})) log_prob_per_element_list.append( log_prob_per_element_list_item) if config.savetestDS: log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_item = (, feed_dict={input_x: [batch_x]})) log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list.append( log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_item) log_prob_per_element_list.append( sum(log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list_item)) if num % 200 == 0: print( "-----Test>>>>>:%d, average time of each instance:%s" % (num, float(time.time() - time2) / float(num))) num += 1 # get the lable file name and its line cnt number allLabelFileNameLineCntList = get_machineID(results, config.labelpath) print("No of OutlierScores for all dataPoint:(%s):" % len(log_prob_per_element_list)) if config.savetestDS: save_file( results.system_path("result_summary"), "OutlierScores_metric.txt", cat_List(allLabelFileNameLineCntList, log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list)) save_file( results.system_path("result_summary"), "OutlierScores.txt", cat_List(allLabelFileNameLineCntList, log_prob_per_element_list)) if config.evaluation: # Prepraration for the hitory two-metric results twoMetricScore = read_file(results.system_path("train_summary"), "OutlierScores_metric.txt") ave_twoMetricScore = np.mean(np.array(twoMetricScore), axis=0).tolist() save_file(results.system_path("result_summary"), "PRF.txt", ["Average score of each univariate time series", "\n"], ",") save_file(results.system_path("result_summary"), "PRF.txt", ave_twoMetricScore + ["\n"], ",", "a") save_file(results.system_path("result_summary"), "PRF.txt", [ "Threshold", "F", "Precision", "Recall", "TP", "FP", "FN", "\n" ], ",", "a") # get the sorted item each metric by change score twoMetricScoreList = cal_scoreChanges( log_prob_per_element_list, ave_twoMetricScore, log_prob_per_element_univariate_TS_list) MetricResult = SORT_UNIVARIATE_TS, feed_dict={SORT_UNIVARIATE_TS_INPUT: twoMetricScoreList}) save_file(results.system_path("result_summary"), "MetricResult.txt", cat_List(allLabelFileNameLineCntList, MetricResult)) # POT evalution POT_TH = pot_eval( read_file(results.system_path("train_summary"), "OutlierScores.txt", "float"), config.q, config.level) resultArray, outlierLabelfileNameLineCntList = cal_binaryResult( log_prob_per_element_list, POT_TH, time_indexs2, config.saveMetricInfo, allLabelFileNameLineCntList) evaluate(results, config.labelpath, resultArray, time_indexs2, POT_TH) # print the final metrics and close the results object print_with_title('Results', results.format_metrics(), before='\n') results.close() interpretation_hit_ratio(truth_filepath=config.interpret_filepath, prediction_filepath=os.path.join( config.result_dir, dirName, "result_summary", "MetricResult.txt"))
def test_counters(self): # test loop with configured `max_epoch` with TrainLoop([], max_epoch=2) as loop: epoch_counter = 0 step_counter = 0 for epoch in loop.iter_epochs(): epoch_counter += 1 self.assertEqual(epoch, epoch_counter) x_ans = 0 for step, [x] in \ loop.iter_steps(DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(4)], 1)): self.assertEqual(step, loop.step) self.assertEqual(epoch, loop.epoch) self.assertEqual(x, x_ans) x_ans += 1 step_counter += 1 self.assertEqual(step, step_counter) self.assertEqual(step_counter, loop.step) self.assertEqual(epoch, loop.epoch) self.assertEqual(epoch_counter, 2) self.assertEqual(step_counter, 8) # test loop with configured `max_step` with TrainLoop([], max_step=10) as loop: epoch_counter = 0 step_counter = 0 for epoch in loop.iter_epochs(): epoch_counter += 1 self.assertEqual(epoch, epoch_counter) for step in loop.iter_steps(): step_counter += 1 self.assertEqual(step, step_counter) self.assertEqual(epoch_counter, 1) self.assertEqual(step_counter, 10) # test loop with configured `max_step` with payload with TrainLoop([], max_step=10) as loop: epoch_counter = 0 step_counter = 0 for epoch in loop.iter_epochs(): epoch_counter += 1 self.assertEqual(epoch, epoch_counter) x_ans = 0 for step, x in loop.iter_steps(np.arange(4)): self.assertEqual(x, x_ans) x_ans += 1 step_counter += 1 self.assertEqual(step, step_counter) self.assertEqual(epoch_counter, 3) self.assertEqual(step_counter, 10) # test loop with configured `max_step` and `max_epoch`, # while `max_epoch` finishes first with TrainLoop([], max_step=10, max_epoch=2) as loop: epoch_counter = 0 step_counter = 0 for epoch in loop.iter_epochs(): epoch_counter += 1 self.assertEqual(epoch, epoch_counter) for step, _ in loop.iter_steps(np.arange(4)): step_counter += 1 self.assertEqual(step, step_counter) self.assertEqual(epoch_counter, 2) self.assertEqual(step_counter, 8) # test loop with configured `max_step` and `max_epoch`, # while `max_step` finishes first with TrainLoop([], max_step=10, max_epoch=3) as loop: epoch_counter = 0 step_counter = 0 for epoch in loop.iter_epochs(): epoch_counter += 1 self.assertEqual(epoch, epoch_counter) for step, _ in loop.iter_steps(np.arange(4)): step_counter += 1 self.assertEqual(step, step_counter) self.assertEqual(epoch_counter, 3) self.assertEqual(step_counter, 10)
def test_threaded(self): flow = DataFlow.arrays([np.arange(10)], batch_size=2). \ threaded(prefetch=3) self.assertIsInstance(flow, ThreadingFlow) self.assertEqual(3, flow.prefetch_num)