Exemple #1
def compare_speed():
    # To run this speed comparison
    # cd <directory of this file>
    # THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu \
    #   python -c 'import test_rng_curand; test_rng_curand.compare_speed()'

    mrg = MRG_RandomStreams()
    crn = CURAND_RandomStreams(234)

    N = 1000 * 100

    dest = theano.shared(numpy.zeros(N, dtype=theano.config.floatX))

    mrg_u = theano.function([], [], updates={dest: mrg.uniform((N,))},
            profile='mrg uniform')
    crn_u = theano.function([], [], updates={dest: crn.uniform((N,))},
            profile='crn uniform')
    mrg_n = theano.function([], [], updates={dest: mrg.normal((N,))},
            profile='mrg normal')
    crn_n = theano.function([], [], updates={dest: crn.normal((N,))},
            profile='crn normal')

    for f in mrg_u, crn_u, mrg_n, crn_n:
        # don't time the first call, it has some startup cost

    for i in range(100):
        for f in mrg_u, crn_u, mrg_n, crn_n:
            # don't time the first call, it has some startup cost
            f.fn.time_thunks = (i > 0)
def compare_speed():
    # To run this speed comparison
    # cd <directory of this file>
    # THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu \
    #   python -c 'import test_rng_curand; test_rng_curand.compare_speed()'

    mrg = MRG_RandomStreams()
    crn = CURAND_RandomStreams(234)

    N = 1000 * 100

    dest = theano.shared(numpy.zeros(N, dtype=theano.config.floatX))

    mrg_u = theano.function([], [], updates={dest: mrg.uniform((N,))},
            profile='mrg uniform')
    crn_u = theano.function([], [], updates={dest: crn.uniform((N,))},
            profile='crn uniform')
    mrg_n = theano.function([], [], updates={dest: mrg.normal((N,))},
            profile='mrg normal')
    crn_n = theano.function([], [], updates={dest: crn.normal((N,))},
            profile='crn normal')

    for f in mrg_u, crn_u, mrg_n, crn_n:
        # don't time the first call, it has some startup cost

    for i in range(100):
        for f in mrg_u, crn_u, mrg_n, crn_n:
            # don't time the first call, it has some startup cost
            f.fn.time_thunks = (i > 0)
    def __init__(self,
        if W is None:
            W = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(
                low=-numpy.sqrt(6. / (shape[0] + shape[1])),
                high=numpy.sqrt(6. / (shape[0] + shape[1])),
                size=(shape[0], shape[1])),

        self.W = theano.shared(value=W, name='Hashtag_emb', borrow=True)
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.n_ht = W.shape[0]
        self.m = m
        self.n_samples = n_samples
        self.csrng = CURAND_RandomStreams(123)
        mask = self.csrng.uniform(size=(self.n_samples, 1),
        self.rfun = theano.function([], mask.argsort(axis=0))

        self.alpha = T.constant(
            1.0 / numpy.arange(start=1, stop=self.n_ht + 1, step=1))

        self.weights = [self.W]
        self.biases = []
def check_uniform_basic(shape_as_symbolic, dim_as_symbolic=False):
    check_uniform_basic(shape_as_symbolic, dim_as_symbolic=False)

    Runs a basic sanity check on the `uniform` method of a
    `CURAND_RandomStreams` object.

    Checks that variates

     * are in the range [0, 1]
     * have a mean in the right neighbourhood (near 0.5)
     * are of the specified shape
     * successive calls produce different arrays of variates

    shape_as_symbolic : boolean
        If `True`, est the case that the shape tuple is a symbolic
        variable rather than known at compile-time.

    dim_as_symbolic : boolean
        If `True`, test the case that an element of the shape
        tuple is a Theano symbolic. Irrelevant if `shape_as_symbolic`
        is `True`.
    rng = CURAND_RandomStreams(234)
    if shape_as_symbolic:
        # instantiate a TensorConstant with the value (10, 10)
        shape = constant((10, 10))
        # Only one dimension is symbolic, with the others known
        if dim_as_symbolic:
            shape = (10, constant(10))
            shape = (10, 10)
    u0 = rng.uniform(shape)
    u1 = rng.uniform(shape)

    f0 = theano.function([], u0, mode=mode_with_gpu)
    f1 = theano.function([], u1, mode=mode_with_gpu)

    v0list = [f0() for i in range(3)]
    v1list = [f1() for i in range(3)]

    # print v0list
    # print v1list
    # assert that elements are different in a few ways
    assert numpy.all(v0list[0] != v0list[1])
    assert numpy.all(v1list[0] != v1list[1])
    assert numpy.all(v0list[0] != v1list[0])

    for v in v0list:
        assert v.shape == (10, 10)
        assert v.min() >= 0
        assert v.max() <= 1
        assert v.min() < v.max()
        assert .25 <= v.mean() <= .75
Exemple #5
def check_uniform_basic(shape_as_symbolic, dim_as_symbolic=False):
    check_uniform_basic(shape_as_symbolic, dim_as_symbolic=False)

    Runs a basic sanity check on the `uniform` method of a
    `CURAND_RandomStreams` object.

    Checks that variates

     * are in the range [0, 1]
     * have a mean in the right neighbourhood (near 0.5)
     * are of the specified shape
     * successive calls produce different arrays of variates

    shape_as_symbolic : boolean
        If `True`, est the case that the shape tuple is a symbolic
        variable rather than known at compile-time.

    dim_as_symbolic : boolean
        If `True`, test the case that an element of the shape
        tuple is a Theano symbolic. Irrelevant if `shape_as_symbolic`
        is `True`.
    rng = CURAND_RandomStreams(234)
    if shape_as_symbolic:
        # instantiate a TensorConstant with the value (10, 10)
        shape = constant((10, 10))
        # Only one dimension is symbolic, with the others known
        if dim_as_symbolic:
            shape = (10, constant(10))
            shape = (10, 10)
    u0 = rng.uniform(shape)
    u1 = rng.uniform(shape)

    f0 = theano.function([], u0, mode=mode_with_gpu)
    f1 = theano.function([], u1, mode=mode_with_gpu)

    v0list = [f0() for i in range(3)]
    v1list = [f1() for i in range(3)]

    #print v0list
    #print v1list
    # assert that elements are different in a few ways
    assert numpy.all(v0list[0] != v0list[1])
    assert numpy.all(v1list[0] != v1list[1])
    assert numpy.all(v0list[0] != v1list[0])

    for v in v0list:
        assert v.shape == (10, 10)
        assert v.min() >= 0
        assert v.max() <= 1
        assert v.min() < v.max()
        assert .25 <= v.mean() <= .75
Exemple #6
    def sampler(self, mu, log_sigma):
        if "gpu" in theano.config.device:
            from theano.sandbox.cuda.rng_curand import CURAND_RandomStreams
            srng = CURAND_RandomStreams(seed=seed)
            # srng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(seed=seed)
            srng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(seed=seed)

        eps = srng.normal(mu.shape)

        # Reparametrize
        z = mu + (T.exp(0.5 * log_sigma) - 1) * eps * 5e-1

        return z
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self,
     assert ((filt_shape[0] % 2) > 0), "filter dim should be odd (not even)"
     self.filt_dim = filt_shape[0]
     self.in_chans = in_chans
     self.out_chans = out_chans
     self.rand_chans = rand_chans
     self.use_rand = use_rand
     self.apply_bn_1 = apply_bn_1
     self.apply_bn_2 = apply_bn_2
     self.us_stride = us_stride
     self.use_pooling = use_pooling
     self.mod_name = mod_name
     self.rand_type = rand_type
     self.rng = RandStream(123)
     if init_func is None:
         self.init_func = inits.Normal(scale=0.02)
         self.init_func = init_func
     self._init_params()  # initialize parameters
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self,
     self.rand_dim = rand_dim
     self.out_dim = out_dim
     self.fc_dim = fc_dim
     self.apply_bn_1 = apply_bn_1
     self.apply_bn_2 = apply_bn_2
     self.mod_name = mod_name
     self.rand_type = rand_type
     self.final_relu = final_relu
     self.rng = RandStream(123)
     if init_func is None:
         self.init_func = inits.Normal(scale=0.02)
         self.init_func = init_func
     self._init_params()  # initialize parameters
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, rng, input, in_dim, W=None, b=None, W_scale=1.0):
        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))

        self.input = input
        self.in_dim = in_dim

        # Get some random initial weights and biases, if not given
        if W is None:
            # Generate random initial filters in a typical way
            W_init = 1.0 * np.asarray(rng.normal( \
                      size=(self.in_dim, 1)), \
            W = theano.shared(value=(W_scale*W_init))
        if b is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((1,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b = theano.shared(value=b_init)

        # Set layer weights and biases
        self.W = W
        self.b = b

        # Compute linear "pre-activation" for this layer
        self.linear_output = 20.0 * T.tanh((T.dot(self.input, self.W) + self.b) / 20.0)

        # Apply activation function
        self.output = self.linear_output

        # Compute squared sum of outputs, for regularization
        self.act_l2_sum = T.sum(self.output**2.0) / self.output.shape[0]

        # Conveniently package layer parameters
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        # little layer construction complete...
class Training(Layer):
    def __init__(self,rng, W=None,m=1.0, n_samples=50,shape=None,batch_size=1000):
        if W is None:
            W = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(
                low=-numpy.sqrt(6. / (shape[0] + shape[1])),
                high=numpy.sqrt(6. / (shape[0] + shape[1])),
                size=(shape[0], shape[1])), dtype=theano.config.floatX)

        self.W = theano.shared(value=W, name='Hashtag_emb', borrow=True)
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.n_ht = W.shape[0]
        self.m = m
        self.n_samples = n_samples
        self.csrng = CURAND_RandomStreams(123)
        mask = self.csrng.uniform(size=(self.n_samples,1),low=0.0,high=1.0,dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        self.rfun = theano.function([],mask.argsort(axis=0))

        self.alpha = T.constant(1.0/numpy.arange(start=1,stop=self.n_ht + 1,step=1))

        self.weights = [self.W]
        self.biases = []

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}: W_shape: {}, m={}, n_samples={}, n_ht={}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.W.shape.eval(),self.m,self.n_samples,self.n_ht)

    def output_func(self, input):
        self.f = T.tensordot(input.dimshuffle(0,'x',1),self.W.dimshuffle('x',0,1),axes=[[1,2],[0,2]]) # cosine sim
        self.y_pred = T.argmax(self.f,axis=0)
        return self.y_pred

    def get_tag_neg(self,f,f_y):
            cand = f[(f > f_y - self.m).nonzero()]
            rnk =cand.shape[0] - 1# due to i != y
            if rnk == 0:
                return 0
            l = T.sum(self.alpha[T.arange(rnk)])
            return l/rnk

    def _warp_loss_cost(self, y,i):
        f_y = self.f[T.arange(y.shape[0]), y]
        s = self.m - f_y + self.f[T.arange(i.shape[0]),i]
        return T.maximum(0.0,s)

    def warp_loss_cost(self, y, idx):
        f_y = self.f[T.arange(y.shape[0]), y]
        f_yy = T.repeat(f_y.dimshuffle(0,'x'),self.f.shape[1],axis=1)

        f_idx = T.maximum(0.0,f_yy - self.f + self.m)
        idx = f_idx.argsort(axis=1)[:,0]

        s = self.m - f_y + self.f[T.arange(idx.shape[0]),idx]
        return T.maximum(0.0,s)

    def training_cost(self, y,i):
        return T.mean(self.warp_loss_cost(y,i))
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, rng, in_dim, out_dim, \
                 W_mean=None, b_mean=None, \
                 W_logvar=None, b_logvar=None, \
                 name="", W_scale=1.0):
        # setup a shared random generator for this network 
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))

        # set some basic layer properties
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim

        # initialize weights and biases for mean estimate
        if W_mean is None:
            # Generate initial filters using orthogonal random trick
            W_shape = (self.in_dim, self.out_dim)
            if W_scale > 0.1:
                W_scale = W_scale * (1.0 / np.sqrt(self.in_dim))
            W_init = W_scale * npr.normal(0.0, 1.0, W_shape)
            W_init = W_init.astype(theano.config.floatX)
            W_mean = theano.shared(value=W_init, \
        if b_mean is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((self.out_dim,), \
            b_mean = theano.shared(value=b_init, \
        # grab handles for easy access
        self.W_mean = W_mean
        self.b_mean = b_mean

        # initialize weights and biases for log-variance estimate
        if W_logvar is None:
            # Generate initial filters using orthogonal random trick
            W_shape = (self.in_dim, self.out_dim)
            W_scale = W_scale * (1.0 / np.sqrt(self.in_dim))
            W_init = W_scale * npr.normal(0.0, 1.0, W_shape)
            #W_init = ortho_matrix(shape=W_shape, gain=W_scale)
            W_init = W_init.astype(theano.config.floatX)
            W_logvar = theano.shared(value=W_init, \
        if b_logvar is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((self.out_dim,), \
            b_logvar = theano.shared(value=b_init, \
        # grab handles for easy access
        self.W_logvar = W_logvar
        self.b_logvar = b_logvar

        # Conveniently package layer parameters
        self.mlp_params = [self.W_mean, self.b_mean, \
                           self.W_logvar, self.b_logvar]
        # Layer construction complete...
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self):
        self.rng = RandomStreams()

        if 'gpu' in theano.config.device:
            self.fast_rng = CURAND_RandomStreams(seed=42)
            self.fast_rng = None

        self.entity_mutate_rate = 0.003
        self.bit_mutate_rate = 0.05
        self.crossover_rate = 0.7
    def __init__(self, rng, clean_input=None, fuzzy_input=None, \
            in_dim=0, out_dim=0, activation=None, input_noise=0., \
            W=None, b_h=None, b_v=None):

        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        #self.rng = theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams( \
        #        rng.randint(100000))
        self.rng = CURAND_RandomStreams(rng.randint(1000000))

        # Grab the layer input and perturb it with some sort of noise. This
        # is, afterall, a _denoising_ autoencoder...
        self.clean_input = clean_input
        self.noisy_input = self._get_noisy_input(fuzzy_input, input_noise)

        # Set some basic layer properties
        self.activation = activation
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim

        # Get some random initial weights and biases, if not given
        if W is None:
            W_init = np.asarray(0.01 * rng.standard_normal( \
                      size=(in_dim, out_dim)), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            W = theano.shared(value=W_init, name='W')
        if b_h is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((out_dim, ), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b_h = theano.shared(value=b_init, name='b_h')
        if b_v is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((in_dim, ), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b_v = theano.shared(value=b_init, name='b_v')

        # Grab pointers to the now-initialized weights and biases
        self.W = W
        self.b_h = b_h
        self.b_v = b_v

        # Put the learnable/optimizable parameters into a list
        self.params = [self.W, self.b_h, self.b_v]
        # Beep boop... layer construction complete...
 def __init__(self, rand_dim, out_dim,
              apply_bn=True, init_func=None,
              rand_type='normal', final_relu=True, 
     self.rand_dim = rand_dim
     self.out_dim = out_dim
     self.apply_bn = apply_bn
     self.mod_name = mod_name
     self.rand_type = rand_type
     self.final_relu = final_relu
     self.rng = RandStream(123)
     if init_func is None:
         self.init_func = inits.Normal(scale=0.02)
         self.init_func = init_func
     self._init_params() # initialize parameters
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, rng, layer_description,
                 W=None, b=None, b_in=None, s_in=None,
                 name="", W_scale=1.0):
        # parse options from layer_description
        assert 'layer_type' in layer_description, \
                "layer_description must provide layer_type"
        assert ((layer_description['layer_type'] == 'fc') or \
                (layer_description['layer_type'] == 'conv')), \
                "layer_type must be fc or conv"

        self.layer_description = layer_description
        self.layer_type = layer_description['layer_type']
        self.in_chans = layer_description['in_chans']
        self.out_chans = layer_description['out_chans']
        self.activation = layer_description['activation']
        self.filt_dim = layer_description.get('filt_dim', None)
        self.conv_stride = layer_description.get('conv_stride', None)
        self.apply_bn = layer_description.get('apply_bn', False)
        self.drop_rate = layer_description.get('drop_rate', 0.0)
        self.shape_func_in = layer_description.get('shape_func_in', None)
        self.shape_func_out = layer_description.get('shape_func_out', None)

        # setup additional params
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))
        self.W_scale = W_scale
        self.name = name

        if self.layer_type == 'fc':
            self.W, self.b, self.b_in, self.s_in = \
                    self._init_fc_params(W=W, b=b, b_in=b_in, s_in=s_in)
            self.W, self.b, self.b_in, self.s_in = \
                    self._init_conv_params(W=W, b=b, b_in=b_in, s_in=s_in)

        # Conveniently package layer parameters
        self.params = [self.W, self.b, self.b_in, self.s_in]
        self.shared_param_dicts = {
                'W': self.W,
                'b': self.b,
                'b_in': self.b_in,
                's_in': self.s_in }
        # Layer construction complete...
Exemple #16
class DiscLayer(object):
    def __init__(self, rng, input, in_dim, W=None, b=None):
        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))

        self.input = input
        self.in_dim = in_dim

        # Get some random initial weights and biases, if not given
        if W is None:
            # Generate random initial filters in a typical way
            W_init = 0.01 * np.asarray(rng.normal( \
                      size=(self.in_dim, 1)), \
            W = theano.shared(value=W_init)
        if b is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((1,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b = theano.shared(value=b_init)

        # Set layer weights and biases
        self.W = W
        self.b = b

        # Compute linear "pre-activation" for this layer
        self.linear_output = 20.0 * T.tanh((T.dot(self.input, self.W) + self.b) / 20.0)

        # Apply activation function
        self.output = self.linear_output

        # Compute squared sum of outputs, for regularization
        self.act_l2_sum = T.sum(self.output**2.0) / self.output.shape[0]

        # Conveniently package layer parameters
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        # little layer construction complete...

    def _noisy_params(self, P, noise_lvl=0.):
        """Noisy weights, like convolving energy surface with a gaussian."""
        P_nz = P + self.rng.normal(size=P.shape, avg=0.0, std=noise_lvl, \
        return P_nz
    def __init__(self,rng, W=None,m=1.0, n_samples=50,shape=None,batch_size=1000):
        if W is None:
            W = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(
                low=-numpy.sqrt(6. / (shape[0] + shape[1])),
                high=numpy.sqrt(6. / (shape[0] + shape[1])),
                size=(shape[0], shape[1])), dtype=theano.config.floatX)

        self.W = theano.shared(value=W, name='Hashtag_emb', borrow=True)
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.n_ht = W.shape[0]
        self.m = m
        self.n_samples = n_samples
        self.csrng = CURAND_RandomStreams(123)
        mask = self.csrng.uniform(size=(self.n_samples,1),low=0.0,high=1.0,dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        self.rfun = theano.function([],mask.argsort(axis=0))

        self.alpha = T.constant(1.0/numpy.arange(start=1,stop=self.n_ht + 1,step=1))

        self.weights = [self.W]
        self.biases = []
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self, rng, clean_input=None, fuzzy_input=None, \
            in_dim=0, out_dim=0, activation=None, input_noise=0., \
            W=None, b_h=None, b_v=None):

        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        #self.rng = theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams( \
        #        rng.randint(100000))
        self.rng = CURAND_RandomStreams(rng.randint(1000000))

        # Grab the layer input and perturb it with some sort of noise. This
        # is, afterall, a _denoising_ autoencoder...
        self.clean_input = clean_input
        self.noisy_input = self._get_noisy_input(fuzzy_input, input_noise)

        # Set some basic layer properties
        self.activation = activation
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim

        # Get some random initial weights and biases, if not given
        if W is None:
            W_init = np.asarray(0.01 * rng.standard_normal( \
                      size=(in_dim, out_dim)), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            W = theano.shared(value=W_init, name='W')
        if b_h is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((out_dim,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b_h = theano.shared(value=b_init, name='b_h')
        if b_v is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((in_dim,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b_v = theano.shared(value=b_init, name='b_v')

        # Grab pointers to the now-initialized weights and biases
        self.W = W
        self.b_h = b_h
        self.b_v = b_v

        # Put the learnable/optimizable parameters into a list
        self.params = [self.W, self.b_h, self.b_v]
        # Beep boop... layer construction complete...
 def __init__(self, filt_shape, in_chans, out_chans, rand_chans,
              use_rand=True, apply_bn_1=True, apply_bn_2=True,
              us_stride=2, use_pooling=True,
              init_func=None, mod_name='gm_conv',
     assert ((filt_shape[0] % 2) > 0), "filter dim should be odd (not even)"
     self.filt_dim = filt_shape[0]
     self.in_chans = in_chans
     self.out_chans = out_chans
     self.rand_chans = rand_chans
     self.use_rand = use_rand
     self.apply_bn_1 = apply_bn_1
     self.apply_bn_2 = apply_bn_2
     self.us_stride = us_stride
     self.use_pooling = use_pooling
     self.mod_name = mod_name
     self.rand_type = rand_type
     self.rng = RandStream(123)
     if init_func is None:
         self.init_func = inits.Normal(scale=0.02)
         self.init_func = init_func
     self._init_params() # initialize parameters
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, \
            rng=None, \
            Xd=None, \
            params=None, \
        # Setup a shared random generator for this network 
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))
        # Grab the symbolic input matrix
        self.Xd = Xd
        # Process user-supplied parameters for this network #
        self.params = params
        if 'build_theano_funcs' in params:
            self.build_theano_funcs = params['build_theano_funcs']
            self.build_theano_funcs = True
        if 'vis_drop' in params:
            self.vis_drop = params['vis_drop']
            self.vis_drop = 0.0
        if 'hid_drop' in params:
            self.hid_drop = params['hid_drop']
            self.hid_drop = 0.0
        if 'input_noise' in params:
            self.input_noise = params['input_noise']
            self.input_noise = 0.0
        if 'bias_noise' in params:
            self.bias_noise = params['bias_noise']
            self.bias_noise = 0.0
        if 'init_scale' in params:
            self.init_scale = params['init_scale']
            self.init_scale = 1.0
        if 'sigma_init_scale' in params:
            self.sigma_init_scale = params['sigma_init_scale']
            self.sigma_init_scale = 1.0
        # Check if the params for this net were given a priori. This option
        # will be used for creating "clones" of an inference network, with all
        # of the network parameters shared between clones.
        if shared_param_dicts is None:
            # This is not a clone, and we will need to make a dict for
            # referring to the parameters of each network layer
            self.shared_param_dicts = {'shared': [], 'mu': [], 'sigma': []}
            self.is_clone = False
            # This is a clone, and its layer parameters can be found by
            # referring to the given param dict (i.e. shared_param_dicts).
            self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
            self.is_clone = True
        # Get the configuration/prototype for this network. The config is a
        # list of layer descriptions, including a description for the input
        # layer, which is typically just the dimension of the inputs. So, the
        # depth of the mlp is one less than the number of layer configs.
        self.shared_config = params['shared_config']
        self.mu_config = params['mu_config']
        self.sigma_config = params['sigma_config']
        if 'activation' in params:
            self.activation = params['activation']
            self.activation = relu_actfun
        # Initialize the shared part of network #
        self.shared_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.shared_config[:-1],self.shared_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Construct input to the inference network
        next_input = self.Xd
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "share_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            if first_layer:
                d_rate = self.vis_drop
                d_rate = self.hid_drop
            if first_layer:
                i_noise = self.input_noise
                b_noise = 0.0
                i_noise = 0.0
                b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['shared'].append( \
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['shared'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
            next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the mu part of network #
        self.mu_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.mu_config[:-1],self.mu_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "mu_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['mu'].append( \
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['mu'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
            next_input = self.mu_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the sigma part of network #
        self.sigma_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.sigma_config[:-1],self.sigma_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "sigma_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if last_layer:
                # set in-bound weights for logvar predictions to 0
                i_scale = 0.0 * i_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'].append( \
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
            next_input = self.sigma_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1

        # Create a shared parameter for rescaling posterior "sigmas" to allow
        # control over the velocity of the markov chain generated by repeated
        # cycling through the INF -> GEN loop.
        if not ('sigma_scale' in self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][-1]):
            # we use a hack-ish check to remain compatible with loading models
            # that were saved before the addition of the sigma_scale param.
            zero_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((1,)))
            self.sigma_scale = theano.shared(value=zero_ary)
            new_dict = {'sigma_scale': self.sigma_scale}
            # this is a clone of some other InfNet, and that InfNet was made
            # after adding the sigma_scale param, so use its sigma_scale
            self.sigma_scale = \

        # Mash all the parameters together, into a list.
        self.mlp_params = []
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
        for layer in self.mu_layers:
        for layer in self.sigma_layers:

        # The output of this inference network is given by the noisy output
        # of the final layers of its mu and sigma networks.
        self.output_mean, self.output_logvar, self.output_samples = \
        self.output = self.output_samples
        self.out_dim = self.sigma_layers[-1].out_dim
        # Construct a theano function for sampling from the approximate
        # posteriors inferred by this model for some collection of points
        # in the "data space".
        if self.build_theano_funcs:
            self.sample_posterior = self._construct_sample_posterior()
            self.mean_posterior = theano.function([self.Xd], \
            self.sample_posterior = None
            self.mean_posterior = None

        self.rica_func = None
        self.W_rica = self.shared_layers[0].W
Exemple #21
    def __init__(self, rng, input, in_dim, out_dim, \
                 activation=None, pool_size=0, \
                 drop_rate=0., input_noise=0., bias_noise=0., \
                 W=None, b=None, \
                 use_bias=True, name=""):

        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        #self.srng = theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams( \
        #        rng.randint(100000))

        self.srng = CURAND_RandomStreams(rng.randint(1000000))

        self.clean_input = input

        # Add gaussian noise to the input (if desired)
        if (input_noise > 1e-4):
            self.fuzzy_input = input + \
                    (input_noise * self.srng.normal(size=input.shape, \
            self.fuzzy_input = input

        # Apply masking noise to the input (if desired)
        if (drop_rate > 1e-4):
            self.noisy_input = self._drop_from_input(self.fuzzy_input, drop_rate)
            self.noisy_input = self.fuzzy_input

        # Set some basic layer properties
        self.pool_size = pool_size
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim
        if self.pool_size <= 1:
            self.filt_count = self.out_dim
            self.filt_count = self.out_dim * self.pool_size
        self.pool_count = self.filt_count / max(self.pool_size, 1)
        if activation:
            self.activation = activation
            if self.pool_size <= 1:
                self.activation = lambda x: relu_actfun(x)
                self.activation = lambda x: \
                        maxout_actfun(x, self.pool_size, self.filt_count)

        # Get some random initial weights and biases, if not given
        if W is None:
            if self.pool_size <= 1:
                # Generate random initial filters in a typical way
                W_init = np.asarray(0.04 * rng.standard_normal( \
                          size=(self.in_dim, self.filt_count)), \
                # Generate groups of random filters to pool over such that
                # intra-group correlations are stronger than inter-group
                # correlations, to encourage pooling over similar filters...
                filters = []
                for g_num in range(self.pool_count):
                    g_filt = 0.01 * rng.standard_normal(size=(self.in_dim,1))
                    for f_num in range(self.pool_size):
                        f_filt = g_filt + (0.005 * rng.standard_normal( \
                W_init = np.hstack(filters).astype(theano.config.floatX)

            W = theano.shared(value=W_init, name="{0:s}_W".format(name))
        if b is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((self.filt_count,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b = theano.shared(value=b_init, name="{0:s}_b".format(name))

        # Set layer weights and biases
        self.W = W
        self.b = b

        # Compute linear "pre-activation" for this layer
        if use_bias:
            self.linear_output = T.dot(self.noisy_input, self.W) + self.b
            self.linear_output = T.dot(self.noisy_input, self.W)

        # Add noise to the pre-activation features (if desired)
        self.noisy_linear = self.linear_output  + \
                (bias_noise * self.srng.normal(size=self.linear_output.shape, \

        # Apply activation function
        self.output = self.activation(self.noisy_linear)

        # Compute some properties of the activations, probably to regularize
        self.act_l2_sum = T.sum(self.output**2.) / self.output.size
        self.row_l1_sum = T.sum(abs(row_normalize(self.output))) / \
        self.col_l1_sum = T.sum(abs(col_normalize(self.output))) / \

        # Conveniently package layer parameters
        if use_bias:
            self.params = [self.W, self.b]
            self.params = [self.W]
        # Layer construction complete...
Exemple #22
class HiddenLayer(object):
    def __init__(self, rng, input, in_dim, out_dim, \
                 activation=None, pool_size=0, \
                 drop_rate=0., input_noise=0., bias_noise=0., \
                 W=None, b=None, \
                 use_bias=True, name=""):

        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        #self.srng = theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams( \
        #        rng.randint(100000))

        self.srng = CURAND_RandomStreams(rng.randint(1000000))

        self.clean_input = input

        # Add gaussian noise to the input (if desired)
        if (input_noise > 1e-4):
            self.fuzzy_input = input + \
                    (input_noise * self.srng.normal(size=input.shape, \
            self.fuzzy_input = input

        # Apply masking noise to the input (if desired)
        if (drop_rate > 1e-4):
            self.noisy_input = self._drop_from_input(self.fuzzy_input, drop_rate)
            self.noisy_input = self.fuzzy_input

        # Set some basic layer properties
        self.pool_size = pool_size
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim
        if self.pool_size <= 1:
            self.filt_count = self.out_dim
            self.filt_count = self.out_dim * self.pool_size
        self.pool_count = self.filt_count / max(self.pool_size, 1)
        if activation:
            self.activation = activation
            if self.pool_size <= 1:
                self.activation = lambda x: relu_actfun(x)
                self.activation = lambda x: \
                        maxout_actfun(x, self.pool_size, self.filt_count)

        # Get some random initial weights and biases, if not given
        if W is None:
            if self.pool_size <= 1:
                # Generate random initial filters in a typical way
                W_init = np.asarray(0.04 * rng.standard_normal( \
                          size=(self.in_dim, self.filt_count)), \
                # Generate groups of random filters to pool over such that
                # intra-group correlations are stronger than inter-group
                # correlations, to encourage pooling over similar filters...
                filters = []
                for g_num in range(self.pool_count):
                    g_filt = 0.01 * rng.standard_normal(size=(self.in_dim,1))
                    for f_num in range(self.pool_size):
                        f_filt = g_filt + (0.005 * rng.standard_normal( \
                W_init = np.hstack(filters).astype(theano.config.floatX)

            W = theano.shared(value=W_init, name="{0:s}_W".format(name))
        if b is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((self.filt_count,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b = theano.shared(value=b_init, name="{0:s}_b".format(name))

        # Set layer weights and biases
        self.W = W
        self.b = b

        # Compute linear "pre-activation" for this layer
        if use_bias:
            self.linear_output = T.dot(self.noisy_input, self.W) + self.b
            self.linear_output = T.dot(self.noisy_input, self.W)

        # Add noise to the pre-activation features (if desired)
        self.noisy_linear = self.linear_output  + \
                (bias_noise * self.srng.normal(size=self.linear_output.shape, \

        # Apply activation function
        self.output = self.activation(self.noisy_linear)

        # Compute some properties of the activations, probably to regularize
        self.act_l2_sum = T.sum(self.output**2.) / self.output.size
        self.row_l1_sum = T.sum(abs(row_normalize(self.output))) / \
        self.col_l1_sum = T.sum(abs(col_normalize(self.output))) / \

        # Conveniently package layer parameters
        if use_bias:
            self.params = [self.W, self.b]
            self.params = [self.W]
        # Layer construction complete...

    def _drop_from_input(self, input, p):
        """p is the probability of dropping elements of input."""
        # get a drop mask that drops things with probability p
        #drop_mask = self.srng.binomial(n=1, p=1-p, size=input.shape, \
        #        dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        noise_rnd = self.srng.uniform(input.shape, low=0.0, high=1.0, \
        drop_mask = noise_rnd > p
        # get a scaling factor to keep expectations fixed after droppage
        drop_scale = 1. / (1. - p)
        # apply dropout mask and rescaling factor to the input
        droppy_input = drop_scale * input * drop_mask
        return droppy_input

    def _noisy_params(self, P, noise_lvl=0.):
        """Noisy weights, like convolving energy surface with a gaussian."""
        #P_nz = P + self.srng.normal(size=P.shape, avg=0., std=noise_lvl, \
        #        dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        P_nz = P + self.srng.normal(size=P.shape, avg=0.0, std=noise_lvl, \
        return P_nz
Exemple #23
    def __init__(self, rng=None,
            x_out=None, \
            p_z_given_x=None, \
            p_x_given_z=None, \
            params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this WalkoutModel
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_dim = self.params['x_dim']
        self.z_dim = self.params['z_dim']
        self.walkout_steps = self.params['walkout_steps']
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
        if 'x_transform' in self.params:
            assert((self.params['x_transform'] == 'sigmoid') or \
                    (self.params['x_transform'] == 'none'))
            if self.params['x_transform'] == 'sigmoid':
                self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
                self.x_transform = lambda x: x
            self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        assert ((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        assert ((self.step_type == 'add') or (self.step_type == 'jump'))

        # grab handles to the relevant networks
        self.p_z_given_x = p_z_given_x
        self.p_x_given_z = p_x_given_z

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created for this WalkoutModel
        self.x_out = x_out  # target output for generation
        self.zi_zmuv = T.tensor3()  # ZMUV gauss noise for walk-out wobble

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize the parameters "owned" by this model
            zero_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((1, )))
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='obs_logvar')
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh(
                (1.0 / 8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            # grab the parameters required by this model from a given dict
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh(
                (1.0 / 8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])

        # Setup the forwards (i.e. training) walk-out loop using scan #
        def forwards_loop(xi_zmuv, zi_zmuv, xi_fw, zi_fw):
            # get samples of next zi, according to the forwards model
            zi_fw_mean, zi_fw_logvar = self.p_z_given_x.apply(xi_fw, \
            zi_fw = zi_fw_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_fw_logvar) * zi_zmuv)

            # check reverse direction probability p(xi_fw | zi_fw)
            xi_bw_mean, xi_bw_logvar = self.p_x_given_z.apply(zi_fw, \
            xi_bw_mean = self.x_transform(xi_bw_mean)
            nll_xi_bw = log_prob_gaussian2(xi_fw, xi_bw_mean, \
                        log_vars=xi_bw_logvar, mask=None)
            nll_xi_bw = nll_xi_bw.flatten()

            # get samples of next xi, according to the forwards model
            xi_fw_mean, xi_fw_logvar = self.p_x_given_z.apply(zi_fw, \
            xi_fw_mean = self.x_transform(xi_fw_mean)
            xi_fw = xi_fw_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * xi_fw_logvar) * xi_zmuv)

            # check reverse direction probability p(zi_fw | xi_fw)
            zi_bw_mean, zi_bw_logvar = self.p_z_given_x.apply(xi_fw, \
            nll_zi_bw = log_prob_gaussian2(zi_fw, zi_bw_mean, \
                        log_vars=zi_bw_logvar, mask=None)
            nll_zi_bw = nll_zi_bw.flatten()

            # each loop iteration produces the following values:
            #   xi_fw: xi generated fom zi by forwards walk
            #   zi_fw: zi generated fom xi by forwards walk
            #   xi_fw_mean: ----
            #   xi_fw_logvar: ----
            #   zi_fw_mean: ----
            #   zi_fw_logvar: ----
            #   nll_xi_bw: NLL for reverse step zi_fw -> xi_fw
            #   nll_zi_bw: NLL for reverse step xi_fw -> zi_fw
            return xi_fw, zi_fw, xi_fw_mean, xi_fw_logvar, zi_fw_mean, zi_fw_logvar, nll_xi_bw, nll_zi_bw

        # initialize states for x/z
        self.x0 = self.x_out
        self.z0 = T.alloc(0.0, self.x0.shape[0], self.z_dim)
        # setup initial values to pass to scan op
        outputs_init = [self.x0, self.z0, None, None, None, None, None, None]
        sequences_init = [self.xi_zmuv, self.zi_zmuv]
        # apply scan op for the sequential imputation loop
        self.scan_results, self.scan_updates = theano.scan(forwards_loop, \
                    outputs_info=outputs_init, \

        # grab results of the scan op. all values are computed for each step
        self.xi = self.scan_results[0]
        self.zi = self.scan_results[1]
        self.xi_fw_mean = self.scan_results[2]
        self.xi_fw_logvar = self.scan_results[3]
        self.zi_fw_mean = self.scan_results[4]
        self.zi_fw_logvar = self.scan_results[5]
        self.nll_xi_bw = self.scan_results[6]
        self.nll_zi_bw = self.scan_results[7]


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((1, )))
        self.lr = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lr')
        # shared var momentum parameters for ADAM optimization
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared vars for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_p')
        self.lam_kld_q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_q')
        self.lam_kld_g = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_g')
        self.lam_kld_s = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_s')
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_l2w')

        # grab all of the "optimizable" parameters from the base networks
        self.joint_params = [self.s0, self.obs_logvar, self.step_scales]

        self.kld_p, self.kld_q, self.kld_g, self.kld_s = self._construct_kld_costs(
        self.kld_costs = (self.lam_kld_p[0] * self.kld_p) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_q[0] * self.kld_q) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_g[0] * self.kld_g) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_s[0] * self.kld_s)
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.nll_costs = T.sum(self.nlli, axis=0)  # sum the per-step NLLs
        self.nll_cost = T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        self.nll_bounds = self.nll_costs.ravel() + self.kld_q.ravel()
        self.nll_bound = T.mean(self.nll_bounds)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_cost + self.reg_cost
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_costs

        # Get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # Construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        self.joint_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.joint_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-5, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        for k, v in self.scan_updates.items():
            self.joint_updates[k] = v

        # Construct theano functions for training and diagnostic computations
        print("Compiling cost computer...")
        self.compute_raw_costs = self._construct_raw_costs()
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling sequence sampler...")
        self.sequence_sampler = self._construct_sequence_sampler()
        # make easy access points for some interesting parameters
        #self.gen_inf_weights = self.p_zi_given_xi.shared_layers[0].W
Exemple #24
class WalkoutModel(object):
    Controller for training a forwards-backwards chainy model.

        rng: numpy.random.RandomState (for reproducibility)
        x_out: the goal state for forwards-backwards walking process
        p_z_given_x: InfNet for stochastic part of step
        p_x_given_z: HydraNet for deterministic part of step
                x_dim: dimension of observations to construct
                z_dim: dimension of latent space for policy wobble
                walkout_steps: number of steps to walk out
                x_type: can be "bernoulli" or "gaussian"
                x_transform: can be 'none' or 'sigmoid'
    def __init__(self, rng=None,
            x_out=None, \
            p_z_given_x=None, \
            p_x_given_z=None, \
            params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this WalkoutModel
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_dim = self.params['x_dim']
        self.z_dim = self.params['z_dim']
        self.walkout_steps = self.params['walkout_steps']
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
        if 'x_transform' in self.params:
            assert((self.params['x_transform'] == 'sigmoid') or \
                    (self.params['x_transform'] == 'none'))
            if self.params['x_transform'] == 'sigmoid':
                self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
                self.x_transform = lambda x: x
            self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        assert ((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        assert ((self.step_type == 'add') or (self.step_type == 'jump'))

        # grab handles to the relevant networks
        self.p_z_given_x = p_z_given_x
        self.p_x_given_z = p_x_given_z

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created for this WalkoutModel
        self.x_out = x_out  # target output for generation
        self.zi_zmuv = T.tensor3()  # ZMUV gauss noise for walk-out wobble

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize the parameters "owned" by this model
            zero_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((1, )))
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='obs_logvar')
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh(
                (1.0 / 8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            # grab the parameters required by this model from a given dict
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh(
                (1.0 / 8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])

        # Setup the forwards (i.e. training) walk-out loop using scan #
        def forwards_loop(xi_zmuv, zi_zmuv, xi_fw, zi_fw):
            # get samples of next zi, according to the forwards model
            zi_fw_mean, zi_fw_logvar = self.p_z_given_x.apply(xi_fw, \
            zi_fw = zi_fw_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_fw_logvar) * zi_zmuv)

            # check reverse direction probability p(xi_fw | zi_fw)
            xi_bw_mean, xi_bw_logvar = self.p_x_given_z.apply(zi_fw, \
            xi_bw_mean = self.x_transform(xi_bw_mean)
            nll_xi_bw = log_prob_gaussian2(xi_fw, xi_bw_mean, \
                        log_vars=xi_bw_logvar, mask=None)
            nll_xi_bw = nll_xi_bw.flatten()

            # get samples of next xi, according to the forwards model
            xi_fw_mean, xi_fw_logvar = self.p_x_given_z.apply(zi_fw, \
            xi_fw_mean = self.x_transform(xi_fw_mean)
            xi_fw = xi_fw_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * xi_fw_logvar) * xi_zmuv)

            # check reverse direction probability p(zi_fw | xi_fw)
            zi_bw_mean, zi_bw_logvar = self.p_z_given_x.apply(xi_fw, \
            nll_zi_bw = log_prob_gaussian2(zi_fw, zi_bw_mean, \
                        log_vars=zi_bw_logvar, mask=None)
            nll_zi_bw = nll_zi_bw.flatten()

            # each loop iteration produces the following values:
            #   xi_fw: xi generated fom zi by forwards walk
            #   zi_fw: zi generated fom xi by forwards walk
            #   xi_fw_mean: ----
            #   xi_fw_logvar: ----
            #   zi_fw_mean: ----
            #   zi_fw_logvar: ----
            #   nll_xi_bw: NLL for reverse step zi_fw -> xi_fw
            #   nll_zi_bw: NLL for reverse step xi_fw -> zi_fw
            return xi_fw, zi_fw, xi_fw_mean, xi_fw_logvar, zi_fw_mean, zi_fw_logvar, nll_xi_bw, nll_zi_bw

        # initialize states for x/z
        self.x0 = self.x_out
        self.z0 = T.alloc(0.0, self.x0.shape[0], self.z_dim)
        # setup initial values to pass to scan op
        outputs_init = [self.x0, self.z0, None, None, None, None, None, None]
        sequences_init = [self.xi_zmuv, self.zi_zmuv]
        # apply scan op for the sequential imputation loop
        self.scan_results, self.scan_updates = theano.scan(forwards_loop, \
                    outputs_info=outputs_init, \

        # grab results of the scan op. all values are computed for each step
        self.xi = self.scan_results[0]
        self.zi = self.scan_results[1]
        self.xi_fw_mean = self.scan_results[2]
        self.xi_fw_logvar = self.scan_results[3]
        self.zi_fw_mean = self.scan_results[4]
        self.zi_fw_logvar = self.scan_results[5]
        self.nll_xi_bw = self.scan_results[6]
        self.nll_zi_bw = self.scan_results[7]


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((1, )))
        self.lr = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lr')
        # shared var momentum parameters for ADAM optimization
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared vars for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_p')
        self.lam_kld_q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_q')
        self.lam_kld_g = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_g')
        self.lam_kld_s = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_s')
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_l2w')

        # grab all of the "optimizable" parameters from the base networks
        self.joint_params = [self.s0, self.obs_logvar, self.step_scales]

        self.kld_p, self.kld_q, self.kld_g, self.kld_s = self._construct_kld_costs(
        self.kld_costs = (self.lam_kld_p[0] * self.kld_p) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_q[0] * self.kld_q) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_g[0] * self.kld_g) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_s[0] * self.kld_s)
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.nll_costs = T.sum(self.nlli, axis=0)  # sum the per-step NLLs
        self.nll_cost = T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        self.nll_bounds = self.nll_costs.ravel() + self.kld_q.ravel()
        self.nll_bound = T.mean(self.nll_bounds)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_cost + self.reg_cost
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_costs

        # Get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # Construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        self.joint_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.joint_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-5, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        for k, v in self.scan_updates.items():
            self.joint_updates[k] = v

        # Construct theano functions for training and diagnostic computations
        print("Compiling cost computer...")
        self.compute_raw_costs = self._construct_raw_costs()
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling sequence sampler...")
        self.sequence_sampler = self._construct_sequence_sampler()
        # make easy access points for some interesting parameters
        #self.gen_inf_weights = self.p_zi_given_xi.shared_layers[0].W

    def set_sgd_params(self, lr=0.01, mom_1=0.9, mom_2=0.999):
        Set learning rate and momentum parameter for all updates.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1, ))
        # set learning rate
        new_lr = zero_ary + lr
        # set momentums (use first and second order "momentum")
        new_mom_1 = zero_ary + mom_1
        new_mom_2 = zero_ary + mom_2

    def set_lam_kld(self,
        Set the relative weight of prior KL-divergence vs. data likelihood.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1, ))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_p
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_q
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_g
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_s

    def set_lam_l2w(self, lam_l2w=1e-3):
        Set the relative strength of l2 regularization on network params.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1, ))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_l2w

    def set_train_switch(self, switch_val=0.0):
        Set the switch for changing between training and sampling behavior.
        if (switch_val < 0.5):
            switch_val = 0.0
            switch_val = 1.0
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1, ))
        new_val = zero_ary + switch_val

    def _construct_zi_zmuv(self, xo):
        Construct the necessary ZMUV gaussian samples for generating
        trajectories from this WalkoutModel, for input matrix xo.
        zi_zmuv = self.rng.normal( \
                size=(self.total_steps, xo.shape[0], self.z_dim), \
                avg=0.0, std=1.0, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        return zi_zmuv

    def _construct_rev_masks(self, xo):
        Compute the sequential revelation masks for the input batch in xo.
        -- We need to construct mask sequences for both p and q.
        if self.use_rev_masks:
            # make batch copies of self.rev_masks_p and self.rev_masks_q
            pmasks = self.rev_masks_p.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1).repeat(xo.shape[0],
            qmasks = self.rev_masks_q.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1).repeat(xo.shape[0],
            pm_list = []
            qm_list = []
            # make a zero mask that does nothing
            zero_mask = T.alloc(0.0, 1, xo.shape[0], xo.shape[1])
            # generate independently sampled masks for each revelation block
            for rb in self.rev_sched:
                # make a random binary mask with ones at rate rb[1]
                rand_vals = self.rng.uniform( \
                        size=(1, xo.shape[0], xo.shape[1]), \
                        low=0.0, high=1.0, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
                rand_mask = rand_vals < rb[1]
                # append the masks for this revleation block to the mask lists
                # the guide policy (in q) gets to peek at the values that will be
                # revealed to the primary policy (in p) for the entire block. The
                # primary policy only gets to see these values at end of the final
                # step of the block. Within a given step, values are revealed to q
                # at the beginning of the step, and to p at the end.
                # e.g. in a revelation block with only a single step, the guide
                # policy sees the values at the beginning of the step, which allows
                # it to guide the step. the primary policy only gets to see the
                # values at the end of the step.
                # i.e. a standard variational auto-encoder is equivalent to a
                # sequential revelation and refinement model with only one
                # revelation block, which has one step and a reveal rate of 1.0.
                for refine_step in range(rb[0] - 1):
            # concatenate each mask list into a 3-tensor
            pmasks = T.cast(T.concatenate(pm_list, axis=0), 'floatX')
            qmasks = T.cast(T.concatenate(qm_list, axis=0), 'floatX')
        return [pmasks, qmasks]

    def _construct_nll_costs(self, si, xo, nll_mask):
        Construct the negative log-likelihood part of free energy.
        -- only check NLL where nll_mask == 1
        xh = self._from_si_to_x(si)
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            ll_costs = log_prob_bernoulli(xo, xh, mask=nll_mask)
            ll_costs = log_prob_gaussian2(xo, xh, \
                    log_vars=self.bounded_logvar, mask=nll_mask)
        nll_costs = -ll_costs.flatten()
        return nll_costs

    def _construct_kld_s(self, s_i, s_j):
        Compute KL(s_i || s_j) -- assuming bernoullish outputs
        x_i = self._from_si_to_x(s_i)
        x_j = self._from_si_to_x(s_j)
        kld_s = (x_i * (T.log(x_i)  - T.log(x_j))) + \
                ((1.0 - x_i) * (T.log(1.0-x_i) - T.log(1.0-x_j)))
        sum_kld = T.sum(kld_s, axis=1)
        return sum_kld

    def _construct_kld_costs(self, p=1.0):
        Construct the policy KL-divergence part of cost to minimize.
        kld_pis = []
        kld_qis = []
        kld_gis = []
        kld_sis = []
        s0 = 0.0 * self.si[0] + self.s0
        for i in range(self.total_steps):
            kld_pis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_p2q[i]**p, axis=1))
            kld_qis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_q2p[i]**p, axis=1))
            kld_gis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_p2g[i]**p, axis=1))
            if i == 0:
                kld_sis.append(self._construct_kld_s(self.si[i], s0))
                    self._construct_kld_s(self.si[i], self.si[i - 1]))
        # compute the batch-wise costs
        kld_pi = sum(kld_pis)
        kld_qi = sum(kld_qis)
        kld_gi = sum(kld_gis)
        kld_si = sum(kld_sis)
        return [kld_pi, kld_qi, kld_gi, kld_si]

    def _construct_reg_costs(self):
        Construct the cost for low-level basic regularization. E.g. for
        applying l2 regularization to the network activations and parameters.
        param_reg_cost = sum([T.sum(p**2.0) for p in self.joint_params])
        return param_reg_cost

    def _construct_compute_fe_terms(self):
        Construct a function for computing terms in variational free energy.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xo = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xo)
        pmasks, qmasks = self._construct_rev_masks(xo)
        # construct values to output
        nll = self.nll_costs.flatten()
        kld = self.kld_q.flatten()
        # compile theano function for a one-sample free-energy estimate
        fe_term_sample = theano.function(inputs=[ xo ], \
                outputs=[nll, kld], \
                givens={self.x_out: xo, \
                        self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv, \
                        self.p_masks: pmasks, \
                        self.q_masks: qmasks}, \
                updates=self.scan_updates, \

        # construct a wrapper function for multi-sample free-energy estimate
        def fe_term_estimator(XO, sample_count=20, use_guide_policy=True):
            # set model to desired generation mode
            old_switch = self.train_switch.get_value(borrow=False)
            if use_guide_policy:
                # take samples from the guide policy
                # take samples from the primary policy
            # compute a multi-sample estimate of variational free-energy
            nll_sum = np.zeros((XO.shape[0], ))
            kld_sum = np.zeros((XO.shape[0], ))
            for i in range(sample_count):
                result = fe_term_sample(XO)
                nll_sum += result[0].ravel()
                kld_sum += result[1].ravel()
            mean_nll = nll_sum / float(sample_count)
            mean_kld = kld_sum / float(sample_count)
            # set model back to either training or generation mode
            if not use_guide_policy:
                # no KLd if samples are from the primary policy...
                mean_kld = 0.0 * mean_kld
            return [mean_nll, mean_kld]

        return fe_term_estimator

    def _construct_raw_costs(self):
        Construct all the raw, i.e. not weighted by any lambdas, costs.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xo = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xo)
        pmasks, qmasks = self._construct_rev_masks(xo)
        # compile theano function for computing the costs
        all_step_costs = [
            self.nlli, self.kldi_q2p, self.kldi_p2q, self.kldi_p2g
        cost_func = theano.function(inputs=[ xo ], \
                    outputs=all_step_costs, \
                    givens={self.x_out: xo, \
                            self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv, \
                            self.p_masks: pmasks, \
                            self.q_masks: qmasks}, \
                    updates=self.scan_updates, \

        # make a function for computing batch-based estimates of costs.
        #   _step_nlls: the expected NLL cost for each step
        #   _step_klds: the expected KL(q||p) cost for each step
        #   _kld_q2p: the expected KL(q||p) cost for each latent dim
        #   _kld_p2q: the expected KL(p||q) cost for each latent dim
        #   _kld_p2g: the expected KL(p||N(0,I)) cost for each latent dim
        def raw_cost_computer(XO):
            _all_costs = cost_func(to_fX(XO))
            _kld_q2p = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[1], axis=1, keepdims=True),
            _kld_p2q = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[2], axis=1, keepdims=True),
            _kld_p2g = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[3], axis=1, keepdims=True),
            _step_klds = np.mean(np.sum(_all_costs[1], axis=2, keepdims=True),
            _step_klds = to_fX(np.asarray([k for k in _step_klds]))
            _step_nlls = np.mean(_all_costs[0], axis=1)
            _step_nlls = to_fX(np.asarray([k for k in _step_nlls]))
            results = [_step_nlls, _step_klds, _kld_q2p, _kld_p2q, _kld_p2g]
            return results

        return raw_cost_computer

    def _construct_train_joint(self):
        Construct theano function to train all networks jointly.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xo = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xo)
        pmasks, qmasks = self._construct_rev_masks(xo)
        # collect the outputs to return from this function
        outputs = [self.joint_cost, self.nll_bound, self.nll_cost, \
                   self.kld_cost, self.reg_cost, self.obs_costs]
        # compile the theano function
        func = theano.function(inputs=[ xo ], \
                outputs=outputs, \
                givens={self.x_out: xo, \
                        self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv, \
                        self.p_masks: pmasks, \
                        self.q_masks: qmasks}, \
                updates=self.joint_updates, \
        return func

    def _construct_sequence_sampler(self):
        Construct theano function to train all networks jointly.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xo = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xo)
        pmasks, qmasks = self._construct_rev_masks(xo)
        # collect the outputs to return from this function
        states = [self._from_si_to_x(self.s0_full)] + \
                 [self._from_si_to_x(self.si[i]) for i in range(self.total_steps)]
        masks = [self.m0_full
                 ] + [self.mi_p[i] for i in range(self.total_steps)]
        outputs = states + masks
        # compile the theano function
        func = theano.function(inputs=[ xo ], \
                outputs=outputs, \
                givens={self.x_out: xo, \
                        self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv, \
                        self.p_masks: pmasks, \
                        self.q_masks: qmasks}, \
                updates=self.joint_updates, \

        # visualize trajectories generated by the model
        def sample_func(XO, use_guide_policy=False):
            # set model to desired generation mode
            old_switch = self.train_switch.get_value(borrow=False)
            if use_guide_policy:
                # take samples from the guide policy
                # take samples from the primary policy
            # get belief states and masks generated by the scan loop
            scan_vals = func(to_fX(XO))
            step_count = self.total_steps + 1
            seq_shape = (step_count, XO.shape[0], XO.shape[1])
            xm_seq = np.zeros(seq_shape).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            xi_seq = np.zeros(seq_shape).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            mi_seq = np.zeros(seq_shape).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            for i in range(step_count):
                _xi = scan_vals[i]
                _mi = scan_vals[i + step_count]
                _xm = (_mi * XO) + ((1.0 - _mi) * _xi)
                xm_seq[i, :, :] = _xm
                xi_seq[i, :, :] = _xi
                mi_seq[i, :, :] = _mi
            # set model back to either training or generation mode
            return [xm_seq, xi_seq, mi_seq]

        return sample_func

    def save_to_file(self, f_name=None):
        Dump important stuff to a Python pickle, so that we can reload this
        model later.
        assert (not (f_name is None))
        f_handle = file(f_name, 'wb')
        # dump the dict self.params, which just holds "simple" python values
        cPickle.dump(self.params, f_handle, protocol=-1)
        # make a copy of self.shared_param_dicts, with numpy arrays in place
        # of the theano shared variables
        numpy_param_dicts = {}
        for key in self.shared_param_dicts:
            numpy_ary = self.shared_param_dicts[key].get_value(borrow=False)
            numpy_param_dicts[key] = numpy_ary
        # dump the numpy version of self.shared_param_dicts to pickle file
        cPickle.dump(numpy_param_dicts, f_handle, protocol=-1)
        # get numpy dicts for each of the "child" models that we must save
        child_model_dicts = {}
        child_model_dicts['p_zi_given_xi'] = self.p_zi_given_xi.save_to_dict()
            'p_sip1_given_zi'] = self.p_sip1_given_zi.save_to_dict()
        child_model_dicts['p_x_given_si'] = self.p_x_given_si.save_to_dict()
        child_model_dicts['q_zi_given_xi'] = self.q_zi_given_xi.save_to_dict()
        # dump the numpy child model dicts to the pickle file
        cPickle.dump(child_model_dicts, f_handle, protocol=-1)
class ConvPoolLayer(object):
    A simple convolution --> max-pooling layer.

    The (symbolic) input to this layer must be a theano.tensor.dtensor4 shaped
    like (batch_size, chan_count, im_dim_1, im_dim_2).

    filt_def should be a 4-tuple like (filt_count, in_chans, filt_def_1, filt_def_2)

    pool_def should be a 3-tuple like (pool_dim, pool_stride)
    def __init__(self, rng, input=None, filt_def=None, pool_def=(2, 2), \
      activation=None, drop_rate=0., input_noise=0., bias_noise=0., \
      W=None, b=None, name="", W_scale=1.0):

        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        #self.rng = theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams( \
        #        rng.randint(100000))
        self.rng = CURAND_RandomStreams(rng.randint(1000000))

        self.clean_input = input

        # Add gaussian noise to the input (if desired)
        if (input_noise > 1e-4):
            self.fuzzy_input = input + self.rng.normal(size=input.shape, \
                    avg=0.0, std=input_noise, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            self.fuzzy_input = input

        # Apply masking noise to the input (if desired)
        if (drop_rate > 1e-4):
            self.noisy_input = self._drop_from_input(self.fuzzy_input,
            self.noisy_input = self.fuzzy_input

        # Set the activation function for the conv filters
        if activation:
            self.activation = activation
            self.activation = lambda x: relu_actfun(x)

        # initialize weights with random weights
        W_init = 0.01 * np.asarray(rng.normal( \
          size=filt_def), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        self.W = theano.shared(value=(W_scale*W_init), \

        # the bias is a 1D tensor -- one bias per output feature map
        b_init = np.zeros((filt_def[0], ), dtype=theano.config.floatX) + 0.1
        self.b = theano.shared(value=b_init, name="{0:s}_b".format(name))

        # convolve input feature maps with filters
        input_c01b = self.noisy_input.dimshuffle(1, 2, 3, 0)  # bc01 to c01b
        filters_c01b = self.W.dimshuffle(1, 2, 3, 0)  # bc01 to c01b
        conv_op = FilterActs(stride=1, partial_sum=1)
        contig_input = gpu_contiguous(input_c01b)
        contig_filters = gpu_contiguous(filters_c01b)
        conv_out_c01b = conv_op(contig_input, contig_filters)

        if (bias_noise > 1e-4):
            noisy_conv_out_c01b = conv_out_c01b + self.rng.normal( \
              size=conv_out_c01b.shape, avg=0.0, std=bias_noise, \
            noisy_conv_out_c01b = conv_out_c01b

        # downsample each feature map individually, using maxpooling
        pool_op = MaxPool(ds=pool_def[0], stride=pool_def[1])
        mp_out_c01b = pool_op(noisy_conv_out_c01b)
        mp_out_bc01 = mp_out_c01b.dimshuffle(3, 0, 1, 2)  # c01b to bc01

        # add the bias term. Since the bias is a vector (1D array), we first
        # reshape it to a tensor of shape (1,n_filters,1,1). Each bias will
        # thus be broadcasted across mini-batches and feature map
        # width & height
        self.noisy_linear_output = mp_out_bc01 + self.b.dimshuffle(
            'x', 0, 'x', 'x')
        self.linear_output = self.noisy_linear_output
        self.output = self.activation(self.noisy_linear_output)

        # store parameters of this layer
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]


    def _drop_from_input(self, input, p):
        """p is the probability of dropping elements of input."""
        # get a drop mask that drops things with probability p
        drop_rnd = self.rng.uniform(size=input.shape, low=0.0, high=1.0, \
        drop_mask = drop_rnd > p
        # get a scaling factor to keep expectations fixed after droppage
        drop_scale = 1. / (1. - p)
        # apply dropout mask and rescaling factor to the input
        droppy_input = drop_scale * input * drop_mask
        return droppy_input

    def _noisy_params(self, P, noise_lvl=0.):
        """Noisy weights, like convolving energy surface with a gaussian."""
        P_nz = P + self.rng.normal(size=P.shape, avg=0.0, std=noise_lvl, \
        return P_nz
    def __init__(self, rng=None, \
            x_in=None, x_out=None, \
            p_h_given_z=None, \
            p_x_given_h=None, \
            q_z_given_x=None, \
            q_h_given_z_x=None, \
            x_dim=None, \
            z_dim=None, \
            h_dim=None, \
            params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this GIPair
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        assert((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        if 'obs_transform' in self.params:
            assert((self.params['obs_transform'] == 'sigmoid') or \
                    (self.params['obs_transform'] == 'none'))
            if self.params['obs_transform'] == 'sigmoid':
                self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
                self.obs_transform = lambda x: x
            self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts

        # record the dimensions of various spaces relevant to this model
        self.x_dim = x_dim
        self.z_dim = z_dim
        self.h_dim = h_dim

        # grab handles to the relevant InfNets
        self.q_z_given_x = q_z_given_x
        self.q_h_given_z_x = q_h_given_z_x
        self.p_h_given_z = p_h_given_z
        self.p_x_given_h = p_x_given_h

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created to describe this MultiStageModel
        self.x_in = x_in
        self.x_out = x_out

        # setup switching variable for changing between sampling/training
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.train_switch = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_train_switch')

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize "optimizable" parameters specific to this MSM
            init_vec = to_fX( np.zeros((1,self.z_dim)) )
            self.p_z_mean = theano.shared(value=init_vec, name='tsm_p_z_mean')
            self.p_z_logvar = theano.shared(value=init_vec, name='tsm_p_z_logvar')
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_obs_logvar')
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar)
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_mean'] = self.p_z_mean
            self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_logvar'] = self.p_z_logvar
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            self.p_z_mean = self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_mean']
            self.p_z_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_logvar']
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar)

        # Setup the TwoStageModels main computation. #
        print("Building TSM...")
        # samples of "hidden" latent state (from both p and q)
        z_q_mean, z_q_logvar, z_q = \
                self.q_z_given_x.apply(self.x_in, do_samples=True)
        z_p_mean = self.p_z_mean.repeat(z_q.shape[0], axis=0)
        z_p_logvar = self.p_z_logvar.repeat(z_q.shape[0], axis=0)
        zmuv = self.rng.normal(size=z_q.shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
        z_p = (T.exp(0.5*z_p_logvar) * zmuv) + z_p_mean
        self.z = (self.train_switch[0] * z_q) + \
                 ((1.0 - self.train_switch[0]) * z_p)
        # compute relevant KLds for this step
        self.kld_z_q2p = gaussian_kld(z_q_mean, z_q_logvar, \
                                      z_p_mean, z_p_logvar)
        self.kld_z_p2q = gaussian_kld(z_p_mean, z_p_logvar, \
                                      z_q_mean, z_q_logvar)
        # samples of "hidden" latent state (from both p and q)
        h_p_mean, h_p_logvar, h_p = self.p_h_given_z.apply(self.z)
        h_q_mean, h_q_logvar, h_q = self.q_h_given_z_x.apply( \
                T.horizontal_stack(h_p_mean, h_p_logvar, self.x_out))
        self.h = (self.train_switch[0] * h_q) + \
                 ((1.0 - self.train_switch[0]) * h_p)
        # compute relevant KLds for this step
        self.kld_h_q2p = gaussian_kld(h_q_mean, h_q_logvar, \
                                      h_p_mean, h_p_logvar)
        self.kld_h_p2q = gaussian_kld(h_p_mean, h_p_logvar, \
                                      h_q_mean, h_q_logvar)

        # p_x_given_h generates an observation x conditioned on the "hidden"
        # latent variables h.
        self.x_gen, _ = self.p_x_given_h.apply(self.h, do_samples=False)


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.lr = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_lr')
        # shared var momentum parameters for generator and inferencer
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared var for weighting nll of data given posterior sample
        self.lam_nll = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_lam_nll')
        # init shared var for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_q2p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_lam_kld_q2p')
        self.lam_kld_p2q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_lam_kld_p2q')
        self.set_lam_kld(lam_kld_q2p=1.0, lam_kld_p2q=0.0)
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_lam_l2w')

        # get optimizable parameters belonging to the TwoStageModel
        self_params = [self.obs_logvar] #+ [self.p_z_mean, self.p_z_logvar]
        # get optimizable parameters belonging to the underlying networks
        child_params = []
        # make a joint list of all optimizable parameters
        self.joint_params = self_params + child_params

        self.kld_z = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kld_z_q2p) + \
                     (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kld_z_p2q)
        self.kld_h = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kld_h_q2p) + \
                     (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kld_h_p2q)
        self.kld_costs = T.sum(self.kld_z, axis=1) + \
                         T.sum(self.kld_h, axis=1)
        # compute "mean" (rather than per-input) costs
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.nll_costs = self._construct_nll_costs(self.x_out)
        self.nll_cost = self.lam_nll[0] * T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_cost + self.reg_cost
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_costs

        # get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        all_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.joint_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-4, max_grad_norm=5.0)
        self.joint_updates = OrderedDict()
        for k in all_updates:
            self.joint_updates[k] = all_updates[k]

        # Construct a function for jointly training the generator/inferencer
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling open-loop model sampler...")
        self.sample_from_prior = self._construct_sample_from_prior()
Exemple #27
    def __init__(self, \
            rng=None, \
            Xp=None, \
            prior_sigma=None, \
            params=None, \
        # First, setup a shared random number generator for this layer
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))

        # Grab the symbolic input matrix
        self.Xp = Xp
        self.prior_sigma = prior_sigma
        # Process user-supplied parameters for this network #
        assert(not (params is None))
        self.params = params
        lam_l2a = self.params['lam_l2a']
        if 'vis_drop' in self.params:
            # Drop rate on the latent variables
            self.vis_drop = self.params['vis_drop']
            self.vis_drop = 0.0
        if 'hid_drop' in self.params:
            # Drop rate on hidden layer activations
            self.hid_drop = self.params['hid_drop']
            self.hid_drop = 0.0
        if 'bias_noise' in self.params:
            # Noise sigma for hidden layer biases
            self.bias_noise = self.params['bias_noise']
            self.bias_noise = 0.0
        if 'init_scale' in params:
            self.init_scale = params['init_scale']
            self.init_scale = 1.0
        if 'out_type' in params:
            # check which type of output distribution to generate
            self.out_type = params['out_type']
            assert((self.out_type == 'bernoulli') or \
                    (self.out_type == 'gaussian'))
            # default to bernoulli-valued outputs
            self.out_type = 'bernoulli'
        # Check if the params for this net were given a priori. This option
        # will be used for creating "clones" of a generative network, with all
        # of the network parameters shared between clones.
        if shared_param_dicts is None:
            # This is not a clone, and we will need to make a dict for
            # referring to the parameters of each network layer
            self.shared_param_dicts = []
            self.is_clone = False
            # This is a clone, and its layer parameters can be found by
            # referring to the given param dict (i.e. shared_param_dicts).
            self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
            self.is_clone = True
        # Get the configuration/prototype for this network. The config is a
        # list of layer descriptions, including a description for the input
        # layer, which is typically just the dimension of the inputs. So, the
        # depth of the mlp is one less than the number of layer configs.
        self.mlp_config = params['mlp_config']
        if 'activation' in params:
            self.activation = params['activation']
            self.activation = relu_actfun
        self.mlp_depth = len(self.mlp_config) - 1
        self.latent_dim = self.mlp_config[0]
        self.data_dim = self.mlp_config[-1]

        # Initialize the network #
        self.mlp_layers = []
        self.logvar_layer = None
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.mlp_config[:-1],self.mlp_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        next_input = self.Xp
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "gn_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            if first_layer:
                d_rate = self.vis_drop
                d_rate = self.hid_drop
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=0., bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts.append({'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b})
                if (last_layer and (self.out_type == 'gaussian')):
                    # add an extra layer/transform for encoding log-variance
                    lv_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=0., bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name+'_logvar', W_scale=self.init_scale)
                    self.logvar_layer = lv_layer
                    self.shared_param_dicts.append({'W': lv_layer.W, 'b': lv_layer.b})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts[layer_num]
                self.mlp_layers.append(HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=0., bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale))
                if (last_layer and (self.out_type == 'gaussian')):
                    init_params = self.shared_param_dicts[layer_num+1]
                    self.mlp_layers.append(HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=0., bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale))
            next_input = self.mlp_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1

        # construct a mask for deciding which output dimensions to keep/ignore
        if self.is_clone:
            self.output_mask = self.shared_param_dicts[-1]['output_mask']
            self.output_bias = self.shared_param_dicts[-1]['output_bias']
            row_mask = np.ones((self.data_dim,)).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            self.output_mask = theano.shared(value=row_mask, name='gn_output_mask')
            row_mask = 0.0 * row_mask
            self.output_bias = theano.shared(value=row_mask, name='gn_output_bias')
            op_dict = {'output_mask': self.output_mask, \
                       'output_bias': self.output_bias}

        # Mash all the parameters together, into a list.
        self.mlp_params = []
        for layer in self.mlp_layers:
        # add the output bias vector to the param list

        # The output of this generator network is given by the noisy output
        # of its final layer. We will keep a running estimate of the mean and
        # covariance of the distribution induced by combining this network's
        # latent noise source with its deep non-linear transform. These will
        # be used to encourage the induced distribution to match the first and
        # second-order moments of the distribution we are trying to match.
        if self.out_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.output = (T.nnet.sigmoid(self.mlp_layers[-1].linear_output + self.output_bias) * \
            self.output_mu = self.output
            self.output_logvar = self.output
            self.output_sigma = self.output
            self.output_mu = self.mlp_layers[-1].linear_output + self.output_bias
            self.output_logvar = self.mlp_layers[-2].linear_output
            self.output_sigma = T.sqrt(T.exp(self.output_logvar))
            self.output = self._construct_post_samples() * self.output_mask
        self.out_dim = self.mlp_layers[-1].out_dim
        C_init = np.zeros((self.out_dim,self.out_dim)).astype(theano.config.floatX)
        m_init = np.zeros((self.out_dim,)).astype(theano.config.floatX)
        self.dist_mean = theano.shared(m_init, name='gn_dist_mean')
        self.dist_cov = theano.shared(C_init, name='gn_dist_cov')
        # Get simple regularization penalty to moderate activation dynamics
        self.act_reg_cost = lam_l2a * self._act_reg_cost()
        # Construct a sampler for drawing independent samples from this model's
        # isotropic Gaussian prior, and a sampler for the model distribution.
        self.sample_from_prior = self._construct_prior_sampler()
        self.sample_from_model = self._construct_model_sampler()
        # Construct a function for passing points from the latent/prior space
        # through the transform induced by the current model parameters.
        self.transform_prior = self._construct_transform_prior()
    def __init__(self, rng, input=None, filt_def=None, pool_def=(2, 2), \
      activation=None, drop_rate=0., input_noise=0., bias_noise=0., \
      W=None, b=None, name="", W_scale=1.0):

        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        #self.rng = theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams( \
        #        rng.randint(100000))
        self.rng = CURAND_RandomStreams(rng.randint(1000000))

        self.clean_input = input

        # Add gaussian noise to the input (if desired)
        if (input_noise > 1e-4):
            self.fuzzy_input = input + self.rng.normal(size=input.shape, \
                    avg=0.0, std=input_noise, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            self.fuzzy_input = input

        # Apply masking noise to the input (if desired)
        if (drop_rate > 1e-4):
            self.noisy_input = self._drop_from_input(self.fuzzy_input,
            self.noisy_input = self.fuzzy_input

        # Set the activation function for the conv filters
        if activation:
            self.activation = activation
            self.activation = lambda x: relu_actfun(x)

        # initialize weights with random weights
        W_init = 0.01 * np.asarray(rng.normal( \
          size=filt_def), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        self.W = theano.shared(value=(W_scale*W_init), \

        # the bias is a 1D tensor -- one bias per output feature map
        b_init = np.zeros((filt_def[0], ), dtype=theano.config.floatX) + 0.1
        self.b = theano.shared(value=b_init, name="{0:s}_b".format(name))

        # convolve input feature maps with filters
        input_c01b = self.noisy_input.dimshuffle(1, 2, 3, 0)  # bc01 to c01b
        filters_c01b = self.W.dimshuffle(1, 2, 3, 0)  # bc01 to c01b
        conv_op = FilterActs(stride=1, partial_sum=1)
        contig_input = gpu_contiguous(input_c01b)
        contig_filters = gpu_contiguous(filters_c01b)
        conv_out_c01b = conv_op(contig_input, contig_filters)

        if (bias_noise > 1e-4):
            noisy_conv_out_c01b = conv_out_c01b + self.rng.normal( \
              size=conv_out_c01b.shape, avg=0.0, std=bias_noise, \
            noisy_conv_out_c01b = conv_out_c01b

        # downsample each feature map individually, using maxpooling
        pool_op = MaxPool(ds=pool_def[0], stride=pool_def[1])
        mp_out_c01b = pool_op(noisy_conv_out_c01b)
        mp_out_bc01 = mp_out_c01b.dimshuffle(3, 0, 1, 2)  # c01b to bc01

        # add the bias term. Since the bias is a vector (1D array), we first
        # reshape it to a tensor of shape (1,n_filters,1,1). Each bias will
        # thus be broadcasted across mini-batches and feature map
        # width & height
        self.noisy_linear_output = mp_out_bc01 + self.b.dimshuffle(
            'x', 0, 'x', 'x')
        self.linear_output = self.noisy_linear_output
        self.output = self.activation(self.noisy_linear_output)

        # store parameters of this layer
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]

    def __init__(self, rng=None, \
            x_in=None, x_out=None, \
            p_s0_given_z=None, \
            p_hi_given_si=None, \
            p_sip1_given_si_hi=None, \
            q_z_given_x=None, \
            q_hi_given_x_si=None, \
            obs_dim=None, \
            z_dim=None, h_dim=None, \
            ir_steps=4, params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this GIPair
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        assert((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        if 'obs_transform' in self.params:
            assert((self.params['obs_transform'] == 'sigmoid') or \
                    (self.params['obs_transform'] == 'none'))
            if self.params['obs_transform'] == 'sigmoid':
                self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(20.0 * T.tanh(0.05 * x))
                self.obs_transform = lambda x: x
            self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(20.0 * T.tanh(0.05 * x))
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(20.0 * T.tanh(0.05 * x))
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts

        # record the dimensions of various spaces relevant to this model
        self.obs_dim = obs_dim
        self.z_dim = z_dim
        self.h_dim = h_dim
        self.ir_steps = ir_steps

        # grab handles to the relevant InfNets
        self.q_z_given_x = q_z_given_x
        self.q_hi_given_x_si = q_hi_given_x_si
        self.p_s0_given_z = p_s0_given_z
        self.p_hi_given_si = p_hi_given_si
        self.p_sip1_given_si_hi = p_sip1_given_si_hi

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created to describe this MultiStageModel
        self.x_in = x_in
        self.x_out = x_out
        self.hi_zmuv = T.tensor3() # for ZMUV Gaussian samples to use in scan

        # setup switching variable for changing between sampling/training
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.train_switch = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_train_switch')
        # setup a variable for controlling dropout noise
        self.drop_rate = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_drop_rate')
        # this weight balances l1 vs. l2 penalty on posterior KLds
        self.lam_kld_l1l2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_kld_l1l2')

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize "optimizable" parameters specific to this MSM
            init_vec = to_fX( np.zeros((self.z_dim,)) )
            self.p_z_mean = theano.shared(value=init_vec, name='msm_p_z_mean')
            self.p_z_logvar = theano.shared(value=init_vec, name='msm_p_z_logvar')
            init_vec = to_fX( np.zeros((self.obs_dim,)) )
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_obs_logvar')
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar)
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_mean'] = self.p_z_mean
            self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_logvar'] = self.p_z_logvar
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            self.p_z_mean = self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_mean']
            self.p_z_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_logvar']
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar)

        # setup a function for computing reconstruction log likelihood
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.log_prob_func = lambda xo, xh: \
                    (-1.0 * log_prob_bernoulli(xo, xh))
            self.log_prob_func = lambda xo, xh: \
                    (-1.0 * log_prob_gaussian2(xo, xh, \

        # get a drop mask that drops things with probability p
        drop_scale = 1. / (1. - self.drop_rate[0])
        drop_rnd = self.rng.uniform(size=self.x_out.shape, \
                low=0.0, high=1.0, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        drop_mask = drop_scale * (drop_rnd > self.drop_rate[0])

        # Setup self.z and self.s0. #
        print("Building MSM step 0...")
        drop_x = drop_mask * self.x_in
        self.q_z_mean, self.q_z_logvar, self.z = \
                self.q_z_given_x.apply(drop_x, do_samples=True)
        # get initial observation state
        self.s0, _ = self.p_s0_given_z.apply(self.z, do_samples=False)

        # gather KLd and NLL for the initialization step
        self.init_klds = gaussian_kld(self.q_z_mean, self.q_z_logvar, \
                                      self.p_z_mean, self.p_z_logvar)
        self.init_nlls =  -1.0 * \
                self.log_prob_func(self.x_out, self.obs_transform(self.s0))

        # Setup the iterative generation loop using scan #
        def ir_step_func(hi_zmuv, sim1):
            # get variables used throughout this refinement step
            sim1_obs = self.obs_transform(sim1) # transform state -> obs
            grad_ll = self.x_out - sim1_obs

            # get samples of next hi, conditioned on current si
            hi_p_mean, hi_p_logvar = self.p_hi_given_si.apply( \
                    sim1_obs, do_samples=False)
            # now we build the model for variational hi given si
            hi_q_mean, hi_q_logvar = self.q_hi_given_x_si.apply( \
                    T.horizontal_stack(grad_ll, sim1_obs), \
            hi_q = (T.exp(0.5 * hi_q_logvar) * hi_zmuv) + hi_q_mean
            hi_p = (T.exp(0.5 * hi_p_logvar) * hi_zmuv) + hi_p_mean

            # make hi samples that can be switched between hi_p and hi_q
            hi = ( ((self.train_switch[0] * hi_q) + \
                    ((1.0 - self.train_switch[0]) * hi_p)) )

            # p_sip1_given_si_hi is conditioned on si and  hi.
            ig_vals, fg_vals, in_vals = self.p_sip1_given_si_hi.apply(hi)
            # get the transformed values (for an LSTM style update)
            i_gate = 1.0 * T.nnet.sigmoid(ig_vals + 2.0)
            f_gate = 1.0 * T.nnet.sigmoid(fg_vals + 2.0)
            # perform an LSTM-like update of the state sim1 -> si
            si = (in_vals * i_gate) + (sim1 * f_gate)

            # compute generator NLL for this step
            nlli = self.log_prob_func(self.x_out, self.obs_transform(si))
            # compute relevant KLds for this step
            kldi_q2p = gaussian_kld(hi_q_mean, hi_q_logvar, \
                                    hi_p_mean, hi_p_logvar)
            kldi_p2q = gaussian_kld(hi_p_mean, hi_p_logvar, \
                                    hi_q_mean, hi_q_logvar)
            return si, nlli, kldi_q2p, kldi_p2q

        init_values = [self.s0, None, None, None]

        self.scan_results, self.scan_updates = theano.scan(ir_step_func, \
                outputs_info=init_values, sequences=self.hi_zmuv)

        self.si = self.scan_results[0]
        self.nlli = self.scan_results[1]
        self.kldi_q2p = self.scan_results[2]
        self.kldi_p2q = self.scan_results[3]


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.lr_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lr_1')
        self.lr_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lr_2')
        # shared var momentum parameters for generator and inferencer
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared var for weighting nll of data given posterior sample
        self.lam_nll = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_nll')
        # init shared var for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_z = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_kld_z')
        self.lam_kld_q2p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_kld_q2p')
        self.lam_kld_p2q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_kld_p2q')
        self.set_lam_kld(lam_kld_z=1.0, lam_kld_q2p=0.7, lam_kld_p2q=0.3)
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_l2w')

        # Grab all of the "optimizable" parameters in "group 1"
        self.q_params = []
        # Grab all of the "optimizable" parameters in "group 2"
        self.p_params = [self.p_z_mean, self.p_z_logvar]

        # Make a joint list of parameters group 1/2
        self.joint_params = self.q_params + self.p_params

        self.kld_z_q2p, self.kld_z_p2q, self.kld_hi_q2p, self.kld_hi_p2q = \
        self.kld_z = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kld_z_q2p) + \
                     (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kld_z_p2q)
        self.kld_hi = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kld_hi_q2p) + \
                      (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kld_hi_p2q)
        self.kld_costs = (self.lam_kld_z[0] * self.kld_z) + self.kld_hi
        # now do l2 KLd costs
        self.kl2_z_q2p, self.kl2_z_p2q, self.kl2_hi_q2p, self.kl2_hi_p2q = \
        self.kl2_z = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kl2_z_q2p) + \
                     (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kl2_z_p2q)
        self.kl2_hi = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kl2_hi_q2p) + \
                      (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kl2_hi_p2q)
        self.kl2_costs = (self.lam_kld_z[0] * self.kl2_z) + self.kl2_hi
        # compute joint l1/l2 KLd cost
        self.kld_l1l2_costs = (self.lam_kld_l1l2[0] * self.kld_costs) + \
                ((1.0 - self.lam_kld_l1l2[0]) * self.kl2_costs)
        # compute "mean" (rather than per-input) costs
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.kl2_cost = T.mean(self.kl2_costs)
        self.kld_l1l2_cost = T.mean(self.kld_l1l2_costs)
        self.nll_costs = self.nlli[-1]
        self.nll_cost = self.lam_nll[0] * T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_l1l2_cost + \
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_l1l2_costs

        # Get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # Construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        self.q_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.q_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr_1, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-5, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        self.p_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.p_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr_2, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-5, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        self.joint_updates = OrderedDict()
        for k in self.q_updates:
            self.joint_updates[k] = self.q_updates[k]
        for k in self.p_updates:
            self.joint_updates[k] = self.p_updates[k]
        # add scan updates, which seem to be required
        for k in self.scan_updates:
            self.joint_updates[k] = self.scan_updates[k]

        # Construct a function for jointly training the generator/inferencer
        print("Compiling cost computer...")
        self.compute_raw_klds = self._construct_raw_klds()
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling open-loop model sampler...")
        self.sample_from_prior = self._construct_sample_from_prior()
        print("Compiling data-guided model sampler...")
        self.sample_from_input = self._construct_sample_from_input()
Exemple #30
class GenFCModule(object):
    Module that transforms random values through a single fully connected
    layer, and then a linear transform (with another relu, optionally).
    def __init__(self,
        self.rand_dim = rand_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim
        self.fc_dim = fc_dim
        self.apply_bn_1 = apply_bn_1
        self.apply_bn_2 = apply_bn_2
        self.mod_name = mod_name
        self.rand_type = rand_type
        self.final_relu = final_relu
        self.rng = RandStream(123)
        if init_func is None:
            self.init_func = inits.Normal(scale=0.02)
            self.init_func = init_func
        self._init_params()  # initialize parameters

    def _init_params(self):
        Initialize parameters for the layers in this generator module.
        self.w1 = self.init_func((self.rand_dim, self.fc_dim),
        self.w2 = self.init_func((self.fc_dim, self.out_dim),
        self.params = [self.w1, self.w2]
        # make gains and biases for transforms that will get batch normed
        if self.apply_bn_1:
            gain_ifn = inits.Normal(loc=1., scale=0.02)
            bias_ifn = inits.Constant(c=0.)
            self.g1 = gain_ifn((self.fc_dim), "{}_g1".format(self.mod_name))
            self.b1 = bias_ifn((self.fc_dim), "{}_b1".format(self.mod_name))
            self.params.extend([self.g1, self.b1])
        if self.apply_bn_2:
            gain_ifn = inits.Normal(loc=1., scale=0.02)
            bias_ifn = inits.Constant(c=0.)
            self.g2 = gain_ifn((self.out_dim), "{}_g2".format(self.mod_name))
            self.b2 = bias_ifn((self.out_dim), "{}_b2".format(self.mod_name))
            self.params.extend([self.g2, self.b2])

    def apply(self, batch_size=None, rand_vals=None):
        Apply this generator module. Pass _either_ batch_size or rand_vals.
        assert not ((batch_size is None) and
                    (rand_vals is None)), "need either batch_size or rand_vals"
        if rand_vals is None:
            rand_shape = (batch_size, self.rand_dim)
            if self.rand_type == 'normal':
                rand_vals = self.rng.normal(size=rand_shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
                rand_vals = self.rng.uniform(size=rand_shape, low=-1.0, high=1.0, \
            rand_shape = (rand_vals.shape[0], self.rand_dim)
        rand_vals = rand_vals.reshape(rand_shape)
        # transform random values into fc layer
        h1 = T.dot(rand_vals, self.w1)
        if self.apply_bn_1:
            h1 = batchnorm(h1, g=self.g1, b=self.b1)
        h1 = relu(h1)
        # transform from fc layer to output
        h2 = T.dot(h1, self.w2)
        if self.apply_bn_2:
            h2 = batchnorm(h2, g=self.g2, b=self.b2)
        if self.final_relu:
            h2 = relu(h2)
        return h2
class DAELayer(object):
    def __init__(self, rng, clean_input=None, fuzzy_input=None, \
            in_dim=0, out_dim=0, activation=None, input_noise=0., \
            W=None, b_h=None, b_v=None, W_scale=1.0):

        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))

        # Grab the layer input and perturb it with some sort of noise. This
        # is, afterall, a _denoising_ autoencoder...
        self.clean_input = clean_input
        self.noisy_input = self._get_noisy_input(fuzzy_input, input_noise)

        # Set some basic layer properties
        self.activation = activation
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim

        # Get some random initial weights and biases, if not given
        if W is None:
            W_init = np.asarray(1.0 * DCG(rng.standard_normal( \
                      size=(in_dim, out_dim)), dtype=theano.config.floatX))
            W = theano.shared(value=(W_scale*W_init), name='W')
        if b_h is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((out_dim,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b_h = theano.shared(value=b_init, name='b_h')
        if b_v is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((in_dim,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b_v = theano.shared(value=b_init, name='b_v')

        # Grab pointers to the now-initialized weights and biases
        self.W = W
        self.b_h = b_h
        self.b_v = b_v

        # Put the learnable/optimizable parameters into a list
        self.params = [self.W, self.b_h, self.b_v]
        # Beep boop... layer construction complete...

    def compute_costs(self, lam_l1=None):
        """Compute reconstruction and activation sparsity costs."""
        # Get noise-perturbed encoder/decoder parameters
        W_nz = self._noisy_params(self.W, 0.01)
        b_nz = self.b_h #self._noisy_params(self.b_h, 0.05)
        # Compute hidden and visible activations
        A_v, A_h = self._compute_activations(self.noisy_input, \
                W_nz, b_nz, self.b_v)
        # Compute reconstruction error cost
        recon_cost = T.sum((self.clean_input - A_v)**2.0) / \
        # Compute sparsity penalty (over both population and lifetime)
        row_l1_sum = T.sum(abs(row_normalize(A_h))) / A_h.shape[0]
        col_l1_sum = T.sum(abs(col_normalize(A_h))) / A_h.shape[1]
        sparse_cost = lam_l1[0] * (row_l1_sum + col_l1_sum)
        return [recon_cost, sparse_cost]

    def _compute_hidden_acts(self, X, W, b_h):
        """Compute activations of encoder (at hidden layer)."""
        A_h = self.activation(T.dot(X, W) + b_h)
        return A_h

    def _compute_activations(self, X, W, b_h, b_v):
        """Compute activations of decoder (at visible layer)."""
        A_h = self._compute_hidden_acts(X, W, b_h)
        A_v = T.dot(A_h, W.T) + b_v
        return [A_v, A_h]

    def _noisy_params(self, P, noise_lvl=0.):
        """Noisy weights, like convolving energy surface with a gaussian."""
        if noise_lvl > 1e-3:
            P_nz = P + DCG(self.rng.normal(size=P.shape, avg=0.0, std=noise_lvl, \
            P_nz = P
        return P_nz

    def _get_noisy_input(self, input, p):
        """p is the probability of dropping elements of input."""
        drop_rnd = self.rng.uniform(input.shape, low=0.0, high=1.0, \
        drop_mask = drop_rnd > p
        # Cast mask from int to float32, to keep things on GPU
        noisy_input = input * DCG(drop_mask)
        return noisy_input
Exemple #32
    def __init__(self, rng=None,
            x_in=None, x_mask=None, x_out=None, \
            p_zi_given_xi=None, \
            p_sip1_given_zi=None, \
            q_zi_given_xi=None, \
            params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this GIPair
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_dim = self.params['x_dim']
        self.z_dim = self.params['z_dim']
        self.imp_steps = self.params['imp_steps']
        self.step_type = self.params['step_type']
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        assert ((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts

        # grab handles to the relevant InfNets
        self.p_zi_given_xi = p_zi_given_xi
        self.p_sip1_given_zi = p_sip1_given_zi
        self.q_zi_given_xi = q_zi_given_xi

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created to describe this MultiStageModel
        self.x_in = x_in
        self.x_out = x_out
        self.x_mask = x_mask
        self.zi_zmuv = T.tensor3()

        # setup switching variable for changing between sampling/training
        zero_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((1, )))
        self.train_switch = theano.shared(value=zero_ary,

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize parameters "owned" by this model
            s0_init = to_fX(np.zeros((self.x_dim, )))
            init_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((self.x_dim, )))
            self.x_null = theano.shared(value=init_ary, name='gpis_xn')
            self.grad_null = theano.shared(value=init_ary, name='gpsi_gn')
            self.s0 = theano.shared(value=s0_init, name='gpsi_s0')
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary,
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh(
                (1.0 / 8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['x_null'] = self.x_null
            self.shared_param_dicts['grad_null'] = self.grad_null
            self.shared_param_dicts['s0'] = self.s0
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            # grab the parameters required by this model from a given dict
            self.x_null = self.shared_param_dicts['x_null']
            self.grad_null = self.shared_param_dicts['grad_null']
            self.s0 = self.shared_param_dicts['s0']
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh(
                (1.0 / 8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])

        # Setup the iterative imputation loop using scan #
        self.ones_mask = T.ones_like(self.x_mask)

        def imp_step_func(zi_zmuv, si):
            si_as_x = self._si_as_x(si)
            xi_unmasked = self.x_out
            xi_masked = (self.x_mask * xi_unmasked) + \
                        ((1.0 - self.x_mask) * si_as_x)
            grad_unmasked = self.x_out - si_as_x
            grad_masked = self.x_mask * grad_unmasked
            # get samples of next zi, according to the global policy
            zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar = self.p_zi_given_xi.apply(xi_masked)
            zi_p = zi_p_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_p_logvar) * zi_zmuv)
            # get samples of next zi, according to the guide policy
            zi_q_mean, zi_q_logvar = self.q_zi_given_xi.apply(
                T.concatenate([xi_masked, xi_unmasked], axis=1))
            zi_q = zi_q_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_q_logvar) * zi_zmuv)

            # make zi samples that can be switched between zi_p and zi_q
            zi = ((self.train_switch[0] * zi_q) + \
                 ((1.0 - self.train_switch[0]) * zi_p))
            # compute relevant KLds for this step
            kldi_q2p = gaussian_kld(zi_q_mean, zi_q_logvar, zi_p_mean,
                                    zi_p_logvar)  # KL(q || p)
            kldi_p2q = gaussian_kld(zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar, zi_q_mean,
                                    zi_q_logvar)  # KL(p || q)
            kldi_p2g = gaussian_kld(zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar, 0.0,
                                    0.0)  # KL(p || global prior)

            # compute the next si, given the sampled zi
            hydra_out = self.p_sip1_given_zi.apply(zi)
            si_step = hydra_out[0]
            if (self.step_type == 'jump'):
                # jump steps always completely overwrite the current guesses
                sip1 = si_step
            elif (self.step_type == 'add'):
                # add steps just update the guesses additively
                sip1 = si + si_step
            elif (self.step_type == 'lstm'):
                # LSTM-style updates with write and erase gates
                write_gate = 1.1 * T.nnet.sigmoid(1.0 + hydra_out[1])
                erase_gate = 1.1 * T.nnet.sigmoid(1.0 + hydra_out[2])
                sip1 = (erase_gate * si) + (write_gate * si_step)
            elif (self.step_type == 'layer'):
                alpha_gate = T.nnet.sigmoid(hydra_out[1])
                sip1 = (alpha_gate * si) + ((1.0 - alpha_gate) * si_step)
                assert False, "Unknown step type!"

            # compute NLL for the current imputation
            nlli = self._construct_nll_costs(sip1, self.x_out, self.x_mask)
            return sip1, nlli, kldi_q2p, kldi_p2q, kldi_p2g

        # apply scan op for the sequential imputation loop
        self.s0_full = T.alloc(0.0, self.x_in.shape[0], self.x_dim) + self.s0
        init_vals = [self.s0_full, None, None, None, None]
        self.scan_results, self.scan_updates = theano.scan(imp_step_func, \
                    outputs_info=init_vals, sequences=self.zi_zmuv)

        self.si = self.scan_results[0]
        self.nlli = self.scan_results[1]
        self.kldi_q2p = self.scan_results[2]
        self.kldi_p2q = self.scan_results[3]
        self.kldi_p2g = self.scan_results[4]

        # get the initial imputation state
        self.x0 = (self.x_mask * self.x_in) + \
                  ((1.0 - self.x_mask) * self._si_as_x(self.s0_full))


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((1, )))
        self.lr = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lr')
        # shared var momentum parameters for generator and inferencer
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared var for weighting nll of data given posterior sample
        self.lam_nll = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_nll')
        # init shared var for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_p')
        self.lam_kld_q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_q')
        self.lam_kld_g = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_g')
        self.set_lam_kld(lam_kld_p=0.05, lam_kld_q=0.95, lam_kld_g=0.0)
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_l2w')

        # Grab all of the "optimizable" parameters in "group 1"
        self.joint_params = [self.s0, self.obs_logvar]

        self.kld_p, self.kld_q, self.kld_g = self._construct_kld_costs(p=1.0)
        self.kld_costs = (self.lam_kld_p[0] * self.kld_p) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_q[0] * self.kld_q) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_g[0] * self.kld_g)
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.nll_costs = self.nlli[-1]
        self.nll_cost = self.lam_nll[0] * T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        self.nll_bounds = self.nll_costs.ravel() + self.kld_q.ravel()
        self.nll_bound = T.mean(self.nll_bounds)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_cost + self.reg_cost
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_costs

        # Get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # Construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        self.joint_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.joint_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-4, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        for k, v in self.scan_updates.items():
            self.joint_updates[k] = v

        # Construct a function for jointly training the generator/inferencer
        print("Compiling cost computer...")
        self.compute_raw_costs = self._construct_raw_costs()
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling best step cost computer...")
        self.compute_per_step_cost = self._construct_compute_per_step_cost()
        print("Compiling data-guided imputer sampler...")
        self.sample_imputer = self._construct_sample_imputer()
        # make easy access points for some interesting parameters
        #self.gen_inf_weights = self.p_zi_given_xi.shared_layers[0].W
class DAELayer(object):
    def __init__(self, rng, clean_input=None, fuzzy_input=None, \
            in_dim=0, out_dim=0, activation=None, input_noise=0., \
            W=None, b_h=None, b_v=None):

        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        #self.rng = theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams( \
        #        rng.randint(100000))
        self.rng = CURAND_RandomStreams(rng.randint(1000000))

        # Grab the layer input and perturb it with some sort of noise. This
        # is, afterall, a _denoising_ autoencoder...
        self.clean_input = clean_input
        self.noisy_input = self._get_noisy_input(fuzzy_input, input_noise)

        # Set some basic layer properties
        self.activation = activation
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim

        # Get some random initial weights and biases, if not given
        if W is None:
            W_init = np.asarray(0.01 * rng.standard_normal( \
                      size=(in_dim, out_dim)), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            W = theano.shared(value=W_init, name='W')
        if b_h is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((out_dim, ), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b_h = theano.shared(value=b_init, name='b_h')
        if b_v is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((in_dim, ), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b_v = theano.shared(value=b_init, name='b_v')

        # Grab pointers to the now-initialized weights and biases
        self.W = W
        self.b_h = b_h
        self.b_v = b_v

        # Put the learnable/optimizable parameters into a list
        self.params = [self.W, self.b_h, self.b_v]
        # Beep boop... layer construction complete...

    def compute_costs(self, lam_l1=None):
        """Compute reconstruction and activation sparsity costs."""
        # Get noise-perturbed encoder/decoder parameters
        W_nz = self._noisy_params(self.W, 0.01)
        b_nz = self.b_h  #self._noisy_params(self.b_h, 0.05)
        # Compute hidden and visible activations
        A_v, A_h = self._compute_activations(self.noisy_input, \
                W_nz, b_nz, self.b_v)
        # Compute reconstruction error cost
        recon_cost = T.sum((self.clean_input - A_v)**2.0) / \
        # Compute sparsity penalty (over both population and lifetime)
        row_l1_sum = T.sum(abs(row_normalize(A_h))) / A_h.shape[0]
        col_l1_sum = T.sum(abs(col_normalize(A_h))) / A_h.shape[1]
        sparse_cost = lam_l1[0] * (row_l1_sum + col_l1_sum)
        return [recon_cost, sparse_cost]

    def _compute_hidden_acts(self, X, W, b_h):
        """Compute activations of encoder (at hidden layer)."""
        A_h = self.activation(T.dot(X, W) + b_h)
        return A_h

    def _compute_activations(self, X, W, b_h, b_v):
        """Compute activations of decoder (at visible layer)."""
        A_h = self._compute_hidden_acts(X, W, b_h)
        A_v = T.dot(A_h, W.T) + b_v
        return [A_v, A_h]

    def _noisy_params(self, P, noise_lvl=0.):
        """Noisy weights, like convolving energy surface with a gaussian."""
        if noise_lvl > 1e-3:
            P_nz = P + self.rng.normal(size=P.shape, avg=0.0, std=noise_lvl, \
            P_nz = P
        return P_nz

    def _get_noisy_input(self, input, p):
        """p is the probability of dropping elements of input."""
        drop_rnd = self.rng.uniform(input.shape, low=0.0, high=1.0, \
        drop_mask = drop_rnd > p
        # Cast mask from int to float32, to keep things on GPU
        noisy_input = input * drop_mask
        return noisy_input
Exemple #34
class GenNet(object):
    A net that transforms a simple distribution so that it matches some
    more complicated distribution, for some definition of match....

        rng: a numpy.random RandomState object
        Xp: symbolic matrix for inputting latent variable samples
        prior_sigma: standard deviation of isotropic Gaussian prior that this
                     generator will transform to match some other distribution
        params: a dict of parameters describing the desired network:
            lam_l2a: L2 regularization weight on neuron activations
            vis_drop: drop rate to use on the latent variable space
            hid_drop: drop rate to use on the hidden layer activations
                -- note: vis_drop/hid_drop are optional, with defaults 0.0/0.0
            bias_noise: standard dev for noise on the biases of hidden layers
            mlp_config: list of "layer descriptions"
            out_type: set this to "bernoulli" for generating outputs to match
                      bernoulli-valued observations and set it to "gaussian" to
                      match general real-valued observations.
            activation: "function handle" for the desired non-linearity
            init_scale: scaling factor for hidden layer weights (__ * 0.01)
        shared_param_dicts: parameters for the MLP controlled by this GenNet
    def __init__(self, \
            rng=None, \
            Xp=None, \
            prior_sigma=None, \
            params=None, \
        # First, setup a shared random number generator for this layer
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))

        # Grab the symbolic input matrix
        self.Xp = Xp
        self.prior_sigma = prior_sigma
        # Process user-supplied parameters for this network #
        assert(not (params is None))
        self.params = params
        lam_l2a = self.params['lam_l2a']
        if 'vis_drop' in self.params:
            # Drop rate on the latent variables
            self.vis_drop = self.params['vis_drop']
            self.vis_drop = 0.0
        if 'hid_drop' in self.params:
            # Drop rate on hidden layer activations
            self.hid_drop = self.params['hid_drop']
            self.hid_drop = 0.0
        if 'bias_noise' in self.params:
            # Noise sigma for hidden layer biases
            self.bias_noise = self.params['bias_noise']
            self.bias_noise = 0.0
        if 'init_scale' in params:
            self.init_scale = params['init_scale']
            self.init_scale = 1.0
        if 'out_type' in params:
            # check which type of output distribution to generate
            self.out_type = params['out_type']
            assert((self.out_type == 'bernoulli') or \
                    (self.out_type == 'gaussian'))
            # default to bernoulli-valued outputs
            self.out_type = 'bernoulli'
        # Check if the params for this net were given a priori. This option
        # will be used for creating "clones" of a generative network, with all
        # of the network parameters shared between clones.
        if shared_param_dicts is None:
            # This is not a clone, and we will need to make a dict for
            # referring to the parameters of each network layer
            self.shared_param_dicts = []
            self.is_clone = False
            # This is a clone, and its layer parameters can be found by
            # referring to the given param dict (i.e. shared_param_dicts).
            self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
            self.is_clone = True
        # Get the configuration/prototype for this network. The config is a
        # list of layer descriptions, including a description for the input
        # layer, which is typically just the dimension of the inputs. So, the
        # depth of the mlp is one less than the number of layer configs.
        self.mlp_config = params['mlp_config']
        if 'activation' in params:
            self.activation = params['activation']
            self.activation = relu_actfun
        self.mlp_depth = len(self.mlp_config) - 1
        self.latent_dim = self.mlp_config[0]
        self.data_dim = self.mlp_config[-1]

        # Initialize the network #
        self.mlp_layers = []
        self.logvar_layer = None
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.mlp_config[:-1],self.mlp_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        next_input = self.Xp
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "gn_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            if first_layer:
                d_rate = self.vis_drop
                d_rate = self.hid_drop
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=0., bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts.append({'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b})
                if (last_layer and (self.out_type == 'gaussian')):
                    # add an extra layer/transform for encoding log-variance
                    lv_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=0., bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name+'_logvar', W_scale=self.init_scale)
                    self.logvar_layer = lv_layer
                    self.shared_param_dicts.append({'W': lv_layer.W, 'b': lv_layer.b})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts[layer_num]
                self.mlp_layers.append(HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=0., bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale))
                if (last_layer and (self.out_type == 'gaussian')):
                    init_params = self.shared_param_dicts[layer_num+1]
                    self.mlp_layers.append(HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=0., bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale))
            next_input = self.mlp_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1

        # construct a mask for deciding which output dimensions to keep/ignore
        if self.is_clone:
            self.output_mask = self.shared_param_dicts[-1]['output_mask']
            self.output_bias = self.shared_param_dicts[-1]['output_bias']
            row_mask = np.ones((self.data_dim,)).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            self.output_mask = theano.shared(value=row_mask, name='gn_output_mask')
            row_mask = 0.0 * row_mask
            self.output_bias = theano.shared(value=row_mask, name='gn_output_bias')
            op_dict = {'output_mask': self.output_mask, \
                       'output_bias': self.output_bias}

        # Mash all the parameters together, into a list.
        self.mlp_params = []
        for layer in self.mlp_layers:
        # add the output bias vector to the param list

        # The output of this generator network is given by the noisy output
        # of its final layer. We will keep a running estimate of the mean and
        # covariance of the distribution induced by combining this network's
        # latent noise source with its deep non-linear transform. These will
        # be used to encourage the induced distribution to match the first and
        # second-order moments of the distribution we are trying to match.
        if self.out_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.output = (T.nnet.sigmoid(self.mlp_layers[-1].linear_output + self.output_bias) * \
            self.output_mu = self.output
            self.output_logvar = self.output
            self.output_sigma = self.output
            self.output_mu = self.mlp_layers[-1].linear_output + self.output_bias
            self.output_logvar = self.mlp_layers[-2].linear_output
            self.output_sigma = T.sqrt(T.exp(self.output_logvar))
            self.output = self._construct_post_samples() * self.output_mask
        self.out_dim = self.mlp_layers[-1].out_dim
        C_init = np.zeros((self.out_dim,self.out_dim)).astype(theano.config.floatX)
        m_init = np.zeros((self.out_dim,)).astype(theano.config.floatX)
        self.dist_mean = theano.shared(m_init, name='gn_dist_mean')
        self.dist_cov = theano.shared(C_init, name='gn_dist_cov')
        # Get simple regularization penalty to moderate activation dynamics
        self.act_reg_cost = lam_l2a * self._act_reg_cost()
        # Construct a sampler for drawing independent samples from this model's
        # isotropic Gaussian prior, and a sampler for the model distribution.
        self.sample_from_prior = self._construct_prior_sampler()
        self.sample_from_model = self._construct_model_sampler()
        # Construct a function for passing points from the latent/prior space
        # through the transform induced by the current model parameters.
        self.transform_prior = self._construct_transform_prior()

    def _act_reg_cost(self):
        Apply L2 regularization to the activations in this network.
        act_sq_sums = []
        for layer in self.mlp_layers:
        full_act_sq_sum = T.sum(act_sq_sums)
        return full_act_sq_sum

    def _construct_post_samples(self):
        Draw a single sample from each of the approximate posteriors encoded
        in self.output_mu and self.output_sigma.
        post_samples = self.output_mu + (self.output_sigma * \
                self.rng.normal(size=self.output_sigma.shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
        return post_samples

    def _construct_prior_sampler(self):
        Draw independent samples from this model's isotropic Gaussian prior.
        samp_count = T.lscalar()
        prior_samples = self.prior_sigma * self.rng.normal( \
                size=(samp_count, self.latent_dim), avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
        prior_sampler = theano.function([samp_count], outputs=prior_samples)
        return prior_sampler

    def _construct_model_sampler(self):
        Draw independent samples from this model's distribution.
        samp_count = T.lscalar()
        prior_samples = self.prior_sigma * self.rng.normal( \
                size=(samp_count, self.latent_dim), avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
        prior_sampler = theano.function([samp_count], outputs=self.output, \
                givens={self.Xp: prior_samples})
        return prior_sampler

    def _construct_transform_prior(self):
        Apply the tranform induced by the current model parameters to some
        set of points in the latent/prior space.
        feedforward = theano.function([self.Xp], outputs=self.output)
        return feedforward

    def _batch_moments(self):
        Compute covariance and mean of the current sample outputs.
        mu = T.mean(self.output, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        sigma = T.dot((self.output.T - mu.T), (self.output - mu))
        return [mu, sigma]

    def init_biases(self, b_init=0.0):
        Initialize the biases in all hidden layers to some constant.
        for layer in self.mlp_layers[:-1]:
            b_vec = (0.0 * layer.b.get_value(borrow=False)) + b_init

    def init_moments(self, X_noise):
        Initialize the running mean and covariance estimates.
        X_noise_sym = T.matrix()
        out_func = theano.function(inputs=[ X_noise_sym ], \
                outputs=[ self.output ], \
                givens={self.Xp: X_noise_sym})
        # Compute outputs for the input latent noise matrix
        X_out = out_func(X_noise.astype(theano.config.floatX))[0]
        # Compute mean and covariance of the outputs
        mu = np.mean(X_out, axis=0)
        X_out_minus_mu = X_out - mu
        sigma = np.dot(X_out_minus_mu.T,X_out_minus_mu) / X_out.shape[0]
        # Initialize the network's running estimates 

    def set_output_mask(self, output_mask):
        Set a (probably) binary mask on the output dimensions.
        assert(output_mask.size == self.data_dim)
        output_mask = output_mask.reshape((self.data_dim,))

    def compute_log_prob(self, Xd=None):
        Compute negative log likelihood of the data in Xd, with respect to the
        output distributions currently at self.output_....

        Compute log-prob for all entries in Xd.
        if (self.out_type == 'bernoulli'):
            log_prob_cost = log_prob_bernoulli(Xd, self.output, mask=self.output_mask)
            log_prob_cost = log_prob_gaussian2(Xd, self.output_mu, \
                    les_logvars=self.output_logvar, mask=self.output_mask)
        return log_prob_cost

    def masked_log_prob(self, Xc=None, Xm=None):
        Compute negative log likelihood of the data in Xc, with respect to the
        output distributions currently at self.output_....

        Select entries in Xd to compute log-prob for based on the mask Xm. When
        Xm[i] == 1, don't measure NLL Xc[i]...
        # to measure NLL for Xc[i] only when Xm[i] is 0, we need to make an
        # inverse mask Xm_inv = 1 - X_m, because the masking in the log pdf
        # functions measures NLL only for observations where the mask != 0.
        Xm_inv = 1.0 - Xm
        if (self.out_type == 'bernoulli'):
            log_prob_cost = log_prob_bernoulli(Xc, self.output, mask=Xm_inv)
            log_prob_cost = log_prob_gaussian2(Xc, self.output_mu, \
                    les_logvars=self.output_logvar, mask=Xm_inv)
        return log_prob_cost

    def shared_param_clone(self, rng=None, Xp=None):
        Return a clone of this network, with shared parameters but with
        different symbolic input variables.

        This can be used for "unrolling" a generate->infer->generate->infer...
        loop. Then, we can do backprop through time for various objectives.
        clone_net = GenNet(rng=rng, Xp=Xp, \
                prior_sigma=self.prior_sigma, params=self.params, \
        return clone_net
    def __init__(self, rng=None,
            x_in=None, x_mask=None, x_out=None, \
            p_zi_given_xi=None, \
            p_sip1_given_zi=None, \
            q_zi_given_xi=None, \
            params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this GIPair
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_dim = self.params['x_dim']
        self.z_dim = self.params['z_dim']
        self.imp_steps = self.params['imp_steps']
        self.step_type = self.params['step_type']
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        assert((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts

        # grab handles to the relevant InfNets
        self.p_zi_given_xi = p_zi_given_xi
        self.p_sip1_given_zi = p_sip1_given_zi
        self.q_zi_given_xi = q_zi_given_xi

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created to describe this MultiStageModel
        self.x_in = x_in
        self.x_out = x_out
        self.x_mask = x_mask
        self.zi_zmuv = T.tensor3()

        # setup switching variable for changing between sampling/training
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.train_switch = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_train_switch')

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize parameters "owned" by this model
            s0_init = to_fX( np.zeros((self.x_dim,)) )
            init_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((self.x_dim,)) )
            self.x_null = theano.shared(value=init_ary, name='gpis_xn')
            self.grad_null = theano.shared(value=init_ary, name='gpsi_gn')
            self.s0 = theano.shared(value=s0_init, name='gpsi_s0')
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_obs_logvar')
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['x_null'] = self.x_null
            self.shared_param_dicts['grad_null'] = self.grad_null
            self.shared_param_dicts['s0'] = self.s0
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            # grab the parameters required by this model from a given dict
            self.x_null = self.shared_param_dicts['x_null']
            self.grad_null = self.shared_param_dicts['grad_null']
            self.s0 = self.shared_param_dicts['s0']
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])

        # Setup the iterative imputation loop using scan #
        self.ones_mask = T.ones_like(self.x_mask)
        def imp_step_func(zi_zmuv, si):
            si_as_x = self._si_as_x(si)
            xi_unmasked = self.x_out
            xi_masked = (self.x_mask * xi_unmasked) + \
                        ((1.0 - self.x_mask) * si_as_x)
            grad_unmasked = self.x_out - si_as_x
            grad_masked = self.x_mask * grad_unmasked
            # get samples of next zi, according to the global policy
            zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar = self.p_zi_given_xi.apply(xi_masked)
            zi_p = zi_p_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_p_logvar) * zi_zmuv)
            # get samples of next zi, according to the guide policy
            zi_q_mean, zi_q_logvar = self.q_zi_given_xi.apply(
                    T.concatenate([xi_masked, xi_unmasked], axis=1))
            zi_q = zi_q_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_q_logvar) * zi_zmuv)

            # make zi samples that can be switched between zi_p and zi_q
            zi = ((self.train_switch[0] * zi_q) + \
                 ((1.0 - self.train_switch[0]) * zi_p))
            # compute relevant KLds for this step
            kldi_q2p = gaussian_kld(zi_q_mean, zi_q_logvar,
                                    zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar) # KL(q || p)
            kldi_p2q = gaussian_kld(zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar,
                                    zi_q_mean, zi_q_logvar) # KL(p || q)
            kldi_p2g = gaussian_kld(zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar,
                                    0.0, 0.0) # KL(p || global prior)

            # compute the next si, given the sampled zi
            hydra_out = self.p_sip1_given_zi.apply(zi)
            si_step = hydra_out[0]
            if (self.step_type == 'jump'):
                # jump steps always completely overwrite the current guesses
                sip1 = si_step
            elif (self.step_type == 'add'):
                # add steps just update the guesses additively
                sip1 = si + si_step
            elif (self.step_type == 'lstm'):
                # LSTM-style updates with write and erase gates
                write_gate = 1.1 * T.nnet.sigmoid(1.0 + hydra_out[1])
                erase_gate = 1.1 * T.nnet.sigmoid(1.0 + hydra_out[2])
                sip1 = (erase_gate * si) + (write_gate * si_step)
            elif (self.step_type == 'layer'):
                alpha_gate = T.nnet.sigmoid(hydra_out[1])
                sip1 = (alpha_gate * si) + ((1.0 - alpha_gate) * si_step)
                assert False, "Unknown step type!"

            # compute NLL for the current imputation
            nlli = self._construct_nll_costs(sip1, self.x_out, self.x_mask)
            return sip1, nlli, kldi_q2p, kldi_p2q, kldi_p2g

        # apply scan op for the sequential imputation loop
        self.s0_full = T.alloc(0.0, self.x_in.shape[0], self.x_dim) + self.s0
        init_vals = [self.s0_full, None, None, None, None]
        self.scan_results, self.scan_updates = theano.scan(imp_step_func, \
                    outputs_info=init_vals, sequences=self.zi_zmuv)

        self.si = self.scan_results[0]
        self.nlli = self.scan_results[1]
        self.kldi_q2p = self.scan_results[2]
        self.kldi_p2q = self.scan_results[3]
        self.kldi_p2g = self.scan_results[4]

        # get the initial imputation state
        self.x0 = (self.x_mask * self.x_in) + \
                  ((1.0 - self.x_mask) * self._si_as_x(self.s0_full))


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.lr = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lr')
        # shared var momentum parameters for generator and inferencer
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared var for weighting nll of data given posterior sample
        self.lam_nll = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_nll')
        # init shared var for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_p')
        self.lam_kld_q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_q')
        self.lam_kld_g = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_g')
        self.set_lam_kld(lam_kld_p=0.05, lam_kld_q=0.95, lam_kld_g=0.0)
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_l2w')

        # Grab all of the "optimizable" parameters in "group 1"
        self.joint_params = [self.s0, self.obs_logvar]

        self.kld_p, self.kld_q, self.kld_g = self._construct_kld_costs(p=1.0)
        self.kld_costs = (self.lam_kld_p[0] * self.kld_p) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_q[0] * self.kld_q) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_g[0] * self.kld_g)
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.nll_costs = self.nlli[-1]
        self.nll_cost = self.lam_nll[0] * T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        self.nll_bounds = self.nll_costs.ravel() + self.kld_q.ravel()
        self.nll_bound = T.mean(self.nll_bounds)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_cost + self.reg_cost
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_costs

        # Get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # Construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        self.joint_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.joint_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-4, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        for k, v in self.scan_updates.items():
            self.joint_updates[k] = v

        # Construct a function for jointly training the generator/inferencer
        print("Compiling cost computer...")
        self.compute_raw_costs = self._construct_raw_costs()
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling best step cost computer...")
        self.compute_per_step_cost = self._construct_compute_per_step_cost()
        print("Compiling data-guided imputer sampler...")
        self.sample_imputer = self._construct_sample_imputer()
        # make easy access points for some interesting parameters
        #self.gen_inf_weights = self.p_zi_given_xi.shared_layers[0].W
class TwoStageModel2(object):
    Controller for training a two-step hierarchical generative model.
      x: the "observation" variables
      z: the "prior" latent variables
      h: the "hidden" latent variables

    Generative model is: p(x) = \sum_{z,h} p(x|h) p(h|z) p(z)
    Variational model is: q(h,z|x) = q(h|x) q(z|h)

        rng: numpy.random.RandomState (for reproducibility)
        x_in: the input data to encode
        x_out: the target output to decode
        p_h_given_z: InfNet for h given z
        p_x_given_h: InfNet for x given h
        q_h_given_x: InfNet for h given x
        q_z_given_h: InfNet for z given h
        x_dim: dimension of the "observation" space
        z_dim: dimension of the "prior" latent space
        h_dim: dimension of the "hidden" latent space
                x_type: can be "bernoulli" or "gaussian"
                obs_transform: can be 'none' or 'sigmoid'
    def __init__(self, rng=None, \
            x_in=None, x_out=None, \
            p_h_given_z=None, \
            p_x_given_h=None, \
            q_h_given_x=None, \
            q_z_given_h=None, \
            x_dim=None, \
            z_dim=None, \
            h_dim=None, \
            params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this GIPair
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        assert((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        if 'obs_transform' in self.params:
            assert((self.params['obs_transform'] == 'sigmoid') or \
                    (self.params['obs_transform'] == 'none'))
            if self.params['obs_transform'] == 'sigmoid':
                self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
                self.obs_transform = lambda x: x
            self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts

        # record the dimensions of various spaces relevant to this model
        self.x_dim = x_dim
        self.z_dim = z_dim
        self.h_dim = h_dim

        # grab handles to the relevant InfNets
        self.q_h_given_x = q_h_given_x
        self.q_z_given_h = q_z_given_h
        self.p_h_given_z = p_h_given_z
        self.p_x_given_h = p_x_given_h

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created to describe this MultiStageModel
        self.x_in = x_in
        self.x_out = x_out

        # setup switching variable for changing between sampling/training
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.train_switch = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_train_switch')

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize "optimizable" parameters specific to this TSM
            init_vec = to_fX( np.zeros((1,self.z_dim)) )
            self.p_z_mean = theano.shared(value=init_vec, name='tsm_p_z_mean')
            self.p_z_logvar = theano.shared(value=init_vec, name='tsm_p_z_logvar')
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_obs_logvar')
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar)
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_mean'] = self.p_z_mean
            self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_logvar'] = self.p_z_logvar
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            self.p_z_mean = self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_mean']
            self.p_z_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_logvar']
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar)

        # Setup the TwoStageModels main computation. #
        print("Building TSM...")
        # samples of "hidden" latent state (from q)
        h_q_mean, h_q_logvar, h_q = \
                self.q_h_given_x.apply(self.x_in, do_samples=True)
        # samples of "prior" latent state (from q)
        z_q_mean, z_q_logvar, z_q = \
                self.q_z_given_h.apply(h_q, do_samples=True)
        # samples of "prior" latent state (from p)
        z_p_mean = self.p_z_mean.repeat(z_q.shape[0], axis=0)
        z_p_logvar = self.p_z_logvar.repeat(z_q.shape[0], axis=0)
        zmuv = self.rng.normal(size=z_q.shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
        z_p = (T.exp(0.5*z_p_logvar) * zmuv) + z_p_mean
        # samples from z -- switched between q/p
        self.z = (self.train_switch[0] * z_q) + \
                 ((1.0 - self.train_switch[0]) * z_p)
        # samples of "hidden" latent state (from p)
        h_p_mean, h_p_logvar, h_p = \
                self.p_h_given_z.apply(self.z, do_samples=True)
        # samples from h -- switched between q/p
        self.h = (self.train_switch[0] * h_q) + \
                 ((1.0 - self.train_switch[0]) * h_p)
        # compute KLds for "prior" and "hidden" latent distributions
        self.kld_z_q2p = gaussian_kld(z_q_mean, z_q_logvar, \
                                      z_p_mean, z_p_logvar)
        self.kld_z_p2q = gaussian_kld(z_p_mean, z_p_logvar, \
                                      z_q_mean, z_q_logvar)
        self.kld_h_q2p = gaussian_kld(h_q_mean, h_q_logvar, \
                                      h_p_mean, h_p_logvar)
        self.kld_h_p2q = gaussian_kld(h_p_mean, h_p_logvar, \
                                      h_q_mean, h_q_logvar)

        # p_x_given_h generates an observation x conditioned on the "hidden"
        # latent variables h.
        self.x_gen, _ = self.p_x_given_h.apply(self.h, do_samples=False)


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.lr = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_lr')
        # shared var momentum parameters for generator and inferencer
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared var for weighting nll of data given posterior sample
        self.lam_nll = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_lam_nll')
        # init shared var for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_q2p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_lam_kld_q2p')
        self.lam_kld_p2q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_lam_kld_p2q')
        self.set_lam_kld(lam_kld_q2p=1.0, lam_kld_p2q=0.0)
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='tsm_lam_l2w')

        # get optimizable parameters belonging to the TwoStageModel
        self_params = [self.obs_logvar] #+ [self.p_z_mean, self.p_z_logvar]
        # get optimizable parameters belonging to the underlying networks
        child_params = []
        # make a joint list of all optimizable parameters
        self.joint_params = self_params + child_params

        self.kld_z = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kld_z_q2p) + \
                     (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kld_z_p2q)
        self.kld_h = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kld_h_q2p) + \
                     (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kld_h_p2q)
        self.kld_costs = T.sum(self.kld_z, axis=1) + \
                         T.sum(self.kld_h, axis=1)
        # compute "mean" (rather than per-input) costs
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.nll_costs = self._construct_nll_costs(self.x_out)
        self.nll_cost = self.lam_nll[0] * T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_cost + self.reg_cost
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_costs

        # get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        all_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.joint_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-4, max_grad_norm=5.0)
        self.joint_updates = OrderedDict()
        for k in all_updates:
            self.joint_updates[k] = all_updates[k]

        # Construct a function for jointly training the generator/inferencer
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling open-loop model sampler...")
        self.sample_from_prior = self._construct_sample_from_prior()

    def set_sgd_params(self, lr=0.01, mom_1=0.9, mom_2=0.999):
        Set learning rate and momentum parameter for all updates.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        # set learning rate
        new_lr = zero_ary + lr
        # set momentums
        new_mom_1 = zero_ary + mom_1
        new_mom_2 = zero_ary + mom_2

    def set_lam_nll(self, lam_nll=1.0):
        Set weight for controlling the influence of the data likelihood.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_nll

    def set_lam_kld(self, lam_kld_q2p=1.0, lam_kld_p2q=1.0):
        Set the relative weight of various KL-divergences.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_q2p
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_p2q

    def set_lam_l2w(self, lam_l2w=1e-3):
        Set the relative strength of l2 regularization on network params.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_l2w

    def set_train_switch(self, switch_val=0.0):
        Set the switch for changing between training and sampling behavior.
        if (switch_val < 0.5):
            switch_val = 0.0
            switch_val = 1.0
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_val = zero_ary + switch_val

    def _construct_nll_costs(self, xo):
        Construct the negative log-likelihood part of free energy.
        # average log-likelihood over the refinement sequence
        xh = self.obs_transform(self.x_gen)
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            ll_costs = log_prob_bernoulli(xo, xh)
            ll_costs = log_prob_gaussian2(xo, xh, \
        nll_costs = -ll_costs
        return nll_costs

    def _construct_kld_costs(self, p=1.0):
        Construct the posterior KL-divergence part of cost to minimize.
        kld_z_q2p = T.sum(self.kld_z_q2p**p, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        kld_z_p2q = T.sum(self.kld_z_p2q**p, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        kld_h_q2p = T.sum(self.kld_h_q2p**p, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        kld_h_p2q = T.sum(self.kld_h_p2q**p, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return [kld_z_q2p, kld_z_p2q, kld_h_q2p, kld_h_p2q]

    def _construct_reg_costs(self):
        Construct the cost for low-level basic regularization. E.g. for
        applying l2 regularization to the network activations and parameters.
        param_reg_cost = sum([T.sum(p**2.0) for p in self.joint_params])
        return param_reg_cost

    def _construct_train_joint(self):
        Construct theano function to train all networks jointly.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        br = T.lscalar()
        # collect the outputs to return from this function
        outputs = [self.joint_cost, self.nll_cost, self.kld_cost, \
                   self.reg_cost, self.obs_costs]
        # compile the theano function
        func = theano.function(inputs=[ xi, xo, br ], \
                outputs=outputs, \
                givens={ self.x_in: xi.repeat(br, axis=0), \
                         self.x_out: xo.repeat(br, axis=0) }, \
        return func

    def _construct_compute_fe_terms(self):
        Construct a function for computing terms in variational free energy.
        # construct values to output
        nll = self._construct_nll_costs(self.x_out)
        kld_z = self.kld_z_q2p
        kld_h = self.kld_h_q2p
        # compile theano function for a one-sample free-energy estimate
        fe_term_sample = theano.function(inputs=[self.x_in, self.x_out], \
                                         outputs=[nll, kld_z, kld_h])
        # construct a wrapper function for multi-sample free-energy estimate
        def fe_term_estimator(XI, XO, sample_count):
            # compute a multi-sample estimate of variational free-energy
            nll_sum = np.zeros((XI.shape[0],))
            kld_z_sum = np.zeros((XI.shape[0],))
            kld_h_sum = np.zeros((XI.shape[0],))
            for i in range(sample_count):
                result = fe_term_sample(XI, XO)
                nll_sum += result[0].ravel()
                kld_z_sum += np.sum(result[1], axis=1).ravel()
                kld_h_sum += np.sum(result[2], axis=1).ravel()
            mean_nll = nll_sum / float(sample_count)
            mean_kld = (kld_z_sum + kld_h_sum) / float(sample_count)
            return [mean_nll, mean_kld]
        return fe_term_estimator

    def _construct_sample_from_prior(self):
        Construct a function for drawing independent samples from the
        distribution generated by this TwoStageModel.
        x_sym = T.matrix()
        sample_func = theano.function(inputs=[x_sym], \
                outputs=self.obs_transform(self.x_gen), \
                givens={self.x_in: T.zeros_like(x_sym), \
                        self.x_out: T.zeros_like(x_sym)})
        def prior_sampler(samp_count):
            x_samps = to_fX( np.zeros((samp_count, self.x_dim)) )
            old_switch = self.train_switch.get_value(borrow=False)
            # set model to generation mode
            # generate samples from model
            model_samps = sample_func(x_samps)
            # set model back to previous mode
            return model_samps
        return prior_sampler
Exemple #37
class GPSImputer(object):
    Controller for training a multi-step imputater via guided policy search.

        rng: numpy.random.RandomState (for reproducibility)
        x_in: the initial state for imputation
        x_out: the goal state for imputation
        x_mask: mask for state dims to keep fixed during imputation
        p_zi_given_xi: HydraNet for stochastic part of step (2 outputs)
        p_sip1_given_zi: HydraNet for deterministic part of step (3 outputs)
        q_zi_given_xi: HydraNet for the guide policy (2 outputs)
                x_dim: dimension of inputs to reconstruct
                z_dim: dimension of latent space for policy wobble
                imp_steps: number of reconstruction steps to perform
                step_type: either "add", "jump", "lstm", or "layer"
                x_type: can be "bernoulli" or "gaussian"
    def __init__(self, rng=None,
            x_in=None, x_mask=None, x_out=None, \
            p_zi_given_xi=None, \
            p_sip1_given_zi=None, \
            q_zi_given_xi=None, \
            params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this GIPair
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_dim = self.params['x_dim']
        self.z_dim = self.params['z_dim']
        self.imp_steps = self.params['imp_steps']
        self.step_type = self.params['step_type']
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        assert ((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts

        # grab handles to the relevant InfNets
        self.p_zi_given_xi = p_zi_given_xi
        self.p_sip1_given_zi = p_sip1_given_zi
        self.q_zi_given_xi = q_zi_given_xi

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created to describe this MultiStageModel
        self.x_in = x_in
        self.x_out = x_out
        self.x_mask = x_mask
        self.zi_zmuv = T.tensor3()

        # setup switching variable for changing between sampling/training
        zero_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((1, )))
        self.train_switch = theano.shared(value=zero_ary,

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize parameters "owned" by this model
            s0_init = to_fX(np.zeros((self.x_dim, )))
            init_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((self.x_dim, )))
            self.x_null = theano.shared(value=init_ary, name='gpis_xn')
            self.grad_null = theano.shared(value=init_ary, name='gpsi_gn')
            self.s0 = theano.shared(value=s0_init, name='gpsi_s0')
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary,
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh(
                (1.0 / 8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['x_null'] = self.x_null
            self.shared_param_dicts['grad_null'] = self.grad_null
            self.shared_param_dicts['s0'] = self.s0
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            # grab the parameters required by this model from a given dict
            self.x_null = self.shared_param_dicts['x_null']
            self.grad_null = self.shared_param_dicts['grad_null']
            self.s0 = self.shared_param_dicts['s0']
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh(
                (1.0 / 8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])

        # Setup the iterative imputation loop using scan #
        self.ones_mask = T.ones_like(self.x_mask)

        def imp_step_func(zi_zmuv, si):
            si_as_x = self._si_as_x(si)
            xi_unmasked = self.x_out
            xi_masked = (self.x_mask * xi_unmasked) + \
                        ((1.0 - self.x_mask) * si_as_x)
            grad_unmasked = self.x_out - si_as_x
            grad_masked = self.x_mask * grad_unmasked
            # get samples of next zi, according to the global policy
            zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar = self.p_zi_given_xi.apply(xi_masked)
            zi_p = zi_p_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_p_logvar) * zi_zmuv)
            # get samples of next zi, according to the guide policy
            zi_q_mean, zi_q_logvar = self.q_zi_given_xi.apply(
                T.concatenate([xi_masked, xi_unmasked], axis=1))
            zi_q = zi_q_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_q_logvar) * zi_zmuv)

            # make zi samples that can be switched between zi_p and zi_q
            zi = ((self.train_switch[0] * zi_q) + \
                 ((1.0 - self.train_switch[0]) * zi_p))
            # compute relevant KLds for this step
            kldi_q2p = gaussian_kld(zi_q_mean, zi_q_logvar, zi_p_mean,
                                    zi_p_logvar)  # KL(q || p)
            kldi_p2q = gaussian_kld(zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar, zi_q_mean,
                                    zi_q_logvar)  # KL(p || q)
            kldi_p2g = gaussian_kld(zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar, 0.0,
                                    0.0)  # KL(p || global prior)

            # compute the next si, given the sampled zi
            hydra_out = self.p_sip1_given_zi.apply(zi)
            si_step = hydra_out[0]
            if (self.step_type == 'jump'):
                # jump steps always completely overwrite the current guesses
                sip1 = si_step
            elif (self.step_type == 'add'):
                # add steps just update the guesses additively
                sip1 = si + si_step
            elif (self.step_type == 'lstm'):
                # LSTM-style updates with write and erase gates
                write_gate = 1.1 * T.nnet.sigmoid(1.0 + hydra_out[1])
                erase_gate = 1.1 * T.nnet.sigmoid(1.0 + hydra_out[2])
                sip1 = (erase_gate * si) + (write_gate * si_step)
            elif (self.step_type == 'layer'):
                alpha_gate = T.nnet.sigmoid(hydra_out[1])
                sip1 = (alpha_gate * si) + ((1.0 - alpha_gate) * si_step)
                assert False, "Unknown step type!"

            # compute NLL for the current imputation
            nlli = self._construct_nll_costs(sip1, self.x_out, self.x_mask)
            return sip1, nlli, kldi_q2p, kldi_p2q, kldi_p2g

        # apply scan op for the sequential imputation loop
        self.s0_full = T.alloc(0.0, self.x_in.shape[0], self.x_dim) + self.s0
        init_vals = [self.s0_full, None, None, None, None]
        self.scan_results, self.scan_updates = theano.scan(imp_step_func, \
                    outputs_info=init_vals, sequences=self.zi_zmuv)

        self.si = self.scan_results[0]
        self.nlli = self.scan_results[1]
        self.kldi_q2p = self.scan_results[2]
        self.kldi_p2q = self.scan_results[3]
        self.kldi_p2g = self.scan_results[4]

        # get the initial imputation state
        self.x0 = (self.x_mask * self.x_in) + \
                  ((1.0 - self.x_mask) * self._si_as_x(self.s0_full))


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((1, )))
        self.lr = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lr')
        # shared var momentum parameters for generator and inferencer
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared var for weighting nll of data given posterior sample
        self.lam_nll = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_nll')
        # init shared var for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_p')
        self.lam_kld_q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_q')
        self.lam_kld_g = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_g')
        self.set_lam_kld(lam_kld_p=0.05, lam_kld_q=0.95, lam_kld_g=0.0)
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_l2w')

        # Grab all of the "optimizable" parameters in "group 1"
        self.joint_params = [self.s0, self.obs_logvar]

        self.kld_p, self.kld_q, self.kld_g = self._construct_kld_costs(p=1.0)
        self.kld_costs = (self.lam_kld_p[0] * self.kld_p) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_q[0] * self.kld_q) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_g[0] * self.kld_g)
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.nll_costs = self.nlli[-1]
        self.nll_cost = self.lam_nll[0] * T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        self.nll_bounds = self.nll_costs.ravel() + self.kld_q.ravel()
        self.nll_bound = T.mean(self.nll_bounds)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_cost + self.reg_cost
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_costs

        # Get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # Construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        self.joint_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.joint_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-4, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        for k, v in self.scan_updates.items():
            self.joint_updates[k] = v

        # Construct a function for jointly training the generator/inferencer
        print("Compiling cost computer...")
        self.compute_raw_costs = self._construct_raw_costs()
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling best step cost computer...")
        self.compute_per_step_cost = self._construct_compute_per_step_cost()
        print("Compiling data-guided imputer sampler...")
        self.sample_imputer = self._construct_sample_imputer()
        # make easy access points for some interesting parameters
        #self.gen_inf_weights = self.p_zi_given_xi.shared_layers[0].W

    def _si_as_x(self, si):
        Convert from "state" to "observation".
        si_as_x = T.nnet.sigmoid(si)
        return si_as_x

    def set_sgd_params(self, lr=0.01, mom_1=0.9, mom_2=0.999):
        Set learning rate and momentum parameter for all updates.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1, ))
        # set learning rate
        new_lr = zero_ary + lr
        # set momentums (use first and second order "momentum")
        new_mom_1 = zero_ary + mom_1
        new_mom_2 = zero_ary + mom_2

    def set_lam_nll(self, lam_nll=1.0):
        Set weight for controlling the influence of the data likelihood.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1, ))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_nll

    def set_lam_kld(self, lam_kld_p=0.0, lam_kld_q=1.0, lam_kld_g=0.0):
        Set the relative weight of prior KL-divergence vs. data likelihood.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1, ))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_p
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_q
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_g

    def set_lam_l2w(self, lam_l2w=1e-3):
        Set the relative strength of l2 regularization on network params.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1, ))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_l2w

    def set_train_switch(self, switch_val=0.0):
        Set the switch for changing between training and sampling behavior.
        if (switch_val < 0.5):
            switch_val = 0.0
            switch_val = 1.0
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1, ))
        new_val = zero_ary + switch_val

    def _construct_zi_zmuv(self, xi, br):
        Construct the necessary (symbolic) samples for computing through this
        GPSImputer for input (sybolic) matrix xi.
        zi_zmuv = self.rng.normal( \
                size=(self.imp_steps, xi.shape[0]*br, self.z_dim), \
                avg=0.0, std=1.0, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        return zi_zmuv

    def _construct_nll_costs(self, si, xo, xm):
        Construct the negative log-likelihood part of free energy.
        # average log-likelihood over the refinement sequence
        xh = self._si_as_x(si)
        xm_inv = 1.0 - xm  # we will measure nll only where xm_inv is 1
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            ll_costs = log_prob_bernoulli(xo, xh, mask=xm_inv)
            ll_costs = log_prob_gaussian2(xo, xh, \
                    log_vars=self.bounded_logvar, mask=xm_inv)
        nll_costs = -ll_costs.flatten()
        return nll_costs

    def _construct_kld_costs(self, p=1.0):
        Construct the policy KL-divergence part of cost to minimize.
        kld_pis = []
        kld_qis = []
        kld_gis = []
        for i in range(self.imp_steps):
            kld_pis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_p2q[i]**p, axis=1))
            kld_qis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_q2p[i]**p, axis=1))
            kld_gis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_p2g[i]**p, axis=1))
        # compute the batch-wise costs
        kld_pi = sum(kld_pis)
        kld_qi = sum(kld_qis)
        kld_gi = sum(kld_gis)
        return [kld_pi, kld_qi, kld_gi]

    def _construct_reg_costs(self):
        Construct the cost for low-level basic regularization. E.g. for
        applying l2 regularization to the network activations and parameters.
        param_reg_cost = sum([T.sum(p**2.0) for p in self.joint_params])
        return param_reg_cost

    def _construct_compute_fe_terms(self):
        Construct a function for computing terms in variational free energy.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        xm = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xi, 1)
        # construct values to output
        nll = self.nll_costs.flatten()
        kld = self.kld_q.flatten()
        # compile theano function for a one-sample free-energy estimate
        fe_term_sample = theano.function(inputs=[ xi, xo, xm ], \
                outputs=[nll, kld], \
                givens={self.x_in: xi, \
                        self.x_out: xo, \
                        self.x_mask: xm, \
                        self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv}, \
                updates=self.scan_updates, \

        # construct a wrapper function for multi-sample free-energy estimate
        def fe_term_estimator(XI,
            # set model to desired generation mode
            old_switch = self.train_switch.get_value(borrow=False)
            if use_guide_policy:
                # take samples from guide policies (i.e. variational q)
                # take samples from model's imputation policy
            # compute a multi-sample estimate of variational free-energy
            nll_sum = np.zeros((XI.shape[0], ))
            kld_sum = np.zeros((XI.shape[0], ))
            for i in range(sample_count):
                result = fe_term_sample(XI, XO, XM)
                nll_sum += result[0].ravel()
                kld_sum += result[1].ravel()
            mean_nll = nll_sum / float(sample_count)
            mean_kld = kld_sum / float(sample_count)
            # set model back to either training or generation mode
            if not use_guide_policy:
                # no KLd if samples are from the primary policy...
                mean_kld = 0.0 * mean_kld
            return [mean_nll, mean_kld]

        return fe_term_estimator

    def _construct_raw_costs(self):
        Construct all the raw, i.e. not weighted by any lambdas, costs.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        xm = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xi, 1)
        # compile theano function for computing the costs
        all_step_costs = [
            self.nlli, self.kldi_q2p, self.kldi_p2q, self.kldi_p2g
        cost_func = theano.function(inputs=[xi, xo, xm], \
                    outputs=all_step_costs, \
                    givens={ self.x_in: xi, \
                             self.x_out: xo, \
                             self.x_mask: xm, \
                             self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv }, \
                    updates=self.scan_updates, \

        # make a function for computing multi-sample estimates of cost
        def raw_cost_computer(XI, XO, XM):
            _all_costs = cost_func(to_fX(XI), to_fX(XO), to_fX(XM))
            _kld_q2p = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[1], axis=1, keepdims=True),
            _kld_p2q = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[2], axis=1, keepdims=True),
            _kld_p2g = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[3], axis=1, keepdims=True),
            _step_klds = np.mean(np.sum(_all_costs[1], axis=2, keepdims=True),
            _step_klds = to_fX(np.asarray([k for k in _step_klds]))
            _step_nlls = np.mean(_all_costs[0], axis=1)
            _step_nlls = to_fX(np.asarray([k for k in _step_nlls]))
            results = [_step_nlls, _step_klds, _kld_q2p, _kld_p2q, _kld_p2g]
            return results

        return raw_cost_computer

    def _construct_compute_per_step_cost(self):
        Construct a theano function for computing the best possible cost
        achieved by sequential imputation.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        xm = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xi, 1)
        # construct symbolic variables for the step-wise cost
        step_mean_nll = T.mean(self.nlli, axis=1).flatten()
        step_lone_kld = T.sum(self.kldi_q2p, axis=2)
        step_cumu_kld = T.extra_ops.cumsum(step_lone_kld, axis=0)
        step_mean_kld = T.mean(step_cumu_kld, axis=1).flatten()
        # compile theano function for computing the step-wise cost
        step_cost_func = theano.function(inputs=[xi, xo, xm], \
                    outputs=[step_mean_nll, step_mean_kld], \
                    givens={ self.x_in: xi, \
                             self.x_out: xo, \
                             self.x_mask: xm, \
                             self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv }, \
                    updates=self.scan_updates, \

        def best_cost_computer(XI, XO, XM, sample_count=20):
            # compute a multi-sample estimate of variational free-energy
            step_nll_sum = np.zeros((self.imp_steps, ))
            step_kld_sum = np.zeros((self.imp_steps, ))
            for i in range(sample_count):
                result = step_cost_func(XI, XO, XM)
                step_nll_sum += result[0].ravel()
                step_kld_sum += result[1].ravel()
            mean_step_nll = step_nll_sum / float(sample_count)
            mean_step_kld = step_kld_sum / float(sample_count)
            return [mean_step_nll, mean_step_kld]

        return best_cost_computer

    def _construct_train_joint(self):
        Construct theano function to train all networks jointly.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        xm = T.matrix()
        br = T.lscalar()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xi, br)
        # collect the outputs to return from this function
        outputs = [self.joint_cost, self.nll_bound, self.nll_cost, \
                   self.kld_cost, self.reg_cost, self.obs_costs]
        # compile the theano function
        func = theano.function(inputs=[ xi, xo, xm, br ], \
                outputs=outputs, \
                givens={ self.x_in: xi.repeat(br, axis=0), \
                         self.x_out: xo.repeat(br, axis=0), \
                         self.x_mask: xm.repeat(br, axis=0), \
                         self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv }, \
                updates=self.joint_updates, \
        return func

    def _construct_sample_imputer(self):
        Construct a function for drawing samples from the distribution
        generated by running this imputer.
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        xm = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xi, 1)
        oputs = [self.x0] + [
            self._si_as_x(self.si[i]) for i in range(self.imp_steps)
        sample_func = theano.function(inputs=[xi, xo, xm], outputs=oputs, \
                givens={self.x_in: xi, \
                        self.x_out: xo, \
                        self.x_mask: xm, \
                        self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv}, \
                updates=self.scan_updates, \

        def imputer_sampler(XI, XO, XM, use_guide_policy=False):
            XI = to_fX(XI)
            XO = to_fX(XO)
            XM = to_fX(XM)
            # set model to desired generation mode
            old_switch = self.train_switch.get_value(borrow=False)
            if use_guide_policy:
                # take samples from guide policies (i.e. variational q)
                # take samples from model's imputation policy
            # draw guided/unguided conditional samples
            model_samps = sample_func(XI, XO, XM)
            # set model back to either training or generation mode
            # reverse engineer the "masked" samples...
            masked_samps = []
            for xs in model_samps:
                xsm = (XM * XI) + ((1.0 - XM) * xs)
            return model_samps, masked_samps

        return imputer_sampler

    def save_to_file(self, f_name=None):
        Dump important stuff to a Python pickle, so that we can reload this
        model later.
        assert (not (f_name is None))
        f_handle = file(f_name, 'wb')
        # dump the dict self.params, which just holds "simple" python values
        cPickle.dump(self.params, f_handle, protocol=-1)
        # make a copy of self.shared_param_dicts, with numpy arrays in place
        # of the theano shared variables
        numpy_param_dicts = {}
        for key in self.shared_param_dicts:
            numpy_ary = self.shared_param_dicts[key].get_value(borrow=False)
            numpy_param_dicts[key] = numpy_ary
        # dump the numpy version of self.shared_param_dicts to pickle file
        cPickle.dump(numpy_param_dicts, f_handle, protocol=-1)
        # get numpy dicts for each of the "child" models that we must save
        child_model_dicts = {}
        child_model_dicts['p_zi_given_xi'] = self.p_zi_given_xi.save_to_dict()
            'p_sip1_given_zi'] = self.p_sip1_given_zi.save_to_dict()
        child_model_dicts['q_zi_given_xi'] = self.q_zi_given_xi.save_to_dict()
        # dump the numpy child model dicts to the pickle file
        cPickle.dump(child_model_dicts, f_handle, protocol=-1)
class GPSImputer(object):
    Controller for training a multi-step imputater via guided policy search.

        rng: numpy.random.RandomState (for reproducibility)
        x_in: the initial state for imputation
        x_out: the goal state for imputation
        x_mask: mask for state dims to keep fixed during imputation
        p_zi_given_xi: HydraNet for stochastic part of step (2 outputs)
        p_sip1_given_zi: HydraNet for deterministic part of step (3 outputs)
        q_zi_given_xi: HydraNet for the guide policy (2 outputs)
                x_dim: dimension of inputs to reconstruct
                z_dim: dimension of latent space for policy wobble
                imp_steps: number of reconstruction steps to perform
                step_type: either "add", "jump", "lstm", or "layer"
                x_type: can be "bernoulli" or "gaussian"
    def __init__(self, rng=None,
            x_in=None, x_mask=None, x_out=None, \
            p_zi_given_xi=None, \
            p_sip1_given_zi=None, \
            q_zi_given_xi=None, \
            params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this GIPair
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_dim = self.params['x_dim']
        self.z_dim = self.params['z_dim']
        self.imp_steps = self.params['imp_steps']
        self.step_type = self.params['step_type']
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        assert((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts

        # grab handles to the relevant InfNets
        self.p_zi_given_xi = p_zi_given_xi
        self.p_sip1_given_zi = p_sip1_given_zi
        self.q_zi_given_xi = q_zi_given_xi

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created to describe this MultiStageModel
        self.x_in = x_in
        self.x_out = x_out
        self.x_mask = x_mask
        self.zi_zmuv = T.tensor3()

        # setup switching variable for changing between sampling/training
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.train_switch = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_train_switch')

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize parameters "owned" by this model
            s0_init = to_fX( np.zeros((self.x_dim,)) )
            init_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((self.x_dim,)) )
            self.x_null = theano.shared(value=init_ary, name='gpis_xn')
            self.grad_null = theano.shared(value=init_ary, name='gpsi_gn')
            self.s0 = theano.shared(value=s0_init, name='gpsi_s0')
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_obs_logvar')
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['x_null'] = self.x_null
            self.shared_param_dicts['grad_null'] = self.grad_null
            self.shared_param_dicts['s0'] = self.s0
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            # grab the parameters required by this model from a given dict
            self.x_null = self.shared_param_dicts['x_null']
            self.grad_null = self.shared_param_dicts['grad_null']
            self.s0 = self.shared_param_dicts['s0']
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])

        # Setup the iterative imputation loop using scan #
        self.ones_mask = T.ones_like(self.x_mask)
        def imp_step_func(zi_zmuv, si):
            si_as_x = self._si_as_x(si)
            xi_unmasked = self.x_out
            xi_masked = (self.x_mask * xi_unmasked) + \
                        ((1.0 - self.x_mask) * si_as_x)
            grad_unmasked = self.x_out - si_as_x
            grad_masked = self.x_mask * grad_unmasked
            # get samples of next zi, according to the global policy
            zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar = self.p_zi_given_xi.apply(xi_masked)
            zi_p = zi_p_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_p_logvar) * zi_zmuv)
            # get samples of next zi, according to the guide policy
            zi_q_mean, zi_q_logvar = self.q_zi_given_xi.apply(
                    T.concatenate([xi_masked, xi_unmasked], axis=1))
            zi_q = zi_q_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_q_logvar) * zi_zmuv)

            # make zi samples that can be switched between zi_p and zi_q
            zi = ((self.train_switch[0] * zi_q) + \
                 ((1.0 - self.train_switch[0]) * zi_p))
            # compute relevant KLds for this step
            kldi_q2p = gaussian_kld(zi_q_mean, zi_q_logvar,
                                    zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar) # KL(q || p)
            kldi_p2q = gaussian_kld(zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar,
                                    zi_q_mean, zi_q_logvar) # KL(p || q)
            kldi_p2g = gaussian_kld(zi_p_mean, zi_p_logvar,
                                    0.0, 0.0) # KL(p || global prior)

            # compute the next si, given the sampled zi
            hydra_out = self.p_sip1_given_zi.apply(zi)
            si_step = hydra_out[0]
            if (self.step_type == 'jump'):
                # jump steps always completely overwrite the current guesses
                sip1 = si_step
            elif (self.step_type == 'add'):
                # add steps just update the guesses additively
                sip1 = si + si_step
            elif (self.step_type == 'lstm'):
                # LSTM-style updates with write and erase gates
                write_gate = 1.1 * T.nnet.sigmoid(1.0 + hydra_out[1])
                erase_gate = 1.1 * T.nnet.sigmoid(1.0 + hydra_out[2])
                sip1 = (erase_gate * si) + (write_gate * si_step)
            elif (self.step_type == 'layer'):
                alpha_gate = T.nnet.sigmoid(hydra_out[1])
                sip1 = (alpha_gate * si) + ((1.0 - alpha_gate) * si_step)
                assert False, "Unknown step type!"

            # compute NLL for the current imputation
            nlli = self._construct_nll_costs(sip1, self.x_out, self.x_mask)
            return sip1, nlli, kldi_q2p, kldi_p2q, kldi_p2g

        # apply scan op for the sequential imputation loop
        self.s0_full = T.alloc(0.0, self.x_in.shape[0], self.x_dim) + self.s0
        init_vals = [self.s0_full, None, None, None, None]
        self.scan_results, self.scan_updates = theano.scan(imp_step_func, \
                    outputs_info=init_vals, sequences=self.zi_zmuv)

        self.si = self.scan_results[0]
        self.nlli = self.scan_results[1]
        self.kldi_q2p = self.scan_results[2]
        self.kldi_p2q = self.scan_results[3]
        self.kldi_p2g = self.scan_results[4]

        # get the initial imputation state
        self.x0 = (self.x_mask * self.x_in) + \
                  ((1.0 - self.x_mask) * self._si_as_x(self.s0_full))


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.lr = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lr')
        # shared var momentum parameters for generator and inferencer
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared var for weighting nll of data given posterior sample
        self.lam_nll = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_nll')
        # init shared var for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_p')
        self.lam_kld_q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_q')
        self.lam_kld_g = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='gpsi_lam_kld_g')
        self.set_lam_kld(lam_kld_p=0.05, lam_kld_q=0.95, lam_kld_g=0.0)
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_l2w')

        # Grab all of the "optimizable" parameters in "group 1"
        self.joint_params = [self.s0, self.obs_logvar]

        self.kld_p, self.kld_q, self.kld_g = self._construct_kld_costs(p=1.0)
        self.kld_costs = (self.lam_kld_p[0] * self.kld_p) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_q[0] * self.kld_q) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_g[0] * self.kld_g)
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.nll_costs = self.nlli[-1]
        self.nll_cost = self.lam_nll[0] * T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        self.nll_bounds = self.nll_costs.ravel() + self.kld_q.ravel()
        self.nll_bound = T.mean(self.nll_bounds)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_cost + self.reg_cost
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_costs

        # Get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # Construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        self.joint_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.joint_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-4, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        for k, v in self.scan_updates.items():
            self.joint_updates[k] = v

        # Construct a function for jointly training the generator/inferencer
        print("Compiling cost computer...")
        self.compute_raw_costs = self._construct_raw_costs()
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling best step cost computer...")
        self.compute_per_step_cost = self._construct_compute_per_step_cost()
        print("Compiling data-guided imputer sampler...")
        self.sample_imputer = self._construct_sample_imputer()
        # make easy access points for some interesting parameters
        #self.gen_inf_weights = self.p_zi_given_xi.shared_layers[0].W

    def _si_as_x(self, si):
        Convert from "state" to "observation".
        si_as_x = T.nnet.sigmoid(si)
        return si_as_x

    def set_sgd_params(self, lr=0.01, mom_1=0.9, mom_2=0.999):
        Set learning rate and momentum parameter for all updates.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        # set learning rate
        new_lr = zero_ary + lr
        # set momentums (use first and second order "momentum")
        new_mom_1 = zero_ary + mom_1
        new_mom_2 = zero_ary + mom_2

    def set_lam_nll(self, lam_nll=1.0):
        Set weight for controlling the influence of the data likelihood.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_nll

    def set_lam_kld(self, lam_kld_p=0.0, lam_kld_q=1.0, lam_kld_g=0.0):
        Set the relative weight of prior KL-divergence vs. data likelihood.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_p
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_q
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_g

    def set_lam_l2w(self, lam_l2w=1e-3):
        Set the relative strength of l2 regularization on network params.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_l2w

    def set_train_switch(self, switch_val=0.0):
        Set the switch for changing between training and sampling behavior.
        if (switch_val < 0.5):
            switch_val = 0.0
            switch_val = 1.0
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_val = zero_ary + switch_val

    def _construct_zi_zmuv(self, xi, br):
        Construct the necessary (symbolic) samples for computing through this
        GPSImputer for input (sybolic) matrix xi.
        zi_zmuv = self.rng.normal( \
                size=(self.imp_steps, xi.shape[0]*br, self.z_dim), \
                avg=0.0, std=1.0, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        return zi_zmuv

    def _construct_nll_costs(self, si, xo, xm):
        Construct the negative log-likelihood part of free energy.
        # average log-likelihood over the refinement sequence
        xh = self._si_as_x(si)
        xm_inv = 1.0 - xm # we will measure nll only where xm_inv is 1
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            ll_costs = log_prob_bernoulli(xo, xh, mask=xm_inv)
            ll_costs = log_prob_gaussian2(xo, xh, \
                    log_vars=self.bounded_logvar, mask=xm_inv)
        nll_costs = -ll_costs.flatten()
        return nll_costs

    def _construct_kld_costs(self, p=1.0):
        Construct the policy KL-divergence part of cost to minimize.
        kld_pis = []
        kld_qis = []
        kld_gis = []
        for i in range(self.imp_steps):
            kld_pis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_p2q[i]**p, axis=1))
            kld_qis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_q2p[i]**p, axis=1))
            kld_gis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_p2g[i]**p, axis=1))
        # compute the batch-wise costs
        kld_pi = sum(kld_pis)
        kld_qi = sum(kld_qis)
        kld_gi = sum(kld_gis)
        return [kld_pi, kld_qi, kld_gi]

    def _construct_reg_costs(self):
        Construct the cost for low-level basic regularization. E.g. for
        applying l2 regularization to the network activations and parameters.
        param_reg_cost = sum([T.sum(p**2.0) for p in self.joint_params])
        return param_reg_cost

    def _construct_compute_fe_terms(self):
        Construct a function for computing terms in variational free energy.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        xm = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xi, 1)
        # construct values to output
        nll = self.nll_costs.flatten()
        kld = self.kld_q.flatten()
        # compile theano function for a one-sample free-energy estimate
        fe_term_sample = theano.function(inputs=[ xi, xo, xm ], \
                outputs=[nll, kld], \
                givens={self.x_in: xi, \
                        self.x_out: xo, \
                        self.x_mask: xm, \
                        self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv}, \
                updates=self.scan_updates, \
        # construct a wrapper function for multi-sample free-energy estimate
        def fe_term_estimator(XI, XO, XM, sample_count=20, use_guide_policy=True):
            # set model to desired generation mode
            old_switch = self.train_switch.get_value(borrow=False)
            if use_guide_policy:
                # take samples from guide policies (i.e. variational q)
                # take samples from model's imputation policy
            # compute a multi-sample estimate of variational free-energy
            nll_sum = np.zeros((XI.shape[0],))
            kld_sum = np.zeros((XI.shape[0],))
            for i in range(sample_count):
                result = fe_term_sample(XI, XO, XM)
                nll_sum += result[0].ravel()
                kld_sum += result[1].ravel()
            mean_nll = nll_sum / float(sample_count)
            mean_kld = kld_sum / float(sample_count)
            # set model back to either training or generation mode
            if not use_guide_policy:
                # no KLd if samples are from the primary policy...
                mean_kld = 0.0 * mean_kld
            return [mean_nll, mean_kld]
        return fe_term_estimator

    def _construct_raw_costs(self):
        Construct all the raw, i.e. not weighted by any lambdas, costs.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        xm = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xi, 1)
        # compile theano function for computing the costs
        all_step_costs = [self.nlli, self.kldi_q2p, self.kldi_p2q, self.kldi_p2g]
        cost_func = theano.function(inputs=[xi, xo, xm], \
                    outputs=all_step_costs, \
                    givens={ self.x_in: xi, \
                             self.x_out: xo, \
                             self.x_mask: xm, \
                             self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv }, \
                    updates=self.scan_updates, \
        # make a function for computing multi-sample estimates of cost
        def raw_cost_computer(XI, XO, XM):
            _all_costs = cost_func(to_fX(XI), to_fX(XO), to_fX(XM))
            _kld_q2p = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[1], axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0)
            _kld_p2q = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[2], axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0)
            _kld_p2g = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[3], axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0)
            _step_klds = np.mean(np.sum(_all_costs[1], axis=2, keepdims=True), axis=1)
            _step_klds = to_fX( np.asarray([k for k in _step_klds]) )
            _step_nlls = np.mean(_all_costs[0], axis=1)
            _step_nlls = to_fX( np.asarray([k for k in _step_nlls]) )
            results = [_step_nlls, _step_klds, _kld_q2p, _kld_p2q, _kld_p2g]
            return results
        return raw_cost_computer

    def _construct_compute_per_step_cost(self):
        Construct a theano function for computing the best possible cost
        achieved by sequential imputation.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        xm = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xi, 1)
        # construct symbolic variables for the step-wise cost
        step_mean_nll = T.mean(self.nlli, axis=1).flatten()
        step_lone_kld = T.sum(self.kldi_q2p, axis=2)
        step_cumu_kld = T.extra_ops.cumsum(step_lone_kld, axis=0)
        step_mean_kld = T.mean(step_cumu_kld, axis=1).flatten()
        # compile theano function for computing the step-wise cost
        step_cost_func = theano.function(inputs=[xi, xo, xm], \
                    outputs=[step_mean_nll, step_mean_kld], \
                    givens={ self.x_in: xi, \
                             self.x_out: xo, \
                             self.x_mask: xm, \
                             self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv }, \
                    updates=self.scan_updates, \
        def best_cost_computer(XI, XO, XM, sample_count=20):
            # compute a multi-sample estimate of variational free-energy
            step_nll_sum = np.zeros((self.imp_steps,))
            step_kld_sum = np.zeros((self.imp_steps,))
            for i in range(sample_count):
                result = step_cost_func(XI, XO, XM)
                step_nll_sum += result[0].ravel()
                step_kld_sum += result[1].ravel()
            mean_step_nll = step_nll_sum / float(sample_count)
            mean_step_kld = step_kld_sum / float(sample_count)
            return [mean_step_nll, mean_step_kld]
        return best_cost_computer

    def _construct_train_joint(self):
        Construct theano function to train all networks jointly.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        xm = T.matrix()
        br = T.lscalar()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xi, br)
        # collect the outputs to return from this function
        outputs = [self.joint_cost, self.nll_bound, self.nll_cost, \
                   self.kld_cost, self.reg_cost, self.obs_costs]
        # compile the theano function
        func = theano.function(inputs=[ xi, xo, xm, br ], \
                outputs=outputs, \
                givens={ self.x_in: xi.repeat(br, axis=0), \
                         self.x_out: xo.repeat(br, axis=0), \
                         self.x_mask: xm.repeat(br, axis=0), \
                         self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv }, \
                updates=self.joint_updates, \
        return func

    def _construct_sample_imputer(self):
        Construct a function for drawing samples from the distribution
        generated by running this imputer.
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        xm = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xi, 1)
        oputs = [self.x0] + [self._si_as_x(self.si[i]) for i in range(self.imp_steps)]
        sample_func = theano.function(inputs=[xi, xo, xm], outputs=oputs, \
                givens={self.x_in: xi, \
                        self.x_out: xo, \
                        self.x_mask: xm, \
                        self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv}, \
                updates=self.scan_updates, \
        def imputer_sampler(XI, XO, XM, use_guide_policy=False):
            XI = to_fX( XI )
            XO = to_fX( XO )
            XM = to_fX( XM )
            # set model to desired generation mode
            old_switch = self.train_switch.get_value(borrow=False)
            if use_guide_policy:
                # take samples from guide policies (i.e. variational q)
                # take samples from model's imputation policy
            # draw guided/unguided conditional samples
            model_samps = sample_func(XI, XO, XM)
            # set model back to either training or generation mode
            # reverse engineer the "masked" samples...
            masked_samps = []
            for xs in model_samps:
                xsm = (XM * XI) + ((1.0 - XM) * xs)
            return model_samps, masked_samps
        return imputer_sampler

    def save_to_file(self, f_name=None):
        Dump important stuff to a Python pickle, so that we can reload this
        model later.
        assert(not (f_name is None))
        f_handle = file(f_name, 'wb')
        # dump the dict self.params, which just holds "simple" python values
        cPickle.dump(self.params, f_handle, protocol=-1)
        # make a copy of self.shared_param_dicts, with numpy arrays in place
        # of the theano shared variables
        numpy_param_dicts = {}
        for key in self.shared_param_dicts:
            numpy_ary = self.shared_param_dicts[key].get_value(borrow=False)
            numpy_param_dicts[key] = numpy_ary
        # dump the numpy version of self.shared_param_dicts to pickle file
        cPickle.dump(numpy_param_dicts, f_handle, protocol=-1)
        # get numpy dicts for each of the "child" models that we must save
        child_model_dicts = {}
        child_model_dicts['p_zi_given_xi'] = self.p_zi_given_xi.save_to_dict()
        child_model_dicts['p_sip1_given_zi'] = self.p_sip1_given_zi.save_to_dict()
        child_model_dicts['q_zi_given_xi'] = self.q_zi_given_xi.save_to_dict()
        # dump the numpy child model dicts to the pickle file
        cPickle.dump(child_model_dicts, f_handle, protocol=-1)
    def __init__(self, rng, input, in_dim, out_dim, \
                 activation=None, pool_size=0, \
                 drop_rate=0., input_noise=0., bias_noise=0., \
                 W=None, b=None, name="", W_scale=1.0):

        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        #self.rng = theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams( \
        #        rng.randint(100000))
        self.rng = CURAND_RandomStreams(rng.randint(1000000))

        self.clean_input = input

        # Add gaussian noise to the input (if desired)
        if (input_noise > 1e-4):
            self.fuzzy_input = input + self.rng.normal(size=input.shape, \
                    avg=0.0, std=input_noise, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            self.fuzzy_input = input

        # Apply masking noise to the input (if desired)
        if (drop_rate > 1e-4):
            self.noisy_input = self._drop_from_input(self.fuzzy_input,
            self.noisy_input = self.fuzzy_input

        # Set some basic layer properties
        self.pool_size = pool_size
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim
        if self.pool_size <= 1:
            self.filt_count = self.out_dim
            self.filt_count = self.out_dim * self.pool_size
        self.pool_count = self.filt_count / max(self.pool_size, 1)
        if activation:
            self.activation = activation
            if self.pool_size <= 1:
                self.activation = lambda x: relu_actfun(x)
                self.activation = lambda x: \
                        maxout_actfun(x, self.pool_size, self.filt_count)

        # Get some random initial weights and biases, if not given
        if W is None:
            if self.pool_size <= 1:
                # Generate random initial filters in a typical way
                W_init = 0.01 * np.asarray(rng.normal( \
                          size=(self.in_dim, self.filt_count)), \
                # Generate groups of random filters to pool over such that
                # intra-group correlations are stronger than inter-group
                # correlations, to encourage pooling over similar filters...
                filters = []
                f_size = (self.in_dim, 1)
                for g_num in range(self.pool_count):
                    g_filt = 0.01 * rng.normal(size=f_size)
                    for f_num in range(self.pool_size):
                        f_filt = g_filt + 0.003 * rng.normal(size=f_size)
                W_init = np.hstack(filters).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            W = theano.shared(value=(W_scale * W_init),
        if b is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((self.filt_count, ), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b = theano.shared(value=b_init, name="{0:s}_b".format(name))

        # Set layer weights and biases
        self.W = W
        self.b = b

        # Compute linear "pre-activation" for this layer
        self.linear_output = T.dot(self.noisy_input, self.W) + self.b

        # Add noise to the pre-activation features (if desired)
        if bias_noise > 1e-3:
            self.noisy_linear = self.linear_output  + \
                    self.rng.normal(size=self.linear_output.shape, \
                    avg=0.0, std=bias_noise, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            self.noisy_linear = self.linear_output

        # Apply activation function
        self.output = self.activation(self.noisy_linear)

        # Compute some properties of the activations, probably to regularize
        self.act_l2_sum = T.sum(self.output**2.) / self.output.size
        self.row_l1_sum = T.sum(abs(row_normalize(self.output))) / \
        self.col_l1_sum = T.sum(abs(col_normalize(self.output))) / \

        # Conveniently package layer parameters
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        # Layer construction complete...
Exemple #40
    def __init__(self, \
            rng=None, \
            Xd=None, \
            prior_sigma=None, \
            params=None, \
        # Setup a shared random generator for this network 
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))
        # Grab the symbolic input matrix
        self.Xd = Xd
        self.prior_sigma = prior_sigma
        # Process user-supplied parameters for this network #
        self.params = params
        self.lam_l2a = params['lam_l2a']
        if 'build_theano_funcs' in params:
            self.build_theano_funcs = params['build_theano_funcs']
            self.build_theano_funcs = True
        if 'vis_drop' in params:
            self.vis_drop = params['vis_drop']
            self.vis_drop = 0.0
        if 'hid_drop' in params:
            self.hid_drop = params['hid_drop']
            self.hid_drop = 0.0
        if 'input_noise' in params:
            self.input_noise = params['input_noise']
            self.input_noise = 0.0
        if 'bias_noise' in params:
            self.bias_noise = params['bias_noise']
            self.bias_noise = 0.0
        if 'init_scale' in params:
            self.init_scale = params['init_scale']
            self.init_scale = 1.0
        if 'encoder' in params:
            self.encoder = params['encoder']
            self.decoder = params['decoder']
            self.use_encoder = True
            self.Xd_encoded = self.encoder(self.Xd)
            self.encoder = lambda x: x
            self.decoder = lambda x: x
            self.use_encoder = False
            self.Xd_encoded = self.encoder(self.Xd)
        if 'kld2_scale' in params:
            self.kld2_scale = params['kld2_scale']
            self.kld2_scale = 0.0
        if 'sigma_init_scale' in params:
            self.sigma_init_scale = params['sigma_init_scale']
            self.sigma_init_scale = 1.0
        # Check if the params for this net were given a priori. This option
        # will be used for creating "clones" of an inference network, with all
        # of the network parameters shared between clones.
        if shared_param_dicts is None:
            # This is not a clone, and we will need to make a dict for
            # referring to the parameters of each network layer
            self.shared_param_dicts = {'shared': [], 'mu': [], 'sigma': []}
            self.is_clone = False
            # This is a clone, and its layer parameters can be found by
            # referring to the given param dict (i.e. shared_param_dicts).
            self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
            self.is_clone = True
        # Get the configuration/prototype for this network. The config is a
        # list of layer descriptions, including a description for the input
        # layer, which is typically just the dimension of the inputs. So, the
        # depth of the mlp is one less than the number of layer configs.
        self.shared_config = params['shared_config']
        self.mu_config = params['mu_config']
        self.sigma_config = params['sigma_config']
        if 'activation' in params:
            self.activation = params['activation']
            self.activation = relu_actfun
        # Initialize the shared part of network #
        self.shared_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.shared_config[:-1],self.shared_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Construct input to the inference network
        if self.use_encoder:
            next_input = self.encoder(self.Xd)
            next_input = self.Xd
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "share_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            if first_layer:
                d_rate = self.vis_drop
                d_rate = self.hid_drop
            if first_layer:
                i_noise = self.input_noise
                b_noise = 0.0
                i_noise = 0.0
                b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['shared'].append( \
                        {'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b, \
                         'b_in': new_layer.b_in, 's_in': new_layer.s_in})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['shared'][layer_num]
                if not (('b_in' in init_params) and ('s_in' in init_params)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = None
                    init_params['s_in'] = None
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                if ((init_params['b_in'] is None) or (init_params['s_in'] is None)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = new_layer.b_in
                    init_params['s_in'] = new_layer.s_in
            next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the mu part of network #
        self.mu_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.mu_config[:-1],self.mu_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "mu_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['mu'].append( \
                        {'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b, \
                         'b_in': new_layer.b_in, 's_in': new_layer.s_in})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['mu'][layer_num]
                if not (('b_in' in init_params) and ('s_in' in init_params)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = None
                    init_params['s_in'] = None
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                if ((init_params['b_in'] is None) or (init_params['s_in'] is None)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = new_layer.b_in
                    init_params['s_in'] = new_layer.s_in
            next_input = self.mu_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the sigma part of network #
        self.sigma_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.sigma_config[:-1],self.sigma_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "sigma_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if last_layer:
                # set in-bound weights for logvar predictions to 0
                i_scale = 0.0 * i_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'].append( \
                        {'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b, \
                         'b_in': new_layer.b_in, 's_in': new_layer.s_in})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][layer_num]
                if not (('b_in' in init_params) and ('s_in' in init_params)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = None
                    init_params['s_in'] = None
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                if ((init_params['b_in'] is None) or (init_params['s_in'] is None)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = new_layer.b_in
                    init_params['s_in'] = new_layer.s_in
            next_input = self.sigma_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1

        # Create a shared parameter for rescaling posterior "sigmas" to allow
        # control over the velocity of the markov chain generated by repeated
        # cycling through the INF -> GEN loop.
        if not ('sigma_scale' in self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][-1]):
            # we use a hack-ish check to remain compatible with loading models
            # that were saved before the addition of the sigma_scale param.
            zero_ary = np.zeros((1,)).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            self.sigma_scale = theano.shared(value=zero_ary)
            new_dict = {'sigma_scale': self.sigma_scale}
            # this is a clone of some other InfNet, and that InfNet was made
            # after adding the sigma_scale param, so use its sigma_scale
            self.sigma_scale = \

        # Create a shared parameter for maintaining an exponentially decaying
        # estimate of the population mean of posterior KL divergence.
        if not ('kld_mean' in self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][-1]):
            # add a kld_mean if none was already present
            zero_ary = np.zeros((1,)).astype(theano.config.floatX) + 100.0
            self.kld_mean = theano.shared(value=zero_ary)
            self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][-1]['kld_mean'] = self.kld_mean
            # use a kld_mean that's already present
            self.kld_mean = self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][-1]['kld_mean']

        # Mash all the parameters together, into a list.
        self.mlp_params = []
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
        for layer in self.mu_layers:
        for layer in self.sigma_layers:

        # The output of this inference network is given by the noisy output
        # of the final layers of its mu and sigma networks.
        self.output_mean = self.mu_layers[-1].linear_output
        self.output_logvar = self.sigma_layers[-1].linear_output
        self.output_sigma = self.sigma_init_scale * self.sigma_scale[0] * \
                T.exp(0.5 * self.output_logvar)

        # We'll also construct an output containing a single samples from each
        # of the distributions represented by the rows of self.output_mean and
        # self.output_sigma.
        self.output = self._construct_post_samples()
        self.out_dim = self.sigma_layers[-1].out_dim
        # Get simple regularization penalty to moderate activation dynamics
        self.act_reg_cost = self.lam_l2a * self._act_reg_cost()
        # Construct a function for penalizing KL divergence between the
        # approximate posteriors produced by this model and some isotropic
        # Gaussian distribution.
        self.kld_cost = self._construct_kld_cost()
        self.kld_mean_update = T.cast((0.98 * self.kld_mean) + \
                (0.02 * T.mean(self.kld_cost)), 'floatX')
        # Construct a theano function for sampling from the approximate
        # posteriors inferred by this model for some collection of points
        # in the "data space".
        if self.build_theano_funcs:
            self.sample_posterior = self._construct_sample_posterior()
            self.mean_posterior = theano.function([self.Xd], \
            self.sample_posterior = None
            self.mean_posterior = None
Exemple #41
class GenConvModule(object):
    Module of one "fractionally strided" convolution layer followed by one
    regular convolution layer. Inputs to the fractionally strided convolution
    can optionally be augmented with some random values.

        filt_shape: shape for convolution filters -- should be square and odd
        in_chans: number of channels in the inputs to module
        out_chans: number of channels in the outputs from module
        rand_chans: number of random channels to augment input
        use_rand: flag for whether or not to augment inputs
        apply_bn_1: flag for whether to batch normalize following first conv
        apply_bn_2: flag for whether to batch normalize following second conv
        us_stride: upsampling ratio in the fractionally strided convolution
        use_pooling: whether to use unpooling or fractional striding
        init_func: function for initializing module parameters
        mod_name: text name for identifying module in theano graph
        rand_type: whether to use Gaussian or uniform randomness
    def __init__(self,
        assert ((filt_shape[0] % 2) > 0), "filter dim should be odd (not even)"
        self.filt_dim = filt_shape[0]
        self.in_chans = in_chans
        self.out_chans = out_chans
        self.rand_chans = rand_chans
        self.use_rand = use_rand
        self.apply_bn_1 = apply_bn_1
        self.apply_bn_2 = apply_bn_2
        self.us_stride = us_stride
        self.use_pooling = use_pooling
        self.mod_name = mod_name
        self.rand_type = rand_type
        self.rng = RandStream(123)
        if init_func is None:
            self.init_func = inits.Normal(scale=0.02)
            self.init_func = init_func
        self._init_params()  # initialize parameters

    def _init_params(self):
        Initialize parameters for the layers in this generator module.
        if self.use_rand:
            # random values will be stacked on exogenous input
            self.w1 = self.init_func(
                (self.out_chans, (self.in_chans + self.rand_chans),
                 self.filt_dim, self.filt_dim), "{}_w1".format(self.mod_name))
            # random values won't be stacked on exogenous input
            self.w1 = self.init_func(
                (self.out_chans, self.in_chans, self.filt_dim, self.filt_dim),
        self.w2 = self.init_func(
            (self.out_chans, self.out_chans, self.filt_dim, self.filt_dim),
        self.params = [self.w1, self.w2]
        # make gains and biases for transforms that will get batch normed
        if self.apply_bn_1:
            gain_ifn = inits.Normal(loc=1., scale=0.02)
            bias_ifn = inits.Constant(c=0.)
            self.g1 = gain_ifn((self.out_chans), "{}_g1".format(self.mod_name))
            self.b1 = bias_ifn((self.out_chans), "{}_b1".format(self.mod_name))
            self.params.extend([self.g1, self.b1])
        if self.apply_bn_2:
            gain_ifn = inits.Normal(loc=1., scale=0.02)
            bias_ifn = inits.Constant(c=0.)
            self.g2 = gain_ifn((self.out_chans), "{}_g2".format(self.mod_name))
            self.b2 = bias_ifn((self.out_chans), "{}_b2".format(self.mod_name))
            self.params.extend([self.g2, self.b2])

    def apply(self, input, rand_vals=None):
        Apply this generator module to some input.
        batch_size = input.shape[0]
        bm = int((self.filt_dim - 1) / 2)  # use "same" mode convolutions
        ss = self.us_stride  # stride for "learned upsampling"
        if self.use_pooling:
            # "unpool" the input if desired
            input = input.repeat(ss, axis=2).repeat(ss, axis=3)
        # get shape for random values that will augment input
        rand_shape = (batch_size, self.rand_chans, input.shape[2],
        if self.use_rand:
            # augment input with random channels
            if rand_vals is None:
                if self.rand_type == 'normal':
                    rand_vals = self.rng.normal(size=rand_shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
                    rand_vals = self.rng.uniform(size=rand_shape, low=-1.0, high=1.0, \
            rand_vals = rand_vals.reshape(rand_shape)
            # stack random values on top of input
            full_input = T.concatenate([rand_vals, input], axis=1)
            # don't augment input with random channels
            full_input = input
        # apply first convolution, perhaps with fractional striding
        if self.use_pooling:
            h1 = dnn_conv(full_input,
                          subsample=(1, 1),
                          border_mode=(bm, bm))
            # apply first conv layer (with fractional stride for upsampling)
            h1 = deconv(full_input,
                        subsample=(ss, ss),
                        border_mode=(bm, bm))
        if self.apply_bn_1:
            h1 = batchnorm(h1, g=self.g1, b=self.b1)
        h1 = relu(h1)
        # apply second conv layer
        h2 = dnn_conv(h1, self.w2, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(bm, bm))
        if self.apply_bn_2:
            h2 = batchnorm(h2, g=self.g2, b=self.b2)
        h2 = relu(h2)
        return h2
Exemple #42
    def __init__(self, rng, input, in_dim, out_dim, \
                 activation=None, pool_size=0, \
                 drop_rate=0., input_noise=0., bias_noise=0., \
                 W=None, b=None, b_in=None, s_in=None,
                 name="", W_scale=1.0):

        # Setup a shared random generator for this layer
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))

        # setup scale and bias params for the input
        if b_in is None:
            # input biases are always initialized to zero
            ary = np.zeros((in_dim, ), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b_in = theano.shared(value=ary, name="{0:s}_b_in".format(name))
        if s_in is None:
            # input scales are always initialized to one
            ary = 0.541325 * np.ones((in_dim, ), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            s_in = theano.shared(value=ary, name="{0:s}_s_in".format(name))
        self.b_in = b_in
        self.s_in = s_in

        # allow an early shift and rescale for inputs to this layer
        #self.clean_input = T.nnet.softplus(self.s_in) * (input + self.b_in)
        # use the input directly
        self.clean_input = input

        zero_ary = np.zeros((1, )).astype(theano.config.floatX)
        self.input_noise = theano.shared(value=(zero_ary+input_noise), \
        self.bias_noise = theano.shared(value=(zero_ary+bias_noise), \
        self.drop_rate = theano.shared(value=(zero_ary+drop_rate), \

        # Add gaussian noise to the input (if desired)
        self.fuzzy_input = self.clean_input + (self.input_noise[0] * \
                self.rng.normal(size=self.clean_input.shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \

        # Apply masking noise to the input (if desired)
        self.noisy_input = self._drop_from_input(self.fuzzy_input, \

        # Set some basic layer properties
        self.pool_size = pool_size
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim
        if self.pool_size <= 1:
            self.filt_count = self.out_dim
            self.filt_count = self.out_dim * self.pool_size
        self.pool_count = self.filt_count / max(self.pool_size, 1)
        if activation is None:
            activation = relu_actfun
        if self.pool_size <= 1:
            self.activation = activation
            self.activation = lambda x: \
                    maxout_actfun(x, self.pool_size, self.filt_count)

        # Get some random initial weights and biases, if not given
        if W is None:
            # Generate initial filters using orthogonal random trick
            #W_shape = (self.in_dim, self.filt_count)
            #W_scale = W_scale * (1.0 / np.sqrt(self.in_dim))
            #W_init = W_scale * npr.normal(0.0, 1.0, W_shape)
            W_init = ortho_matrix(shape=(self.in_dim, self.filt_count), \
            W_init = W_init.astype(theano.config.floatX)
            W = theano.shared(value=W_init, name="{0:s}_W".format(name))
        if b is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((self.filt_count, ), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b = theano.shared(value=b_init, name="{0:s}_b".format(name))

        # Set layer weights and biases
        self.W = W
        self.b = b

        # Compute linear "pre-activation" for this layer
        self.linear_output = T.dot(self.noisy_input, self.W) + self.b

        # Add noise to the pre-activation features (if desired)
        self.noisy_linear = self.linear_output + (self.bias_noise[0] * \
                self.rng.normal(size=self.linear_output.shape, avg=0.0, \
                std=1.0, dtype=theano.config.floatX))

        # Apply activation function
        self.output = self.activation(self.noisy_linear)

        # Compute some properties of the activations, probably to regularize
        self.act_l2_sum = T.sum(self.noisy_linear**2.) / self.output.size

        # Conveniently package layer parameters
        self.params = [self.W, self.b, self.b_in, self.s_in]
        # Layer construction complete...
Exemple #43
class GenUniModule(object):
    Module that applies a linear transform followed by an non-linearity.
    def __init__(self,
        self.rand_dim = rand_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim
        self.apply_bn = apply_bn
        self.mod_name = mod_name
        self.rand_type = rand_type
        self.final_relu = final_relu
        self.rng = RandStream(123)
        if init_func is None:
            self.init_func = inits.Normal(scale=0.02)
            self.init_func = init_func
        self._init_params()  # initialize parameters

    def _init_params(self):
        Initialize parameters for the layers in this generator module.
        self.w1 = self.init_func((self.rand_dim, self.out_dim),
        self.params = [self.w1]
        # make gains and biases for transforms that will get batch normed
        if self.apply_bn:
            gain_ifn = inits.Normal(loc=1., scale=0.02)
            bias_ifn = inits.Constant(c=0.)
            self.g1 = gain_ifn((self.out_dim), "{}_g1".format(self.mod_name))
            self.b1 = bias_ifn((self.out_dim), "{}_b1".format(self.mod_name))
            self.params.extend([self.g1, self.b1])

    def apply(self, batch_size=None, rand_vals=None):
        Apply this generator module. Pass _either_ batch_size or rand_vals.
        assert not ((batch_size is None) and
                    (rand_vals is None)), "need either batch_size or rand_vals"
        if rand_vals is None:
            rand_shape = (batch_size, self.rand_dim)
            if self.rand_type == 'normal':
                rand_vals = self.rng.normal(size=rand_shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
                rand_vals = self.rng.uniform(size=rand_shape, low=-1.0, high=1.0, \
            rand_shape = (rand_vals.shape[0], self.rand_dim)
        rand_vals = rand_vals.reshape(rand_shape)
        # transform random values linearly
        h1 = T.dot(rand_vals, self.w1)
        if self.apply_bn:
            h1 = batchnorm(h1, g=self.g1, b=self.b1)
        if self.final_relu:
            h1 = relu(h1)
        return h1

Exemple #44
class SimpleInfNet(object):
    def __init__(self, rng, in_dim, out_dim, \
                 W_mean=None, b_mean=None, \
                 W_logvar=None, b_logvar=None, \
                 name="", W_scale=1.0):
        # setup a shared random generator for this network 
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))

        # set some basic layer properties
        self.in_dim = in_dim
        self.out_dim = out_dim

        # initialize weights and biases for mean estimate
        if W_mean is None:
            # Generate initial filters using orthogonal random trick
            W_shape = (self.in_dim, self.out_dim)
            if W_scale > 0.1:
                W_scale = W_scale * (1.0 / np.sqrt(self.in_dim))
            W_init = W_scale * npr.normal(0.0, 1.0, W_shape)
            W_init = W_init.astype(theano.config.floatX)
            W_mean = theano.shared(value=W_init, \
        if b_mean is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((self.out_dim,), \
            b_mean = theano.shared(value=b_init, \
        # grab handles for easy access
        self.W_mean = W_mean
        self.b_mean = b_mean

        # initialize weights and biases for log-variance estimate
        if W_logvar is None:
            # Generate initial filters using orthogonal random trick
            W_shape = (self.in_dim, self.out_dim)
            W_scale = W_scale * (1.0 / np.sqrt(self.in_dim))
            W_init = W_scale * npr.normal(0.0, 1.0, W_shape)
            #W_init = ortho_matrix(shape=W_shape, gain=W_scale)
            W_init = W_init.astype(theano.config.floatX)
            W_logvar = theano.shared(value=W_init, \
        if b_logvar is None:
            b_init = np.zeros((self.out_dim,), \
            b_logvar = theano.shared(value=b_init, \
        # grab handles for easy access
        self.W_logvar = W_logvar
        self.b_logvar = b_logvar

        # Conveniently package layer parameters
        self.mlp_params = [self.W_mean, self.b_mean, \
                           self.W_logvar, self.b_logvar]
        # Layer construction complete...

    def get_bias(self):
        Get the bias at output layer.
        out_bias = self.b_mean
        return out_bias

    def apply(self, x, do_samples=True):
        Apply this SimpleInfNet to some input.
        z_mean = T.dot(x, self.W_mean) + self.b_mean
        z_logvar = T.dot(x, self.W_logvar) + self.b_logvar
        z_samples = z_mean + ( (T.exp(0.5*z_logvar)) * \
                DCG(self.rng.normal(size=z_mean.shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
                dtype=theano.config.floatX)) )
        # wrap them up for easy returnage
        result = [z_mean, z_logvar]
        if do_samples:
        return result
class WalkoutModel(object):
    Controller for training a forwards-backwards chainy model.

        rng: numpy.random.RandomState (for reproducibility)
        x_out: the goal state for forwards-backwards walking process
        p_z_given_x: InfNet for stochastic part of step
        p_x_given_z: HydraNet for deterministic part of step
                x_dim: dimension of observations to construct
                z_dim: dimension of latent space for policy wobble
                walkout_steps: number of steps to walk out
                x_type: can be "bernoulli" or "gaussian"
                x_transform: can be 'none' or 'sigmoid'
    def __init__(self, rng=None,
            x_out=None, \
            p_z_given_x=None, \
            p_x_given_z=None, \
            params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this WalkoutModel
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_dim = self.params['x_dim']
        self.z_dim = self.params['z_dim']
        self.walkout_steps = self.params['walkout_steps']
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
        if 'x_transform' in self.params:
            assert((self.params['x_transform'] == 'sigmoid') or \
                    (self.params['x_transform'] == 'none'))
            if self.params['x_transform'] == 'sigmoid':
                self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
                self.x_transform = lambda x: x
            self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        assert((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        assert((self.step_type == 'add') or (self.step_type == 'jump'))

        # grab handles to the relevant networks
        self.p_z_given_x = p_z_given_x
        self.p_x_given_z = p_x_given_z

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created for this WalkoutModel
        self.x_out = x_out           # target output for generation
        self.zi_zmuv = T.tensor3()   # ZMUV gauss noise for walk-out wobble

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize the parameters "owned" by this model
            zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='obs_logvar')
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            # grab the parameters required by this model from a given dict
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])

        # Setup the forwards (i.e. training) walk-out loop using scan #
        def forwards_loop(xi_zmuv, zi_zmuv, xi_fw, zi_fw):
            # get samples of next zi, according to the forwards model
            zi_fw_mean, zi_fw_logvar = self.p_z_given_x.apply(xi_fw, \
            zi_fw = zi_fw_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_fw_logvar) * zi_zmuv)

            # check reverse direction probability p(xi_fw | zi_fw)
            xi_bw_mean, xi_bw_logvar = self.p_x_given_z.apply(zi_fw, \
            xi_bw_mean = self.x_transform(xi_bw_mean)
            nll_xi_bw = log_prob_gaussian2(xi_fw, xi_bw_mean, \
                        log_vars=xi_bw_logvar, mask=None)
            nll_xi_bw = nll_xi_bw.flatten()

            # get samples of next xi, according to the forwards model
            xi_fw_mean, xi_fw_logvar = self.p_x_given_z.apply(zi_fw, \
            xi_fw_mean = self.x_transform(xi_fw_mean)
            xi_fw = xi_fw_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * xi_fw_logvar) * xi_zmuv)

            # check reverse direction probability p(zi_fw | xi_fw)
            zi_bw_mean, zi_bw_logvar = self.p_z_given_x.apply(xi_fw, \
            nll_zi_bw = log_prob_gaussian2(zi_fw, zi_bw_mean, \
                        log_vars=zi_bw_logvar, mask=None)
            nll_zi_bw = nll_zi_bw.flatten()

            # each loop iteration produces the following values:
            #   xi_fw: xi generated fom zi by forwards walk
            #   zi_fw: zi generated fom xi by forwards walk
            #   xi_fw_mean: ----
            #   xi_fw_logvar: ----
            #   zi_fw_mean: ----
            #   zi_fw_logvar: ----
            #   nll_xi_bw: NLL for reverse step zi_fw -> xi_fw
            #   nll_zi_bw: NLL for reverse step xi_fw -> zi_fw
            return xi_fw, zi_fw, xi_fw_mean, xi_fw_logvar, zi_fw_mean, zi_fw_logvar, nll_xi_bw, nll_zi_bw

        # initialize states for x/z
        self.x0 = self.x_out
        self.z0 = T.alloc(0.0, self.x0.shape[0], self.z_dim)
        # setup initial values to pass to scan op
        outputs_init = [self.x0, self.z0, None, None, None, None, None, None]
        sequences_init = [self.xi_zmuv, self.zi_zmuv]
        # apply scan op for the sequential imputation loop
        self.scan_results, self.scan_updates = theano.scan(forwards_loop, \
                    outputs_info=outputs_init, \

        # grab results of the scan op. all values are computed for each step
        self.xi = self.scan_results[0]
        self.zi = self.scan_results[1]
        self.xi_fw_mean = self.scan_results[2]
        self.xi_fw_logvar = self.scan_results[3]
        self.zi_fw_mean = self.scan_results[4]
        self.zi_fw_logvar = self.scan_results[5]
        self.nll_xi_bw = self.scan_results[6]
        self.nll_zi_bw = self.scan_results[7]


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.lr = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lr')
        # shared var momentum parameters for ADAM optimization
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared vars for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_p')
        self.lam_kld_q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_q')
        self.lam_kld_g = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_g')
        self.lam_kld_s = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_s')
        self.set_lam_kld(lam_kld_p=0.0, lam_kld_q=1.0, lam_kld_g=0.0, lam_kld_s=0.0)
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_l2w')

        # grab all of the "optimizable" parameters from the base networks
        self.joint_params = [self.s0, self.obs_logvar, self.step_scales]

        self.kld_p, self.kld_q, self.kld_g, self.kld_s = self._construct_kld_costs(p=1.0)
        self.kld_costs = (self.lam_kld_p[0] * self.kld_p) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_q[0] * self.kld_q) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_g[0] * self.kld_g) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_s[0] * self.kld_s)
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.nll_costs = T.sum(self.nlli, axis=0) # sum the per-step NLLs
        self.nll_cost = T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        self.nll_bounds = self.nll_costs.ravel() + self.kld_q.ravel()
        self.nll_bound = T.mean(self.nll_bounds)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_cost + self.reg_cost
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_costs

        # Get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # Construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        self.joint_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.joint_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-5, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        for k, v in self.scan_updates.items():
            self.joint_updates[k] = v

        # Construct theano functions for training and diagnostic computations
        print("Compiling cost computer...")
        self.compute_raw_costs = self._construct_raw_costs()
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling sequence sampler...")
        self.sequence_sampler = self._construct_sequence_sampler()
        # make easy access points for some interesting parameters
        #self.gen_inf_weights = self.p_zi_given_xi.shared_layers[0].W

    def set_sgd_params(self, lr=0.01, mom_1=0.9, mom_2=0.999):
        Set learning rate and momentum parameter for all updates.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        # set learning rate
        new_lr = zero_ary + lr
        # set momentums (use first and second order "momentum")
        new_mom_1 = zero_ary + mom_1
        new_mom_2 = zero_ary + mom_2

    def set_lam_kld(self, lam_kld_p=0.0, lam_kld_q=1.0, lam_kld_g=0.0, lam_kld_s=0.0):
        Set the relative weight of prior KL-divergence vs. data likelihood.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_p
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_q
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_g
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_s

    def set_lam_l2w(self, lam_l2w=1e-3):
        Set the relative strength of l2 regularization on network params.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_l2w

    def set_train_switch(self, switch_val=0.0):
        Set the switch for changing between training and sampling behavior.
        if (switch_val < 0.5):
            switch_val = 0.0
            switch_val = 1.0
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_val = zero_ary + switch_val

    def _construct_zi_zmuv(self, xo):
        Construct the necessary ZMUV gaussian samples for generating
        trajectories from this WalkoutModel, for input matrix xo.
        zi_zmuv = self.rng.normal( \
                size=(self.total_steps, xo.shape[0], self.z_dim), \
                avg=0.0, std=1.0, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        return zi_zmuv

    def _construct_rev_masks(self, xo):
        Compute the sequential revelation masks for the input batch in xo.
        -- We need to construct mask sequences for both p and q.
        if self.use_rev_masks:
            # make batch copies of self.rev_masks_p and self.rev_masks_q
            pmasks = self.rev_masks_p.dimshuffle(0,'x',1).repeat(xo.shape[0], axis=1)
            qmasks = self.rev_masks_q.dimshuffle(0,'x',1).repeat(xo.shape[0], axis=1)
            pm_list = []
            qm_list = []
            # make a zero mask that does nothing
            zero_mask = T.alloc(0.0, 1, xo.shape[0], xo.shape[1])
            # generate independently sampled masks for each revelation block
            for rb in self.rev_sched:
                # make a random binary mask with ones at rate rb[1]
                rand_vals = self.rng.uniform( \
                        size=(1, xo.shape[0], xo.shape[1]), \
                        low=0.0, high=1.0, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
                rand_mask = rand_vals < rb[1]
                # append the masks for this revleation block to the mask lists
                # the guide policy (in q) gets to peek at the values that will be
                # revealed to the primary policy (in p) for the entire block. The
                # primary policy only gets to see these values at end of the final
                # step of the block. Within a given step, values are revealed to q
                # at the beginning of the step, and to p at the end.
                # e.g. in a revelation block with only a single step, the guide
                # policy sees the values at the beginning of the step, which allows
                # it to guide the step. the primary policy only gets to see the
                # values at the end of the step.
                # i.e. a standard variational auto-encoder is equivalent to a
                # sequential revelation and refinement model with only one
                # revelation block, which has one step and a reveal rate of 1.0.
                for refine_step in range(rb[0]-1):
            # concatenate each mask list into a 3-tensor
            pmasks = T.cast(T.concatenate(pm_list, axis=0), 'floatX')
            qmasks = T.cast(T.concatenate(qm_list, axis=0), 'floatX')
        return [pmasks, qmasks]

    def _construct_nll_costs(self, si, xo, nll_mask):
        Construct the negative log-likelihood part of free energy.
        -- only check NLL where nll_mask == 1
        xh = self._from_si_to_x( si )
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            ll_costs = log_prob_bernoulli(xo, xh, mask=nll_mask)
            ll_costs = log_prob_gaussian2(xo, xh, \
                    log_vars=self.bounded_logvar, mask=nll_mask)
        nll_costs = -ll_costs.flatten()
        return nll_costs

    def _construct_kld_s(self, s_i, s_j):
        Compute KL(s_i || s_j) -- assuming bernoullish outputs
        x_i = self._from_si_to_x( s_i )
        x_j = self._from_si_to_x( s_j )
        kld_s = (x_i * (T.log(x_i)  - T.log(x_j))) + \
                ((1.0 - x_i) * (T.log(1.0-x_i) - T.log(1.0-x_j)))
        sum_kld = T.sum(kld_s, axis=1)
        return sum_kld

    def _construct_kld_costs(self, p=1.0):
        Construct the policy KL-divergence part of cost to minimize.
        kld_pis = []
        kld_qis = []
        kld_gis = []
        kld_sis = []
        s0 = 0.0*self.si[0] + self.s0
        for i in range(self.total_steps):
            kld_pis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_p2q[i]**p, axis=1))
            kld_qis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_q2p[i]**p, axis=1))
            kld_gis.append(T.sum(self.kldi_p2g[i]**p, axis=1))
            if i == 0:
                kld_sis.append(self._construct_kld_s(self.si[i], s0))
                kld_sis.append(self._construct_kld_s(self.si[i], self.si[i-1]))
        # compute the batch-wise costs
        kld_pi = sum(kld_pis)
        kld_qi = sum(kld_qis)
        kld_gi = sum(kld_gis)
        kld_si = sum(kld_sis)
        return [kld_pi, kld_qi, kld_gi, kld_si]

    def _construct_reg_costs(self):
        Construct the cost for low-level basic regularization. E.g. for
        applying l2 regularization to the network activations and parameters.
        param_reg_cost = sum([T.sum(p**2.0) for p in self.joint_params])
        return param_reg_cost

    def _construct_compute_fe_terms(self):
        Construct a function for computing terms in variational free energy.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xo = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xo)
        pmasks, qmasks = self._construct_rev_masks(xo)
        # construct values to output
        nll = self.nll_costs.flatten()
        kld = self.kld_q.flatten()
        # compile theano function for a one-sample free-energy estimate
        fe_term_sample = theano.function(inputs=[ xo ], \
                outputs=[nll, kld], \
                givens={self.x_out: xo, \
                        self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv, \
                        self.p_masks: pmasks, \
                        self.q_masks: qmasks}, \
                updates=self.scan_updates, \
        # construct a wrapper function for multi-sample free-energy estimate
        def fe_term_estimator(XO, sample_count=20, use_guide_policy=True):
            # set model to desired generation mode
            old_switch = self.train_switch.get_value(borrow=False)
            if use_guide_policy:
                # take samples from the guide policy
                # take samples from the primary policy
            # compute a multi-sample estimate of variational free-energy
            nll_sum = np.zeros((XO.shape[0],))
            kld_sum = np.zeros((XO.shape[0],))
            for i in range(sample_count):
                result = fe_term_sample(XO)
                nll_sum += result[0].ravel()
                kld_sum += result[1].ravel()
            mean_nll = nll_sum / float(sample_count)
            mean_kld = kld_sum / float(sample_count)
            # set model back to either training or generation mode
            if not use_guide_policy:
                # no KLd if samples are from the primary policy...
                mean_kld = 0.0 * mean_kld
            return [mean_nll, mean_kld]
        return fe_term_estimator

    def _construct_raw_costs(self):
        Construct all the raw, i.e. not weighted by any lambdas, costs.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xo = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xo)
        pmasks, qmasks = self._construct_rev_masks(xo)
        # compile theano function for computing the costs
        all_step_costs = [self.nlli, self.kldi_q2p, self.kldi_p2q, self.kldi_p2g]
        cost_func = theano.function(inputs=[ xo ], \
                    outputs=all_step_costs, \
                    givens={self.x_out: xo, \
                            self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv, \
                            self.p_masks: pmasks, \
                            self.q_masks: qmasks}, \
                    updates=self.scan_updates, \
        # make a function for computing batch-based estimates of costs.
        #   _step_nlls: the expected NLL cost for each step
        #   _step_klds: the expected KL(q||p) cost for each step
        #   _kld_q2p: the expected KL(q||p) cost for each latent dim
        #   _kld_p2q: the expected KL(p||q) cost for each latent dim
        #   _kld_p2g: the expected KL(p||N(0,I)) cost for each latent dim
        def raw_cost_computer(XO):
            _all_costs = cost_func(to_fX(XO))
            _kld_q2p = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[1], axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0)
            _kld_p2q = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[2], axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0)
            _kld_p2g = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[3], axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0)
            _step_klds = np.mean(np.sum(_all_costs[1], axis=2, keepdims=True), axis=1)
            _step_klds = to_fX( np.asarray([k for k in _step_klds]) )
            _step_nlls = np.mean(_all_costs[0], axis=1)
            _step_nlls = to_fX( np.asarray([k for k in _step_nlls]) )
            results = [_step_nlls, _step_klds, _kld_q2p, _kld_p2q, _kld_p2g]
            return results
        return raw_cost_computer

    def _construct_train_joint(self):
        Construct theano function to train all networks jointly.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xo = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xo)
        pmasks, qmasks = self._construct_rev_masks(xo)
        # collect the outputs to return from this function
        outputs = [self.joint_cost, self.nll_bound, self.nll_cost, \
                   self.kld_cost, self.reg_cost, self.obs_costs]
        # compile the theano function
        func = theano.function(inputs=[ xo ], \
                outputs=outputs, \
                givens={self.x_out: xo, \
                        self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv, \
                        self.p_masks: pmasks, \
                        self.q_masks: qmasks}, \
                updates=self.joint_updates, \
        return func

    def _construct_sequence_sampler(self):
        Construct theano function to train all networks jointly.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xo = T.matrix()
        zizmuv = self._construct_zi_zmuv(xo)
        pmasks, qmasks = self._construct_rev_masks(xo)
        # collect the outputs to return from this function
        states = [self._from_si_to_x(self.s0_full)] + \
                 [self._from_si_to_x(self.si[i]) for i in range(self.total_steps)]
        masks = [self.m0_full] + [self.mi_p[i] for i in range(self.total_steps)]
        outputs = states + masks
        # compile the theano function
        func = theano.function(inputs=[ xo ], \
                outputs=outputs, \
                givens={self.x_out: xo, \
                        self.zi_zmuv: zizmuv, \
                        self.p_masks: pmasks, \
                        self.q_masks: qmasks}, \
                updates=self.joint_updates, \
        # visualize trajectories generated by the model
        def sample_func(XO, use_guide_policy=False):
            # set model to desired generation mode
            old_switch = self.train_switch.get_value(borrow=False)
            if use_guide_policy:
                # take samples from the guide policy
                # take samples from the primary policy
            # get belief states and masks generated by the scan loop
            scan_vals = func(to_fX(XO))
            step_count = self.total_steps + 1
            seq_shape = (step_count, XO.shape[0], XO.shape[1])
            xm_seq = np.zeros(seq_shape).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            xi_seq = np.zeros(seq_shape).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            mi_seq = np.zeros(seq_shape).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            for i in range(step_count):
                _xi = scan_vals[i]
                _mi = scan_vals[i + step_count]
                _xm = (_mi * XO) + ((1.0 - _mi) * _xi)
                xm_seq[i,:,:] = _xm
                xi_seq[i,:,:] = _xi
                mi_seq[i,:,:] = _mi
            # set model back to either training or generation mode
            return [xm_seq, xi_seq, mi_seq]
        return sample_func

    def save_to_file(self, f_name=None):
        Dump important stuff to a Python pickle, so that we can reload this
        model later.
        assert(not (f_name is None))
        f_handle = file(f_name, 'wb')
        # dump the dict self.params, which just holds "simple" python values
        cPickle.dump(self.params, f_handle, protocol=-1)
        # make a copy of self.shared_param_dicts, with numpy arrays in place
        # of the theano shared variables
        numpy_param_dicts = {}
        for key in self.shared_param_dicts:
            numpy_ary = self.shared_param_dicts[key].get_value(borrow=False)
            numpy_param_dicts[key] = numpy_ary
        # dump the numpy version of self.shared_param_dicts to pickle file
        cPickle.dump(numpy_param_dicts, f_handle, protocol=-1)
        # get numpy dicts for each of the "child" models that we must save
        child_model_dicts = {}
        child_model_dicts['p_zi_given_xi'] = self.p_zi_given_xi.save_to_dict()
        child_model_dicts['p_sip1_given_zi'] = self.p_sip1_given_zi.save_to_dict()
        child_model_dicts['p_x_given_si'] = self.p_x_given_si.save_to_dict()
        child_model_dicts['q_zi_given_xi'] = self.q_zi_given_xi.save_to_dict()
        # dump the numpy child model dicts to the pickle file
        cPickle.dump(child_model_dicts, f_handle, protocol=-1)
class MultiStageModel(object):
    Controller for training a multi-step iterative refinement model.

        rng: numpy.random.RandomState (for reproducibility)
        x_in: the input data to encode
        x_out: the target output to decode
        p_s0_given_z: InfNet for initializing "canvas" state
        p_hi_given_si: InfNet for hi given si
        p_sip1_given_si_hi: HydraNet for sip1 given si and hi
        q_z_given_x: InfNet for z given x
        q_hi_given_x_si: InfNet for hi given x and si
        obs_dim: dimension of the observations to generate
        z_dim: dimension of the "initial" latent space
        h_dim: dimension of the "primary" latent space
        ir_steps: number of "iterative refinement" steps to perform
                x_type: can be "bernoulli" or "gaussian"
                obs_transform: can be 'none' or 'sigmoid'
    def __init__(self, rng=None, \
            x_in=None, x_out=None, \
            p_s0_given_z=None, \
            p_hi_given_si=None, \
            p_sip1_given_si_hi=None, \
            q_z_given_x=None, \
            q_hi_given_x_si=None, \
            obs_dim=None, \
            z_dim=None, h_dim=None, \
            ir_steps=4, params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this GIPair
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        assert((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        if 'obs_transform' in self.params:
            assert((self.params['obs_transform'] == 'sigmoid') or \
                    (self.params['obs_transform'] == 'none'))
            if self.params['obs_transform'] == 'sigmoid':
                self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(20.0 * T.tanh(0.05 * x))
                self.obs_transform = lambda x: x
            self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(20.0 * T.tanh(0.05 * x))
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.obs_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(20.0 * T.tanh(0.05 * x))
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts

        # record the dimensions of various spaces relevant to this model
        self.obs_dim = obs_dim
        self.z_dim = z_dim
        self.h_dim = h_dim
        self.ir_steps = ir_steps

        # grab handles to the relevant InfNets
        self.q_z_given_x = q_z_given_x
        self.q_hi_given_x_si = q_hi_given_x_si
        self.p_s0_given_z = p_s0_given_z
        self.p_hi_given_si = p_hi_given_si
        self.p_sip1_given_si_hi = p_sip1_given_si_hi

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created to describe this MultiStageModel
        self.x_in = x_in
        self.x_out = x_out
        self.hi_zmuv = T.tensor3() # for ZMUV Gaussian samples to use in scan

        # setup switching variable for changing between sampling/training
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.train_switch = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_train_switch')
        # setup a variable for controlling dropout noise
        self.drop_rate = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_drop_rate')
        # this weight balances l1 vs. l2 penalty on posterior KLds
        self.lam_kld_l1l2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_kld_l1l2')

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize "optimizable" parameters specific to this MSM
            init_vec = to_fX( np.zeros((self.z_dim,)) )
            self.p_z_mean = theano.shared(value=init_vec, name='msm_p_z_mean')
            self.p_z_logvar = theano.shared(value=init_vec, name='msm_p_z_logvar')
            init_vec = to_fX( np.zeros((self.obs_dim,)) )
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_obs_logvar')
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar)
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_mean'] = self.p_z_mean
            self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_logvar'] = self.p_z_logvar
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            self.p_z_mean = self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_mean']
            self.p_z_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['p_z_logvar']
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar)

        # setup a function for computing reconstruction log likelihood
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.log_prob_func = lambda xo, xh: \
                    (-1.0 * log_prob_bernoulli(xo, xh))
            self.log_prob_func = lambda xo, xh: \
                    (-1.0 * log_prob_gaussian2(xo, xh, \

        # get a drop mask that drops things with probability p
        drop_scale = 1. / (1. - self.drop_rate[0])
        drop_rnd = self.rng.uniform(size=self.x_out.shape, \
                low=0.0, high=1.0, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        drop_mask = drop_scale * (drop_rnd > self.drop_rate[0])

        # Setup self.z and self.s0. #
        print("Building MSM step 0...")
        drop_x = drop_mask * self.x_in
        self.q_z_mean, self.q_z_logvar, self.z = \
                self.q_z_given_x.apply(drop_x, do_samples=True)
        # get initial observation state
        self.s0, _ = self.p_s0_given_z.apply(self.z, do_samples=False)

        # gather KLd and NLL for the initialization step
        self.init_klds = gaussian_kld(self.q_z_mean, self.q_z_logvar, \
                                      self.p_z_mean, self.p_z_logvar)
        self.init_nlls =  -1.0 * \
                self.log_prob_func(self.x_out, self.obs_transform(self.s0))

        # Setup the iterative generation loop using scan #
        def ir_step_func(hi_zmuv, sim1):
            # get variables used throughout this refinement step
            sim1_obs = self.obs_transform(sim1) # transform state -> obs
            grad_ll = self.x_out - sim1_obs

            # get samples of next hi, conditioned on current si
            hi_p_mean, hi_p_logvar = self.p_hi_given_si.apply( \
                    sim1_obs, do_samples=False)
            # now we build the model for variational hi given si
            hi_q_mean, hi_q_logvar = self.q_hi_given_x_si.apply( \
                    T.horizontal_stack(grad_ll, sim1_obs), \
            hi_q = (T.exp(0.5 * hi_q_logvar) * hi_zmuv) + hi_q_mean
            hi_p = (T.exp(0.5 * hi_p_logvar) * hi_zmuv) + hi_p_mean

            # make hi samples that can be switched between hi_p and hi_q
            hi = ( ((self.train_switch[0] * hi_q) + \
                    ((1.0 - self.train_switch[0]) * hi_p)) )

            # p_sip1_given_si_hi is conditioned on si and  hi.
            ig_vals, fg_vals, in_vals = self.p_sip1_given_si_hi.apply(hi)
            # get the transformed values (for an LSTM style update)
            i_gate = 1.0 * T.nnet.sigmoid(ig_vals + 2.0)
            f_gate = 1.0 * T.nnet.sigmoid(fg_vals + 2.0)
            # perform an LSTM-like update of the state sim1 -> si
            si = (in_vals * i_gate) + (sim1 * f_gate)

            # compute generator NLL for this step
            nlli = self.log_prob_func(self.x_out, self.obs_transform(si))
            # compute relevant KLds for this step
            kldi_q2p = gaussian_kld(hi_q_mean, hi_q_logvar, \
                                    hi_p_mean, hi_p_logvar)
            kldi_p2q = gaussian_kld(hi_p_mean, hi_p_logvar, \
                                    hi_q_mean, hi_q_logvar)
            return si, nlli, kldi_q2p, kldi_p2q

        init_values = [self.s0, None, None, None]

        self.scan_results, self.scan_updates = theano.scan(ir_step_func, \
                outputs_info=init_values, sequences=self.hi_zmuv)

        self.si = self.scan_results[0]
        self.nlli = self.scan_results[1]
        self.kldi_q2p = self.scan_results[2]
        self.kldi_p2q = self.scan_results[3]


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.lr_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lr_1')
        self.lr_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lr_2')
        # shared var momentum parameters for generator and inferencer
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared var for weighting nll of data given posterior sample
        self.lam_nll = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_nll')
        # init shared var for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_z = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_kld_z')
        self.lam_kld_q2p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_kld_q2p')
        self.lam_kld_p2q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_kld_p2q')
        self.set_lam_kld(lam_kld_z=1.0, lam_kld_q2p=0.7, lam_kld_p2q=0.3)
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='msm_lam_l2w')

        # Grab all of the "optimizable" parameters in "group 1"
        self.q_params = []
        # Grab all of the "optimizable" parameters in "group 2"
        self.p_params = [self.p_z_mean, self.p_z_logvar]

        # Make a joint list of parameters group 1/2
        self.joint_params = self.q_params + self.p_params

        self.kld_z_q2p, self.kld_z_p2q, self.kld_hi_q2p, self.kld_hi_p2q = \
        self.kld_z = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kld_z_q2p) + \
                     (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kld_z_p2q)
        self.kld_hi = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kld_hi_q2p) + \
                      (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kld_hi_p2q)
        self.kld_costs = (self.lam_kld_z[0] * self.kld_z) + self.kld_hi
        # now do l2 KLd costs
        self.kl2_z_q2p, self.kl2_z_p2q, self.kl2_hi_q2p, self.kl2_hi_p2q = \
        self.kl2_z = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kl2_z_q2p) + \
                     (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kl2_z_p2q)
        self.kl2_hi = (self.lam_kld_q2p[0] * self.kl2_hi_q2p) + \
                      (self.lam_kld_p2q[0] * self.kl2_hi_p2q)
        self.kl2_costs = (self.lam_kld_z[0] * self.kl2_z) + self.kl2_hi
        # compute joint l1/l2 KLd cost
        self.kld_l1l2_costs = (self.lam_kld_l1l2[0] * self.kld_costs) + \
                ((1.0 - self.lam_kld_l1l2[0]) * self.kl2_costs)
        # compute "mean" (rather than per-input) costs
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.kl2_cost = T.mean(self.kl2_costs)
        self.kld_l1l2_cost = T.mean(self.kld_l1l2_costs)
        self.nll_costs = self.nlli[-1]
        self.nll_cost = self.lam_nll[0] * T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_l1l2_cost + \
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_l1l2_costs

        # Get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # Construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        self.q_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.q_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr_1, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-5, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        self.p_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.p_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr_2, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-5, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        self.joint_updates = OrderedDict()
        for k in self.q_updates:
            self.joint_updates[k] = self.q_updates[k]
        for k in self.p_updates:
            self.joint_updates[k] = self.p_updates[k]
        # add scan updates, which seem to be required
        for k in self.scan_updates:
            self.joint_updates[k] = self.scan_updates[k]

        # Construct a function for jointly training the generator/inferencer
        print("Compiling cost computer...")
        self.compute_raw_klds = self._construct_raw_klds()
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling open-loop model sampler...")
        self.sample_from_prior = self._construct_sample_from_prior()
        print("Compiling data-guided model sampler...")
        self.sample_from_input = self._construct_sample_from_input()

    def set_sgd_params(self, lr_1=0.01, lr_2=0.01, \
                mom_1=0.9, mom_2=0.999):
        Set learning rate and momentum parameter for all updates.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        # set learning rates
        new_lr_1 = zero_ary + lr_1
        new_lr_2 = zero_ary + lr_2
        # set momentums
        new_mom_1 = zero_ary + mom_1
        new_mom_2 = zero_ary + mom_2

    def set_lam_nll(self, lam_nll=1.0):
        Set weight for controlling the influence of the data likelihood.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_nll

    def set_lam_kld(self, lam_kld_z=1.0, lam_kld_q2p=1.0, lam_kld_p2q=1.0):
        Set the relative weight of various KL-divergences.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_z
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_q2p
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_kld_p2q

    def set_lam_l2w(self, lam_l2w=1e-3):
        Set the relative strength of l2 regularization on network params.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_lam = zero_ary + lam_l2w

    def set_train_switch(self, switch_val=0.0):
        Set the switch for changing between training and sampling behavior.
        if (switch_val < 0.5):
            switch_val = 0.0
            switch_val = 1.0
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_val = zero_ary + switch_val

    def set_lam_kld_l1l2(self, lam_kld_l1l2=1.0):
        Set the weight for shaping penalty on conditional priors over zt.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_val = zero_ary + lam_kld_l1l2

    def set_drop_rate(self, drop_rate=0.0):
        Set the weight for shaping penalty on conditional priors over zt.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_val = zero_ary + drop_rate

    def _construct_zmuv_samples(self, xi, br):
        Construct the necessary (symbolic) samples for computing through this
        MultiStageModel for input (sybolic) matrix X.
        z_zmuv = self.rng.normal( \
                size=(xi.shape[0]*br, self.z_dim), \
                avg=0.0, std=1.0, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        hi_zmuv = self.rng.normal( \
                size=(self.ir_steps, xi.shape[0]*br, self.h_dim), \
                avg=0.0, std=1.0, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        return z_zmuv, hi_zmuv

    def _construct_nll_costs(self, si, xo):
        Construct the negative log-likelihood part of free energy.
        # average log-likelihood over the refinement sequence
        xh = self.obs_transform(si)
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            ll_costs = log_prob_bernoulli(xo, xh)
            ll_costs = log_prob_gaussian2(xo, xh, \
        nll_costs = -ll_costs
        return nll_costs

    def _construct_kld_costs(self, p=1.0):
        Construct the posterior KL-divergence part of cost to minimize.
        kld_hi_q2ps = []
        kld_hi_p2qs = []
        for i in range(self.ir_steps):
            kld_hi_q2p = self.kldi_q2p[i]
            kld_hi_p2q = self.kldi_p2q[i]
            kld_hi_q2ps.append(T.sum(kld_hi_q2p**p, \
                    axis=1, keepdims=True))
            kld_hi_p2qs.append(T.sum(kld_hi_p2q**p, \
                    axis=1, keepdims=True))
        # compute the batch-wise costs
        kld_hi_q2p = sum(kld_hi_q2ps)
        kld_hi_p2q = sum(kld_hi_p2qs)
        # construct KLd cost for the distributions over z
        kld_z_q2ps = gaussian_kld(self.q_z_mean, self.q_z_logvar, \
                                  self.p_z_mean, self.p_z_logvar)
        kld_z_p2qs = gaussian_kld(self.p_z_mean, self.p_z_logvar, \
                                  self.q_z_mean, self.q_z_logvar)
        kld_z_q2p = T.sum(kld_z_q2ps**p, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        kld_z_p2q = T.sum(kld_z_p2qs**p, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return [kld_z_q2p, kld_z_p2q, kld_hi_q2p, kld_hi_p2q]

    def _construct_reg_costs(self):
        Construct the cost for low-level basic regularization. E.g. for
        applying l2 regularization to the network activations and parameters.
        param_reg_cost = sum([T.sum(p**2.0) for p in self.joint_params])
        return param_reg_cost

    def _construct_train_joint(self):
        Construct theano function to train all networks jointly.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        br = T.lscalar()
        # collect the outputs to return from this function
        outputs = [self.joint_cost, self.nll_cost, self.kld_cost, \
                   self.reg_cost, self.obs_costs]
        # compile the theano function
        _, hi_zmuv = self._construct_zmuv_samples(xi, br)
        func = theano.function(inputs=[ xi, xo, br ], \
                outputs=outputs, \
                givens={ self.x_in: xi.repeat(br, axis=0), \
                         self.x_out: xo.repeat(br, axis=0), \
                         self.hi_zmuv: hi_zmuv }, \
        return func

    def _construct_raw_klds(self):
        Construct function for computing KLd per latent dimension.
        # gather step-wise costs into a single list (init costs at the end)
        all_step_costs = [self.init_klds, self.kldi_q2p, self.kldi_p2q]
        # compile theano function for computing all relevant costs
        inputs = [self.x_in, self.x_out, self.hi_zmuv]
        cost_func = theano.function(inputs=inputs, outputs=all_step_costs, \
        def raw_kld_computer(XI, XO):
            hi_zmuv = to_fX( npr.randn(self.ir_steps, XI.shape[0], self.h_dim) )
            _all_costs = cost_func(XI, XO, hi_zmuv)
            _init_klds = _all_costs[0]
            _kld_q2p = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[1], axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0)
            _kld_p2q = np.sum(np.mean(_all_costs[2], axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0)
            results = [_init_klds, _kld_q2p, _kld_p2q]
            return results
        return raw_kld_computer

    def _construct_compute_fe_terms(self):
        Construct a function for computing terms in variational free energy.
        # setup some symbolic variables for theano to deal with
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        _, hi_zmuv = self._construct_zmuv_samples(xi, 1)
        # construct values to output
        nll = self.nlli[-1]
        kld = self.kld_z.flatten() + self.kld_hi_q2p.flatten()
        # compile theano function for a one-sample free-energy estimate
        fe_term_sample = theano.function(inputs=[ xi, xo ], \
                outputs=[nll, kld], \
                givens={self.x_in: xi, \
                        self.x_out: xo, \
                        self.hi_zmuv: hi_zmuv}, \
        # construct a wrapper function for multi-sample free-energy estimate
        def fe_term_estimator(XI, XO, sample_count):
            # compute a multi-sample estimate of variational free-energy
            nll_sum = np.zeros((XI.shape[0],))
            kld_sum = np.zeros((XI.shape[0],))
            for i in range(sample_count):
                result = fe_term_sample(XI, XO)
                nll_sum += result[0].ravel()
                kld_sum += result[1].ravel()
            mean_nll = nll_sum / float(sample_count)
            mean_kld = kld_sum / float(sample_count)
            return [mean_nll, mean_kld]
        return fe_term_estimator

    def _construct_sample_from_prior(self):
        Construct a function for drawing independent samples from the
        distribution generated by this MultiStageModel. This function returns
        the full sequence of "partially completed" examples.
        z_sym = T.matrix()
        x_sym = T.matrix()
        irs = self.ir_steps
        oputs = [self.obs_transform(self.s0)]
        oputs.extend([self.obs_transform(self.si[i]) for i in range(irs)])
        _, hi_zmuv = self._construct_zmuv_samples(x_sym, 1)
        sample_func = theano.function(inputs=[z_sym, x_sym], outputs=oputs, \
                givens={ self.z: z_sym, \
                         self.x_in: T.zeros_like(x_sym), \
                         self.x_out: T.zeros_like(x_sym), \
                         self.hi_zmuv: hi_zmuv }, \
        def prior_sampler(samp_count):
            x_samps = to_fX( np.zeros((samp_count, self.obs_dim)) )
            old_switch = self.train_switch.get_value(borrow=False)
            # set model to generation mode
            z_samps = to_fX( npr.randn(samp_count, self.z_dim) )
            model_samps = sample_func(z_samps, x_samps)
            # set model back to either training or generation mode
            return model_samps
        return prior_sampler

    def _construct_sample_from_input(self):
        Construct a function for drawing samples from the distribution
        generated by this MultiStageModel, conditioned on some inputs to the
        initial encoder stage (i.e. self.q_z_given_x). This returns the full 
        sequence of "partially completed" examples.
        xi = T.matrix()
        xo = T.matrix()
        irs = self.ir_steps
        oputs = [self.obs_transform(self.s0)]
        oputs.extend([self.obs_transform(self.si[i]) for i in range(irs)])
        _, hi_zmuv = self._construct_zmuv_samples(xi, 1)
        sample_func = theano.function(inputs=[xi, xo], outputs=oputs, \
                givens={ self.x_in: xi, \
                         self.x_out: xo, \
                         self.hi_zmuv: hi_zmuv }, \
        def conditional_sampler(XI, XO=None, guided_decoding=False):
            XI = to_fX( XI )
            if XO is None:
                XO = XI
            XO = to_fX( XO )
            # set model to desired generation mode
            old_switch = self.train_switch.get_value(borrow=False)
            if guided_decoding:
                # take samples from guide policies (i.e. variational q)
                # take samples from model's generative policy
            # draw guided/unguided conditional samples
            model_samps = sample_func(XI, XO)
            # set model back to either training or generation mode
            return model_samps
        return conditional_sampler
    def __init__(self, rng=None,
            x_out=None, \
            p_z_given_x=None, \
            p_x_given_z=None, \
            params=None, \
        # setup a rng for this WalkoutModel
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(100000))

        # grab the user-provided parameters
        self.params = params
        self.x_dim = self.params['x_dim']
        self.z_dim = self.params['z_dim']
        self.walkout_steps = self.params['walkout_steps']
        self.x_type = self.params['x_type']
        self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
        if 'x_transform' in self.params:
            assert((self.params['x_transform'] == 'sigmoid') or \
                    (self.params['x_transform'] == 'none'))
            if self.params['x_transform'] == 'sigmoid':
                self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
                self.x_transform = lambda x: x
            self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        if self.x_type == 'bernoulli':
            self.x_transform = lambda x: T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
        assert((self.x_type == 'bernoulli') or (self.x_type == 'gaussian'))
        assert((self.step_type == 'add') or (self.step_type == 'jump'))

        # grab handles to the relevant networks
        self.p_z_given_x = p_z_given_x
        self.p_x_given_z = p_x_given_z

        # record the symbolic variables that will provide inputs to the
        # computation graph created for this WalkoutModel
        self.x_out = x_out           # target output for generation
        self.zi_zmuv = T.tensor3()   # ZMUV gauss noise for walk-out wobble

        if self.shared_param_dicts is None:
            # initialize the parameters "owned" by this model
            zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
            self.obs_logvar = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='obs_logvar')
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])
            self.shared_param_dicts = {}
            self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar'] = self.obs_logvar
            # grab the parameters required by this model from a given dict
            self.obs_logvar = self.shared_param_dicts['obs_logvar']
            self.bounded_logvar = 8.0 * T.tanh((1.0/8.0) * self.obs_logvar[0])

        # Setup the forwards (i.e. training) walk-out loop using scan #
        def forwards_loop(xi_zmuv, zi_zmuv, xi_fw, zi_fw):
            # get samples of next zi, according to the forwards model
            zi_fw_mean, zi_fw_logvar = self.p_z_given_x.apply(xi_fw, \
            zi_fw = zi_fw_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * zi_fw_logvar) * zi_zmuv)

            # check reverse direction probability p(xi_fw | zi_fw)
            xi_bw_mean, xi_bw_logvar = self.p_x_given_z.apply(zi_fw, \
            xi_bw_mean = self.x_transform(xi_bw_mean)
            nll_xi_bw = log_prob_gaussian2(xi_fw, xi_bw_mean, \
                        log_vars=xi_bw_logvar, mask=None)
            nll_xi_bw = nll_xi_bw.flatten()

            # get samples of next xi, according to the forwards model
            xi_fw_mean, xi_fw_logvar = self.p_x_given_z.apply(zi_fw, \
            xi_fw_mean = self.x_transform(xi_fw_mean)
            xi_fw = xi_fw_mean + (T.exp(0.5 * xi_fw_logvar) * xi_zmuv)

            # check reverse direction probability p(zi_fw | xi_fw)
            zi_bw_mean, zi_bw_logvar = self.p_z_given_x.apply(xi_fw, \
            nll_zi_bw = log_prob_gaussian2(zi_fw, zi_bw_mean, \
                        log_vars=zi_bw_logvar, mask=None)
            nll_zi_bw = nll_zi_bw.flatten()

            # each loop iteration produces the following values:
            #   xi_fw: xi generated fom zi by forwards walk
            #   zi_fw: zi generated fom xi by forwards walk
            #   xi_fw_mean: ----
            #   xi_fw_logvar: ----
            #   zi_fw_mean: ----
            #   zi_fw_logvar: ----
            #   nll_xi_bw: NLL for reverse step zi_fw -> xi_fw
            #   nll_zi_bw: NLL for reverse step xi_fw -> zi_fw
            return xi_fw, zi_fw, xi_fw_mean, xi_fw_logvar, zi_fw_mean, zi_fw_logvar, nll_xi_bw, nll_zi_bw

        # initialize states for x/z
        self.x0 = self.x_out
        self.z0 = T.alloc(0.0, self.x0.shape[0], self.z_dim)
        # setup initial values to pass to scan op
        outputs_init = [self.x0, self.z0, None, None, None, None, None, None]
        sequences_init = [self.xi_zmuv, self.zi_zmuv]
        # apply scan op for the sequential imputation loop
        self.scan_results, self.scan_updates = theano.scan(forwards_loop, \
                    outputs_info=outputs_init, \

        # grab results of the scan op. all values are computed for each step
        self.xi = self.scan_results[0]
        self.zi = self.scan_results[1]
        self.xi_fw_mean = self.scan_results[2]
        self.xi_fw_logvar = self.scan_results[3]
        self.zi_fw_mean = self.scan_results[4]
        self.zi_fw_logvar = self.scan_results[5]
        self.nll_xi_bw = self.scan_results[6]
        self.nll_zi_bw = self.scan_results[7]


        # shared var learning rate for generator and inferencer
        zero_ary = to_fX( np.zeros((1,)) )
        self.lr = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lr')
        # shared var momentum parameters for ADAM optimization
        self.mom_1 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_mom_1')
        self.mom_2 = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_mom_2')
        # init parameters for controlling learning dynamics
        # init shared vars for weighting prior kld against reconstruction
        self.lam_kld_p = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_p')
        self.lam_kld_q = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_q')
        self.lam_kld_g = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_g')
        self.lam_kld_s = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_kld_s')
        self.set_lam_kld(lam_kld_p=0.0, lam_kld_q=1.0, lam_kld_g=0.0, lam_kld_s=0.0)
        # init shared var for controlling l2 regularization on params
        self.lam_l2w = theano.shared(value=zero_ary, name='srr_lam_l2w')

        # grab all of the "optimizable" parameters from the base networks
        self.joint_params = [self.s0, self.obs_logvar, self.step_scales]

        self.kld_p, self.kld_q, self.kld_g, self.kld_s = self._construct_kld_costs(p=1.0)
        self.kld_costs = (self.lam_kld_p[0] * self.kld_p) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_q[0] * self.kld_q) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_g[0] * self.kld_g) + \
                         (self.lam_kld_s[0] * self.kld_s)
        self.kld_cost = T.mean(self.kld_costs)
        self.nll_costs = T.sum(self.nlli, axis=0) # sum the per-step NLLs
        self.nll_cost = T.mean(self.nll_costs)
        self.nll_bounds = self.nll_costs.ravel() + self.kld_q.ravel()
        self.nll_bound = T.mean(self.nll_bounds)
        param_reg_cost = self._construct_reg_costs()
        self.reg_cost = self.lam_l2w[0] * param_reg_cost
        self.joint_cost = self.nll_cost + self.kld_cost + self.reg_cost
        self.obs_costs = self.nll_costs + self.kld_costs

        # Get the gradient of the joint cost for all optimizable parameters
        print("Computing gradients of self.joint_cost...")
        self.joint_grads = OrderedDict()
        grad_list = T.grad(self.joint_cost, self.joint_params)
        for i, p in enumerate(self.joint_params):
            self.joint_grads[p] = grad_list[i]

        # Construct the updates for the generator and inferencer networks
        self.joint_updates = get_adam_updates(params=self.joint_params, \
                grads=self.joint_grads, alpha=self.lr, \
                beta1=self.mom_1, beta2=self.mom_2, \
                mom2_init=1e-3, smoothing=1e-5, max_grad_norm=10.0)
        for k, v in self.scan_updates.items():
            self.joint_updates[k] = v

        # Construct theano functions for training and diagnostic computations
        print("Compiling cost computer...")
        self.compute_raw_costs = self._construct_raw_costs()
        print("Compiling training function...")
        self.train_joint = self._construct_train_joint()
        print("Compiling free-energy sampler...")
        self.compute_fe_terms = self._construct_compute_fe_terms()
        print("Compiling sequence sampler...")
        self.sequence_sampler = self._construct_sequence_sampler()
        # make easy access points for some interesting parameters
        #self.gen_inf_weights = self.p_zi_given_xi.shared_layers[0].W
Exemple #48
class InfNet(object):
    A net that tries to infer an approximate posterior for some observation,
    given some deep, directed generative model. The output of this network
    comprises two constructs: an approximate mean vector and an approximate
    standard deviation vector (i.e. diagonal matrix) for a Gaussian posterior.

        rng: a numpy.random RandomState object
        Xd: symbolic input matrix for inputs
        params: a dict of parameters describing the desired network:
            vis_drop: drop rate to use on observable variables
            hid_drop: drop rate to use on hidden layer activations
                -- note: vis_drop/hid_drop are optional, with defaults 0.0/0.0
            input_noise: standard dev for noise on the input of this net
            bias_noise: standard dev for noise on the biases of hidden layers
            shared_config: list of "layer descriptions" for shared part
            mu_config: list of "layer descriptions" for mu part
            sigma_config: list of "layer descriptions" for sigma part
            activation: "function handle" for the desired non-linearity
            init_scale: scaling factor for hidden layer weights (__ * 0.01)
        shared_param_dicts: parameters for the MLP controlled by this InfNet
    def __init__(self, \
            rng=None, \
            Xd=None, \
            params=None, \
        # Setup a shared random generator for this network 
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))
        # Grab the symbolic input matrix
        self.Xd = Xd
        # Process user-supplied parameters for this network #
        self.params = params
        if 'build_theano_funcs' in params:
            self.build_theano_funcs = params['build_theano_funcs']
            self.build_theano_funcs = True
        if 'vis_drop' in params:
            self.vis_drop = params['vis_drop']
            self.vis_drop = 0.0
        if 'hid_drop' in params:
            self.hid_drop = params['hid_drop']
            self.hid_drop = 0.0
        if 'input_noise' in params:
            self.input_noise = params['input_noise']
            self.input_noise = 0.0
        if 'bias_noise' in params:
            self.bias_noise = params['bias_noise']
            self.bias_noise = 0.0
        if 'init_scale' in params:
            self.init_scale = params['init_scale']
            self.init_scale = 1.0
        if 'sigma_init_scale' in params:
            self.sigma_init_scale = params['sigma_init_scale']
            self.sigma_init_scale = 1.0
        # Check if the params for this net were given a priori. This option
        # will be used for creating "clones" of an inference network, with all
        # of the network parameters shared between clones.
        if shared_param_dicts is None:
            # This is not a clone, and we will need to make a dict for
            # referring to the parameters of each network layer
            self.shared_param_dicts = {'shared': [], 'mu': [], 'sigma': []}
            self.is_clone = False
            # This is a clone, and its layer parameters can be found by
            # referring to the given param dict (i.e. shared_param_dicts).
            self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
            self.is_clone = True
        # Get the configuration/prototype for this network. The config is a
        # list of layer descriptions, including a description for the input
        # layer, which is typically just the dimension of the inputs. So, the
        # depth of the mlp is one less than the number of layer configs.
        self.shared_config = params['shared_config']
        self.mu_config = params['mu_config']
        self.sigma_config = params['sigma_config']
        if 'activation' in params:
            self.activation = params['activation']
            self.activation = relu_actfun
        # Initialize the shared part of network #
        self.shared_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.shared_config[:-1],self.shared_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Construct input to the inference network
        next_input = self.Xd
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "share_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            if first_layer:
                d_rate = self.vis_drop
                d_rate = self.hid_drop
            if first_layer:
                i_noise = self.input_noise
                b_noise = 0.0
                i_noise = 0.0
                b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['shared'].append( \
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['shared'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
            next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the mu part of network #
        self.mu_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.mu_config[:-1],self.mu_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "mu_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['mu'].append( \
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['mu'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
            next_input = self.mu_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the sigma part of network #
        self.sigma_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.sigma_config[:-1],self.sigma_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "sigma_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if last_layer:
                # set in-bound weights for logvar predictions to 0
                i_scale = 0.0 * i_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'].append( \
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
            next_input = self.sigma_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1

        # Create a shared parameter for rescaling posterior "sigmas" to allow
        # control over the velocity of the markov chain generated by repeated
        # cycling through the INF -> GEN loop.
        if not ('sigma_scale' in self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][-1]):
            # we use a hack-ish check to remain compatible with loading models
            # that were saved before the addition of the sigma_scale param.
            zero_ary = to_fX(np.zeros((1,)))
            self.sigma_scale = theano.shared(value=zero_ary)
            new_dict = {'sigma_scale': self.sigma_scale}
            # this is a clone of some other InfNet, and that InfNet was made
            # after adding the sigma_scale param, so use its sigma_scale
            self.sigma_scale = \

        # Mash all the parameters together, into a list.
        self.mlp_params = []
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
        for layer in self.mu_layers:
        for layer in self.sigma_layers:

        # The output of this inference network is given by the noisy output
        # of the final layers of its mu and sigma networks.
        self.output_mean, self.output_logvar, self.output_samples = \
        self.output = self.output_samples
        self.out_dim = self.sigma_layers[-1].out_dim
        # Construct a theano function for sampling from the approximate
        # posteriors inferred by this model for some collection of points
        # in the "data space".
        if self.build_theano_funcs:
            self.sample_posterior = self._construct_sample_posterior()
            self.mean_posterior = theano.function([self.Xd], \
            self.sample_posterior = None
            self.mean_posterior = None

        self.rica_func = None
        self.W_rica = self.shared_layers[0].W

    def apply(self, X, do_samples=True):
        Pass input X through this InfNet and get the resulting Gaussian
        conditional distribution.
        # pass activations through the shared layers
        shared_acts = [X]
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
            r0, r1, layer_acts = layer.apply(shared_acts[-1])
        # pass activations through the mean estimating layers
        mu_acts = [shared_acts[-1]]
        for layer in self.mu_layers:
            r0, r1, layer_acts = layer.apply(mu_acts[-1])
        layer_acts, r0, r1 = self.mu_layers[-1].apply(mu_acts[-2])
        mu_acts[-1] = layer_acts # use linear output at last layer
        # pass activations through the logvar estimating layers
        sigma_acts = [shared_acts[-1]]
        for layer in self.sigma_layers:
            r0, r1, layer_acts = layer.apply(sigma_acts[-1])
        layer_acts, r0, r1 = self.sigma_layers[-1].apply(sigma_acts[-2])
        sigma_acts[-1] = layer_acts # use linear output at last layer

        # construct the outputs we will want to access
        output_mean = mu_acts[-1]
        output_logvar = sigma_acts[-1]

        # wrap them up for easy returnage
        result = [output_mean, output_logvar]
        if do_samples:
            output_samples = output_mean + \
                    ( (self.sigma_scale[0] * T.exp(0.5*output_logvar)) * \
                    self.rng.normal(size=output_mean.shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
                    dtype=theano.config.floatX) )
        return result

    def apply_shared(self, X):
        Pass input X through this InfNet's shared layers.
        # pass activations through the shared layers
        shared_acts = [X]
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
            r0, r1, layer_acts = layer.apply(shared_acts[-1])
        result = shared_acts[-1]
        return result

    def train_rica(self, X, lr, lam):
        if self.rica_func is None:
            l_rate = T.scalar()
            lam_l1 = T.scalar()
            X_in = T.matrix('in_X_in')
            W_in = self.W_rica + self.rng.normal(size=self.W_rica.shape, \
                avg=0.0, std=0.01, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            X_enc = X_in
            H_rec = T.dot(X_enc, W_in)
            X_rec = T.dot(H_rec, W_in.T)
            recon_cost = T.sum((X_enc - X_rec)**2.0) / X_enc.shape[0]
            spars_cost = lam_l1 * (T.sum(soft_abs(H_rec)) / H_rec.shape[0])
            rica_cost = recon_cost + spars_cost
            dW = T.grad(rica_cost, self.W_rica)
            rica_updates = {self.W_rica: self.W_rica - (l_rate * dW)}
            rica_outputs = [rica_cost, recon_cost, spars_cost]
            self.rica_func = theano.function([X_in, l_rate, lam_l1], \
                    outputs=rica_outputs, \
        outputs = self.rica_func(X, lr, lam)
        return outputs

    def set_sigma_scale(self, sigma_scale=1.0):
        Set the posterior sigma rescaling shared parameter to some value.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_scale = zero_ary + sigma_scale

    def set_bias_noise(self, bias_noise=0.0):
        Set the bias noise in all hidden layers to the given value.
        new_ary = np.zeros((1,)) + bias_noise
        new_bn = to_fX( new_ary )
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
        for layer in self.mu_layers:
        for layer in self.sigma_layers:

    def _construct_sample_posterior(self):
        Construct a sampler that draws a single sample from the inferred
        posterior for some set of inputs.
        psample = theano.function([self.Xd], \
        return psample

    def init_biases(self, b_init=0.0, b_std=1e-2):
        Initialize the biases in all hidden layers to some constant.
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
            b_vec = (0.0 * layer.b.get_value(borrow=False)) + b_init
            b_vec = b_vec + (b_std * npr.randn(*b_vec.shape))
        for layer in self.mu_layers[:-1]:
            b_vec = (0.0 * layer.b.get_value(borrow=False)) + b_init
            b_vec = b_vec + (b_std * npr.randn(*b_vec.shape))
        for layer in self.sigma_layers[:-1]:
            b_vec = (0.0 * layer.b.get_value(borrow=False)) + b_init
            b_vec = b_vec + (b_std * npr.randn(*b_vec.shape))

    def shared_param_clone(self, rng=None, Xd=None):
        Return a clone of this network, with shared parameters but with
        different symbolic input variables.

        This can be used for "unrolling" a generate->infer->generate->infer...
        loop. Then, we can do backprop through time for various objectives.
        clone_net = InfNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, params=self.params, \
        return clone_net

    def forked_param_clone(self, rng=None, Xd=None):
        Return a clone of this network, with forked copies of the current
        shared parameters of this InfNet, with different symbolic inputs too.
        new_spds = {}
        old_spds = self.shared_param_dicts
        # shared param dicts is nested like: dict of list of dicts
        # i.e., spd[k] is a list and spd[k][i] is a dict
        for k1 in old_spds:
            new_spds[k1] = []
            for i in range(len(old_spds[k1])):
                for k2 in old_spds[k1][i]:
                    old_sp = old_spds[k1][i][k2]
                    old_sp_forked = old_sp.get_value(borrow=False)
                    new_sp = theano.shared(value=old_sp_forked)
                    new_spds[k1][i][k2] = new_sp
        clone_net = InfNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, params=self.params, \
        return clone_net

    def save_to_file(self, f_name=None):
        Dump important stuff to a Python pickle, so that we can reload this
        model later. We'll pickle everything required to create a clone of
        this model given the pickle and the rng/Xd params to the cloning
        function: "InfNet.shared_param_clone()".
        assert(not (f_name is None))
        f_handle = file(f_name, 'wb')
        # dump the dict self.params, which just holds "simple" python values
        cPickle.dump(self.params, f_handle, protocol=-1)
        # make a copy of self.shared_param_dicts, with numpy arrays in place
        # of the theano shared variables
        numpy_param_dicts = {'shared': [], 'mu': [], 'sigma': []}
        for layer_group in ['shared', 'mu', 'sigma']:
            for shared_dict in self.shared_param_dicts[layer_group]:
                numpy_dict = {}
                for key in shared_dict:
                    numpy_dict[key] = shared_dict[key].get_value(borrow=False)
        # dump the numpy version of self.shared_param_dicts
        cPickle.dump(numpy_param_dicts, f_handle, protocol=-1)

    def save_to_dict(self):
        Dump important stuff to a dict that can reboot the model.
        model_dict = {}
        # dump the dict self.params, which just holds "simple" python values
        model_dict['params'] = self.params
        # make a copy of self.shared_param_dicts, with numpy arrays in place
        # of the theano shared variables
        numpy_param_dicts = {'shared': [], 'mu': [], 'sigma': []}
        for layer_group in ['shared', 'mu', 'sigma']:
            for shared_dict in self.shared_param_dicts[layer_group]:
                numpy_dict = {}
                for key in shared_dict:
                    numpy_dict[key] = shared_dict[key].get_value(borrow=False)
        # dump the numpy version of self.shared_param_dicts
        model_dict['numpy_param_dicts'] = numpy_param_dicts
        return model_dict
Exemple #49
class InfNet(object):
    A net that tries to infer an approximate posterior for some observation,
    given some deep, directed generative model. The output of this network
    comprises two constructs: an approximate mean vector and an approximate
    standard deviation vector (i.e. diagonal matrix) for a Gaussian posterior.

        rng: a numpy.random RandomState object
        Xd: symbolic input matrix for inputting observable data
        Xc: symbolic input matrix for inputting control data
        Xm: symbolic input matrix for a mask on which values to take
                    from Xc and which to take from Xd
        prior_sigma: standard deviation of isotropic Gaussian prior that our
                     inferred posteriors will be penalized for deviating from.
        params: a dict of parameters describing the desired ensemble:
            lam_l2a: L2 regularization weight on neuron activations
            vis_drop: drop rate to use on observable variables
            hid_drop: drop rate to use on hidden layer activations
                -- note: vis_drop/hid_drop are optional, with defaults 0.0/0.0
            input_noise: standard dev for noise on the input of this net
            bias_noise: standard dev for noise on the biases of hidden layers
            shared_config: list of "layer descriptions" for shared part
            mu_config: list of "layer descriptions" for mu part
            sigma_config: list of "layer descriptions" for sigma part
            activation: "function handle" for the desired non-linearity
            init_scale: scaling factor for hidden layer weights (__ * 0.01)
        shared_param_dicts: parameters for the MLP controlled by this InfNet
    def __init__(self, \
            rng=None, \
            Xd=None, \
            Xc=None, \
            Xm=None, \
            prior_sigma=None, \
            params=None, \
        # Setup a shared random generator for this network 
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))
        # Grab the symbolic input matrix
        self.Xd = Xd
        self.Xc = Xc
        self.Xm = Xm
        self.prior_sigma = prior_sigma
        # Process user-supplied parameters for this network #
        self.params = params
        self.lam_l2a = params['lam_l2a']
        if 'vis_drop' in params:
            self.vis_drop = params['vis_drop']
            self.vis_drop = 0.0
        if 'hid_drop' in params:
            self.hid_drop = params['hid_drop']
            self.hid_drop = 0.0
        if 'input_noise' in params:
            self.input_noise = params['input_noise']
            self.input_noise = 0.0
        if 'bias_noise' in params:
            self.bias_noise = params['bias_noise']
            self.bias_noise = 0.0
        if 'init_scale' in params:
            self.init_scale = params['init_scale']
            self.init_scale = 1.0
        # Check if the params for this net were given a priori. This option
        # will be used for creating "clones" of an inference network, with all
        # of the network parameters shared between clones.
        if shared_param_dicts is None:
            # This is not a clone, and we will need to make a dict for
            # referring to the parameters of each network layer
            self.shared_param_dicts = {'shared': [], 'mu': [], 'sigma': []}
            self.is_clone = False
            # This is a clone, and its layer parameters can be found by
            # referring to the given param dict (i.e. shared_param_dicts).
            self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
            self.is_clone = True
        # Get the configuration/prototype for this network. The config is a
        # list of layer descriptions, including a description for the input
        # layer, which is typically just the dimension of the inputs. So, the
        # depth of the mlp is one less than the number of layer configs.
        self.shared_config = params['shared_config']
        self.mu_config = params['mu_config']
        self.sigma_config = params['sigma_config']
        if 'activation' in params:
            self.activation = params['activation']
            self.activation = relu_actfun
        # Initialize the shared part of network #
        self.shared_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.shared_config[:-1],self.shared_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Construct input by combining data input and control input, taking
        # unmasked values from data input and others from the control input
        next_input = ((1.0 - self.Xm) * self.Xd) + \
                (self.Xm * self.Xc)
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "share_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            if first_layer:
                d_rate = self.vis_drop
                d_rate = self.hid_drop
            if first_layer:
                i_noise = self.input_noise
                b_noise = 0.0
                i_noise = 0.0
                b_noise = self.bias_noise
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['shared'].append({'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['shared'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
            next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the mu part of network #
        self.mu_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.mu_config[:-1],self.mu_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "mu_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['mu'].append({'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['mu'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
            next_input = self.mu_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the sigma part of network #
        self.sigma_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.sigma_config[:-1],self.sigma_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "sigma_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'].append({'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
            next_input = self.sigma_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1

        # Mash all the parameters together, into a list.
        self.mlp_params = []
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
        for layer in self.mu_layers:
        for layer in self.sigma_layers:

        # The output of this inference network is given by the noisy output
        # of the final layers of its mu and sigma networks.
        self.output_mu = self.mu_layers[-1].noisy_linear
        self.output_logvar = self.sigma_layers[-1].noisy_linear
        self.output_sigma = T.exp(0.5 * self.output_logvar)
        # We'll also construct an output containing a single samples from each
        # of the distributions represented by the rows of self.output_mu and
        # self.output_sigma.
        self.output = self._construct_post_samples()
        self.out_dim = self.sigma_layers[-1].out_dim
        # Get simple regularization penalty to moderate activation dynamics
        self.act_reg_cost = self.lam_l2a * self._act_reg_cost()
        # Construct a function for penalizing KL divergence between the
        # approximate posteriors produced by this model and some isotropic
        # Gaussian distribution.
        self.kld_cost = self._construct_kld_cost()
        # Construct a theano function for sampling from the approximate
        # posteriors inferred by this model for some collection of points
        # in the "data space".
        self.sample_posterior = self._construct_sample_posterior()
        self.mean_posterior = theano.function([self.Xd, self.Xc, self.Xm], \

    def _act_reg_cost(self):
        Apply L2 regularization to the activations in each net.
        act_sq_sums = []
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
        for layer in self.mu_layers:
        for layer in self.sigma_layers:
        full_act_sq_sum = T.sum(act_sq_sums)
        return full_act_sq_sum

    def _construct_post_samples(self):
        Draw a single sample from each of the approximate posteriors encoded
        in self.output_mu and self.output_sigma.
        post_samples = self.output_mu + (self.output_sigma * \
                self.rng.normal(size=self.output_sigma.shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
        return post_samples

    def _construct_kld_cost(self):
        Compute (analytically) the KL divergence between each approximate
        posterior encoded by self.mu/self.sigma and the isotropic Gaussian
        distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation self.prior_sigma.
        prior_sigma_sq = self.prior_sigma**2.0
        prior_log_sigma_sq = np.log(prior_sigma_sq)
        kld_cost = 0.5 * T.sum(((self.output_mu**2.0 / prior_sigma_sq) + \
                (T.exp(self.output_logvar) / prior_sigma_sq) - \
                (self.output_logvar - prior_log_sigma_sq) - 1.0), axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return kld_cost

    def _construct_sample_posterior(self):
        Construct a sampler that draws a single sample from the inferred
        posterior for some set of inputs.
        psample = theano.function([self.Xd, self.Xc, self.Xm], \
        return psample

    def init_biases(self, b_init=0.0):
        Initialize the biases in all hidden layers to some constant.
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
            b_vec = (0.0 * layer.b.get_value(borrow=False)) + b_init
        for layer in self.mu_layers[:-1]:
            b_vec = (0.0 * layer.b.get_value(borrow=False)) + b_init
        for layer in self.sigma_layers[:-1]:
            b_vec = (0.0 * layer.b.get_value(borrow=False)) + b_init

    def shared_param_clone(self, rng=None, Xd=None, Xc=None, Xm=None):
        Return a clone of this network, with shared parameters but with
        different symbolic input variables.

        This can be used for "unrolling" a generate->infer->generate->infer...
        loop. Then, we can do backprop through time for various objectives.
        clone_net = InfNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, Xc=Xc, Xm=Xm, \
                prior_sigma=self.prior_sigma, params=self.params, \
        return clone_net
Exemple #50
class HiddenLayer(object):
    def __init__(self, rng, layer_description,
                 W=None, b=None, b_in=None, s_in=None,
                 name="", W_scale=1.0):
        # parse options from layer_description
        assert 'layer_type' in layer_description, \
                "layer_description must provide layer_type"
        assert ((layer_description['layer_type'] == 'fc') or \
                (layer_description['layer_type'] == 'conv')), \
                "layer_type must be fc or conv"

        self.layer_description = layer_description
        self.layer_type = layer_description['layer_type']
        self.in_chans = layer_description['in_chans']
        self.out_chans = layer_description['out_chans']
        self.activation = layer_description['activation']
        self.filt_dim = layer_description.get('filt_dim', None)
        self.conv_stride = layer_description.get('conv_stride', None)
        self.apply_bn = layer_description.get('apply_bn', False)
        self.drop_rate = layer_description.get('drop_rate', 0.0)
        self.shape_func_in = layer_description.get('shape_func_in', None)
        self.shape_func_out = layer_description.get('shape_func_out', None)

        # setup additional params
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))
        self.W_scale = W_scale
        self.name = name

        if self.layer_type == 'fc':
            self.W, self.b, self.b_in, self.s_in = \
                    self._init_fc_params(W=W, b=b, b_in=b_in, s_in=s_in)
            self.W, self.b, self.b_in, self.s_in = \
                    self._init_conv_params(W=W, b=b, b_in=b_in, s_in=s_in)

        # Conveniently package layer parameters
        self.params = [self.W, self.b, self.b_in, self.s_in]
        self.shared_param_dicts = {
                'W': self.W,
                'b': self.b,
                'b_in': self.b_in,
                's_in': self.s_in }
        # Layer construction complete...

    def _init_fc_params(self, W=None, b=None, b_in=None, s_in=None):
        Initialize all parameters that may be required for feedforward through
        a fully-connected hidden layer.
        # Get some random initial weights and biases, if not given
        if W is None:
            # Generate initial filters using orthogonal random trick
            W_shape = (self.in_chans, self.out_chans)
            if self.W_scale == 'xg':
                W_np = glorot_matrix(W_shape)
                #W_np = (self.W_scale * (1.0 / np.sqrt(self.in_chans))) * \
                #          npr.normal(0.0, 1.0, W_shape)
                W_np = ortho_matrix(shape=W_shape, gain=self.W_scale)
            W_np = W_np.astype(theano.config.floatX)
            W = theano.shared(value=W_np, name="{0:s}_W".format(self.name))
        if b is None:
            b_np = np.zeros((self.out_chans,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b = theano.shared(value=b_np, name="{0:s}_b".format(self.name))
        # setup scale and bias params for after batch normalization
        if b_in is None:
            # batch normalization reshifts are initialized to zero
            ary = np.zeros((self.out_chans,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b_in = theano.shared(value=ary, name="{0:s}_b_in".format(self.name))
        if s_in is None:
            # batch normalization rescales are initialized to zero
            ary = np.zeros((self.out_chans,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            s_in = theano.shared(value=ary, name="{0:s}_s_in".format(self.name))
        return W, b, b_in, s_in

    def _init_conv_params(self, W=None, b=None, b_in=None, s_in=None):
        Initialize all parameters that may be required for feedforward through
        a convolutional hidden layer.
        if W is None:
            W_shape = (self.out_chans, self.in_chans, self.filt_dim, self.filt_dim)
            ary = npr.normal(0.0, self.W_scale*0.02, W_shape).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            W = theano.shared(value=ary, name="{0:s}_W".format(self.name))
        if b is None:
            b_shape = (self.out_chans,)
            ary = npr.normal(0.0, 0.01, b_shape).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            b = theano.shared(value=ary, name="{0:s}_b".format(self.name))
        # setup scale and bias params for after batch normalization
        if b_in is None:
            # batch normalization reshifts are initialized to zero
            ary = np.zeros((self.out_chans,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            b_in = theano.shared(value=ary, name="{0:s}_b_in".format(self.name))
        if s_in is None:
            # batch normalization rescales are initialized to zero
            ary = np.zeros((self.out_chans,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            s_in = theano.shared(value=ary, name="{0:s}_s_in".format(self.name))
        return W, b, b_in, s_in

    def apply(self, input, use_drop=False):
        Apply feedforward to this input, returning several partial results.
        # Reshape input if a reshape command was provided
        if not (self.shape_func_in is None):
            input = self.shape_func_in(input)
        # Apply masking noise to the input (if desired)
        if use_drop:
            input = self._drop_from_input(input, self.drop_rate)
        if self.layer_type == 'fc':
            # Feedforward through fully-connected layer
            linear_output = T.dot(input, self.W) + self.b
        elif self.layer_type == 'conv':
            # Feedforward through convolutional layer, with adjustable stride
            bm = int((self.filt_dim - 1) / 2) # use "same" mode convolutions
            if self.conv_stride == 'double':
                linear_output = dnn_conv(input, self.W, subsample=(2, 2),
                                         border_mode=(bm, bm))
            elif self.conv_stride == 'single':
                linear_output = dnn_conv(input, self.W, subsample=(1, 1),
                                         border_mode=(bm, bm))
            elif self.conv_stride == 'half':
                linear_output = deconv(input, self.W, subsample=(2, 2),
                                       border_mode=(bm, bm))
                assert False, "Unknown stride type!"
            linear_output = linear_output + self.b.dimshuffle('x',0,'x','x')
            assert False, "Unknown layer type!"
        # Apply batch normalization if desired
        if self.apply_bn:
            linear_output = batchnorm(linear_output, rescale=self.s_in,
                                      reshift=self.b_in, u=None, s=None)
        # Apply activation function
        final_output = self.activation(linear_output)
        # Reshape output if a reshape command was provided
        if not (self.shape_func_out is None):
            linear_output = self.shape_func_out(linear_output)
            final_output = self.shape_func_out(final_output)
        return final_output, linear_output

    def _drop_from_input(self, input, p):
        """p is the probability of dropping elements of input."""
        # get a drop mask that drops things with probability p
        drop_rnd = self.rng.uniform(size=input.shape, low=0.0, high=1.0, \
        drop_mask = drop_rnd > p
        # get a scaling factor to keep expectations fixed after droppage
        drop_scale = 1. / (1. - p)
        # apply dropout mask and rescaling factor to the input
        droppy_input = drop_scale * input * drop_mask
        return droppy_input
Exemple #51
    def __init__(self, \
            rng=None, \
            Xd=None, \
            Xc=None, \
            Xm=None, \
            prior_sigma=None, \
            params=None, \
        # Setup a shared random generator for this network 
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))
        # Grab the symbolic input matrix
        self.Xd = Xd
        self.Xc = Xc
        self.Xm = Xm
        self.prior_sigma = prior_sigma
        # Process user-supplied parameters for this network #
        self.params = params
        self.lam_l2a = params['lam_l2a']
        if 'vis_drop' in params:
            self.vis_drop = params['vis_drop']
            self.vis_drop = 0.0
        if 'hid_drop' in params:
            self.hid_drop = params['hid_drop']
            self.hid_drop = 0.0
        if 'input_noise' in params:
            self.input_noise = params['input_noise']
            self.input_noise = 0.0
        if 'bias_noise' in params:
            self.bias_noise = params['bias_noise']
            self.bias_noise = 0.0
        if 'init_scale' in params:
            self.init_scale = params['init_scale']
            self.init_scale = 1.0
        # Check if the params for this net were given a priori. This option
        # will be used for creating "clones" of an inference network, with all
        # of the network parameters shared between clones.
        if shared_param_dicts is None:
            # This is not a clone, and we will need to make a dict for
            # referring to the parameters of each network layer
            self.shared_param_dicts = {'shared': [], 'mu': [], 'sigma': []}
            self.is_clone = False
            # This is a clone, and its layer parameters can be found by
            # referring to the given param dict (i.e. shared_param_dicts).
            self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
            self.is_clone = True
        # Get the configuration/prototype for this network. The config is a
        # list of layer descriptions, including a description for the input
        # layer, which is typically just the dimension of the inputs. So, the
        # depth of the mlp is one less than the number of layer configs.
        self.shared_config = params['shared_config']
        self.mu_config = params['mu_config']
        self.sigma_config = params['sigma_config']
        if 'activation' in params:
            self.activation = params['activation']
            self.activation = relu_actfun
        # Initialize the shared part of network #
        self.shared_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.shared_config[:-1],self.shared_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Construct input by combining data input and control input, taking
        # unmasked values from data input and others from the control input
        next_input = ((1.0 - self.Xm) * self.Xd) + \
                (self.Xm * self.Xc)
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "share_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            if first_layer:
                d_rate = self.vis_drop
                d_rate = self.hid_drop
            if first_layer:
                i_noise = self.input_noise
                b_noise = 0.0
                i_noise = 0.0
                b_noise = self.bias_noise
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['shared'].append({'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['shared'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
            next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the mu part of network #
        self.mu_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.mu_config[:-1],self.mu_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "mu_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['mu'].append({'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['mu'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
            next_input = self.mu_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the sigma part of network #
        self.sigma_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.sigma_config[:-1],self.sigma_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "sigma_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'].append({'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][layer_num]
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=self.init_scale)
            next_input = self.sigma_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1

        # Mash all the parameters together, into a list.
        self.mlp_params = []
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
        for layer in self.mu_layers:
        for layer in self.sigma_layers:

        # The output of this inference network is given by the noisy output
        # of the final layers of its mu and sigma networks.
        self.output_mu = self.mu_layers[-1].noisy_linear
        self.output_logvar = self.sigma_layers[-1].noisy_linear
        self.output_sigma = T.exp(0.5 * self.output_logvar)
        # We'll also construct an output containing a single samples from each
        # of the distributions represented by the rows of self.output_mu and
        # self.output_sigma.
        self.output = self._construct_post_samples()
        self.out_dim = self.sigma_layers[-1].out_dim
        # Get simple regularization penalty to moderate activation dynamics
        self.act_reg_cost = self.lam_l2a * self._act_reg_cost()
        # Construct a function for penalizing KL divergence between the
        # approximate posteriors produced by this model and some isotropic
        # Gaussian distribution.
        self.kld_cost = self._construct_kld_cost()
        # Construct a theano function for sampling from the approximate
        # posteriors inferred by this model for some collection of points
        # in the "data space".
        self.sample_posterior = self._construct_sample_posterior()
        self.mean_posterior = theano.function([self.Xd, self.Xc, self.Xm], \
class Training(Layer):
    def __init__(self,
        if W is None:
            W = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(
                low=-numpy.sqrt(6. / (shape[0] + shape[1])),
                high=numpy.sqrt(6. / (shape[0] + shape[1])),
                size=(shape[0], shape[1])),

        self.W = theano.shared(value=W, name='Hashtag_emb', borrow=True)
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.n_ht = W.shape[0]
        self.m = m
        self.n_samples = n_samples
        self.csrng = CURAND_RandomStreams(123)
        mask = self.csrng.uniform(size=(self.n_samples, 1),
        self.rfun = theano.function([], mask.argsort(axis=0))

        self.alpha = T.constant(
            1.0 / numpy.arange(start=1, stop=self.n_ht + 1, step=1))

        self.weights = [self.W]
        self.biases = []

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}: W_shape: {}, m={}, n_samples={}, n_ht={}".format(
            self.__class__.__name__, self.W.shape.eval(), self.m,
            self.n_samples, self.n_ht)

    def output_func(self, input):
        self.f = T.tensordot(input.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1),
                             self.W.dimshuffle('x', 0, 1),
                             axes=[[1, 2], [0, 2]])  # cosine sim
        self.y_pred = T.argmax(self.f, axis=0)
        return self.y_pred

    def get_tag_neg(self, f, f_y):
        cand = f[(f > f_y - self.m).nonzero()]
        rnk = cand.shape[0] - 1  # due to i != y
        if rnk == 0:
            return 0
        l = T.sum(self.alpha[T.arange(rnk)])
        return l / rnk

    def _warp_loss_cost(self, y, i):
        f_y = self.f[T.arange(y.shape[0]), y]
        s = self.m - f_y + self.f[T.arange(i.shape[0]), i]
        return T.maximum(0.0, s)

    def warp_loss_cost(self, y, idx):
        f_y = self.f[T.arange(y.shape[0]), y]
        f_yy = T.repeat(f_y.dimshuffle(0, 'x'), self.f.shape[1], axis=1)

        f_idx = T.maximum(0.0, f_yy - self.f + self.m)
        idx = f_idx.argsort(axis=1)[:, 0]

        s = self.m - f_y + self.f[T.arange(idx.shape[0]), idx]
        return T.maximum(0.0, s)

    def training_cost(self, y, i):
        return T.mean(self.warp_loss_cost(y, i))
Exemple #53
class InfNet(object):
    A net that tries to infer an approximate posterior for some observation,
    given some deep, directed generative model. The output of this network
    comprises two constructs: an approximate mean vector and an approximate
    standard deviation vector (i.e. diagonal matrix) for a Gaussian posterior.

        rng: a numpy.random RandomState object
        Xd: symbolic input matrix for inputs
        prior_sigma: standard deviation of isotropic Gaussian prior that our
                     inferred posteriors will be penalized for deviating from.
        params: a dict of parameters describing the desired network:
            lam_l2a: L2 regularization weight on neuron activations
            vis_drop: drop rate to use on observable variables
            hid_drop: drop rate to use on hidden layer activations
                -- note: vis_drop/hid_drop are optional, with defaults 0.0/0.0
            input_noise: standard dev for noise on the input of this net
            bias_noise: standard dev for noise on the biases of hidden layers
            shared_config: list of "layer descriptions" for shared part
            mu_config: list of "layer descriptions" for mu part
            sigma_config: list of "layer descriptions" for sigma part
            activation: "function handle" for the desired non-linearity
            init_scale: scaling factor for hidden layer weights (__ * 0.01)
            encoder: a function that will be applied to inputs prior to
                     passing them through the network. this can be used for
                     in-lining, e.g., PCA preprocessing on training data
        shared_param_dicts: parameters for the MLP controlled by this InfNet
    def __init__(self, \
            rng=None, \
            Xd=None, \
            prior_sigma=None, \
            params=None, \
        # Setup a shared random generator for this network 
        self.rng = RandStream(rng.randint(1000000))
        # Grab the symbolic input matrix
        self.Xd = Xd
        self.prior_sigma = prior_sigma
        # Process user-supplied parameters for this network #
        self.params = params
        self.lam_l2a = params['lam_l2a']
        if 'build_theano_funcs' in params:
            self.build_theano_funcs = params['build_theano_funcs']
            self.build_theano_funcs = True
        if 'vis_drop' in params:
            self.vis_drop = params['vis_drop']
            self.vis_drop = 0.0
        if 'hid_drop' in params:
            self.hid_drop = params['hid_drop']
            self.hid_drop = 0.0
        if 'input_noise' in params:
            self.input_noise = params['input_noise']
            self.input_noise = 0.0
        if 'bias_noise' in params:
            self.bias_noise = params['bias_noise']
            self.bias_noise = 0.0
        if 'init_scale' in params:
            self.init_scale = params['init_scale']
            self.init_scale = 1.0
        if 'encoder' in params:
            self.encoder = params['encoder']
            self.decoder = params['decoder']
            self.use_encoder = True
            self.Xd_encoded = self.encoder(self.Xd)
            self.encoder = lambda x: x
            self.decoder = lambda x: x
            self.use_encoder = False
            self.Xd_encoded = self.encoder(self.Xd)
        if 'kld2_scale' in params:
            self.kld2_scale = params['kld2_scale']
            self.kld2_scale = 0.0
        if 'sigma_init_scale' in params:
            self.sigma_init_scale = params['sigma_init_scale']
            self.sigma_init_scale = 1.0
        # Check if the params for this net were given a priori. This option
        # will be used for creating "clones" of an inference network, with all
        # of the network parameters shared between clones.
        if shared_param_dicts is None:
            # This is not a clone, and we will need to make a dict for
            # referring to the parameters of each network layer
            self.shared_param_dicts = {'shared': [], 'mu': [], 'sigma': []}
            self.is_clone = False
            # This is a clone, and its layer parameters can be found by
            # referring to the given param dict (i.e. shared_param_dicts).
            self.shared_param_dicts = shared_param_dicts
            self.is_clone = True
        # Get the configuration/prototype for this network. The config is a
        # list of layer descriptions, including a description for the input
        # layer, which is typically just the dimension of the inputs. So, the
        # depth of the mlp is one less than the number of layer configs.
        self.shared_config = params['shared_config']
        self.mu_config = params['mu_config']
        self.sigma_config = params['sigma_config']
        if 'activation' in params:
            self.activation = params['activation']
            self.activation = relu_actfun
        # Initialize the shared part of network #
        self.shared_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.shared_config[:-1],self.shared_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Construct input to the inference network
        if self.use_encoder:
            next_input = self.encoder(self.Xd)
            next_input = self.Xd
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "share_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            if first_layer:
                d_rate = self.vis_drop
                d_rate = self.hid_drop
            if first_layer:
                i_noise = self.input_noise
                b_noise = 0.0
                i_noise = 0.0
                b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['shared'].append( \
                        {'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b, \
                         'b_in': new_layer.b_in, 's_in': new_layer.s_in})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['shared'][layer_num]
                if not (('b_in' in init_params) and ('s_in' in init_params)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = None
                    init_params['s_in'] = None
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                if ((init_params['b_in'] is None) or (init_params['s_in'] is None)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = new_layer.b_in
                    init_params['s_in'] = new_layer.s_in
            next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the mu part of network #
        self.mu_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.mu_config[:-1],self.mu_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "mu_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['mu'].append( \
                        {'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b, \
                         'b_in': new_layer.b_in, 's_in': new_layer.s_in})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['mu'][layer_num]
                if not (('b_in' in init_params) and ('s_in' in init_params)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = None
                    init_params['s_in'] = None
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                if ((init_params['b_in'] is None) or (init_params['s_in'] is None)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = new_layer.b_in
                    init_params['s_in'] = new_layer.s_in
            next_input = self.mu_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1
        # Initialize the sigma part of network #
        self.sigma_layers = []
        layer_def_pairs = zip(self.sigma_config[:-1],self.sigma_config[1:])
        layer_num = 0
        # Take input from the output of the shared network
        next_input = self.shared_layers[-1].output
        for in_def, out_def in layer_def_pairs:
            first_layer = (layer_num == 0)
            last_layer = (layer_num == (len(layer_def_pairs) - 1))
            l_name = "sigma_layer_{0:d}".format(layer_num)
            if (type(in_def) is list) or (type(in_def) is tuple):
                # Receiving input from a poolish layer...
                in_dim = in_def[0]
                # Receiving input from a normal layer...
                in_dim = in_def
            if (type(out_def) is list) or (type(out_def) is tuple):
                # Applying some sort of pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def[0]
                pool_size = out_def[1]
                # Not applying any pooling in this layer...
                out_dim = out_def
                pool_size = 0
            # Select the appropriate noise to add to this layer
            d_rate = self.hid_drop
            i_noise = 0.0
            b_noise = self.bias_noise
            # set in-bound weights to have norm self.init_scale
            i_scale = self.init_scale
            if last_layer:
                # set in-bound weights for logvar predictions to 0
                i_scale = 0.0 * i_scale
            if not self.is_clone:
                # Initialize a layer with new parameters #
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'].append( \
                        {'W': new_layer.W, 'b': new_layer.b, \
                         'b_in': new_layer.b_in, 's_in': new_layer.s_in})
                # Initialize a layer with some shared parameters #
                init_params = self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][layer_num]
                if not (('b_in' in init_params) and ('s_in' in init_params)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = None
                    init_params['s_in'] = None
                new_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=rng, input=next_input, \
                        activation=self.activation, pool_size=pool_size, \
                        drop_rate=d_rate, input_noise=i_noise, bias_noise=b_noise, \
                        in_dim=in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, \
                        W=init_params['W'], b=init_params['b'], \
                        b_in=init_params['b_in'], s_in=init_params['s_in'], \
                        name=l_name, W_scale=i_scale)
                if ((init_params['b_in'] is None) or (init_params['s_in'] is None)):
                    init_params['b_in'] = new_layer.b_in
                    init_params['s_in'] = new_layer.s_in
            next_input = self.sigma_layers[-1].output
            # Acknowledge layer completion
            layer_num = layer_num + 1

        # Create a shared parameter for rescaling posterior "sigmas" to allow
        # control over the velocity of the markov chain generated by repeated
        # cycling through the INF -> GEN loop.
        if not ('sigma_scale' in self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][-1]):
            # we use a hack-ish check to remain compatible with loading models
            # that were saved before the addition of the sigma_scale param.
            zero_ary = np.zeros((1,)).astype(theano.config.floatX)
            self.sigma_scale = theano.shared(value=zero_ary)
            new_dict = {'sigma_scale': self.sigma_scale}
            # this is a clone of some other InfNet, and that InfNet was made
            # after adding the sigma_scale param, so use its sigma_scale
            self.sigma_scale = \

        # Create a shared parameter for maintaining an exponentially decaying
        # estimate of the population mean of posterior KL divergence.
        if not ('kld_mean' in self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][-1]):
            # add a kld_mean if none was already present
            zero_ary = np.zeros((1,)).astype(theano.config.floatX) + 100.0
            self.kld_mean = theano.shared(value=zero_ary)
            self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][-1]['kld_mean'] = self.kld_mean
            # use a kld_mean that's already present
            self.kld_mean = self.shared_param_dicts['sigma'][-1]['kld_mean']

        # Mash all the parameters together, into a list.
        self.mlp_params = []
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
        for layer in self.mu_layers:
        for layer in self.sigma_layers:

        # The output of this inference network is given by the noisy output
        # of the final layers of its mu and sigma networks.
        self.output_mean = self.mu_layers[-1].linear_output
        self.output_logvar = self.sigma_layers[-1].linear_output
        self.output_sigma = self.sigma_init_scale * self.sigma_scale[0] * \
                T.exp(0.5 * self.output_logvar)

        # We'll also construct an output containing a single samples from each
        # of the distributions represented by the rows of self.output_mean and
        # self.output_sigma.
        self.output = self._construct_post_samples()
        self.out_dim = self.sigma_layers[-1].out_dim
        # Get simple regularization penalty to moderate activation dynamics
        self.act_reg_cost = self.lam_l2a * self._act_reg_cost()
        # Construct a function for penalizing KL divergence between the
        # approximate posteriors produced by this model and some isotropic
        # Gaussian distribution.
        self.kld_cost = self._construct_kld_cost()
        self.kld_mean_update = T.cast((0.98 * self.kld_mean) + \
                (0.02 * T.mean(self.kld_cost)), 'floatX')
        # Construct a theano function for sampling from the approximate
        # posteriors inferred by this model for some collection of points
        # in the "data space".
        if self.build_theano_funcs:
            self.sample_posterior = self._construct_sample_posterior()
            self.mean_posterior = theano.function([self.Xd], \
            self.sample_posterior = None
            self.mean_posterior = None

    def set_sigma_scale(self, sigma_scale=1.0):
        Set the posterior sigma rescaling shared parameter to some value.
        zero_ary = np.zeros((1,))
        new_scale = zero_ary + sigma_scale

    def _act_reg_cost(self):
        Apply L2 regularization to the activations in each net.
        act_sq_sums = []
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
        for layer in self.mu_layers:
        for layer in self.sigma_layers:
        full_act_sq_sum = T.sum(act_sq_sums)
        return full_act_sq_sum

    def _construct_post_samples(self):
        Draw a single sample from each of the approximate posteriors encoded
        in self.output_mean and self.output_sigma.
        post_samples = self.output_mean + (self.output_sigma * \
                self.rng.normal(size=self.output_sigma.shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \
        return post_samples

    def _construct_kld_cost(self):
        Compute (analytically) the KL divergence between each approximate
        posterior encoded by self.mu/self.sigma and the isotropic Gaussian
        distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation self.prior_sigma.
        prior_mu = 0.0
        prior_logvar = np.log(self.prior_sigma**2.0)
        post_klds = gaussian_kld(self.output_mean, self.output_logvar, \
                prior_mu, prior_logvar)
        kld_cost = T.sum(post_klds, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return kld_cost

    def _construct_sample_posterior(self):
        Construct a sampler that draws a single sample from the inferred
        posterior for some set of inputs.
        psample = theano.function([self.Xd], \
        return psample

    def init_biases(self, b_init=0.0, b_std=1e-2):
        Initialize the biases in all hidden layers to some constant.
        for layer in self.shared_layers:
            b_vec = (0.0 * layer.b.get_value(borrow=False)) + b_init
            b_vec = b_vec + (b_std * npr.randn(*b_vec.shape))
        for layer in self.mu_layers[:-1]:
            b_vec = (0.0 * layer.b.get_value(borrow=False)) + b_init
            b_vec = b_vec + (b_std * npr.randn(*b_vec.shape))
        for layer in self.sigma_layers[:-1]:
            b_vec = (0.0 * layer.b.get_value(borrow=False)) + b_init
            b_vec = b_vec + (b_std * npr.randn(*b_vec.shape))

    def shared_param_clone(self, rng=None, Xd=None, build_funcs=True):
        Return a clone of this network, with shared parameters but with
        different symbolic input variables.

        This can be used for "unrolling" a generate->infer->generate->infer...
        loop. Then, we can do backprop through time for various objectives.
        new_params = self.params
        new_params['build_theano_funcs'] = build_funcs
        clone_net = InfNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, \
                prior_sigma=self.prior_sigma, params=self.params, \
        return clone_net

    def save_to_file(self, f_name=None):
        Dump important stuff to a Python pickle, so that we can reload this
        model later. We'll pickle everything required to create a clone of
        this model given the pickle and the rng/Xd params to the cloning
        function: "InfNet.shared_param_clone()".
        assert(not (f_name is None))
        f_handle = file(f_name, 'wb')
        # dump the "simple" python value in self.prior_sigma
        cPickle.dump(self.prior_sigma, f_handle, protocol=-1)
        # dump the dict self.params, which just holds "simple" python values
        cPickle.dump(self.params, f_handle, protocol=-1)
        # make a copy of self.shared_param_dicts, with numpy arrays in place
        # of the theano shared variables
        numpy_param_dicts = {'shared': [], 'mu': [], 'sigma': []}
        for layer_group in ['shared', 'mu', 'sigma']:
            for shared_dict in self.shared_param_dicts[layer_group]:
                numpy_dict = {}
                for key in shared_dict:
                    numpy_dict[key] = shared_dict[key].get_value(borrow=False)
        # dump the numpy version of self.shared_param_dicts
        cPickle.dump(numpy_param_dicts, f_handle, protocol=-1)