Exemple #1
def test_transfer_cuda_gpu():
    import theano.sandbox.cuda as cuda_ndarray
    if cuda_ndarray.cuda_available == False:
        raise SkipTest("Can't test interaction with cuda if cuda not present")
    g = GpuArrayType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(False, False))('g')
    c = cuda_ndarray.CudaNdarrayType((False, False))('c')

    av = theano._asarray(rng.rand(5, 4), dtype='float32')
    gv = gpuarray.array(av)
    cv = cuda_ndarray.CudaNdarray(av)
    gvs = gv[:, ::-2]
    cvs = cv[:, ::-2]

    f = theano.function([c], gpu_from_cuda(c))
    fv = f(cv)
    assert GpuArrayType.values_eq_approx(fv, gv)

    fvs = f(cvs)
    assert GpuArrayType.values_eq_approx(fvs, gvs)

    f = theano.function([g], cuda_from_gpu(g))
    fv = f(gv)
    assert cuda_ndarray.CudaNdarrayType.values_eq_approx(fv, cv)

    fvs = f(gvs)
    assert cuda_ndarray.CudaNdarrayType.values_eq_approx(fvs, cvs)
Exemple #2
    def make_node(self, *inputs):
        res = Elemwise.make_node(self, *inputs)
        outputs = [GpuArrayType(broadcastable=o.type.broadcastable,
                                dtype=o.type.dtype)() for o in res.outputs]
        inputs = [as_gpuarray_variable(i) for i in inputs]
        node = Apply(self, inputs, outputs)

        # Try to generate the kernel to catch SupportCodeErrors
            inps = [make_argument(i, 'i%d' % (n,)) for n, i in
            scal_ins = [scalar.Scalar(i.dtype) for i in node.inputs]

            outs = [make_argument(o, 'o%d' % (n,)) for n, o in
                    enumerate(node.outputs) if not n in self.inplace_pattern]
            scal_out = [scalar.Scalar(o.dtype) for o in node.outputs]

            fake_node = Apply(self.scalar_op, [i() for i in scal_ins],
                              [o() for o in scal_out])
            code = self.scalar_op.c_support_code_apply(fake_node, "test")
            if code:
                raise SupportCodeError(code)
        except MethodNotDefined:
            support_code = self.scalar_op.c_support_code()
            if (support_code.strip() != "#define THEANO_MACRO_MOD(x,y) (x % y)" and
                support_code.strip() != ""):
                # The macro is fine, the C++ struct is not.
                raise SupportCodeError(support_code)
        except MethodNotDefined:

        return node
Exemple #3
 def make_node(self, x, b, y_idx):
     #N.B. won't work when we don't cast y_idx to float anymore
     x = as_gpuarray_variable(x)
     b = as_gpuarray_variable(b)
     y_idx = as_gpuarray_variable(y_idx)
     nll = GpuArrayType(x.type.dtype, y_idx.type.broadcastable)()
     sm = x.type()
     am = y_idx.type()
     return Apply(self, [x, b, y_idx], [nll, sm, am])
Exemple #4
def tensor_to_gpu(x):
    if isinstance(x.type, tensor.TensorType):
        y = GpuArrayType(broadcastable=x.type.broadcastable,
        if x.name:
            y.name = x.name + '[Gpua]'
        return y
        return x
Exemple #5
def test_values_eq_approx():
    a = rand_gpuarray(20, dtype='float32')
    g = GpuArrayType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(False, ))('g')
    assert GpuArrayType.values_eq_approx(a, a)
    b = a.copy()
    b[0] = numpy.asarray(b[0]) + 1.
    assert not GpuArrayType.values_eq_approx(a, b)
    b = a.copy()
    b[0] = -numpy.asarray(b[0])
    assert not GpuArrayType.values_eq_approx(a, b)
 def make_node(self, *inputs):
     res = Elemwise.make_node(self, *inputs)
     outputs = [
                      dtype=o.type.dtype)() for o in res.outputs
     inputs = [as_gpuarray_variable(i) for i in inputs]
     res = Apply(self, inputs, outputs)
     # Try to generate the kernel to catch SupportCodeErrors
     k = self.generate_kernel(res, 'test')
     return res
Exemple #7
def test_deep_copy():
    a = rand_gpuarray(20, dtype='float32')
    g = GpuArrayType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(False, ))('g')

    f = theano.function([g], g)

    assert isinstance(f.maker.fgraph.toposort()[0].op, DeepCopyOp)

    res = f(a)

    assert GpuArrayType.values_eq(res, a)
Exemple #8
def test_transfer_cpu_gpu():
    a = T.fmatrix('a')
    g = GpuArrayType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(False, False))('g')

    av = numpy.asarray(rng.rand(5, 4), dtype='float32')
    gv = gpuarray.array(av)

    f = theano.function([a], gpu_from_host(a))
    fv = f(av)
    assert GpuArrayType.values_eq(fv, gv)

    f = theano.function([g], host_from_gpu(g))
    fv = f(gv)
    assert numpy.all(fv == av)
Exemple #9
    def make_node(self, ten4, neib_shape, neib_step):
        ten4 = as_gpuarray_variable(ten4)
        neib_shape = T.as_tensor_variable(neib_shape)
        neib_step = T.as_tensor_variable(neib_step)

        assert ten4.ndim == 4
        assert neib_shape.ndim == 1
        assert neib_step.ndim == 1
        assert "int" in neib_shape.dtype
        assert "int" in neib_step.dtype

        return Apply(self, [ten4, neib_shape, neib_step], [
            GpuArrayType(broadcastable=(False, False), dtype=ten4.type.dtype)()
    def make_node(self, input):
        res = CAReduceDtype.make_node(self, input)
        input = as_gpuarray_variable(input)
        otype = GpuArrayType(dtype=res.outputs[0].dtype,

        if res.op.axis is not None:
            redux = []
            for i in range(len(input.type.broadcastable)):
                redux.append(i in res.op.axis)
                # since redux is just another way to describe what is in axis
                # it doesn't need to be compared in __eq__ or __hash__
            res.op.redux = redux

        return Apply(res.op, [input], [otype()])
Exemple #11
 def make_node(self, img, kern):
     if img.dtype != "float32" or kern.dtype != "float32":
         raise NotImplementedError("GpuConv currently only work"
                                   " with float32 dtype")
     if img.type.ndim != 4:
         raise TypeError('img must be 4D tensor')
     if kern.type.ndim != 4:
         raise TypeError('kern must be 4D tensor')
     img = as_gpuarray_variable(img)
     kern = as_gpuarray_variable(kern)
     broadcastable = [
         img.type.broadcastable[0], kern.type.broadcastable[0], False, False
     out = GpuArrayType(img.dtype, broadcastable)()
     return gof.Apply(self, [img, kern], [out])
Exemple #12
def test_shape():
    x = GpuArrayType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=[False, False, False])()
    v = gpuarray.zeros((3, 4, 5), dtype='float32')
    f = theano.function([x], x.shape)
    topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
    assert numpy.all(f(v) == (3, 4, 5))
    if theano.config.mode != 'FAST_COMPILE':
        assert len(topo) == 4
        assert isinstance(topo[0].op, T.opt.Shape_i)
        assert isinstance(topo[1].op, T.opt.Shape_i)
        assert isinstance(topo[2].op, T.opt.Shape_i)
        assert isinstance(topo[3].op, T.opt.MakeVector)
    mode = mode_with_gpu.excluding("local_shape_to_shape_i")
    f = theano.function([x], x.shape, mode=mode)
    topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
    assert numpy.all(f(v) == (3, 4, 5))
    assert len(topo) == 1
    assert isinstance(topo[0].op, T.Shape)
Exemple #13
def test_transfer_strided():
    # This is just to ensure that it works in theano
    # compyte has a much more comprehensive suit of tests to ensure correctness
    a = T.fmatrix('a')
    g = GpuArrayType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(False, False))('g')

    av = numpy.asarray(rng.rand(5, 8), dtype='float32')
    gv = gpuarray.array(av)

    av = av[:, ::2]
    gv = gv[:, ::2]

    f = theano.function([a], gpu_from_host(a))
    fv = f(av)
    assert GpuArrayType.values_eq(fv, gv)

    f = theano.function([g], host_from_gpu(g))
    fv = f(gv)
    assert numpy.all(fv == av)
 def make_node(self, input):
     res = DimShuffle.make_node(self, input)
     otype = GpuArrayType(dtype=res.outputs[0].type.dtype,
     input = as_gpuarray_variable(input)
     return Apply(self, [input], [otype()])
Exemple #15
 def make_node(self, x, *inputs):
     rval = tensor.Subtensor.make_node(self, x, *inputs)
     otype = GpuArrayType(dtype=rval.outputs[0].type.dtype,
     x = as_gpuarray_variable(x)
     return gof.Apply(self, [x] + rval.inputs[1:], [otype()])
Exemple #16
 def new(cls, rstate, ndim, dtype, size):
     v_size = as_tensor_variable(size)
     if ndim is None:
         ndim = get_vector_length(v_size)
     op = cls(GpuArrayType(dtype, (False,)*ndim))
     return op(rstate, cast(v_size, 'int32'))
    imported_scipy_convolve2d = True
except ImportError:

import theano
from theano import tensor
from theano.compat.python2x import any
from theano.tests.unittest_tools import seed_rng

# We let that import do the init of the back-end if needed.
from theano.sandbox.gpuarray.tests.test_basic_ops import (mode_with_gpu,
from theano.sandbox.gpuarray.type import GpuArrayType
from theano.sandbox.gpuarray.conv import GpuConv
import pygpu
gftensor4 = GpuArrayType('float32', [False] * 4)

device_id = theano.sandbox.cuda.use.device_number
# TODO do with with the new back-end.
from theano.sandbox.cuda import cuda_ndarray
cuda_ndarray = theano.sandbox.cuda.cuda_ndarray.cuda_ndarray
device_prop = cuda_ndarray.device_properties(device_id)

def py_conv_valid_numpy(img, kern):
    assert img.shape[1] == kern.shape[1]
    outshp = (img.shape[0], kern.shape[0],
            img.shape[2] - kern.shape[2] + 1,
            img.shape[3] - kern.shape[3] + 1)
    out = numpy.zeros(outshp, dtype='float32')
    for b in xrange(out.shape[0]):
Exemple #18
def test_specify_shape():
    a = rand_gpuarray(20, dtype='float32')
    g = GpuArrayType(dtype='float32', broadcastable=(False, ))('g')
    f = theano.function([g], theano.tensor.specify_shape(g, [20]))